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Yom, Fist of Power Uruk Male Monk 6/(Paragon 3) LG HP 60 Fort +8 Ref +8 Will + 9 BAB +4 Init +2 Move: 50

Str 20 Dex 14 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 17 Cha 6

Skills: Diplomacy 9/+8, Sense Motive 9/+12, Balance 9/+13, Tumble 5/+7, Listen 5/+8, Craft: Embroidery 5/+, Knowledge Religion 3/+4

Feats: 1st Improved Natural Attack, 3rd Ability Focus Stunning Fist, 6th Knockdown [1] Monk: Stunning Fist (Fort 18), Deflect Arrows, Improved Trip

Evasion, Still Mind, Ki strike (magic), Purity of Body, Slow fall 30’

Monstrous mien, Rage 1/day

Style: Hand and Foot (ACF UA SRD) You gain a +2 bonus on attacks of opportunity made against an opponent attempting to bull rush or trip you, and a +4 bonus on Dexterity or Strength checks to avoid being tripped or bull rushed.

Bonus Epic Feat: Exceptional Deflection

Attack: 2d6+5 unarmed +9 or +8 4d6+10 decisive strike (ACF PHB II)

Equipment: Mask of Sustenance 5000 Robes of endure elements 4000 Cloak of Resistance +1 2000 2 Sai 2 Masterwork embroidery kit

Yom was an orphaned Uruk, found by the monks of the Monastery of the Last Yew. Raised in an atmosphere of control and contemplation, the young uruk had to learn how to channel the rage that boiled within him. The monks taught him patience, and the use of words over force. He is quite, but gentle, and goes about swathed in robes and a patterned mask hiding his monstrous features. He prefers to subdue opponents when possible and wise.