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Suzanna Allgood is a character played by Daneel in Marching Spinward's Eschaton PbP game on RPG.net.


  • Suzanna Allgood (played by Daneel)
  • Lawful Good Female Aasimar Divine Favored Soul of Heironeous 2
  • Chaotic Neutral Female Human Psion (Kineticist) 3
  • Experience: 3000/6000


  • Str 12 (+1)
  • Dex 12 (+1)
  • Con 12 (+1)
  • Int 12 (+1)
  • Wis 12 (+1)
  • Cha 18 (+4)

Combat Statistics

HP: 16 AC: 10(BP+5, shield+1 & Dex+1)=17 Hit: +1(Sword+1)(Str/Dex+1)=3 Fort: +3(Con+1)=4 Ref: +3(Dex+1)=4 Will: +3(Wis+1)=4 Move: 30 (20 in mail) Size: Medium

Racial (Aasimar)

Medium Outsider Darkvision: 60’; +2 Spot & Listen Resistance: acid 5, cold 5, & electricity 5 Daylight (Sp): 1/day Automatic Languages: Common, Celestial Level adjustment +1


(+1/3lvs) Combat Casting (+4)


Common*, Celestial*, Draconic



  • Concentration +3(feat+4)(Con+1)=8
  • Diplomacy +0(Cha+4)=4
  • Heal +3(Wis+1)(Bag+2)=7
  • Jump +2(Str+1)=3
  • Knowledge: Arcana +2(Int+1)=3
  • Sense Motive +2(Wis+1)=3
  • Spellcraft +3(Int+1)=4

Listen: +0(race+2)(Wis +1)=3 Spot: +0(race+2)(Wis+1)=3 Ride: +0(Dex+1)(saddle+2)=3


(per day) 7@lv0, 5@lv1 5@lv0: Cure Minor Wounds, Inflict Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic 3@lv1: Cure Light Wounds, Command, Remove Fear


- Money: ~70pp (in mixed coins) - Gear: Holy Symbol (DF), Healer’s Bag (heal+2) Light Warhorse (w/ light chain barding (+4AC, 50#), “fancy” tack & military saddle (ride+2), saddlebags, blanket), horse feed & feed bag. Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword (1d6s/1d8m), Sling (1d3s/1d4m) 50’ Masterwork Banded Mail (+5AC, -3skill, +3Dex) 30#, Masterwork Alchemical Silvered Light Metal Shield (+1AC, 1d2s/1d3m) 6# “Fancy” Noble-Explorer’s outfit w/ jewelry & signet, tabard, pack, bedroll, waterskin, rations, flint & steel, whetstone, knife, sewing kit, fishing kit, soap, large sack, chalk, wooden wedges, 100’ silk rope

Warhorse, Light

Large Animal - (Champagne Mare) Hit Dice: 3d8+9 (22 hp) Initiative: +1 Speed: 60 ft. (12 squares) Armor Class: 14 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural, +4 barding), touch 10, flat-footed 13 Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+9 Attack: Hoof +4 melee (1d4+3) Full Attack: 2 hooves +4 melee (1d4+3) and bite –1 melee (1d3+1) Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: — Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6 Skills: Listen +4, Spot +4 Feats: Endurance, Run These animals or similar to light horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression. They usually are not ready for warfare before age three. A light warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check. Carrying Capacity: A light load for a light warhorse is up to 230 pounds; a medium load, 231–460 pounds; and a heavy load, 461–690 pounds. A light warhorse can drag 3,450 pounds.


Suzanna Angelique Marcella Wilhelmina Allgood was born the third daughter, and fifth child overall, to her Earl and Countess parents. Her unusual silver hair and blue eyes, different from her dark-haired family, marked her as breeding true to her maternal great-grandfather’s recessive half-celestial heritage. Between her mother’s inability to have any more children, her status as the baby of the family and the great expectations for a child with dominant Celestial blood, everyone considered “Suze” special, and she became quite spoiled.

About the time Suze became a teenager she felt called to enter a militant order and was enrolled in a nunnery where she quickly learned to cast divine spells spontaneously, reinforcing her specialness in her own mind. Suze is currently a knight-probationer in Heironeous’ Order of the Chalice; allies with The Watchtower.

Plot Hook

Sir Charrow Malakhai, Knight-Captain of the chapter house where Suze is posted has detected her lack of humility and superior attitude and has gently and obliquely pointed it out to her, but has so far not gotten through her thick noble skull. Sir Charrow will delay her promotion to full knight, and the title of “Dame,” regardless of the number of levels she gains until he feels she has overcome her attitude problem. As such he tends to pick some of the more undignified and uncomfortable tasks to assign her in the hopes of teaching her humility. ((OOC: I expect something to eventually happen to the character to knock her superior attitude out of her, either from the other PCs or the DM . This may include anything from a visit from Heironeous to learning her blood isn’t so noble (a bastard?!?) to having her butt handed to her fighting a base-born orcish Paladin of Heironeous. Please, have fun screwing with her, you won’t upset her player.))

Plot Bait

Suze is part of an extended noble family, although she does not hold a title herself. Her relatives include her parents: the Earl of West Keep, Brynner Allgood and Countess (by marriage) Odele. Her siblings are Nicklaus, Stefanie, Lisbet, and Kiefer. Nick will inherit the title, and it will probably pass to his baby son (Suze’s nephew) Diedrick when he reached majority. Also included in her family are grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Although her family all shares her basic noblesse attitude, none have it to the degree she does, and none of them are involved in religion like Suze is where her attitude hinders her spiritual development. Although her extended family would never just turn her out, there isn’t enough money in the estate to keep her on in the style to which she is accustomed, requiring her to make her own way.


Suzanna is a tall, ebony-skinned human who shares her dark coloring and broad facial features with the rest of the nobility of the kingdom, but her kinky silver hair and pale blue eyes betray the Aasimar blood in her veins. She is currently wearing her waist-length hair in tight dread-knots for traveling. Like her shield, her surcoat with Heironeous’ lightning bolt symbol on is heavily embroidered and trimmed with silver threads, her mail is very high quality and silver-washed (makes it shiny), and although her sword is sharp and perfectly serviceable, there is fancy etching along the tang, a 500gp blue gem in the pommel and gilding at the crossguard. Although she scrupulously adheres to Heironeous’ guidelines for tithing, the rest of her gear is similarly well-kept and expensive.


Thanks to subtle clues from Sir Charrow, Suze is aware that he believes she has a superiority complex and that Sir Charrow disapproves of her attitude, but she feels that her noblesse is warranted - her noble blood, enhanced by her Celestial traits and further indicated by her Favored Soul status - means she is naturally superior to almost everyone else. Nonetheless, Sir Charrow is her superior, and all law-abiding and good knights and nobles obey the orders of their superiors whether they agree with them or not, so she makes significant efforts to be as supremely polite and courteous to the little people as possible. She is generally unsuccessful.