Knossos:Log:1240s: Difference between revisions

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(9 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 147: Line 147:
: Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q12)
: Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q12)
: Ulrich - Crafting Ring of Arcane Perpetuity (ReVi65)  
: Ulrich - Crafting Ring of Arcane Perpetuity (ReVi65)  
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Crafting Undying Servant (ReCo40)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Researching Seeing the Blood's Trace (InCo25) (Insight)
: Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q11)
: Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q11)
: Ulrich - Crafting Ring of Arcane Perpetuity (ReVi65) (Discovery)
: Ulrich - Crafting Ring of Arcane Perpetuity (ReVi65) (Discovery)
: Artemisios - Crafting Undying Servant (ReCo40)
: Artemisios - Studying Mentem Summa (20/20)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Stabilizing Research (5 Discovery)
: Tychon - Researching Hearing the True Word (InMe30) (Discovery)
: Tychon - Researching Hearing the True Word (InMe30) (Discovery)
: Ulrich - Stabilizing Discovery (13 Discovery)
: Ulrich - Stabilizing Discovery (13 Discovery)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Studying Mentem Summa (20/20)

: Perun -  
: Perun - Researching Mastering the Unruly Beast (ReAn25)
: Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (6 Discovery)
: Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (6 Discovery)
: Ulrich - Creating Desk of Dutiful Librarian (CrReImAn65)
: Ulrich - Creating Desk of Dutiful Librarian (CrReImAn65)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Studying Creo Summa (15/15)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Rearching Circular Ward Against Fae (ReVi25)
: Tychon - Researching Hearing the True Motive (InMe35) (Discovery)
: Tychon - Researching Hearing the True Motive (InMe35) (Discovery)
: Ulrich - Opening Coat for Enchantment (25 Capacity)
: Ulrich - Opening Coat for Enchantment (25 Capacity)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Studying Creo Summa (15/15)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Stabilizing Discovery (5 Discovery)
: Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (7 Discovery)
: Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (7 Discovery)
: Ulrich - Enchanting Defying the Earthly Calling into Coat (ReCo50)
: Ulrich - Enchanting Defying the Earthly Calling into Coat (ReCo50)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Creating Gift of Reason +5 (CrMe60)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Teaching Mentem to Stefan (Q11)
: Tychon - Reading Discovery Text (13 Discovery)
: Tychon - Reading Discovery Text (13 Discovery)
: Ulrich - Enchanting Defying the Murky Depths in Coat (MuInAqAu40)
: Ulrich - Enchanting Defying the Murky Depths in Coat (MuInAqAu40)
: Artemisios -
: Artemisios - Teaching Corpus to Adira (Q11)

: Perun -  
: Perun - Researching Shape of the Woodland Prowler (MuCoAn25)
: Tychon - Reading Discovery Text (13 Discovery) (BREAKTHROUGH)
: Tychon - Reading Discovery Text (13 Discovery) (BREAKTHROUGH)
: Ulrich - Innovating at the Docks
: Ulrich - Crafting the Astrological Clock (InReViTe49) (Mechanica)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Creating Gift of Reason +5 (CrMe60)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Researching Wizard's Communion (MuVi25) (Insight!)
: Tychon - Creating Awakening the Hermetic Legacy (CrVi50)
: Tychon - Creating Awakening the Hermetic Legacy (CrVi50)
: Ulrich - Assisting Tychon
: Ulrich - Assisting Tychon
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Studying Philosophia at University (Q20)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Stabilizing Discovery (5 Discovery)
: Tychon - Creating Awakening the Hermetic Legacy (CrVi50)
: Tychon - Creating Awakening the Hermetic Legacy (CrVi50)
: Ulrich - Assisting Tychon
: Ulrich - Assisting Tychon
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Studying Artes Liberales at University (Q20)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Creating Fire the Heartstring's Bow (CrMe25)
: Tychon - Studying Finesse Summa (4/12)
: Tychon - Studying Finesse Summa (4/12)
: Ulrich - Crafting the Astrological Clock (InReViTe49) (Mechanica)
: Ulrich - Crafting Armor of Enchanted Temper x4 (MuTe24)
: Artemisios -
: Artemisios - Teaching Muto to Adira (Q11)

: Perun -  
: Perun - Studying Familiar Bond
: Tychon - Studying Intrigue Summa (4/17)
: Tychon - Studying Finesse Summa (4/12)
: Ulrich - Teaching Parma Magica to Helen (Q12)
: Ulrich - Teaching Parma Magica to Helen (Q15) (using book)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Teaching Parma Magica to Adira (Q11)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Studying Familiar Bond
: Tychon - Studying Intrigue Summa (4/17)
: Tychon - Scribing Spells (110 Levels) + Insight Text
: Ulrich -  
: Ulrich - Opening Wayland (35p)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Enchanting Speech into Familiar Bond (MuAn20)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Teaching Muto to Stefan (Q11)
: Tychon -  
: Tychon - Studying Magic Lore Summa (6/12)
: Ulrich -  
: Ulrich - Enchanting Speech into Wayland (CrIm15) & Simulacra (CrIm15) & Lecturnus Illustratus x2 (CrIm30)
: Artemisios -  
: Artemisios - Studying Muto Summa (11/19)
: Perun -  
: Perun - Studying Familiar Bond (Insight!)
: Tychon -  
: Tychon - Studying Magic Lore Summa (6/12)
: Ulrich -  
: Ulrich - Awakening Wayland (Might 30)
: Artemisios -
: Artemisios - Opening Celeste's Arts

Latest revision as of 01:18, 5 December 2007

(Go Back to Log Page)



Perun - Opening Ring for Enchantment (5 pawns)
Tychon - Studying Artes Liberales Summa (8/15)
Ulrich - Gloves of Spectral Labor (MuMeTe49)
Artemisios - Studying Animal Summa (14/13)


Perun - Studying Muto Summa (15/12)
Tychon - Studying Artes Liberales Summa (8/15)
Ulrich - Researching Heron's Legacy (Insight!)
Artemisios - Enchanting Greater Beast of Outlandish Size (MuAn23)


Perun - Enchanting Ring of True Form's Lie (MuIm49) (Glamour) (Failure)
Tychon - Studying Parma Magica Tractatus at Stormkeep (Q11)
Ulrich - Creating Aeolipile of Heron (CrMe33) (7 Discovery)
Artemisios - Studying Herbam Summa (15/13)


Perun - Learning Parma Magica from Tychon
Tychon - Teaching Parma Magica (Q22)
Ulrich - Learning Parma Magica from Tychon
Artemisios - Learning Parma Magica from Tychon



Perun - Enchanting Ring of True Form's Lie (MuIm49) (Glamour)
Tychon - Studying Magic Theory Summa (9/15)
Ulrich - Crafting Trumpet of the Equine Torpor (ReAn70) (7 charges)
Artemisios - Creating Gift of Shriek of the Impending Shafts (InHe20)


Perun - Enchanting Ring of True Form's Lie (MuIm49) (Glamour)
Tychon - Studying Magic Theory Summa (9/15)
Ulrich - Researching Heron's Legacy (Insight!)
Artemisios - Studying Terram Summa (14/16)


Perun - Studying Imaginem Tractatus (Q11)
Tychon - Refining Lab (Spacious)
Ulrich - Crafting the Web of Mnemnosyne (InIm60) (12 Insight)
Artemisios - Opening Adira's Arts


Perun - Learning Magic Theory from Tychon
Tychon - Teaching Magic Theory (Q22)
Ulrich - Opening Ismael for Enchantment (30 pawns)
Artemisios - Learning Magic Theory from Tychon



Perun - Opening Ring for Enchantment (5 pawns)
Tychon - Teaching Spells to Timeus
Ulrich - Researching Heron's Legacy (Insight!)
Artemisios - Writing Magic Theory Tractatus (Q6) ('Beyond Death')


Perun - Enchanting Ring of True Form's Lie (MuIm49) (Glamour)
Tychon - Teaching Spells to Timeus
Ulrich - Enchanting Movement into Ismael (ReTeMe30) (Failure)
Artemisios - Studying Knucklebone


Judged Invalid


Perun - Opening Stefan's Arts
Tychon - Studying Intellego Summa (21/18)
Ulrich - Creating Arcane Illuminator for Tychon (CrInImVi50), Training Timeus
Artemisios - Teaching Intellego to Adira with Book (Q18)


Perun - Teaching Imaginem to Stefan (Q11)
Tychon - Studying Intellego Summa (21/18)
Ulrich - Opening Argos' Arts
Artemisios - Learning Greek at University (Q20)



Perun - Learning Magic Theory from Tychon
Tychon - Teaching Magic Theory (Q22)
Ulrich - Crafting Mitre of Initiation, IoQ (+4 Mind)
Artemisios - Learning Magic Theory from Tychon


Perun - Studying Leadership Summa (4/14)
Tychon - Learning Peering into the Mortal Mind (InMe30) and Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie (InMe20)
Ulrich - Building Clock Tower in Alexandria for Initiation
Artemisios - Studying Enigmatic Wisdom in the Labyrinth (Q10)


Perun - Studying Leadership Summa (4/14)
Tychon - Researching Sight of the Mortal Mind (ImMe40) (No Ex Effect)
Ulrich - Enchanting Movement into Ismael (ReTeMe30)
Artemisios - Learning Greek at University (Q20)


Perun - Teaching Muto to Stefan (Q11)
Tychon - Researching Sight of the Mortal Mind (ImMe40) (Discovery!)
Ulrich - Enchanting Enhanced Stats into Ishmael (CrTe30+15+15)
Artemisios - Scribing Spells into Library (100 Levels)



Perun - Studying Leadership Summa (4/14)
Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (8 Discovery Points)
Ulrich - Enchanting Enhanced Stats into Ishmael (CrMe60)
Artemisios - Studying Criamon Lore Summa (5/15)


Perun - Enchanting Flute of the Sea's Breath (CrIm20)
Tychon - Teaching Jongleur to Timeus (Q30)
Ulrich - Adding Speech to Ishmael (CrIm15) and Enchanting Tapestry of Splendor x5 (CrIm9)
Artemisios - Studying Enigmatic Wisdom at Cave of Twisting Shadows (Q15)


Perun - Learning Lungs of the Fish (MuAqAu20)
Tychon - Researching Sight of the Active Magics (ImVi40) (No Ex Effect)
Ulrich - Awakening Ismael (Using Mechanica)
Artemisios - Studying Teaching Tractatus (Q15)


Perun - Learning Arcane Hammer (PeVi5) and Touch of Cold Iron (PeVi5)
Tychon - Studying Arabic at University (Q20)
Ulrich - Studying Arabic at University (Q20)
Artemisios - Teaching Adira Enigmatic Wisdom (Q12)



Perun - Studying Leadership Summa (4/14)
Tychon - Itinerarium - Etiquette Practice (Q5)
Ulrich - Studying Artes Liberales at University (Q20)
Artemisios - Creating Curse of the Slumbering Horde (ReMe30)


Perun - Studying Imaginem Summa (18/10)
Tychon - Itinerarium - Etiquette Practice (Q5)
Ulrich - Studying Artes Liberales at University (Q20)
Artemisios - Studying Mentem Tractatus (Q12)


Perun - Teaching Magic Theory to Stefan (Q11)
Tychon - Teaching Parma Magica to Timeus (Q30)
Ulrich - Crafting Arcane Illuminator (CrInViIm50)
Artemisios - Studying Corpus Summa (20/20)


Perun - Creating The Mirror's Veil (CrIm35)
Tychon - Refining Lab - Lesser Expansion
Ulrich - Learning Craft Mechanica from Heron (Q25)
Artemisios - Teaching Concentration to Adira (Q11)



Perun - Learning Maintaining the Demanding Spell (ReVi35)
Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q12)
Ulrich - Learning Craft Mechanica from Heron (Q25)
Artemisios - Studying Corpus Summa (20/20)


Perun - Enchanting Veil of Invisibility into Talisman (PeIm30)
Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q12)
Ulrich - Crafting Ring of Arcane Perpetuity (ReVi65)
Artemisios - Crafting Undying Servant (ReCo40)


Perun - Researching Seeing the Blood's Trace (InCo25) (Insight)
Tychon - Reading Magic Theory Tractatus (Q11)
Ulrich - Crafting Ring of Arcane Perpetuity (ReVi65) (Discovery)
Artemisios - Studying Mentem Summa (20/20)


Perun - Stabilizing Research (5 Discovery)
Tychon - Researching Hearing the True Word (InMe30) (Discovery)
Ulrich - Stabilizing Discovery (13 Discovery)
Artemisios - Studying Mentem Summa (20/20)



Perun - Researching Mastering the Unruly Beast (ReAn25)
Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (6 Discovery)
Ulrich - Creating Desk of Dutiful Librarian (CrReImAn65)
Artemisios - Studying Creo Summa (15/15)


Perun - Rearching Circular Ward Against Fae (ReVi25)
Tychon - Researching Hearing the True Motive (InMe35) (Discovery)
Ulrich - Opening Coat for Enchantment (25 Capacity)
Artemisios - Studying Creo Summa (15/15)


Perun - Stabilizing Discovery (5 Discovery)
Tychon - Stabilizing Discovery (7 Discovery)
Ulrich - Enchanting Defying the Earthly Calling into Coat (ReCo50)
Artemisios - Creating Gift of Reason +5 (CrMe60)


Perun - Teaching Mentem to Stefan (Q11)
Tychon - Reading Discovery Text (13 Discovery)
Ulrich - Enchanting Defying the Murky Depths in Coat (MuInAqAu40)
Artemisios - Teaching Corpus to Adira (Q11)



Perun - Researching Shape of the Woodland Prowler (MuCoAn25)
Tychon - Reading Discovery Text (13 Discovery) (BREAKTHROUGH)
Ulrich - Crafting the Astrological Clock (InReViTe49) (Mechanica)
Artemisios - Creating Gift of Reason +5 (CrMe60)


Perun - Researching Wizard's Communion (MuVi25) (Insight!)
Tychon - Creating Awakening the Hermetic Legacy (CrVi50)
Ulrich - Assisting Tychon
Artemisios - Studying Philosophia at University (Q20)


Perun - Stabilizing Discovery (5 Discovery)
Tychon - Creating Awakening the Hermetic Legacy (CrVi50)
Ulrich - Assisting Tychon
Artemisios - Studying Artes Liberales at University (Q20)


Perun - Creating Fire the Heartstring's Bow (CrMe25)
Tychon - Studying Finesse Summa (4/12)
Ulrich - Crafting Armor of Enchanted Temper x4 (MuTe24)
Artemisios - Teaching Muto to Adira (Q11)



Perun - Studying Familiar Bond
Tychon - Studying Finesse Summa (4/12)
Ulrich - Teaching Parma Magica to Helen (Q15) (using book)
Artemisios - Teaching Parma Magica to Adira (Q11)


Perun - Studying Familiar Bond
Tychon - Scribing Spells (110 Levels) + Insight Text
Ulrich - Opening Wayland (35p)
Artemisios - Enchanting Speech into Familiar Bond (MuAn20)



Perun - Teaching Muto to Stefan (Q11)
Tychon - Studying Magic Lore Summa (6/12)
Ulrich - Enchanting Speech into Wayland (CrIm15) & Simulacra (CrIm15) & Lecturnus Illustratus x2 (CrIm30)
Artemisios - Studying Muto Summa (11/19)


Perun - Studying Familiar Bond (Insight!)
Tychon - Studying Magic Lore Summa (6/12)
Ulrich - Awakening Wayland (Might 30)
Artemisios - Opening Celeste's Arts