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Rei32491 07-22-07 09:24 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13151766) OOC: And does anyone think that this is what the Thing probably looks like?


Rei32491 07-22-07 10:26 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Cultist 1: WAKE UP!

As he says this he whips the thing across the chest.

Cultist 2: He's not going to wake up from being physically beaten. Try this next time. :smirk:

The Cultist pulls out a potion from the inside of his cloak and forces the thing to drink it. After a few seconds the first cultist starts to say something but then the Thing lets out an inhuman scream. He tries desperately to grab his head, but the chains are made out of too strong of a metal, though the bolts in the wall that were magically held in started to creak. Its struggles stopped as soon as they started as the thing fell silent.

Cultist 1: The hell?

Cultist 2: Without Kain, desperate measures must be taken.

Cultist 1: Have you discussed this with Lord Morgoth?

Cultist 2: :smirk: "Lord" Morgoth-

  • SHANK*

Cultist 1: *gurk*

Cultist 2: -is not the real power here...

OOC: I'll get to the rest of this once the attack is in full swing.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-22-07 12:15 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13151668) OOC: Hey, I have been holding the straight edge and pencil for this plotline just as much as if not more often than Kaizer.

OOC: Entirely true. I admit I haven't contributed as much as I'd've liked to yet, but that shall shortly be remedied (hopefully).

And Rei's activities represent my first real act as Co-DM here. :D


Lindsey: She's gone again...

Gerald: Not really. *points ahead*

Through the mist, a lone figure can be seen leaning against a rock formation. As they approach, it slowly slides to the groud, lifeless.

Gerald: A scout. It may be a secret entrance, but that means little for our safe passage if even the grunts know of it.

When they reach the body, Lindsey can see the broken neck and look of surprise.

Lindsey: Ugh.

Cassius: All the more reason to hope she doesn't find a better offer within these walls. *glances at Melissa* Or elsewhere, for that matter.

Melissa: Doubtful. Money's worthless without the means to accompish your goal. I get the impression these freak's goals are mutually exclusive to hers.

Koram: Ah certainly hope we're gettin' there soon, the lad's becomin' restless.

He points at Zeke who is snuggling a small Worforged plushie, slowly destroying it in the process.

Zeke: Ah, my little friend. Zeke delays boredom induced rampage only for you... :cloud9:

Koram: *anime sweatdrop* Ah've only got one more left.

rampant 07-22-07 01:13 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Swarthchil..Swartzchfen..smarmy...The death knight guy - I wonder what's in this envelope, seems to be some sort of powder. Is the half-orc atempting to poison Cassius?

Ultimatecalibur 07-22-07 08:31 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: I gladly except this badge, and will do my best to help maintain this incredible story thread.

  • Pins badge on chest*

P.S. To answer your earlier question, Charles, yes, I am enjoying The story.


20 objects stored in the Mournland Research Library:

1. Various mineral samples taken from the Mournlands 2. A 9 foot long Xenlantean Broadsword 3. A uselessly low quality Kyber dragon shard the size of a full grown man found in Cyre 4. A series of what seems to be warforged arms and legs 5. A stuffed magebred dire wolf 6. A suit of unenchanted Thranish full plate armor with what looks like a dragonmark burned into it 7. A Warforged Titan's head 8. A chest made of livewood 9. A scale model of Metrol 10. A magic still that turns water into cheap wiskey 11. A complete set of last war recruiting posters 12. A set of elven dentures 13. A series of water damaged deck plan describing a ship named F-rgo--en F---do- 14. An ovenmit 15. A mechanical donkey 16. A book label "Manual of Monsters" 17. A statue of a man with a suprised look on his face 18. 12 marbels 19. CAssius' favorite drinking mug (hidden by Brella, unknown to Ryan) 20. A stack of news sheets with sections cut out.

Charles Phipps 07-22-07 08:52 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: FYI, Prothan Ir'Vymel is from the Five Nations Sourcebook. He's the Chief Bone knight of Karrnath.

Also, I'm fudging the numbers a bit on the population description.


The Palace of Ir'Wynern Metrol

The Palace was once one of the grandest structures in Eberron. Because the seat of government moved throughout the Five Nations, it was a Tower worthy of inhabitation by the descendents of Karrn the Conqueror and Galifar himself. Like most of the palaces, it was a former Dhaakani stronghold of an architectural type that human beings didn't seem to have the ambition to be able to match. A glorious and grand center of government that could house a small city within its walls.

The entire city was filled with ghosts, not just hundreds of them, but tens of thousands of clinging monsters and evil undead that inhabited the once grand metropolis that housed half a million sapients. It was questionable how many inhabited the former Castle of the Ir'Wynerns but it was almost certain that there would be a nearly endless number of monsters to deal with. That meant that stealth was their best bet during this.

The Cultists seemed to be employing a large number of Goblins. The tragic race weren't immune to Mourning better than any other race but used to living in poverty and being exploited, they'd been enslaved by the survivors to serve as their aids in building their new dreams. The Lord of Blade especially enjoyed employing the meat because they forraged for their own food amongst the trash and helped in him building his new Construct Empire.

Orkus Knight: I don't know what they expect from us here. I mean, who the Hell attacks the Sewer entrance? I mean, it's not like anyon....

  • A crossbow bolt shoots into the man's eyes*
  • The second Orkus Knight called then for undead reinforcements but was shot in the head as his body fell into the fetid river leading into the castle*

Cassius: I suggest we split up and fan through the castle.

Nathan: That's crazy!

Cassius: If they come upon us in force we're almost certainly doomed. However, if we get them to divide their forces we can eliminate them in moment to moment. Also, we need to find the entrance to the lower levels. We can keep in touch through the use of these Speech stones. Go in groups if you wish but our goal is the annihilation of the enemy here.

Nathan: Can I go with Thelia?

Cassius: As you wish. I trust you with only a few of the people here.

Melissa: I'll be going with you, Colonel.

Cassius: I don't mind that.

Nathan: Wait, Melissa is going with you!? How do you do that?

Cassius: Do what?

Nathan: Oh come on, you can't tell me you haven't noticed.

Cassius: Noticed what?

Nathan: Melissa is....you know.

Cassius: What? Female?

Melissa: I should hope that was obvious.

Nathan: Yeah, but REALLYyyyyyyyy female. You know, when she's not dressed up like a guy.

Melissa: :bored:

Cassius: You amuse me, Nathan, you can go with whoever you wish.

OOC: Hey folks, this is the Dungeon Crawl portion of our adventure. Rather than restrict everybody, I figured it's much better to let everyone do whatever they wish to show off their characters skills. The castle is crawling with zombies, skeletons, vampires, golems, deranged cultists, and abberations. It's pretty much Castlevania.

Knock yourself out!

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-22-07 09:17 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13157561) OOC: ……The castle is crawling with zombies, skeletons, vampires, golems, deranged cultists, and abberations. It's pretty much Castlevania.

And at the end it turns out that the true mastermind behind all the undead running around is…………………………

Dracula: Blehh!

Cassius: You horrible monster! I have come to slay you.

Dracula: Prothan never did tell you what happened to your father.

Cassius: He told me enough…*draws sword*…He told me you killed him.

Dracula: No……………Cassius…I am your father.

Cassius: What……That…that…that explains my incessant need to brood.

OOC: Non-canon, by worth the joke. :D

Charles Phipps 07-22-07 09:23 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw (Post 13157732) And at the end it turns out that the true mastermind behind all the undead running around is…………………………

Dracula: Blehh!

Cassius: You horrible monster! I have come to slay you.

Dracula: Prothan never did tell you what happened to your father.

Cassius: He told me enough…*draws sword*…He told me you killed him.

Dracula: No……………Cassius…I am your father.

Cassius: What……That…that…that explains my incessant need to brood.

OOC: Non-canon, by worth the joke. :D


Cassius: Oh God.

Brella: What?

Cassius: I just realized....

Brella: Go on.

Cassius: My father is King Kaius....

Brella: Hehehe.


Brella: *points and Nelson laughs* HA HA!

Kaizer_Ryu 07-22-07 10:29 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Thelia: :bored:

Nathan: *making lots of noise (read: any at all)* :embarrass Eh heh heh... Sorry.

Gerald: Picking your companions based on crushes is gonna get you killed.

Nathan: But doesn't a man have to make sacrifices?

Gerald: :bored: I fail to see how that relates to this discussion.

Nathan: Melissa D'Hottie is going with the Colonel. What kind of cruel god forces a red-blooded male teenager to make that kind of choice?!

Sparks: Woof.

Nathan: Damn right.

  • high five*

Thelia: If you're quite done... *drops a dead abberation at their feet and walks away*

The abberation has "GET YOUR ASS IN GEAR OR I'M FEEDING YOU TO THE ZOMBIES" carved into it.

Nathan: ...she can be scary.

Gerald: No, this is her being stern yet protective. If she figured you were dead weight, you'd already be zombie food.

Crystalforged 07-22-07 10:49 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: sorry I haven't been around much this weekend, family reunion, anyways on with the show I suppose.

Fracture and the twinshave split off from the main group circling around one of the walls. They have trudged along for a while when Fracture holds up a hand for them to halt.

Fracture: (bending next to the ground) There are signs of heavy activity in this area, spread out and keep watch.

Fracture then begins running his hands along a nearby wall, tapping occasionally on it. Eventually he stops in one are and searches the area around it for several minutes. Finally he steps back and motions the twins over to him.

Fracture: I believe I have located a secret door but I cannot seem to find its operating mechanism, Spike, please provide an alternate solution.

Spike nods and pop a few joints in his neck before lowering his shoulder and charging the wall. He strikes it with a resounding crash and a door shaped chunk of stone cracks appart revealing a steep staircase descending deep into the ground.

Fracture: Excelent (pauses as the sound of footsteps comes from the staircase) unfortunately it appears we have drawn some attention to ourselves.

As he says this a group of heavily armored cultist appear, charging up the stairs. When he sees them Fracture glances around for a minute before his eyes come to rest on a squat, wooden tower not far off.

Fracture: Pike, take the entrance, a roll out please. Spike, with me.

At Fracture's signal Pike moves in front of the passage. As the first cultist reaches the top of the stairs Pike brings his halberd down, skewing the man's calf with the weapon's hook and yanking his feet out from under him. At the same time Pike delivers a quick kick to cultist's chest with the result being him falling backwards and tumbling head over heels down the stairs. Several hundred pounds of flesh and steel bare down on his comrades in the narrow tunnel starting a domino-like reaction.

Meanwhile Fracture has hurried over to the wooden tower with Spike at his heels. Fracture examine's the tower for a moment before laying a finger on a single point.

Fracture: Here.

At this Spike winds up with his spiked maul and Fracture quickly pulls his hand back. Spike's blow shatter's the wood, releasing a torent of water that had been stored in the tower. The water rushes in direction of the passage, running down the stairs and rising around the unfortunate cultists who are still trying to extricate themselves from each other. Fracture and Spike rejoin Pike at the entrace to the passage.

Fracture: Alright, lets do some cleanup, Spike's on point, lets go.

The three of them descend into the passage.

Charles Phipps 07-22-07 10:54 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: You know, I really love Fracture and the Boyz. They're such an efficient robot fighting unit.

It makes me wonder how many fleshie soldiers had nightmares about them.

Castle Ir'Wynern

Melissa: So it's just the two of us, alone. Together.

Cassius: You're forgetting those guys.

  • 2 Warforged Juggernauts are tearing apart zombies while Fracture is bashing the head in of one of the culitsts on the ground*

Cassius: Is it just me or is he taking way too much pleasure in killing that man?

Melissa: I think anything that reduces the number of pink creatures in the world is something that pleases him.

Cassius: Yes, he and the Lord of Blades had a very close relationship.

Melissa: Is that why Nathan calls him Starscream?

Cassius: I don't get that reference either.

Melissa: I confess, I'm interested in getting to know you better.

  • A Gellitonous Cube then emerges from the Wall*

  • Cassius pulls some flaming oil out from under his coat and tosses it into the abberant ooze*
  • Melissa fires her enchanted bows aorrws into the creature that seem to cause it agony despite its oozing nature*
  • It leachers forward then before Cassius cuts it in half with his glowing blade and he tosses down some torches on the remains that scream as they burn*

Melissa: You know, those things are a lot more intimidating in real life than they are in the Monstrous Manual.

Cassius: I wonder if the Mograve University Professor who wrote that ever actually saw one in real life.

Melissa: Probably not.

Cassius: So, Melissa, what's your game?

Melissa: What? *bats her eyelashes* I can't cozy up to a powerful and attractive warrior?

Cassius: :bored: You've never expressed any prior attraction to me. Furthermore, Thelia and I are not even remotely friendly. You're....close....with her.

Melissa: :blush: Yes, well, that doesn't mean I don't keep my eyes open for others. Besides, she doesn't think that poorly of you.

Cassius: I believe her exact words were 'A sad devotee to an ancient religion that has neither the clairvoyance nor strength of will to move beyond the Last War.'

Melissa: You heard that, huh?

Cassius: :elf: recall? The ability to Listen (check) can mean the difference between life and death.

Melissa: You do spend a lot of time brooding.

Cassius: I'm responsible for a city of traumatized survivors on the edge of oblivion. I'm wanted by my government. I also have been betrayed by too many people to count that I've put my trust in. The future is deeply uncertain and I will guard those who entrust their life to me.

Melissa: Huh.

  • she fiddled with her dagger*

Charles Phipps 07-22-07 11:21 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Temple of Orkus Inner Sanctum

Lord Schwartzvald: Yes, soon, soon, your PITIFUL sacrifices will all become part of my greater plot to bring DEATH AND DESTRUCTION to all of Khovaire.

Gihren: YEAH BABY!

Lord Schwartzvald: :bored: Gihren, what the Hell are you doing here?

Gihren: I'm here to watch the conquest of Eberron.

Lord Schwartzvald: Gihren, there's a little thing called hierarchy in the Emerald Claw

Gihren: Oh come on man! I'm like Cassius' archnemesis! I've got to get to watch him and his renegade batch of adventurers' die horribly!

Lord Schwartzvald: Morgoth, come over here. Explain hierarchy to Gihren here.

Morgoth The Halfing: Okay, here's how it works....

Gihren: Okay, first of all, why the hell is a HALFLING higher ranking in the Emerald Claw here?

Lord Schwartzvald: He's not part of the Emerald Claw. He's the leader of our dupes in the Speakers of Orcus

Gihren: Then don't I outrank him?

Lord Schwartzvald: Show why you outrank him, Morgoth

  • Morgoth touches Gihren and casts Agony*

Gihren: AHHHHH! *screams like a little girl*

Morgoth the Halfling: Hierarchy in Evil Organizations is best explained in this chart here!

  • The two monstrous giant cultists in robes lift a chart up*

Morgoth the Halfling: At the top, we have the Fel Lovecraftian entities that we're trying to bring to destroy the world. Below that are your Arch-nemesis of various tropes. Mordain Fleshweaver, Erandis D'vol, etc etc.

Gihren: Where do I fit in?

Lord Schwartzvald: *grumble grumble* *Checks his pocket watch*

Morgoth the Halfling: Right below them we have "trusted but badass second in command." Darth Vader types really. Evil Lyn, Starscream, and The Witch King. Lord Schwartzvald falls into this category. Hell, he could even be Sauron since he was servant to Morgoth my namesake.

Gihren: And you are?

Morgoth the Halfling: I'm the pathetic and serville slightly comedic henchmen. Do you read Harry Potter?


Lord Schwartzvald: *grumble grumble* Oh Vol....

Morgoth the Halfling: To use that as an Example. I'm Peter Pettigrew.

Lord Schwartzvald: KNEEL SLAVE!

  • Morgoth cowers*

Morgoth the Halfling: YES MASTER!

Gihren: So, cool, where am I? If Schwartzvald is just shy of a Dark Lord, I have to be like Snape or Barty Crouch Junior....

Morgoth the Halfling: Sorry, no.

Gihren: Lucius Malfoy?

Morgoth the Halfling: *shakes head*

Gihren: Draco Malfoy?

Morgoth the Halfling: You're a house elf in the evil hierarchy.

Gihren: :weep:

Ultimatecalibur 07-22-07 11:34 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: :nonono: I should have never mentioned the Forgotten Freedom.

IC: Ryan and Kelly kick open a massive door to a long hall full of benches and tables. The several dozen cultists sitting on these benches turn to look a the interlopers.

Ryan: Oh, this looks like the cafeteria.

Kelly: Usual points?

Ryan (Cracking the whip in his right hand): *nods* Well then lets go.

--Less than a minute later--

The room is full of very bloody cultists, upturned tables and broken benches.

Kelly: Guess I'm suppl'n tha drinks.

Ryan (Moves to a moaning cultist wearing very ornate robes): Maybe. Looks like this one may know something.

A single lightly dressed human bursts into the room. His face begins to lengthen and his arms and legs grow massive, suddenly a tall werebear is standing over Kelly.

Ryan (looking up at the werebear): Maybe not.

Kelly (smiling): I love 8 pointers.

Charles Phipps 07-22-07 11:40 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Take note, all comedy except for the tortures of the Colonel is of quasi-cannonicity.

But yes, Gihren still sucks ;-)

Kaizer_Ryu 07-23-07 01:56 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • WHAM*

Cultist 1: I REGRET NOTHiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg!!!!!

  • far off sound of building collapsing*

Zeke: :fight!: BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  • SMASH*

Cultist 2: I CAN SEE MY HOUSE FROM HEEeeeeeerrrrreeeeee!!!!!

  • splattering noise a few blocks away*

Zeke: :fight!: RAAAAAAAAGH!!!!


Cultists 3 & 4 and their cat animal companion: WE'RE BLASTING OFF AGA-


Koram: :mad: Buggers dinnae wan' ta die.

Zeke stops when he reaches what used to be a garrison tower/mini-fortress for defending the city in case of invasion, now serving much the same purpose for the monsters that had taken up residence in Metrol.

Zeke: *hefts his Warhammer on his shoulder* Hey, boss? Is it ok if I attack the fortress?

Koram: :confused: Ye mean attack tha critters inside thae fortress?

Zeke: :D No, I mean attack the fortress!

To demonstrate, Zeke swings full force into the structure. As dumb luck would have it, he strikes one of the few remaining support beams left intact, causing the entire thing, all three stories, to more or less crumble to the ground in a loud crash.

Zeke: *anime sweatdrop* Oops.

Koram: *sigh* Tha' works...

Vampire Spawn caught in the collapse: *muffled* I hate you so much.

Zombies: Oooowwwwwwww...er :shifty: Braaaaainnnnsssss...

ratslinky 07-23-07 05:26 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • Drake crept forward nearing a large group of cultists*

Drake: *Fires a flaming arrow* Hey over here! *Wave his arms to get their attention*

Cultist 1: Get him! *They run after him*

  • Drake runs till he reaches the walls which he runs up. The cultists fan out and surround him*

Drake: *On the edge of the wall* Gentlemen you will always remember this day as the day you almost caught Captain Drake d'Cannith *Falls backward and activates his ring of feather fall. At the same time the Fiery Freedom rose up above the walls and opened fire one the cultists with its four fire guns (six wands of fireball bound together and activated one after the other like a minigun).

Bella: Good to see you made it now I'm going to do a little hunting Jaret (he's her co-pilot) takeover the wheel. *She jumps off and heads into the mist

Charles Phipps 07-23-07 05:44 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Jarlot: You know, I think I remember Drake.

Orkus: Oh, from where?

Jarlot: My first mate before Rose but after Slip. I fired him because he was too competent and pointed out since I stole the Jack Sparrow business, there was no problem with him stealing it.

Orkus: What happened?

Jarlot: I marrooned him on an island with only one shot to kill him.

Orkus: Oh.

Jarlot: :weep: Then it turned out to have hot snake women.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-23-07 06:30 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

A horde of zombies comes shambling toward Cassius's group.

Cassius: Okay everyone, behind me. This is my specialty.

Everyone takes up their positions and waits.

The zombies reach them………………………and go shambling right past.

Rian: What the……:confused:

Zombies: Grrrrraaaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnnssssss……………

Cassius: By death, I'd heard about these, but I'd never encountered one.

Melissa: And what are they?

Cassius: Vegetarian zombies.

Lord Kale Fangblade 07-23-07 07:54 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

a group of cultists stand around in a room full of corpses.

Cultist Leader: Hm, i could of sworn that an invader was here.

there's a glint of light, and an arcing spray of blood erupts from the cultist as if an invisible (and very sharp) sword tore him apart. another Cultist's chest exploded in a shower of blood, then another and another. until each of the cultists was dead.

now Cortez ( the last cultist) could see it, the fog cloud corteze had created now showed a shape, a gap in the fog, blood splatters dripped from a sword clasped in its hand. it appeared, showing a white skinned half-elf with mid length white hair.

Kael: (In Cyran) Benicio Cortez, you have been charged with the wielding dark and illegal magics within Metrol. you have also been charged of casting spells above third level within Metrol without a lisence. how do you plead?

Cortez raised his hand and unleashed a magic missile spell at Kael, who blocked it with a simple shield spell created with his bracelet. Cortez continued to unleash spells at the magehound, each one of them being disspated by his shield or bursts of blue energy from his wand.

soon the magehound had reached him, and with a swift motion had knocked the wand out of Cortez's hand and knocked him to the ground. The Blood soaked sword in his hand poised above Cortez's throat.

Cortez: *blubbering* please.. please dont kill me. i'll pay you. just show mercy.

Kael: *anger showing in his eyes* Mercy? why should i show you such a thing, when you have failed to show it to others. when you have tortured and beaten people for your own perverse pleasures. when you, a sad and pathetic vulture have tortured the spirits of my, no OUR, people in this place. You deserve no mercy.

Kael drove his sword all the way to the hilt through Cortez's head. which was rather suprising since Cortez was sat against a pillar.

Kael: *latin sounding chant* Rise spirit of the dead, Shake the dust from your bones and rise from your shallow grave

with that, Kael Withdrew his sword from Cortez's body and placed a black onyx gem in his hand. Spirits rose around Kael and wreathed him, screaming tortured faces that flowed about his form. a goulish green light lit his face as he completed the chant. and Cortez rose as a Spirit.

Cortez: what is this? what did you do?

Kael blurred and grabbed Cortez by the neck, lifting him off his feet and pinning him against the wall. in a blur of motion Kael rammed a silver stake through Cortez's right hand, and another through his left before pinning his feet to the wall with a similar stake. Kael then stood back, watching Cortez writhe in pain.

Kael: For your crimes you do not deserve the rest of death Traitor. and with you i shall bind the spirits of your companions to share your eternal suffering.

Kael removed a Skull from the floor and drew several runes on it in his own blood, the spirits wreathing him flowed from it into the skull. then, he placed the skull at Cortez's feet.

Kael: Be thankful i dont have time to torture you some more, make you suffer what you made the spirits of this city suffer. with each of you bastards i kill, more shall join you in this place. no one shall ever free you. for you are completely invisible to the living.

with that Kael strode up the stairs, another stream of spirits wreathed him, these were not screaming in pain though, they seemed... at peace. and each uttered Prayers and Chants in Cyran.

Charles Phipps 07-23-07 08:02 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Very impressive Kael.

I got some shudders there from the Vengeful Ghost of Cyre as I'm nicknaming your character.

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men. THE MAGE HUNTER!

Rei32491 07-23-07 10:28 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Leaving Fracture and the two Warforged Juggernauts to their work, Cassius and Melissa proceed deeper into the castle.

Cassius: If the information I obtained from the cultist was accurate then the prisoner should be around here somewhere.

Melissa: I smell blood...

Light from their torch reveals a pile of cultist corpses.

Cassius: *examining one of the bodies* Hmm, all of the bodies have similar stab wounds, but none of them have weapons.

Melissa: Seems someone got here first. Ignore them.

Cassius: You took the words right out of my mouth.

They proceed down the hallway, they eventually come across a sturdy wooden door.

Cassius: Ladies first.

Melissa: Tsk. Fine.

As she opens the door, they see a large creature chained to the back wall. It appears to be a green half-dragon, but it does have some ogre qualities.

Cassius: What do you think?

Melissa: Something doesn't feel right, but it isn't from it.

Cassius: It may be the prisoner, but it may be a trap. Search the room and-

Before he can finish they hear a voice from somewhere in the room.

???: Kill them.

At this command, the things head rises. It opens its blood-red eyes and snarls, ripping out the chains that bind it in one motion, sending bolts and bits of rock everywhere as it charges.

Cassius: RUN!

Both Cassius and Melissa start sprinting back down the hall as the thing is, despite its size, closing in on them.

Cassius: Where almost there! FRACTURE!!!

As he yells this Fracture sees what’s chasing them and orders Spike to cover their escape. As Spike moves in front of the hallway the Thing collides with him, despite Spikes immense strength it is not enough. He is thrown back while the thing seems unaffected.

Fracture: Fine, have it your way.

He then proceeds to summon a astral construct, but before he can finish it the thing smashes into him, breaking his concentration and knocking him over. As it charges Melissa, Cassius slams into its side, causing it to miss and ram a nearby wall. The thing then grabs Cassius, flipping him over its head and pile driving him into the ground. While it remains open, Pike and Spike bullrush it, knocking it over as Fracture conjures an astral construct.

Melissa: Hold!

Fracture: Don't distract me, meatsack.

Melissa: He isn't our enemy!

Fracture: :bored: And what, pray tell, brings you to that conclusion.

Melissa: He's not trying to kill us. The Colonel is unconscious, but relatively unharmed. Spike's barely touched!

Fracture: Yet he is delaying our advance.

Fracture shoves Melissa out of the way, pressing onward to the thing as it rights itself. A noise from the previous hallway alerts them to a second presense, a slightly perturbed cultist.

Cultist: Blasted crumbly ruins!

At the sound of his voice, the thing's eyes fix onto the Cultist. It throws both Pike and Spike off and lunges at him with renewed bloodlust. The Cultist shrieks and tries to run but the thing grabs him, ripping him in half with his bare hands. As it does this its eyes start to calm as they turn to a green color.

Thing: Wha-?

As it starts to talk it falls over from exhaustion.

Cassius: *coming to* :crazy: Ugh. Did you get the number on that Lightning Car?

Fracture: *standing over the thing* What do we do with this?

Melissa: This is obviously what they were talking about. Probably being controlled.

Cassius: ...we'll take it with us. For now.

Fracture: Oh, goody. Another breather in tow. *orders the astral construct to carry him*

Cassius: Good, lets move.

Kamikaze Chicken 07-23-07 10:59 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Artifice was pacing back and forth outside of his work shop, his brow furrowed. So introspective was he, that he had forgotten to properly cover his left arm. It was ornatly crafted out of mithryl, and looked much like a regular mans arm, save for the fact that the hand was large, and had heavy knuckles. perfect for punching through walls, or bodies.

Artifice: I did not plan for this much.... ingenuity..... it can reproduce, think, and make problem solving decisions nearly as fast as I can.

he turned to walk the other way passing by his two sale bins.

Artifice: I am hesitant to destroy it..... it is a masterful creation... my prime acheivment.... but ..... "he of the blades"?..... Very concerning.

When artifice turned this time, the small rank and file silver horrors were awaiting him saluting with one leg each.

SH's: What does the creator command?

Artifice mentaly kicked himself, he had not commanded these constructs to sleep. but looking up towards the hole still gaping in the wall of the keep he got an idea...

Artifice: Repair the fortress wall, do not make more workers. Use only materials not allready in use, return to the work shop when you are done, and sleep for 4 cycles and await instructions form me.

SH's: ::their saphires glowing blue for a moment before scurying off:: "By your command."

Artifice: Well that should keep them busy..... now if only i could keep AH so industrially inclined... perhaps my worries can be over....

At this he stepped towards the boars head. A little alchohal always sped up his creative processes. In fact hadn;t he just had some orcish blue when he thought up the AH in the first place? or had it been some alchem...... he could not remember.

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Crystalforged 07-23-07 12:10 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13158570) OOC: You know, I really love Fracture and the Boyz. They're such an efficient robot fighting unit.

It makes me wonder how many fleshie soldiers had nightmares about them.

OOC: Not many, they tend not to leave many survivors in their wake. :P

Charles Phipps 07-23-07 08:08 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Metrol The Lower Levels

Cassius: What are you?

He asked the the Thing. They hadn't much time to dawdle though.

The cold and seemy darkness of the Castle was growing ever more horrifying as they descended deeper down into the levels. It seemed that as they went further in, more horrors were roused from their slumber. It was close to nightfall now and the amount of terrible things that were going to awake would only grow much more numerous.

Cassius moved with his broadsword and shield through the nightmarish hordes of abberations and creatures that were now the sort of creatures they faced.

The Colonel slashed into the monstrous creature with blow after blow, dodging past its tentacles, and occasionally bashing it hard with his kite shield. Finally, he backed away and lifted his sword in prayer before hurling the shield forward. The shield glowed brightly with some kind of redish power before it took the head off the monster clean off.

Melissa: Where did you learn to fight like that?

Colonel: Experience.

Melissa: And the magic?

Colonel: I may have abandoned the gods. They have strangely not chosen to abandon me. The Power of the Blood and the Mistress of Blades....I do not know which favors me with this power. Maybe some indescribable force merely enjoys watching me engage in slaughter.

That was when the walls collapsed around them and a monstrous horde of new undead poured through from inside.

Colonel: Head's up! I've got a wand to use.

Melissa: That's a wand?

Colonel: I bought it from Artifice. He calls it a 'Boom Stick.' It's apparently a failed Cannith weapon that uses charcoal, sulphur, and salt peter propelled pellets. All I know is that it blows up things really good.

Melissa: I never trust House Cannith weapons.

Melissa fired a an armband crossbow as the magical bolt went into the eye of one of the creatures before it died instantly for the second time. The Colonel continued using the strange weapon as the undead seemed to resist causal destruction and it took the sword blows of Melissa to finish off several weakened by the weapon.

Melissa: These are no ordinary Zombies.

Colonel: They aren't zombies. They're Mummies.

Melissa: What?

Colonel: Necromantic protectors of the Ir'Wynern families tombs. The Speakers of Orkus have harnessed the power of the Ancient Dead underneath this castle for their own purposes. They're far more powerful than I gave them credit for.

Melissa: What exactly are you here for, anyway?

Colonel: What do you mean?

Melissa: This isn't about pro-actively defending your fort.

Colonel: On at least one level, it is.

Melissa: It's the others I'm concerned about.

Colonel: I am a Bone Knight. It is my place to draw on the power of the Negative Universe for my strength. It infuses me with Dark Energy that it is anti-ethical to life. This place crawls with it.

Melissa: And?

Colonel: I use that power to hunt the night. This place reminds me too much of myself and I will make sure that not a single being walks away from it alive or dead.

Krull: A most wise decision.

They walked in simply to a room....where a Demon Dragon waited for them.

Cassius sheathed his smokepowder weapon and drew his blade.

Colonel: Finally, a real challenge.


Orkus: I bet he does another annoying flashback.

Jarlot: I don't take sucker bets.

Orkus: I bet you ten to one that the reason Brella pranks him so much is because of all these :censored: flashbacks.

25 Years Ago The Battlefields of

The flag of the The Red Hawk band flew above them as they were gathered for ceremony. There was no other group in Karrnath quite like it and it was the first of it's kind. A specially designed fighting force of troopers that was not meant to engage in open combat but to move silently through enemy terrain and destroy from behind their lines. Each of the men was a soldier trained in not only personal combat but stealth, subterfuge, and alertness. All of them used a variety of weapons and knew how to travel in small groups. They had incorporated Hobgoblin ninjistu and Eldeen Reaches ideas into this group of hardened warriors with many units containing a variety of 'specialists' inside it. They had been nightmarishly effective and the other warriors were actively seeking to copy them. Colonel Cassius had been awarded the County of Crion in the territories of Cyre for when the War was over, a territory that some suggested would encompass all of Western Breland when it was done.

Blitz: Can you believe that they've banned the Blood of Vol?

Wehrmacht: What do we care, we're Warforged.

Blitz: I'm studying meat religions. They just banned the Sovereign Host a little more than sixty years ago, now the King is ordering all State Churches to be reconsecrated as Vassals!

Wehrmacht: You think the Captain cares?

Blitz: Nah. I occasionally hear him calling out Dol Arrah's name in his sleep anyway. I'm sure this is a smoothe transition for him.

Wehrmacht: I agree.

Blitz: I have heard there's a few that have refused to return to King Kaius' service. They've started rallying behind the legend of the Dragon that fathered the Founder of the Faith.

Wehrmacht: Yeah, the Emerald Paw or something. They signalled their defiance of this new edict by blowing up the Rekkanmark headquarters in the capital.

Blitz: That's stupid! Don't they realize we're fighting a war!

Cassius: Yes.....they do.

Blitz: So, what are you going to do now sir? You rarely ever take leave. I just figure you enjoy killing the Cyreans more than you like sausage and beer.

Cassius: I'm going to visit my daughter.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-23-07 08:42 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13168389) Colonel: …Maybe some indescribable force merely enjoys watching me engage in slaughter.

Bunny: :rimshot:


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13168389) Cassius: I'm going to visit my daughter.

Plot: *does The Twist*

The figure with the gravely voice finally reaches the wall.

Gravely voice: Whew, finally. That took a lot longer than is logical. Must be a result of the plot.………HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Ari and Reade peek over the side of the wall. A human male of average everything stands in front of the gate.

Reade: Who goes there? Neutral party or insane cultist bent on using us all as a mass sacrifice to his dark depraved god?

Man: What about friend?

Ari: I'm sorry, no one in this town speaks Friendly.

Man: I'll take neutral party then.

Reade: Right. May I ask your name for the record?

Man: Sjacichin.

Reade turns to Ari.

Reade: "Clown fighter"?

Ari: Maybe a bad grasp of the langauge.

Reade turns back to Sjaci.

Reade: Okay. Your name sounds harmless enough. We'll get someone to let you in.

rampant 07-23-07 08:59 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - Ok thats it I'm dusting his whole damned castle in itch powder for that flashback.

Marie - Why do I have to carry all this junk?

Brella - Do you want to carry the live snakes for the haystacks?

Kaizer_Ryu 07-23-07 10:44 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Nathan stood agape, trying to find words to describe what he had just seen. He'd seen the Colonel and some of the other Karrnathi units fight as a group masterfully before, but this was Pike and Spike-level coordination.

  • ten minutes ago*

Nathan: Where are we now?

Thelia: About half a mile below the city. Should be coming up to the remains of the old-

The passage opens up into a complex filled with magical equipment. Some of the equipment seems to have been left alone since the Mourning, but much of it had been used recently.

Thelia: -Cannith labs.

Nathan: That's impossible. The main one's up near the Palace, with subsidiaries spread throughout the city.

Gerald: You'd be surprised what goes on away from the prying eyes of the populace. Merrix has some rather nasty rumors about him, and he's not the only one.

Out of the corner of his eye, Nathan saw a figure move in the dim light of the remaining Everbright lanterns. It seemed pale and hunched, but indistinguishably humanoid.

Nathan: Hey-

Thelia: Shush.

They approached the figure, finding it crouched and cowering in the corner.

???: P-please, d-d-don't kill us. We's just do what they sayses.

Looking upon it, Nathan could only think at how pitiful it seemed. From the scars, it looked to be a slave, probably forced to work here for whatever purpose the cult deemed fit.

Nathan: Just calm down. We're not going to kill you.

He edged forward slowly, trying to find a way to soothe this poor creature. Within arms reach, he felt a hard tug on his collar as Thelia yanked him back, just in time to avoid the creature's claws. It hissed at them, bearing it's fangs just as a large wooden pole pierced its heart.

Nathan: :eek: Vam-

Gerald: They come.

Gerald had ripped out one of the wooden poles from the empty weapon/armor racks scattered about the room. Hefting the paralyzed Vamp along with the pole, he twisted around to pierce another as it approached. The two fell to the ground as he let go and unsheathed his weapons. Thelia was nowhere to be seen at the moment.

Looking past Gerald, he saw more of the creatures entering the room, and movement in adjoining ones told him there were more.

Gerald: Blasted Spawn. Keep your head down, boy. Don't let these things touch you.

Ripping out another pole, he tossed it towards one of the vampire spawn, only to have it caught and sunk through it's chest by Thelia as she reemerged from the shadows. Jamming it into the ground, she used flung herself around the pole, delivering a skull-shattering kick to another, sending it careening into a third pole held by Gerald (yet another spawn on the other end), as he split another in half with the Scimitar in his free hand.

This went back and forth for the next five minutes, a seemingly endless flow of Spawn entering the room only to be cut down in moments. As Nathan watched the two seasoned warriors, it looked almost like a dance as they flawlessly matched each other's reactions. By the end of it, no less than twenty poles, acting as very long makeshift stakes, littered the room, populated by anywhere from two to five twitching spawn.

Nathan: :blink: That...that was so AWESOME!

Thelia: We're not done yet...

OOC: Part 2 soon.

Crystalforged 07-23-07 10:57 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

While Cassius is meeting up with the demon dragon, Fracture and the twins a few corridors back, bogged down for the moment with a group of cultists.

Currently Fracture is occupied with a couple of undead while the twins are facing down an oncoming swarm of gibbering cultists. Pike and Spike merely look at each other and nod. As the first one approaches Pike circles around, dodging the wild swing of the cultist's flail easily. Pike jabs a few times at his foe experimentally but with no real conviction. Sensing weakness the cultist draws back his flail to crush the intruder's skull.

His attack is foiled however when he is forced to duck Spike's club as it ruffles his matted hair. He turns to face this new threat, and that was precisely what Pike was waiting for. Pike could've taken him before this, sliced him a few times but why bother when they made it all so easy? Pike's halberd hooked the cultist's ankle and yanked his feet out from under him before he knew what was happening. Now on his behind the cultist barely had time to register the change in scenary before Spike's club came arching down, driving his skull level with his shoulder blades.

With grim satisfaction Spike ripped his weapon free, smashing a second cultist in the face with the backswing and dropping him to the ground.

Spike: Very good brother, thats another one for me and another half each for the assisted kill. That brings us to 23 to 21.

Pike: Oh, are we counting brother? I didn't know, but in that case...

With that Pike takes a swings his halberd at Spike with the blade level with Spike's neck. Spike shows no signs of fear or surprise, not that he would anyways as a warforged. He simply drops to his knees at the last second, allowing Pike's blade the swing past, neatly beheading the cultist who had been sneaking up behind Spike.

Spike: (rising back up) Oh, very good brother, I would have liked to see his face. Maybe I still can, did you see where his head got to? This brings the count to 23 to 22 as well.

Pike isn't paying attention however, his blade is still in motion. It dives to Spike's side where it slices the throat of the cultist Spike had struck earlier with his club as he attempted to stab Spike in the leg.

Pike: Correction brother, the score is 23 to 22, you left the last one alive.

Spike: It appears I did.

Fracture: (calling from across the room) Spike! East corridor! (turns back to the mummy he is fighting and knocks several of its teeth out with a well placed punch)

Spike turns to see a new group of cultists approaching the room from the corridor Fracture shouted.

Spike: (with a hint of a smile in his face) Excellent.

With that Spike tosses the head of the cultist Pike had beheaded earlier into the air with his foot then smacks the head with his club as if it were a baseball bat. The head flies through the air striking the lead cultist with a solid thump, catching the cultist off gaurd but not really doing any damage. Of course the damage wasn't the point since Spike was right behind the head, felling the cultist with a savage blow before he could recover from coming face to face with his collegues severed head. Without hesitation Spike set into the back rows which are still trying to come with terms with what just happen.

Pike: *sigh*Ah brother, always so dramatic. Such a tendancy towards flashy tricks and crazy stunts. I swear half the time he does it just to see the looks on the breather's faces.

Pike has not been letting his musings distract him however. While he's been talking to himself he has also casually hamstrung two cultists and driven the tip of his halberd into the eye of a third after dropping him to the ground.

Fracture meanwhile is leaning against the wall on the other side of the room having finished with the undead a while ago, using a metal pick to get the bits of undead flesh out of the joints in his fists.

Fracture: (sounding bored) Would you two stop playing with the fleshbags and just kill them. Cassius has gotten ahead of us, and knowing him he's probably gotten himself into trouble by now.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-24-07 12:25 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Sparks growled menacingly towards the far door, Thelia obviously watching something. A chill ran down Nathan's spine as the master of the creatures recently slaughtered unveiled himself. He appeared to have once been human, the Dragonmark attesting to his former membership to House Cannith. His features were sharp, almost handsome if not for the pale, hungry look on his face.

Vampire: Most impressive...for the living. *looks Thelia over* Oh, my my my, you're quite delectable, my dear. It might be more fun to embrace you than merely kill you.

Thelia: I rather enjoy sunlight, bloodsucker.

Vampire: Fistey, I see. *licks his lips* I bet you taste just divine.

Nathan's palms were shaking merely from his aura. They had to get out of here! No way in hell could they take on this thing as they were. It was likely nighttime by now, too. Thelia's gaze didn't waver, but she had to be scared. Both she and Gerald probably knew it was pointless to run, but standing here was tantamount to suicide.

Vampire: *glances at Gerald* Ah ah ah, young man. No tricks. Or would you like to try your hand? You seem the type to defend a lady. :devil:

He grinned wickedly, bearing his fangs as he reached out. Judging by how unfazed they were by the Spawn earlier, Nathan guessed each had protective measures against negative energy, or at least draining effects. Made sense considering this was the kind of place they scavenged for a living.

With a growl, Sparks leapt at the outstreched arm, biting down and distracting the Vampire long enough for Thelia to toss a powder in his face. The shriek the foul beast made, as well as the smell the filled the room, told Nathan she'd hit him with garlic powder. Sparks disengaged as Gerald shot the Vamp in the eye with a silver arrow. Flailing from the pain, the Vampire struck Thelia, throwing her into the wall with a rather nasty crunch. Forcing its good eye open, it knocked Sparks away with a yelp and grabbed Gerald about the neck, pinning him against the wall.

Vampire: *snarling* I'll have you know I am VERY put out.

He leaned in for a bite, only to break away in order to dodge Thelia's fist. With inhuman speed, he grasped her arm and pulled her forward, swinging his head back as he smashed it into her face. The stunned woman fell to the ground as he turned back to his first victim.

Vampire: Now I can take my time with her. After I finish with you, of course. It's always such a thrill to ravish a beautiful girl in mid-transformation. The agony they give off is simply marvelous. :evillaugh

Gerald clawed at his hand, enraged, but to no avail. The Vamp leaned in once more, stopping only inches away when he heard a voice from behind.

Vampire: :confused: What? *turns*

Nathan: :mad: I said SNEAK ATTACK, B*TCH! *stabs him in the back with a wooden stake*

Vampire: *GURK* :twitch: Beaten...by a child...? :twitch: *dies*

It's grip gone as the Vampire crumpled to the ground, Gerald gasped for air as he landed on his feet once again. Nathan went to check on Thelia, realizing she was quite ok when she flipped him on to his back the moment he touched her.

Nathan: Ow.

Thelia: ...sorry about that.

Gerald: Well done, boy. You may make a warrior yet.

Nathan: :mad: What does it take to get called something other than "boy" by you two?!

Thelia: Let's just say you've gained a bit more respect from me-

Nathan: :w00t:

Thelia: -because you knew you were useless for most of that encounter and stayed out of the way till you could actually do some good.

Nathan: :( :raincloud

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 01:19 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

3 Months Ago Kaarlakton

Melissa D'Deneith couldn't help but look from the tower that rose from the Karrnath city to the borders of the Mournland that lay just outside their borders. Melissa had served in Cyre just a few weeks before the Mourning when she'd been transferred out to the Eldeen Reaches to hunt some rebels.

Melissa D'Deneith: Monstrous.

The Ancient elf she'd come to meet spoke up from behind her.

Kazandra: Is it? There are dark places in the world where few tread. Ancient centers of learning, of knowledge. These are often places of violence and horror. To call them monstrous is to disregard the learning we may take from them.

Melissa D'Deneith: I don't know what knowledge we could take from that.

Kazandra: The Price of War is Death.

Melissa D'Deneith: I....see.

Kazandra: Has Gihren approached you yet?

Melissa D'Deneith: Yes ma'am. He's offered me a substantial amount of gold to kill the Fort Commander.

Kazandra: I am offering you a counteroffer of a hundred times that amount and the removal of a certain....curse....you've been suffering from ever since the Last War.

Melissa D'Deneith: Cur...I don't kno....how did you kn....

Kazandra: The Power of Vol is not to be understood by minds as young and unburdened as yourself.

Melissa D'Deneith: What do you want?

Kazandra: Cassius Du'Crion was power. Staring into his eyes was like staring into the heart of the Dolrrugh. Even then, you could see the Paladin he would slay etched on his soul.

Melissa D'Deneith: Paladins are a bunch of stuffy, empty headed, fools with blades and pretensions of grandeur.

Kazandra: The current crop of pretensious fools, yes. However, the Ancient Orders drew their power not from sickened fires and beads lay at Dol Arrah's statue. They drew the power from the Dragons themselves.

Melissa D'Deneith: I don't believe in Dragons. They're bard tales and the products of sailors with too much rum.

Kazandra: How could you ever hope to know the threat you face, when you have never walked in the dark places of the world? Faced war and death on such a scale. You were barely a girl when the war became about undead versus machines.

Melissa D'Deneith: How dare you!

Kazandra: If you had traveled far enough, rather than waiting for the echo to reach you, perhaps you would have seen it for what it was. There is a place in the world where Khyber's blood runs strong. It is something of the Dragon Below, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of evil—it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death.

Melissa D'Deneith: You mean Manifest Zones to Khyber?

Kazandra: The Lords of Khyber know the power of such places... and the power in making them. They can be used to break the will of others... of heroes, promising them power, and turning them to the power of darkness.

Melissa was no timid wallflower but she was genuinely frightened of this old woman's seeming power.


Kazandra: The Last War was a series of massacres that masked another war, a war of conversion... culminating in a final atrocity that no hero could walk away from—save one. Cassius is the last of his kind. A tempered piece of adamantine that is too valuable to sacrifice for the will of one small Emerald Claw prefect.

Melissa: So don't kill him.

Kazandra: You will infiltrate the Emerald Claw and report on it. When the time is right, you will guide Gihren to his destiny and I will assume control. You will become close to Cassius. Then you will recieve your....due reward.

Melissa stared as she was handed over a downpayment of gemstones, more than she'd ever made as a mercenary before.

Kazandra: Are we agreed?

Melissa raised her crossbow.

Melissa: Where do I sign?

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