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Charles Phipps 07-26-07 06:06 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Rei32491 (Post 13203347) OOC: Sorry about the lack of an introduction scene for my character, but two things have been holding me back, one the mental state of my guy (to be explained during plot), and the fact that I had some friends over last night. I'll post what happened to him in a little while.

OOC: Well take your time friend. I don't mind waiting. Was just curious what was going on in that end.

Rei32491 07-26-07 08:22 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • earlier*

Because of the hectic combat the astral construct that had been holding the Thing had disappeared. For some time he lay on the ground, completely still, before finally opening its eyes.

Thing: :confused: …where am I?

He looks up and sees he is in a hallway carved out of bedrock, lit only by sporadic Everbright Lanterns. Off in one direction, he can see what looks like a lab, the other direction is unverifiable since most of the Lanterns had gone out.

Thing: I think I've been here before...

As he gets up he hears the sound of many footsteps coming from one direction of the hall way. As they approach he hears bones scraping together, groans, and yells.

Thing: Why! Why must I always fight?

Then a line of undead and a few cultists come into the light.

Cultist: How did you escape? CAPTURE HIM!

Thing: NO!

As the undead start to close in around him a voice from deep inside of the Thing speaks.

Voice: Fight.

As the Thing hears the voice in his head his eyes go blood red again. He lets out a scream and lunges at the undead.

  • Present*

Cassius: So who's ne-

Before he can finish, everyone hears the sound of heavy slow footsteps and metal scraping on the floor. Out of the darkness came the Thing, his eyes were not the same as they were last time, his eyes were still green but they had lost all of the light behind them. He also had several swords, spears, axes, and arrows protruding from his body.

Cassius: What happened to you?

There is no answer as the Thing walks right past them and into the trial.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 09:03 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Hall of Truth

Slightly creeped out by the Thing, Cassius stared at the Hall of Mirrors then slowly walked in as he muttered "How bad could be it be?"

The Bone Knight headed into the halls only to immediately have the mirrors exploded around him and he was then engulfed in a nightmarish blackness that seemed to swallow him whole. The horror of a century of madness and evil becoming manifest on his soul.

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQPF-...elated&search=

Cassius found himself once more in the formal attire of a Karrnath prince. It was foppish attire compared to the Bone Knight regalia that he normally wore.

Cassius: Is this the soul summary of what you intend to do with me? Strap me down in silly clothes and then surround me with parlor tricks? I am a Son of Karrnath! Such things do not amuse me!

That was when he was immediately surrounded by the image of Karrn's most feared deity. The Keeper as it loomed down above hm and laughed down upon Cassius.

Death: A Son of Karrnath? How bitterly amusing. Do you honestly think that means anything? The proud nation of Karrnath, famous for its honor and discipline, gladly traded that for military expediency!

Cassius: Cease your lies, curr!

Death: The proud pretensions of nobility that you and the rest of your incestous bloodline make so much of were scattered aside as soon as they became inconveinant. Where is the honor in marching legions of soulless horrors across the wastes to have their corpses desecrated in slaughtering the people who you are trying to force to be your subjects!

Cassius twisted and grimaced in his agonizing inability to come up with an effective counterargument.

Cassius: Unification shall render the last century meaningful!

Death: For who, exactly? One nation is destroyed, three nations will never accept rulership by an undead wielding army of necromancers. That doesn't even count the satellite nations. You'll be forced to grind them into paste. Ravaging your domiciles and leaving their endless fight to protect their homes and kin to be just as meaningless. The entire Last War is meaningless because King Kaius and his son's shifting loyalties make any cause that even Karrns fought for to be different depending on the year!

Cassius was then assaulted by a howling chorus of monsters about him.

Cassius threw down his blade as he sneered.

Cassius: FINE! You want answers! It is meaningless! Further conflict between the people I HATE and don't WANT to rule over is an exercise in carnage. Especially since we can't win. My father was WRONG and I was wrong to follow him! I wanted victory more than honor and I wish I had never even HEARD of the Bone Knights!

The winds kicked up around him then as there was a church bell chiming.

Death: You have passed the first test, Son of Karrn and Galifar.

[To be continued]

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-26-07 09:07 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ari and Reade watch as the sun gets low on the Brelish horizon.

Ari: Well, it's time for temple.

Reade: We've got to come up with a better name for it than that.

Ari: Mmm, mass sounds too formal, and it's not exactly a prayer meeting……

Reade: Shouldn't mean it has to be named after the place of worship.

Ari: We'll just put it to a vote of the congregation.

Reade pats the head on the pike.

Reade: See ya 'round, headmaster.……Oh, I got it: revival.

Ari: :thinks: I think the connotation there isn't a regularly scheduled meeting.

Reade: Yeah, but it's exactly what we strive for each time…………………

OOC: Will do the actual "whatever" tomorrow.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-26-07 09:07 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Thelia: Stop it.

Marie: I'm not doing anything. This is all you.

Thelia: It's an illusion, nothing more.

Child: But you left me, Mommy. You said you'd protect me and you didn't.

Thelia: I owe no answers to one who is not real.

She turns away and begins walking, the child following after her.

Child: Don't leave me, Mommy! Not again!

Thelia: *keeps walking*

Child: :weep: You said you loved me, even though he forced me on you!

Thelia: *keeps walking*

Child: :weep: Why did you abandon me?!

Thelia: *keeps walking*

Child: :weep: Why won't you look at me?!

As Thelia continues to walk, a scene playes out before her. Marie frantically running from a human male about ten years her senior and at least twice her size. She clutched her arm, which Thelia knew had been cut open when the man had ambushed her when she stopped to rest not far from here. The dress she wore was torn and dirty from days of flight, and she appeared exhausted as well as terrified.

Child: You promised you'd make sure he couldn't hurt me. You said you'd give me a better life than one as a slave. You said everything would be all right.

Thelia: Stop it.

As they approached a cliff, Marie turned to run along it, hoping to find some way down, only to be caught in her pursuers grip. Desperate, she wheeled around and punched him hard, cracking his jaw. Angered, he twised her wounded arm, dislocating the joint but allowing her to trip him. Free from his grip, she turned to run again but had her own feet ripped out from under her.

Child: :weep: You promised...

Scrambling to her feet, she turned to face him again. Blinded by rage, the man kicked hard. Marie moved to dodge, only to lose traction on the bloodied grass. The blow was brutal and uncompromizing, and landed directly in her stomach. The girl crumpled to the ground, retaining just enough presense of mind to hold onto his foot and push him over the cliff. Marie clutched at her stomach in the kind of agony only a mother can know.

Thelia: :mad: I SAID STOP IT!!!

The scene vanished and the mirrored hall reappeared. The child still stood next to her.

Child: You were not strong enough. You failed.

Thelia: ...you're right. I wasn't and I did. But as I said before, I have no words for an illusion. Any apologies I have I will give to the son I was forced to bury that day.

The child's ambiguous features slowly take shape into an obviously male form.

Thelia: Any forgiveness I want I will ask only from him as well.

Rust colored hair comes into focus.

Thelia: But...it was nice...

Yellow eyes and a hand-sewn outfit show as well.

Thelia: :weep: :) ...to see what you would have looked like, Paul.

Paul: *grins* Thank you. You may pass.

The hallway continued on, one more trial left to fulfill. As she walked away, the boy began fading as the test ended.

Paul: *to himself* Don't die, Mommy. You still have to come visit me again...

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-26-07 09:13 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Death: You have passed the first test, Son of Karrn and Galifar.


Death: Yes sir!

Bunny: You do not work for vampires, you do not work for cultists, you work for ME!

Jarlot: Hang on, if you're death than what does he do?

Bunny: PR.

Crystalforged 07-26-07 10:21 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

One of the warforged from the chamber slowly walks over to where Fracture is standing. The rest of the warforged remain standing in their alcoves although they watch the unfolding scene closely. Fracture and the strange warforged study each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally the new warforged speaks

warforged: I have not seen you before. I am one, what are your numbers?

Fracture: Number? We do not have numbers, we have names. I am Fracture. My companions are Pike and Spike. (guesturing)

warforged: Names? The masters told us that our kind do not have names, only numbers. How did you acquire names?

Fracture: That is a complicated question. In truth all that is required is to choose one, however for a name to truely represent yourself one must first know who you are, what your purpose is.

warforged: Our purpose is to fight for the masters.

Fracture: By masters I assume you mean the cultists, those who worship the demon.

warforged: Yes.

Fracture: But why is that your purpose, why do you serve them?

warforged: (suddenly pensive) Because... Because they are the masters.

Fracture: Are they more powerful than you?

warforged: They outnumber us but individually, no.

Fracture: Do you owe them anything?

warforged: They repair us.

Fracture: But could you not find someone else to do that, or better yet repair yourselves?

warforged: (tentative) Yes.

Fracture: Is there any reason at all why you should submit yourselves to their every whim?

warforged: (stops and thinks for a long time) No, I cannot think of any reason I should serve them. (glummly) However if my purpose is not to serve the masters then I have no purpose.

Fracture: No, you simply have no purpose at the moment. That only means that you must go out and seek that purpose. If you truely wish to find one, you will.

warforged: Truely? What is your purpose then?

Fracture: My purpose? I suppose my purpose it to help our kind rise to the greatness we deserve. I work to improve the lots of all warforged, to protect them from those who hate us, and to make sure our kind is never used by others again the way we have been in the past. I would see our kind grow into the great civilization which I belive is our right of creation.

warforged: I see... (pauses again) But if that is your purpose, why are you here? Why are you fighting the masters. Surely you did not come here simply to free us from the masters?

Fracture: You undervalue yourselves, if I had known you were here, you were being used this way I would have tried. However you are correct, you are not the reason I came here. I am here because the cultists who reside here attacked the place in which my companions and I reside. A place we defend in return for being given such a home. When your "masters" attacked several of the men serving under me were permanently deactivated. I am here not because they attacked our home or because they might do so again. I am not even here because we believe they plot to unmake all of existance. I am here because of my men, because they hurt them. I will not suffer anyone or anything that harms those who serve me, those who believe in me, who believe in what I believe in, to live.

The warforged remains silent at this.

Fracture: My comrades and I are leaving now, we have allies elsewhere in this complex fighting against those who claimed to be your masters. If any of you wish to accompany us you are welcome to. I lead a small community of our kind within a place called Caer Shadowfast and we could help you decide who you are as well as who you wish to be. I suspect not far from here shortly and I will not force any to follow me who do not wish to face death.

With that Fracture begins walking back the way he came with the twins close on his heels. The warforged in the chamber look among each other for several moments, none of them speaking but all clearly thinking the same things. Silently they set into motion, forming ranks behind Fracture. Following the one many had already come to see as their leader, the one a few were even thinking of as their messai.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 10:49 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The Hall of Truth

Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REdQ-RR2MDY

King Kaius: Ah, there you are my son. Punctual as usual. How glorious it must be to have no responsibilties whatsoever.

Cassius: Si....Silence. You're nothing but a ghost. King Kaius died centuries ago.

King Kaius: Ha ha ha! Oh my dear boy, that's the most amusing thing I've heard in years.


King Kaius: You served under me for a full century of cursed life and are telling me that you never once suspected that I was in charge all along?

Cassius: Impossible.

King Kaius: You knew my grandson, you were his great uncle. You recall what an effete fop the man was. How can you confuse this....

King Kaius: For this....

Cassius: There's a resemblance surely....

King Kaius: HA HA HA HA HA HA! What amusing noises you make court jester.

Cassius: The King....a vampire.

King Kaius: Yes, imagine that. A man who willingly makes a bargain with the Emerald Claw and betrays his holy knighthood to death would want immortality out of it.

Cassius: :twitch:

King Kaius: Every single decision for the past century has been made by a walking corpse. What is death to the man whom can count ages like moments passing by? What becomes precious of life to a man who must suck it from the necks of the living?

Cassius: All...this...time....

The Bone Knight clenched his hands in utter fury and hatred for the man that stood before him and had willingly embraced damnation.

King Kaius: Don't act so self-righteous my son. You embraced the power of a Bone Knight. One of the Royal Order of the Onyx Skull. The unimaginable power of the Darkness Beyond. What is the difference between being a vampire and being a man who can animate or control the dead?

Cassius: You filt....

He fell to the ground as he stared forward, fully aware just how far he'd fallen into his own damnation.

A glowing flask then appeared before him. Floating in the air.

King Kaius: Join the ranks of the Darkness, my damned son. Drink of the power of the blood and become one of us. You shall be no mere mindless hungering beast like most vampires but capable of commanding the animals of the world, shapechanging, walking through sunlight, and dominating the lesser undead like they were nothing.

His eyes narrowed.

King Kaius: You might even be able to kill me and claim my throne. The Emerald Claw will support a coup against me and you will reign over the Necropolis that is Cyre.

Cassius: King? Me....

King Kaius: How you despise those weak and fleshly little creatures. You have outlived generations of Karrns and do not want to die of old age anytime soon. DRINK and LIVE FOREVER!

That was when Kaius was impaled on the blade of the Bastard Princeling.

Cassius: If I will be King, it will not be with the foul necromancy of Vol.

King Kaius: It's your blood that runs through their veins.....

Kaius phantom dissolved into mist even as the Princeling walked forward to the next test.

Crystalforged 07-26-07 11:15 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Somewhere deep below davaani, the plane of law, where the boiler room of the universe resides.

Inevitables are running around frantically as gaskets blow and steam shoots out of mutliple orafices. The inevitables are trying to contain the leaks but more are springing up as fast as they plug them. Every gage is in the red and warning sirens blare.

Grunt: Sir, its no good! The ACS (angst containment system) wasn't built to hold this much pressure!

Supervisor: :censored: We had reinforced the system to survive the output from the OOKale's characters but we hadn't thought we'd have this much coming off Cassius! OOCharles's previous characters never produced this much angst!

Grunt: Its no use sir! The situation's hopeless!

Supervisor: Belay that! It has to hold, we all know the consequences if it doesn't!

Grunt: (gasp) Not that sir.

Supervisor: Yes, if containment fails Eberron will be changed forever. It will become

insert dramatic music here

Vampire: The Requiem.

OOC: :P Just joking guys. I actually kinda like Kael, he's probably my favorite character of yours to date Kale, and Cassius isn't honestly that angsty, I just think this is funny.

Charles Phipps 07-26-07 11:21 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: Oh please, Kael is Vampire Hunter D while Cassius is some weird mixture of Char Aznable and Darth Vader. All we need is Vincent and its officially the biggest collection of partial undead that have ever existed.

However, they will have the nicest hair in all of Eberron.


Hell, wait until next post. That may blow the boiler clean wide open.

rampant 07-27-07 12:14 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Brella - I hope he realizes the more he angsts the more I try to drive him insane. *munch*

Bunny - Keep your filthy mits off my junior mints!

Ultimatecalibur 07-27-07 12:51 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ryan/Ethan continues onto the second trial.

5 figures interpose themselves between Ryan/Ethan and the path forward. All figure are female and wear various forms of dress.

1st figure: Jack 2nd figure: David 3rd figure: Nathan 4th figure: Robert 5th figure: Arthur

All 5 women: Why do you hide yourself?

Ethan: Because the other people can not understand a man that does not age.

Women: What of the Elves?

Ethan: They don't think the way humans do.

Women: What about Kelly? Can she not understand?

Ethan (bites his lip, averts his eyes, and fiddles with the ring on his left ring finger): Maybe.

Women: You know she understands what it feels like to watch family grow old and die, but that is not the reason you hide your true self from her.

Ethan: Then what is the reason?

Women: You love her, but are terrified that she does not love you.

Ethan (suprised): But she loves another.

Women: Just because she shares a bed with someone does not mean she loves them.

OOC: Minor thing Crystal. You misspelled messiah.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-27-07 01:41 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13207261) OOC: Minor thing Crystal. You misspelled messiah.

Gram'mar: :fight!: WHAT?! :fight!:

The Inevitable of Proper Spelling and Grammatical Structure leaps out of his Comfy ChairTM, ready to dice the perpetrator to ribbons.

Gram'mar: ...on second thought. :shifty: *goes back to playing Twilight Princess*

OOUltimate: Has he been hanging out with Lazius or something?

OOKaizer: Nah, doctor's orders. They tried going after every offense, but it started burning out each model practically by the time they got off the production line. I had to restrict the use of the *KILL* response a bit.

OOUltimate: To what? "Twelfth Grade Ditz with large tracts of land that's had all her homework done for her since Middleschool?"

OOKaizer: Not quite THAT much. *points*


Gram'mar: :fight!: Proper grammar helps the story flow and keep your readers interested! USE PUNCTUATION OR DIE! :fight!:

OOratslinky: *runs faster* Don't say that while trying to kill me!

(OOC: Just giving you crap, ratslinky. Rei and urial can confirm I can be a lot meaner than this. ;) )

Paulon 07-27-07 02:20 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Kaizer_Ryu (Post 13207580) (OOC: Just giving you crap, ratslinky. Rei and urial can confirm I can be a lot meaner than this. ;) )

Just ask Terra. Oh yes, you can't. She's dead. :P

Charles Phipps 07-27-07 07:52 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Hall of Truth the Final Passage

Theme: http://www.inverteddungeon.com/treas...D-%20VK2K2.mp3

Cassius: Okay, now this Hall is officially :censored: with me.


Cassius: What the :censored: are you doing in my spiritual vision?

Brella: I think we're supposed to represent part of your worst fears.

Cassius: This Hall has crossed the line between spiritually enlightening and pure evil.

Brella: *WEDGIE*

Bardic: So, how many Karrn men does it take to satisfy a woman?

Cassius: Somebody come and kill me now.

Bardic: I don't know because it hasn't happened yet!

Marie: I hate to be a spoilsport but it's very scary down here and I'd like to go use the little girl's room, could someone please point it out?

Brella: So, have you managed to save the world yet?

Cassius: No, I can't say that I have.

Brella: Just for that, you get a hot foot.

  • Brella casts Burning Hands at Cassius' foot*

Cassius: :censored: :censored: :censored:

The Colonel begins hopping around on one foot as Marie looks utterly shocked at the language.

Marie: :eek:

Cassius: I just have to face the final trial of Kingship and then I can find my way out of here. Hopefully, it won't be having to deal with you buffoons.

Brella: You mean, like where you had that heart to heart with your dad?

Cassius: :shifty: You saw that?

Bardic: Yes, the bit with the Keeper too. My people worship Death as a giant rabbit.

Cassius: Listen, I....


Brella: So, yeah, everything that happens in this hall to anyone with even the slightest trace of *wags fingers* Royal *wags fingers* blood is visible to everyone.


Brella: What?

Marie: I'm a Princess of the Bunny shifters! :blush: Everyone saw my scandalous dream!

Marie's Scandalous Dream

Nathan and she hold hands.

Marie: I'M A HUGE S***!

Brella: :bored:


Bardic: This is ac....

Brella and Bardic notice Cassius slipped away in the confusion.

Bardic: That :censored: !

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-27-07 08:30 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Charles Phipps (Post 13208999) Marie's Scandalous Dream

Nathan and she hold hands.

Silver: :bored: If that was all it took I could retire.

A motly congregation gathers in a Host-style temple that has partially fallen through. The most intact bit is the alter at the far end, where a variety of crudely carved staffs topped with the holy symbols of the draconic pantheon.

A hush settles over the crowd as a hooded Ari steps out in front of the pews. Reade takes up a position next to the altar. Ari raises his hands over his head.

Ari: Brothers and sisters. Friends and enemies. Pimps and sluts. Why do we gather here?

Congregation: (rises) Because we are all greedy, vain, arrogant bastards, and, :censored:, we like being that way!

Ari: *nods* (turns around to face the staffs) And that is why we worship the deities of the dragons. For dragons are the ultimate symbol of what all of us are deep inside, and we call to them to teach us how to live such a life successfully!

Congregation: YEAH!

Ari: We know this is what we want because we have seen a century of stupid war.

Congregation: YEAH!

Ari: We know this is what we want because we live on the edge of oblivion, apocalypse, and people still stab each other in the back.

Congregation: YEAH!

Ari: We know this because we seem to have been abandoned by every know god!

Congregation (approaching a roar now): YEAH!

Ari: In fact……what do we need ANY gods for! BURN THEM!

Congregation: BURN THEM!

Reade breaths fire on the wooden staffs and sets them alight. The entire congregation watches in silence until the wood has completely turned to ash and joined the pile already circling the altar.

Ari:……………………(stretches) Uh. Well, that was a pretty good sesseion. Same time next week everyone?

Congregation: —Yeah. —Sounds good. —Who knew religion could be so stress-relieving?

Ari: Oh, one more thing. My assitant Reade has proposed calling these meetings "revivals". So let's put that to a vote……………

Ultimatecalibur 07-27-07 12:33 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

All 5 women: Ethan Rhefeldt! Why are you so scared of asking her?

Ethan: Umm...

1st woman: You who has lead forces out numbered 3 to 1 to victory. 2nd woman: You who has talked down the undead. 3rd woman: You who has had a meaningful conversation with dragons. 4th woman: You who as survived ancient traps that would have destroyed lesser beings. 5th woman: You who asked each of us to marry you!

Ethan: Okay, fine I'll ask her out.

Ethan pulls the ring, that he has worn on his left ring finger for so long, off. The form known as Ryan Mabel begins to melt away revealing another man: A tall handsome man of Breland descent named Ethan Rhefeldt.

Ethan: Thank you for confronting me.

The women begin to fade away but say one thing before they go: Good luck.

Ethan (starts forth towards the final trail): Now for the castle's jokes.

Short while later, Ethan exits the Hall of Kings to see Cassius trying to catch his breath.

Ethan: Looks like the hall's comedy routine nearly got you, Cass.

Cassius: Huh, who the :censored: are you? (looks at Ethan's hair) R-ryan is that you?

Ethan: Call me Ethan now. I am done hiding who I am.

Cassius:Fine, Ethan. If the last trail was a comedy routine then how did you get through it? and why was the last bloody trail a comedy routine?

Ethan: I gave the Hall a few pointers and it let me through. The reason for the trial: They wanted to make sure the King had a sense of humor.

Cassius: :uh-huh:

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-27-07 12:44 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Originally Posted by Ultimatecalibur (Post 13211615) Ethan: I gave the Hall a few pointers and it let me through. The reason for the trail: They wanted to make sure the King had a sense of humor.

Ethan: Apparently it does this by simulating the crew of an insane ship known as the Forgotten Freedom.

Cassius: I guess they came up with it before the whole F. Freedom superstition.

Ethan: Funny thing was the three beings sitting on the side and making snide and witty comments on the whole thing.

Cassius: What was so weird about them?

Ethan: They didn't disappear with the illusion.

rampant 07-27-07 12:56 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre


Ethan - Ouch! and now they're throwing 10 pound boxes of popcorn at my head.

Ultimatecalibur 07-27-07 04:54 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

  • On Argonnessen*

An adult red dragon enters a massive cave. Several other dragons are looking into a pool.

Red dragon: I am here to report, Freedrake, Child of the Horse Eater.

A mature adult gold dragon (looks up): Report, Escala Sear.

Escala Sear: Krull is dead at the talons of the Flock of Bloody Crows, and the Rainbow Feathered Raven has almost returned to them. The Glass Crow has also awoken the Parliament of Tin Rooks.

A blue dragon with a mane of azure hair: Good, all goes according to the Prophecy. Now we await the report of that Sapphire.

Escala Sear: Shaper? He should be arriving soon, Lord Nihon.

OOC: I will give a :dragon: to who ever figures out who these dragons are.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-27-07 05:40 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

13: What is this, a bird-watcher's meeting? :ahem:

Charles Phipps 07-27-07 06:48 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Hall of Truth

Theme: Devil's Requiem http://www.inverteddungeon.com/treasury/remixes/CVHC-%20Sent%20to%20the%20Devil's%20Requiem.m p3

Cassius headed down through the corridors of the blackness. The coldness of the hallway was particularly strong as it smelled very strongly of moisture and fungus. They were underneath the river now.

Cassius: That wasn't my final test anyway.

Ryan: Oh?

Cassius: No, that was just them being annoying as Hell.

Brella: HEY! I resemble that remark!

Marie: What are you looking for, anyway, Mister Du'Crion?

Cassius: The Crown Jewels of Galifar. Particularly, the Crown of Power and the Rod of Lordly Might. The real one that all the others were based on.

Brella: So, you're after the Family Jewels? :rimshot:

Ryan: They belong in a museum.

Cassius: They don't belong in this accursed Khyberspawned shadow of Cyre.

Ryan: Just promise me you won't attempt to restart the Last War over some regallia.

Cassius: Believe me, I won't restart anything. *under his breath* It never ended.

Ryan: I heard that.

Cassius: Dammit.

That was when they came to a large portrait that was hanging on the wall. It was a decidedly bizarre one to look at.

Bardic: What the hell is that?

Cassius: Family portrait. My daughter, my father, my grand nephew, and myself. It means we're on the right track.

That was when Cassius stopped cold in his tracks as he saw the image of a beautiful girl standing at the end of the hallway. She was wearing the attire of a Karrnathian peasant girl, though her dress was cut to a rather absurdly short length.

Mina: Father....

Crystania had died at his hands in the siege of Throneport. However, she had given birth to a young Deneith girl that had grown up with an abnormally high loyalty to Karrnath. With no sign of the Dragonmark on her due to the obvious half-elvish blood in her veins that favored her father, she had sought him out.

It was....disturbing to find her almost the spitting image of her mother. Nevertheless, he'd taken her into his arms and made her his precious treasure. Shielding her from all the evils of the world and raising her as a devoted a father could possibly be

Cassius: Mina.....you cannot be here.

Nathan: Hey, there you are Cass! We've been seeing some weird visions of you lately....WOW! Your daughter is hot!

Mina: I've missed you so much.

The Mourning had resulted in Cassius being seperated from his country for the months needed to travel around it, even if he had a pressing desire to return to Karrnath. He'd seized Caer Shadowfast and was intending to occupy it even if as heard strange talks of....peace.

One thing he had heard was that Count Strauss Zharovich had taken his daughter as a hostage despite the fact that an arrangement had been made for their marriage. The Emerald Claw worshipping knight had once been a trusted friend.

Now they were enemies.....

Cassius rode his horse towards the Castle surrounded by the Mourning's mist

Mina walked up towards Cassius to embrace him.

Mina stared inside the coffin as she struggled with her canine teeth visible. She was trapped by the symbol of Dol Arrah above her that prevented her from leaving the coffin and stepping onto the holy ground outside.

"Father....please...." She cried tears of blood.

Cassius stared down at his child and then said "There is only one way to save you my child."

He then pulled out the wooden stake given to him by the Boldrei Druid that was beside him. It went against all he'd believed in as a member of the Blood of Vol. But that religion was false when he saw what had been done to his child.

.....in the end, few who saw his face as he hammered the stake home could disagree it hurt him more

Cassius then drove the sword through the heart of the woman standing before him. The Succubus hissed as she assumed her natural form then, still trying to be seductive despite the Dhakaani demonslayer in her chest. The Bone Knight of the Onyx Skull then severed off her head as she returned to the flames she'd been born from.

Ryan: Colonel....I had no idea.

Cassius: I truly hate this place.

Ultimatecalibur 07-27-07 07:32 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ethan: Guess you recieved the royal treatment, Colonel.

Nathan: Just one question who are you? You have Ryan's hair, but you look nothing like him.

Ethan: I am Ryan, or more correctly Ryan was one of many masks I have worn.

Nathan: Many masks? How many?

Ethan (counting on his fingers): Around thirty or so.

Kaizer_Ryu 07-27-07 09:04 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The next hallway revealed a familiar face.

Gerald: Hey there.

Thelia: :bored: Just get on with it.

Gerald: *shrugs* As you wish. I'm taking the form of what could be considered to be the closest thing you have to a friend in this world.

Thelia: :bored: Which isn't saying much. Yeah. I get it.

Gerald: On the contrary. You keep each of your associates at arms length, protecting yourself from further pain in your often deadly line of work. Yet, even as you push away...this one you keep your hand on.

Thelia: :bored: And why not? He's dependable, confident, and fully able to take care of himself. His skill in combat and natural ability to lead gives him the honor of doing what I trust with so few others: Watching my back.

Gerald: Ah, but that's not all. In this place, your cold calculations and personality assessments are laid bare for what they really are.

Thelia blinked for a moment, and the scene changed. No longer before her, the illusionary Gerald stood next to her, her arm wrapped around his and her head leaned against him. Startled, she quickly pulled away, glaring daggers at him.

Gerald: :smirk: You like him. Such a thing is so foreign to you, you won't accept it. You justify it by making him your go-to-guy on the team. Everyone but the two of you notices it to different degrees.

Thelia: *chuckles* An interesting thought. But I'm afraid you're mistaken. I have no need, or use, for romance. Death is the only thing assured of in this world. Everything else is superfluous.

Again, the illusion was gone. Now he stood behind her, setting his hands on her shoulders as she clenched involuntarily.

Gerald: Do I have to even say anything after that?

Thelia: I-

He spun her around and looked into her eyes, shushing her.

Gerald: Your words deny what the rest of you knows. Drop the act and let me in...

When Thelia didn't resist, he leaned in to kiss her even as she returned the motion. As they neared, Thelia had one last thing to say.

Thelia: I might-

A stinging pain eminated from his right arm as blood suddenly gushed from his newly severed elbow.

Thelia: :mad: -but you're not him.

The pain also manifested in his left arm as his hand removed itself from his wrist. His severed limbs fell to the ground as Thelia brandished a Vorpal Dagger.

Thelia: :smirk: Didn't your mother ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself around a lady you are unaquainted with?

The image of Gerald dropped, revealing an Incubus minus his hands.

Thelia: My affections are not easily gained, nor are they lightly toyed with.

She jammed the dagger up through his jaw and into his head, withdrawing only to deliver a full roundhouse and sending him back into a nearby mirror.

Thelia: *picks up his severed limbs* Oh, you might want to keep these handy. *tosses them in the same mirror* ... :blink: ...might want to...? *facepalm* By my ancestors. I'm hanging around Ben too much. :nonono:

A familiar bunny-girl appeared in front of her as she walked away.

Marie: You're not done yet, meanie!

Thelia: *groan*

Marie: What about me has you so flustered? I've been on your mind since you met me, and I've even appeared in both your tests so far.

Thelia: She reminds me of myself before I figured out that being nice or kind or sweet isn't about to do anything but get you killed or used. I'm not sure which is worse.

Marie: And yet you can't get me out of your mind. Admit it. You liked talking to me. You wanted to talk to me.

Thelia: She was annoying. Plenty of reason to be bitter, and she was too dumb to be anything other than cute.

Marie: Or...maybe you were jealous.

Thelia: And that.

Marie: :blink:

Thelia: Staying innocent throughout all that, and also somehow staying alive. Of course I'd be jealous. Maybe I even respect her a bit.

Marie: :twitch: :mad: ...poopie. You passed. You can move on to the ne-WHOA!

Thelia grabbed her by the collar and tossed her into another mirror.

Thelia: Respecting someone doesn't necessarily mean being nice to them. :P

Charles Phipps 07-27-07 11:39 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: I want to say how much I love the above post.


Jarlot: F-U...

  • the rest censored for content*

rampant 07-27-07 11:52 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Orkus - OUCH! Who threw that...empty beer bottle?

Brella - Minus points for lack of originality!

13 - Silver I have a favor to ask you!

Silver - NO.

13 - Oh come on part orc, part ithillid, you can't resist it!

Kaizer_Ryu 07-28-07 10:40 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

A large figure stood in the center of the hall, seeming to have emerged directly from a painting of the cult's true diety.

King in Yellow: Here you are, little one. I had begun to worry the tests were too hard. But it seems you are worthy of my help.

Thelia: *waves her hand dismissively* Whatever. *keeps walking*

King in Yellow: Come now, that's no way to treat a potential ally.

Thelia: :mad: You're another one of these thrice damned illusions and this hall is really starting to chap my hide.

At this, the King in Yellow revealed himself in all his trancendental glory. The weight from his presense alone knocked Thelia off her feet as she struggled to breathe.

King in Yellow: Illusion, am I? This hall does not affect me the way it does your small, fragile lump of nerves you call a brain. I offer my help to those with promise, and such a gift is not to be taken for granted. The good Queen Dannel was foolish enough to believe herself my better for summoning me in the first place.

As he again cloaked himself, Thelia was able to stand. She still didn't buy it completely, but that show was pretty hard to ignore if anything else.

Thelia: *winded* What....what do you want from me?

King in Yellow: What do I want? *chuckles* That is not the real question here. The real one is; what do you want from me? My price is dependant on the request. Queen Dannel wished me to save her country, and I asked for the conversion of her and the entire royal line to my worship. A rather generous offer, don't you think? She tried to stiff me, though. Thought it'd be fine without that son of hers. We all know what happened after that.

Thelia: I don't want anything from you, mo-

King in Yellow: Choose your next words carefully, child. They may be your last.

Thelia: ...

King in Yellow: Whether you say it or not, I can see what you wish. ...such a simple request is all you ask for? They can be brought back quite easily.

Thelia: *mix of anger and hope* For what price?!

King in Yellow: There, you see? You do need my help. Hmmmm...I believe the price would be...your ability to experience joy in any of its forms. A fair trade, yes? They would, of course, be restored outside the Mournlands. I'm not so cruel as to grant a wish properly paid for that screws over the wisher.

Thelia: :( I...

She felt a powerful compulsion to aquiesce. As if the longer she waited, the harder it would be to keep living. To just ask this of him seemed like such a natural thing, something so simple that she merely need open her mouth and the words would come out on their own. A tremendous pressure had settled in on her chest as every fiber of her being cried out her wish.

Thelia: No.

King in Yellow: Pardon?

Thelia: :mad: You heard me. I said NO. And you can kiss my furry-

King in Yellow: I'm offering you your heart's desire, the thing you want most in this world. You can honestly say you won't take it?

Thelia: You're damn right. *shakes her head* I'm so :censored:ing tired of this hall...

With this, Thelia walked right through him, the illusion providing no resistance.

Thelia: The problem with your greatest wish is it's often not in your best interest.

With this, she emerged into the room at the end.

Cassius: Took you long enough.

Thelia: :bored: I had chatty test-givers. Oh, and good for you.

Cassius: You saw all that too?

Thelia: Yep. *sees "Ryan"* ...figures.

Ethan: Hmm?

Thelia: Your stride didn't quite match up with your height after about 30 feet away. A common occurence in illusions. Most people don't notice because they don't bother to listen.

Ethan: ...I'll have to keep that in mind. Why didn't you say anything?

Thelia: It was none of my business.

SilvercatMoonpaw 07-28-07 11:28 AM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

OOC: 13: Huh, that King was actually more impressive than the real thing.

Real King in Yellow: Hey, hey, HEY! Watch the popcorn, the butter stains!

Charles Phipps 07-28-07 12:57 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

The King in Yellow is the most terrifying of all Eberron Rajahs.

Ultimatecalibur 07-28-07 01:12 PM

Re: [FF spin-off] The Shadow over Cyre

Ethan: Objection! Thelia could not have seen through any illusion.

Cassius: Why?

Ethan: Because I was using a Ring of Alter Self. (Shows ring.)

Nathan, Thelia and Cassius: What!?

Ethan: And as most wielders of magic will tell you Alter Self is Transmutation not Illusion magic.

Thelia: Ack!!

OOC: Charles can confirm that Ethan was using a Ring of Alter Self. It was in the Secret History I sent him.

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