Difference between revisions of "Mystic Protector Lumina"

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Alternate Form 28 (252p)<br>
Alternate Form 28 (252p)<br>
- Dimension Portal 1 (8)<br>
- Dimension Portal 1 (8)<br>
- Exorcism 10 (20) (Detectable 1)<br>
- Exorcism 10 (Detectable 1)(20) <br>
- Forcefield 10 (Blocks Incorporeal, Blocks Teleporting, Regenerating) (33)<br>  
- Forcefield 10 (Blocks Incorporeal, Blocks Teleporting, Regenerating) (33)<br>  
- Flight 3 (24)<br>
- Flight 3 (24)<br>
- Healing 10 (40) (Detectable 1)<br>
- Healing 10(Detectable 1) (40) <br>
- Mind Shield 8 (16)<br>
- Mind Shield 8 (16)<br>
- Nullify (Drain) 1 (30)<br>
- Nullify (Drain) 1 (30)<br>
- Pocket Dimension 5 (20)<br>
- Pocket Dimension 5 (20)<br>
- Resistance 8 (16)<br>
- Resistance 10 (20)<br>
- Unique Attribute (Purification) (Area +6, Detectable 1)) 10 (26)<br>
- Unique Attribute (Purification) (Area +6, Detectable 1)) 10 (26)<br>
- Weapon 0 (Mists of Eventide) (Incapacitating x10, Selective, Psychic, Undetectable, Area +4(4), Range +2(2), Hands) (25)<br>
- Weapon 0 (Mists of Eventide) (Incapacitating x10, Selective, Psychic, Undetectable, Area +4(4), Range +2(2), Hands) (25)<br>
- Subweapon 10 (Makai Tenjo) (Accurate 3, Targeted 3 (monsters only), Multidimensional, Hands, Exclusive (monsters only), Range +2, Hands, Requires Kyomon)(11)<br>
- Subweapon 10 (Makai Tenjo) (Accurate 3, Targeted 3 (monsters only), Multidimensional, Hands, Exclusive (monsters only), Range +2, Hands, Requires Kyomon)(11)<br>
- Weapon 0 (Nullify Ranged Touch Attack) (Accurate 3, Flexible 2, Undetectable 3, Hands, Range +2) (9) <br>
- Weapon 0 (Nullify Ranged Touch Attack) (Accurate 3, Undetectable 3, Hands, Range +2) (9) <br>
- Restriction (Detectable: Magical Girl Transformation) -1<br>
- Restriction (Detectable: Magical Girl Transformation) -1<br>

Revision as of 14:32, 7 November 2007

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Character Sheet

Name: Lin Fei-Yen (AKA Mystic Protector Lumina)


Body: 2 (20p)
Mind: 7 (90p)
Soul: 12 (120p)

Attributes: Companion (Seiki the Hentai Ferret: 300 points) 1 (20p)

Features 3 (Appearance x3, Animal Empathy, Famous (Beneficial), Perfect Pitch) (6p)

Item (Magical Device - Icon of the Defender) (126p)
- Armor 2 (4)
- Sixth Sense (Evil Monsters) (2)

Alternate Form 28 (252p)
- Dimension Portal 1 (8)
- Exorcism 10 (Detectable 1)(20)
- Forcefield 10 (Blocks Incorporeal, Blocks Teleporting, Regenerating) (33)
- Flight 3 (24)
- Healing 10(Detectable 1) (40)
- Mind Shield 8 (16)
- Nullify (Drain) 1 (30)
- Pocket Dimension 5 (20)
- Resistance 10 (20)
- Unique Attribute (Purification) (Area +6, Detectable 1)) 10 (26)
- Weapon 0 (Mists of Eventide) (Incapacitating x10, Selective, Psychic, Undetectable, Area +4(4), Range +2(2), Hands) (25)
- Subweapon 10 (Makai Tenjo) (Accurate 3, Targeted 3 (monsters only), Multidimensional, Hands, Exclusive (monsters only), Range +2, Hands, Requires Kyomon)(11)
- Weapon 0 (Nullify Ranged Touch Attack) (Accurate 3, Undetectable 3, Hands, Range +2) (9)

- Restriction (Detectable: Magical Girl Transformation) -1
- Restriction (Deplete: -1/round) -5

Healing 2 (8p)


Cultural Arts 2 (2p)
Etiquette 2 (2p)
Medical 2 (4p)
Occult 2 (Eastern and Western Occult Practices) (6p)
Performing Arts 2 (2p)

Girl and Guy Magnet 3
Impaired Speech (very, very soft-spoken, except when in Mystic Guardian form) 3
Marked (Sealing Tattoo all over the back) 2
Owned (On probation from the mystic authorities) 6
Skeleton In The Closet (Magical Girl Identity) 2
Skeleton In The Closet (Former Dark Magical Girl) 6
Vow of Nonviolence -6

Derived Stats:

Combat Multiplier 5
Health 70
Energy 95


Lin Fei-Yen was kidnapped when she was six. She was brainwashed by Scylla Auctoritas, the Demon Beast of Dominion, and her magical talents were earned her a place as his mortal agent on Earth. In this state, she faced off against a young Lovely Princess Yuki, who managed to defeat her, and Scylla after her, freeing Fei-Yen from his control. After a seal was placed on her to block much of her magic ability, she was released under the supervision of Princess Yuki, whom Fei-Yen looked up to as a mother figure. Of course, as Yuki's power and popularity grew, the two became more and more distant, especially after Fei-Yen's probation was lifted.

Then, Lovely Princess Yuki became Beautiful Queen Yuki, and everything went to shit.

Of course she wanted to ask Yuki why she was doing this. She even went so far as to try to do so in person. Except that Yuki's Demon Knights kicked the tar out of her, and she spent the next month recovering from her injuries. During this time, she heard of the new school, where the key to defeating Yuki could be found. And as might be expected, she applied to transfer immediately. But she doesn't want to defeat Yuki. She wants to save her, just as Yuki did so long ago...

Looks and Personality:

Fei-Yen is the kind of girl who attracts crushes from both genders, male and female. Her shoebox is inevitably filled with carefully written letters and invitations and she frequently gets asked by the boys (and girls) to go with her for tea, dates, long drives on lonely roads, all of which she has to refuse because she's about as brave as most mice and unable to handle the attention people give her, unlike the more outgoing Angela.

However, her personality changes dramatically once she assumes her Mystic Protector persona. She becomes almost fearless, charging into the fray beside her more combative companions to provide her support as directly as possible, as well as braving hazardous situations to rescue people in danger. Even outside her magical girl form, if someone or something is in danger, she'll do her best to help them out.

The Pet:

Fei-Yen's familiar, Seiki, is a white ferret who is pretty much the antithesis of his mistress. Worldly-wise and lecherous where his mistress is pure and innocent, his magic powers are highly defensive, complementing Fei-Yen's support role. In a way, he's her big brother figure, always offering advice from her shoulder and looking out for his beloved imouto-san...


Unlike Beat Knight Kiyoko's natural rhythm or Spark Defender Excelia's reality-hacking protocols, Fei-Yen's Mystic Guardian persona draws her power from a blend of the Eastern and Western hermetic magical traditions. This typically involves lots of incantations, props and magic mandalas drawing themselves in the air around her as she conjures up various effects. Fei-Yen's powers are highly regulated by the Arcane Restriction Seal on her back; outside of her Alternate Form she can only access very minor magic.

Technically, as a former criminal, Fei-Yen should not have been able to access any form of supernatural power at all. However, an intercession on Yuki's end allowed her to continue playing the role of a magical girl, albeit one on the right team, for once.

Normal Form


Lumina Form


Group Relations

Angela / Kiyoko
Angela was one of the first people Fei-Yen met - and one of the first friends she made in school. Fei-Yen will usually be found clinging shyly to Angela's arm when the two of them are in crowded social situations. Although Fei-Yen prefers softer, quieter music to the strong beats Angela favors, they both enjoy good vocals, and Fei-Yen is quite willing to bac kAngela up for choral pieces.

Fuuka / Excelia
Being that Fei-Yen's math and science grades are below average, Fei-Yen has been assigned to Fuuka for peer tutoring. Unfortunately, Fei-Yen has trouble absorbing the content, which has contributed to quite a bit of frustration on the other girl's part. Still, Fei-Yen admires Fuuka's intense focus and the passion which she ahs for math and science, which rivals that of Angela when she finds a new tune she likes.

Yoriko / Yomi
On the more mystical side of things, Fei-Yen is enrolled in lessons on Eastern and Western magic. While Seiki is quite knowledgeable about Western sorcery, he's clueless about onmyoudo, which led Fei-Yen to seek out Yoriko for help on the subject.

Noriko / Thanasia
There shouldn't be a reason for Fei-Yen to hang out around Noriko... but she finds the latter's death and darkness-themed magic strangely familiar. Seiki doesn't like Fei-Yen being around Noriko, but he won't explain why...

Mind you, that doesn't stop him from looking up Noriko's skirt at every available opportunity.


Fei-Yen has been visiting shrines all over Kanagawa because she likes the air of spirituality coming from them. During one of those visits, she slipped when climbing a long, slippery stair case, but her fall was cushioned by a little boy, who turned out to be Tomi. Worried sick about him, she carried him to the temple, whereupon they were introduced by the resident priest. It surprised Fei-Yen that they were going to the same school, and, partially to make up for her accident and because he was just so adorable, she unofficially adopted him as her little brother.

Seiki is of course intensely protective of his beloved imooto, but figures that since Tomi probably hasn't even grown all his hairs yet, that he's okay to have around. Of course he knows the kid is a magical being, but there's no point in being a dick and revealing his identity, no?