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Charles Phipps 07-16-07 07:58 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Cassius: Well in any case, we managed to drive them back. It appears the rumors that the Dragon Below have been operating in the Mournland in greater numbers than initially expected are true.

Nathan: Wow, what a deduction.

Cassius: Nathan, does the Colonel have to choke a :censored:?

Nathan: Errrr....nevermind sir.

Cassius: Frankly, this was not a small attack either. A horde of ghosts, nearly a hundred.....things, and a mage of no small power. It was also animating the bodies when they died.

Fracture: An only sensible maneuver to maximize the potential of meat use.

Nathan: What I don't get is why those leprosey ridden acted like they were seasoned warriors. One of them was in his seventies. Shouldn't being sick make them LESS agile?

Ari walked over and poked one of the bodies on the ground, even as it hissed and slithered with some kind of insectizoid thing crawling out of its skull's corpse. The monstrous thing opened its mouth and letting out an inhuman screach.

Cassius: Fracture, I think it would be a very good idea to burn the bodies.

Fracture: I agree.

  • The Warforged stomped on the alien parasite*

Ari: Well, I guess we're not going to be doing much back at the tavern.

Patch and a few other troopers with minor medical ability added their skill towards the healing arts then.

Read: Maybe we should tell you some priesty business!

Ari: Or we can move story hour out here!

Cassius: Provided the drinks don't flow out of me, I could definitely use some. Besides, I'm interested in hearing your story Fracture. Your not one of my original men though you bear the respect of every Forged in the city.

  • he pauses*

Cassius: Well except Twister. He doesn't like anybody.

Boar's Head Tavern

Twister, the Warforged Bartender: Yeah, he can kiss my wooden and naturally platemail covered ass!

Kamikaze Chicken 07-16-07 09:11 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Artifice had been doing what he could to keep the... attackers from his small corner of the keep. HIs experiment would be greatly altered if negative energy was to contaminate his lab.

As he fought his way through the straglers towards the end of the battle he found himself near the Boars head again, specificly he saw thelia, and another smaller shifter standing in the dark. He instinctivly walked towards the girl.

[Artifice: What do you have with you child?

Marie: ......

Artifice grumbled softly before producing a small black cloth, wrapping arund his face like a scarf covering his mouth and he spoke again.

Artifice: ¿qué usted tiene con usted niña?

Marie: Looking slightly surpised and alarmed:: "Nada.... nada a todo"

Artifice: "Qué usted oculta de vista, mi instinto puede detectar. Ahora dígame cuáles es" [What you hide from sight, my instinct can sense. Now tell me what it is]

Marie: ::looking terrified and clinging to Thelia:: "¡Déjeme solo, haga que él me deja solo!" [Leave me alone, make him leave me alone!]

Thelia would look quizically from the girl to the man, then back and see the distres sin her eyes. "Sir.. leave... Ill handle the girl....."

Artifice would remove his mask of tongues before speaking in common once more. "Very well, but know that this will be in my weekly report to the Colonel." he would turn, his cape falling away from his left side revealing a glint of red tinted mithral before he gathered his cloak up again. "What ever it is that she is holding..... may very well be a problem for us all. DO as you see fit." He would then look over his shoulder to the girl and lock eyes with her, pity and understanding in his eyes. He would hold the cloth over his mouth for one last parting comment. "Usted haría bien, no incomodarme." [You would do well, not to inconvenience me.] And with that he would head off towards his Laboratory.

--- ooc ---

OOC:chicken:: I like using spanish for Thranish... hadn't thought of that myself... seems fitting.

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-16-07 10:01 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Thelia's home was relatively simple considering how much she made in the Scavenging trade. A few of her recoveries hung on the walls around the shelves and shelves of books she'd found or bought. Weapons she either kept for sentimental value or emergencies, maps of Mournland locations she had visited with overlays of pre-Mourning Cyre, a wide assortment of outfits hung in her closet, and a small dancers outfit encased in glass, among other things.

Overall, it more of a storage area than a living space. The bed was rarely used for sleeping, but the silk covers and intricatly designed frame showed she used this place as a form of subtle suggestion to some of her clients. She'd known a man's touch before, but not since moving here, and her profession left little room for romance. It was merely a ruse, like her outfits, to place that small, distracting voice known as the sex drive in the heads of males she wanted information or favors from.

All of this was, of course, lost on Marie. Unsure of where else to take her, Thelia had brought her here to avoid the commotion of reinforcing the damaged fort. The girl was at first unsure of this woman's fox-like visage and aloof tone, but being around another Shifter calmed her nerves slightly.

Rummaging through her collections of books, she finally found her Common <-> Thranish translation guide.

Thelia: Allright, little Bunny-girl, let's see if we can't get some answers out of you. (i.h.h.: Like why you wear Thranish clothes, speak nothing but Thranish, seem to worship the Silver Flame, but aren't a blood spatter or ash pile on some church floor being called an abomination by your murderers.)

rampant 07-16-07 10:25 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Fracture - Brella what are you doing?

Brella - Colnel Duck is in for it.

Fracture - If you dislike him so much why not simply kill him?

Brella - Because its not about dislike. Its about Having too much free time. A girl's gotta have hobbies.

Fracture what does that have to do with the mage's mask?

Brella - I'm gonna set it on a pole rigged to his door. When he opens the door the pole pops up with the mask on it, and Colnel Duck jumps out of his skin.

Fracture - That i'd like to see.

Crystalforged 07-16-07 10:54 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Within half an hour all the importent facets of the Boar's Head had been transported to the courtyard outside the north gate. Patrons carried chairs and mugs while Kelly brought her cashpurse and crossbow to ensure the patrons paid. The twins had even volunteered to help with Pike hauling the bar with the help of another member of the Iron Band while Spike knocked Twister unconscious so he would stop his *****ing before slinging the barkeep over one shoulder while carrying a keg under the other. Twister had been brought around again and one of the mages in attendance had conjured up a small campfire to replace the tavern fireplace. Fracture stands like a statue at the edge of the firelight.

Cassius: Well Fracture, why don't you go then. (holds out a glass of liquer)

Fracture: If you insist. (takes the glass and sniffs it) I have never seen the attraction fleshies have to this intoxicant. Ah well, a question for another day.

Fracture tosses the drink, still in its glass, into the fire. Instead of a flash of flames the fire flashes blue and the glass frosts over before shattering on the ground. The liquid simple pools at the base of the fire before freezing solid.

Cassius: Alright, who let Kiri make the bonfire?

Fracture: It doesn't matter. It was a tradition of no real importance. I shall continue. (the glow of his eyes dims for a moment) The best place to begins would be with my awakening. My first memories are of awakening alone, lying on my back in a gray wasteland surrounded by giant crystals. I later learned this was the crystal plateu of the Mournlands. How I got there I have no idea. Nor do I know who I was before then or even if I existed at all before I awakened. I do not even know when I awakend for there is no day or night within the mournlands.

As I sat there taking stock of myself a crystaline beast came wandering out the glass fields. As the creature moved to attack I acted out of instinct, reaching inside my mind and calling forth a creature from my minds eye, an astral construct to defend me. That was the moment I first discovered my powers.

Knowing nothing of the world I lived in I thought it best to learn more about the world before I decided what to do next. I wandered the mournlands for an indeterminable period of time, honing my powers as I did so and using them to defend myself against the creatures which wandered that place. Eventually I came to a wall of grey mist, not knowing what else to do I pased through them and entered into a world entirely different from what I had known. Everything was green and the skies overhead were blue and lit with a blinding orb. I later learned that I was in Thrane. The first thing that attracted my attention was an oddly arranged grouping of stones, that I realize now was a town. When I entered I found myself surrounded by soft, pink creatures. I prepared for them to attack as the creatures within the mists invariably did but the attack did not come. Instead one of the creatures began making noises, something within me recognized this as speaking and it was then I realized that I could speak as well.

A pink creature that was larger than the others asked me, "what is your name?"

I replied, "What is a name?"

The creature looked confused but rather than answer he asked, "Who do you belong to?"

Growing more confused I answered, "I belong to no one."

The pink creatures mumbled among themselves for some time before a pair of them lead me away and unsure what to do I allowed them to. They enclosed me in wooden box. I sat in the box for a long time, trying to decide what to do next. At some point I felt the box move and when it stopped someone pulled open the lid and let me out. It was another pink creature.

When this one spoke he said that I was going to work for him building a church. I asked him what a church was he told me I didn't need to know and told me to go quarry stone stone with the rest of the warforged. I was going to ask what a warforged was but then I saw what he was pointing at. There was a group of creatures that looked like me, well except of the crystals. I realized a warforged must be creatures like me. So I walked over to the where the other warforged were. That is when I met Granite. He was an older looking warforged who had clearly seen a great deal of wear and tear.

As I approached the warforged Granite came up to me and asked me what my name was. I replied I did not know. He asked me where I came from and I described it for him. He nodded at this and said he had seen it before. He told me that I was not to worry and that he would explain everything to me.

From that day on I worked, ocassionally the humans, I knew that was what the pink creatures were now, allowed us to rest but through it all I talked to Granite. He explained everything to me about the world I lived in and how that world functioned. I slowly came to understand who I was though I still did not know what my purpose might be. I also watched the beings around me.

I watched my comrades, they worked endlessly, never complaining, never requiring sustancence or rest. The humans who oversaw us however were anything but. They were lazy, doing no work themselve and falling asleep at their posts. Always eating gluttenously or complaining about the lack of food. Their bodies of flesh and bone shattering under the slightest blow.

Enentually one day word reached me that there had been an accident, one of the human architects had made a mistake in his design and a stone pillare in the church had collapsed. The warforged were told to go clean up the rubble. When I arrived I shifted away a bit of the pillar and found Granite underneath it. He had been crushed beyond any hope of repair. One of the humans came by then and saw Granite's body. He told me to haul it outside and toss it on the refuse heap.

It was then I knew. I had nothing left I could learn in this place and this was not my purpose. I called upon my powers then, I had not used them since I had left the mists you see, and called forth creatures of my mind, of my anger. I walked away from the ruins of that church an hour later. I thought the fallen church would serve as and adequate burial for Granite. I did not know for sure since there were no humans left to ask by then.

I headed back into the mournlands then, for by this point I had hear of the Lord of Blade and of his call to all warforged. I wanted to see the truth of this Lord of Blades and to see if he had the same dreams as I for by this point I had started to realize my purpose.

However the stars grow dim and the horizon grows light as my tale grows long so perhaps that is tale best left to another night. (draws back into the shadows)

Kamikaze Chicken 07-16-07 11:03 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Artifice hedged his way back into the crowd seating himself some distance from the fire, but close enough to hear fractures story. It was interesting to note another sought the Lord of Blades with curiosity as he did.

Artifice: Another night, you say. When can we ask this other night of you?

Fracture: Breathers ask nothing of me.

Artifice: Very well then. I'll simply wait for your whim then.

Artifice turned his face from Fracture concerned for his chances at making contact now. Either way things tended to work in time.

As the night waned a bit more Artifice occupied imself at a portable work station his tinkering causing little noise, though the arachnid shape of his newest experiement mite draw the eye of those about him. It seemed mostly complete except for a large gaping socket in the contraptions back.

Artifice: TTH: "where will i find a ruby big enough in this place....... perhaps i should post a notice.. or... sell some things... bah..."

He continued his work, the small constructs inanimate legs twitching a bit as he tinkered away.

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Charles Phipps 07-16-07 11:45 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Gate turned into makeshift tavern

The mention of the Lord of Blades caused everyone to suddenly go silent. He was a myth to many, a figure of fear and horror. A mad scientist warforged who lived in a castle that had been converted into a vast Foundary and plotted incredible evil against the rest of the world.

He had announced his presence to the world by delivering a clockwork ballerina to a party of Aundair nobles that had often purchased warforged to tear apart to satisfy perverse needs they couldn't do on humans without being labeled as monsters. The ballerina had released a poison gas that had killed well over thirty.

On occasion, there would be letters declaring that he was King of the Mournlands and adventurers would often claim to have destroyed him. All these encounters had been proven to be false even though many feared the sight of warforged in the cracked Wastelands.

Cassius: Yes, he exists. However, Fracture maintains my full trust. He has earned it. The Warforged of each nation have their own loyalties and ways.

Fracture: We fought in a war we had no stake.

Cassius: I can only imagine. Are there any other stories tonight?

Tavern Goers: We have one!


Cassius: Anything from a bunch of drunken fools?

  • crickets chirp*

Cassius: Alright then, I suppose our day has had enough excitement and we shall prepare for bed for those whom have such needs for it. The contest shall be decided by Mistress Greywolf.

  • The eyepatch wearing woman walked up to Fracture then and prsented him a token*

Kelly: Here, take this. Cassius' is an old story. For you, this is a Memory Stone from Xen'drick. Perhaps it will be of some use to you. It stores feelings and thoughts and lets them be experienced for later by who you wish.

It was then that a foul smelling looking man in a Kilt from the Eldeen Reaches and looking decidedly Shifter-esque or perhaps Half-Orcish despite being human walked up. In his hands was a Mandolin.

Bardic: I too have a story to share. *BELLLLLLCHHHHHHHHHHHH* Sorry, someone left a keg out back. Glad to keep it from going to waste.


Bardic: Oiye, is it eh? Das a shame really.

Kelly: Damn Bards!


Kelly: Bardic the Bard?

Brella: Yeah, his parents knew what he'd be fairly early.

Bardic: My story is about a terrible curse released on Breland. One day, a group of unknown soldiers found themselves with a particularly obstinate horse that was on a Sacred Hill. Their commander, a stupid man if he ever was, stabbed it and thus released a terrible evil Demon Beast beyond imagination from its Gatekeeper prison. This is the Tale of the Nuckalevee.

  • strums Mandolin*


Bardic: And it is my holy quest to find that idiot and smack him down.

Cassius: Yes.....uhhhh you do that. :shifty:

5 years ago

Cassius: You damn stupid horse!

Charlie the Horse: WHINNNEEEYYYY!

Cassius: Ooooo, so you don't want to go near the undead, you stupid mutt!

Krieger: Uhhhh sir, most animals don't unless they're Karrnath trained.

Cassius: Don't worry, I'll get it....

  • Cassius is thrown off the horse*
  • five times*

Cassius: Get me my battle ax.

Kreiger: You're going to kill the horse?


Cassius: Yes, good luck on your quest. :shifty:

Bardic the Bard Neutral Human 5th Level Bard

Appearance: You know when people in the 20th century complain about gamers who haven't discovered soap? Well, be thankful that Bardic is occasionally rained on and forrested environments create a natural air freshener about him when he lies in leaves. Otherwise he's overgrown with hair and wearing the typical Kilt of a Eldeen reaches man. His Brelish is a bit exaggerated as well.

Personality: The Druids of the Reaches didn't expect much from Bardic growing up. In fact, the poor hygeine possessing Bard has been primarily sent away for being a complete louse and everything Fracture accuses meat of being. He's also known to create really annoying songs about nearly every single person who catches his ire.

Background: Bardic the Bard has been sent by Oalian on a quest to find the terrible horse killing wanker who accidentally released an imprisoned Demon Knight from the Daelkyr War from its prison. The terrible monster laid waste to numerous villages and caused unimaginable horror before suddenly disappearing.

Bardic the Bard knows that his chances of finding this dumbass are almost next to none. Also, he's not really too keen on confronting said moron either. Especially, since the fool is mean enough to kill his own horse in sacred ground. Instead, he strikes back in another way by spreading his catchy tunes against them.

Bardic the Bard isn't expected by Oalian to accomplish this mission. They just wanted him away from them.

Charles Phipps 07-16-07 11:55 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Thelia's House

Twenty Minutes Later

Thelia: Errr...como esta usted?

Marie: Mu bein!

Thelia: Ummmmmm....

Marie: *sigh*

Thelia: Yeah this isn't working.

Marie: *claps her hands in prayer* In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.

Thelia: Oh don't start that....

Marie: Ignis Deus omnipotentem, beatify linguistica. Amen.

Thelia: Wha?

  • Marie glows*

Marie: I asked the Flame to make me talk your language for a bit.

Thelia: You speak High Thranish?

Marie: Only the prayers. My mama taught me those.

Thelia: Wait, curb the High Thranish, you can work miracles!?

Marie: Only the Flame can work miracles, I can pray for them though.

Thelia: And it answers?

Marie: So far. Only for little things. I could not heal papa when he died. He has become one with the Flame.

Thelia: You worship the Flame?

Marie: Doesn't everyone?

Thelia: :bored: No.

Marie: Goodness!

Thelia: I have a funny feeling this is going to be a long conversation.

Marie: I must keep this out of the hands of the EVIL men.

  • she lifted up a crystal skull that glowed....with the power of Xen'drick*

rampant 07-17-07 12:30 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: My macguffin alarm is going off.

So's the Kaizer-is-starting-another-epic alarm.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-17-07 02:11 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Hey! :P :D

And this one's mostly Charles's plot so far. My brain's too caught up in the run up to the end of the last meta-plot arc on the FF.

BTW, the Epicness that no one can seem to decipher there? That's a totally joint effort between me and Charles. I'm just doing a lot of the posting/commentary about how unexpected it is that none of you can figure it out. I thought it'd be obvious, but hey, we're the ones with the cheat sheet, so maybe it's not.

Charles Phipps 07-17-07 02:30 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Kaizer_Ryu (Post 13097459) OOC: Hey! :P :D

And this one's mostly Charles's plot so far. My brain's too caught up in the run up to the end of the last meta-plot arc on the FF.


Yes, I'm going to move on to work with others for the time being. Frankly if Kaizer_Ryu isn't doing his best game then it's better to just hold off and focus on many of the wonderful player characters we've seen developed here.

I'm truly impressed so far. If anyone wants to suggest a plotline or work to develop, also please E-mail me.

rampant 07-17-07 11:16 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Brella - And that's my cue to leave town. I knew changing his shampoo for pink hair color was a good idea.

Kamikaze Chicken 07-17-07 11:16 AM

Artifice's Weekly Report, and Sales notice.

Week 1

As this is my first report I will do my best to lay out a format for future communication.

Time: 2 days since arriving at the Keep.

Goals: Set up shop, survive assault, Find fist sized ruby.

Comentary: The Keep is a well oiled machine, sadly it is being oiled with bassilisk manure. The tavern is nice, and the gaurds are competent. How ever I wonder for our safty considering the number of direct attacks incurred within a few hours of one another. Perhaps some better forward defenses should be erected?

Questions: What connections if any does Fracture have with the Lord of Blades? Is the Colonel aware of the thranish shifter girl carrying an immensly powerful item? Is the colonel aware that a growing numer of his undergarments appear on the flagpole each morning? Is the colonel actually aware, or is he self monologing again?

Report: I have succesfully set up shop, and laboratory in space provided. I have begun imersing myself into the "community". I am hosting a sale of my recent successes, and failures. Those interested in my wares are free to visit the square outside my lab. Items found inside should not be discovered seein as my lab is private.

Closing thoughts: I wish to inform the colonel that I am available for duties, as he sees fit. Though I will spend the time from 12 bells, to 12 bells each afternoon in my labratory. Things requiring my time in that interval will need to meet aproval before hand.

the document is signed with a gray wax seal with an articulate A imprinted in it.::

Sale! Artifice is holding a sale which consists of two bins outside his shop. One is labeled: "Sucess" The other: "Failure"

Both are priced at 20 [currency here], though the failures bin is marked "Shop at own risk"

Various trinkets, and magical sundries can be found within the bins, how ever nothing of true value. those items are mentione don a sign on the door.

"For the discerning customer an apointment may be set to rifle through proper equipment. Also the enlightened customer will request tailored items for their use. please insert requests in the mail box to the left of the door."

Beside the door is a stone mail bow, its opening is the warforged head Artifice brought with him to the keep, its jaw hinged to open and close. Should a slip be left there, the head will speak a polite "Artifice thanks you for your interest."

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Kamikaze Chicken 07-17-07 11:17 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by rampant (Post 13100385) Cassisus - AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Brella - And that's my cue to leave town. I knew changing his shampoo for pink hair color was a good idea.

Artifice also hears the scream, and makes a note to clean his lab of any sign of is recent alchemical incursion into cosmetic potions....

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Crystalforged 07-17-07 12:21 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by rampant (Post 13100385) Cassisus - AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Brella - And that's my cue to leave town. I knew changing his shampoo for pink hair color was a good idea.

Cassius comes out of his chambers wearing his hat low on his head in an, unsucessful, attempt to hide his now shocking pink hair. Fracture is waiting outside.

Fracture: Sir I heard a scream, I thought something may have attempted to attack you.

Cassius: No, I'm fine. There was no attacker.

Fracture: I see. I have noticed you have done something with your hair. I have never understood the breather interest in the appearance of ones hair.

Cassius: (massaging his forehead) Ugh...

Charles Phipps 07-17-07 05:10 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Cassius Du'Crion lies on an infirmary bed as he was only now being treated by Patch. Most of the horrible life draining touch of the Ghost's attack had been shrugged off by this point and Patch needed only to use a few spells to allow the Governor of the Outpost to recover his full strength. Nevertheless, the warforged medic had used most of his curative powers on fellow warforged and the more seriously wounded. It would be several days before the Governor would be fully recovered even with the aid of others.

Fracture: I do not see why you do not take preference. You are the leader, woefully under-qualified meat that you are.

Cassius: My father said it is the duty of a leader to be the first into battle and the last to leave.

Fracture: That's moronic.

The Governor chuckled at that particular description before taking a deep breath. The painful wounds he'd received were not quite as stinging as the fact that he'd lost several men that had been with him since the Last War. Cassius Du'Crion had once made it a habit to never learn the names of his men during the Last War since it was too easy for them to all die painfully within a short time of their service in his ranks. The Last War had been "over" for three and a half years though and that meant that he'd managed to learn all of their names. Worse, the bodies had to be cremated since they no longer could be brought back without a genuine necromancer.

Cassius: *TTH* I never expected to last this long without casualties. We've repelled an attack every month since taking over this fortress. We've had injuries before but never deaths. That was no ordinary attack either. It was a concentrated assault by a massive number of spells followed by a small army. In the Last War that would have qualified as a moderate sized offensive. We're going to have to find out where this attack came from and destroy it.

Fracture: One would have thought that was obvious. The Dragon Below Cult attacked us out of a desire to gain sacrifices for their cult and were destroyed for it. The matter is settled.

Cassius: No, that mage was working for someone. He was a messenger boy for a larger force. Given those weren't volunteers, it's fairly obvious they have the potential to create a vast army. No, we need to assemble a group of volunteers and venture into the Mourning before they prepare a second attack.

Fracture: Your race is ill-equipped for Mournland travel. Also, I've seen the scouts of the Iron Nation on the edge of this fortress.

Cassius: That's why the Garrison will remain here. This will be solely people drawn from the ranks of the Scavengers, Travelers, and others qualified to go on a suicide mission. Our only advantage is they're likely to be weakened for the massive causalities they took.

Nathan: What do you think they were after?

Fracture: My men saw a small long eared and white haired meat girl run into the fortress from where she climbed over the fence. She seemed to be carrying an object of some kind.

Cassius: A lepithrope. One of the Rabbit Shifters. Possibly the least dangerous of all Moon-touched and yet massacred to the last no less by the Church of the Silver Flame. Perhaps our rabbit might yet yield answers to what is going on.

Nathan: By the way, the Artificer has opened up a shop of some kind.

Cassius: Tell him we'd like to discuss perhaps working to outfit an expedition. I think he wants to discuss the Machine Emperor with you sometime Fracture. In the meantime, I must return to my quarters and recreate.

He slowly got up and walked with a stick as a Changeling harlot was waiting outside the tent for him.

Cassius: *TTH* I can never resurrect Crystania but sometimes, I can forget she is dead for awhile.

Fracture: He does realize his hair is pink, yes?

Nathan: You know, I honestly believes he thinks his dignity will survive if he handles it stoically.

Fracture: He's wrong.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-17-07 05:44 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Silver: Hold on: we can have foxgirls and bunnygirls in this world. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexcellet. :devil:

OOcat: Why do I get the feeling that the FF thread is taken more seriously than this?

rampant 07-17-07 05:47 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - *Munch*

Silver - What are you doing in here?

Brella - You guys have the best popcorn.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-17-07 05:52 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: OOcat: Well there goes all pretense of being serious.

Charles Phipps 07-17-07 06:00 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw (Post 13104855) OOC: Silver: Hold on: we can have foxgirls and bunnygirls in this world. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexcellent. :devil:

OOcat: Why do I get the feeling that the FF thread is taken more seriously than this?

Yes, I've noticed that as well. Apparently, "Serious and Introspective" in the real world of Eberron means something different to most than me.


Later that Evening

Cassius looks slightly refreshed from his encounter with his harlot and has also managed to dye over his hair despite it being some sort of incredibly sticky substance. Instead, he'd been forced to use point in order to make it black since you couldn't really get blond back. The Captain would have to wait for his hair to grow out and cut out the utterly ruined hair away. It was an annoyance he continued to suffer through with Karrnath grace. Of course, Karrn grace would have usually been more violent but it wasn't Du'Crion's place to harm someone who just wanted to prank him. That was an attitude mystifying to many.

The two were overseeing the repair of the wall as best as possible. The Mourners were unpleasantly working twice as hard to get it fixed and viewing their Karrn overseers as slave drivers. In truth, Cassius wondered why they had such a problem since it was expected of all Karrn citizens to contribute unpaid labor to the rebuilding of a town's defenses.

Fracture: Yeah it's not really that difficult to tell Warforged of each nation apart.

Cassius: How's that?

Fracture: Warforged from Breland tend to be noticeably more.....undisciplined in many respects....

  • Twister walks past carrying a bunch of firewood for the tavern*

Twister: Yeah, you can take that in your pipe and smoke it! Jackass!

Fracture: Partially, thanks to King Boranal's sensible decision to employ Warforged in a command capacity during wartime.

Twister: Yeah.

Fracture: This results in Brelish machines being amongst the Warforged that wield the least in common with most of our kind and most in common with Fleshies. It is tragic really but eventually time will tell.

Cassius: Go on.

Fracture: Warforged with Karrnath are amongst those with the most often named ones. The Karrns took a great pleasure in applying them to their minions. Often, all of them had military connotations. You need only look at the Warforged here in Caer Shadowfast. Kreiger, Jaeger, Blitz, Einsatzbereit, and so on.

Cassius: Most of them were treated somewhat like the undead. It was not appropriate.

Fracture: Most Fleshies were treated like the undead in your ranks. Warforged from Karrn tend to hate Fleshies with a more intense passion and be more accustomed to wide varieties of war. On the other hand, they are less inclined to have stories of unfavorable treatment.

Cassius: Aundair Warforged?

Fracture: *Ugh* I have met only one Aundair Warforged in my entire life. I can only hope is not typical of his species. He wore clothing like meat, a wide brimmed hat, had painted himself gold, and wielded a rapier....a weapon I cannot imagine any use in. His language was surreal and made me desire to harm a fellow Construct for the first time in my life. I've destroyed them but never with malice.

Cassius: How awful.

The Governor looked over towards Mistress Greywolf's tavern even as he looked away. She was no doubt angered by the man taking yet another lover that wasn't her even as he was equally pained. It was a human reaction that the Warforged didn't understand.

Cassius: *TTH* Of course, how can I explain it when I can't explain it myself? At heart, she's still a loyal daughter of Cyre while I am a man of Karrnath. Our two nations pledged to enmity until one of them rises above the other as Emperor of Galifar. The Treaty of Thronehold is not peace, merely a pause in the bloodshed. It's why I hate anyone that seeks an answer to the Mourning.

Cassius had an unpleasant conversation earlier with Gortuck the Half-Orc inquisitive. The man was interviewing Mourners and had compiled a tremendous profile of the Mourning with notes on its general effects.

Cassius: *TTH* Doesn't he know thousands will die when the war is resumed? Does he care? DO *I* CARE? I don't know. I think I'd prefer thousands more dying if the deaths of those that came before had battles that were worth something.

  • Bardic the Bard starts walking out singing a song on his mandolin*

Bardic: And now here's a song about Karrnath and the Governor! Let's hear it for the Karrns and their love of undead, fascism, along with world domination!


Fracture: That's sedition.

Cassius: It's also pretty damn accurate.

rampant 07-17-07 06:10 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Cassius - Why do all the bards hate me?

Crystalforged 07-17-07 06:22 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13094272) Cassius: Nathan, does the Colonel have to choke a :censored:?

OOC: I meant to say this earlier but I never found the time. However I would like to state two things for the record.

1: I love this line.

2: When I read this line the first thing that popped into my head the image of Colonel Sanders throttling a chicken. Is that a bad sign?

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-17-07 07:40 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Crystalforged (Post 13105237) OOC: …2: When I read this line the first thing that popped into my head the image of Colonel Sanders throttling a chicken. Is that a bad sign?

OOC: Bunny: :shifty: No.

IC: Ari and Reade work with the people rebuilding the wall. When Bardic starts up they sing along.

Cassius: We'll have none of that out of you two.

Reade: Come on, Captain. If you don't enjoy life you might as well be dead.

Cassius: I suppose now Ari'll make some witty remark based up Karrnathi use of undead troops.

The priest and apprentice exchange a glance.

Ari: You said it, not us.

Cassius: :doh:

The two go back to work silently. However Reade's gaze drifts across one of the downed zombies. He smiles, and then starts singing something under his breath.

Reade: Aaaaaaall weee wanna dooo is eat your brains……

Ultimatecalibur 07-17-07 11:04 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan: Colonel, not every bard in town hates you... Just those who are happy getting loose change in their cups. More importantly, I know why we just got attacked.

Cassius: Oh really?

Ryan: Yeah. Here read this.

Hands Cassius a letter.

Ryan: I just got it this morning. Looks like our little rabbit was sent here to get me to look at an unusual object recovered from Xen'drik.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-17-07 11:43 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Gortuck: :rolleyes: You just want a look. The girl wasn't "sent" here by anyone. Seems they attacked because they wanted whatever it is she carries, and only because they drove her here.

Ryan: :mad:

Cassius: Where is she now?

Gortuck: She's with Thelia.

Cassius: :uh-huh:

Gortuck: Mere coincidence. Maybe it's the Shifter thing, or maybe the oddity of the Silver Flame connection, but she's been watching her. Believe me, I was as surprised to find out as you.

Cassius: She's got a heart?

Gortuck: :P Say that to her face.

rampant 07-17-07 11:47 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Gortuck - Brella?

Cassius - ....

Gortuck - Hey guys! did anyone get an image of Colnel Duck after Brella Pinked him I missed it.

Charles Phipps 07-18-07 12:15 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Gates

Cassius: Your both correct. The letter here is a request from the Keeper of the Flame to have an object of tremendous evil recovered by Mournland scavengers examined by Ryan here as one of the foremost examiners of Giant archeology....

Ryan: Please, we call them Xenlanteans.

Cassius: It's unsigned though and they are sending it along with a group of Pilgrims sent to take a "Miracle Child" that had recently been discovered. It's obviously a fairly secret communication.

Gortuck: If it's unsigned, then how the Hell do you know that the Keeper of the Flame wrote it?

Cassius: It's written in crayon. She also dots all of her i's in little flames.

Gortuck: oOooooo, isn't that kyote!

Cassius: Obviously, I wish to have a word with this peculiar little herbavore shifter. We'll soon have the location of the Rebel's Hidden Fortress anyway.

Gortuck: How ya going to accomplish that? Everyone's dead.

  • screams echo over from the Guardhouse, they're inhuman and blood curdling*

Cassius: One thing that's interesting about undead is that the intelligent amongst them can still feel pain.

Gatehouse Dungeon

A little halfling woman is standing on a stool as the Orkus worshipping Magus from last night is strapped to a table before her with his head sewn back on. A variety of nightmarish torture implements are beside her.

Mage Undead: GARGHHHhhhhhh Hisssss......Alabanza ORKUS! BENEDICIO.....ARGHHhhh....

Lieutenant Ravenclaw: Doo Doo Dooo......have we tried the hot branding irons yet?


Lieutenant Ravenclaw: Ooooooo, pliars, I love pliars!


Lieutenant Ravenclaw: With floss!

Mage Undead: I'LL TALKKKk.....GRUMMMMpPPhhhhh.

Lieutenant Ravenclaw: OPEN WIIDDEEEEE!

Undead Karrnath Guard: You know, even I'm freaked out by her and I'm undead.

Lieutenant Sally Ravenclaw Neutral Evil Halfling Female 6th Level Necromancer

Appearance: Imagine a four foot tall black haired kender with a top knot and wearing a Germanic themed uniform. Many people find the combination of cute and fascist to be a little disturbing. The fact that she has to use a stool to perform most of her interrogations only helps in the cosmic disconnect.

Personality: Sally Ravenclaw is a chipper, happy, and likable young woman who just happens to be a morbid psychopath. She's never happy as when discussing kittens, her pet dinosaur back home in the Talenta planes, vivisecting subjects, tongue screws, and dentistry. Cassius seems to think her a helpless victim of her nature but she thinks that there's nothing wrong with her.

Background: Sally Ravenclaw was born to House Jorasco Dentists and bears the Siberys Mark of Healing. However, it became immediately apparently that Sally was not entirely up there. She would abuse mercilessly animals and others before healing them with her Mark in order to find out how things worked.

Eventually, she discovered an aptitude for wizardry and the house hoped that she'd put her skills to use in some way that would move away from her ghoulish fantasies. Instead, they were horrified to find that she expressed an interest in Necromancy. Thus was she ensorcelled from her house despite her tremendous gift.

Sally Ravenclaw didn't have to look very far for employment as the Armies of King Kaius were always on the look out for talented Necromancers. Thus, Sally has been in the service of the Red Falcons ever since. Occasionally, she lends her skills to patching up the living but very few of the troopers are willing to lend themselves to her care for any length of time. They needn't worry, there's always someone needing to be interrogated and she's become ever so good at that too!

rampant 07-18-07 12:52 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Ultimatecalibur 07-18-07 04:03 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan, Cassius, and Gortuck are walking towards the location of Thelia and the "Miracle Child".

Ryan: Gortuck, your from one of the poorer sections of Sharn arn't you.

Gortuck: :uh-huh: Why yes. How do find that out?

Ryan: Elementary, my dear half-orc. The way you roll your O's and made the C a hard K when you said "Oh, ins't that cute".

Gortuck: :lightbulb Are you also a fan of D'conandoyles books?


ratslinky 07-18-07 09:42 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • Drake's men site Caer Shadowfast.*

Drake: Hm looks like repairs are going on I suppose that means they survived. Better not take chances though spread out keep hidden if I shoot a flaming arrow or get shot attack.

Captain John: Yes sir

  • Drake advanced to the walls where he was hailed by a guard*

Guard 1: Halt and identify your self

Drake: Drake d'Cannith of the Denerian expedition I wish to speak to Colonel Du'Crion

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