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The Power of Silence

Aspect 0 (6 MPs)
Domain 5 (5 MPs)
Realm 1 (5 MPs)
Spirit 1 (6 MPs)

Flight (1), Invisibility (1), Unblemished Guise (2)

Limit: Focus -- MP3 player (contains 1 level of Spirit, Unblemished Guise, Invisibility, one SMP, one AMP). In mortal life, this was Silence's shield against the world, her way of hiding. After her Commencement left her physically weak, her Imperator ensured she had at least rudimentary protection against the world by empowering her tool of choice with a fraction of her soul-shard, to shield and hide her better. She is seldom without at least one 'phone in, and never without the player on her person. What was once its skin has fused into an abstract pattern surrounding the flowers of her Design, and as an added bonus, it doesn't need to be recharged any more.

Restriction: Nameless: "If you name me, so shall you break me. What am I?" The answer is Silence; perhaps it is some weakness inherited from Amun/et, or tied to its inherent secrecy, but the Power of Silence is in the power of those who name her aloud. Much like a Deceiver, she can be commanded once a day by doing so. To pre-empt this, Amun/et has stripped away her Name from her very soul and hidden it beyond human memory- perhaps in a well-guarded physical form, HG's choice. Officially, she does not exist, and those who knew her remember her but not her name, even her own father.
This has various disadvantages. Mainly, the importance of defending the name, and the dire consequences should it fall into the wrong hands. It also makes dealing with mortal authorities a bit difficult; it seems not even a fake identity will stick to her very well. Finally, she has been left with a burning desire reclaim her identity. Just because Amun/et did it, and for her own protection, doesn't mean she intends to take it lying down.

Restriction: Stubborn: It takes an awful lot to persuade Silence against something she's set her mind on. It can be done, but her headstrong nature tends to get her in trouble.

Jonas Woodrow (hate): Silence's father. Irate, bearded, gun-toting Texan by night and Chief Legal Officer of an international courier company by day. Following his divorce of Silence's mother and her subsequent death, he became solely responsible for his daughter, but never took to fatherhood with great enthusiasm or particular aptitude. Whether out of pride or concern for public image, he refused to allow anyone more qualified to look after his daughter either. It was not difficult to summon sufficient hate to claim him through the Servant's Rite; now he's a handy source of funds and occasional reluctant string-puller and pavement-pounder, too.

A larchflower (Audacity) circled by branches of yellow acacia (Concealment), positioned in the dark portion of a crescent moon.

5 The sanctity of Silence
5 The safety, and her rediscovery, of her name
4 Her independence and the appearance thereof
3 Her MP3 player
2 The park where her Commencement took place
1 Her father (she hates his guts, but he's hers and no-one else gets to mess with him)

Silence's Regal is young, free, single and pissed off.
Her short life was relatively untroubled up to the age of thirteen, and the sudden and accidental death of her mother. That will put a few dents in any child, and being uprooted and moved out of State into the custody of a father obsessed with work and unprepared for parenthood helped not at all.
To deal with all this, she withdrew increasingly into her own world. She discovered the gothic subculture and embraced aspects of it, because she wanted to... but remained largely on the edge of or outside even that social circle. Her attentions turned inwards and she began to talk less and less, responding to people nonverbally or not at all, and eventually stopped talking altogether. The silence perhaps started as a protest against being unable to please her father, or her inability to fit in at school, or the unfairness of the universe, but by the time anyone tried to do anything about it, it had become something deeper, a defining part of her. Punishment and praise alike failed to move her. Taken before educational counselors, she sat silently for thirty minutes or an hour, and left. She found ways of being dismissive, ironic, hurt and sarcastic without a sound, and developed new tones of silence. And she had said no word for months, and was on her way to a facility for problem teens, when the area was EnChanceled and she snatched away by Amun/et.

She appears to be about seventeen, dark-haired and purple-eyed thanks to coloured contacts; she's typically clad in a black dress, spiked choker, dark make-up and her music player. While she is not underweight, nor particularly slight or unhealthy, her appearance is dominated by Silence: She gives the impression of being exaggeratedly pale, fragile, and ethereally weightless; her hair and clothes actually float slightly when she moves, as if in low gravity, even when she's not flying. Colours on her appear deep and muted. When she enters a room, people exchange glances as at the falling of a sudden hush. It goes without saying that she makes no sound unless she wants to. When she does speak, no matter the actual volume, people remember it as a whisper.

In contrast to her sister Caelestis LSD, Silence has very little experience of the wider world; her life for some time has been a kind of slow death, out of which her Commencement rudely jolted her. Not that she would ever, ever admit this, but rather take pains to appear worldly, jaded and wise.

Imperator: Amunet
Campaign page: Lotus and Allium