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The massive cliff wall that bordered Jabbar Badiya was home to two cities; Rin Bild and Meth-ro-gon. Technically Rin Bild was within the Nayur empire. In reality, Rin Bild was a town of chaotic Teifling outcasts. They had little military might which made them a great target for Visil but what they lacked in manpower, armor and combat skill they made up in arcane mastery. Something vile was brought forth during the fight. Soon a demonic army sprung from ashes of the conflict.
The massive cliff wall that bordered Jabbar Badiya was home to two cities; Rin Bild and Meth-ro-gon. Technically Rin Bild was within the Nayur empire. In reality, Rin Bild was a town of chaotic Teifling outcasts. They had little military might which made them a great target for Visil but what they lacked in manpower, armor and combat skill they made up in arcane mastery. Something vile was brought forth during the fight. Soon a demonic army sprung from ashes of the conflict.
Simultaneous to this occurrence, Orc and Gnoll Armies from Meth-ro-gon saw a weakness in Dragon Peak and assaulted across the desert in never ending tides of vile anger. The strongest of the dragonborn were already at war in Marvel Keep and though Dragon Peak was not left undefended, they could not keep up with the onslaught or orc and gnoll.
Simultaneous to this occurrence, Orc and Gnoll Armies from Meth-ro-gon saw a weakness in Dragon Peak and assaulted across the desert in never ending tides of vile anger. The strongest of the dragonborn were already at war in Marvel Keep and though Dragon Peak was not left undefended, they could not keep up with the onslaught or orc and gnoll.
Giants too joined in the attacks against Mordon and the capital of Dun Moros was soon besieged by the titans’ spawn.
Giants too joined in the attacks against Mordon and the capital of Dun Moros was soon besieged by the titans’ spawn.
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Nayur and its remaining city Nayyrru had been left alone in the mighty war. Visil’s original push to eradicate them stopped at Rin Bild. With the drying of the great Zammara Nahr there was little to no communication with the northern nation. To all involved in the clash of steel and magic throughout Alam, Nayur had simply vanished from the conflict.
Nayur and its remaining city Nayyrru had been left alone in the mighty war. Visil’s original push to eradicate them stopped at Rin Bild. With the drying of the great Zammara Nahr there was little to no communication with the northern nation. To all involved in the clash of steel and magic throughout Alam, Nayur had simply vanished from the conflict.
Peace was the furthest from the other two nations and the non-unified attacks each faced. Mordon retreated first into their mountains and caves calling to their capital Dun Moros. Many of the centuries old caves and tunnels were collapsed in their retreat, sealing them in safety. A few noble clans of dwarves stayed behind at Yamm Kasr and there, allied with their once adversaries, the elves, they prepared for the onslaught of the Formorian giants.
Peace was the furthest from the other two nations and the non-unified attacks each faced. Mordon retreated first into their mountains and caves calling to their capital Dun Moros. Many of the centuries old caves and tunnels were collapsed in their retreat, sealing them in safety. A few noble clans of dwarves stayed behind at Yamm Kasr and there, allied with their once adversaries, the elves, they prepared for the onslaught of the Formorian giants.

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Khawr Madi is now ruled by the grandson of Lord Terous, Terous bin Sadyir. One hundred years after the War of World’s End a new calendar has been created by order of Terous bin Sadyir. The world is now known as Jadida Alam (New World) in reflection of the rebirth and renewed vigilance of the survivors of the great war. The Year is 12 J.A.
Khawr Madi is now ruled by the grandson of Lord Terous, Terous bin Sadyir. One hundred years after the War of World’s End a new calendar has been created by order of Terous bin Sadyir. The world is now known as Jadida Alam (New World) in reflection of the rebirth and renewed vigilance of the survivors of the great war. The Year is 12 J.A.

Much of what was known before is forgotten. Thus, the deserts and the ruins now belong in a vast territory known as the Forgotten Lands. Terous bin Sadyir has stricken many of the names of the previous nations rulers from the ancient texts of history. The war was due to their selfish machinations. That abyssal creatures and fey horrors were lying in wait for just such an opportunity to lay siege to the mortal world could not have been known. Nonetheless, all that should be remembered of those who started the wars is the ruins scattered throughout the desert.
Much of what was known before is forgotten. Thus, the deserts and the ruins now belong in a vast territory known as the Forgotten Lands. Terous bin Sadyir has stricken many of the names of the previous nations rulers from the ancient texts of history. The war was due to their selfish machinations. That abyssal creatures and fey horrors were lying in wait for just such an opportunity to lay siege to the mortal world could not have been known. Nonetheless, all that should be remembered of those who started the wars is the ruins scattered throughout the desert.

There are still some adventurous sorts who stray beyond the boundaries: many halfling clans take advantage of the flowing river and seek their home lands. As a whole, that which once was, is now darkness and mystery. It is safer left that way.
There are still some adventurous sorts who stray beyond the boundaries: many halfling clans take advantage of the flowing river and seek their home lands. As a whole, that which once was, is now darkness and mystery. It is safer left that way.

Latest revision as of 19:09, 14 July 2008

History of Jadida Alam

One hundred years ago Alam was a far different place. Three great empires were locked in heated contest over the world at their feet. Today only ruins remain suggesting the once mighty nations.

Before we look at the political parties that engaged in the War of World’s End, a careful examination of Alam’s geography should take place.

The Majority of Alam’s surface is covered in hot sands. These sands are cradled by the hard stone of the Sinn Jabal (Impassable fangs) Mountains to the south and the east. Should you travel west it is rumored the desert will continue forever until one might travel for a day only to find himself in the same desolate place his journey began. This is known as Jabbar Badiya (the giant desert).

To the north the sands stop at the glorious Bakhr min Abad (sea of eternity). As it’s name would suggest the sea continues north forever. Some say this is not true. Some believe the sea ends and where the waters fall the Shadowfell begins. Others believe the only way for mortals to reach the Astral Sea is by sailing north passed the end of the world. These of course are just theories. No explorers have travelled far enough and returned to tell of lands beyond that which is known.

Of some concern, and perhaps a hole in the cosmological logic of Alam is Dhabab Haraj (the mist forest). The Eladrin and elven kind claim Dhabab lays beyond the Jinn Jabal. The Fey wild is strong throughout this mystical wood and it is thought of as home to many of fey origin. Most Scholars believe Dhabab Haraj does not exist in the middle world however. Common logic places Dhabab Haraj in the Fey wild and the Eladrin and young elves have distorted ideas with regard to their homeland. Nonetheless Many maps will represent the forest ambiguously beyond the Sinn Jabal.

As was stated before, Alam was divided into three nations. Here now we shall explore the three nations before the war began. Most of the wealth of Alam was held by two of the three empires, Visil and Mordon. Each occupied much of the Sinn Jabal, a range rich in minerals and gold. Nayur’s main product of worth was agriculture. The other two empires held land that was either rock or sand, Nayur benefited from the rich soil at the mouth of the Zammara Nahr (siren river).

For decades, the three empires had functioned peacefully. The magi of Visil became weary of Nayur however. The bulk of Zammara Nahr ran through Visil, yet Nayur benefited from the waterway in more ways than Visil could control, or make profit from. Nayur and Mordon had long established trade, grain for goods, and the traffic of this trade was made along Zammara Nahr. The Visilian Magi ordered tariffs on any cargo sailing up or down their river. The Senate of Nayur had been predicting such a move by Visil, though they had no alternate means of trade. Visil had both nations in an economic stranglehold.

The dwarves of Mordon were not pleased with the arrangement and felt Visil was taking great advantage of the once peaceful trade routes. Dwarven emissaries traveled across the vast desert to Nayur so Visil would not be aware of the alliance being formed. Nayur built a large navy (the first true military navy of Alam) and with the support of dwarven crafted cannons raided the capital city Visily from the sea. Meanwhile, Mordon ordered the construction of a damn at Yamm Kasr, effectively cutting off the flow of the Zammara Nahr to all in the Valley of Visil. With a decisive move, the economic capital of Visil and their agricultural well being was decimated.

This victory by Nayur and Mordon was the beginning rather than the end of the war. Drying up Zammara Nahr effected more than just Visil. Eladrin from the Fey wild poured out of the mountain ranges, backed by score of their elven cousins. The natural balance had been compromised and they sought to punish the dwarves for their insolence. The elves invaded Yamm Kasr and the Eladrin wielding massive arcane forces assaulted Marvel Keep. Mordon called in its Dragonborn allies from Dragon Peak and bolstered the defenses of Marvel Keep.

Visil did not remain complacent as their new found allies jumped to war. They pushed calvary advances in waves from Areneal to the Halfling city of River Lock. Their hardened calvary then pressed across the desert to Rin Bild. It was this move perhaps that sealed the fate of the old world.

The massive cliff wall that bordered Jabbar Badiya was home to two cities; Rin Bild and Meth-ro-gon. Technically Rin Bild was within the Nayur empire. In reality, Rin Bild was a town of chaotic Teifling outcasts. They had little military might which made them a great target for Visil but what they lacked in manpower, armor and combat skill they made up in arcane mastery. Something vile was brought forth during the fight. Soon a demonic army sprung from ashes of the conflict.

Simultaneous to this occurrence, Orc and Gnoll Armies from Meth-ro-gon saw a weakness in Dragon Peak and assaulted across the desert in never ending tides of vile anger. The strongest of the dragonborn were already at war in Marvel Keep and though Dragon Peak was not left undefended, they could not keep up with the onslaught or orc and gnoll. Giants too joined in the attacks against Mordon and the capital of Dun Moros was soon besieged by the titans’ spawn. The Battle for Marvel Keep was falling fast as the Dragonborn retreated to defend Dragon Peak. Suddenly Formorians from the Fey Underdark joined the fray, fighting for neither existing side, rather then annihilation of all in their path.

Meanwhile the elves and human allies of Visil had just about taken total control of Yamm Kasr. Steadfast dwarves held their ground and fought within the innermost walls of the massive castle city. The decision was made to abandon Marvel Keep and make way to Yamm Kasr by way of mountain tunnels. The dwarves fled the ruined Marvel Keep, leaving Eladrin and Formorian fighting to the death, unaware of their departure.

Soon too the Eladrin would route from the mighty Formorians. As they fled they called upon magnificent arcane powers to cover their tracks. The spirits summoned and magics created would give birth to the Valley of Riddles. To this day few alive can tell of the nightmares and twisted creatures that live in the valley.

The Visil Magi knew the battle was lost. The demon army of Rin Bild had not only beaten back the Visil invading army, but conquered and subjugated the remaining populous of the city itself. No longer aligned toward Nayur, the Rin Bild army moved with hell-spawned vigor across the desert toward Areneal. The Visil Magi called upon demon pacts of their own and soon an army of their most potent warlocks stood in defense of the last city of Visil. Calling upon the power of the Raven Queen of the Shadowfell the dead too began to rise and fought in defense of Areneal.

At the same time, much of Visil’s refugees had fled to two small towns, bolstering their defenses and waiting out a war showed no sign of ending. These two towns were Muk Jaras and Terous Medina.

Nayur and its remaining city Nayyrru had been left alone in the mighty war. Visil’s original push to eradicate them stopped at Rin Bild. With the drying of the great Zammara Nahr there was little to no communication with the northern nation. To all involved in the clash of steel and magic throughout Alam, Nayur had simply vanished from the conflict.

Peace was the furthest from the other two nations and the non-unified attacks each faced. Mordon retreated first into their mountains and caves calling to their capital Dun Moros. Many of the centuries old caves and tunnels were collapsed in their retreat, sealing them in safety. A few noble clans of dwarves stayed behind at Yamm Kasr and there, allied with their once adversaries, the elves, they prepared for the onslaught of the Formorian giants.

For the survivors of Dragon Peak release from their plight came at last as the horde finally dispersed against the mighty Sinn Jabal. The city was in ruin but the orcs and gnolls did not stay to make the captured husk their own. The remaining Dragonborn set out to track down the marauders and to lend their swords to the fight against the Formorians..

Though the dead themselves had risen to defend Areneal, the demonic tide was too great. More refugees fled to Muk Jaras and Terous Medina. Terous Medina began to come under assault from the Formorians as well. The magic of the Eladrin had prevented the mighty giants from crossing the Valley of Riddles so the aimed their spear north. Lord Terous, the founder of Terous Medina knew the peasants and wounded within the cities walls would not be able to hold off the assault of the Rin Bild Demons and the Formorions. He sent many to Muk Jaras along with ambassadors to the elves and dwarves. There would need to be a unified front to earn even the slightest chance of survival.

Terous Medina fell to the Formorians and the Rin Bild Demons marched behind them. Dragonborn, Dwarf, elf and Human stood at the edge of the Valley of Riddles waiting for the approaching armies. Meanwhile clerics of Bahamut prayed for salvation.

In the final hour Bahamut answered the prayers of the hopeful. Lord Terous rode to the front lines with the Qudssi Mass, a gem blessed with demon quelling powers.

The advancing armies cowered at the sight of the gem held aloft in Lord Terous’ hands. The demons were banished to the layers of the abyss from which they came. The Formorians retreated into the Feywild and the underdark therein. The war was over but Alam had changed. Nothing was left now but the rebuilding that would take the better part of a century to complete.

The elves and dwarves came to an agreement first. The empire of Mordon now scattered, those in Yamm Kasr saw no reason to blockade the river Zammara Nahr and thus opened up many channels in the dam. Water flowed again. The elves and eladrin opened parts of the Feywild east of the river and grew a great forest there, the Zammara Haraj (Siren Woods). From the enchanted forest the fey could provide protection should another army of evil rise up against the people of Alam.

The Qudssi Mass was placed in the temple at Muk Jaras. There it would remain to this day, warding off evil and offering protection to all.

Lord Terous traveled north to the base of the Valley of Riddles. The newly flowing river created glorious waterfalls off of the cliff walls. Where these waterfalls pooled he built his new city, Khawr Madi (valley city). Lord Terous created a small governing body over Muk Jaras, Yamm Kasr and Khawr Madi, though no empire was born from the alliance of peoples.

Khawr Madi is now ruled by the grandson of Lord Terous, Terous bin Sadyir. One hundred years after the War of World’s End a new calendar has been created by order of Terous bin Sadyir. The world is now known as Jadida Alam (New World) in reflection of the rebirth and renewed vigilance of the survivors of the great war. The Year is 12 J.A.

Much of what was known before is forgotten. Thus, the deserts and the ruins now belong in a vast territory known as the Forgotten Lands. Terous bin Sadyir has stricken many of the names of the previous nations rulers from the ancient texts of history. The war was due to their selfish machinations. That abyssal creatures and fey horrors were lying in wait for just such an opportunity to lay siege to the mortal world could not have been known. Nonetheless, all that should be remembered of those who started the wars is the ruins scattered throughout the desert.

There are still some adventurous sorts who stray beyond the boundaries: many halfling clans take advantage of the flowing river and seek their home lands. As a whole, that which once was, is now darkness and mystery. It is safer left that way.