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This will be the information page for the QMR game hosted by me, on the rpg.net forums.


Badnitz (Nitz) Schlectivich: Former Kadinkian spy who needs much money. Aubern Flirtatious Fire Magi Duncas Wall of the Order of St. Malachias Richard Conjurer from Ko-Sha Valeska Bow-for-hire.


None so far

Important NPCs

Roll of the Heavens

Elal-Strength, Rulership, Weather, The Sky Eaki-Water, Knowledge, Wisdom, Craft Ashtir-Goddess of Love and War Shamatu and Nansin-Gods of the sun and the moon, and the two divine judges Ninmuzi-God of the cycles of nature, rebirth, and agriculture. Zurik-God of Wealth and Trade

Azanut-Demon lord, god of perversion


The standard QMR continent of Ludor, with a few changes. Current changes are listed below, with more details to follow as the world evolves.

Arrganarr: Arrganarr is a significantly nastier place in SR 2.5. It's still a monster filled wasteland, but the monsters are not nearly so content to just stay where they are and several times in the past savage hordes from Arrganarr have attempted to invade the more civilized lands of Ludor. Shiny Gate has been replaced by the Black Gate Citadel. In theory the purpose is the same, peaceful trade and coexistance with the intelligent inhabitants of Arrganarr, however they make no effort to make other species 'feel at home', and it's really more of a fortress gaurding against attempts by other realms who might be tempted to try and invade Arrganarr and wipe out the beasts within before they get another chance to strike. The reason for Arrganarr's blasted landscape and infestation of evil is lost to history, but legend says that a being of great power and great evil was (and perhaps still is) entombed in the wastelands.

League of Groth: The League has a rather black reputation among the other civilizations of Ludor, for the nobles are known to share a fascination with the macabre, morbid fashion, and the darker aspects of the occult. What's more, the true rulers of the League are a group of mystics and mages calling themselves the Black Thorn Cabal, who often use magic, deciet and political influence to further their quest for personal power, immortality, or whatever else they might be looking for. Although it's reputation would imply a tendency towards necromancy and demonology the League is actually known to have some of the best diviners, seers, and fortune tellers in all of Ludor many of whom are members of the Dark Candle Guild.

Kadink Founded centuries ago by the former minions and soldiers of a now-nameless dark lord whose failed attempt at conquest is now almost forgotten. The refugess from his army fled to the swamps of Kadink, and against all odds survived. Kadink is known for allowing many vices and practices that other countries forbid and for their generous black market exports, omnipresent spies, and deadly assasins.