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[[Campaign | [[Category:Campaign Setup]] | ||
==Characters== | |||
==='''Character Generation Instructions:'''=== | |||
PCs are rolled as normal, but skills are allotted slightly differently. | |||
*1) Roll normally for your parent’s occupation, but apply 2d4 years rather than 2d6. | |||
*2) Now add four years again of your parent’s occupation, but do not add any weapon skills (apart from Fist Attack), magic or equipment increments for these four years. This reflects your childhood skills. | |||
*3) Now add up to five years of ‘civilised noble’ career to reflect your time in the watch. Do not use the equipment from this term of experience; use the equipment from your parent’s occupation. Do not alter your magic system from your parent’s occupation, it continues into this period of experience. | |||
*4) When rolling ‘initiate’ experience, you do not include your childhood skill period in calculating how long you have been an initiate. | |||
*5) The only change to skills is ‘Fist Attack’. Instead of ‘Fist Attack x (years in occupation)’, read ‘Fist Attack or Grapple Attack or Grapple Parry x (years in occupation)’. | |||
What we need from PCs: | |||
A family and a circle of friends, just a bunch of names or just descriptions of who/what the are. | |||
An address, to be a citizen of Pavis (and this is prerequisite of Watch membership) you must 'live in your own house'. This can be, and usually is, that you live in your family's home. I also need who lives with you, in fact if you want to go all out and list favourite bars, hang outs etc, that'd be great! | |||
A kit list, there's a Pavis Prices List in the Files section. Remember that your PC is an established *citizen*, some of your stuff you've had for years. While wearing non-leather armour is prohibited within Pavis, your PC can own their own armour if they must (and occasionally will be called on to) leave Pavis on a mission. | |||
A brief history, we need to know who you are, where you spent your youth and why you joined the Watch. | |||
Finally, you should be happy with your PC, if you want to make a change or add something special - just run it past me and we should be fine! | |||
==='''Issue Equipment'''=== | |||
*- Padded tunic, faded blue. | |||
*- Padded hood also faded blue. | |||
*- Light bronze helm with short blue crest. | |||
*- Cuirboilli breastplate. | |||
*- Leather boots. | |||
*- Leather gauntlets. | |||
*- Cuirboilli bracers. | |||
*- Cuirboilli greaves. | |||
*- Blue cloak. | |||
*- Oil lantern. | |||
*- Targe shield. | |||
Also available at the watch house are various lengths of rope, leather buckets, leather hides (for beating out fires), manacles and keys, fire axes, stretchers, winches, pulleys and a few corroded tools. | |||
The watch house generally has a few cots available for naps; writing tools for those with the skill, various other equipment that sensibly would be there but these are not available for removal. | |||
This equipment is in addition to the equipment you receive from your parent’s occupation years. | |||
=='''Campaign Notes'''== | |||
==='''The City Gods'''=== | |||
Most cities of Glorantha have their own special proprietary spirit, often | |||
named after the city. The welfare of the spirit and of the city are | |||
intermingled, and wise citizens worship their city's god. Basically, all | |||
initiates of this cult are citizens, and the reverse is also often the case. | |||
Usually a city god has only one temple in the world, in the city. This is | |||
always at least a minor temple, usually major, and sometimes even a great | |||
temple, depending on the size of the city. | |||
'''Initiate Membership Requirements''': a candidate must be a citizen of the city, | |||
and must sacrifice one point of POW. Requirements for citizenship vary with | |||
the city, but in almost all cities the children of citizens are also | |||
citizens. | |||
Note: an initiate of a city god need devote only 5% of his time and 1% of | |||
his income to his god. The city god's divine spells, and his Divine | |||
Intervention can only be used inside the city. An initiate can be a shaman, | |||
a sorcerer, or even a priest of a different cult. | |||
Spirit Magic: usually none taught by the cult. | |||
Priesthood Requirements: must be a citizen and the son of a citizen. Must | |||
read and speak the city's language at 90%. An opening for a new priest must | |||
exist, and a great deal of politicking is involved to attain priest- hood in | |||
a city cult. | |||
Note: the priests of a city god have considerable political civic influence. | |||
Their divine spells can only be cast within the city's boundaries. Unlike | |||
initiates of a city god's cult, priests can use Divine Interven- tion | |||
outside the city's boundaries. | |||
Common Divine Magic: Excommunication, Mindlink, Sanctify, Warding, Worship | |||
[City God] | |||
Special Divine Magic: City Harmony | |||
Associated Gods | |||
Varies, depending on the circumstances surrounding the particular city. | |||
Special Divine Magic: City Harmony | |||
Associated Gods | |||
Varies, depending on the circumstances surrounding the particular city. | |||
Associated Gods | |||
Varies, depending on the circumstances surrounding the particular city. | |||
Special City Gods Divine Spells | |||
City Harmony 1 point | |||
self, temporal, stackable, reusable This spell affects everyone within 3 | |||
meters of the caster and keeps them from getting excited or violent. It | |||
counteracts emotion-affecting spells (such as Demoralize and Fanaticism) | |||
that are weaker than the City Harmony spell. City Harmony can be boosted | |||
with magic points to overcome more power- ful emotion-affecting spells and | |||
to blast through Countermagic and other defensive spells. To work, the | |||
caster must roll 1D100 and compare the result on the Resistance Table to his | |||
own magic points. All targets whose magic points would be overcome are | |||
affected. For instance, if a priest with 12 magic points rolled 52, all | |||
potential targets with 11 or less magic points would be affected. | |||
'''Pavis''' | |||
The history of the cult of Pavis is synonymous with the history of Pavis the | |||
man himself, and then Pavis the city. Pavis was half-man, half-elf, and a | |||
hero who appeared approximately 800 years ago, during the expansion of the | |||
Empire of the Wyrm's Friends. As an adult, he studied under the tutoring | |||
dragons then present in the Empire. There he met the dwarf, Flintnail, and | |||
gained a mastery of stone. | |||
After defeating Waha with the great Faceless Statue of Shadows Dance, he | |||
taught Aldryami healing to the people of the Paps and healed Waha, cementing | |||
a bond with the nomads. | |||
After troll magic closed the city, constant struggles occured between the | |||
trolls and the remnants of humans, elves, and dwarfs. The Pavis cult held to | |||
its rituals, and their intimate knowledge of the city aided worshipers in | |||
every crisis. The cult kept non-troll dwellers alive in the ruins until the | |||
city was re-opened during the time of strange magics and phantoms from the | |||
past known as the Dragonewts Dream. | |||
When the Sartarites came to build New Pavis, the high priest of Pavis and | |||
the colonists' high priest of Orlanth negotiated a settlement yielding | |||
ground and buildings to Pavis and the air to Orianth. An exchange was made, | |||
giving the Orlanth locals use of the Pavis facilities and the spirits of | |||
Pavis were joined by a sylph. | |||
Under the Lunar occupation, the Pavis cult grew, for the goddess wanted to | |||
"marry" Pavis to add him to her ever-growing pantheon. He played | |||
hard-to-get. With the support of the invaders, open worship of Pavis | |||
increased, especially among those Orlanth worshipers needing somewhere to go | |||
once their religion was officially discouraged. | |||
Pavis cannot guarantee his worshipers an existence after death, save to | |||
those who become cult spirits. Funeral customs for the cult are | |||
non-specific, and the priests will use whatever other religion they believe | |||
in when they determine funeral arrangements. For instance, the old | |||
Arrowsmith Dynasty cremated their dead atop the city gates, while during the | |||
closed period of the city, one of the ruling cult families buried their dead | |||
in several plots about the Rubble. The Flintnail cult, which attracts many | |||
priests, believes in entombing their dead in stone. Some of this latter cult | |||
dead have been entombed in mortuaries cut into the stone slabs of the old | |||
city walls. | |||
Pavis had ties to both elf and dwarf and was a glorious builder. The Runes | |||
most closely associated with him are Earth, Stasis, Harmony, and Man., | |||
'''NATURE OF THE CULT''' | |||
Pavis is a "city cult." Like most of these cults, it is essentially a | |||
worship of the founder of the city, believing that this worship reinforces | |||
the potency of the worshiper, without which the city would wither. Thus the | |||
worship of the Red Goddess of the Lunar empire and of Sartar in the kingdom | |||
of Sartar are somewhat similar: both are a type of "city cult" grown into | |||
founder cults in which the being worshiped has become of more than | |||
single-city impact. | |||
The cult draws worshipers from town residents. Most principally worship | |||
other deities, but worship at the Pavis temple as well to augment their | |||
city's strength. Since the agreement with Orlanth, Pavis became the patron | |||
god of Pavis Outside the Walls as well as over the Rubble, and the Sartarite | |||
colonists worship him as well as their own gods. | |||
The city god normally arbitrates between the local manifestations of the | |||
more wide-spread gods. The Pavis temple hierarchy acts as a middleman for | |||
the hopes and aspirations of all political and social factions in the city. | |||
Like all founder cults, Pavis is far more political in function than | |||
spiritual. | |||
Because of Pavis' own family ties, the cult of Pavis is friendly to both elf | |||
and dwarf, and often settles disputes between the races in the city. | |||
Since both trolls and animal nomads have worked to destroy the city, and | |||
have dealt crushing blows to it in the past, the temple has little love for | |||
either. There have been, however, both troll and nomad worshipers of Pavis, | |||
and since the treaty with Waha, relations with the nomad god and Eiritha | |||
have been good. The same will never be true for the ignorant and brutal | |||
Storm Bull berserks nor for the Jaldon sect fanatics who broke the old city. | |||
There are two temples of Pavis under a single temple organization. The cult | |||
of Pavis traditionally has a single high priest (called the Son of Pavis) | |||
and six other priests (known as the Daughters of Pavis). The high priest | |||
specializes in divination, and the others in necessary functions | |||
representative of Pavis' work. One of the Daughters is always of the | |||
Flintnail cult, representing Pavis' daughter who married the dwarf. The Son | |||
of Pavis is not required to be male, but always has been, and the Daughters | |||
are only infrequently female, but the titles are traditional. | |||
Sometimes,there have been extra priests, who are given the jobs of being | |||
associate priests and are not officially Daughters of Pavis. Since the troll | |||
invasion, the temple hierarchy was not up to strength until the last few | |||
years in the safety of New Pavis. | |||
At the height of its glory, there were holy places throughout the city | |||
dedicated to Pavis. The various devastations have profaned most such places, | |||
except for the Real City temple. Despite the casting-down of the temple's | |||
outer walls and the crack in the inner walls, the temple of Pavis remains a | |||
shrine to that god and an object of pilgrimage. The Lunar priestesses must | |||
journey first to this temple in their appeals to Pavis to marry their | |||
patroness, then they must travel to the New Pavis temple, where the center | |||
of the temple's current power exists. | |||
The Godsday of each week is special to this cult, and there are appropriate | |||
neighborhood festivities. Citizens and visitors are urged to join these, but | |||
taking part is voluntary. The High Holy Day of the cult is Godsday during | |||
Fertility week of Earth season. | |||
On the High Holy Day, a Waha high priest from the Paps joins the ritual | |||
wherein the priests re-enact the healing of Waha by Pavis. They invoke the | |||
name of the Trader God, then the Pavis high priest transfers a Heal Body | |||
spell to the Pavis representative of the Eiritha cult, and she travels back | |||
to the Paps with the Waha priest to complete their part of the ceremony. | |||
This all serves as a magical and political reminder of the "charter" by | |||
which Pavis exists on the plains of Prax. | |||
Anyone in the city can join the cult of Pavis, even if they also worship | |||
other gods. This is part of the function of a city cult. Worship at a city | |||
festival is all that's needed. Lay members are supposed to support the city | |||
against invasion. This is usually done by joining the city militia or by | |||
paying for someone else to take one's place. They are also expected to help | |||
in the temple's upkeep. This is usually taken out of the citizenry's taxes, | |||
and they do not need to perform any active work to do this. Lay members are | |||
required to expend one MP per season in worship at a city festival. There | |||
are no other demands. | |||
The temple serves as a social meeting place for people throughout the city, | |||
and the cult acts as a club for consummation of business deals and the | |||
organization of mutual welfare organizations. Only lay members of the Pavis | |||
cult are allowed to become citizens, which entitles one to free food. Other | |||
requirements are also enforced, and these are listed elsewhere. Members of | |||
the cult can get training in Masonry for half-price as well as using | |||
one-handed hammer in warfare. This last is a holdover from the bad old days | |||
of the wars in the Rubble. | |||
All initiates of this temple must theoretically have been born in Pavis or | |||
in New Pavis and every initiate must have been a lay member for a season or | |||
so. In practice, rituals of adoption exist for deserving non-Pavisite | |||
candidates. | |||
An applicant for initiation must be passed by a board composed of all the | |||
priests of Pavis. This examination can be abstracted for game purposes by | |||
having the candidate successfully roll the average of his POW and CHA times | |||
5 or less on 1d100. The applicant can increase his chances for acceptance by | |||
donating money or magical objects to the temple. This adds 05% to chances | |||
for success for every 200L worth of money contributed. For example, a | |||
character with a CHA of 12, a POW of 12, and a donation of 1000 L would have | |||
a chance of [(12+12)121 x 5 or less equals 60% plus 10001200 = 5 x 05% = | |||
25%, or an 85% chance for acceptance. | |||
An initiate of Pavis may worship only Pavis and friendly gods. Every holy | |||
day the initiate must sacrifice all his MPs but a single point to the god. | |||
If the temple is attacked, initiates must defend it to the death. Initiates | |||
are sometimes called upon to perform special missions for the cult, usually | |||
for a fitting reward, such as free spell teaching. | |||
If there is room, homeless initiates may be kept in the temple until an | |||
abode is gained elsewhere. This is a small temple. Also, temple initiation | |||
gives one some influence with the ruling council of Pavis. Initiates of | |||
Pavis always can find the directions of the compass whether in New Pavis or | |||
the Rubble. All initiates of Pavis who are also citizens of the city are | |||
entitled to a stone house, eventually. | |||
Initiates can be trained in Masonry and one-handed Hammer for free, but must | |||
serve as a sod-carter and apprentice to the master masons while learning | |||
masonry, and must spend much time directly helping the temple while learning | |||
one-handed hammer. This equates to spending twice the amount of time | |||
normally required for training. The temple will teach initiates in the use | |||
of Great Axe and First Aid for half normal prices. In addition, initiates | |||
can learn the spell of Strength, and the spell of Heal. Healing 3 or more | |||
costs normal prices. Initiates can purchase one-use cult Rune spells with a | |||
sacrifice of Power if thought worthy by the temple hierarchy. | |||
There have been no Champions of Pavis since the death of Balastor, 400 years | |||
ago. This is because most initiates attempting to gain the necessary levels | |||
of skill have died at the hands of trolls and other denizens of the Rubble. | |||
Only now, with the relatively safe environment of Pavis Outside the Walls to | |||
fall back on, has the temple had any real chance of creating another | |||
Champion. Due to the turmoil of life in Pavis, a Champion must be a fighter | |||
first. His political and social future will he more assured if he also knows | |||
the skill of masonry. | |||
The.priests want proper Champions of Pavis, and are fairly desperate for | |||
such. They will accept anyone with mastery (90%) of two weapon skills and | |||
any other three skills which will work to the benefit of cult and city. A | |||
Champion of Pavis must be an initiate first, but a ready applicant who | |||
convinces the cult priesthood of his aptness could possibly become an | |||
initiate and Champion in a single cere- mony. To pass the cult examination, | |||
the applicant must have a POW of 15 and must pass the same exam given to | |||
initiate candidates. (I.e., the average of POW + CHA times 5 or less on | |||
1d100. Each 200L donated to the cult adds 05% to chances for success.) | |||
The Champion of Pavis is always required to remain within the Rubble or New | |||
Pavis except when called upon by the priests to perform missions for the | |||
glory of the city. The Champion of Pavis (or the senior one if there are | |||
actually two or more) is automatically Captain of the Pavis Survivors. This | |||
could well be a figurehead post unless the Champion is an expert rider and | |||
horse archer, but the Survivors will train their Captain in the appropriate | |||
skills. During the Lunar occupation, the Pavis Survivors were outlawed. A | |||
motley collection known as the Pavis Royal Guard was substituted, and it now | |||
serves the occupation forces. If a Champion of Pavis were to appear, the | |||
Lunar army would feel obliged to offer him some sort of sinecure in the | |||
command of the Royal Guard. The Champion of Pavis also has an elaborate | |||
manor house set aside for his residence. Unfortunately, the traditional | |||
house is in the Rubble and is said to he a temple of Zorak Zoran at present. | |||
The Champion can reside at the temple of Pavis, in fairly luxurious rooms, | |||
until he can take possession of the proper house once again. | |||
The priesthood maintained itself throughout long devastation. Now they are | |||
expanding as best they can. Each Daughter of Pavis specializes in a | |||
particular aspect of the cult, though all of them possess all the cult | |||
Divine spells. | |||
An applicant for priesthood must be an initiate (though, when the temple | |||
hierarchy is short, the statement about initiate Rune lords applies here, | |||
too). He must have a POW of 18 and the ability to read and write Old Pavic | |||
or Auld Wyrmish (which are very similar) at 50% or more. For form's sake, | |||
the examiners will examine fully proofs of and reports on an applicant, but | |||
actually it would take a roll of 96-00 an the acceptance roll or clear | |||
evidence of treachery for the candidate to be rejected, if the hierarchy was | |||
incomplete. When the roster of priests is up to par (as it is at this | |||
moment), full priests are not accepted. Instead, characters wishing to join | |||
the priesthood must become Acolytes. The requirements for this are the same | |||
as becoming a normal priest, but the necessary test is the same as that for | |||
a Champion or inititiate. | |||
Like the Champions, the priests of Pavis must stay within the city except | |||
for special missions, always directing their regard toward the city's | |||
welfare. The cult has no special ecumenical restrictions. Within New Pavis, | |||
the priests of Pavis are prestigious; the city council hears them | |||
automatically.Virtually all the special Rune spells for this cult come from | |||
associated cults. Only one Rune spell is directly associated with Pavis: | |||
Many widely-spread cults were local victims of the once-powerful Pavis city | |||
cult. Pavis has some elemental spells from them as a matter of treaty | |||
obligation. The cult members do not necessarily worship any of these | |||
deities, but the cult has the spirits permanently attached. | |||
Summon <Various Elementals> Spells | |||
Each spell has call on a single elemental allotted by treaty. If one priest | |||
of Pavis calls upon a particular elemental during a week, another priest | |||
cannot call on the same elemental later in that week. Should a particular | |||
elemental he destroyed by losing its POW, no spirit will replace him until | |||
the next cult High Holy Day. The temple hierarchy is so arranged that no | |||
more than two priests have use of any single elemental summoning spell (not | |||
counting the Son of Pavis). | |||
ORLANTII REX: Summon <Sylph> - The summoning priest may use this air | |||
elemental as he wishes. The sylph was attached to the Pavis cult at the time | |||
of the founding of New Pavis. | |||
ZOLA FEL: Summon <Undine> - A water elemental serves the priests of Pavis. | |||
Zola Fel is the god of the River of Cradles. He befriended Pavis because the | |||
city brought river trade to him. | |||
EIRITHA: Summon <Gnome> - This earth elemental can he used to dig | |||
foundations and hold up walls. It was given to Pavis upon the occasion of | |||
the healing of Waha. | |||
OAKFED: Summon <Salamander> - After much struggle, the nomad Oakfed cult | |||
provided a salamander to serve Pavis. | |||
KYGER LITOR: Summon <Shade> - During the long battles with the hordes of the | |||
troll goddess, this shade was wrested away. | |||
Aldrya | |||
Pavis originally came to the region with knowledge of the Heal Body spell. | |||
With Aldrya's permission, he later gained knowledge of Sunripen as well. | |||
SUNRIPEN: 1-point spell, duration 12 hours, range local temple lands, | |||
reusable once per year, non-stackable | |||
This spell must he cast on Aldrya's holy day of Waterday, Fertility week, | |||
Sea season during a day-long fertility rite. | |||
The magic allows the newly-planted grain to draw upon the sun's powers to | |||
help it to grow without mold or rust, and enable the plant to resist | |||
despoiling insects and rodents. The grain ripens to a special rich golden | |||
color which tastes better as well. | |||
HEAL BODY: 2-point spell, duration instantaneous, range touch, reusable, | |||
non-stackable | |||
This spell cures the total damage taken by a body, regardless of hit | |||
location. It will heal a maimed limb if the limb is present at the time of | |||
the spell's casting, but will not regrow a severed limb. | |||
FLINTNAIL: Pavis'great friend contributes this spell. | |||
SUPPORT. 1-point spell, duration 24 hours, range 160m, | |||
reusable, stackable This telekinetic spell will hold up any wall section | |||
with a volume of 54 cubic meters or less so that work can he done on it. | |||
While the spell lasts a full day when used on an upright wall, the spell wW | |||
not hold a wall section at an angle for more than 15 minutes. | |||
Rune priests of Pavis wear the costume of the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends | |||
on official occasions, though the city was never an official part of that | |||
empire. | |||
=='''Character sheet'''== | |||
*Name: Character Name | |||
*Homeland: Country Age: XX Gender: Sex | |||
*8Parent’s Occupation: Prior Experience Types | |||
*Religion: Name of Religion | |||
Characteristics: | |||
*STR___ Damage Modifier: +/- XdX | |||
*CON___ Movement Rate: 3 | |||
*SIZ___ Dexterity Strike Rank Modifier: X | |||
*INT___ Size Strike Rank Modifier: X | |||
*POW___ Melee Strike Rank Modifier: X | |||
*DEX___ Magic Points: XX | |||
*APP___ Fatigue Points: XX (-XX.Xenc) = XX | |||
Hit Points Ttl: X Armour Points: X | |||
Head X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Right Arm X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Left Arrm X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Chest X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Abdomen X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Right Leg X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Left Leg X ‘armour type’ X | |||
Agility = +/-XX Communication = +/-XX | |||
Boat = XX% Fast Talk = XX% | |||
Climb = XX% Orate = XX% | |||
Dodge = XX% Sing = XX% | |||
Jump = XX% Speak ‘Language’ = XX% | |||
Ride = XX% >Speak ‘derived language’ = XX% | |||
Swim = XX% Speak ‘Language’ = XX% | |||
Throw = XX% >Speak ‘derived language’ = XX% | |||
Knowledge = +/-XX Manipulation = +/-XX | |||
Animal Lore = XX% Conceal = XX% | |||
Craft – ‘craft name’ = XX% Devise = XX% | |||
Craft – ‘craft name’ = XX% Sleight = XX% | |||
Craft – ‘craft name’ = XX% Play ‘Instrument’ = XX% | |||
Evaluate = XX% | |||
First Aid = XX% | |||
Human Lore = XX% Perception = +/-XX | |||
Martial Arts = XX% Listen = XX% | |||
Mineral Lore= XX% Scan = XX% | |||
Plant Lore = XX% Search = XX% | |||
Read/Write ‘Language’ = XX% Track = XX% | |||
>Read/Write ‘derived language’ = XX% | |||
Read/Write ‘Language’) = XX% Stealth = +/-XX | |||
>Read/Write ‘derived language’ = XX% Hide = XX% | |||
Shiphandling = XX% Sneak = XX% | |||
World Lore = XX% | |||
Attack % Mod = +/-XX Parry % Mod = +/-XX | |||
Weapon SR Atk% Damage Pry% AP | |||
RH Knife X XX% 1d3+1 XX% X | |||
RH Dagger X XX% 1d4+2 XX% X | |||
RH ‘weapon’ X XX% XX% X | |||
2H ‘weapon’ X XX% XX% X | |||
RH Club X XX% 1d6 XX% X | |||
Fist X XX% 1d3 XX% X | |||
Kick X XX% 1d6 XX% X | |||
Head Butt X XX% 1d4 XX% X | |||
Grapple X XX% Special XX% X | |||
LH ‘shield’ X XX% XX% X | |||
RH ‘missile’ X XX% XX% X | |||
2H ‘missile’ X XX% XX% X | |||
RH Rock (thrown) X XX% XX% X | |||
Basic list of possessions, he calls it his 'Apparatus' | |||
Animals | |||
Name | |||
STR: XX Move: X R H Leg X | |||
CON: XX HP: XX L H Leg X | |||
SIZ: XX FP: XX Hindquarters XX | |||
INT: XX MP: XX Forequarters XX | |||
POW: XX R F Leg X | |||
DEX: XX L F Leg X | |||
Head X | |||
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX% | |||
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX% | |||
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX% | |||
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX% | |||
Name | |||
Who am I? Who is my family? What is my past? | |||
What is my homeland? Who are my people? What other lands do I know? Who are their peoples? | |||
What work do I do? How do I spend my time? | |||
What do I value? Who do I serve? What do I hope for? | |||
What things are good? What things are evil? Who are my friends? Who are my | |||
enemies? | |||
What is my religion? How do I serve it? |
Latest revision as of 12:26, 8 November 2007
Character Generation Instructions:[edit]
PCs are rolled as normal, but skills are allotted slightly differently.
- 1) Roll normally for your parent’s occupation, but apply 2d4 years rather than 2d6.
- 2) Now add four years again of your parent’s occupation, but do not add any weapon skills (apart from Fist Attack), magic or equipment increments for these four years. This reflects your childhood skills.
- 3) Now add up to five years of ‘civilised noble’ career to reflect your time in the watch. Do not use the equipment from this term of experience; use the equipment from your parent’s occupation. Do not alter your magic system from your parent’s occupation, it continues into this period of experience.
- 4) When rolling ‘initiate’ experience, you do not include your childhood skill period in calculating how long you have been an initiate.
- 5) The only change to skills is ‘Fist Attack’. Instead of ‘Fist Attack x (years in occupation)’, read ‘Fist Attack or Grapple Attack or Grapple Parry x (years in occupation)’.
What we need from PCs:
A family and a circle of friends, just a bunch of names or just descriptions of who/what the are.
An address, to be a citizen of Pavis (and this is prerequisite of Watch membership) you must 'live in your own house'. This can be, and usually is, that you live in your family's home. I also need who lives with you, in fact if you want to go all out and list favourite bars, hang outs etc, that'd be great!
A kit list, there's a Pavis Prices List in the Files section. Remember that your PC is an established *citizen*, some of your stuff you've had for years. While wearing non-leather armour is prohibited within Pavis, your PC can own their own armour if they must (and occasionally will be called on to) leave Pavis on a mission.
A brief history, we need to know who you are, where you spent your youth and why you joined the Watch.
Finally, you should be happy with your PC, if you want to make a change or add something special - just run it past me and we should be fine!
Issue Equipment[edit]
- - Padded tunic, faded blue.
- - Padded hood also faded blue.
- - Light bronze helm with short blue crest.
- - Cuirboilli breastplate.
- - Leather boots.
- - Leather gauntlets.
- - Cuirboilli bracers.
- - Cuirboilli greaves.
- - Blue cloak.
- - Oil lantern.
- - Targe shield.
Also available at the watch house are various lengths of rope, leather buckets, leather hides (for beating out fires), manacles and keys, fire axes, stretchers, winches, pulleys and a few corroded tools. The watch house generally has a few cots available for naps; writing tools for those with the skill, various other equipment that sensibly would be there but these are not available for removal.
This equipment is in addition to the equipment you receive from your parent’s occupation years.
Campaign Notes[edit]
The City Gods[edit]
Most cities of Glorantha have their own special proprietary spirit, often named after the city. The welfare of the spirit and of the city are intermingled, and wise citizens worship their city's god. Basically, all initiates of this cult are citizens, and the reverse is also often the case.
Usually a city god has only one temple in the world, in the city. This is always at least a minor temple, usually major, and sometimes even a great temple, depending on the size of the city.
Initiate Membership Requirements: a candidate must be a citizen of the city, and must sacrifice one point of POW. Requirements for citizenship vary with the city, but in almost all cities the children of citizens are also citizens. Note: an initiate of a city god need devote only 5% of his time and 1% of his income to his god. The city god's divine spells, and his Divine Intervention can only be used inside the city. An initiate can be a shaman, a sorcerer, or even a priest of a different cult. Spirit Magic: usually none taught by the cult. Priesthood Requirements: must be a citizen and the son of a citizen. Must read and speak the city's language at 90%. An opening for a new priest must exist, and a great deal of politicking is involved to attain priest- hood in a city cult. Note: the priests of a city god have considerable political civic influence. Their divine spells can only be cast within the city's boundaries. Unlike initiates of a city god's cult, priests can use Divine Interven- tion outside the city's boundaries. Common Divine Magic: Excommunication, Mindlink, Sanctify, Warding, Worship [City God]
Special Divine Magic: City Harmony Associated Gods Varies, depending on the circumstances surrounding the particular city.
Special Divine Magic: City Harmony Associated Gods Varies, depending on the circumstances surrounding the particular city.
Associated Gods Varies, depending on the circumstances surrounding the particular city.
Special City Gods Divine Spells
City Harmony 1 point
self, temporal, stackable, reusable This spell affects everyone within 3
meters of the caster and keeps them from getting excited or violent. It
counteracts emotion-affecting spells (such as Demoralize and Fanaticism)
that are weaker than the City Harmony spell. City Harmony can be boosted
with magic points to overcome more power- ful emotion-affecting spells and
to blast through Countermagic and other defensive spells. To work, the
caster must roll 1D100 and compare the result on the Resistance Table to his
own magic points. All targets whose magic points would be overcome are
affected. For instance, if a priest with 12 magic points rolled 52, all
potential targets with 11 or less magic points would be affected.
The history of the cult of Pavis is synonymous with the history of Pavis the man himself, and then Pavis the city. Pavis was half-man, half-elf, and a hero who appeared approximately 800 years ago, during the expansion of the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends. As an adult, he studied under the tutoring dragons then present in the Empire. There he met the dwarf, Flintnail, and gained a mastery of stone. After defeating Waha with the great Faceless Statue of Shadows Dance, he taught Aldryami healing to the people of the Paps and healed Waha, cementing a bond with the nomads. After troll magic closed the city, constant struggles occured between the trolls and the remnants of humans, elves, and dwarfs. The Pavis cult held to its rituals, and their intimate knowledge of the city aided worshipers in every crisis. The cult kept non-troll dwellers alive in the ruins until the city was re-opened during the time of strange magics and phantoms from the past known as the Dragonewts Dream. When the Sartarites came to build New Pavis, the high priest of Pavis and the colonists' high priest of Orlanth negotiated a settlement yielding ground and buildings to Pavis and the air to Orianth. An exchange was made, giving the Orlanth locals use of the Pavis facilities and the spirits of Pavis were joined by a sylph. Under the Lunar occupation, the Pavis cult grew, for the goddess wanted to "marry" Pavis to add him to her ever-growing pantheon. He played hard-to-get. With the support of the invaders, open worship of Pavis increased, especially among those Orlanth worshipers needing somewhere to go once their religion was officially discouraged. Pavis cannot guarantee his worshipers an existence after death, save to those who become cult spirits. Funeral customs for the cult are non-specific, and the priests will use whatever other religion they believe in when they determine funeral arrangements. For instance, the old Arrowsmith Dynasty cremated their dead atop the city gates, while during the closed period of the city, one of the ruling cult families buried their dead in several plots about the Rubble. The Flintnail cult, which attracts many priests, believes in entombing their dead in stone. Some of this latter cult dead have been entombed in mortuaries cut into the stone slabs of the old city walls. Pavis had ties to both elf and dwarf and was a glorious builder. The Runes most closely associated with him are Earth, Stasis, Harmony, and Man.,
Pavis is a "city cult." Like most of these cults, it is essentially a worship of the founder of the city, believing that this worship reinforces the potency of the worshiper, without which the city would wither. Thus the worship of the Red Goddess of the Lunar empire and of Sartar in the kingdom of Sartar are somewhat similar: both are a type of "city cult" grown into founder cults in which the being worshiped has become of more than single-city impact. The cult draws worshipers from town residents. Most principally worship other deities, but worship at the Pavis temple as well to augment their city's strength. Since the agreement with Orlanth, Pavis became the patron god of Pavis Outside the Walls as well as over the Rubble, and the Sartarite colonists worship him as well as their own gods. The city god normally arbitrates between the local manifestations of the more wide-spread gods. The Pavis temple hierarchy acts as a middleman for the hopes and aspirations of all political and social factions in the city. Like all founder cults, Pavis is far more political in function than spiritual. Because of Pavis' own family ties, the cult of Pavis is friendly to both elf and dwarf, and often settles disputes between the races in the city. Since both trolls and animal nomads have worked to destroy the city, and have dealt crushing blows to it in the past, the temple has little love for either. There have been, however, both troll and nomad worshipers of Pavis, and since the treaty with Waha, relations with the nomad god and Eiritha have been good. The same will never be true for the ignorant and brutal Storm Bull berserks nor for the Jaldon sect fanatics who broke the old city.
ORGANIZATION There are two temples of Pavis under a single temple organization. The cult of Pavis traditionally has a single high priest (called the Son of Pavis) and six other priests (known as the Daughters of Pavis). The high priest specializes in divination, and the others in necessary functions representative of Pavis' work. One of the Daughters is always of the Flintnail cult, representing Pavis' daughter who married the dwarf. The Son of Pavis is not required to be male, but always has been, and the Daughters are only infrequently female, but the titles are traditional. Sometimes,there have been extra priests, who are given the jobs of being associate priests and are not officially Daughters of Pavis. Since the troll invasion, the temple hierarchy was not up to strength until the last few years in the safety of New Pavis. At the height of its glory, there were holy places throughout the city dedicated to Pavis. The various devastations have profaned most such places, except for the Real City temple. Despite the casting-down of the temple's outer walls and the crack in the inner walls, the temple of Pavis remains a shrine to that god and an object of pilgrimage. The Lunar priestesses must journey first to this temple in their appeals to Pavis to marry their patroness, then they must travel to the New Pavis temple, where the center of the temple's current power exists. The Godsday of each week is special to this cult, and there are appropriate neighborhood festivities. Citizens and visitors are urged to join these, but taking part is voluntary. The High Holy Day of the cult is Godsday during Fertility week of Earth season. On the High Holy Day, a Waha high priest from the Paps joins the ritual wherein the priests re-enact the healing of Waha by Pavis. They invoke the name of the Trader God, then the Pavis high priest transfers a Heal Body spell to the Pavis representative of the Eiritha cult, and she travels back to the Paps with the Waha priest to complete their part of the ceremony. This all serves as a magical and political reminder of the "charter" by which Pavis exists on the plains of Prax.
LAY MEMBERSHIP Anyone in the city can join the cult of Pavis, even if they also worship other gods. This is part of the function of a city cult. Worship at a city festival is all that's needed. Lay members are supposed to support the city against invasion. This is usually done by joining the city militia or by paying for someone else to take one's place. They are also expected to help in the temple's upkeep. This is usually taken out of the citizenry's taxes, and they do not need to perform any active work to do this. Lay members are required to expend one MP per season in worship at a city festival. There are no other demands. The temple serves as a social meeting place for people throughout the city, and the cult acts as a club for consummation of business deals and the organization of mutual welfare organizations. Only lay members of the Pavis cult are allowed to become citizens, which entitles one to free food. Other requirements are also enforced, and these are listed elsewhere. Members of the cult can get training in Masonry for half-price as well as using one-handed hammer in warfare. This last is a holdover from the bad old days of the wars in the Rubble.
INITIATE MEMBERSHIP All initiates of this temple must theoretically have been born in Pavis or in New Pavis and every initiate must have been a lay member for a season or so. In practice, rituals of adoption exist for deserving non-Pavisite candidates. An applicant for initiation must be passed by a board composed of all the priests of Pavis. This examination can be abstracted for game purposes by having the candidate successfully roll the average of his POW and CHA times 5 or less on 1d100. The applicant can increase his chances for acceptance by donating money or magical objects to the temple. This adds 05% to chances for success for every 200L worth of money contributed. For example, a character with a CHA of 12, a POW of 12, and a donation of 1000 L would have a chance of [(12+12)121 x 5 or less equals 60% plus 10001200 = 5 x 05% = 25%, or an 85% chance for acceptance. An initiate of Pavis may worship only Pavis and friendly gods. Every holy day the initiate must sacrifice all his MPs but a single point to the god. If the temple is attacked, initiates must defend it to the death. Initiates are sometimes called upon to perform special missions for the cult, usually for a fitting reward, such as free spell teaching. If there is room, homeless initiates may be kept in the temple until an abode is gained elsewhere. This is a small temple. Also, temple initiation gives one some influence with the ruling council of Pavis. Initiates of Pavis always can find the directions of the compass whether in New Pavis or the Rubble. All initiates of Pavis who are also citizens of the city are entitled to a stone house, eventually. Initiates can be trained in Masonry and one-handed Hammer for free, but must serve as a sod-carter and apprentice to the master masons while learning masonry, and must spend much time directly helping the temple while learning one-handed hammer. This equates to spending twice the amount of time normally required for training. The temple will teach initiates in the use of Great Axe and First Aid for half normal prices. In addition, initiates can learn the spell of Strength, and the spell of Heal. Healing 3 or more costs normal prices. Initiates can purchase one-use cult Rune spells with a sacrifice of Power if thought worthy by the temple hierarchy.
There have been no Champions of Pavis since the death of Balastor, 400 years ago. This is because most initiates attempting to gain the necessary levels of skill have died at the hands of trolls and other denizens of the Rubble. Only now, with the relatively safe environment of Pavis Outside the Walls to fall back on, has the temple had any real chance of creating another Champion. Due to the turmoil of life in Pavis, a Champion must be a fighter first. His political and social future will he more assured if he also knows the skill of masonry. The.priests want proper Champions of Pavis, and are fairly desperate for such. They will accept anyone with mastery (90%) of two weapon skills and any other three skills which will work to the benefit of cult and city. A Champion of Pavis must be an initiate first, but a ready applicant who convinces the cult priesthood of his aptness could possibly become an initiate and Champion in a single cere- mony. To pass the cult examination, the applicant must have a POW of 15 and must pass the same exam given to initiate candidates. (I.e., the average of POW + CHA times 5 or less on 1d100. Each 200L donated to the cult adds 05% to chances for success.) The Champion of Pavis is always required to remain within the Rubble or New Pavis except when called upon by the priests to perform missions for the glory of the city. The Champion of Pavis (or the senior one if there are actually two or more) is automatically Captain of the Pavis Survivors. This could well be a figurehead post unless the Champion is an expert rider and horse archer, but the Survivors will train their Captain in the appropriate skills. During the Lunar occupation, the Pavis Survivors were outlawed. A motley collection known as the Pavis Royal Guard was substituted, and it now serves the occupation forces. If a Champion of Pavis were to appear, the Lunar army would feel obliged to offer him some sort of sinecure in the command of the Royal Guard. The Champion of Pavis also has an elaborate manor house set aside for his residence. Unfortunately, the traditional house is in the Rubble and is said to he a temple of Zorak Zoran at present. The Champion can reside at the temple of Pavis, in fairly luxurious rooms, until he can take possession of the proper house once again.
The priesthood maintained itself throughout long devastation. Now they are expanding as best they can. Each Daughter of Pavis specializes in a particular aspect of the cult, though all of them possess all the cult Divine spells. An applicant for priesthood must be an initiate (though, when the temple hierarchy is short, the statement about initiate Rune lords applies here, too). He must have a POW of 18 and the ability to read and write Old Pavic or Auld Wyrmish (which are very similar) at 50% or more. For form's sake, the examiners will examine fully proofs of and reports on an applicant, but actually it would take a roll of 96-00 an the acceptance roll or clear evidence of treachery for the candidate to be rejected, if the hierarchy was incomplete. When the roster of priests is up to par (as it is at this moment), full priests are not accepted. Instead, characters wishing to join the priesthood must become Acolytes. The requirements for this are the same as becoming a normal priest, but the necessary test is the same as that for a Champion or inititiate. Like the Champions, the priests of Pavis must stay within the city except for special missions, always directing their regard toward the city's welfare. The cult has no special ecumenical restrictions. Within New Pavis, the priests of Pavis are prestigious; the city council hears them automatically.Virtually all the special Rune spells for this cult come from associated cults. Only one Rune spell is directly associated with Pavis:
Many widely-spread cults were local victims of the once-powerful Pavis city cult. Pavis has some elemental spells from them as a matter of treaty obligation. The cult members do not necessarily worship any of these deities, but the cult has the spirits permanently attached. Summon <Various Elementals> Spells Each spell has call on a single elemental allotted by treaty. If one priest of Pavis calls upon a particular elemental during a week, another priest cannot call on the same elemental later in that week. Should a particular elemental he destroyed by losing its POW, no spirit will replace him until the next cult High Holy Day. The temple hierarchy is so arranged that no more than two priests have use of any single elemental summoning spell (not counting the Son of Pavis).
ORLANTII REX: Summon <Sylph> - The summoning priest may use this air elemental as he wishes. The sylph was attached to the Pavis cult at the time of the founding of New Pavis.
ZOLA FEL: Summon <Undine> - A water elemental serves the priests of Pavis. Zola Fel is the god of the River of Cradles. He befriended Pavis because the city brought river trade to him.
EIRITHA: Summon <Gnome> - This earth elemental can he used to dig foundations and hold up walls. It was given to Pavis upon the occasion of the healing of Waha.
OAKFED: Summon <Salamander> - After much struggle, the nomad Oakfed cult provided a salamander to serve Pavis.
KYGER LITOR: Summon <Shade> - During the long battles with the hordes of the troll goddess, this shade was wrested away.
Pavis originally came to the region with knowledge of the Heal Body spell. With Aldrya's permission, he later gained knowledge of Sunripen as well.
SUNRIPEN: 1-point spell, duration 12 hours, range local temple lands, reusable once per year, non-stackable This spell must he cast on Aldrya's holy day of Waterday, Fertility week, Sea season during a day-long fertility rite. The magic allows the newly-planted grain to draw upon the sun's powers to help it to grow without mold or rust, and enable the plant to resist despoiling insects and rodents. The grain ripens to a special rich golden color which tastes better as well.
HEAL BODY: 2-point spell, duration instantaneous, range touch, reusable, non-stackable This spell cures the total damage taken by a body, regardless of hit location. It will heal a maimed limb if the limb is present at the time of the spell's casting, but will not regrow a severed limb.
FLINTNAIL: Pavis'great friend contributes this spell.
SUPPORT. 1-point spell, duration 24 hours, range 160m, reusable, stackable This telekinetic spell will hold up any wall section with a volume of 54 cubic meters or less so that work can he done on it. While the spell lasts a full day when used on an upright wall, the spell wW not hold a wall section at an angle for more than 15 minutes.
MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Rune priests of Pavis wear the costume of the Empire of the Wyrm's Friends on official occasions, though the city was never an official part of that empire.
Character sheet[edit]
- Name: Character Name
- Homeland: Country Age: XX Gender: Sex
- 8Parent’s Occupation: Prior Experience Types
- Religion: Name of Religion
- STR___ Damage Modifier: +/- XdX
- CON___ Movement Rate: 3
- SIZ___ Dexterity Strike Rank Modifier: X
- INT___ Size Strike Rank Modifier: X
- POW___ Melee Strike Rank Modifier: X
- DEX___ Magic Points: XX
- APP___ Fatigue Points: XX (-XX.Xenc) = XX
Hit Points Ttl: X Armour Points: X Head X ‘armour type’ X Right Arm X ‘armour type’ X Left Arrm X ‘armour type’ X Chest X ‘armour type’ X Abdomen X ‘armour type’ X Right Leg X ‘armour type’ X Left Leg X ‘armour type’ X
Agility = +/-XX Communication = +/-XX Boat = XX% Fast Talk = XX% Climb = XX% Orate = XX% Dodge = XX% Sing = XX% Jump = XX% Speak ‘Language’ = XX% Ride = XX% >Speak ‘derived language’ = XX% Swim = XX% Speak ‘Language’ = XX% Throw = XX% >Speak ‘derived language’ = XX%
Knowledge = +/-XX Manipulation = +/-XX Animal Lore = XX% Conceal = XX% Craft – ‘craft name’ = XX% Devise = XX% Craft – ‘craft name’ = XX% Sleight = XX% Craft – ‘craft name’ = XX% Play ‘Instrument’ = XX% Evaluate = XX% First Aid = XX% Human Lore = XX% Perception = +/-XX Martial Arts = XX% Listen = XX% Mineral Lore= XX% Scan = XX% Plant Lore = XX% Search = XX% Read/Write ‘Language’ = XX% Track = XX% >Read/Write ‘derived language’ = XX% Read/Write ‘Language’) = XX% Stealth = +/-XX >Read/Write ‘derived language’ = XX% Hide = XX% Shiphandling = XX% Sneak = XX% World Lore = XX%
Attack % Mod = +/-XX Parry % Mod = +/-XX
Weapon SR Atk% Damage Pry% AP RH Knife X XX% 1d3+1 XX% X RH Dagger X XX% 1d4+2 XX% X RH ‘weapon’ X XX% XX% X 2H ‘weapon’ X XX% XX% X RH Club X XX% 1d6 XX% X Fist X XX% 1d3 XX% X Kick X XX% 1d6 XX% X Head Butt X XX% 1d4 XX% X Grapple X XX% Special XX% X LH ‘shield’ X XX% XX% X RH ‘missile’ X XX% XX% X 2H ‘missile’ X XX% XX% X RH Rock (thrown) X XX% XX% X
Basic list of possessions, he calls it his 'Apparatus'
STR: XX Move: X R H Leg X CON: XX HP: XX L H Leg X SIZ: XX FP: XX Hindquarters XX INT: XX MP: XX Forequarters XX POW: XX R F Leg X DEX: XX L F Leg X Head X
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX%
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX%
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX%
Attack name SRX XX% Skill XX%
Who am I? Who is my family? What is my past?
What is my homeland? Who are my people? What other lands do I know? Who are their peoples?
What work do I do? How do I spend my time?
What do I value? Who do I serve? What do I hope for?
What things are good? What things are evil? Who are my friends? Who are my
What is my religion? How do I serve it?