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rampant 07-14-07 10:55 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - is the old duck gone?

Nathan - What are you doing here?

Brella - Seting up to give the bastard one more good scare tomorrow morning.

Nathan - I saw you leave!

Brella - So?

Nathan - *facepalm*

Thellia - It's your turn Brella.

Brella - ...Fine

Back when I was growing up, I had a friend who had gotten out of a Karnnite occupied own in breland. Told me alot of stories of Karns doing awful things to the Brellish. We enlisted as soon as the army would take us. He got stuck as a regular infantry in the 33rd, I got into the 158th intelligence division. We didn't see each other but we kept in touch. Finally about half a year before the Mourning, I got assigned to a Karnite town occupied by the Brellish. The 33rd had been there a few months already. First thing I did in town was find him. I found him, and about another half dozen members of the 33rd, in an inn. The owner was sprawled on the floor, all over the floor. His wife a bony woman of about 34 was being passed around by a bunch of drunk soldiers. She saw me, I don't think any of the soldiers did. She looked at me, then screamed the word cellar. Tried to anyway, someone had cut out her tounge. I found a locked door out back. Twised off the lock and found a little girl. She had a note pinned to her shirt with the information to get her to an uncle who worked for house Sivis, and a bag of stuff. I set her up to get taken care of and meet her uncle when the supply convoy went back to Sharn. Later that afternoon the inn burned down with 7 members of the 33rd inside.

Crystalforged 07-14-07 11:01 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Cassius arrives at the north gate where the warforged are in the process of stamping out the last vestiges of the fires. Fracture is standing in front of the ruined gate in intense concentration. Knowing better than to interrupt him Cassius stands back. Slowly a silvery sheen forms around Fracture and the gate as a great oaken barricade materializes out of thin air, blocking the gate. As the sheen of ectoplasm evaporates Fracture turns to where Cassius is standing.

Fracture: Colonel. I'm surprised the effects of drug wore off so quickly. Perhaps your meatsack immune system is more effective than I anticipated. I've erected a temporary barricade in place of the shattered gate. Its not permanent, it will fade after 16 hours but I can renew it if neccissary until the gate has been replaced. The damage to the surrounding stone is largely superficial, once the creatures burned through the gate they lost interest in the castle itself.

Cassius: (sounding tired) Good good. Any further sightings?

Fracture: No Colonel. I have stationed my troops here for the night regaurdless. Since the situation appears to be well in hand now I intend to head down to the Boar's Head for a while.

Cassius: I never understood why you frequent that place. I mean you don't drink, its not like you can, and you can hardly be said to enjoy the company.

Fracture: A fair observation. I attend the Boar's Head as a part of my research. I study those breathers which call themselves "adventures." Unlike most mortals who are weak and helpless, adventures exibit at least some slight amount of ability. I am attempting to decern what seperates an adventurer from your average fleshbag, what unifying factor allows them to develop far beyond the rest of their species?

Demonfey 07-15-07 01:03 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

In the infirmary, after the attack: An incredibly old looking warforged, with random metal plates in some places, is sorting spare warforged parts, tools for surgery, tools for repair, and strips of fabric when a soldier comes in. Soldier: Hey, Patch, we got wounded here. Living spells. The warforged turns, and moves a seemingly random plate, pulling out a slate board and piece of chalk. He writes down a reply. Patch: How many? Soldier: Thirteen breathers, three 'forged. Four heavily wounded, the rest can wait. Patch quickly erases his first message and writes again Patch: Send the heavily wounded in. I'll send homunculi to check out the others. Soldier: Right, Patch. With that, the wounded come into the infirmary, as about a dozen homunculi of varying types go to check the extent of the wounds and Patch gets started on a long night of work.

"Patch", aka model 23985 NG warforged Cleric 6/Artificer 6 Personality: He was made to be a field medic, which means that he generally spends most of his time either sorting his materials, or healing the wounded. As such, he's generally not seen outside of his medical area too often. Also, no one has ever heard him speak, nor do they even know if he can any more. Nevertheless, people can't stop themselves from seeing him as an old man at heart (hence calling Patch "he"), and most people try and consider him a friend, because it's always good to be friends with the resident medic, especially this near the Mournlands. Physical description: Physically, he seems to be in a good amount of disrepair, parts of him having apparently just rusted away or been torn off, to later be replaced by whatever metal was on hand-hence, the name. His parts also are old and worn, though still usable. In fact, he is possibly one of the oldest warforged from the war currently active, at well over 50, which is all others can tell about his age. He is generally seen with a small collection of homunculi at any time. He generally wears white. History: Actually one of the first fully sentient warforged made by house Cannith, he was designed to support his fellow troops as the medic. As such, he has witnessed more death and pain than any being should, including the deaths of his siblings. Some time during the war, he just stopped talking, though its unknown if it was due to mental trauma, a wound that disabled his communications abilities, or simply that it gave out over time, but he hasn't talked to anyone since then, instead taking to communicating with his chalkboard. That includes when he first came here, a few years ago.

Charles Phipps 07-15-07 01:21 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Gates of Caer Shadowfast

Cassius: I expect they'll want you to tell a story, Fracture. The adventurers are growing restless and they need something to direct their attention. Whenever scavengers or mercenary bands stay in any one place for an extended period of time, they find trouble.

Fracture: Really?

Cassius: Yes; nine tenths of these people are Warriors, Adepts, or Aristocrats. They're nothing to worry about. It's the genuinely skilled ones that are the real problem. The people who aren't quite....human.

Fracture: I wouldn't know.

Cassius: You know what I mean.

Fracture: Given your a half-elf. Not really.

Cassius: I'll explain it in a simple term. True Adventurers are nothing like normal, intelligent, rational beings. They are the perfect soldiers in the respect they are incapable of normal rational human fear. They will gleefully run into places like the Mournlands or Droam to seek out riches and booty without a thought to their personal safety. Face down Daelkyr or Dragons like they are half-starved goblins.

Fracture: Greed can drive a man.

Cassius: It's not greed. They don't spend their wealth on retiring. The fabulous riches of Dhakani and they'll spend them on weapons, armor, and healing up to fight again. They seem to live to fight. To grow stronger from their experiences by killing. Even those who profess a religious devotion are interested solely in genocide.

Fracture: Hmmm. Sound like these might be almost admirable beings.

Cassius: Believe me, they're incapable of discipline. Even the Holy Knights owe their primary loyalty not to their Church but their adventuring companions. They show disrespect to Kings and Pontiffs. Only the immediate associates have any real meaning to them. All others aren't even people.

Fracture: Fascinating.

Cassius: Yes, the adventurer....is pure destruction.

The Governor took his field post position then even as he watched them digging the dead out of the rubble. Cassius believed in an afterlife after the Wastes.....but few of his men did. It shook him that they'd not even remember him and company unless they lived on as ghosts....and ghosts were an even worst fate.

Those caught by the edges of the explosion would be permanently maimed and wounded if not for their Medic....who could truly work miracles.

Cassius: My salutations to Patch.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-15-07 06:21 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13075898) Cassius: …True Adventurers are nothing like normal, intelligent, rational beings.…

Bunny: Thank somebody for that.


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13075898) …they are incapable of normal rational human fear. They will gleefully run into places like the Mournlands or Droam to seek out riches and booty without a thought to their personal safety. Face down Daelkyr or Dragons like they are half-starved goblins.……They seem to live to fight. To grow stronger from their experiences by killing. Even those who profess a religious devotion are interested solely in genocide.……Believe me, they're incapable of discipline. Even the Holy Knights owe their primary loyalty not to their Church but their adventuring companions. They show disrespect to Kings and Pontiffs. Only the immediate associates have any real meaning to them. All others aren't even people.……Yes, the adventurer....is pure destruction.

Bunny: Actually thank me. :D

Lord Kale Fangblade 07-15-07 08:52 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Kael rose, placing his books in his belt poches.

Kael:" I suppose its my turn,

centuaries ago, there was a child. A child born of both living and dead, a child who had one foot in death and the other in life, a child who'd seen the afterlife and what it held for him. and would do anything to escape it. This child didnt have many friends, they found him... disturbing and morbid. but he did have one friend. and as they grew they became closer than that. and the child thought, perhaps foolishly, that he would be happy. that was until a spell gone wrong tore the Childs friend forever from his life. Marked with grief the child tried to bring back his friend, to tear her from the afterlife and back into the world. he studied the darker arts, using blood and bone and sacrifice to weave and create powerful spells. and then, when The Grey Realm drew close, The child began the dread ritual. tearing apart spirits and scattering blood to hold the spell in place. after twelve long hours the ritual worked, after a fashion. but instead of ressurecting his friend, the powers that be decided that a fitting punishment for damaging the natural order was to make sure he could never meet her again. They made it so he couldnt die. so that he could never feel rest, nor peace, even if his flesh was torn apart or he lay scattered in a thousand pieces.

To this day, they say that this Cursed Child, Part dead, part living, still walks unable to die despite horrific injuries. attempting to atone for his crimes and still searching for a way to free himself from the dread curse that holds him on this realm. "

Kael passed the fire, cuasing the flames to gutter.

Kael: Of course, this is but a story. Wether it is true or not.. thats for you to decide. now if you will excuse me, i'll turn in for the night.

and with that Kael disappeared upstairs, his steps as silent as an owls passing.

Kelly: Wow. thats creepy, the sqeaky floor board didnt even make a sound...

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-15-07 10:03 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Lord Kale Fangblade (Post 13077215) …but instead of ressurecting his friend, the powers that be decided that a fitting punishment for damaging the natural order was to make sure he could never meet her again. They made it so he couldnt die. so that he could never feel rest, nor peace, even if his flesh was torn apart or he lay scattered in a thousand pieces. …

Bunny: :OMG! What?! Who?! Someone name names so I can bust some heads!! :headexplo Though this is probably what I get for not having a health plan.

13: :D

Kamikaze Chicken 07-15-07 02:08 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

After dropping of fhis things in the ramshackle building he had been offered, Artifice found himself containing a free-range living fireball. Slightly singed, but all together fine he had made his way past a colonel-toting flagpole into the Boars head. he had sat through the diferent stories, and upon watching kael leave decided this might be his time.

Artifice: If were taking it in turns, i supose ill interject. Youll quickly find i have no secrets to protect. This life I live, is second to my first. but the fluid of my past, shall quench curiosities thirst.

I was born to a house of creation. Which would lead to my ruination. Both mother and father, by accident burned asunder. So now a shadow i lived under.

In their steps I began to follow, whilst in self pity i began to wallow. Then came the day I found my new path. Upon taking it, found my houses wrath.

Now here I toil, whilst the cainith do boil. And plot my demise, whith enraged cries.

Heretic! Abomination!, I shall suffer their condemnation. I gave them all, including my arm. :: as he speaks this line he unfurls part of his cape revealing the tied off sleeve of his left arm, the visual to show how he lost limb in the "accident":: and now they seek to do me harm.

I perfect my form, as i ride through the storm. In this keep I shall reside, and my time slowly, will bide.

Till iron perfection i shall attain, and my detractors I have slain. My body will fail in time im sure, But power I have found, and accept its lure.

Artifice seems to be grasping for his lame rymes now but finishes as best he can.::

Whilst I work, and work in this protective vale...., I ask you all to come visit my sale....::

at this he shamelessly drops a few "buisiness cards" slips of tin which have a scrolling illusion announcing his name, and the hours in which his shop will be open.::

Artifice: thank you, and goodnight

At that he swiftly left the inn cursing those stupid poetry lessons he tried to take when he was.... depressed, over the loss of his parents.


been too long since ive tried my hand at this, please give me soem time to get my skill back up to par ^^

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-15-07 02:57 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Kamikaze Chicken (Post 13079384)


been too long since ive tried my hand at this, please give me soem time to get my skill back up to par ^^

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

OOC: Heck, we're a living joke at this. You're doin' better'n we are.

Charles Phipps 07-15-07 04:02 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Don't worry Kamikaze Chicken, that was a very good bit that you did. Hopefully, the slightly recurring silly element that has not put you off. We're very glad to have you in this game.

I liked your story.


Cassius Du'Crion lied back and stared at the dark and terrible wasteful expanse that was just on the edge of the horizon. Many had their own theories about what the Mourning was and what it entailed. A House Cannith superweapon was one popular theory and had the nice dovetail that the Cyreans had brought it onto themselves, a sudden manifestation zone from Dolurrh of the like no one had ever seen before was another popular one, and there was also those who believed it had been an attack by the Aerenal or Dragons for whatever reason.

Thelia had once asked him "What do you believe the Mourning was?"

Cassius Du'Crion's answer had not pleased her. "I believe the Mourning was the judgement of the gods. That the worst and greatest battlefields of the Last War would be laid to waste for a people that could not solve their eternal conflict."

The men were still snickering around him about the flagpole incident even as Cassius allowed them too. It helped keep him seem like a harmless figure of fun and a friend despite his often dark moods. The Mourners hated him still for taking away their freedom and making them subjects. In time, their children would not dislike him though since he had a good century of life left.

Time to think what I want to do with this pesky immortal life, Cassius often wondered if death wouldn't be preferrable.

Cassius still had some of the chemical in him though and slowly drifted back to sleep despite his best efforts. His presence was reassuring to the men but the Warforged would never get over his 'meat' disabilities.

In his dreams though, he dreamt of the charge of his father into the enemy Cyreans on the back of a Nightmare.


Kaius: Weakling


Cassius: You have no power over me. The real King Kaius died a century ago as all mortal men do.

Kaius: Did I now? What a strange notion. One might think that you have not been paying attention. My reign is eternal. My children are the product of woman and darkness. All except you.....

The mighty King Kaius lifted his blade then and brought it up over his head.

Kaius: Which is why you must die.

Cassius reached for his blade then and brought it up against Soul Reaver, the King's Blade that had been bathed in the blood of countless victims. It was at this point that he awoke in the midst of a horde of spectral creatures.

Cassius: GHOSTS!

There was one thing that the walls of Caer Shadowfast could not guard against and that was the unholy ranks of the undead that had no body at all. They could simply stride through the walls like they did not exist. He could hear the chanting of black magic on the outside of the wall as some fell magician was trying to dispell the breach in the walls.

This is no ordinary attack. Cassius hissed as he blocked the mace of a dead Cyrean soldier's spirit with his shield. The blessed weapon as solid to them as any other. With a mighty blow, the noble swordsman then decapitated the spirit and sent it beyond the grave's edge.

The Warforged were not immune to necromantic assault even as one of his men cried out in agony at the terrible touch of a spirit drinking his life. Cassius shoved his blade through the throat of the apparation as its armor sunk to emptiness around it. The Mighty Warrior felt an icy cold blade jab into the black of his side even as he fell to his knees and struck a third in the stomach. It yowled in agony as he bisected it with his third blow.

"ALARM!" The mighty Karrn warrior shouted as he lifted the edge of his kite shield and jabbed it through the brain of one of the end.

It horrified him that this was the most alive he'd felt in weeks.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-15-07 04:05 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Nice, Kamikaze. It may not be the best poem ever, but it's way better than I could do since I ignored my Perform (Poetry/Rhyme) skill in favor of my Perform (Unnecessarily Dramatic Scene) skill. :D

EDIT: *looks at above post* Drat. Oh, well. Assume this happens before the attack.


Gortuck: *sits at the bar* Lovely evening, isn't it?

Kelly: Ah, Sherlok! Jus' th' man ah been wantin' ta see. Got me a nice little tidbit if'n yer interested.

Gortuck: As always. *tosses her a gold piece*

Kelly: Much obliged, hun. *looks about, then leans in and whispers* Word is that th' Blood Claws came across somethin' quite interesting. A wrecked vessel o' tha Khraal Lords. They scavenged a pretty penny's worth ah stolen trade goods 'n Cyrean relics from it. Thing is-

Gortuck: -the pirates found out and went after them.

Kelly: You bet yer pretty little head they did. Slaughtered most of 'em, 'n th' rest fled. A few managed ta slip inta a certain outpost thanks ta the commotion earlier.

Gortuck: Does Mr. Cranky know?

Kelly: Cass were the first ah told, but not about tha stuff they brought. *winks* That's Scaverger territory.

Gortuck: Any names?

Kelly: Fella named Bern 's the leader. 'oled up in the Thieves Guild.

Gortuck: I don't suppose you have anything specific on their cargo?

Kelly: Sorry, hun. Might wanna try th' tavern near th' Enclave.

Gortuck: *stands* You're a doll, Kelly.

Kelly: :D Ah know it.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-15-07 04:28 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Bunny: Fireballs and now ghosts? Can't these people get attacked by a proper monster.

Silver: They're dying. What more do you want?

Bunny: In this case I'd like it if it didn't involve people who were supposed to be dead.

Silver: Huh. I was kinda under the impression that you didn't take an interest in undead that didn't involve a body.

Bunny: That's why souls are such a pain: they make it bloody difficult to precisely define "dead". 'Scuse me, gotta go to work.

Lord Kale Fangblade 07-15-07 04:50 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


The Call tore Kael from his meditation, Kael rose, still dressed in full armour and clothing. With a swift motion he donned his cloak, wrapping it around him like a shroud.

Kael summoned up his will, and with a brief incantation he did a brief Teleport to outside the tavern. Kael glanced at the unholy creatures that were assaulting Caer Shadowfast. and drew Kerokash, his Elegant Hand and a half sword. with a flick gesture of his hand, a wand dropped from the sheath in his sleeve and into his empty left palm.

Kael: Tiaal cael!

A bolt of blue energy launched from Kael's pointing sword and crashed into one of the assualting spirits destroying it. Kael ghosted swiftly over the ground to the nearest group of Spirits, Kerokash sliced through them effecting them as if it were a real sword. slicing through ghostly flesh and armour as if cutting through parchment. From his wand, point blank bolts of force slamned into the ghosts, either disappating them all by itself or weakening them to be finished of by Kael's sword.

Kael's lip twitched in a smile as looks of shock passed through the Ghosts faces. their touch had no effect on him. and with each passing second, Kael found himself growing stronger in the precence of these undead, his heart was beating faster, adranaline flowed through him. and the dark hunger intesified.

Cassius felt a chill wind flow over him as the White haired Magehound rounded a corner and approached the battle at the gatehouse. he seemed... different somehow, more alive. even though his apperance hadnt changed at all, and his face was still a cold mask. his black cloak fluttered stirred in a strong otherwordly breeze, as did the rest of his clothing and his sword, the edges of its blade glowing with a pale blue light, Scythed through the ghosts he fought with ease.

Crystalforged 07-15-07 05:37 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Fracture was just in the process of getting himself settled in the tavern when the alarm calls out for the second time that evening.

Fracture: (stepping out of a corner) Guess its time to go to work again.

As he steps outside just behind Kael he concentrates for a moment and another massive astral construct materializes in front of him. This one however has a hunched form and great silvery wings gracing its back. As it appears Fracture hops onto its back and the construct takes to the skies soaring quickly in the direction of the north gate. Below he can see the ghosts closing in on his troops as well as a robed figure making complex guestures in the direction of the barricade.

Fracture: Hmph, I don't like people messing with my work.

Fracture begins concentrating again and as below the figure finishes his incantation, the barricade dissapears in a sheen of ectoplasm. However at the same moment a new astral construct materializes in front of the figure. If Fracture was capable of it he would have smiled at the wizard's look of shock as the construct slammed him with its fists, knocking him off his feet. Instead Fracture ordered his mount to dive towards the courtyard.

As it raked through one of the ghosts Fracture leapt off, leaving the construct to continue the attack on its own. As he rose, slightly battered, a trio ghosts began closing on him.

Fracture: Why do they always have to attack during the story hour? Its a prime time to study what makes one become an adventure and possible origins of the traits.

Not letting his musings distract him, Fracture buffets two of the ghosts with blasts of force but the third slips past, slipping a hand colder than ice deep into Fracture's chest. Fracture jerks slightly but shows no other outward signs of pain. In truth however the blow has left him barely standing. Fracture backs towards a wall, limping slightly as the ghost closes in to finish the job. Before it has a chance however Fracture's first astral construct swoops down, driving the ghost into the ground and ripping it to shreds. Fracture leans agains a wall for a moment, concentrating, until a rosey glow envelopes his hand which he slaps to his own chest. He steps away from the wall, popping a couple of joints experimentally as he does.

Fracture: Good as new, or at least as close as I'm going to get for the moment. (notices a new wave of ghosts coming in his direction) I hate the dead almost as much as the living.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-15-07 05:41 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ari and Reade peek out from the Boar's Head to see what all the commotion is about.

They spot the ghosts.

They exchange a glance.

Reade: Nothing of interest out here.

Ari: Nope. Quiet as a grave. We'd better go back in and liven things up a bit.

Charles Phipps 07-15-07 06:14 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: I'm rather fond of the Forces Theme. I was listening to it as the battle progressed.


Berserk largely inspired this version of Eberron.


Outside the Wall

The figure on the other side of the wall was a sight that was known to only those who had familiarity with the dreadmost aspects of the occult. The figure wore a large goat headed mask over his long purple robes while holding a staff of blackened ash with a malformed human skull tipped on the edge with red rubies covering it.

The figure muttered in Thranish as it kept its hands free.

"Morir es venir. Morir es vivir," the figure muttered.

[To live is to die. To die is to live.]

"Es hora de rezar," it jabbed down its staff in front of itself as he clasped his hands together.

[Now is the time to pray.]

That was when it was slammed in the face by an astral construct riding warforged.

"¿Qué carajo estás haciendo aquí? ¡Lárgate cabrón!" The figure struggled with the monstrous creature assaulting him.

[What the :censored: are you doing here? Get the :censored: outta here, mother :censored:!]

Unfortunately, the gate was still down and that left it open for the next phase of the small army that had been assembled by the Priest of the Dragon Below. Where there was nearly some twenty five specters assaulting them, these looked to be nearly a hundred zombies. Their faces rotted and wielding primitive tools.

"Bendecido sea Orkus!" Only when they shouted this out when they went for throats hissing and screaming with speed did the walls realize that they were not zombies at all.

They were human beings that had their flesh rotted away by some kind of nightmarish leprosey.

"GET THE ARCHERS ALONG THE WALL!" The Colonel had been wounded in several places even as he wished for a wizard or a true priest right now. "Don't let the ghosts get into the village or we'll face an entire army of them if they start killing the living with their touch!"

Though weakened by the touch of the ghosts, the Captain was obviously trained in the Rekkanmark blademaster's style. Focusing his attacks on the more powerful of the opponents as he sought to allow his troopers to regroup behind him and focus their attacks on the living foes before them.

And yet I'm doing nothing compared to this stranger He watched Kael dispatch spirit after spirit with a kind of gleeful sadism.

Magical weapons were in short supply, even in a place as overloaded with them as the Caer Shadowfast. The ghosts could not be harmed by anything else. The Colonel fully believed that if not for the sudden appearance of the mysterious Kael, they would probably have lost the fortress.

They still might.

What are they after?

A nearby Barn

A little shifter girl about twelve years old with silver hair huddles in the straw as the battle goes on outside, the little thief had the power to pass through walls and it had only resulted in them chasing her further across the horrors she'd faced.

"Plata Fuego proteja yo!" the little girl muttered as she held the glowing crystal skull under the folds of her peasant attire.

[Silver Fire Protect me!]

The skull glowed malevolently even as she knew the enemy would never give up their quest for it.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-15-07 06:42 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Hey, we get juiced by the music too, but we don't know any way to create a character within the rules that could join in.

Charles Phipps 07-15-07 07:01 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw (Post 13082014) OOC: Hey, we get juiced by the music too, but we don't know any way to create a character within the rules that could join in.

You can't create a character within 10 levels?

OOCat: No, not really.


Or in the standard races.

OOCat: We have our standards.


Okay, well send me a PM about what sort of character you'd like to run and I'll invariably approve it.

But yeah, basically this is just to reinforce that Eberron is not a land where demons are regular or something to dismiss. Even a regular fireball is a terrifying experience like an artillery shell going off.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-15-07 07:08 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The hair on the Colonel's neck stood on end, the air tingling just as a Lightning Bolt flew past him. It struck dead center of one of the lines, passing through the first diseased attacker to hit at least half a dozen more. The fact that they froze in place clued him in to who had thrown it.

Cassius: It's about time!

Lindsey: Sorry! Running isn't my specialty.

She lobbed a Fireball towards a group of spectres, their gostly forms crashing to the ground as ice enveloped them as well.

Cassius: (i.h.h.) Usually creeps me out that even her fire spells freeze, but I'm not arguing now...

A swarm of bats swooped down upon more of the diseased humans, hampering their movement and aiding the archers in picking them off.

Benjamin: Booyah!

Gerald: Not the time, Ben!

Pulling out his Scimitar and Kunai, Gerald leapt into the fray beside Cassius, followed by Zeke and his Warhammer, defending the Colonel from the diseased humans as he took on more of the spectres. (OOC: they have magic weapons, just not holy ones at the moment)

A series of crashes signaled the destruction of several frozen corpses, Thelia just barely visible at times as she flitted about through the plentiful shadows.

Koram: Ach, lad. Looks like ye got yerself in a might hefty pickle here!

Cassius: Speak Common or start killing!

Koram: Ye dinnae have ta yell... *pulls out a Wand of Fireballs*

Crystalforged 07-15-07 07:27 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

EDIT: Hm, bad timing. Kaizer posted while I was typing. (shrug) Well we never worried much about continuity before...

As the ghosts close on Fracture his plating begins to glow, first red and then white hot. Without warning this heat suddenly expands outwards, incenerating the ghosts. One or two avoid the blast but they are quickly set upon by the astral construct.


Nearly two dozen warforged disengage to gather at Fracture's position including a pair of juggernauts which flank him like bodygaurds. Fracture makes a motion with his hand and the entire unit charges to where Cassius is still fighting ghosts. The warforged roll over the remaining specters harrassing the Colonel as Fracture moves along side Cassius.

Fracture: How is that frail fleshy shell of yours holding up sir?

Cassius: (clutching a stich in his side) :rolleyes: Well enough captain. Strange you should mention it considering your own body didn't seem to be in the best shape a minute ago.

Fracture: (still completely emotionless) Perhaps you also need to have your meatbag eyes examined as well sir.

Cassius: *sigh* (sounding tired) Perhaps.

Fracture: (turning back to the warforged) Alright, the twins (motioning towards the pair of juggernauts) will try to clean up up the ghosts, they're immune to the worst of their effects, the rest of you form up at the north gate. (with a hint of a smile in his voice) I'll provide reinforcements. MOVE OUT!

The warforged move towards their directed positions while Fracture once begins to concentrate. A new astral construct appears in the middle of the gate, this one squat and broad with armor like carapace and broad arms.

rampant 07-15-07 07:39 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The mage had found an out of the way nook to regroup and direct the assault from after getting away from the damned constructs.

Twig Snap

Mage - ?Como? - uuuuuuhhhhhh

Brella - If you don't speak common, you are about to die.

Mage - ...

Brella - Goodbye

With that the Half-orc brings her foot down on the Mages with the robed human's bones audibly cracking. She then pivots and ducks in the same motion, further damaging the humans foot, and as she rises brings her palm up with such force that it rips the mage's head clear off.

Brella - Ok now where are the rest of the buggers. Mages are like roaches, every time you kill one there's 25 more with wands aimed.

Demonfey 07-15-07 09:16 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

While mending the fallen from before, a ghost passes through a wall-right into Patch's line of sight. This is a bad move, as is readily made apparent by the beam of holy radiance that comes from behind one of his many plates-one that seems to form the symbol of the Sovereign Host. The undead soul screeches, and flies away as fast as it can. He calls over a humunculus while looking at the wounded before writing Patch: Stay here. Your wounds are still too severe to go into the front line. He opens a drawer, rummages around, and pulls out what seems to be a number of old wands, before heading out to help lay the poor souls to rest.

Charles Phipps 07-16-07 12:21 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Actually, both are perfectly canon. It was a LOT of ghosts after all.

Oh and my favorite version of Berserk. Sadly, the video obviously doesn't fit unless you like firedancing.


The Wall

Cassius Du'Crion stabbed one of the enemy zombies in the chest as it hissed and spit, dropping it's weapon.

"¡Te voy a matar!" The monster spit in Thranish.

[I’m going to kill you!]

....right before Cassius decapitated him in one blow.

Fracture stared at the handiwork as he said "Humans do seem to talk a great deal in battle don't they?"

"¡Cogedlo! ¡Agárrelo! Mueren! Mueren! Meuren!" A group of the meat zombies then lept onto the Warforged.

[Get him! Get him! DIE! DIE! DIE!]

Fracture causally tossed them off as he waded through them with his mace. "How do you say 'Imbecile, I want to kill you'?"

Cassius jabbed his boot dagger into the chest of one after being knocked down by another. "¡Imbécil, quiero matar!"

Fracture nodded before saying "What he said!"

The Warforged causally crushing a human's skull in one of his gigantic hands.

"What I dislike most about it...is the mess," Fracture said coldly.

The Karrnath soldiery finally got to joining their warforged associates then as the Archers had crossbows for closs range combat and began unleashing a hail of them into the enemies as the ghosts had largely been laid low by the combination of spells and warforged superiority to human flesh. The plague ridden human beings were largely struck by oil covered bolts even as they had been engraved with an adept's spell that triggered a small flame. The night sky lit up with the burning Dragon Below cultists even as the regular militia came rushing in with shields and spears to start forcing the remainder of the attackers outwards.

"Wir sind die Sieger!" Cassius spit down in Karrnath as he was suffering from numerous cuts, a stabbing, and a cracked rib.

[We are the Champions!]

Patch said "You need medical attention sir."

Cassius nodded "Yes. But there's others hurt worse than me."

Patch said "With all due respect. We can be repaired. Stronger, faster, smarter. Humans are not so easily mended."

Cassius said "Good point. How many did we lose?"

The barrier was once more erected.

Fracture said "Six meat. Three of our units have been smashed....beyond repair. Six need to be reactivated."

"Who were these?" Nathan had come back, his dagger wet with blood from stabbing a plague cultist.

Cassius looked at them. "I think we may have found our bandits operating in the area...."

Nathan looked at them "Thranish bandits?"

Cassius looked down at the vomit looking men covered in hideous plague boils and deformities. Most of them were wearing monks habits, prayer crosses, and a few armed with the Silver Blade of Tira Mirron that was erected in cross like formation. "No, I don't think they were bandits originally. Which makes this that much worse."

He lifted up one of the desicrated silver holy symbols. Now dedicated to one of the Demon Princes that dwelled beneath Khyber's borders. "The power of evil in the Mournland has learned to spread its will beyond its normal borders."

He shook his head.

Outside Boar's Head

The silver headed girl ran through the alleys as she struggled to move against the terrible feeling of evil that still clung to the air. That was when she blinked and slammed into the folds of a young woman's skirt, a beautiful one with yellow eyes and a dancer's figure. She wore carnival like attire that was common to many Shifter caravans that chose a life that was itnerant rather than face the prejudice of many human beings.

"Hello little girl," The woman looked down at her in shock. Surprised to see a little shapeshifter like herself, especially wearing Thranish peasant girl dress. There was something also familiar about the girl with Longstrider blood that made her seem so inoffensive and herbavore like.

"Perdon," The little girl said.

[Pardon me.]

She was about to run even as she saw the other end of the alley held a much more intimidating looking man. "Ah, Thelia, how amusing. You seem to have managed to pick up yet another annoying guttersnape. I was amused when Mistress Kelly created your little band of mercenaries and professional looters. Perhaps you'll find some work for this little one before she ends up in a brothel. I understand the half-orcs love shifter girls."

Gihren was an unfortunate part of doing business in Caer Shadowfast.

Thelia glared daggers at him. Then looked down at the little girl clutching a crystal object of some kind. "What's your name?"

"Marie," The little girl knew that much Common.

Gihren said "I'm surprised you're not out there fighting the horde. The creatures of the Mourning are your speciality."

Thelia frowned. "My only business is scavenging. What my team does in the meantime is none of my affair."

Gihren chuckled and said "You should consider my offer. Support me in becoming Lord of the Manor. After an attack like this, Cassius is going to board up scavenging for weeks probably in the interests of public safety. The object?"

He extended his hand.

Thelia removed a locket she'd smuggled in and handed it over to Gihren....almost. "When you have what I want."

Gihren smiled and pulled out a scrollcase as he offered it to her. The two exchanging their evil treasures.


Brella could swear the Priest of Orkus on the ground's head was smiling. His face half eaten away like the others underneath his huge goat mask.

"¡Te jodiste!"

It spoke before going 'dead' despite being decapitated.

[You're :censored:]

Ultimatecalibur 07-16-07 01:51 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan: Ghosts... this is not good at all.

After entering the well kept 3 story building that was the Mournlands Research Library, Ryan bolts upto the 2nd story and unlocks a display case containing a variety of dragonshards.

Ryan: These should help.

He then scoopes up 3 shards from the case and rushes back outside, only slowing down to grab a cane out of the umbrella stand by the front door.


Moments later, Ryan advances toward the Colonel's position, return incorpreal spirits to Dolurrh with every dissecting slice of his swordcane.

Ryan: Colonel, These should help with the ghost problem. Use them as you will.

Tossing the Colonel 2 shards.

OOC: The shards are 3 Truedeath weapon augmentation crystals.

Paulon 07-16-07 03:22 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

In the cover of an alleyway with a view of the now ended conflict, a wooden wand is lowered. Skillfully carved into the likeness of a viper, the wand had spat magic missiles into the attackers. The young woman holding it takes a deep breath. A familiar stuffy feeling fills her throat, and she quickly reaches for a hip flask. She grimaces at the taste, but the itching in her nose and throat subsides. "Try to get a decent drink, and look what happens. I might as well just head back home." She weighs the flask in her hand, gauging the amount of contents before she returns it to her pocket. She looks into the shadows of the alleyway behind her. "Clangor, come." As she walks off, a small construct resembling a wolf made from metal comes out of the shadows where it had been lurking to watch her back and follows.

Kirielle d'Vidalis ('Kiri'), Human Female, Artificer 7

A tall young woman, roughly 20 years old, with brown eyes and brown hair cut short. She normally wears greens or browns. She is reserved, and a trifle shy.

Kirielle is a scion of House Vidalis. Her personal view of her relationship with the family is that she is an embarrassment to the House, and she has left to make her own life. She makes sure that her family know she is alive and well, and certainly feels no hostility towards other members of House Vidalis, but she limits her contacts with them, and, given her reasons, the House as a group respects her wishes.

House Vidalis bears the Mark of Handling. Caring for and breeding animals is in their blood. Kirielle was expected to follow in the family trade, but from a young age it was apparent that this was not likely to happen. She is violently allergic to nearly all animals. In the cradle she sneezed around cats and dogs, and as she grew older, the reaction became more and more violent. By adolescence, mere proximity to animals could leave her choking for breath, while being near people who had contact with animals left her coughing painfully. The best that House Jorasco healers could do for her was to provide a herbal remedy that suppressed the most dangerous symptoms, limiting her reaction to 'just' painful coughing and sneezing. To add insult to injury done to her by life, she has manifested a least dragonmark, granting her power to calm animals. Unfortunately she can't approach close enough to use it without a coughing fit.

The result of her affliction was that while Kirielle did well at theoretical studies in the House business, her mastery of the more practical beasthandling skills expected of a scion of House Vidalis was non-existent. And since even too much proximity to those who worked with animals could become painful and debilitating, it became clear in her own mind that Kirielle would be best off finding a different path. She chose to become an artificer, and to travel. Eventually she ended up at Caer Shadowfast, where she has rented a workshop, and makes a living both as a tinker and by selling potions she brews to adventurers. She has accompanied groups into the Mournland on occasion, but doesn't trust most of the parties foolish enough to head into the wasteland in search of loot. She is something of an artist, and items she crafts usually have an animal motif. This is exemplified by her homunculus iron defender, which is sculpted to resemble a miniature wolf made of steel. She calls it Clangor.

While she has been travelling under her real name and the records in Caer Shadowfast record her identity and House affiliation, Kirielle is generally just known as 'Kiri' to the locals. She is noted for being a trifle short with druids and rangers - most people attribute this to some sort of hostility, rather than the real reasons, the reminder they pose to her of what she would have preferred her life to be like, and the risk that she might wind up choking from her allergies to animal companions if she spends too long in their company.

Charles Phipps 07-16-07 03:34 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Nice new characters you two!

I already like Kiri a great deal. The whole idea of a member of the Breeding house being allergic to animals is just hilarious.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-16-07 08:01 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

As he takes a rest to be healed, Cassius sees Ari and Reade stepping cauciously among the dead and not-dead bodies of the battlefield. He was actually glad to see the two, both because their comedy lifted torn spirits and because simply being near Ari actually made people feel better. Physically. However he didn't want others to get the wrong ideas about service to the need of battle, so he could never express more than a reluctant gratitude.

Cassius: I see you two finally decided to crawl out from your little rathole.

Ari: We're ineffective in a fight, you know that.

Cassius: Then take up some training!

Ari: We've thought about it, but we do have other considerations to think of as well.

Cassius: Bah! You two are just clowns masquerading as priests.

Ari looks up from where he and Reade were arranging one of the fallen into a more peaceful expression.

Ari: Isn't that what being a priest means?

ratslinky 07-16-07 08:22 AM

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Crystalforged 07-16-07 12:43 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Fracture was still standing on the battlefield where the dead and dying still groan. He's nursing his left arm where one of the cultists had managed to take a good sized chunk out of it with a hand ax. Grey fluid still leaked from the wound but considering that he'd managed to rip out the speen of the offending cultist and stuff it down his throat he probably hadn't gotten the worst out of the deal. The wound had however put him in an even surlier mood than normal.

Fracture: Pike, Spike, get your shiney metal backsides over here!

The two juggernauts which had flanked Fracture during the battle clank over to their commander's side. Both look a little worse for wear but were still in good shape. The stoped in front of Fracture and stood at attention looking slightly comical considering both of them towered a least a foot over him.

Pike: Captain, if I may inquire, why have you refrained from repairing your arm?

Fracture: My power's not quite tapped out yet but it's closer than I like. I wounldn't be surprised if the blasted meatsacks try another attack before the night is through and I want to have as much in reserve as possible. I'll have Patch look at my arm when he's done with the other wounded.

Spike: I see sir.

Fracture: Now that we're done prattling I want all our injured brought to Patch immediately. Anyone who's still good for another round is to stand guard here. I want our best scouts patrolling the walls, the north gate is our biggest weakness right now but they might try something tricky and come through somewhere else while our troops are massed here. When thats done rally the remaining troops. I'm going to errect another barricade and then I'll be with Cassius. Is that clear?

Pike and Spike: Yes sir!

OOC: Character descriptions for pike and spike after I get off work.

Crystalforged 07-16-07 07:36 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Pike LN Warblade 5/Warforged Juggernaut 2 (specializes in White Raven Manuevers)

Spike LN Warblade 5/Warforged Juggernaut 2 (Specializing in Stone Dragon Manuevers)

Pike and Spike are Fracture's lieutenants, he often delegates comand of the Iron Band (the warforged unit) to them whenever he makes his mysterious disappearences.

The most notable feature of these warforged is that they are identical, to the point where they are commonly refered to as "the twins". Pike and Spike were created in the same creation forge right after each other, they were trained together in the arts of the warblade, and they served together in the armies of Cyre. Often the only way they can be told apart is by their choice in weaponry. Pike, as the name implies, favors polearms with his favorite being the halberd. Spike on the other hand lugs around an iron-shod club thats nearly as tall as he is with cruely barbed spikes embeded around its tip. They occasionally use this fact to their advantage by trading weapons, pulling practical jokes on their allies and confusing their enemies.

In combat each of the twins is an accomplished warrior in their own right but their greatest strength comes when they are fighting a foe in tandem where they have carefully coordinated their fighting styles with each other as well as developed several specific tactics. One of their favorite tactics is for Pike to circle around into a flanking position and then sweep out the feet of their foe with his halberd. Then Spike quickly drops the foe for good with a crushing blow from his spiked maul.

Outside of combat Pike and Spike spend most of their time seeing to the training of the Iron Band. While Fracture may be the source of the tactical genius of the warforged at Caer Shadowfast, the twins are responsible for turing each and every soldier into walking killing machine in their own right. In fact they have been so successful Cassius once assigned the twins to train a group of his humanoid soldiers to see if he could replicate the success of the Iron Band.

This was a complete failure.

By the end of a week half the soldiers had suffered nervous breakdowns while the other half was in intensive care thanks to the twin's merciless training regime. It did serve to improve discipline within the ranks however since few soldiers are willing to slack off at their posts if they know it will mean a fortnight with the twins learning the true meaning of the word "discipline".

In terms of personality both twins, like the rest of the Iron Band, share their commander's view of humanity to one extent or another. In the twins case they are not as openly contemptuous of breathers as Fracture is but they still see themselves as superior to the average meatsack. Of the two, Pike tends to be calmer and more level-headed, always examining the situation before deciding on an course of action. He often has bouts of introspection examining with actions in his mind, trying to decide how they might be improved. He also favors careful tactics in combat, tripping, disarming, and otherwise disabling his foes before going in for the kill. On the other hand he is sometimes slowe to react to a threat. Spike is the more impulsive and hotheaded of the twins, tending to act first and ask questions later (if ever). He also shows a bit more competitiveness and bloodlust than Pike. In combat he favors charges, bullrushes, sudden, powerful strikes that eliminate a foe quickly. Unfortunately he sometimes rushes into situations that are over his head without thinking.

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