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Kaizer_Ryu 07-25-07 03:02 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13186504) OOC: The Glabrezu are CR 13 monsters, Kael is level 13, Ryan, Bella and Cassius are level 10, while Kelly, Drake and Fracture are 9. These 7 are the only chracters who have a decent chance of surviving a fight with one or both of the Glabrezu.

Thelia: AHEM. *taps her foot in annoyance*

OOUltimate: *anime sweatdrop* Oh, right. You're level 9, too.

Cassius: Hello? I'm kind of injured beyond reason in the Mournlands.

OOUltimate: ...ok, that's one added and one lost.

OOKaizer: Plus, when you fight as dirty as they do, fighting head to head becomes a less than attractive proposition.

OOUltimate: :bored: Coming from Mr. "Drop the ceiling on them".

OOKaizer: :D Being no match in a fair fight gives little incentive to fight fair.

Jarlot: :fight!: Stop stealing my lines!


SilvercatMoonpaw 07-25-07 03:20 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: To write serious you need to be a serious writer. Fortunately we don't seem to have any of those.

Ultimatecalibur 07-25-07 06:06 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Kaizer_Ryu (Post 13189199) Thelia: AHEM. *taps her foot in annoyance*

OOUltimate: *anime sweatdrop* Oh, right. You're level 9, too.

Cassius: Hello? I'm kind of injured beyond reason in the Mournlands.

OOUltimate: ...ok, that's one added and one lost.

OOKaizer: Plus, when you fight as dirty as they do, fighting head to head becomes a less than attractive proposition.

OOUltimate: :bored: Coming from Mr. "Drop the ceiling on them".

OOKaizer: :D Being no match in a fair fight gives little incentive to fight fair.

Jarlot: :fight!: Stop stealing my lines!


OOC:Charles, Kaizer. I move to remove post 189, because the events in that post did not happen. In other words Ryan and Kelly did not show up saving Kael and Cassius.

OOKaizer: So how would that change things?

Ryan: I could not have known that Cassius had been hurt so badly, even then I am one of the few characters that has any nonitem healing capability. Though I am sorry my entity forgot about Thelia.

Cassius: What?

Ryan: Bard, 6th level. Look at the spell list: "Cure ____ Wounds", while not as effective in the Mournlands it is still healing.

OOUltimate: I thought that Thelia was a 6 like the rest of her group (Gortuk, the Greywoods and Lindsey), and nothing was ever said about the expected fight being fair just that group would be able to put up a decent fight. Oh, Silvercat?


OOUltimate: I am being serious because if I had not been I would not have looked up the CR of the Glabrezu, Ryan and Kelly would have smashed the two of them and tied up Morgoth even though they are only levels 9 and 10.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 06:14 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13191356) OOUltimate: I am being serious because if I had not been I would not have looked up the CR of the Glabrezu, Ryan and Kelly would have smashed the two of them and tied up Morgoth even though they are only levels 9 and 10.

OOCharles: What the?

Orkus: I think we need a chronomancer to work that one out, friend.

OOCharles: You're telling me. I just finished a huge post based on the smartness of running away from the Glaabezu.

Cassius: Does this mean I'm dead? Since Dragonfire hurts and I barely survived when everyone rescued me...

Orkus: I think that means a parallel time line is created.

OOCharles: That's only in Universe 616....

Jarlot: This is why I drink. You entities reshuffling reality at a whim is always painful to look at.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-25-07 06:28 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Lindsey: Say Ben... *encases a group of zombies in ice*

Ben: Yeah? *electrocutes a bunch of cultists*

Lindsey: Is there anything... *Shatters a building full of skeletons* funny going on between your brother and the Boss?

Ben: *kicks a Flaming Sphere into a group of mummies* What?

Lindsey: Come on, you know what I mean. *Lightningbolts some more cultists*

Ben: Sure, Thelia picks him a lot when we split up. *calls a swarm of spiders to wrap up a golem* They're both no fun.

Lindsey: No, I mean *Halt Undead* they seem to get along really well.

Ben: Ah. While it'd do my brother good to get a date once in a while, *calls a small Fire elemental* Thelia doesn't seem the type to get involved with a colleague.

Lindsey: True, but *Scorching Rays some abberations* she's also a lonely woman working in close quarters with someone who has earned her respect.

Ben: Jerry'd never make the first move. *Entangles another golem*

Lindsey: We'll have to come up with a way to give them a hard time once they return. *Stinking Clouds another building full of cultists*

Magical portals open up nearby as cult mages summon in a few "reinforcements".

Ben: :mymy:

Lindsey: I think we made them mad.

At least a dozen Babaus emerge, surrounded by quite a few more Dretches and Quasits.

Lindsey: Got any big spells left?

Ben: Not really. You?

Lindsey: Just one. Fireball

With several of the lesser demons down and the rest slightly perturbed, the two mages made tracks behind a Sleet Storm.

OOC: The best way to work out inconsistencies is to ignore them or make a joke out of it (puffs of logic and such). I may not always be serious, but I'm doing my best to maintain D&D consistency (CR and such). Thelia barely scraped past an encounter with a Death Knight probably twice her challenge rating thanks to some quick thinking, a few action points, and a natural 20 on Gerald's Strength check. Only Nathan's theiving skills kept them from being a Vampire's lunch. Had they taken either of them head on, they'd have died no question.

Ultimatecalibur 07-25-07 08:36 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Read up on healing in the Mournlands, forgot that all healing subschool spells and spell-like effects don't work, thought that they were hindered instead.

Ryan: Ack, should have remembered that healing magic is useless.


Ryan and Kelly run around a corner and stop to catch their breath.

Kelly (looking back around the corner): We put a good bit of distance between us and that critter.

Ryan (looking at a group further down the corridor they had just turned into): Looks like Cass had enough time to get a new girlfriend.

Kelly: Huh? (Looks at Ryan.) What?

Ryan: See for yourself. (Points to Cassius and Melissa still in a lip lock.) Hey everyone, we should get back to the ship fast, unless you want to meet the new demonic friend Kelly and I made.

Cassius (breaking his lip lock): What is it?

Ryan: Glabrezu.

Ultimatecalibur 07-25-07 09:42 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Kelly: We dropped one of the four armed freaks, but another is still around.

  • Flashback*

Ryan and Kelly are running from the Glabrezu that is chasing them. They enter a regal feast hall with several chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Ryan (Stops running, looks up, and smiles): Excellent. I think we can beat that dog headed demon.

Kelly (stops, looks at Ryan): What's tha plan?

Ryan: We drop a chandelier on him.

Kelly: I see. I'll get him under one and you'll drop the gaudy thing on his head.

Ryan: Correct.

      • Short While Later***

The Glabrezu bursts into the hall. Kelly is standing just beyond the point where a chandelier will land when it drops.

Glabrezu: Foolish mortal you will not stop the release of my master, though if you stop fighting I will make your death quick and somewhat painless.

Kelly: No thank you, you cross between a hell hound and a garillion.

Glabrezu (start walking forward): For that you will die slowly, screaming in agony.

Kelly (smiles as the Glabrezu get under the chandelier): Ryan! Now!

The heavy chandelier falls the pinning the demon underneath.

Kelly (walking up to the demon's head): Looks like your the one dieing, hun. (Lifts her silver blade over her head in a two handed grip) Don't know if it will be quick, but sure hope it's painful. (Kelly brings down the blade in a smooth arc slicing the demon's head clean off.)

Glabrezu's Head: Curse you mortal...

Ryan: Unusual. I would have expected it to take more blows to cleave the demon's neck. Now I really want to find out more about that sword.

Kelly: For sure. It even feels a little different than before. (Looking at the blade.)

Kamikaze Chicken 07-25-07 09:53 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Artifice has been wracking his brain now for quite some time trying to figure out exactly what to do with his little...... creation.

Artifice:: Another alchem my friend Twister!!

Twister: Im a cuttin you off Arty.... this stuff's no good for ya any how.

Artifice: nah.. tha... *hic* is silly.. One more fer me.....

twister slides him one more dose of alchemical cocktail.

Artifice downs the drink then slams the glass to the bar and hollars in triumph. "Ife gawt iit!" and promptly passes out back wards to the floor boards.

Minutes later a small dispatch of silver horrors shows up and drags him back to his work room where the AH is walking back and forth over another missive of questionable content.

AH: He of the blades wishes the creator to furnish more of our kind for him. SH's: HE of the Blades commands it!

AH: Prepare the creator for transport, the emissary of he of the blades will be here within a cycle.

SH's: By your command.

And promptly the SH's begin packing up the laboratory and artifice, constructing a wooden crate around his bed. Snoring drunkenly artifice is oblivious to the working horrors, or their intent to deliver him to the LoB

OOC:chicken: : When all else fails, be abducted while drunk. seems to work in most movies why not here....

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Crystalforged 07-25-07 10:55 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Fracture and the twins are making their way down another dim corridor. Up ahead the passage opens into a pitch black chamber.

Spike: Are you sure this is the right direction captain? I'm almost certain I saw light up ahead down the other passageway.

Fracture: (seeminly ignoring Spike and stopping in the doorway to the chamber) Pike, light.

Pike pulls out a sunrod and strikes it against the stone. The radiance of the sunrod casts a dim glow across the room. And the weapons. LOTS of weapons. Every shape, size, type, and quality. They hang on racks on the walls, crates and barrels on the floor, and lovingly displayed one tables jumbled around the room. A number of them give off an obvious magical radiance.

Spike: My apologies sir.

Fracture: Acknowledged. I want a complete sweep of the room for hostiles. No oogling the weapons until it has been secured.

The twins set about their task and quickly search the entire room. However it proves to be empty, any cultists that might have been gaurding it must have been drawn away by all the excitement elsewhere. The twins have returned to Fracture's side with Spike fidgeting nervously and glancing around, almost like a small child the desperately needs to go to the bathroom.

Fracture: (glancing at Spike) *sigh* Fine, you can go browse the weapons now. (spike has taken off almost before the words have left his mouth) Just remember we travel light!

By now Spike is rifling through a stack of spiked clubs and similar impliments on one wall. He keeps siezing them, occasionally swinging one experimentally before tossing them over his shoulder, unable to find one that he likes. Eventually gives up on the clubs and begins examining a number of crossbows. His eye is immediately to a massive one clearly designed for an ogre or something even bigger, looking more like a small balista than anything else. He cocks it back and test fires it into the wall. The bolt sinks two inches into the stone wall.

Spike: (looking at the weapon approvingly) This'll do.

Meanwhile Pike has ambled over to a wall covered with various polarms and is survaying them carefully. He selects a few to add to his collection back home but nothing he plans on wielding until he comes upon a small crate of adamantine tipped javelins. He picks up one of them and runs his finger along the edge experimentally. It leaves a deep gouge in the steel and Pike nods approvingly, holstering several of them on his back.

Fracture eschews the melee weapons, prefering his fists in that regaurd so instead he makes his way over to a small table covered in magical artifacts. He picks up one in particular, an mythril rod nearly three feet long and just under 6 inches in diameter. A tiny lable on the side of it reads "made in Xen'drik." He sends his thoughts into the item some power unlocks within it, firing a scarlet ray which obliterates the table and the wall in front of him.

Fracture: (staring down at the mythril rod) I already don't know how I ever lived without you.

Pike: Um, boss, you better take a look at this...

Fracture looks up to see a new chamber has been revealed on the other side of the wall he just disintigrated. The walls are lined with small alcoves, each of which is occupied by a warforged. All of them have turned their heads in Fracture's direction.

OOC: Please don't do anything with this, I've got plans but I just don't have time to type things up right now.

Also, just a note, the rod Fracture has is essentially an eternal wand of dissintigrate. The proper name for it is an Ingot Arcanum from Secrets of Xen'drik.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 11:00 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Cool, you're getting some awesome and well deserved toys Crystal Forged.

Charles Phipps 07-25-07 11:07 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Dungeon Level

Thelia: :bored: Ahem.

Melissa: :blush: Oh Gods! Thelia! I'm....

Thelia: Don't you have something better to do be doing?

Cassius: Not especially, no.

The Colonel got up off the ground and started getting dressed again as he took a deep breath, having only badly bandaged his remaining wounds.

Thelia: We need to get our druids down here to bandage your wounds.

Cassius: That won't be necessary.

The Colonel paused for a few seconds as a group of Goat masked cultists were heading down the nearby passageway.

Goat Knight: The non-believers are.....AH!

The Colonel pulled out a dagger from his boot as he descended on them, stabbing the first in the neck before a second in the heart, and a third in the base of the skull. The remaining two tried to flee as he slit the throat of the fourth from behind and fell onto the fifth before stabbing.

Thelia: And what did that display, exactly?

Cassius then removed his bandages as the wounds started healing. His veins became a blue and black shade while the horrible regeneration occurred. After a few seconds, the man's face twisted in agony before he took a deep breath.

Nathan: Woah.

Thelia: A Dagger of Vampiric Regeneration. Particularly powerful in the Mournland.

Cassius: Bone Knights are equipped with them as a matter of course. I have not lived so long as I have without making an effort to pick up the best tools for the occasion.

Melissa: :blush: Melissa, I....

Thelia: Save it. You want to hang out with dried husks from the war. That's your own business.

That was when Ryan and Kelly then started running backwards. They spoke of a Glaabezu.

Ryan: It's an especially powerful one as well.

Cassius: Yes, these demons are leftover from the First Demon War. They aren't the eternally reincarnating ones of Shelvaresh.

Nathan: How do you know so much about this stuff?

Cassius: My mother taught me stories about the Demonic Forces of Khyber when I was an infant.

Nathan: :blink:

Cassius: The monster would be a fool to accompany us now. However, I suggest we don't engage it unless absolutely necessary. We have to get to the inner sanctum of these creatures.

Thelia: Schwartzvald is taken care of.

Cassius: :bored:

Thelia: It wasn't that difficult.

Cassius: He's a DEATH Knight, Thelia. The High Vassal of Dol Arrah cursed him with the Goddess' own voice for his betrayal. He's immortal, completely immortal, until a god or similiarly powerful being removes his curse.

Nathan: Why is he cursed with immortality of all things? Also, awesome power? I mean, that didn't make sense in the Illusionary Picture about the Xen'drick Mummy either with Bredoss Frayser.

Cassius: He can't feel anything. Love, passion, joy, happiness, friendship, taste, or sex. Only anger, fear, hate, despair, or guilt. His life is an eternal, neverending, and mindless horror. Long may he live it. The power is just a product of his studies.

Nathan: Okay.

Cassius: and he's willing to destroy the world to end it.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-25-07 11:38 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Thelia: Figures. Oh well. He'll have a bit of trouble getting 5th and Main off his head.

Cassius: :confused:

Thelia: :bored: You figure out a way to get rid of someone who can burn away your soul with a look without dropping a few tons of masonry on him.

Melissa: How about a few hundred gallons of molten steel followed by freezing cold water?

Thelia: *raised eyebrow*

Melissa: Worked on Krull.

Thelia: ...right. Oh, and I have to say the little punk managed to do more than just leer at me.

Nathan: :D

Gerald: If I may interject. It seems we've got at least one Glabrezu, Morgoth, and a possibly very angry Death Knight still after us. I don't know about you, but I'd say that's a tall order as we stand right now. The distraction above's got to be running low on spells.

Cassius: Agreed. Let's move, people.

Ultimatecalibur 07-25-07 11:53 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

(While everyone is moving out)

Ryan: I told them that their changes would mess that story up.

Nathan: What? The Xen'drick Mummy one?

Ryan: Yeah, I can understand some of the changes, like how the mummy was defeated, but others did not make any sense.

Nathan: You mean the mummy wasn't defeated by setting off a store room full of alchemist fire! H-how was the mummy really defeated?

Ryan: We, uh, sorta talked it down.

Nathan: :OMG! The Mummy was talked down?

Ryan: The mummy's mission was to protect this other mummy's body for eternity. The mummy stop attacking people when it was convinced that it could still perform its duties here in Khorvaire. Now it is a museum security feature. Oh, before I forget, I found something for you. (Tosses Nathan a dagger.) Should be very helpful while we are here. It is a Kharrnish made Dagger of Vampiric Regeneration. Several of the senior cultists have had them.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 12:16 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Btw, did we lose the Thing somewhere?

I was waiting for an introduction scene after he was to be rescued.

I wanted to see the guy but I can figure how he might have gotten lost in the fastness of the plot.


Inner Sanctum of DOOM


Morgoth: PSssst, you can't say that.

Orkus the Balor: What?

Cultists: *snicker*

Orkus the Balor: What? Why do they laugh?

Morgoth: Errr...it's difficult to explain.

The Cultists make Mighty Morphin Power Rangers like gestures.


Cultists: :rofl:

Morgoth: Yes, err....flaming no longer has the same connotations that it used to have either.

Orkus the Balor: What? Explain.

Morgoth: *whispers*

Orcus the Balor: :eek:

Morgoth: Yeah, sorry about that.

Orcus the Balor: Oh come on, I've been trapped under a frickin' pillar for ten thousand years! Throw me a frickin' bone. How am I supposed to keep up with lingo?

Morgoth: Yes, well, basically we need you to serve as the vessel for the ritual to awaken the King in Yellow. So we've been pretending that the Cult is devoted to a guy named after you but who doesn't exist.

Orcus the Balor: What?

Morgoth: Look man, just look scary. We just lost our dragon.

That was when the death Knight walked in holding a sword and started slamming it down repeatedly on the altar, cracking it into many pieces.

Schwartzvald: Words cannot express how utterly :censored: off I am right now

Morgoth: You owe me 20 Karn marks now.

Schwartzvald: A :censored: fox shifter!

Morgoth: Well, in any case, we're almost ready to destroy the world.

Schwartzvald: About time!

Damned Evil looking Tunnels

Cassius: We need to give the signal to Drake and his crew.

Thelia: You think they'll be of much help?

Cassius: I think he's a skilled member of his House with excellent choice in women.

Ryan: Isn't she rumored to have killed like three or four of her husbands?

Cassius: her parents too. It means she's fiesty.

Ryan: :uhuh:

That was when the doors suddenly sealed shut and a massive set of spikes started descending down from above.

Cassius: Ah crap.


The spikes then stop three feet above their heads.

Gortuck's Voice: Hey! You know, I found a service tunnel for some traps! I shut them off. Better to be safe than sorry.

Morgoth's Voice: Gods dammit.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-26-07 01:25 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13194944) OOC: Btw, did we lose the Thing somewhere?

I was waiting for an introduction scene after he was to be rescued.

I wanted to see the guy but I can figure how he might have gotten lost in the fastness of the plot.

OOC: I'll poke Rei in the morning.

And a note to those of you wondering. Urial's computer isn't doing so well, so that's why he hasn't joined in here yet, or done anything on the FF for a few days. He's working on it, apparently.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 01:29 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Just to also toss my .02 in.

Congradulations to everyone here. I've had an awesome time thus far with this game and I'm very impressed with everyone here. While a bit on the hack and slash side, this has shown everyone's character and given them a chance to shine.

Bravo. I like everyone's character and there's lots to be seen here.

rampant 07-26-07 01:31 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Schwartzvald - The worst part is my nose wont stop itching.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 01:33 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by rampant (Post 13195515) Schwartzvald - The worst part is my nose wont stop itching.

Next up: Why Brella won't leave the Colonel alone

Brella beats Cassius over the head with a towel rack pipe.


Cassius: We're almost to the limits of our ability to fight. Our spells are almost expended, even amongst the strongest of us in Kael.

Kael: I never suggested I was close to being expended.

Cassius: But the Dragon....

Kael: That's what wands are for.

Cassius: :smirk:

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 05:25 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Hall of Kings

Theme: "Dwelling of Doom" from Castlevania. http://www.inverteddungeon.com/treasury/remixes/CV2%20Simon's%20Quest-%20Dwelling%20of%20Doom%20(arr).mp3

Having fought their way past a group of hideous wights as the Glaabezu stalked them, they finally managed to get into the cold and sundering depths of the castle. They were almost to the portal that had not been opened since the days of the Ancient Dhakaani. At least, until the Mourning had cracked it open.

Cassius: Hold.

Melissa: What is it?

Cassius: We're entering the Hall of Kings.

Thelia: So?

Cassius: This is where the relics of Galifar are stored. Ancient and pricess artifacts of tremendous power.

Thelia: You want us to look the place?

Even Thelia backed away from Cassius' glare, so much venom was directed inside it.

Ryan: Actually, he raises a good point. This is a place that must be passed to get to the Tomb of the Yellow King, no doubt where the Gatekeepers sealed the Speaker's god all those years ago. Right over a portal to Khyber itself.

Thelia: We're not getting paid enough for this job.

Cassius: The bounties you'll be paid for this massacre will almost certainly bankrupt me for years to come, Scavenger. No further that you'll have more than your life that is imperilled by inaction.

Thelia: And what do you fight for, an honorable death?

Cassius: I am Karrn. The blood of Karrn the Conqueror, Galifar, and Jarlot runs through my veins. My mother was an elf and almost certainly of Valenar the land that runs overflowing with the spirit of battle.

Thelia: :bored: And that means?

Cassius: Ask me not why I battle for I am battle. Death and destruction are the twin blades I hang with the most glorious not death of self but that of my enemy. My kind cannot exist in peacetime. That is why I am here.

Ryan: Uh huh....ummm Cassius, can I get with the exposition?

Cassius lowers his head.

Nathan: Go on Mister Jones.

Ryan: That's not my name.

Nathan: Righ Indy.

Ryan: Ahem.

Nathan: Sorry Giles.

Cassius: Go on.

Ryan: This place is empowered by magics of ancient Galifar. Any who pass through these halls to face the challenges below must confront their worst fears in the process....and greatest desires. This is a mental challenge the Orkus cultists can overcome easily because they are mostly undead or insane....the living are not so lucky.

Nathan: Who the Hell would make something like that?

Ryan: It's meant to test the future King.

Castle Blades In the city of Blades, in the country of Bladevania

Theme: "Castlevania: Gears and Chains" http://www.inverteddungeon.com/treas...d%20Chains.mp3

The Lord of Blades: Interesting.

The Lord of Blades surveyed the giant crystal ball that was at the center of his chamber. The massive God of All Warforged had made it a priority to sack House Cannith and the homes of most of the major wizards when he took command over Cyre (in what he now termed to be Bladevania)

His two hommonoculi were slaveningly worshipful, as always.

Pommel: Oh Glorious Living God amongst us, what is happening?

The Lord of Blades: The arrogant fleshlings are currently attempting to prevent the ressurection of Rajah within the former city of Metrol. Some of them are beings I recognize.

The mighty Warforged took a drink of alchem.

Hilt: Should we stop them?

Pommel: Or help them?

The Lord of Blades: Do nothing. If the Fleshings defeat the Rajahs' attempt to return then I shall be prevented from having to defeat it in the future. A formidable task for even one so glorious as I.

Hilt: And if they fail?

The Lord of Blades: Then we may hope that the Rajah wipes clean another country like the power of the Mourning wipes clean this one. Either way, we benefit. Of course, I pity the warforged who were amongst them.


The Lord of Blades: Only one is worthy to rule all the world.....and perhaps one other. However, he is gone now. Meanwhile, I am pleased to know my construct is bringing me the artificer I requested.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-26-07 07:42 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ari and Reade are starring off into the Mournland. Reade rubs a tacky green-and-silver sci-fi watch on his right wrist.

Reade: Do you suppose we should have told them we can summon giant warforged dragons?

OOC: Non-canon.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 07:45 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by SilvercatMoonpaw (Post 13196915) Ari and Reade are starring off into the Mournland. Reade rubs a tacky green-and-silver sci-fi watch on his right wrist.

Reade: Do you suppose we should have told them we can summon giant warforged dragons?

OOC: Non-canon.


They're actually incredibly angsty super-heroes that are hiding an awesome power and pain we don't know! You're suffering in silence!

Reade: Have a silver coin for a priest? I promise I won't spend it on booze!

Ari: Really?

Reade: Yes, I'll spend it on women.

Wait, I think that's the normal faith of Ollandra....

Reade: Right and Cassius is Blade.

Ari: No no, Kael is Blade. Cassius is just a son of a Lich.


Lord Kale Fangblade 07-26-07 08:29 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: The trails will be different for each character Correct?


Kael: I will pass through these challanges first, from there i'll make sure there's no ambush waiting for us on the other side.

Kael stepped forwards in the dusty hallway. testing the ground he continued forwards. the place was old, and the spirits that clung to this place where older still. If Kael had the time he'd assist their passage to the other side... but now was not the time for that sort of work.

As he continued through the passage ways a niggling fear began to form in him, spreading outwards like a seed. Kael gritted his teeth and continued despite the screaming of his senses, Fear was somthing Kael didnt suffer from much, but he fought it everystep of the way. Turning a Corner, he reached a long gallery, the walls where adorned with various iron framed full-length mirrors.

Due to the concentration of negative energy in the area, and the fact that Kael's vampire side was much closer at the moment he shouldnt of cast any reflections. but in each of the mirrors was a reflection, and though each of them was him, none of them where the real him.

The first was an emicerrated grimy figure, his skin turned a sallow leathry grey. his teeth and nails long and yellowed. dressed only in rags and adorned with various scarrings in the shape of magical runes. It glared at him, with yellowed slit like eyes.

Ghoul Kael:*whisper* Half-Blood, you reject what you really are.

Kael Ignored it, glancing at the second mirror. within it was what looked like the True Kael, but with its long hair tied back in a pony tale, Red eyes and a slight feral tint to its features. it smiled, revealing lengthened Canines.

Vampire Kael: *Whisper* just give in, go on. feed. it'll be fun. I promise.

Kael shut out the voice, and the rising hunger that came with it. these were merely phantasms, nothing to be feared. even if... he shuddered and Stepped forwards. The Third Mirror showed Kael, but dressed in Black Mantled and hooded robes, a staff made from bone clutched in his hands. and a horde of spectres surrounding him.

Dread Nercomancer Kael: *stretching out a hand*Anything for the secrets of Life and Death? anything to get her back. or did you forget what you promised all those years ago.

Kael felt of stab of pain in his heart. he had made that promise all those years ago, and he'd broken it... he'd abandoned her. Kael Shook himself and continued taking more steps The forth Mirror contained only a Crystal embedded Skull, that was wreathed in powerful magics it floated at head height. This one remained silent, merely watching Kael with its hungry eyes. Fear rose up stronger in Kael, stronger than he'd ever felt.

as hundreds of them, all different versions of him, Demonicly empowered, various full undead, an Aberration and other such creatures began to reach out of the mirrors. clutching at him. Kael ran, Out right terrror flowing through him,dodging between the clutching and grasping hands. until he felt a cold, wet and rotting thing grab his leg. sending him sprawling on the floor.

Kael shuddered as a wave of cold passed through him. making him weak... unable to move as he his legs where dragged through the mirror. All Kael could do was attempt to fight the cold as it consumed him. Like the tide consuming a sandcastle

Kassadriel: hey Dumba**! resist it! Its merely an illusion

Kael felt warmth flowing through him, empowering him and destroying the Colds hold on him. Kael lifted his head, glancing at the rotted corpse like version of himself in the mirror that was dragging him through the mirror. Fire. Rage. white hot flowed through Kael as he Invoked a Hellfire Blast at the creature.

I passed through the Mirrors surface, consuming the creature in orange-red flames. Kale rose, the runes on his flesh glowing with a Similar light. flames wreathed about his hands.

Kael/ Kassadriel: *glaring at the Mirror Creatures* Anyone else want to be Immolated?

The Mirror Kael's drew back. hissing from the blazing fury and the illusion faded. revealing just an empty Gallery.

Kassadriel: That was close.

Kael: Indeed

Kassadriel: Your really out of practise in the whole "Illusionary Fears" and "Trials" Department.

Kael: *rolls his eyes* Thanks for the complement.

Kassadriel: Im just pointing out ways in which you can improve. I have to live in this body as well you know, if you Die i Die.

Kael: well for an immortal Fallen Angel you could be a bit more helpful.

Kassadriel: No can do boss, This is out of my depth. i have no durisdiction here, remember the little part about me being a Supernatural creature and and you being part supernatural creature?

Kael: Yes i understand Supernatural scripture, I know that there are certain things we cant do. ie Pass onto onto concecrated ground and the such.

Kassadriel: Indeed. but because your only part Supernatural you can break the scriptures, you just suffer a few penalties for doing so. On the other hand, me being a full Supernatural creature like i am, The scriptures are Immutable lore's to me. Similar to Gravity.

Kael: *sigh* why did i have to be paired up with the Smark Alek ?

Kassadriel: I dont know Genius, Why dont you ask the people who bound us together. oh wait, you cant. because they're all dead!

Kael: Just shut the hell up and Keep an eye open for magical threats

Kassadriel: Sure thing Monkey Bo- i mean boss.

OOC: I'll introduce more about Kassadriel later but for now, Kassadriel is basically just a really annoying voice in Kael's head. I've got a few more trails for Kael in mind, but everyone else can feel free to post theirs.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 08:42 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Yes, each Trail gets a different Dagobah Cave.


And nice nod to D's hand voice. I read the books in addition to the movies.

ratslinky 07-26-07 09:51 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • Twenty minutes before Kael goes through. Bella crept forward dagger in hand till she saw the gate to The Hall of Kings. Two Cultists guarded the doorway obviously alert.

Bella: Nascosto, Manipolazione take them out *Her two vipers headed forward winding through the shadows the went up the walls till they where directly above the cultists the quick as lighting they struck paralyzing them with their poison. Bella walked over to the cultists who where now paralyzed* Well boys seems your at my mercy :devil: *She quickly rolled the cultists into the shadows before slipping through the gates closing them behind her. Bella walked through the great hall marveling at the architecture. When she came to the mirrors she saw her reflection. In the first on it showed a woman in her middle years who'd obviously given birth to lots of children. A shiver ran down Bella's spine. At the second one it showed her doing the washing at the third her husband and herself sitting round a fire with eight children playing on the carpet. And so it went each mirror showing various family activities. She walked through them all seeing what might have been till she came to the last one and it was this one that almost made her scream because it showed the cultist who had snuck up behind her and was in the process of stabbing her through the heart...*

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-26-07 10:33 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by ratslinky (Post 13197856) ....She walked through them all seeing what might have been till she came to the last one and it was this one that almost made her scream because it showed the cultist who had snuck up behind her and was in the process of stabbing her through the heart...*

OOC: You recieve a :mymy: award for "Andrenaline-Twisting Scary Surprise".

Kaizer_Ryu 07-26-07 10:33 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

As Thelia entered the hall, the scenery changed. Instead of an ancient structure carved out of the living rock beneath the dead capitol of Cyre, she now stood in a lightly forested area in what appeared to be mid-spring.

Familiar Voice: Remember this place?

Thelia turned to see Marie standing beneath a nearby tree, gazing out over the hills. The bunny Shifter seemed quite a bit older, more like sixteen/seventeen instead of eight. She was not wearing the robes she arrived in, but a tattered, mud- and blood-stained pink dress. A rather familiar one at that.

Marie: Maybe not. It's not like you'd want to.

Thelia: I've never forgotten it. How could I?

Marie's face became sad, almost as if to apologize for what was to come.

Marie: I have someone who'd like to ask you something...

As Marie stepped to the side, the sight behind her made Thelia's heart skip a beat. What appeared to be a small child with fox ears and a tail stood there. The rest of it's features were somehow indistinguishable. Eye color, hair color, facial features, even if it was male or female.

When it spoke, its voice full of innocence and sadness, Thelia felt a pain unlike any she'd experienced for nearly four years.

Child: Mommy? Why do you hate me?

OOC: More tonight.

Ultimatecalibur 07-26-07 11:00 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Kael did remind me more of D than Blade.


Ryan: I will go now.

Ryan walks forward, then disappears from veiw after turning into the gallery.

Kelly: He told me he once walked this hall along time ago, and barely made it.

Nathan: Why did he walk it previously?

Kelly: To save a young girl, who had been trapped on the other side during the Mourning.

As Ryan walks down the path he is reminded of the last time. Each mirror still shows a modified reflection of himself.

First mirror reflects an image of Ryan wearing the robes of a cleric of the Silver Flame.

Silver Flame Ryan: Well, well. Look who has returned. It is our old friend Ethan. How is Kelly? Is she still crying over the deaths of Gail, Renna, and all the rest? Or are you still blaming yourself for the deaths of her husband, sons and daughters?

Ryan walks by the mirror. The next shows Ryan in the uniform of a Red Wings officer.

Red Wings Ryan Image: How is everybody in the Red Wings, Ethan? Is Cassius still blaming himself for the loss of Ghost Company? Or are you still wondering if you could have done anything if you had stayed their captain?

Ryan continues by the mirror. The third shows Ryan dressed in adventuring gear.

Adventurer Ryan: Ethan, Ethan. The treasures you find always seem to cause more and more trouble. First the mummy, then that necklace, how I can forget about the mansized Khyber shard and now the skulls. Why do you think that is? Why does everything you discover always end up causing trouble? Are you cursed?

Ryan ignores several more mirror images and continues by. Apon reaching the final mirror, the image inside shows an extremely aged form.

Aged Being: Ethan, Ethan. Do you still want to die? Or have you found a reason to continue living?

Ryan (turns to the mirror): Yes, I have found a reason... To aid others with what I have learned in my 130 years of existance, and to fix the problems that I have caused.

Aged Being: Good, good. It is still to soon for you to die. Continue on Ethan Rhefeldt.

Kamikaze Chicken 07-26-07 11:14 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The small caravan headed towards the gate, artifice enclosed in his bed crate, the silver horrors carying it on their collective backs, a tall cloaked figure leading the way.

Gaurd 1: Where do you think your going?

Cloaked figure: We dispose Artificial waste.

Gaurd 1: There is a dump for that in the keep, take it there.

Cloaked figure: To bad, will hurt. Must dispose in dead land.

Gaurd 2: You have a problem sir? SOunnds like your not fully awake.

Cloaked figure: Must dispose waste, please allow egress.

Gaurd 1: Fine fine, but The Colonel will hear of this. Dump your trasha nd get back inside the walls.

Cloaked figure: As you say.

The gates would then open, and the small caravan would march toward the open plains of the mounrland. Once the small group was clear of the site of the walls the cloak would fall away from the AH on stilts.

AH: I hate common, it is very..... inacur4ate when describing tasks. Continue south for one cycle-mile and we will meet the emmissary of he of the blades.

SH's slightly muffled udner the bed crate: By your command!

The Adamantine horror would then climb aboard, walking back and forth over the top of the bed crate his newly created "cannon" twitching around atop his back.

AH: He of the blades shall be pleased. Then I can begin my destiny.

A ways in the distance leaning on a dessicated tree

Male personality warforged speaking extremely quickly: "Irealyhopethosesillylittlebuggersgether esoonthemasterwillnottolerateanotherfail ureonmypart."

New character: Blur Warforged : Beguiler 6/Swashbuckler 3/Swift blade 4[ http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20070327

Blur is one of the lesser known Luitenants of the Lord of Blades. He is rarely seen due to his incredible speed and stealth, and is rarly sent on comunicative visits due to the fact that he speaks with alarming speed. how ever in the mournland his speed, and stealth are of great use. More over his skill in battle is rarely challenged. many have fallen before they even knew they were hit.


A oddly tall warforged, with sharp edged mithryl plating. His body is sleek and designed for speed, oddly enough blur caught ontot his and has added small "adjustments" to assure the most speed possible in battle. notable to this are the small 'fins" attached to his head and arms to lessen wind resistance, also the fact that he often "oils" his plating before extended uses of his haste like abilities.

--- ooc ---

OOC:chicken: Heres another player, one of the many i hope we see from the LoB crew. And I luv Doom as our LOB.

KAMIKAZE! :chicken: out.

Lord Kale Fangblade 07-26-07 12:02 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Kael continued through the halls, and this time as he rounded the corner he was faced with her. An older version of her of course, without the awkwardness of youth and a lot more of the elven grace in her features.

Melony: well well Kael, long time no See.

Kassadriel: *whistle* Wow, she's even prettier than you can remember. how did someone like you score something like that?

Kael prepared to answer the Angel, but his throat went dry and the words just got lost. She began to move closer and Kael's heart beat faster and faster. old and happy memories began to resurface themselves, warmth and intimacy. the feel and texture of it.

By the time Kael had ripped himself from his thoughts she was next to him. pressed against him. the smell... oh gods, he'd almost forgotten the smell. and the feelings it stirred in him. Kael Snarled and grabbed her by the throat, lifting her from her feet. his vampire side taking hold, causing his eyes to become like two black pools. his canines elongated. and his skin took on a opalescent sheen.

Kael: You. Are. Not. HER

With one swift motion Kael hurled he across the room. His already un-natural strength fueled by his anger. she landed in a crumpled heap, the false sound of cracking bones made clear. The Illusion changed, this time revealing a rotted version of her. Kael's face became blank as he strode over to the illusion, clothing and hair thrown about as if they were in a gale.

With one swift motion Kael drew Kerokash, The Silverbladed Hand and a Half sword crackled with eldritch might as it hung just above Melony's throat.

Illusion (still as Melony): You must be as heartless as they say, being able to resist your one true love and be completely prepared to kill her.

Kael: That was a long time ago, and besides your not her.

Illusion: You werent even affected by my despair form, Do you not blame yourself for what happened to her? Your faliure to bring her back?

Kael: I did. once. but over the years since then i've come to realise that i cant blame myself for situations beyond my control.

Illusion: you blame yourself for Caddicks death.

Kael sheaths Kerokash and walks away. His vampire features faded, his face becoming normal.The Ethereal gale dies down, becoming just a breeze.

Kael: No ones perfect

Rei32491 07-26-07 05:59 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Sorry about the lack of an introduction scene for my character, but two things have been holding me back, one the mental state of my guy (to be explained during plot), and the fact that I had some friends over last night. I'll post what happened to him in a little while.

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