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Latest revision as of 06:02, 12 November 2007

Str 8 Dex 12 Con 10 Int 8 Wis 12 Cha 8

Toughness = 9 + 0(con) = 9 Fortitude = 4 + 0(con) = 4 Reflex = 6 + 1(dex) = 7 Will = 4 + 1(wis) = 5

Initiative = 1

Defense = 3 Dodge Bonus = 1

Attack: Base = 6 Disintegration Ray = 8 Damage: Pain Gaze = 6 Mystic Fists = 3 Feeble Ray = 6

Skills: Notice 11 +1(wis) = 12, Concentration 1 + 0(con) = 1

Feats: Evasion- Reflex save Avoids damage on success, fail = ½

Powers: Stare Array: Originates from Third Eye in Forehead, All powers have Magic Origin

Main Power – Pain Stare: Modified Blast: 6 ranks (4 PP/rank) + 2 Power Feats = 26 PP Standard Action to activate, Sustained = Free action to maintain. Range = Perception: Anything that can be seen accurately Flaw Distracting = Loses Dodge bonus while in use Damage = 6 Power Feat = Affects Insubstantial (½ damage), Incurable Description – Continuous red stream shoots from the third eye in the forehead burning like a lazer, fixed unerringly on the target.

Alt Power – Stone Stare: Transform (Flesh to Stone) 6 Ranks (4PP/Rank) + 2 Power Feats = 26 PP Standard Action to activate, Continuous = Stays activated as long as power is on, transformed targets remain so until chosen to turn them back. Range = Perception Flaw = Sense Dependant (Sight) – Target must see the attack, gets Reflex DC 16 to avoid Power Feat = Affects Insubstantial (½ damage), Progression Description – Continuous Gray Stream shoots from the third eye transforming anyone who is unfortunate enough to meet it's stare, and fail a reflex DC 16 to look away and a fortitude save of 16. Targets only change back if Medusa wills it, a magical remedy(nullify) is found, or Medusa dies. This last condition is unknown to anyone however, so it is not advisable to kill medusa, lest your loved ones remain stone forever.

Gaze of Eternity: Ranged Corrosion attack – 6 ranks, 3 PP/rank + 2 feats = 18 Standard Action to Activate Range: Ranged (Increment of 60 feet, maximum 600 feet) Power Feats: Accurate (+2 to attack), Slow Fade (1 step down) Description: She brings her hands together palms facing out, so that two tattooed eyes stare at the target. The eyes then shoot out a pulse of white magical energy. Target makes a fortitude save of 16. If fails subtract 6 from target's toughness save, then inflict damage equal to power rank. Objects get no fort save, and lose toughness automatically, then damage based on lowered toughness score. 6 Damage is inflicted whether target loses toughness or not. Living targets recover lost toughness at a rate of 1 per minute. Objects must be repaired. Living targets toughness can not drop below -5, objects not below -10.

Super Senses: All vision types that she has are “accurate” 2 ranks gains Darkvision, 1 Rank Infravision, 1 Rank Ultravision

Mystic Fists: Strike 3 x 2pp = 6, magical energy encircles fists originating from the eye tattoos in the palms.

Drawbacks: Moderate Vulnerability to Light Related effects. Damage and save DC's with the Light/photon descriptor are multiplied by 1.5

Origin: This sorceress intensely studied the mystical arts for years before coming across a dusty tome with a large eye on the cover. This tome was a study of the many magical creatures of the past which possessed ocular abilities, and magical rituals which were meant to replicate them. Fanatically she followed the mystical instructions and tattooed a set of eyes and magical symbols into her hands, which when brought together are known as “The Gaze of Eternity” Armed with the powerful mystical gaze she then went after a magical artifact, “The Arcane Orb of Vishnanti”,which was needed for the second ritual. After a battle with some dedicated druids in Ireland she recovered the ancient orb and performed the ritual necessary for implanting the orb in her forehead making it into a third eye which granted her the powerful Pain Stare and the dreaded Stone Stare. She has since begun to hone her powers and locate other sources of magical power.

Real Name: Melinda Gordon Base of Operations: Secret Sanctum, entrance unknown to all but her and invisible to all but magic. Known Affiliates: None known to general public Organizations: The institute for arcane exploration (Under the false identity Aesthair Medelle)

Description: Tall and slender fiery red-head. Pale skinned from years indoors studying. Wears a purple cloak decorated with varying types of eyes over a black corset and black leather pants. Has an ornate arcane eye tattooed in the palms of each of her hands. When called upon a third diamond eye opens in her forehead which changes color depending on what power is called upon.

Tactics: Opens up a fight with her Pain Stare fixing on an opponent, if it isn't affecting them she will weaken her target with a few blasts from the Gaze of Eternity. If she is feeling threatened she will switch to her Stone Stare to lower the numbers of her attackers. Very rarely gets into melee combat.

Math = Abilities -2 + Attack 12 + Defense 6 + Saves 23 + Skills 3 + Feats 1 + Powers; Gaze Array 27, Super Senses 4, Feeble Ray 18, Mystic Fists 6 + Drawbacks -2 = 96 PP

Note: Later on in the story she gets the 5 Stars of Egypt which grant her considerably more power. Her more powerful incarnation will be updated later.