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Kamikaze Chicken 07-18-07 10:39 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Artifice had been tending his sale bins when he had heard the rumors of another Cainith asking entry to the keep. This alarmed him. Many had gone to his funeral out of duty, and if any recognized him.... it would be..... unfortunate.

He finished seperating the items back into their proper bins, some one in this keep didn't seam to thinkt hat a belt of gender shifting was an "unsuccesful" item.

SInce hiding in plain sight had always worked best for artifice in the past, he found his way to the boars head and sat in a corner near the hearth and set to work on his arachnid like construct again. the tedium was a good distraction, how ever customers, or clients would serve him better. Hopefully the chaos of the keep would keep his presence from the newly arived house scion.

--- ooc ---

OOC:chicken: Bonus points to the first person to succesfully guess what hes building.

Charles Phipps 07-18-07 10:40 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Sorry about the delay guys. Feel free Ratslinky to not operate with strict time constraints on where people are. Go ahead and set up your conversation with the Governor.


Outside Thelia's House

Cassius: Now, it's time to go speak with our newcommer.

Nathan: Hey, boss there's a newcommer here to the fortress. He wants to speak with you.

Cassius: Is he a Deneith?

Nathan: How did you know?

Cassius: Call it intuition.

Nathan: Okkkayyyy.

Cassius: I don't like the Dragonmarked Houses. I believe they're parasites drinking the blood of the Nations of Khovaire dry.

Nathan: And you want to be King.

Cassius: I don't know what you're talking about.

Nathan: I've seen the way you look at messages from Karrnath. You always get that look of hatred that you used to get when taking back cities. You want to be King of Karrnath, am I right?

Cassius: My service to Karrnath is long over. I failed the tests that would have made me a true warrior of it.

Nathan: Huh?

Cassius: Show them in. I shall meet with them shortly.

  • knock knock knock*

Thelia: Make an appointment?

Cassius: Open up or I'll burn your house down.

Nathan: Are you always this polite?

Cassius: Sorry, force of habit.

  • Thelia opens up the door*

Cassius: We understand that you're sheltering a young Lepedius shifter. We would like her in our custody. Now, I understand you might feel the need to protect her....

  • Thelia hoisted the girl by the nape of her neck and then handed her over*

Thelia: Here you go!


[Help! It's a Bone Knight!]

Nathan: Wow....she's beautiful.

Cassius: :twitch: I'm not a Bone Knight. That honor does not belong to me.

Nathan: Yeah, Bone Knights were mostly purged by King Kaius. Their fire has gone out of the universe.

  • The little girl looks petrified as Cassius lifts her up by her elongated ears*

Cassius: Thank you for your prompt cooperation. I am arranging an Expedition to the MournlandTM and would like to request your groups' expertise. There will be a bounty on any members of the undead killed along with enemies to the keep plus a waiver on the usual taxation.

Thelia: I'll think about it.

Marie: Me Craneo!

Cassius: The artifact you are welcome to examine....but do not expect it to remain in your possession indefinitely. I want Ryan to be able to examine it.

Thelia: *bats her eyelashes, shakes her tail a bit, leans in seductively* Don't you trust me?

Cassius: Not in the slightest.

Artifice's House

There was a knocking at his door. The Artifcer was wondering how he'd manage to hide his latest working of fell sorcery and science when he opened the door to find a green cloaked figure.

Bane: I was told to deliver this to you. It's not usually the kind of job I did.

The Half-Orc handed over a black wooden chest that was clearly from the Mournland and the Royal Treasury of Cyre. The object had been blackened by the Mourning even as the lock was covered in a special Wizard's Lock version that would require his talents to trigger without setting off.

Artifice: *suspiciously* Told? By who?

Bane: Wore a cloak so I couldn't tell who it was but the guy gave me the creeps and my employers tend not to be the nicest people in the world. I tried to jimmy the lock but couldn't get in so I thought I might as well turn it over.

He also handed over a black vellum letter that was sealed with a blood red wax seal. Putting the box aside and reading the letter, he was even more puzzled by the contents.

I have heard about your inquiries. My men will be in contact. In the meantime, take this small token of my esteem to complete your latest endeavors -LOB

Charles Phipps 07-18-07 11:55 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


The Armory is filled with a large horde of 'teethed' weapons, barbed arrows, black powder bombs, flaming oil, and armor that is decorated in human bones.

Marie: :eek:

Nathan: Now now, you don't need to be afraid, Pretty Rabbitgirl.

Marie: :eek:

Nathan: Listen, I know we're Karrns and you've probably heard a lot about us that's just pure propaganda.

Marie: :blink: Propaganda?

Nathan: Yes. None of it's true. We're not a bunch of ruthless, murderous, and evil fascists.

Cassius: Once I find the location of our enemies' hidden fortress, I will then crush the Rebellion with one swift stroke!

Sally: *walks out with moaning undead head* Good news sir, we've managed to interrogate the undead horror!

Undead Mage Head: :weep:

Sally: He has learned the true meaning of pain. I call him...THE HEAD OF VECNA!

Cassius and Sally: :evillaugh

Marie: :mad:

Nathan: Ummmm....today may not be the best day to argue this. It really can't get any worse.

Cassius: Are the impaling poles ready?

Fracture: Yes milord.

Marie: :mymy:

Cassius: :emp: Excellent.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-19-07 01:33 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Minor note, I retconned Lindsey's alignment to NG instead of True Neutral. Fits what she's acting like in my head better. And Gerald keeps turning 'Army man' on me.

Bunny: You're aware that no one cares, right?

...I care...

BTW, Gortuck wouldn't be surprised Ryan knew such a thing from his voice. He's a fellow Master Inquisitive, after all, and has very high opinions of most anyone who practices the trade with any dedication. He just likes giving people crap.


Thelia and company lounge inside Ben and Jerry's (OOC: I'm gonna regret that at some point ;)) home near the south end of the keep, discussing the pros and cons of joining the Colonel's little expedition. The decor of the single room house (one large room contains everything) reflects the brother's upbringing, spartan for the most part with a few hunting trophies adorning the walls. Most sit at the dining table, Koram tinkers away at a work bench, Ben (in cat form) suns himself in the windowsill, and Thelia lounges above them in a hammok strung between the rafters.

Melissa: *counting the votes* Ok, we've got five "yes", one "no", one flipbook of a Warforged massacring undead that I'm pretty sure counts as a yes-

Zeke: :D

Melissa: -and Thelia abstains as usual.

Lindsey: So we're going?

Thelia: I'd like to hear why there was a no.

Koram: *surprised* Tis a rare occurance, lass.

Ben: Meow.

Gortuck: These aren't some random monsters we may or may not encounter. This is a more or less organized group with the resources, knowhow, and motivation to launch a three-tiered attack against the fort just to get at one artifact.

Gerald: These aren't amateurs. Hesitation may get you killed.

Melissa: Fair enough. We've been told very little about them. Marching into the Mournlands is one thing, but intentionally heading for a potentially well armed, well defended group of insane cultists doesn't sound terribly healthy to me.

Gortuck: The Colonel may not be overly fond of us, but he's smart enough not to send potential defenders of the keep to their deaths against an enemy that this confrontation may stir up again.

Lindsey: We're being compensated quite generously, too.

Melissa: That's just it. This is either a rare moment of genuine good will from our esteemed Grand Moff, a sign of mental stress from the attacks, or a move of despiration since he's got nothing else to count on at the moment and this must be done now.

Koram: Tha last one be makin' th' most sense. But it be fightn' 'em when they be ready or when they dinnae expect us.

(OOC: Accents are :censored:ing hard! I don't know how Mr. Burlew does it.)

Gerald: And we know they need time to repair the fort. We may have gotten lucky last time, or they could have thrown the bulk of their forces at us. Given they used mostly forced converts, I'd say they've got more. If they go for us again before the defenses are reset, we'll have a hard time repelling them.

Ben: Meow. *jumps down and returns to normal* You guys worry too much. The last attack didn't have everyone there, and most of us didn't arrive till late. Have some faith, already!

Lindsey: :rolleyes: Says the nature worshipper.

Ben: :D

Melissa: But marching into hostile territory on scarce information-

Thelia: Then stay here. Someone who doesn't want to go is just dead weight.

It wasn't so much what was said, but how Thelia kept staring at the ceiling that got on Melissa's nerves. She knew Thelia was right, she just wished she'd cut the "I don't care" act for even a little bit.

Melissa: I wouldn't be much of a mercenary, then, would I? Refusing to do a job tends to be frowned upon. No more complaints so long as the big guy gives us more to go on.

rampant 07-19-07 02:07 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Cassius - Nathan

Nathan - Yes sir?

Cassius - What day is it?

Nathan - Mol sir

Cassius - Oh good

Nathan - Why sir?

Cassius - Its the day Brella's due in.

Nathan - I fail to see why you consider this a good thing?

Cassius - Its the only day of the week she won't actually show up.

Ultimatecalibur 07-19-07 02:48 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre



Originally Posted by Kaizer_Ryu (Post 13121049) BTW, Gortuck wouldn't be surprised Ryan knew such a thing from his voice. He's a fellow Master Inquisitive, after all, and has very high opinions of most anyone who practices the trade with any dedication. He just likes giving people crap.

I was trying to introduce a standard MI greeting based on the Holmes/Watson meeting.

IC: Ryan enters the Boar's Head with Neon green hair carring the Skull. Sitting down at a table near the fire, he begins to massage his temples.

Kelly: Since Table 3 is empty, looks like no ones getting free drinks today.

Ryan: I will need a set of 13.

Kelly (startled): One shot each of are 13 strongest drinks? That skull must be bad news.

Ryan: Yes it is, but don't worry I won't drink them until after I have filled the Colonel in.

Kelly: Better get two sets setup then.

OOC: A little competion, the people who come up with the 13 best drink names each gets a :pint:.

Charles Phipps 07-19-07 06:01 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: I thought it was pretty good UltimateCalibur and really very funny.

Kaizer_Ryu is just being overly literal again.


Flashback 100 years ago Citadel Arrah

Theme Music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFyjUrJH-Ts


King Kaius had made his unholy pact with Erandis D'Vol only recently. The Red Death had spread through the entirety of the country killing healthy men and women and leaving only behind the children or the elderly. Over a quarter of the nation had died according to some estimates with entire cities being depopulated by the relentless disease.

The greatest warrior nation in the world was now crippled beyond all recovery and the armies of Cyre, Aundair, and Thrane would pour forth into the Capital of the Great Galifar Empire to finish them off and claim the rulership of the Empire for themselves.

Erandis D'Vol offered her Necromancers and Forty Legions of the Undead. An army larger than any in the history of all Karrnath to fill the ranks of the slain and push back the combined forces of all three nations and their hordes. There was a simple price though....

.....all of the Sovereign Host's Paladins had to be destroyed and all those who would not submit to her worship.

Cassius Du'Crion, his silver hair undyed to its unnatural blonde, stared at the masses of soldiers gathered upon the borders of the Sovereign Host's Templars in the nation of Karrnath. There were thousands of them and they were being lead by one of their own.

http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/avl/pics...t/army.jpg]The view of the Castle

The soldiers poured in by the hundreds once the gates backed in. Cassius joined the fighting as he resigned himself to death by the traitor Gerard Schwartzvald whom had given up the code words for disabling what magical defenses they had. There were not only Paladins here but their families and their loyal men at arms. Archers and Militiamen.

All were put to the flame and the sword.

Cassius killed dozens of troopers until his body was slick with red and gore of the enemy. The enemy that included many of his countrymen and fellow kinsmen that he'd have paid for the drinks of but a fortnight before. Seeing the crushed infant skulls where they'd been order to slay the young, he'd gone into a killing frenzy.

....The Light of Dol Arrah passed him though as he was clubbed down and dragged in chains before his father.

Present Day The Boar's Head Tavern

Nathan: What are you thinking about now?

Colonel Du'Crion: Oh, obviously about how to get back Brella for painting my hair pi....lightish red.

Nathan: Pink you mean.

Colonel Du'Crion: Hey, Nathan, ever been tortured by the rack before?

Nathan: No.

Colonel Du'Crion: If you want to keep it that way then you'll shut it.

Nathan: So why ARE you choosing scavengers and not sending a team out?

Colonel Du'Crion: They're expendable. The forces are needed to defend this place from further assault by the enemy and to keep the people of Caer Shadowfast safe from future Mournland attack.

Nathan: I thought you were going.

Colonel Du'Crion: I am going.

Nathan: But your not....

Colonel Du'Crion: There's also the issue that no force in Heaven or Hell is going to keep me from finding the man that attacked my home and ripping his still beating heart out from his chest.

Sally Ravenclaw: You know, I don't think you actually can rip out the still beating heart from a man.

Colonel Du'Crion: It's a figure of speech.

Sally Ravenclaw: Cause, believe me, I've tr....

Colonel Du'crion: I GET THE IDEA.

  • Ryan meanwhile was examining the skull*

Kelly Greywolf: Oiye, aiye, here's the basic types of drinks that are here...

Twister: I was travelling with a Mournland abberation....and Nathan.....when I was shopping for drinks in Sharn.


Ryan: That really doesn't help much....

The Three Drunks from Earlier: BEER SONG! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlULgi92zK8

Nathan: We did that song in another thr....and why was the halfling naked?

Kelly Greywolf: Ya really don't want to know the answer to that question, lad.

Nathan: As a Karrn, it is scientiffically impossible for me to drink anything but Karrnath beer.

Ryan: Aren't you a little young to be drinking Nate?

Nathan: What part of 'I'm from Karrn' didn't you hear?

Colonel Du'Crion: Oddly, when we were starving, we still had a steady supply of hops. Karrnath Beer is different from all other flavors though due to the earthly flavor that comes from our soil and the fact it's red. Thus it is called Blood Beer.

Sally Ravenclaw: The taste is all wrong though.

Colonel Du'Crion: There's also Valenar Sun Wine that is a mysterious concoction that opens one soul to the Realms of the Gods. A glowing golden sun floats in the middle of the bottle.

Nathan: Colonel, it's just cheap white grape wine with absinthe mixed in. They then plop an egg in the middle.

Twister: Then there's the only drink for Warforged. Alchem!

Nathan: It's Alchemist's Fire mixed with the leftovers from an Artificer's laboratory.

  • Twister downs a half glass*

Twister: Oh hell yes, baby. I'm going to knock out that Artifice guy and drink his lab wastes when he's out.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-19-07 08:12 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Up on the fort ramparts, the undead commander's head sit on a pike, moaning at a torture worse than pain.

Reade: ……Really, it's sad how some people just loose their heads.

Ari: At least he can still be the head of a major cult.……

Kaizer_Ryu 07-19-07 08:44 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: It's true that Absinthe makes the mind go wander.



Gortuck: For the record, I think you're right.

Melissa: Then why didn't you say so?!

Gortuck: Because there may be much more to this than one cult, any insight into the Mournlands is a good insight, and Cassius underestimates us as usual.

Melissa: :bored: You remember the saying about curiosity and what it did to the cat, right?

Gortuck: :D That's part of the deal. But I think I'll leave you to chat with the snake. *walks away*

Melissa: :confused:

Gihren: *steps out from the alley* So he knew I was here...

Melissa: Ugh. What do you want?

Gihren: Just to discuss an offer.

Melissa: Then too bad. I'm in the middle of a job, here, and you don't have the money to out bid my employer.

Gihren: Ah, but I do have the money to request a little...favor in addition to your current duties. It's quite simple and requires little to no more danger to your person than you've already agreed to endure.

Melissa: Then call off your assassin. I don't normally accept deals from slimeballs like you unless the House says so, and I NEVER accept deals under duress.

Gihren: *looking very cross* Tsk. You heard the lady, Bane.

Bane: *from the alley behind them* I still expect payment for this. *leaves*

Melissa: My cooperation depends on the terms of your "favor".

ratslinky 07-19-07 08:45 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Drake: *Walking in to the bar* Colonel I did request an audience

Cassius: Ah so you did. Well what do you want?

Drake: On my way past The Glass Plateau I noticed some strange inscription carved in the glass do you know anything about this? Also I want to know why those people where attacking you and where we can set up enclaves for Cannith Orien and Lyrandar.

Cassius: Lyrandar?

Drake: Oh yes and where would be the best place for us to park our airship? The Fiery Freedom.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-19-07 08:49 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by ratslinky (Post 13122830) The Fiery Freedom.

Ari: I just felt a great disturbance in the world, as if thousands of voices cried out "Oh SH*T."

Ultimatecalibur 07-19-07 11:01 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Charles Phipps wins 2 :pint:s. One for Karrn Blood Beer and Valenar Sun Wine, and another for Alchem.


Ryan falls out of his seat at the name of Drake's ship.

Ryan: Are you crazy?!

Drake: No, why would I be?

Ryan: Your Ship is an "F" Freedom. Do you know what ends up happening to the ships with names like that?

Drake: No, care to enlighten me?

Ryan: The Forlorn Freedom was scuttled in the middle of the ocean by its crew to kill a Demon Lord. The Flames of Freedom was rammed into the Flagship of the Karrnath Navy, The Fleeting Freedom. The Fickle Freedom, on one of the few days it would fly, ran into a flight of dragons. The Fool's Freedom crew got lost and ended up in Thelanis, and do I need to say anything about The Fogotten Freedom? And those are only a few of the ships I can think of off the top of my head.

Kamikaze Chicken 07-19-07 12:42 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Artifice had been perplexed, and slightly excited at the same time upon recieving his letter, and chest. He had stored the letter in one of his numerouse pouches inside his cloak, and imeadiatly went to work on the chest.

After a fewminutes of arithmetic, and proper scribbling he had popped the arcane seal free of the lock,a nd opened the blackened chest to reveal its contense.

The red gleam the torch light created on the ruby inside warmed Artifice's heart. And with a smirk that only another artificer would understand. He turned to his other work table and hastily inserted the fist sized ruby into the socket on the back of his small arachnid like construct.

So focused was he on his work, that he didn't here twister enter into his Work room. Just as he finished the final equation to animate the small being he was solidly clocked over the head and subsequently passed out on the floor.

Twister: Now.. to find the waste bin....

Adamantine Horror: :stirs noisily on the table its inner workings moving on their own for the first tie, its saw like blade whirring as it checked its proper function.

Twister turned slightly upon hearing these noises and eyed the small construct warily.

Adamamtine horror: 010000010111001001100 101001000000111100101 101111011101010010000 001110100011010000110 010100100000011000110 111001001100101011000 010111010001101111011 1001000111111

[are you the creator?]

Twister: ::looking rather perplexed:: what the..?

AH:010101110110100001 100101011100100110010 1001000000110100101110 0110010000001110100011 0100001100101001000000 11000110111001001100101 01100001011101000110111 10111001000111111

[Where is the creator?]

Twister: rivet this..... :: grabs a waste potion bin, the one artifice had discarded his pink-hair potion experiment into, and runs out the door slamming behind him.

The small construct watches him go, and then begins to search for its creator whom is knocked out cold on the floor.

Artifice: ooohhh.......

AH: ::looks down to the noise and then jumps slightly before scrambling to the floor:: 01000011011100100 110010101100001011 101000110111101110 010001000000110010 001100001011011010 110000101100111011 001010110010000101 100001000000110001 001100101011001110 110100101101110001 000000111001001100 101011100110111010 101110011011010010 111010001100001011 101000110100101101 11101101110

[creator damaged, begin resucitation]

--- ooc ---

OOC:chicken: Should I use sblock till the thing learns common? or is it funny enough with the binary?

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Charles Phipps 07-19-07 05:03 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: I like the binary, but another font could be cool too.


The Bar

Marie: Ummmmm.....so you're going to fight evil?

Cassius: Yes, to discover those whom have dared Rebel against the Sovereign Order.

Nathan: Speaking of which, why do you always refer to every enemy we fight as Rebels?

Cassius: Because as Karrnath is the one true ruler of the Five Nations, all who rebel against it are Rebels.

Nathan: :uh huh:

Cassius: What?

Nathan: You do realize WE'RE rebelling against them don't you?

Cassius: The orders to retreat were lost.

Nathan: For three and a half years?

Cassius: Yes.

Nathan: I don't get it, boss. You hate every other nation in Khovaire. You've lost so much. Why do you even WANT to conquer them?

Cassius: I don't. However, I don't think its the right thing to let anyone else have the throne. Nor do I think it's right to just let things be as is.

Nathan: Wow....that's messed up.

Marie: My parents didn't really believe the Last War was a good idea. I mean my blood parents. You see...

The Wastes of Droam

A Bunny woman dressed in black revealing leather with a necklace of fingerbones around her neck carrying a spear stares down at Mari in a burlap sack with sandals. A vicious and evil looking mercenary is tied to a tree before them.

Merilee Bloodsnatcher: Dammit Maarri! It's not that difficult! Just do the most horrible thing imaginable to this prisoner!

Marri: But he's just lying there so helpless!

Merliee Bloodsnatcher: He's a Brelish Mercenary!

Marri: *tth* I have to make my parents proud. I have to summon up the primordial and violent tendencies of my ancestors. To pour them out in a nightmarish berserk fury that will tear this monster to pieces! GROWLLLLLL!

Seconds later

Merilee Bloodsnatcher: Kicking him in the shins doesn't count.

Marri: :weeps:

Merilee Bloodsnatcher: Don't cry because of it! Ugh!

Marri: Sawrry.

Merilee Bloodsnatcher: *sigh* Go get your carrot juice, dear.

Marri: YAY!

Merilee Bloodsnatcher: *revs up Chainsaw looking Cannith device* How she's ever going to serve the Mockery is anyone's guess..

Cassius :eek:

Nathan: :eek:

Marri: I miss my mom. :weep:

Cassius: Mister Drake, I have no real idea why these people were attacking us.

Marie: I found an evil looking artifact while a prisoner of some truly diabolical Demon worshippers.

Cassius: Uhhhhh.....yeah.

Marie: They're bad!

  • Is brought her carrot juice drink by Kelly*

Cassius: You're welcome to set up shop in the Old Town Quarter of the city. There's room leftover from where Cyrean battleships used to park.

Nathan: Before the Dark Times...before the Empire.

Cassius: Why do you keep using that voice around me.

Nathan: My apologies, Lord Invader.

Cassius: I keep feeling like I'm missing a joke.

Ryan: You're not worried about an FF ship?

Cassius: I tend to think such if such a ship existed it would have long since destroyed itself.

Karrn Guardsman: The Forgotten Freedom is a real ship.

2nd Karrn Guardsman: No, it's not.

Karrn Guardsman: Yes it is, I've seen it.

2nd Karrn Guardsman: You've seen it?

Karrn Guardsman: Yes.

2nd Karrn Guardsman: You haven't seen it.

Karrn Guardsman: Yes, I have.

2nd Karrn Guardsman: You've seen a ship with black sails that's crewed by the damned, and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?

Karrn Guardsman: No.

2nd Karrn Guardsman: No.

Karrn Guardsman: But I have seen a ship with black sails.

[Drake quietly slips passed them unnoticed]

2nd Karrn Guardsman: Oh, and no ship that's not crewed by the damned and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out could possibly have black sails, therefore couldn't possibly be any other ship than the Forgotten Freedom. Is that what you're telling me?

Karrn Guardsman: [nodds] No.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-19-07 05:48 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13128474) 2nd Karrn Guardsman: You've seen a ship with black sails that's crewed by the damned, and captained by a man so evil that Hell itself spat him back out?

Ari: *sigh* No, that's not it. The Forgotten Freedom is an airship so it has no sails, the crews not damned their insane, and the captain got spat out of Valhalla because he drank all their beer.

2nd Karrn Guardsman: And how d'you know that?

Ari: Well, one day before I met Reade I walked into a bar, and it's the strangest thing, there was a minotaur serving drinks—

Cassius: Okay, I order an end to another one of your fanciful stories. :mad:

Reade: But you didn't even let him get to the part about the gender-swapping half-elf.

rampant 07-19-07 06:27 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Lucky - Hi Ari

Ari - Hi lucky

Tirmek - Hi Ari!

Ari - How's Sarah?

Tirmek - Fine as long as we keep her out of the kitchen.

Lucky - Poker thursday?

Ari - Sure

Cassius - :confused:

Ultimatecalibur 07-19-07 07:15 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan (cluching his head) - Twist, where are my drinks.

Twister - Bind your bolts. I have to mix up another Alchem, it may take a few minutes.

Ryan (turns to the Cassius) - This crystalized Xenlantean skull is one of a set of Thirteen Gatekeeper seals holding what is mostlikely a Daelkyr in Khyber, right underneath the castle. That doesn't sound bad at first until you realise that they can reverse the spells binding it with just one of the thirteen skulls. One seals already busted, and we have one skull so that leaves 11 more out there.

Charles Phipps 07-19-07 11:36 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Tomb of Orcus

A skeletal looking knight in blackish armor spoke as his face was half rotted away.

Gerard Schwartzvald: Is the ritual almost complete?

Priest Lord Carloson: Yes, General. The Glaabezu we are using as a host body for our Lord's spirit is slowly but surely being filled with the negative energies of the Mournland.

Gerard Schwartzvald: That is not what I asked.

Priest Lord Carloson: Milord, the Crystal Skull is a necessary component to the rite. Without it....

  • Gerard causally snapped the man's neck and dragged his body to the fiery pit before tossing it in*

Gerard Schwartzvald: Good advice. We'll focus on getting the skull back then.

Priest Lord Carloson: What shall we do to replace him?

Gerard Schwartzvald: The mind worms will find us new sacrifices. We needn't worry about that.

rampant 07-19-07 11:48 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - Well so much for serious.

Bunny - Who let her in here?

Brella - Change the locks once in a while.

Bunny - We do that already.

Brella - Good I won't get bored picking the same lock lock every time.

Charles Phipps 07-19-07 11:57 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Brella - Well so much for serious.

Yeah, that went out fairly early. I figured if no one has any ideas for serious, we can do humorous and serious together. It worked for Star Wars.

  • heavy breathing*

Hey! No phone sex!


Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmICx...elated&search=

The Tomb of Karrn the Conqueror Flashback 75 years ago

  • A dark cloaked Cassius walks up to embrace a woman wearing another dark cloak*

Cassius: There is one power greater than vengeance....

  • The woman removes her cloak hood to reveal Kellas Greywolf, somewhat younger and still with both eyes*

Kellas Greywolf: The power of love.

Cassius: I've missed you so terribly much, Kellas. The decade have not been good to me.

Kellas Greywolf: This war has lasted far longer than anyone could have ever expected it to. Even the Crusade of Karrn the Conqueror only lasted the better part of two decades. We can only hope the war will come to a swift end.

Cassius: It will....I will make it happen.

Kellas Greywolf: Cassius, you've changed. You seem....different from the Paladin of Dol Arrah that I remember.

Cassius: *stares* I'm no longer a Paladin of Dol Arrah.

Kellas Greywolf: Oh.....Cassius.

Cassius: I was brought in chains before Karrn my father. I was tortured and beaten before they locked me in a cell.....they broke my fingers....waiting for me to renounce Dol Arrah.

Kellas Greywolf: What....happened?

Cassius: I did.

  • Kellas took a step away*

Cassius: I devoted my childhood and my adulthood to the Goddess of Justice and when we needed her the most....where was she? No, I have a new God now.

  • His eyes blazed with a flaming intensity*

Kellas: Cassius, what....

Cassius: I draw power now from the dead. The spirits of tens of thousands of slain Karrnath soldiers. They fill my sword with power and strength. A power to CRUSH my father and lay WASTE to the hated Four Nations that have BLASPHEMED the gods to the point they no longer hear mortal men's prayers.

Kellas: By the Flame, what has happened to you....

  • Cassius opens his cloak to reveal his armor decorated in human bones as he places a horrific skull decorated helmet upon his head*

Cassius: I am a Bone Knight. Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The blood shall free me.

Present Day


  • Cassius lifted up the Skull in his hands*

Cassius: A Gatekeeper's Artifact.

Nathan: The Daelkyr are just a myth aren't they?

Cassius: If only that were true.

Nathan: Who the Hell would want to release something like that?

Cassius: Madmen, Psychopaths....

Sally: HEY!

Cassius: No offense intended.

Sally: Okay then.

Cassius: And those that believe their masters will be generous with them.

Nathan: Do....you think the Mourning was caused by this thing?

Cassius: Unlikely. Though the release a Daelkyr might cause destruction that might rival it. Or....we might never know. Sometimes they destroy entire legions and turn cities in pagan monstrousities. Othertimes, they.....just cause the dead to rise and disappearances.....increasing just so steadily you never know how many are really gone.

Nathan: Wow.

Cassius: Or so the legends go. Thank you Ryan, your help is invaluable. This device must be kept from the hands of the enemy at all costs. Even if it means the lives of myself and the rest of my team.

Nathan: You mean?

Cassius: I'll begin preparing to head out immediately.

Marie: But if they're in his service, they're probably strong enough to kill you all.

Cassius: I know.

Ultimatecalibur 07-20-07 01:28 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan: Then I am coming with you.

Cassius: I am not suprised, you are one of the few people who can fight on a level nearly equal to mine.

Nathan: Probably has something to do with the time you put him on his ass.

Ryan: :rolleye2: He had a cold that day. Any other time and it would mostlikly have been me on the ground.

rampant 07-20-07 01:50 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - Oh don't let him fool ya! He's pretty good with a pigsticker, but without his precious toy he's easy pickings.

Cassius - *Hanging from a rafter after jumping straight up from fright* What are you doing back here today!

Nathan - I live here sir.

Cassius - Not you! Brella!

Ryan - There's no one else here.

Cassius - *looks around and sees no Brella* Huh? I could have sworn...

ratslinky 07-20-07 08:17 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Drake: Well if what you say is true my men and I will come with you but we will be independent allies not soldiers to be ordered around. *The sound of an airship passing overhead is heard by all* Oh good our airship is here I will use that for transport your men are welcome on it too of course. Come meet the captain.

  • He and Cassius walk outside*

Bella: *A female half-elf walks down the steps. A snake is twisted around her left arm* Drake its been a long time

Drake: Good to see you Bell I'd like to introduce Colonel Cassius Du'Crion. Hope your ready to keep moving we're going on a raid

Bella: :smirk: Oh dear how sad

Name: Bella Labbra del Veleno

Alignment/Race/Class: Half-elf, Neutral Evil, Swashbuckler 1/Ranger 4/Beastmaster 1/Animal (Snake) Lord 3/Assassin 1

Personality: Bella is two things one a seductive woman who know how to get what she wants and two a cold hearted killer. She has a great love for snakes represented by her ten pet snakes of various breeds and two snake animal companions for a total of twelve snakes.

Appearance: A casual look at Bella reveals a beautiful unarmed woman of noble decent but look closer and you will see those snakes around her head and neck are moving look closer again and you will see her walk is that of an alert swordsman look closer again and if your lucky you may see a some snakelike features and if you are very unlucky you will see a pair of sharp teeth going for the kill... and that is the last thing you'll ever see.

History: Born in the Eldeen Reaches Bella always portrayed an affinity to snakes this disturbed her parents slightly but it was not until at the age of eighteen when her ex-boyfriend died from a snake bite in the middle of the night that her parents stopped her from having anything to do with them. Two weeks later they two died of snake bites. One week after that Bella sold the farm and moved to Fairhaven where she married a old wealthy noble who died one year later of a heart attack (no one ever noticed the bite marks of a snake on his genitals). Now wealthy woman who didn't want to manage an estate she sold it and bought an airship which she named the Fiery Freedom. Which she turned into a luxury cruiser which unknown to its guests was bugged all over and known only to some of her guests the fact that for the right price you could share her room (which was the best room there) for a night. Or if you couldn't pay that much there where several other ladies who would come and have a few glasses of champagne (its amazing how long it can take to finish a glass) with them. She took several lovers at intermittent points one of whom was Drake. He convinced her that she could earn more money by hiring herself out as a mercenary ship though she still had regular cruises and even expanded into an airship safari business. With the money now rolling in she bought two more ships both for luxury cruises and safaris while the Fiery Freedom went became a full time mercenary ship. Lyrandar then hired her two support Drake on his mission which bring us up to the present.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-20-07 08:21 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: By the way, is there a link to the wiki for this. We can't possibly be exepected to remember who all these characters are. IC: The scene shows Caer Shadowfist, small in the distance across the barren plains, insignificant compared to the cloud of the Mournland behind it. A boot thumps into view, not an especially interesting boot just muddy and brown. A gravely breathing can be heard from above the boot.

Voice: I seriously hope this is the way. My plot sense is tingling.

The boot is picked up and trudged onwards.

Paulon 07-20-07 01:26 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Wiki is at http://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Shadows_over_Cyre Not that too many people have added their characters yet. Including me. :allalone:

Crystalforged 07-20-07 01:26 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Fracture: (stepping out of the shadows of the bar) May I inquire Colonel, if you are going on this mission, who have you named to lead the castle in your abscence?

Cassius: Er, I hadn't thought of that. Are you volunteering?

Fracture: No, placing me in charge would not be a good idea. I have no affinity or interest in the overseeing of breather affairs. Besides, I will be accompanying you on this mission.

Cassius: I haven't authorized that.

Fracture: True but that fact has never stopped me before. Besides you're going to need all the help you can get for this plan to have any hope of success and I know the mournlands better than most of the scavengers.

Cassius: I really don't have a say in this do I.

Fracture: No, you don't.

Cassius: Fine.

Fracture: I would also like to request permission to bring the twins along as well sir. I believe they would prove most usefull and the Iron Band has been trained to operate quite effectively even in the abscence of leadership.

Lord Kale Fangblade 07-20-07 01:40 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Kael steps forward from the shadows, the ethereal breeze gently stiring his cloak and hair.

Kael: Colonel, I also will lend my aid to this mission.

Cassius: why should i let you join it? we know nothing about you, who you serve or what your purpose here is.

Kael: I am a Magehound. I am a member of the Arcane Congress, i live to enforce the laws governing magic and have a lot of experience. you will most likely be facing wielders of the darker arts, the people who animated these corpses have broken the laws governing magic. and it is my Job, no, my Duty to make sure they are punished.

Cassius shivered a bit, there wasnt any emotion in Kael's statement. merely a cold statement of fact. A statement that Cassius knew Kael could carry out. with the same efficent and silent manner as he did with the specters.

Ultimatecalibur 07-20-07 03:02 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan: *ahem* I am sorry to say this, but it looks like I need to explain the tactical situtation to every one.

Cassius (startled): Go on.

Ryan: We need to secure the remaining 11 skulls and make sure that they stay out of the enemies hands.

Drake: Would not taking out the enemy solve that problem?

Ryan: Do you want to help with the next batch of nutjobs that tries the same thing?

Kael: You have a point, so the skulls should all be shattered to prevent misuse.

Ryan: Also a bad idea. For each skull destroyed, more powerful aberrations would be released from Kyber until the big guy is freed by the destruction of the last skull.

Cassius: *ugh* Now I know why you ordered a set of 13. We are basicially going to be in a race to secure all these items before the enemy can retrive and use even one.

Ryan: Yes, but I have good news.

Bella: What is the good news?

Ryan: Leads to nine of the other skulls.

Charles Phipps 07-20-07 03:20 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Yeah, :-) The Wiki is in the first post. I was wondering why no one seemed to be updating but me and Kaizer.

Charles Phipps 07-20-07 04:51 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Cassius was uncomfortable with the mysterious return of the one known as Kael but he had to note that the half-undead had managed to destroy more specters than all of them combined last battle.

Kael: I promise not to kill anyone in your group.....unless they need it.

Cassius: Very well.

  • Cassius gives a wary look at Bella*

Cassius: We're now going to be flying around the continent in a ship called the Fiery Freedom. This cannot end well.

  • He turns to Ryan*

Cassius: Let us worry about making sure the enemy doesn't have any more skulls before we go on after anymore, Ryan. It's one thing I learned as a Colonel in the armies that you don't deal with anything after the immediate battle save in generalities.

Nathan: Uhhhh, boss?

Cassius: Don't call me that. What is it Nathaniel?

Nathan: What are we going to do about....her?

  • Nathan points to Marie whose foot is thumping like a rabbit*

Cassius: I have an idea for handling that.

  • pauses*
  • spins around*

Brella: GAH! *Brella was about to put itching powder in Cassius' shorts*

  • Cassius picks up the rabbit girl by her ears and hands her over*

Brella: What the...

Cassius: I see you've come back early! I thought you'd like to do a wonderful favor for me and look after this youngling for a bit.

Marie: Uhhhh....

Cassius: Feel free to eat her.

Marie: :eek:

Cassius: Let us head off for our destinies.

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