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rampant 07-24-07 01:31 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Marie - What's this?

Brella - It's a note to four friends of mine. Take it down to the sivis message station and give them this pouch. Use the smaller one to get yourself a treat at the nice old dwarf lady's candy shop. If anyone hassles ya kick em in the shins or tell them Brella sent you, preferably both.

Marie - *Scampers off*

Brella - Now to follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble.

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 01:36 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Here's Kazandra's stats BTW

Kazandra Female Aerenal Elven Lich Neutral Evil 16th level Druid

Appearance: Kazandra takes the appearance of an old, long grey haired woman, with wrinkles that many would never imagine to be an elf since so few of them ever reach such an impossible age. She is apparently blind but makes no attempt to give the impression she cannot see. This is an illusion and her true form is a not much different dessicated husk.

Personality: Kazandra speaks in riddles and enigmas while leaving those she converses with to puzzle them out. She cares nothing for the lives of any being in the world but those she believes are chosen by 'Destiny' and even those are pawns for the greater Balance that she thinks she serves. In truth, she's endlessly malicious and cruel.

Background: Kazandra is one of the few surviving members of the House of Vol except for Erandis D'Vol and is actually her maternal Aunt. She never manifested a Dragonmark and instead devoted herself to studying the ways of death and rebirth in the far off Eldeen Reaches before she was driven away for her abominable practices by Oalian. By that time, most of House Vol had already been destroyed and she survived only by the aid of a wizard lover transforming her into a Lich.

Kazandra is one of the Crimson Covenant of the Blood of Vol and arguably second in command of the Emerald Claw and the entire religion. It is Kazandra's fell druidic practices that created much of the dogma for the religion and her unnatural charisma that continues to make sensible the unnatural practices of the faith. Her incredible skill at persuasion has converted many righteous and good individuals to horrific evil.

Kazandra believes the Mourning is a sign that the transformation of the entire world into an undead Necropolis is at hand and this will result in the transformation of the plane of death into an immortal paradise. She believes this is the only way to save the populous of Eberron thanks to the horrific things she's heard in her explorations of the depths of Khyber using a druidic form of astral projection. Rather than attempt to preven this disaster, Kazandra intends to hasten it about.

Kazandra has special plans for the Bone Knight Cassius D'Crion. Plans that extend from before his birth. Kazandra used potions designed by Erandis to briefly transform herself once more into a comely elven maiden. There, she seduced King Kaius and presented him his child nine months later. Cassius is unaware that he is the product of the House of Vol or tainted by the womb of a creature long dead but is aware of Kazandra as she's played the part of the mysterious advisor several times in his life.

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 01:53 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: And now for something completely Forgotten and Freedomesque.

Hopefully, this can make up for Brella who might feel a tad left out.


Caer Shadowfast

A man wearing GLITTERING and BRIGHT platemail armor steps forwards in front of Brella in order to stop her from moving forward. His stance is utterly wrong and his position inaccurate but boy is his attire well oiled.

Bill Du'Crion: HALT VILLAIN!

Brella: What the Hell?

Bill Du'Crion: Yes, I know you, you're that crazy half-orc woman!

Brella: Who the hell are you?

Bill Du'Crion: I am *SIR BILL* Du'Crion, CHAMPION OF JUSTICE!

Brella: :bored: Uh huh.

Bill Du'Crion: Yes, I happen to have arrived just in the nick of time to save this entire place from the forces of.....*sticks pinky in mouth* evil.

Brella: Are you serious?

Bill Du'Crion: Yes. Quite so. Obviously, you are the source of this terrible evil and as a Champion of JusticeTM, it is my place to arrest you and bring you in for a well deserved hanging! Squire!

  • A little Hobgoblin Japanese Schoolgirl from Morgave walks in with a poleram*

Sakura: HAI!

Bill Du'Crion: This woman is attempting to sabotage the Fortress as part of an elaborate plot to bring forth a Daelkyr!

Sakura: GASP!

Bill Du'Crion: Yes, obviously, this plot which involves 12 Crystal Skulls is thwarted by me!

Sakura: Oooooooooo!

  • Bill poses*

Brella: Wait, I know you, you're that Drunk that hangs around the corner saying he's going to go clean out the Mournlands but never gets around to it!

Marie: Hold on, which way is it to the store.


  • Marie is wrapped up in a death snuggle by Sakura*


Sir Bill Du'Crion Lawful Neutral Human Male 20th level Commoner

Appearance: You know those Dragonlance novels? Yes, Bill has read them too and has modelled his appearance exactly on Sturm Brightblade.

Personality: Justice is your middle name! Literally, it's on your birth certificate. Now go annoy people until they surrender to you or walk away (which counts as retreating! Half-experience!)

Background: Bill Du'Crion, no relation despite his repeated insistance there is, is an embarrassment to the city. The elusive 20th level Commoner, Bill is one of a kind. Having had his farm repossessed during the Last War, he set out to defeat the cause of evil throughout the world despite no useful skills whatsoever to that effect. Well, he does have a couple of useful skills, he's maxed out his Intimidate and Bluff checks. Unfortunately, as above, he fails dramatically 1 out of every 20 times he cons people and they see through his ridiculous facade.

How has Bill racked up such an impressive set of levels despite the fact that he's learned absolutely nothing in twenty years of adventurering? Bill has a wonderful ability to con people into allowing him onto adventurers and he tends to gain experience by just being there when things are defeated. In other words, he's an experience leach and has managed to do quite well for himself with roleplaying bonuses.

Also accompanying him is his squire Sakura (LG F Hobgoblin Samurai 2) whom doesn't speak a word of Common yet seems to think that Bill has to be some kind of great warrior she can learn from. Sakura is one of those rare hot Hobgoblins who look utterly human except for their green skin and slave girl of orion bodies.

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 02:45 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Warning, clip in the middle not for the weak of stomach.


Castle Dungeon


Melissa: What the....:censored: is that?

Cassius: An Ancient Black Dragon whose father was most likely a Balor from the looks of it.

Melissa: How is that even biologically possible?

Krull: A bottle of Thranish vodka, some soft music, and a whole lot of time on one's hands

Cassius: I knew the Explorer's Handbook would lead to copycats of Rhasaak.

Krull: Actually, Rhasaak is my twin brother. The two of us were hatched out of the same cursed Hellspawned egg. I wanted to go out, see the world, kill new and interesting people.

Cassius: Huh.....really? How's that worked out for you?

Krull: Quite well, actually. Yes, but I can shift colors too.

  • Krull turns into a nice red dragon as the acid dribbling from his mouth turns into fire*

Cassius: That's a neat trick, I bet you can't turn into a teensy weensy house fly.

Krull: Oh come on, please tell me you're not trying that old trick.

Cassius: Right. I guess not.

Melissa: So, we going to take him or not?

Casisus: *whispers* First, let's try some psychological warfare. *aloud* You do realize that you can't keep the raising of a Daelkyr secret from the rest of the world! The Keeper of the Flame, the Gatekeeper Seers, and many others will send their champions to destroy you! Even the Dragonmarked Houses will rally their forces to destroy the Speakers to protect the world from the armies of Xoriat!

Krull: Actually, you're absolutely right. Indeed,the Four Nations pulled together and sent a a party of a hundred experienced warriors to destroy the terrible evil here. Except, there's something you need to know

Cassius: What's that?

Krull: This isn't Forgotten Realms.

  • casts Major Illusion to show what happened to the Champions of Light*


Cassius: You know, I was wondering who set off all those traps....

Melissa: The Benny Hill music was a bit much wasn't it?

Cassius: I'm all for making a break for it, how about you?

Melissa: Agreed. I hope Ryan, Reade, and Ari are doing better than we are....

Castle Chapel

Ryan: What kind of messed up weirdo builds a giant statue to himself?

Ari: When you're a halfling!?

Reade: Guy is seriously messed up.

  • the Statue starts rumbling*

Ryan: Ah crap, it's never good when the giant statues make that noise.

  • seconds later*


  • meanwhile, safely on the other side of the chasm were Ari, Reade, and Ryan*


Ari: Falling to his death!

Reade: And we never got to know him or about his tragic past!

Ari: He owed me money!

Lord Kale Fangblade 07-24-07 07:02 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

A corpse is hurled through one of the doors that Cassius, Melissa and Krull are in. following it is Kael, who's currently fighting of an aberrition with his back to the rest of the room. He raises a hand and unleashes a close quaters fireball, the following conflaguration is contained within the small space and immolates the unfortunat tenticled monster.

Kael then turns, glances at Cassius and Melissa's fear. and then looks at the massive expanse of Krull.

Kael: :mymy:

Krull: my my, they just keep coming dont they?

Kael: *telepath to Cassius* I dont suppose you have a plan Colonel?

Cassius: Actually, i was hopeing you did, have you ever slain a dragon before?

Kael: Once or twice. Never as big or... flaming as this one.

Cassius: so what do you think the best course of action would be?

Kael: Well, i think that fleeing would be a good plan, but it is most likely going to follow us. which means that one of us will have to remain behind as bait to cover the retreating party's back.

Cassius: I will do it.

Kael: No Colonel, we require you as the leader of this band. you must survive. I think it would be prudent if i remained behind Colonel, i am the strongest and most resistant to harm here.

Cassius: how long do you think you could last?

Kael: a few minuets at the most.

Cassius: Alright, you make the first move to distract him, and then we'll retreat.

Kael nodded and stepped towards Krull, shaking his shield bracelet out from his sleeve. his eyes focused. Kael gestured towards it with his left hand, unleashing a concentrated ray of cold vapours. the blast shimmered and faded before striking the dragon.

Krull: *chuckle* did you really think your pathetic spells would work against me warlock?

Kael: (TTH) This is going to be harder than i thought... You think you can do better Abomination?

Krull: *laughter* you are calling me an abomination. *more laughter* that is just helarious

Kael: *rolls his eyes* Less chatter more casting.

Krull raises one claw, unleashing a huge blast of lightning at Kael. dives to one side, rolling and landing back on his feet. Krull then opens his jaws wide, unleashing a huge pillar of Orang-Red fire that completely consumes Kael.

Krull smiles with evil delight, and ceases the fire breath. wanting to see the blackened and melted bones of his enemy. and to the dragons suprise, what's stood there is a shimmering blue shield of energy, that lowers itself and reveals a smirking Kael.

Kael: did you really think you could kill me that easily?

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-24-07 08:21 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Kaizer_Ryu (Post 13170908) Nathan: :mad: I said SNEAK ATTACK, B*TCH! *stabs him in the back with a wooden stake*

Bunny: Hey, and here I thought he was going to be useless.


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13171413) Kazandra has special plans for the Bone Knight Cassius D'Crion. Plans that extend from before his birth. Kazandra used potions designed by Erandis to briefly transform herself once more into a comely elven maiden. There, she seduced King Kaius and presented him his child nine months later. Cassius is unaware that he is the product of the House of Vol or tainted by the womb of a creature long dead but is aware of Kazandra as she's played the part of the mysterious advisor several times in his life.

Silver: So, wait, he's Eberron's version of Blade?


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13171775) Melissa: How is that even biologically possible?

Silver: What is this "biology" of which you speak?


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13171775) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pljMG...elated&search=

Bunny: I figured I'd been too lax on Good lately………

Reade: Wait a minute, what are we doing here? I thought we were back at Caer Shadowfist.

Sjacichin: Hey, works for me. I get to show off my moves.

rampant 07-24-07 09:29 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - :bored: *B-B-B-***** SLAP*

BIll - Team Rocket is blasting off agaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin

Kaizer_Ryu 07-24-07 09:52 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

A tiny pebble taps Kael on the head, causing him to glance upward. Part of the high vaulted ceiling, hewn out ages ago, shifts downwards.

Kael: :mymy: *leaps backward*

  • SMASH*

Krull: *now crushed under five tons of rock* :crazy: Thank you, sir. May I have another?

  • in the room above*

A large portion of the floor is missing, the mortar holding the block in place dissolved by acid.

Gortuck: :devil: That should give him a nasty headache.

Several voices are heard from the next room.

Cultist 1: He went this way!

Cultist 2: B*tch took my coin pouch!

Cultist 3: Screw your coin pouch! He's got the keys!

Cultist 1: And he's been disarming the tra-


Gortuck: :D Correction. MOST of the traps.

With that, he headed off to find the inner sanctum. He may not have been able to take on 90% of the enemies here, but he could damn well screw with their plans.

Ultimatecalibur 07-24-07 04:12 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Krull (freeing his head from the rubble):Fools now you DIE!

Krull rears back preparing to unleash his leathal breath, when suddenly two figures singing "When the Red Crow Flies", the Red Wing's anthem, come from above with a length of cord streched between them. With the cord landing atop the giagantic reptile's mouth the two figures, still hold then ends of the cord, simutaniously slide under the beast's gaping maw then flip back over Sealing the beasts mouth shut.

Cassius: About time you two arrived.

The two figures, Ryan and Kelly, tie the end of the cord to two nearbye pillars

Kelly (leaving Ryan the only one singing): Your just annoyed because this means you have to pay for tha drinks.

Ultimatecalibur 07-24-07 04:29 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Flicks Deputy DM badge. Retcon Time:

The events with Ryan, Ari, Reade and Lando are from a previous trip Ryan took to Metrol in which he first meet the two clowns. Lando was Ryan's research assistant.

Ari: I remember that trip.

Reade: Yeah, didn't Ryan have Cassius put us in the stocks for getting Lando killed?

Sjacichin: Guess that means we are in Caer Shadowfast.

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 04:59 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13178074) OOC: Flicks Deputy DM badge Retcon Time

The events with Ryan, Ari, Reade and Lando are from a previous trip Ryan took to Metrol in which he first meet the two clowns. Lando was Ryan's research assistant.

Ari: I remember that trip.

Reade: Yeah, didn't Ryan have Cassius put us in the stocks for getting Lando killed?

Sjacichin: Guess that means we are in Caer Shadowfast.


No need, anything involving a Private named Lando, The explorers' handbook, and so on is semi-canon to begin with.


In this case, the serious parts happening and not....not. But good retcon as any.

Ultimatecalibur 07-24-07 05:11 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Darn, I had a funny idea for Lando. The basic idea was everyone liked Lando, and that is one of the reasons nobody likes to listen to Ari and Reade... they got him killed.

The thing I was really trying to retcon was the fact that Ryan was with Kelly at the time, not with Ari and Reade.

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 05:22 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Ah, go ahead, poor Lando. But I never am wrong :-)

Kelly: Just admit the DM screwed up.

Ryan: He's not supposed to do that though.

Orkus: it happens from time to time.

Ryan: :mymy:

Kelly: :mymy:

Orkus: What?

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-24-07 05:44 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13178514) …The basic idea was everyone liked Lando, and that is one of the reasons nobody likes to listen to Ari and Reade... they got him killed.

OOC: Unfortunately that doesn't sit well because those two are supposed to be purely comedic characters. Nobody listens to them because they do and say outrageous things. Plus we don't see anyone mocking the people around them who think they got someone killed.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-24-07 07:14 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Nathan: You realize we've cut off our escape route?

Thelia: You'd rather leave them un-incinerated so these nutjobs can send them after us again? Or that we let the fire and smoke spread past that complex, choking the air we're using?

Nathan: ... *shuts up and keeps watching her walk* (concealed :drool:)

Gerald: They did have some...interesting things in there.

Thelia: Indeed.

Nathan: Uh...hey. What was that crunch when you hit the wall?

Thelia: Just a rib.

Nathan: JUST a rib?! You could have punctured a lung or something!

Thelia: I've had worse.

Nathan: You lie.

Thelia: Pansy.

Gerald: :nonono: I know that Black Knight was a moron, but do you have to keep quoting him?

  • about a month ago at Caer Shadowfast*

Cassius: :bored: Soooooooo...this is a ONE man blockade, I take it?

Black Knight: ...

Cassius: Really, good sir. The futility is apparent to everyone. We've got other gates. Why don't you just *shoo's him away* run along.

Black Knight: ...

Cassius: Right. *signals the caravan* Let's go.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcMMBUVW49o (sorry for the low quality. I went through like 15 of these, and they were all the same)

Nathan: Are you sure we should just leave him there?

Cassius: Brella'll take care of him.

Black Knight: :twitch:

Brella: What about this one? *dabs some more powder on part of his skin*

Black Knight: :weep:

Brella: Oh, come on, sweetie. You've gotta tell me which one's worse. How else can I find a better Itch Powder recipe?

  • back to present*

Thelia: Yes. And I can heal myself a bit thanks to my training, even here. So I'm not dying.

Nathan: ...so I won't get the chance to perform CPR? :(

  • THWAP*

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 07:45 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Dragon's Lair


Originally Posted by "Lord Kael Fangblade "Did you really think you could kill me that easily?

Krull: Yeah, for a moment. I kinda did.

The Mage Hunter's attacks were powerful and the Dragon was in no real hurry to destroy him outright. The creature enjoyed battle and the thrill of killing an opponent who offered a challenge, however remote. The swats with its massive tail, strikes with its clawed hands, and narrow misses with its teeth were enough to leave the half-undead magician horribly wounded. Healing in the Mournlands was impossible for his companions even though he might have a chance since his bodily system was hardly....natural.

Krull: Now....young fool.....you will die

Right as Gortuck brought a significant portion of the ceiling down onto the monstrous Dragon's head. Krull struggled in the stone for a bit, before his body burst into flames with his rage and shattered the stones above him.

Kael: :mymy:

Cassius: Quick! THIS WAY!

Kael: I was distracting him for your sake!

Cassius: *Cassius gives the Han smile* Trust me.

Kael: Oh Gods, we're all going to die.

Kael and Cassius began running down the hall then as the massive dragon smashed through the walls behind them and it became conspiciously similiar to Raiders of the Lost Ark right as the monstrous creature tore through hallway after hallway before they reached the bottom of a staircase where there was a mine of some kind. The Speakers of Orkus were hollowing out the underground of the Great Dhakaani palace in order to make room for their vast army they intended to create.

Mummy: HISSSS!

Kael and Cassius promptly both shot in the face with a spell and gun blast, the monster falling to pieces as they joined Melissa on the mine cart.

Kael: So what's the plan?

Cassius: I'm making it up as I go along!

Kael: :mymy:

The Dragon continued to bash its way forward as the mine cart took its leave. Cassius and Melissa both took up position on the end as they fired their crossbow and Boom Stick at the monster that was chasing them. Kael himself added his own array of spells, largely depleting some of the best of them as the monster barely seemed to notice the many blasts and strikes that were striking across its mammoth and hideous flesh. Possibly because it was too angry.

Kael: We can outrun it!

Kael: or not.

Cassius drove his blade into the heart of the monster's eye as it came frightening close to them while the majority of the mine was collapsing all about them. The wound to the monster's eye seemed to cause it actual agony even as the sword was glowing. Unfortunately, by this time, they had reached the end of the track and were at the Speakers of Orkus smelting facility. A primitive lighting rail leading down to the deepest part of the tunnel to Khyber they were excavating.

Cassius: Can you hit the controls?

Kael: Yes.

Melissa: Yes.

Cassius: DO IT!

The Dragon having been left behind were it reared, spread its black wings and flew towards them. It was a majestic and terrible creature that was beautiful to look upon and would have caused lesser warriors to stay still in awe.

Krull: No more games, now you DIE!

Kael then threw a dagger an astonishing sixty feet as it knocked against the House Cannith controls for the smelting ore piles while the Dragon rushed towards Cassius and his group, only to immediately be forced onto the ground as a large supply of molten metal poured down upon him. The massive amount was the collected sum of all the broken and shattered weapons, shields, armors, and more that were going to be reforged into supplies for the Demonic armies that would pour through.

Krull: Fire? Steel? I was born from this!

Cassius: Cast this :censored:

Melissa fired her crossbow's last bolt. That massive dam that diverted the river above was struck in its keystone pillar and shattered by the powerful enchanted arrow that sliced through the timber like it was butter. The sudden huge amount of frigid water poured down upon Krull caused the flesh that was covered in molten metal to suddenly be crushed in dozens of dozens of different places, tearing massive wounds as muscle was torn to pieces. One of its wings exploded and it fell backwards down on the ground as it thrashed horribly on the ground.

Cassius: Yeah, this was my plan all along.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-24-07 08:02 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Kaizer_Ryu (Post 13179792) Nathan: ...so I won't get the chance to perform CPR? :(

  • THWAP*

Silver: At least we know he's a teenage boy.

Bunny: :confused: As opposed to what?

Silver: Would you like me to list all the monsters with shapechanging ability or just give an example?

Kaizer_Ryu 07-24-07 10:19 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Thelia, Gerald, Sparks and Nathan followed the old catacombs till they again opened into a less...well built structure.

Nathan: Who the hell built this crap?

The chamber appeared to be a large sinkhole, wooden stairs, bridges, and gangways reached between levels and passages on either side. Being the Mournland, they appeared to have been made with wood salvaged from the city, the remains of peasant houses and makeshift military barracks, and destroyed trees (a.k.a. low-quality, ill-fitting junk). Neither the ceiling nor the floor could be seen in the darkness, but it appeared to go on for quite a while.

Thelia: Watch your step, boys.

The wooden structures creaked as they moved, staying fairly spaced apart to avoid placing undue stress on it. In the eerie silence, Nathan could only wonder why they had encountered little other than the Vampire and it's spawn. This place was supposed to be crawling with monsters. Perhaps the others had managed to distract the majority of them, being far louder and easier targets, but the hairs on his neck told him otherwise.

Gerald: Seems we've finally hit their trap.

Thelia: *sneers* They could have at least tried to make it subtle.

The clattering of bones and shuffling of feet greeted Nathan's ears. All but the passage behind them filled with undead and the groans of unnatural hunger.

Echoey Voice: Good to see you made it. I'd worried that my esteemed colleague was too much for you.

An emaciated figure can barely be made out about two or three levels above them. His eyes glow with a profane light as he grins malevolently at the interlopers.

Thelia: Gerard Schwartzvald, Death Knight Commander of the Emerald Claw I presume.

Gerard: *bows* Pleased to make your aquaintance, m'lady.

Thelia: Why tolerate a group as...mismanaged as this one?

Gerard: Mismanaged, yet effective in its own way. But I confess I'm bored, so I offer a proposal. :smirk: You survive my friends here, and I'll consider indulging one question each.

Gerald: Tight-lipped and pretentious. The reports are pretty accurate.

Thelia: Meaning he can back it up as well...

The conversation came to an abrupt end as the bridge they stood on collapsed under the increased weight from the minions closing in.

Nathan: :eek: Oh SH-!

Charles Phipps 07-24-07 11:02 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Huh, Ari and Reade. Brella. Also now I've added Sir Bill.

Is it just me or are there a hell of a lot of comedy characters for a serious game?


Depths of Castle

Melissa: Wow, that's impressive. I can't believe you actually managed to....

The oceans then began to rumble and then steam, the massive wings of the wounded and terrifying monster spread forth as the flooded chamber became nothing more than a fetid lake. The acid had corrupted it into a foul smelling and polluted swamp in an instant. The monster was now badly injured from the terrible attacks that had been delivered upon it, but it was still a creature that was not going to go down to such pathetic mammalian creatures that it currently faced.

Cassius: Impressive, most impressive.

Krull: That would be my line. You have won my respect. However, the Crystal Skulls that lie beneath will soon release my father from his prison. He will marshall the armies of the Dread Lord that lies sleepily here. Then, we will awaken him.

Cassius: Orkus?

Krull: A fairy tale for mortal understanding. The Lords of Dust have spent a thousand years preparing for this ritual. Do you think that it is an easy matter to awaken one of the Great Old Ones? The Dhakaani built this castle as part of the means to contain the spirit of the mighty King in Yellow. The Speakers of Orkus have sent their souls to him for many years and you only do our job for us by sending more.

Kael: *adjusts his sunglasses* HA! That explains the ease we've had thus far! You're using us to exterminate your cultists!

Melissa: You call that easy?!

Krull: I could certainly do it myself but their fanaticism in their last moments adds particular potency to the ritual.

Cassius: Prepare yourself to die then, Demonspawn. I'm not going to let you succeed.

Krull: How amusing, Lord Schwartzvald the Dreadmaster said you were an amusing one

Cassius narrowed his eyes as the Black Dragon drew back to blast them once more with his hellish acidic breath. Right before he suddenly growled in agony at the spikes being driven into his back.

Fracture: Step lively men! I want an orderly attack! Remember to hit the wounded areas to get to the fleshy bits! Despite its size, it's just meat!

Spike: Yes....

Pike: Sir!

Cassius pulled one of the spears away from the fallen Speakers of Orkus and then hurled it at the monster's mouth before piercing it through the jaw, the monster's mouth was locked even as the Bone Knight grabbed hold of one of the nearby buckets, cut the rope holding it and was flung Eroll Flynn style towards its face. From there, he began slashing down repeatedly in a frenzy of bloodlust. His glowing sword striking at the Demonspawn it was made to kill. The weapon inflicted three or four times as much damage as a normal strike and was blessed by Dol Arrah even if it was wielded by a man who no longer believed in that goddess.

Krull: No....it's no....

Krull's head bashed to the ground as it's brain had been struck several times. Ignoring the flame that badly burned the knight even when his sword hand was scalded beyond recognition, the Colonel slashed at its neck over and over again before finally cutting its head from its body. The monstrous Dragon's head rolled into the water where it sank into the ground.

Cassius: *plops down and holds his blade before him in prayer position* Danke seien Sie zum Gottin. Ich bin Siegreich.

[Thanks be to the Goddess, I am victorious.]

Fracture: That wasn't so difficult. Why do you meat keep having such trouble with such weak creatures?

Melissa: :bored:

Kael: :rolleyes:

Elsewhere in the Castle

Kelly: So, Ryan, we're here and everyone else is distracting the rest of the group. What exactly do you hope to find?

Ryan: The keys to stopping these monsters.

Kelly: I though that's what destroying the cult was for.

Ryan: This castle has been inverted from its original purpose by Arcane Geomancy. They've dug tunnels that channels the energy of Eberron from binding the King in Yellow into freeing it. They've also made the chapels and marks of worship symbols to bind the souls of the mortal worshippers. Even if we destroy the cultists, the Great Old One will probably be able to free itself from its current bindings.

Kelly: Just how bad would that be?

Ryan: Let me explain to you on the promise that you'll never share this.

Kelly: My oath as a Valenar.

Ryan: It's entirely possible that this ritual almost suceeded not terribly long ago and could well be the cause of the Mourning.

Kelly: :OMG!

Ryan: It's just a theory....but a likely one since this is the heart of Cyre. We need to gather all of the skulls together and then utilize their power to draw away the monster's power. He'll hopefully sleep for another thousand years.

Kelly: It disturbs me you know so much.

Morgoth cackled as they came onto him and his two....Helpers....Glaazebu underneath the robes if Ryan could guess.

Morgoth: Yes, it disturbs me as well amigos.

Sometime later

The group had travelled deeper into the heart of the enemy fortress, having decided to take one of the air tunnels as opposed to the direct route down. Cassius held a lightstone in front of them even as they heard the unholy sounds that were moving about them. The destruction of Krull would be a substantial blow to the Cult's Morale since he was the living embodiment of their god. That wouldn't mean that they were out of the woods yet since that just might make them fight all the fiercer.

They came then to where the two passes arced in different directions.

Cassius: Dammit, a fork in the road.

Fracture: I'll take the left, You take the right.

Cassius: Alright.

That was when Melissa and Cassius were really and truly left alone for the first time since this mission had begun. Cassius was heavily wounded and couldn't recover here in the Mourning. Not without druidic magic and he was willing to save his Paladin's strength for something more important than this. However, Melissa was largely uninjured and nearly as good as him to begin with. Thus, he decided to open it up directly.

Cassius: So, tell me, how long have you been working for the Emerald Claw?

Melissa then threw the dagger that Gihren had given her at the side of his head. It buried into the side of the wall as it began melting through a full foot thick.

Melissa: I could have hit you.

Cassius: I believe you.

The two then embraced one another in passionate kiss.

rampant 07-25-07 12:17 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

13 - I have no idea what this falls under.

Bunny - Don't look at me.

Silver - Even I'm not going to touch that.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 12:29 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


yes, apparently Melissa is the kind of girl who gets uhhh...worked up...by fighting.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-25-07 12:48 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The bridge gave way and Nathan felt a furry hand grab his wrist. As the undead fell around them, Thelia grabbed the failing bridge with her other hand, swinging along with it till it snapped clean off. She landed on the wall, their sideways momentum giving her just enough time to leap towards a nearby stairway. The Shifter then heaved him out over the chasm, his startled scream cut short by Gerald catching him midair before the three of them landed inside another passageway. Sparks barked repeatedly at the undead inside, but they refused to be dissuaded.

Nathan: :gel:

Gerald: Pay attention, boy. There's more to come.

With a lethal efficiency honed from years fighting the Karrnathi undead, Gerald began hacking down the creatures before him. The tunnel allowed a scant three, maybe four to attack at a time, giving him just enough leverage to stay on top of things.

Thelia, meanwhile, moved upwards. She leapt from bridge to bridge, sometimes using one of the skeletons or zombies for extra height. Gerard smiled as she reached his level, wondering if he'd have the pleasure of ending her life himself. Of course, another, far more attractive idea struck him.

Gerard: Well, well, mercenary, Your reputaion precedes you. Though I'd have thought you not foolish enough to do something like this. Perhaps you've decided to offer your services to a more...worthy employer than your current string of opportunists and idiots?

Thelia: *ignoring him* Top level and I still can't see anything... Interesting... But the echo is stronger.

Anoyed at her dismissal of his presense, he still notices her ears twitching as she spoke. She was smart enought to know she was outclassed, and smart enough to know he wouldn't be letting her go.

Thelia: It's quite interesting, your little setup here. When the ground sunk, it exposed your operation to the streets above. Filling it back in would have been too much of an endeavor to remain unnoticed, but leaving things exposed was no option either. So, you cover the hole, fix it up nice, and pretend it doesn't exist. Then the Mourning comes, but by some miracle it doesn't collapse. Any nosy adventurers merely pass over this spot, never suspecting a thing.

Gerard: Interesting theory. What does that have to do with my offer?

Thelia: :smirk: It's gotta be pretty weak, though.

Leaping upwards again, she pierced the Darkness spell that hid the cracked masonry used to uphold the city above. Her sensitive ears had pinpointed the distance, and the powder bomb she'd swiped from the workshop before would take care of the rest. Grabbing hold of a beam that supported the ceiling, she set the explosive on top of it.

Gerard: NO! Unholy Fire

As the blaze erupted from his fingers, Thelia let go.

Thelia: (i.h.h.) This one's gonna be close!

At the last second, she passed through the shadows, bypassing the quickly growing blaze and appearing beneath it. She hit freefall soon after, hoping Gerald had managed to clear out the tunnel by now.

Gerard saw her disappear, screaming in rage as she avoided his attack. She wouldn't live long, regardless. Whether she dies from impact, the flames, or some foolhardy attempt to escape didn't matter to him. He just wanted to see her broken and burned body desecrated and reanimated.

The fire reached the explosive she had set, immediately touching off a blast that echoed painfully in the enclosed space. The ceiling collapsed, and the remains of the building built over it collapsed into the pit.

Gerard: :mad: I. Loathe. You.

The mass of rock and wood collapsed onto him, taking the Dark Knight down with them.

By that time, Thelia was nearing her destination. The flames still hot on her tail (literally), she tossed out a grappling hook, latching onto the remains of one of the bridges. She swung towards her target, seeing open space before her. Gerald had done it!

When the flames reached the rope, they scorched it and finally caused it to snap.

Thelia: SON OF A-!

The rope end fell straight down, as Thelia looked forward to meeting the wall beneath her target only to be caught in the fire. A sudden jerk of the rope by a certain Half-Elf propelled her upwards and into the tunnel, Gerald softening her landing with his back. The flames scorched the back of Thelia's legs, removing the fur as well as her shoes, just before the falling bricks and rubble forced it lower.

Nathan: I thought I just heard that scary guy yelling something...

Thelia: If he's not dead, again, he's immortal. *wince*

Nathan: :blink:

That was the first time she'd shown any response to pain. Whatever that flame was, it must have been excruciating.

Gerald: Can you stand?

Thelia: Yes, I'm fine. We've gotta keep going, maybe see if anyone else's gotten this far. *grumble* I shoulda doubled my price... *grumble*

Nathan: What?

Thelia: Nothing. March.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 12:57 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Nathan: You're not concealing you're secretly dying from eternal bleeding or anything.

Thelia: March.

Nathan: Yes, sexy battle hardened lady.

The group then wanders into a tunnel where they found Cassius and Melissa in flagrante de licto.


rampant 07-25-07 01:06 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Gerard is pinned under the rocks unable to move. The missive from Brella had burst open fron the flame and rubble. Spilling its overdose of itch powder onto the death knight. Who is completely unable to scratch.


Kaizer_Ryu 07-25-07 01:30 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by rampant (Post 13183102) Gerald is pinned under the rocks unable to move. The missive from Brella had burst open fron the flame and rubble. Spilling its overdose of itch powder onto the death knight. Who is completely unable to scratch.


Gerald = Ranger we like

Gerard = Black Guard we don't


Got me confused, too.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 01:35 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Still pinned under rocks

Schwartzvald: Well, I wanted something intimidating sounding.

  • Morgoth sits in by him like a psychologist*

Morgoth: So you chose the name "Lord Black Forrest"?

Schwartzvald: It's scary sounding! I mean,TREES! You never know what they're up to.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 05:31 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Instead, I suggest Ryan's memories related to a quest he went on with the Eldeen Reaches brothers. They need some background. Ben and Jerry need some development.

This, for example, is quite non-canon.


Ben: Do you know how the Last War ended?

Zeke: The Mourning.

Gerry: No, that's not how it happened.

Ben: It was Bugbears.

Zeke: What?

Ben: Yeah, it was when we were travelling with a scoundrel named Hans Loner and his Bugbear companion Choppie.

Zeke: They sound fun.

Ben: Yeah, Hans piloted a small airship called the Adamantine Falcon.

Zeke: Ooooooo.

Gerry: Oalian had predicted the Karrns were building a new Floating Castle somewhere in the Reaches to crush the Aundairs. Unfortuantely, we got lumped in with them so it had to go. However, it was just in Droam territory and that was pretty damn risky.

Zeke: What happened?

Gerry: We allied with the dreaded Pygmy Bugbear. They are the most vicious, evil, psychotic little bast*rds you've ever seen.

Ben: Thankfully, they're not too bright. They started worshipping our prissy Cyrean Butler Reeto.

Zeke: What happened next.

Ben: It's difficult to describe. So much blood and horror.


Gerry: I understand they ate every Karrnath soldier they found.

ratslinky 07-25-07 08:40 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • Tekkmer moved forward with his men going to reinforce the men at the southern wing. He could be marked as a high ranking speaker of Orkus by the black robes and red lining of his armor.*

Bella: *Half hidden in the shadows* Lord Tekkmer I wish to report

Tekkmer: *Looking at her chest line and licking his lips* Yes what is it. *To his men who have stopped* Go on I'll catch up with you. *To Bella again* How about we go back to my quarters? This area is not secure and I would not wish for the information you are carrying to be over heard.

Bella: *Walking over to Tekkmer and rubbing her body against his suggestively* Yes I think that might be best. *On her last words she kissed him passionately and bit him lightly on the lips* Or perhaps it would be best if I just killed you here :devil:

Tekkmer: What? *With that he felt a wave of dizziness overcome him*

Bella: Here don't you like my pets *She pulls a snake around her neck and puts it mouth to his neck. The viper promptly bites him its poison flowing through his veins and stopping his heart* Yes I think that might be best :smirk:

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-25-07 08:47 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13181981) OOC: Huh, Ari and Reade. Brella. Also now I've added Sir Bill.

Is it just me or are there a hell of a lot of comedy characters for a serious game?

OOC: We believe that there are a hell of a lot of serious characters for a comedy game. :D IC: Reade: I'm still getting that feeling that we're missing something important.

Ari: Yeah. Great feeling, isn't it?

Ultimatecalibur 07-25-07 11:09 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Morgoth: Though it does make some sense in retrospect. I have heard tales of a group soldiers that had served in every army of the last war. These soldiers were always brillant tacticians, but that is not what links them, it is the fact that they each and every one had hair that changed color from day to day.

Kelly (knowingly glances at Ryan): "What should we do?"

Ryan: We maybe able to take out the shrimp, but even one of his demonic bodyguards would flaten the two of us. Lets breakaway and regroup with the others.

Ryan and Kelly sprint away from Morgoth and his bodyguards.

Morgoth: You, (points to one of the cloaked figures) after them.

The figure tosses aside his cloak to revealing a four armed Glabrezu([ooc] I think this is the monster you ment, charles.[/ooc]), and begins chasing after the Ryan and Kelly.

Morgoth: Appropriate tactics from someone who maybe the legendary Ethan Rhefeldt.

Down the hall Ryan and Kelly are still running.

Kelly: Who should we look for?

Ryan: Our best bets are finding Cass, Fracture, the leader of the Scavenger group: Thelia, and that Mage Hunter: Kael. With them we could put up an effective front against one or maybe even both of our demon friends. The d'Cannith and the Freedom's captain maybe able to help, but the others that came with us I am not sure that they can be more than fodder.

OOC: The Glabrezu are CR 13 monsters, Kael is level 13, Ryan, Bella and Cassius are level 10, while Kelly, Drake, Thelia and Fracture are 9. These 8 are the only chracters who have a decent chance of surviving a fight with one or both of the Glabrezu.

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