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== Biography: ==
[ campain site]
== Biography ==

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after a few days at sea i came to a small island that turned out to be a breading ground for pirates. Here i sat down in a bar to grab a drink when my story begins.
after a few days at sea i came to a small island that turned out to be a breading ground for pirates. Here i sat down in a bar to grab a drink when my story begins.

[ campain site]
My class is a constuction-kit build that i named shadowfighter. It's a fighter that sneak attacks.
[ Shadowfighter]
[ character sheet]


==Build ==

LvL 1. Claws of the beast(feat), Demonic sneak attack(feat), Weapon Finnese (feat), See the Unseen(ivocation)
My class is a custom build made with the “Construction kit” and breakdowns from existing classes.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Skills (2+int)
LvL 2. Two-Weapon Fighting(feat)
class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Balance (Dex), Disable Device (Int),  Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Spot (Wis), Tumble (Dex).

Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. The rogue’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two rogue levels thereafter. Should the rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
LvL 3. Cloak of the Obyrith(feat), Aquatic Adaption(ivocation)
Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.
With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual –4 penalty.
A rogue can sneak attack only living creatures with discernible anatomies—undead, constructs, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

Trapfinding: Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20. Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
LvL 4. Weapon focus Unarmed(feat)
Rogues (and only rogues) can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk’s attacks may be with either fist interchangeably or even from elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may even make unarmed strikes with her hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply her full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all her unarmed strikes.
LvL 5.  
Usually a monk’s unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but she can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.
A monk’s unarmed strike is treated both as a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.
A monk also deals more damage with her unarmed strikes than a normal person would, as shown on Table: The Monk. The unarmed damage on Table: The Monk is for Medium monks. A Small monk deals less damage than the amount given there with her unarmed attacks, while a Large monk deals more damage; see Table: Small or Large Monk Unarmed Damage.

LvL 6. Deamon skin(feat), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting(feat), Walk Unseen(ivocation)

LvL 7.

LvL 8. Two-weapon pounce(feat), Draconic flight(ivocation)

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level or higher if a monk makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if a monk is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of evasion.
LvL 9. Staggering strike(feat)

Fast Movement (Ex): At 3rd level, a monk gains an enhancement bonus to her speed, as shown on Table: The Monk. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
LvL 10. Dodge(feat)

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 9th level, a monk’s evasion ability improves. She still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks, but henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless monk does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
LvL 11. Draconic Touchness(ivocation)

Bonus Feats: At 1st level, a fighter gets a bonus combat-oriented feat in addition to the feat that any 1st-level character gets and the bonus feat granted to a human character. The fighter gains an additional bonus feat at 2nd level and every two fighter levels thereafter (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th). These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. A fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums.
LvL 12. Greater Two-Weapon Fighting(feat), ? (feat)
These bonus feats are in addition to the feat that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. A fighter is not limited to the list of fighter bonus feats when choosing these feats.

Invocations: A dragonfire adept has a repertoire of attacks, defenses, and other abilities known as draconic invocations, which allow her to focus the draconic energy that suffuses her soul. A dragonfire adept can use any invocation she knows at will.
LvL 13. Devour Magic (ivocation)
A dragonfire adept’s invocations are like spell-like abilities; using an invocation is therefore a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity. To avoid provoking such attacks, a dragonfire adept can use a invocation defensively by making a successful consentration check. AN invocation can be disrupted, just as a spell can be ruined during casting. If a dragonfire adept is hit by an attack while ivoking, she is entitled to a Concentration check to successfully use the invocation, just as a spell caster would be. Her invocations are subject to spell resistance unless an invocation’s description specifically states otherwise. A dragonfire adept’s caster level with her invocations is equal to her class level.  She can dismiss any invocation as a standard action, just as a wizard can dismiss a spell.
If an invocation allows a saving throw, its DC is 10+ the equivalent spell level + the dragonfre adept’s Cha modifier. Sins spell-like abilities are not spells, a dragonfire adept cannot benefit from the Spell Focus feat or from draconic feats that let her convert or spend an arcane spell slot to produce some other effect. She can, however, benefit from the ability Focus feat (MM303), as well as from feats that emulate metamagic effects for spell-like abilities.
The four grades of draconic invocations, in order of their relative power, are least, lesser, greater, and dark. A 1st-level dragonfire adept begins with knowledge of one least invocation, gaining access to more invocations and higher grades as she attains levels. At any level when a dragonfire adept learns a new invocation, she can also replace an invocation she already knows with another invocation of the same or lower grade. Se Draconic Invocations, below, for a list of available invocations.
Unloike other spell-like abilities, draconic invocations are subject to arcane spell failure chance as described under Weapon and Armor Proficiency, above.
Finally, just like warlocks (see Complete Arcane), dragonfire adepts can qualifie for some prestige classes usually intended for spellcastes. For details, see the Dragonfire Adepts and Prestige Classes sidebar on page 24.

LvL 14. ? (feat)

LvL 15. ? (feat)

LvL 16. Energie immumity (ivocation)

LvL 17.
LvL 18. ? (feat), ? (feat)
LvL 19. greater Draconic flight (ivocation)
LvL 20. ? (feat)


== Feat’s ==
== Feat’s ==

=== Abyssal Heritor ===

=== Claws of the beast ===
'''Claws of the beast'''

<nowiki> [Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
Line 79: Line 92:

=== Demonic sneak attack ===
'''Demonic sneak attack'''

<nowiki> [Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
Line 89: Line 102:

=== Cloak of the Obyrith ===
'''Cloak of the Obyrith'''

<nowiki> [ Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [ Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
Line 99: Line 112:

=== Demonic Skin ===
'''Demonic Skin'''

<nowiki> [Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [Abyssal Heritor]</nowiki>  
Line 107: Line 120:
Special: Your thickened skin tends to catch on objects and makes you less flexible. Because of these effects, you take a -2 penalty on Escape Artist checks  
Special: Your thickened skin tends to catch on objects and makes you less flexible. Because of these effects, you take a -2 penalty on Escape Artist checks  

=== Fighter feats ===

<nowiki> [GENERAL]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [Fighter]</nowiki>  

You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.  
You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon.  
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<nowiki> [GENERAL]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [Fighter]</nowiki>  

Prerequisites: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.  
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.  
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<nowiki> [GENERAL]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [Fighter]</nowiki>  

Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.  
Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat.  
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Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.  
Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1.  
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== Skill Trick ==
== Skill Trick ==
=== movement ===

'''Nimble Stand'''
=== Nimble Stand ===

<nowiki> [movement]</nowiki>  
<nowiki> [movement]</nowiki>  
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== Invocations ==
== Invocations ==
=== Least ===

'''Aquatic Adaptation'''
=== Aquatic Adaptation ===
Least; 2nd  
Least; 2nd  

When you use this invocation, you gain the ability to breathe underwater. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You breath weapon functions normally underwater regardless for its effect. The invocation’s effect lasts 24 hours.  
When you use this invocation, you gain the ability to breathe underwater. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You breath weapon functions normally underwater regardless for its effect. The invocation’s effect lasts 24 hours.  

=== See the unseen ===
'''See the unseen'''
Least; 2nd  
Least; 2nd  

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=== Lesser ===

=== Walk Unseen ===
'''Walk Unseen'''
Lesser; 2nd  
Lesser; 2nd  

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'''Draconic Flight'''

=== Draconic Flight ===
Lesser; 3rd

Lesser; 3rd
When you use this invocation, you sprout spectral wings resembling those of a dragon. You can fly at a speed equal to your land speed with good maneuverability for 24 hours. Your wings allow you to cover overland distances with great endurance; you gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from forced march.
When you use this invocation, you sprout spectral wings resembling those of a dragon. You can fly at a speed equal to your land speed with good maneuverability for 24 hours. Your wings allow you to cover overland distances with great endurance; you gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from forced march.

== Equipment: ==

== Equipment: ==
'''Anklet of Translocation'''

=== Anklet of Translocation ===
<nowiki>    Body slot: Feet        Activation:  Swift (command)        Number: 2 / day      Cost: 1400gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>    Body slot: Feet        Activation:  Swift (command)        Number: 2 / day      Cost: 1400gp</nowiki>  

Line 243: Line 252:

=== Wyrmfang Amulet ===
'''Wyrmfang Amulet'''
<nowiki>Slot: Throat  Price: 1350gp activation: none (Permanent) </nowiki>
<nowiki>Slot: Throat  Price: 1350gp activation: none (Permanent) </nowiki>
Line 253: Line 262:

=== Amber Amulet of Vermin (giant bee) ===
'''Amber Amulet of Vermin (giant bee)'''
<nowiki>Body slot: Throat    Activation:  Standard (command)  Number: 1 / day    Cost: 500gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>Body slot: Throat    Activation:  Standard (command)  Number: 1 / day    Cost: 500gp</nowiki>  

Line 302: Line 312:

=== Collapsible Pole: ===
'''Collapsible Pole:'''

<nowiki> (dungeonscape)      Cost: 20gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki> (dungeonscape)      Cost: 20gp</nowiki>  
Line 311: Line 321:

===Lard: ===

<nowiki>(dungeonscape)      Cost: 2gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(dungeonscape)      Cost: 2gp</nowiki>  
Line 320: Line 330:

=== Listening Cone: ===
'''Listening Cone:'''
<nowiki>(dungeonscape)      Cost: 8sp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(dungeonscape)      Cost: 8sp</nowiki>  
Line 329: Line 339:

=== Alchemist’s Fire: ===
'''Alchemist’s Fire:'''
<nowiki>(SDR)          Cost: 20gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(SDR)          Cost: 20gp</nowiki>  
Line 339: Line 349:

=== Antitoxin (vial) : ===
'''Antitoxin (vial) :'''
<nowiki>(SDR)          Cost: 50gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(SDR)          Cost: 50gp</nowiki>  
Line 347: Line 357:

=== Masterwork Thief tools: ===
'''Masterwork Thief tools:''' 
<nowiki>(SDR) Cost: 100gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(SDR) Cost: 100gp</nowiki>  

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=== Full cloth, winter: ===
'''Full cloth, winter:''' 
<nowiki>(Arms and Equipment Guide)        Cost: 4gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(Arms and Equipment Guide)        Cost: 4gp</nowiki>  

Line 367: Line 377:

=== Acid (flask): ===
'''Acid (flask):'''
<nowiki>(SDR)                  Cost: 10gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(SDR)                  Cost: 10gp</nowiki>  
Line 376: Line 386:

=== Rubber ball: ===
'''Rubber ball:'''
<nowiki>(dungeonscape)      Cost: 3gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(dungeonscape)      Cost: 3gp</nowiki>  
Line 387: Line 397:

=== Goggles of minute seeing: ===
'''Goggles of minute seeing:'''
<nowiki>(SDR)            Body slot: Eyes        Activation:  X          Number: X            Cost: 1250gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(SDR)            Body slot: Eyes        Activation:  X          Number: X            Cost: 1250gp</nowiki>  
Line 396: Line 406:

=== Healing belt ===
'''Healing belt'''   
<nowiki>(Magic item compendium)      Body slot: Waist  Activation:  standard (command)        Number: 3 charges  Cost: 750gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(Magic item compendium)      Body slot: Waist  Activation:  standard (command)        Number: 3 charges  Cost: 750gp</nowiki>  

Line 413: Line 423:

=== Thieving helmet : ===
'''Thieving helmet :'''

<nowiki>(Arms and Equipment Guide)        Cost: 10gp</nowiki>  
<nowiki>(Arms and Equipment Guide)        Cost: 10gp</nowiki>  
Line 423: Line 433:

My name is Eldon Thorngage, but most people know me as Slick Billy.  
My name is Eldon Thorngage, but most people know me as Slick Billy.  
If you read this journal, I’d like to take this time to say “''Get ur bloody paws of me stuff ya stinking dog''”.

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My luck is chancing, while I was drinking away my last few coins I heard a great news. Some big shot captain is looking for a new crew and is willing to pay well. Unless I’m much mistaken this opportunity will draw more competition then I would like. I am not standing in line with those weirdo’s, a perfect being like myself, I should be first.  
My luck is chancing, while I was drinking away my last few coins I heard great news. Some big-shot captain is looking for a new crew and is willing to pay well. Unless I’m much mistaken this opportunity will draw more competition then I would like. I am not planning to stand in line with those weirdo’s, a perfect being like myself, I should be first.
When I entered the bar is saw my chance. A goliath, those dumb animals never go long without a fight, that will provide the perfect distraction to sneak past the guard unseen.  
When I entered the bar is saw my chance. A goliath, those dumb animals never go long without a fight, will probably provide the perfect distraction to sneak past the guard unseen.  
I didn’t have to wait long, only minutes after I entered the goliath had his first fight. It wasn’t how I expected it to be though. This animal seems to abele to handle his weapon with more than just a 1 way motion. Maybe it’s worth it to keep this beast close, he could be useful.
I didn’t have to wait long, only minutes after I entered the goliath had his first fight. It wasn’t how I expected it to be though. This animal seems to abele to handle his weapon with more than just a one-way motion. Maybe it’s worth it to keep this beast close, he could be useful.
This was my chance, but luck didn’t work in my favor, that stupid guard stood to close in front of the door, he would feel it if it opened.   
This was my chance, but luck didn’t work in my favor, that stupid guard stood too close to the door, he would feel it if it opened.   
What do my eyes see there? 20 fingers ripe for the picking. Maybe I can train my crafting and make a useful pet in 1 go. A necklace made from the fingers of his enemies seems to interest the great brute. Knowing ships I will have plenty of time to work on them on board.  
What did my eyes see there? 20 fingers ripe for the picking. Maybe I can train my crafting and make a useful pet in one go. A necklace made from the fingers of his enemies seems to interest the great brute. Knowing travel by ship, I will have plenty of time to work on them on board.  
Just when I finished collecting the last of the fingers there was a disburdens at the front of the line. That crazy goliath teamed up with one of those savage druids and they are claiming to be first in line. Time for me to be unseen so that when they lose they break down the door I can sneak in.  
Just when I finished collecting the last of the fingers there was a disturbance at the front of the line. That crazy goliath teamed up with one of those savage druids and they are claiming to be first in line. Time for me to be unseen so that when they break down the door I can sneak in.  
The door opens and the next person is called in. it was a rather weak looking human, he’s carrying a bow and some clean clothes so he’s most likely some kind of city archer.
The door opens and the next person is called in. it was a rather weak looking human, he’s carrying a bow and some clean clothes so he’s most likely some kind of city archer.
The guard looked like he was going to stop the goliath from entering after the archer but considering that there were already several dead sailors lying on the floor he probably didn’t think it was worth it.
The guard looked like he was going to stop the goliath from entering after the archer but considering that there were already several dead sailors lying on the floor he probably didn’t think it was worth it.
The druid now in the form of a brown bear followed them in. while the guard scratch his head about the whole scenario I was able to sneak in with ease.  
The druid now in the form of a brown bear followed them in. While the guard scratched his head about the whole scenario I was able to sneak in with ease.  

Inside there where 3 people waiting for us. A captain and two others. They looked way to clean to have done a honest day of work in their life. But then again, most of us look way to dirty to have done a honest day of work, which usually is correct. It could be that I just dint see it right, but it looked like the captain could see me even while I thought to be invisible.
Inside there where 3 people waiting for us. A captain and two others. They looked way to clean to have done a honest day of work in their life. But then again, most of us look way to dirty to have done a honest day of work, which usually is correct. It could be that I just didn’t see it right, but it looked like the captain could spotme even while I thought to be invisible.
We where naturally hired right away, I think it’s mostly because my perfect self made the average skill of the group look good.  
We where naturally hired right away, I think it’s mostly because my perfect self made the average skill of the group look good.

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We have been at sea for a few days, but I never bothered to keep track so I name this day “day two”. For some reason the captain took offence when I spilled the blood and muscles of the fingers bones I was cleaning on the deck. He made me clean the whole deck, I wonder what the rest of the crew will say when they find a dead captain one night.

We have been on the sea for a few days. But I never bothered to keep track so I name this day “day two”. For some rezone the captain took offence when I spilled the blood and muscles of the fingers bones I was cleaning on the deck. He made me clean the whole deck, I wonder what the rest of the crew will say when they find a dead captain one night.
The archer turned out to be a mage. I like mages, they die in such a lovely way. I heard the captain call him Hugh Laurie. Hugh was placed into the crow’s nest, probably because the captain guessed he wouldn’t survive down here.
The archer turned out to be a mage. I like mages, they die in such a lovely way. I heard the captain call him Hugh Laurie. Hugh was placed into the crow’s nest, probably because the captain guest he wouldn’t survive down here.  

The goliath I met earlier is called Sirius Sam, I’m not sure why but he’s spending his days locking random people into jails. I’m not really bothered though, I’m pretty sure he can’t find me when I don’t want him to.  
The goliath I met earlier is called Serious Sam, I’m not sure why but he’s spending his days locking random people into jails. I’m not really bothered though, I’m pretty sure he can’t find me when I don’t want him to.  

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We are joined by another ship and all the men are being locked into the jail. The only one free seem to be some guards, Sam, Hugh, the druid (who’s called Tony hawk I think), a goblin (whose name I can’t remember) and myself. When we followed the goblin below deck he seems to be stacking barrows of gunpowder on one side of the ship. After some interrogationof the goblin the plan became clear. The ship was to be blown up and all the pirates with it.
We needed a distraction fast, so I decided to free the prisoners. Their deaths should give us enough time to get to a better situation. 

We are joined by another ship and all the men are being locked into the jail. The only once free seem to be some guard’s Sam, Hugh, the druid who’s called Tony hawk I think, a goblin whose name I can’t remember and myself. When we followed the goblin below deck he seems to be stacking barrows of gunpowder on one side of the ship. After some interrogating the goblin the plane became clear. The ship was to be blown up and all the pirates with them.
I’m not sure who is in on this plan, so I’d best kill anyone who gets in my way. It looks like I’ll have no choice but to team up with Serious and Tony, hearing the battle above deck it will get tough.  
We needed a distraction fast, so I decided to free the prisoners. Their deaths should give us enough time to get to a better situation.   
It was a short battle,as after only a few kills the whole ship blew up. Everything went dark after that…
I’m not sure who is in on this plan, I best kill anyone who gets in my way. it looks like I have no chose but to team up with Sirius and Tony, hearing the battle above deck it will get hard.
It was the short battle after only a few kills the whole ship blew up. Everything went dark after that.

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I woke up on what seems like a tropical beach. I’m not sure how long I have been out but I sure hope it wasn’t more than a day. With me are some pieces of a ship and five pirates. I recognize three of them as Serious, Tony and Hugh. I don’t know what the other two are called but they claimed they saved us so I guess they should be allowed to live for now. After all we don’t know what kind of dangers are around here. 

I woke up on what seems like a tropical beach. I’m not sure how long I have been out but I sure hope it wasn’t more than a day. With me are some pieces of a ship and five pirates. I recognize three of them as Sirius, Tony and Hugh. I don’t know what the other two are called but they claimed they saved us so I guess they should be allowed to live for now. After all we don’t know what kind of dangers are around here.
We found footprints going through some kind of spiked plant with berries that explode into a poisonous cloud when touched. The footprints look about the size of normal Halfling prints but I never saw a Halfling make these kind of prints. It looks like we have to follow the path.Who knows, maybe they have a boat, gold or some fine women.  

We found footprints going through some kind of spiked plant with berries that explode into a poisons cloud when touched. The footprints look about the size of normal Halfling prints but I never saw a Halfling make these kind of prints. It looks like we have to follow the path around, who knows, maybe they have a boat, gold or some fine woman.  
It wasn’t long before we came to a small clearing on the path, it was about 30 feet wide and 40 feet long. After a quick search  I found a few traps, they were simple net traps that could keep you hanging from the trees long enough for one of the inhabitants of the island to eat you. 
Just when I was getting used to this crazy place my dislike suddenly increased. I ducked a blowgun dart by an inch as it came shooting out of the thick bushes at the border of the clearing. In a flash I saw a weird creature looking back at me from the bush. It looked like a big-headed Halfling that had been buried for a while. 
While I battled with one I could hear Tony sing in some kind of strange language, while Serious just went berserk. While I went for the second ugly bugger I could hear a lion roar nearby.  

It wasn’t long before we came to a small clearing on the path, it was about 30 feet wide and 40 feet long. After a quick search  I found a few traps, they were simple net traps that could keep u hanging from the trees long enough for one of the inhabitants of the island to eat you. 
After killing four of those undead Indians a pixie appeared. His name was Brendal and he was some kind of sun of the Pixie leader. As he too was able to see me while I was invisible, this island is really starting to get on my nerves. Brendal offered us a deal, we’re to get some magical seashell and he will reward us richly. All we had to do is get the shell from some cursed pirate ship. He gave us a ring, which Serious took. Better him than me to wear an unknown magical ring. I’m not sure if it’s the ring or not, but Serious is talking to some unseen friend alot.  
Just when I was getting used to this crazy place my dislike suddenly increased. I ducked a blowgun dart by an inch as it came shooting out of the tick bushes at the border of the clearing. In a flash I saw a weird creature looking back at me from the bush. It looked like a big headed Halfling, that had been buried for a while.
While I battled with one I could hear the Tony sing in some kind of strange langue and Sirius just went berserk. While I went for the second ugly bugger I could hear a lion roar nearby.  

After killing four of those undead Indians a pixie appeared. His name was Brendal, he was some kind of sun of the Pixie leader. He too was able to see me while I was invisible, this island is really starting to get on my nerves. Brendal offered us a deal, get some magical seashell and he will reward us richly. All we had to do is get the shell from some cured pirate ship. He gave us a ring which Sirius took, better him then me to wear a unknown magical ring. I’m not sure if it’s the ring or not, but Sirius is talking to some unseen friend a lot.
We went on our way to the ship, but halfway there we decided to change course to go to some abandoned ruins. I went to scout the entrance, at least that’s what I told the others. In fact I just dropped down near the floor and dangled a bit in the dark. The others soon jumped in after me en ran right into the room, where apparently there was a large spider waiting for us. The moment I saw it I couldn’t control my own movement. I moved slowly into some big spider’s web, while next to me I saw Serious doing the same. Things didn’t improve much when Hugh missed with one of his fire arrows and set fire to the web. The spider killed one of my companions. It was a good thing that Serious snapped to it just in time and smashed the spider.  
We went on our way to the ship, but halfway there we decided to chance course to go to some abandon ruins. I went to scout the entrance, at least that’s what I told the others. In fact I just drop down to near the floor and dangled a bit in the dark. The others soon jumped in after me en ran right into the room, where apparently there was a large spider waiting for us. The moment I saw it I couldn’t control my own movement. I moved slowly into some big spiders web, next to me I saw Sirius doing the same. Things didn’t improve much when Hugh missed with one of his fire arrows and set flame to the web. the spider killed one of my companions. It was a good thing that Sirius snapped to it just in time and smashed the spider.  

I found some coins in the belt of the fallen pirate. Unluckily my companions saw me taking the belt so I had to share the gold with them.  
I found some coins in the belt of the fallen pirate. Unluckily my companions saw me taking the belt so I had to share the gold with them.  
We could hear some music coming from a passage way to the north.  However after searching the room we found another passage to the east. In the east passage we found two options, one was north into some bar or more to the east and then down a spiral staircase. Naturally we chose to explore the bar first.
We could hear some music coming from a passage to the north.  However after searching the room we found another passage to the east. In the east passage we found two options, one was north into some bar or more to the east and then down a spiral staircase. Naturally we chose to explore the bar first.
The moment we entered all sound from the bar went out.  The bar turned out to be a small room with a few tables and a fountain with some glasses in the corner. Some brown liquid poured from it.  
The moment we entered all sound from the bar went out.  The bar turned out to be a small room with a few tables and a fountain with some glasses in the corner. Some brown liquid poured from it.  
True to its nature the goliath brushed all of us out of the way and drank from the fountain. After the first drink he seemed to be totally losing his mind, drinking glass after glass. We tried to stop the fountain flow with mud and rocks but nothing could stop it.  So we decided to just sit back and watch the show.  
True to its nature, the goliath brushed all of us out of the way and drank from the fountain. After the first drink he seemed to be totally losing his mind, drinking glass after glass. We tried to stop the fountain flow with mud and rocks but nothing could stop it.  So we decided to just sit back and watch the show.  
A couple of minutes went by of which we spend watching Sirius talk to himself about quests, gold and treasure maps.  
A couple of minutes went by, which we spend watching Serious talking to himself about quests, gold and treasure maps.

After the liquid seemed to lessen we went back to the spiders room and tried the north room. Rule number 1 is “where there is music there is something to steal”. After we entered the hallway we found only a long tunnel with a door all the way at the end.  
After the liquid seemed to lessen we went back to the spiders room and tried the north room. Rule number 1 is “''where there is music, there is something to steal''”. After we entered the hallway we found only a long tunnel with a door all the way at the end.  
It was strange, every time we went closer to the door it seemed to get further away from us. Halfway in the tunnel we could see Sam hitting hit imaginary friend who seems to be flying around his head. But then again, after a long walk the door did become closer all of the sudden. That wasn’t so strange I guess considering the doorknob talked to us very kindly. It told us that we had to swear to return the story book to its rightful owner or ells we weren’t allowed to enter. So naturally we convinced the doorknob we had the best intentions and het let us in. Inside we saw a book on a pedestal, “Fairytales”. Tony went picked it up and immediately disappeared. Touching a magical book without knowing what it does seemed kind of stupid, but does leaving a most likely valuable magical artifact seemed even dumber. I decided to robe it and just drag it with me. I wanted to read it every now and then, but my better judgment decided against it.  
It was strange, every time we went closer to the door it seemed to get further away from us. Halfway into the tunnel we could see Sam fighting his imaginary friend who seems to be flying around his head. But then again, after a long walk the door did become closer all of the sudden. That wasn’t so strange I guess, considering the doorknob talked to us very kindly. It told us that we had to swear to return the storybook to its rightful owner or ells we weren’t allowed to enter. So naturally we convinced the doorknob we had the best intentions and het let us in. Inside we saw a book on a pedestal, “Fairytales”. Tony went and picked it up and immediately disappeared. Touching a magical book without knowing what it does seems kind of stupid, but leaving a most likely valuable magical artifact, seemed even dumber. I decided to rope it and just drag it with me. I felt the urge to read it every now and then, but my better judgment decided against it.

Not knowing where Tony was we went to look at the only place where we haven’t been before, the spiral stairs to the east. It must have looked stupid to any observer, a invisible Halfling, trailing a magical book on a 50ft rope and a large goliath following the book.  
Not knowing where Tony was we went to look at the only place where we haven’t been before, the spiral stairs to the east. It must have looked stupid to any observer, an invisible Halfling, trailing a magical book on a 50ft rope and a large goliath following the book.  
At the bottom of the stairs we found a room with a weird looking floor. The moment I entered the room the floor started to tilt. It seemed the floor is only secured in the middle, so any movement away from the middle moved the floor to what seemed like a long drop. It was at this moment that Tony suddenly appeared next to the book, at the same moment both Tony and myself got a urge to read the book. After a quick battle for the book in a room with a tilting floor Tony once again grabbed the book and disappeared and Sam put his foot in the chamber canceling out the dis balance from the floor from my weight.   
At the bottom of the stairs we found a room with a weird-looking floor. The moment I entered the room the floor started to tilt. It seemed the floor was only secured in the middle, so any movement away from the middle moved the floor to what seemed like a long drop. It was at this moment that Tony suddenly appeared next to the book.At the same moment, both Tony and myself got the urge to read the book. After a quick battle for the book in a room with a tilting floor, Tony once again grabbed the book and disappeared and Sam put his foot in the chamber canceling out the imbalance of the floor from my weight.   
In the middle of the room I saw a hole in the floor. Looking down I saw three skeletons just waiting for something. They didn’t react when I threw a small rubber ball at them.  
In the middle of the room I saw a hole in the floor. Looking down I saw three skeletons just waiting for something. They didn’t react when I threw a small rubber ball at them.  
Not really interested in skeletons and carrying a weird magical book we really wanted to get rid of we decided to go back outside.  
Not really interested in skeletons and carrying a weird magical book we really wanted to get rid of, we decided to go back outside.  

Once outside Sam told us he was going to summon Brendal, who would bring Mostafair. Mostafair was a previous owner of the book and was willing to buy it from us with a gemstone worth 500gp. Before any pixie could appear however Sam and I found our self fighting for the book. Not wanting to touch the book, run away or let Sam have it, it  became quite difficult to keep juggling it. It wasn’t long that Sam snatched it up and disappeared into nothingness.
Once outside Sam told us he was going to summon Brendal, who would bring Mostafar. Mostafar was the previous owner of the book and was willing to buy it from us with a gemstone worth 500gp. Before any pixie could appear however, Sam and I found ourselves fighting for the book. Not wanting to either touch the book, run away, or let Sam have it, it  became quite difficult to keep juggling it. It wasn’t long before Sam snatched it up and disappeared into nothingness.

After a while of me standing silly with my book on a rope both Tony and Sam appeared at my side and not much later both Mostafair and Brendal appeared to. Expecting nothing less, Sam started a argument with the two pixies which ended in Brendal Mind controlling Sam with the magical ring. I’m glad I dint wear the silly thing. Since Tony promised the doorknob to return the Book he decided to trade it with Mostafair. We have no way to split the gem at this moment, but we know it’s worth 500gp and that Tony has it so we know where to knock if it’s gone missing.  
After a while of me standing around looking silly with my book on a rope, both Tony and Sam appeared at my side and not much later both Mostafar and Brendal appeared too. Expecting nothing less, Sam started an argument with the two pixies, which ended in Brendalmind-controlling Sam with the magical ring. I’m glad I didn’t wear the silly thing. Since Tony promised the doorknob to return the book, he decided to trade it with Mostafar. We had no way to split the gem at that moment, but we knew it was worth 500gp and that Tony had it, so we knew where to knock if it went missing.
Mad about being Mind controlled Sam threw away the ring. I put it in my backpack. You can never know when we’re going to need it.  
Mad about being mind-controlled, Sam threw away the ring. I put it in my backpack. You can never know when we’re going to need it.  

Very tired from a long day we set up camp at a clearing in the forest. After a few short hours we where rudely awakened.  
Very tired from a long day we set up camp in a clearing in the forest. After a few short hours we where rudely awakened.  
Out of the ground came some kind of half mole half human. A strong mole it turned out to be. After quite a few hits Sam was able to fling the mol into the bushes with his chain. When Hugh flew over the creature he could only see a hole in the ground where the creature should have been. Creatures that can just pop out of the ground and disappear into it again? I knew enough to know that I didn’t want to be sleeping on that ground when it came up again. Using some of my fine silk robe I made a small bed for myself in a nearby tree. I fell asleep at the sound of Sam and Hugh fighting over something. They where most likely fighting over the rulership of the world or something I didn’t really care enough to pay any attention.  
Out of the ground came some kind of half-mole, half-human. A strong mole it turned out to be. After quite a few hits Sam was able to fling the mol into the bushes with his chain. When Hugh flew over the creature he could only see a hole in the ground where the creature should have been. Creatures that can just pop out of the ground and disappear into it again? I knew enough to know that I didn’t want to be sleeping on that ground when it came up again. Using some of my fine silk robe I made a small bed for myself in a nearby tree. I fell asleep at the sound of Sam and Hugh fighting over something. They where most likely fighting over the rulership of the world or something. I didn’t really care enough to pay any attention.  
After a few minutes however my predictions came true, what go’s down must come up, there was the mol again. I really wanted to stay in my tree at this point, but from what I have seen from this crazy island so far I better stick to the group. Coming down I find Sam laying on the floor eider unconscious or dying and Hugh hanging high in the sky, fleeing most likely. So it was up to me to save the day, just imagine, losing Sam and having to carry all that treasure by myself.  
After a few minutes however my predictions came true, what goes down must come up, there was the mole again. I really wanted to stay in my tree at this point, but from what I have seen from this crazy island so far I’d better stick with the group. Coming down I found Sam laying on the floor either unconscious or dying and Hugh hanging high in the sky, fleeing most likely. So it was up to me to save the day.Just imagine, losing Sam and having to carry all that treasure by myself.  
I had the mol down on his last breath when he knocked me down. It was a good thing Sam woke up and was able to knock down the severely wounded mol. Unlucky as we are we could find no valuables on the mol. I had stuck my hands in all those holes and spots for nothing.
I had the mole down on his last breath when he knocked me down. It was a good thing Sam woke up and was able to knock down the severely wounded mole. Unlucky as we are, we could find no valuables on the mole. I had stuck my hands in all those holes and spots for nothing.  
Having little other choice we had to try and rest again, luckily the rest of the night went by without any real troubles. 
Having little other choice we had to try and rest again, luckily the rest of the night went by without any real trouble

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Brendal once told us about a camp ruled by a shaman high in the mountains. If I understood Brendal correctly the shaman had some nice magical equipment. The shaman also is most likely to know the location of Brendal’svillage,whichaccording to Brendal holds a lot of valuables.  
Brendal once told us about a camp ruled by a shaman high in the mountains. If I understood Brendal correctly the shaman has some nice magical equipment. The shaman also is most likely to know the location of Brendal’s village which according to Brendal holds a lot of valuables.  
Sam had his own reason to find Brendal’s village. He wanted revenge for Brendal’s mind-control trick. This is all in my favor, maybe the revenge will distract the big guy long enough not to notice that I get more treasure then him. The humans seems to keep far out of combat at all times, it won’t be too hard to steal something before they get close.  
Sam had his own rezone to find Brendal’s village. He wants revenge for Brendal’s mind control trick. This is all in my favor, maybe the revenge will distract the big guy long enough not to notice that I get more treasure then him. The humans seems to keep far out of combat at all times, it can’t be too hard to steal something before they get close.  

After a few hours of walking we suddenly came to a halt in front of a huge cliff. Our group didn’t have any real trouble with it. Sam climbed it with ease, Hugh casted a spell on himself and flew up, Tony ordered his air elemental to carry me up and turned into a hawk himself. I have to say, I’m surprised that the elemental was able to lift me, I haven’t really seen him do anything more then fly out of the way of anything dangerous.   
After a few hours of walking we suddenly came to a halt in front of a huge cliff. Our group didn’t have any real trouble with it. Sam climbed it with ease, Hugh casted a spell on himself and flew up, Tony ordered his air elemental to carry me up and turned into a hawk himself. I have to say, I’m surprised that the elemental was able to lift me, I haven’t really seen him do anything more then fly out of the way of anything dangerous.   

On top of the cliff we suddenly heard voices around the corner of a large stone pile. We found a village, it looked quite disserted except for an ugly little guy on top of one of the houses. He looked moor imported then the other undead Indians we met before but just as weak. The battle started normally, Sam charged the first thing he saw and started to hit it with his chain. I saw Sam getting shot at when he charged so I went to the side and attack one of the undead tribesmen. Tony summoned some kind of bird that shot lighting, the elemental floated at a safe distance and Hugh casted a spell on the group. Too bad I was to far away to benefit from Hughs spell, it looked like Sam was hit and he suddenly hit with the speed of two.  
On top of the cliff we suddenly heard voices around the corner of a large pile of stone. We found a village, which looked quite deserted except for an ugly little guy on top of one of the houses. He looked more important then the other undead Indians we met before, but just as weak. The battle started normally, Sam charged the first thing he saw and started to hit it with his chain. I saw Sam getting shot at when he charged so I went to the side and attacked one of the undead tribesmen. Tony summoned some kind of bird that shot lighting, the elemental floated at a safe distance and Hugh casted a spell on the group. Too bad I was to far away to benefit from Hugh’s spell, it looked like Sam was hit and he suddenly hit with the speed of two.  

Before we could kill our attackers we got surrounded by reinforcements, they came right out of the side of the mountain. I got hit by some kind of mental blast by one of them. Near dead I was able to tumble my way to safety and summoned a giant wasp to stop my attackers from following.  
Before we could kill our attackers we got surrounded by their reinforcements, they came right out of the side of the mountain. I got hit by some kind of mental blast from one of them. Near dead, I was able to tumble my way to safety and summon a giant wasp to stop my attackers from following.  
Hugh was able to summon up some kind of web and cloud that seemed to stop a small group of the attackers in their tracks, Sam did his usual smash and bash attacks and Tony ran around us trying to keep our health to respectable level. Two kind of worms appeared on the battlefield and started to spray us with acid, or at least they tried. With some quick teamwork we were able to take down the mind killing caster. After that we rounded up the remaining enemy’s and slew them.  
Hugh was able to summon up some kind of web and cloud that seemed to stop a small group of the attackers in their tracks, Sam did his usual smash and bash attacks and Tony ran around us trying to keep our health at an respectable level. Two kind of worms appeared on the battlefield and started to spray us with acid, or at least they tried. With some quick teamwork we were able to take down the mind-killing caster. After that we rounded up the remaining enemies and slew them.  
Searching the whole village we found nothing worth our time except for a few magical daggers and armor from our attackers.  
Searching the whole village, we found nothing worth our time except for a few magical daggers and armor from our attackers.  
The wall however did get our attention, no one is going to enchant a whole mountain without a good rezone.  
The wall however, did get our attention. No one is going to enchant a whole mountain without a good reason.  
The doorway seems blocked by some rezone, throwing the body’s of the defeated enemy’s against it didn’t work, so it can’t be activate by something there wearing. Searching the rest of the village we found a lever that opened a door a few feet to the left of the magical wall. There was a dark tunnel that lead to a small square room. It looks like were expected, the moment I entered the room I was attack at three sides by tribesmen. I had a little laugh all their weapons just bounced off my demonic skin. I heard Tony summon a giant crocodile, but before it had a chance to get into action we had already slain all the tribesmen. Not a bad fight for another six magical daggers and some magical armor.
The doorway seemed blocked for some reason. Throwing the bodies of the defeated enemies against it didn’t work, so it can’t be activated by something they were wearing. After searching the rest of the village, we found a lever that opened a door a few feet to the left of the magical wall. There was a dark tunnel that led to a small square room. It looked like we were expected. The moment I entered the room,tribesmen attackedme from three sides. I had a little laugh as all their weapons just bounced off my Fiendish skin. I heard Tony summon a giant crocodile, but before it had a chance to get into action we had already slain all the tribesmen. Not a bad fight for another six magical daggers and some magical armor.
The room seems to have four exits, one where we came from, one tunnel that seems to lead back through the magical wall, one tunnel exactly the same as the one where we came from except to the right side of the magical wall. And then there was a strange door that we could only open using a small wooden stick we found outside.  
The room seems to have four exits, one where we came from, one tunnel that seems to lead back through the magical wall, one tunnel exactly the same as the one where we came from except to the right side of the magical wall. And then there was a strange door that we could only open using a small wooden stick we found outside.
This door opened into a tiny room. It was a circular room with a diameter of about 10feet with leather straps at the wall where someone could be tight to. Tony Hugh and I only just entered the room when Sam suddenly pulled the lever again. I rushed to secure myself while the whole room started to shake. The next thing I know is that the whole room suddenly go’s thundering down like a barrel on a waterfall. It seemed that Tony was able to strap himself down in time to, Hugh however wasn’t that lucky. Man it was funny seeing that weak archer bounce from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling.  
This door opened into a tiny room. It was a circular room with a diameter of about 10feet with leather straps at the wall where someone could be tied to. Tony Hugh and I only just entered the room when Sam suddenly pulled the lever again. I rushed to secure myself while the whole room started to shake. The next thing I know is that the whole room suddenly went thundering down like a barrel on a waterfall.It seemed that Tony was able to strap himself down in time too. Hugh however wasn’t that lucky. Man, it was funny seeing that weak archer bounce from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling.  
It wasn’t long before we stopped and the door opened again. Not really caring to wait for the others I used my powers to become invisible and snuck out of the moving room.  
It wasn’t long before we stopped and the door opened again. Not really caring to wait for the others I used my powers to become invisible and snuck out of the moving room.  

This probably wasn’t my best plan I ever head, waiting for us in the room where two giant ice scorpions. Its times like this when I miss Sam and his constant urge to get hit. These creatures had no soft spots to hit, my natural protection against weapons had no effect against their sting and they could do some kind of mental attack.
This probably wasn’t the best plan I ever had, because waiting for us in the room were two giant ice scorpions. Its times like this when I miss Sam and his constant urge to get hit. These creatures had no soft spots to hit, my natural protection against weapons had no effect against their sting and they could do some kind of mental attack.
Sins I couldn’t hide from them I decided to stall them long enough for Tony to get us some reinforcements. Maybe Sam would find a way to follow us. I think Hugh casted a few spells but the scorpions didn’t seemed to be effected at all. The air elemental in a rare brave flick, suddenly starting attacking our enemy’s, maybe one day he will also be hitting anything.  
Since I couldn’t hide from them I decided to stall them long enough for Tony to get us some reinforcements. Maybe Sam would find a way to follow us. I think Hugh casted a few spells but the scorpions didn’t seemed to be affected at all. The air elemental, in a rare brave flick, suddenly started attacking our enemies, maybe someday he will also manage to hitsomething.  
After Tony had summoned a Giant crocodile we suddenly say Hugh flee the battle back up the tunnel where the moving room came from. A few seconds later he came flying out again, he probably heard rumbling in the tunnel because the moment Tony and I gotten the upper hand on the scorpions moving room came crashing down like ours. This time with Sam in it.   
After Tony had summoned a Giant crocodile we suddenly saw Hugh flee the battle, back up the tunnel where the moving room came from. A few seconds later he came flying out again, he probably heard rumbling in the tunnel, because the moment Tony and I had gotten the upper hand on the scorpions, a  moving room came crashing down like ours. This time with Sam in it.   
I must say it was fun seeing the last scorpion knock Hugh unconscious. Too bad Tony gotten him back on his feet before I could take a look at his equipment.  
I must say it was fun seeing the last scorpion knock Hugh unconscious. Too bad Tony got him back on his feet before I could take a look at his equipment.  

We found our self’s in a room with three door now. The moving room had disappeared into the floor so that wasn’t a option. The other three way’s looked closed so they would have to wait till tomorrow, first we need to get our strength back.
We found ourselves in a room with three doors now. The moving room had disappeared into the floor so that wasn’t a option. The other three ways looked closed so they would have to wait ‘till tomorrow, first we needed to get our strength back.
The gods where pleased with our destruction, I mean renewal of the world. We were all blessed with a magical item. I gotten a “Magic Vest of +5 Resistance”. That should keep me save against all these pesky mind casters and poisonous stabber.  

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After a refreshing rest it was time to see what these highly magical beasts where doing here. Like the old saying ''“anything worth guarding is worth stealing”''. The chain ape Sam tried opening the doors with force, to no effect. Flyboy Hugh used his cosmic knowledge and highly trained brainpower to stare into a blank wall. I think the fungus-loving druid wasn’t even sure that the rest of us had gotten up at all. As for me, well, let’s just say I did the best I could in this tight situation. Hugh did redeem himself a bit by finding the lever of the doors hidden behind a soft patch of dirt on the wall. He probably leaned against it while resting from his exhausting bit of staring.
After a refreshing rest it was time to see what these highly magical beasts where doing here. Like the old saying “anything worth guarding is worth stealing”. The chain ape Sam tried opening the doors with force, to no effect. Flyboy Hugh used his cosmic knowledge and highly trained brainpower to stare into a blank wall. I think the fungus loving druid wasn’t even sure that the rest of us had gotten up at all. As for me, well, let’s just say I did the best I could in this tight situation. Relentless to see Hugh did redeem himself a bit by finding The lever of the doors hidden behind a soft patch of dirt on the wall. He probably leaned against his wile resting from his exhausting staring.

After a quick vote the minority of the group chose me as the best option as scout. I’m not really a fan of being the first into danger. But then again, if the treasure is hidden close by it can’t hurt to check it for traps without anyone looking over my shoulder. It is of course not my fault if gems fall into my clothes while I’m searching.     
After a quick vote the minority of the group chose me as the best option as scout. I’m not really a fan of being the first into danger. But then again, if the treasure is hidden close by it can’t hurt to check it for traps without anyone looking over my shoulder. It is of course not my fault if gems fall into my clothes while I’m searching.     
It shows that you can’t trust a gang of bloodthirsty pirates these days. Just as I entered the hallway through the first doorway they pulled the lever again to close the door. It was a good thing I was invisible so that they didn’t see I had jumped back into the room the moment I saw the door move. Sniggering little bustards they where, laughing what they thought to be behind my back. I waited a few seconds before becoming visible again ruining there laugh.   
It just shows that you can’t trust a gang of bloodthirsty pirates these days. Just as I entered the hallway through the first doorway, they pulled the lever again to close the door. It was a good thing I was invisible so that they didn’t see I had jumped back into the room the moment I saw the door move. Sniggering little bastards that they where, laughing what they thought to be behind my back. I waited a few seconds before becoming visible again ruining their laugh.   
All fun and games, there was gold to be found. So as soon as the door was reopened I went exploring again. The hallway was a Y shaped tunnel, the right tunnel has a door which I can’t open. It contains a handprint not much larger then that of a human but with longer fingers.  
All fun and games, but there was gold to be found. So as soon as the door was reopened I went exploring again. The hallway was a Y shaped tunnel, of which the right tunnel had a door I couldn’t open. It contained a handprint not much larger then that of a human but with longer fingers.  
The left hallway has a door that looks normal at first glance but after a better look it looked a bit weird. I couldn’t really put my finger on it. Of course curious as a am I had to put my finger on it.
The left hallway had a door that looked normal at first glance but after a better look it looked a bit weird. I couldn’t really put my finger on it. Of course, curious as a am I had to put my finger on it.
I don’t know why but the moment I touched the door I had a sudden urge to open it. Inside the room where three levers and something made me pull the one on the right.   
I don’t know why but the moment I touched the door I had a sudden urge to open it. Inside the room were three levers and something made me pull the one on the right.   
Everything went bright, dark en then very annoying. I was trapped inside a small 15 by 15 feet room with a nutter goblin who was for some rezone reading notes he claimed he wrote himself. I could hear voices behind the room’s only door. I best not let them know I am here. I don’t think the goblin will be any help if it come to a fight. “Flash” another burst of light appeared in the room, moving suddenly very fast for his weak old body the goblin jumped through it and disappeared.
Anything is better than to wait here in a tiny room smelling of goblin waiting to die or be found by some unknown enemy on the other side of the room. The next flash of light is mine. What do u know, my party actually has a use after all. From what they told me afterwards it seemed they came to followed me after I didn’t come back and stared pulling levers at random. That’s my party, when unsure, pull everything u see.
I am not sure how we came to this plan but we decided to use these levers to find a way out. It probably would be more logical to use the doors but that would mean we would have to walk the whole 60 feet back to the main room. We pulled the first lever and Tony send his air elemental into the portal. I don’t know the elemental’s name, but then again I don’t think Tony does eider. Not really wanting or caring to wait for the elemental Sam went through a portal by pulling the second lever. We had decided that we would keep pulling the lever so that he could have a quick look and then jump right back into the portal. We waited a few minutes and the elemental came back giving Tony some report in the elementals home speech, Auran I think it’s called. From what Tony told us it wasn’t a room we wanted to go any time soon. It was a large hallway with at the end a very large statue made of some kind of crystal. Remembering those crystal beasts from the main room who had no weak spots and could see through my invisibility I don’t want to know what this one can do.
From Sam on the other had we didn’t hear anything anymore. I hope nothing bad happen out there, he’s still wearing the magical armors we found earlier. On the other hand, I’m not planning to go check if that risks losing something really valuable, like my own life.
Hugh had a plan, we would send a note through the portal. Then Sam could answer it and we would know it’s all save. However all that came back was a crumbled note. Come to think of it, I never seen a monkey write a reply. I don’t think words are really his style. Getting back to his own level I threw in a stone. A few seconds later it was answered by a chained harpoon that nearly killed Hugh. 
That was prove enough for me, Sam wasn’t in any danger at that moment.
I went in the portal after Sam, I told Hugh and Tony that I would send them a square stone if it was save and a round stone it there was danger.
Entering the room I saw it was about 30ft by 40ft. At one side there was a large expensive looking chest with three skeletons around it. Every skeleton had a beam of light that connected their heads to a hole in the ceiling.
On the other side of the room where to doors. Both of them had the same handprint as before.
Seeing that its save I started cutting my stone square, but halfway through it Sam needed my help preparing the room to open the chest so I stopped cutting and trough the half square half round stone trough the first portal that spawned. I wonder what Hugh and Tony would make of that.
Analyzing the room we decided that skeletons standing around a chest usually guard it and will most likely kill anyone trying to take their treasure. I had two Silk robes in my backpack that we bound to skeletons with. This wasn’t a happy job, even touching a skeleton trough the robe send a burst of pain down my body.
Hugh and Tony seemed to think it was save enough, they had set the elemental to keep pulling the lever and jumped trough the portal to us. Tony turned into a hawk and put some of the lard I had with me into the hole in the ceiling, the moment he finished doing this all hell broke loose. My to expensive pure silk robe that we used to bind the two skeletons busted into flames. One of the skeletons ran up the wall and then on the ceiling and started to attack Tony. One skeleton attacked me and the last one tried to get to Sam.
In a matter of seconds we were all in heavy combat. Tony had flown down from the ceiling and summoned a Giant crocodile that kept one skeleton occupied. Sam and I killed the other two while they both where trying to hit trough my demonic defenses.
After quite some while Hugh had finished summoning all kinds of arcane powers onto his Arrow and led lose a all might mother of all flaming arrows that from my point of few didn’t do nada. It turned out that they were in fact immune to all kinds of fire.
Sam and I had no trouble destroying the two skeletons hitting me and then helped Tony’s croc to destroy the last one.
Shiver me timbers, the booty is ours. After dropping my professional look on the chest I saw that it was still well guarded by traps. While I got ready to perform my delicate operation to remove the chests traps I saw a large chain (missing me by inches) knocking the chest off its pedestal trough the room. Sam opened it and without a second thought put on the necklace he found inside.
He seems to think the necklace is his now, well let him. When I am sure he has no side effects from curses ill steal it back.
We called it a night after that to give the two weaklings time to get in touch with their magical side. If u ask me there just lazy and wanted to rest.
I lay there on the ground smiling at the flashes of light from the portals. That air elemental takes his tasks to serious.

Line 585: Line 563:

Ah a nice day it is. The treasure we found yesterday doesn’t seem to be cursed, the skeletons are still dead and no one tried to kill me in my sleep. What this must mean is that it is my lucky day.

Ah a nice day it is. The treasure we found yesterday doesn’t seem to be cursed, the skeletons are still dead and no one tried to kill me in my sleep. Man I feel lucky today.
While Hugh and Tony occupied themselves with getting there spells in check I decided to start exploring the rest of the dungeon. After some exploring it turned out that both doors of our room came out into one hallway that came out into the main room where we fought the crystal scorpions.  
While Hugh and Tony occupied themselves with getting there spells in check I decided to start exploring the rest of the dungeon. After some exploring it turned out that both doors of our room came out into one hallway that came out into the main room where we fought the crystal scorpions.  
That leaves just one door and one portal as options for the exit.
That leaves just one door and one portal as options for the exit.

The last door was a heavy wooden door. Sam volunteered to go first after I had checked it for traps, why not I thought, his large body is bound to set of anything dangers that might be behind the door. Staying a good 30ft behind him I followed invisibly.  
The last door was a heavy wooden door. Sam volunteered to go first after I had checked it for traps, ''"why not"'' I thought, his large body is bound to set of anything dangers that might be behind the door. Staying a good 30ft behind him I followed invisibly.  
Behind the door was a hallway that went into a curve. At the end of the hallway was a round room of about 25ft wide with in the middle a large fire about the size of a human and it giggled.
Behind the door was a hallway that went into a curve. At the end of the hallway was a round room of about 25ft wide with in the middle a large fire about the size of a human and it giggled.
Most people would take it as a bad sign to walk up to a giggling fire and pee on it, but then again, most people aren’t 200 pounds of stupid goliath.  
Most people would take it as a bad sign to walk up to a giggling fire and pee on it, but then again, most people aren’t 200 pounds of stupid goliath.  
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I’m not sure why but Tony turned into a hawk and flew down the hole in the floor. Judging from the smell I don’t want to know where he stuck his hand but he came back out of the hole holding what looked like a magical stone. I belief he called it a “Psionic stone”.
I’m not sure why but Tony turned into a hawk and flew down the hole in the floor. Judging from the smell I don’t want to know where he stuck his hand but he came back out of the hole holding what looked like a magical stone. I belief he called it a “Psionic stone”.

It looks like we have only one option left, the middle lever teleport.  
It looks like we have only one option left to escape from here, the middle lever teleport.  
After being teleported into a new room I could see what the elemental mend. Probably 16ft tall and 7ft wide was standing on the side of the room a giant statue. On the other side of the room was some kind of dangerous but expensive looking orb. On the right and left side where one door each. Having my fill of stuff that shouldn’t be moving in the first place attacking me, I was more than happy to check out the doors first.  
After being teleported into a new room I could see what the elemental ment. Probably 16ft tall and 7ft wide was standing on the side of the room a giant statue. On the other side of the room was some kind of dangerous but expensive looking orb. On the right and left side where one door each. Having my fill of stuff that shouldn’t be moving in the first place attacking me, I was more than happy to check out the doors first.  
The left door lead to a small room with nothing of interest. Tony open the other door and went in. a few seconds later the door closed and we could hear nothing else. When Hugh went to look for Tony he felt a strange feeling when opening the door. Looking into the room it was completely empty except for three levers.
The left door lead to a small room with nothing of interest. Tony open the other door and went in. a few seconds later the door closed and we could hear nothing else. When Hugh went to look for Tony he felt a strange feeling when opening the door. Looking into the room it was completely empty except for three levers.
Hugh told me to do something, I don’t know what I wasn’t really listening, he went into the room, pulled a lever and disappeared.
Hugh told me to do something, I don’t know what I wasn’t really listening, he went into the room, pulled a lever and disappeared.
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While running I told them all that had happened after they disappeared and we kept running for the rest of the day.  
While running I told them all that had happened after they disappeared and we kept running for the rest of the day.  
“Oh treasure and gold, we shall miss you forever. Oh and the mule that was carrying it was useful to.”
“Oh treasure and gold, we shall miss you forever. Oh and the mule that was carrying it was useful to.”
Where on this island are we going to find someone who will get beaten for us like Sam did.        
Where on this island are we going to find someone who will get beaten for us like Sam did.


=== Day Eight, ===
=== Day Eight, ===

I awoken feeling more powerful than ever. Two large wings sprouted out of my back. It took no time at all to get used to them, it’s like I always had them. But with my luck I am in the middle of a never ending hallway. Not really the perfect flying location. 
When we woke there no longer was any door or wall that happened to be a door. For some rezone the others came to a conclusion that the door had moved during our sleep so we set off again. I decided to go with them, after all it’s not like I have much else to do.
After what seemed like a few hours Hugh yelled in my ear again. He spotted a door that wasn’t where we were because it had moved and only he could see it. Sure, and I don’t like treasure.
It wouldn’t have been so bad if they didn’t keep insisting that I should search a door that wasn’t even there in the first place.
Hugh even gone so far to cast some kind of silence on the wall and then shot a arrow at it. Somehow he had the idea that when the arrow bounce off and scattered that that made it clear that there was indeed a door. As far as I know most arrows scatter against a very large solid wall.
After a long and boring conversation I searched the wall where they kept pointing and I was right, it was indeed a wall. It seemed to be clear of traps, but then again, why would anyone trap a blank space of wall.
Hugh sure is a funny person, when I told him there wasn’t a door he got angry, when I lied and sad there was a door he got angry too. So angry indeed that he overcame his fear of walls and pushed it. He must have cast another spell without me noticing because the next thing I knew there was a door where the wall used to be.
They both where all too keen for me to go in first, “yea people I will protect you with my big ass halfling body, don’t worry, the enemies won’t even see you behind me”.
So I kicked down the door, the first and only thing that caught my eye was a beautiful chandelier. I flew towards it but it was too big to fit in my backpack. On the walls where many paintings, one of them fitted in my backpack. The others were too big for me. Where is Sam when u need him? 
Looking back I saw that the door that I just came trough was not at the side of the room like I would expect when I exited the side of the hallway. The door however was at the bottom of the room pointing downwards like a trapdoor. Flying in I never even saw it.
I think tony went to inspect the paintings closer, he even wanted to see the one I just put in my backpack. There was some kind of lord on the painting. The same lord that was on the paintings on the wall that told a story of some giant battle. Remarkable about the paintings was that the amulet that was painted glowed.
After ransacking the room Hugh found some potions, I think it was something like cat-piss or dragons slime. Not really an interesting find. 
Looking closer I saw another door in the room, silently going through it I went scouting. This place seemed to be nothing but doors. Nothing but doors and some kind of very large monster. It was roughly the size of an ogre and wearing full plated armor. 
It wasn’t long before more came, our plan to ambush him became a plan not to die by the hands of all his friends. Before we knew it we suddenly where facing three of these large monsters. Invisibly I was able to get behind one of the ogres when everything suddenly became very bring, dodging fast I was able to evade all of the fire. Looking at my party members I could see Tony controlling the pillar of flame. That backstabbing rat, birdbrain. Who does he think he’s playing with shooting at me. It’s a good thing he hit the two ogres to and that I was able to easily dodge his feeble fire or else I would have killed him. My anger rising I charged the first ogre wounding him badly. Tony made some kind of strange sigh at me, I thought he was congratulating me for being such a great warrior. That is until he shot a second pillar of flames at my face. I was only just in time to doge it.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw another axe coming around the corner, probably from more of these ogres.  Feeling half dead I dodged my way back to the others hoping for a heal. Looking over my shoulder I saw Hugh turning in some kind of seven headed dragon filling nearly the whole hallway.
I wonder who the dragon was trying to attack. It probably wasn’t the enemy, he didn’t even come close. Maybe there was a head in front of his face and couldn’t he see.
Tony was summoning another crocodile and I summoned a giant bee. Fierce the bee attack his enemy, stinger at the ready he lurched forward at his unexpecting pray. With a loud buzz he missed so badly that he got caught by one of the ogres axes. I’m sure the ogre never saw it coming, I’m also pretty sure he will never even know that the bee was there at all.
But not all was lost bad, after missing everything Hugh tried to cast another spell but got distracted (probably by the six other head trying to give him tips on how to cast his spell) and ran as fast as he can to cower in the corner furthest away of the enemies. At least we got a good laugh out of it, you haven’t lived until u see a giant dragon chicken in a corner.
Following our plan I jumped trough the trapdoor and sneaked down the never-ending hallway. In the darkness I put on my invisibility ability and waited. From the door I could hear screams of what sounded like seven dragons a crocodile and a bear. I wonder who cleans up there dropping after them, how can u clean up after a dragon? If seven heads eat, do u get seven heaps?.
It wasn’t long before Tony jumped out of the door. Hugh seemed to need a bit more time, maybe he has make up his minds. This was my chance to get back at Tony for trying to kill me, but I’m way to hurt to fight at the moment. I’ll wait till he heals me first. I saw Hugh (In human form) jump in the doorway followed by two giant hands who nearly pulled him in two when they raked him back in. Oh well, you can’t have everything. I could hear him plea with his attackers while I ate my sandwich. So much for the master of the arcane powers.
The ogres told us they were willing to let him life if Tony and I gave ourselves up and became there prisoners, “do I look like a bloody priest?”.
Laughing I sneaked back in the shadows, leaving Tony to keep the ogres occupied. I don’t like leaving Tony and Hugh but I don’t like being a prisoner eider.
Just when things got interested, larry disappeared. Maybe his god got angry or something.
Oh no, my gem. He still got my gem. 
Forgetting that we where in a battle i flew back into the room where Hugh still should be. there i found him in unmoving the arms of one of the guards. Judging my chances I decided that it would be slim to say that i could take them both. Distracted by the ring on one of the guards fingers i went with them.
Taking advantage of my distraction they took my gear and threw me in a cell. From one of the other cells I could hear people scream. If all prisoners are striped then they are not important to me.
Eider i picked the lock or the door was unlocked again very soon because after a few minutes the door opened showing one of the large guards. Another guard was escorting the now awake Hugh and in frond of our group a radder weak looking human. he still had his gear on him but the guard was in my way.
arriving at a important looking room Hugh and i ware made to wait outside. It was only then that i saw that beside the two guards there was also another weak little human. it seems this place is just crawling with them.
Minutes past and my eye cauth a money pouch on the guard in frond of it. It wasn't hard to lift it from him. I hid it in my loincloth and went looking for something els. there i saw it. A beautifully 6 feet long axe on the back of the guard. It has to be worth a small fortune. Carefully i lifted the axe only to be interrupted by a second axe that came crashing on my head. Apparently the guard behind me was able to spot me.
Both of the guards searched me again and found my pressjus gold i just lost. I will get it back soon. looking around i could see both the guard behind me and Hugh staring at me for some rezone. The other human didn't seem interested at anything at all, i wonder if hes asleep.
After some loud noises from inside the room the door opened again and we where brought in. There where even more humans waiting. all of them looked kind of weak. i wonder what is with this whole weak human gardening party, maybe its de-evolution.
The most important looking guy promised me a 100gp if i went and take a look inside some glowing doorway. when i did however he scammed me with a gem. Why doesn't anyone carry gold these days?
The scammer told us he was some immortal being and leader of a large group, if we where to help him we would get all we ever wanted. I would get the wealth of a continent. I think Hugh and two other humans would get something to do with books or some other lame think like infinite knowledge. All that's worth knowing is how much gold you got and how to increase that.
An argument broke out between the different groups about what this reward exactly meaned. And also when we should begin it. Hugh wanted to kill the captain that tricked us in coming here first and the two other humans wanted to start right away. In the middle of the conversation one of them grabbed me by the wing. he was waisting his time, the guards have already searched me and took my money. But it was still enoing so i gave him a friendly reminder to let me go. the moment my fist made contact we where back on the beach.
The human that grabbed my wing seemed to get my message, he let go and teleported away. Hugh and the other human where yelling something about a job and where staring at the spot where the other guy disappeared.
I think the pixy Brendal once told us about a ship that could sail us back to the city. ill go look for it after a good night sleep.
A few houres later i was suddenly awoke by being teleported to a pub. The wing grabbing human and the scamming immortal (who seems to be called Asrael) where there to. After some talk he would give me a ship for use and 2500gp if i could return some item to him. All we have to do is go to some castle and get it out of the basement.
I also made some notes about what he wanted me to do, i might look into it if i don't find anything more interested along the way. At least were going to some more gold infested places.
* Psoinc feather. artifact.
* guarded in the basement of a fortress is in the material plane (whatever that may be).
* Hugh has a compass that can find the castle.
* a small hut on a island next to the fortress is entrance.
* 3 items together will bring back the true ruler of Asrael's group and dominate the world
* we have a symbol on our hand that we can call fort at will. its a flame going in a circle.
* first we have to go to a bar for some more information, bar's called "Fuck un Cow"or FUC for short.
* the intire clan knows how we look like and what were planning.
On the boat i see three familiar faces. The first is Hugh, the last remaining survivor of our stranded party. The second one is the wing grabbing human, i belief his name is something like Eric. The last face is from the other prisoner I met in the hallway. Hes most likely the Harry I heared about. I wonder if it is possible for them to fall overboard without any of there gold. It should be worth a try.
=== Day nine, ===


Latest revision as of 06:43, 21 August 2008

campain site


My life began in a small region called "Fanta's Meadow". For most of my life i thought i would grow up to be a farmer like my farther. Om my 20th birthday however something awoken inside of me, like a chaotic presence. It wasn't long after that that i started to get restless and had to leave the safety of my home to explore the world.

During my travels i gained a taste of humanoid flesh, i could feel my fiendish heritage growing every day. Even my body started to show the effects of my past. my hands became more claw like, my skin turned hard and scaly and my mind became more chaotic.

I was no longer welcome in my home country, hunted down and jobless i decided to join with a gang of pirates that i had run into.

For some rezone they threw me overboard after eating the captain. i don't know why but they probably found it a good punishment to drown a water-breathing creature like myself.

after a few days at sea i came to a small island that turned out to be a breading ground for pirates. Here i sat down in a bar to grab a drink when my story begins.

campain site


My class is a constuction-kit build that i named shadowfighter. It's a fighter that sneak attacks.


character sheet


LvL 1. Claws of the beast(feat), Demonic sneak attack(feat), Weapon Finnese (feat), See the Unseen(ivocation)

LvL 2. Two-Weapon Fighting(feat)

LvL 3. Cloak of the Obyrith(feat), Aquatic Adaption(ivocation)

LvL 4. Weapon focus Unarmed(feat)

LvL 5.

LvL 6. Deamon skin(feat), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting(feat), Walk Unseen(ivocation)

LvL 7.

LvL 8. Two-weapon pounce(feat), Draconic flight(ivocation)

LvL 9. Staggering strike(feat)

LvL 10. Dodge(feat)

LvL 11. Draconic Touchness(ivocation)

LvL 12. Greater Two-Weapon Fighting(feat), ? (feat)

LvL 13. Devour Magic (ivocation)

LvL 14. ? (feat)

LvL 15. ? (feat)

LvL 16. Energie immumity (ivocation)

LvL 17.

LvL 18. ? (feat), ? (feat)

LvL 19. greater Draconic flight (ivocation)

LvL 20. ? (feat)


Abyssal Heritor[edit]

Claws of the beast

[Abyssal Heritor]

Your hands are twisted like claws. This deformity allows you to deal more damage then usual with your unarmed strikes and sneak attacks. Benefit: Your natural weapons or unarmed strikes gain a +1 Profane bonus on damage rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for for every two Abyssal heritor feats you possess. Special: Your talons make subtle manipulation of objects more difficult, imposing a -2 penalty on Slight of Hand checks.

Demonic sneak attack

[Abyssal Heritor]

You know exactly how to twist the blade to get the most out of your sneak attacks. Prerequisite: Sneak attack class feature Benefit: When you make a successful sneak attack, you can reroll a number of sneak attack damage dice equal to the number of Abyssal heritor feats you possess. You must take the results of the rerolled dice. Special: You trade feints for finesse and find it difficult to hide your malicious intentions; consequently, you take a -2 penalty on Bluff checks

Cloak of the Obyrith

[ Abyssal Heritor]

The chaos of the abyss suffuses your being, as it does the ancient obyriths. Prerequisite: Chaotic alignement. Benefit: You gain damage reduction 1/ lawful. The amount of damage reduction increases by 1 for each additional abyssal heritor feat you possess. Special: You are careless when it comes to your own fundamental well-being and take a -2 penalty on survival checks.

Demonic Skin

[Abyssal Heritor]

Your skin has rough, scaly patches that enhance your natural armor. Benefit: Your natural armor bonus improves by 1. This improvement increases by 1 for every two abyssal heritor feats you possess. If you do not have natural armour, assume your natural armor bonus is +0. Special: Your thickened skin tends to catch on objects and makes you less flexible. Because of these effects, you take a -2 penalty on Escape Artist checks

Fighter feats[edit]



You can fight with a weapon in each hand. You can make one extra attack each round with the second weapon. Prerequisite: Dex 15. Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced. The penalty for your primary hand lessens by 2 and the one for your off hand lessens by 6. Normal: If you wield a second weapon in your off hand, you can get one extra attack per round with that weapon. When fighting in this way you suffer a –6 penalty with your regular attack or attacks with your primary hand and a –10 penalty to the attack with your off hand. If your off-hand weapon is light the penalties are reduced by 2 each. (An unarmed strike is always considered light.) Special: A 2nd-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisite for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor. A fighter may select Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats.



Prerequisites: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6. Benefit: In addition to the standard single extra attack you get with an off-hand weapon, you get a second attack with it, albeit at a –5 penalty. Normal: Without this feat, you can only get a single extra attack with an off-hand weapon. Special: A fighter may select Improved Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats. A 6th-level ranger who has chosen the two-weapon combat style is treated as having Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, even if he does not have the prerequisites for it, but only when he is wearing light or no armor.



Choose one type of weapon. You can also choose unarmed strike or grapple (or ray, if you are a spellcaster) as your weapon for purposes of this feat. Prerequisites: Proficiency with selected weapon, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using the selected weapon. Special: You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take the feat, it applies to a new type of weapon. A fighter may select Weapon Focus as one of his fighter bonus feats. He must have Weapon Focus with a weapon to gain the Weapon Specialization feat for that weapon.



Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1. Benefit: With a light weapon, rapier, whip, or spiked chain made for a creature of your size category, you may use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength modifier on attack rolls. If you carry a shield, its armor check penalty applies to your attack rolls. Special: A fighter may select Weapon Finesse as one of his fighter bonus feats. Natural weapons are always considered light weapons.



Prerequisite: Dex 15, Two-weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6. Benefit: When you are making a charge and wielding weapons in both hands, you can attack with both of your weapons. If you do so, you loze the bonus on attack rolls normally granted by a charge. The -2 penalty to AC from charging still applies. Special: A fighter may select Weapon Finesse as one of his fighter bonus feats. Normally: when you make a charge you can make a single attack at the end of your movement.

Skill Trick[edit]


Nimble Stand


You can rely on your acrobatic talent to stand up from prone safely.

Prerequisite: Tumble 8 ranks.

Benefit: You can stand up from prone without provoking attacks of opportunity.



Aquatic Adaptation

Least; 2nd

When you use this invocation, you gain the ability to breathe underwater. You also gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed. You breath weapon functions normally underwater regardless for its effect. The invocation’s effect lasts 24 hours.

See the unseen

Least; 2nd

You grand yourself great powers of vision, allowing you to see invisible creatures and objects, as the see invisibility spell (PH 275). You also gain dark vision out to 60 feet for 24 hours.

See Invisibility: “You can see any objects or beings that are invisible within your range of vision, as well as any that are ethereal, as if they were normally visible. Such creatures are visible to you as translucent shapes, allowing you easily to discern the difference between visible, invisible, and ethereal creatures.

The spell does not reveal the method used to obtain invisibility. It does not reveal illusions or enable you to see through opaque objects. It does not reveal creatures who are simply hiding, concealed, or otherwise hard to see.”


Walk Unseen

Lesser; 2nd

You gain the ability to fade from view. You can use invisibility (self only) as the spell (PH245), except that the duration is 24 hours.

Invisibility: “The creature or object touched becomes invisible, vanishing from sight, even from darkvision. If the recipient is a creature carrying gear, that vanishes, too. If you cast the spell on someone else, neither you nor your allies can see the subject, unless you can normally see invisible things or you employ magic to do so.

Items dropped or put down by an invisible creature become visible; items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or pouches worn by the creature. Light, however, never becomes invisible, although a source of light can become so (thus, the effect is that of a light with no visible source). Any part of an item that the subject carries but that extends more than 10 feet from it becomes visible.

Of course, the subject is not magically silenced, and certain other conditions can render the recipient detectable (such as stepping in a puddle). The spell ends if the subject attacks any creature. For purposes of this spell, an attack includes any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. (Exactly who is a foe depends on the invisible character’s perceptions.) Actions directed at unattended objects do not break the spell. Causing harm indirectly is not an attack. Thus, an invisible being can open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, summon monsters and have them attack, cut the ropes holding a rope bridge while enemies are on the bridge, remotely trigger traps, open a portcullis to release attack dogs, and so forth. If the subject attacks directly, however, it immediately becomes visible along with all its gear. Spells such as bless that specifically affect allies but not foes are not attacks for this purpose, even when they include foes in their area.”

Draconic Flight

Lesser; 3rd

When you use this invocation, you sprout spectral wings resembling those of a dragon. You can fly at a speed equal to your land speed with good maneuverability for 24 hours. Your wings allow you to cover overland distances with great endurance; you gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks made to avoid nonlethal damage from forced march.


Anklet of Translocation

Body slot: Feet Activation: Swift (command) Number: 2 / day Cost: 1400gp

An anklet of translocation allows you to make short dimensional hops. When it is activated, you can instantly teleport (with no chance of error) up to 10 feet. The new space must be within line of sight and line of effect.

You can’t use the anklet to move into a space occupied by another creature, nor can u teleport into a solid object; if you attempt to do so, the anklet’s activation is wasted. You can bring along objects weighing up to your maximum load, but you can’t bring another creature with you.

Wyrmfang Amulet

Slot: Throat Price: 1350gp activation: none (Permanent)

All attacks you make with natural weapons or unarmed strikes while wearing this amulet overcome damage reduction as through they were magic weapons. (The attacks don’t get an enhancement bonus, just the ability to overcome some creatures damage reduction)

Amber Amulet of Vermin (giant bee)

Body slot: Throat Activation: Standard (command) Number: 1 / day Cost: 500gp

This item summons a giant vermin that appears and obeys your commands for 1 minute (as if summoned by summon nature’s ally). At the end of this duration, the creature vanishes.

Eight varieties of the amber amulet of vermin exist (see table for the details of each version). An amber amulet of vermin works once per day.


Medium Vermin

Hit Dice: 3d8 (13 hp)

Initiative: +2

Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), fly 80 ft. (good)

Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12

Base Attack/Grapple: +2/+2

Attack: Sting +2 melee (1d4 plus poison)

Full Attack: Sting +2 melee (1d4 plus poison)

Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.

Special Attacks: Poison

Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., vermin traits

Saves: Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2

Abilities: Str 11, Dex 14, Con 11, Int —, Wis 12, Cha 9

Skills: Spot +5, Survival +1*

Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 11, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based.

A giant bee that successfully stings another creature pulls away, leaving its stinger in the creature. The bee then dies.

Skills: Giant bees have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks. *They also have a +4 racial bonus on Survival checks to orient themselves.

Collapsible Pole:

(dungeonscape) Cost: 20gp

This 2-foot-long wooden pole is composed of six telescoping sections that allow it to extend to a length of 12 feet. Each section can be turned to lock in place to prevent the pole from collapsing prematurely. The pole can be partially extended to 4 feet, 6 feet, 8 feet or 10 feet. You can use the pole to jam doors. Pass objects across pits, spring traps, or serve any other needed function. The thinnest section of a collapsible pole can be inserted into a second pole, creating a sturdy pole of up to 22 feet in length. Expanding or collapsing a pole is a full round action.


(dungeonscape) Cost: 2gp

Simple cooking lard can be a great aid to dungeoneers. You can spread it on the floor to make a slippery area similar to that created by a grease spell (PH 237). Applying lard in this manner takes 1 minute, but the coated area remains slippery for 1 hour. You can also take 1 minute to coat yourself in lard, which grants you a +5 circumstance bonus on Escape Artist checks and on grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple or pin. The bonus lasts for 10 minutes.

Listening Cone:

(dungeonscape) Cost: 8sp

This iron cone can be placed against a surface, such as a door, to aid in listen checks made through the surface. The DC for listening though a door when using a cone increases by 2 (rather then 5), and the DC for listening though stone walls increases by 5 (rather then 15). Listening cones have no effect if not used against a surface.

Alchemist’s Fire:

(SDR) Cost: 20gp

You can throw a flask of alchemist’s fire as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet.

A direct hit deals 1d6 points of fire damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage from the splash. On the round following a direct hit, the target takes an additional 1d6 points of damage. If desired, the target can use a full-round action to attempt to extinguish the flames before taking this additional damage. Extinguishing the flames requires a DC 15 Reflex save. Rolling on the ground provides the target a +2 bonus on the save. Leaping into a lake or magically extinguishing the flames automatically smothers the fire.

Antitoxin (vial) :

(SDR) Cost: 50gp

If you drink antitoxin, you get a +5 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saving throws against poison for 1 hour.

Masterwork Thief tools:

(SDR) Cost: 100gp

This kit contains extra tools and tools of better make, which grant a +2 circumstance bonus on Disable Device and Open Lock checks.

Full cloth, winter:

(Arms and Equipment Guide) Cost: 4gp

This is a heavily quilted undergarment that is worn underneath regular clothing to protect the wearer against cold.

Winter fullcloth is considerd part if the weather outfit described in the players handbook. If worn by itself, it grants a +1 circumstance bonus on fortitude saving throuws against exposure to cold weather (see Cold Dangers in Chapter 3 of the DMG)

Acid (flask):

(SDR) Cost: 10gp

You can throw a flask of acid as a splash weapon. Treat this attack as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet. A direct hit deals 1d6 points of acid damage. Every creature within 5 feet of the point where the acid hits takes 1 point of acid damage from the splash.

Rubber ball:

(dungeonscape) Cost: 3gp

A bouncing rubber ball can give you an idea of what lies down a corridor. Simply throw the ball at a space or grid intersection as you would throw a splash weapon, though with a range increment of 30 feet. No matter where the ball lands, it bounces directly away from you, travelling half the distance it was first thrown. Then it lands and bounces again, covering half the distance of the previous bounce. The ball continues in this manner until it makes a bounce that would be less then 5 feet in length, at which time it stops bouncing and begins rolling. If the ball strikes a solid object , it reverses direction and continues rolling.

Thus, you can throw a rubber ball down a corridor to see whether or not it hits a wall and returns to you. Either way you learn something about the length of the hallway. When you throw the ball, you can also listen carefully for other cues, especially if the ball doesn’t return. For example, if you hear a splash, you know that a liquid object lies ahead.

Goggles of minute seeing:

(SDR) Body slot: Eyes Activation: X Number: X Cost: 1250gp

The lenses of this item are made of special crystal. When placed over the eyes of the wearer, the lenses enable her to see much better than normal at distances of 1 foot or less, granting her a +5 competence bonus on Search checks to find secret doors, traps, and similar concealed objects. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.

Healing belt

(Magic item compendium) Body slot: Waist Activation: standard (command) Number: 3 charges Cost: 750gp

While wearing a healing belt, you gain a +2 competence bonus on Heal checks. This is a continuous effect and requires no activation.

In addition, the belt has 3 charges, which are renewed each day at dawn. Spending 1 or more charges allows you to channel positive energy and heal damage with a touch. (You can also use this ability to harm undead, dealing them an equivalent amount of damage instead.)

1 charge: Heals 2d8 points of damage.

2 charges: heals 3d8 points of damage.

3 charges: heals 4d8 points of damage.

Thieving helmet :

(Arms and Equipment Guide) Cost: 10gp

This specially designed helmet has metal funnels around the ears, which grant a +1 circumstance bonus on Listen checks.


My name is Eldon Thorngage, but most people know me as Slick Billy. If you read this journal, I’d like to take this time to say “Get ur bloody paws of me stuff ya stinking dog”.

Day one,[edit]

My luck is chancing, while I was drinking away my last few coins I heard great news. Some big-shot captain is looking for a new crew and is willing to pay well. Unless I’m much mistaken this opportunity will draw more competition then I would like. I am not planning to stand in line with those weirdo’s, a perfect being like myself, I should be first. When I entered the bar is saw my chance. A goliath, those dumb animals never go long without a fight, will probably provide the perfect distraction to sneak past the guard unseen. I didn’t have to wait long, only minutes after I entered the goliath had his first fight. It wasn’t how I expected it to be though. This animal seems to abele to handle his weapon with more than just a one-way motion. Maybe it’s worth it to keep this beast close, he could be useful. This was my chance, but luck didn’t work in my favor, that stupid guard stood too close to the door, he would feel it if it opened. What did my eyes see there? 20 fingers ripe for the picking. Maybe I can train my crafting and make a useful pet in one go. A necklace made from the fingers of his enemies seems to interest the great brute. Knowing travel by ship, I will have plenty of time to work on them on board. Just when I finished collecting the last of the fingers there was a disturbance at the front of the line. That crazy goliath teamed up with one of those savage druids and they are claiming to be first in line. Time for me to be unseen so that when they break down the door I can sneak in. The door opens and the next person is called in. it was a rather weak looking human, he’s carrying a bow and some clean clothes so he’s most likely some kind of city archer. The guard looked like he was going to stop the goliath from entering after the archer but considering that there were already several dead sailors lying on the floor he probably didn’t think it was worth it. The druid now in the form of a brown bear followed them in. While the guard scratched his head about the whole scenario I was able to sneak in with ease.

Inside there where 3 people waiting for us. A captain and two others. They looked way to clean to have done a honest day of work in their life. But then again, most of us look way to dirty to have done a honest day of work, which usually is correct. It could be that I just didn’t see it right, but it looked like the captain could spotme even while I thought to be invisible. We where naturally hired right away, I think it’s mostly because my perfect self made the average skill of the group look good.

Day two,[edit]

We have been at sea for a few days, but I never bothered to keep track so I name this day “day two”. For some reason the captain took offence when I spilled the blood and muscles of the fingers bones I was cleaning on the deck. He made me clean the whole deck, I wonder what the rest of the crew will say when they find a dead captain one night.

The archer turned out to be a mage. I like mages, they die in such a lovely way. I heard the captain call him Hugh Laurie. Hugh was placed into the crow’s nest, probably because the captain guessed he wouldn’t survive down here.

The goliath I met earlier is called Serious Sam, I’m not sure why but he’s spending his days locking random people into jails. I’m not really bothered though, I’m pretty sure he can’t find me when I don’t want him to.

Day three,[edit]

We are joined by another ship and all the men are being locked into the jail. The only one free seem to be some guards, Sam, Hugh, the druid (who’s called Tony hawk I think), a goblin (whose name I can’t remember) and myself. When we followed the goblin below deck he seems to be stacking barrows of gunpowder on one side of the ship. After some interrogationof the goblin the plan became clear. The ship was to be blown up and all the pirates with it. We needed a distraction fast, so I decided to free the prisoners. Their deaths should give us enough time to get to a better situation.

I’m not sure who is in on this plan, so I’d best kill anyone who gets in my way. It looks like I’ll have no choice but to team up with Serious and Tony, hearing the battle above deck it will get tough. It was a short battle,as after only a few kills the whole ship blew up. Everything went dark after that…

Day four,[edit]

I woke up on what seems like a tropical beach. I’m not sure how long I have been out but I sure hope it wasn’t more than a day. With me are some pieces of a ship and five pirates. I recognize three of them as Serious, Tony and Hugh. I don’t know what the other two are called but they claimed they saved us so I guess they should be allowed to live for now. After all we don’t know what kind of dangers are around here.

We found footprints going through some kind of spiked plant with berries that explode into a poisonous cloud when touched. The footprints look about the size of normal Halfling prints but I never saw a Halfling make these kind of prints. It looks like we have to follow the path.Who knows, maybe they have a boat, gold or some fine women.

It wasn’t long before we came to a small clearing on the path, it was about 30 feet wide and 40 feet long. After a quick search I found a few traps, they were simple net traps that could keep you hanging from the trees long enough for one of the inhabitants of the island to eat you. Just when I was getting used to this crazy place my dislike suddenly increased. I ducked a blowgun dart by an inch as it came shooting out of the thick bushes at the border of the clearing. In a flash I saw a weird creature looking back at me from the bush. It looked like a big-headed Halfling that had been buried for a while. While I battled with one I could hear Tony sing in some kind of strange language, while Serious just went berserk. While I went for the second ugly bugger I could hear a lion roar nearby.

After killing four of those undead Indians a pixie appeared. His name was Brendal and he was some kind of sun of the Pixie leader. As he too was able to see me while I was invisible, this island is really starting to get on my nerves. Brendal offered us a deal, we’re to get some magical seashell and he will reward us richly. All we had to do is get the shell from some cursed pirate ship. He gave us a ring, which Serious took. Better him than me to wear an unknown magical ring. I’m not sure if it’s the ring or not, but Serious is talking to some unseen friend alot.

We went on our way to the ship, but halfway there we decided to change course to go to some abandoned ruins. I went to scout the entrance, at least that’s what I told the others. In fact I just dropped down near the floor and dangled a bit in the dark. The others soon jumped in after me en ran right into the room, where apparently there was a large spider waiting for us. The moment I saw it I couldn’t control my own movement. I moved slowly into some big spider’s web, while next to me I saw Serious doing the same. Things didn’t improve much when Hugh missed with one of his fire arrows and set fire to the web. The spider killed one of my companions. It was a good thing that Serious snapped to it just in time and smashed the spider.

I found some coins in the belt of the fallen pirate. Unluckily my companions saw me taking the belt so I had to share the gold with them. We could hear some music coming from a passage to the north. However after searching the room we found another passage to the east. In the east passage we found two options, one was north into some bar or more to the east and then down a spiral staircase. Naturally we chose to explore the bar first. The moment we entered all sound from the bar went out. The bar turned out to be a small room with a few tables and a fountain with some glasses in the corner. Some brown liquid poured from it. True to its nature, the goliath brushed all of us out of the way and drank from the fountain. After the first drink he seemed to be totally losing his mind, drinking glass after glass. We tried to stop the fountain flow with mud and rocks but nothing could stop it. So we decided to just sit back and watch the show. A couple of minutes went by, which we spend watching Serious talking to himself about quests, gold and treasure maps.

After the liquid seemed to lessen we went back to the spiders room and tried the north room. Rule number 1 is “where there is music, there is something to steal”. After we entered the hallway we found only a long tunnel with a door all the way at the end. It was strange, every time we went closer to the door it seemed to get further away from us. Halfway into the tunnel we could see Sam fighting his imaginary friend who seems to be flying around his head. But then again, after a long walk the door did become closer all of the sudden. That wasn’t so strange I guess, considering the doorknob talked to us very kindly. It told us that we had to swear to return the storybook to its rightful owner or ells we weren’t allowed to enter. So naturally we convinced the doorknob we had the best intentions and het let us in. Inside we saw a book on a pedestal, “Fairytales”. Tony went and picked it up and immediately disappeared. Touching a magical book without knowing what it does seems kind of stupid, but leaving a most likely valuable magical artifact, seemed even dumber. I decided to rope it and just drag it with me. I felt the urge to read it every now and then, but my better judgment decided against it.

Not knowing where Tony was we went to look at the only place where we haven’t been before, the spiral stairs to the east. It must have looked stupid to any observer, an invisible Halfling, trailing a magical book on a 50ft rope and a large goliath following the book. At the bottom of the stairs we found a room with a weird-looking floor. The moment I entered the room the floor started to tilt. It seemed the floor was only secured in the middle, so any movement away from the middle moved the floor to what seemed like a long drop. It was at this moment that Tony suddenly appeared next to the book.At the same moment, both Tony and myself got the urge to read the book. After a quick battle for the book in a room with a tilting floor, Tony once again grabbed the book and disappeared and Sam put his foot in the chamber canceling out the imbalance of the floor from my weight. In the middle of the room I saw a hole in the floor. Looking down I saw three skeletons just waiting for something. They didn’t react when I threw a small rubber ball at them. Not really interested in skeletons and carrying a weird magical book we really wanted to get rid of, we decided to go back outside.

Once outside Sam told us he was going to summon Brendal, who would bring Mostafar. Mostafar was the previous owner of the book and was willing to buy it from us with a gemstone worth 500gp. Before any pixie could appear however, Sam and I found ourselves fighting for the book. Not wanting to either touch the book, run away, or let Sam have it, it became quite difficult to keep juggling it. It wasn’t long before Sam snatched it up and disappeared into nothingness.

After a while of me standing around looking silly with my book on a rope, both Tony and Sam appeared at my side and not much later both Mostafar and Brendal appeared too. Expecting nothing less, Sam started an argument with the two pixies, which ended in Brendalmind-controlling Sam with the magical ring. I’m glad I didn’t wear the silly thing. Since Tony promised the doorknob to return the book, he decided to trade it with Mostafar. We had no way to split the gem at that moment, but we knew it was worth 500gp and that Tony had it, so we knew where to knock if it went missing. Mad about being mind-controlled, Sam threw away the ring. I put it in my backpack. You can never know when we’re going to need it.

Very tired from a long day we set up camp in a clearing in the forest. After a few short hours we where rudely awakened. Out of the ground came some kind of half-mole, half-human. A strong mole it turned out to be. After quite a few hits Sam was able to fling the mol into the bushes with his chain. When Hugh flew over the creature he could only see a hole in the ground where the creature should have been. Creatures that can just pop out of the ground and disappear into it again? I knew enough to know that I didn’t want to be sleeping on that ground when it came up again. Using some of my fine silk robe I made a small bed for myself in a nearby tree. I fell asleep at the sound of Sam and Hugh fighting over something. They where most likely fighting over the rulership of the world or something. I didn’t really care enough to pay any attention. After a few minutes however my predictions came true, what goes down must come up, there was the mole again. I really wanted to stay in my tree at this point, but from what I have seen from this crazy island so far I’d better stick with the group. Coming down I found Sam laying on the floor either unconscious or dying and Hugh hanging high in the sky, fleeing most likely. So it was up to me to save the day.Just imagine, losing Sam and having to carry all that treasure by myself. I had the mole down on his last breath when he knocked me down. It was a good thing Sam woke up and was able to knock down the severely wounded mole. Unlucky as we are, we could find no valuables on the mole. I had stuck my hands in all those holes and spots for nothing. Having little other choice we had to try and rest again, luckily the rest of the night went by without any real trouble

Day five,[edit]

Brendal once told us about a camp ruled by a shaman high in the mountains. If I understood Brendal correctly the shaman had some nice magical equipment. The shaman also is most likely to know the location of Brendal’svillage,whichaccording to Brendal holds a lot of valuables. Sam had his own reason to find Brendal’s village. He wanted revenge for Brendal’s mind-control trick. This is all in my favor, maybe the revenge will distract the big guy long enough not to notice that I get more treasure then him. The humans seems to keep far out of combat at all times, it won’t be too hard to steal something before they get close.

After a few hours of walking we suddenly came to a halt in front of a huge cliff. Our group didn’t have any real trouble with it. Sam climbed it with ease, Hugh casted a spell on himself and flew up, Tony ordered his air elemental to carry me up and turned into a hawk himself. I have to say, I’m surprised that the elemental was able to lift me, I haven’t really seen him do anything more then fly out of the way of anything dangerous.

On top of the cliff we suddenly heard voices around the corner of a large pile of stone. We found a village, which looked quite deserted except for an ugly little guy on top of one of the houses. He looked more important then the other undead Indians we met before, but just as weak. The battle started normally, Sam charged the first thing he saw and started to hit it with his chain. I saw Sam getting shot at when he charged so I went to the side and attacked one of the undead tribesmen. Tony summoned some kind of bird that shot lighting, the elemental floated at a safe distance and Hugh casted a spell on the group. Too bad I was to far away to benefit from Hugh’s spell, it looked like Sam was hit and he suddenly hit with the speed of two.

Before we could kill our attackers we got surrounded by their reinforcements, they came right out of the side of the mountain. I got hit by some kind of mental blast from one of them. Near dead, I was able to tumble my way to safety and summon a giant wasp to stop my attackers from following. Hugh was able to summon up some kind of web and cloud that seemed to stop a small group of the attackers in their tracks, Sam did his usual smash and bash attacks and Tony ran around us trying to keep our health at an respectable level. Two kind of worms appeared on the battlefield and started to spray us with acid, or at least they tried. With some quick teamwork we were able to take down the mind-killing caster. After that we rounded up the remaining enemies and slew them. Searching the whole village, we found nothing worth our time except for a few magical daggers and armor from our attackers. The wall however, did get our attention. No one is going to enchant a whole mountain without a good reason. The doorway seemed blocked for some reason. Throwing the bodies of the defeated enemies against it didn’t work, so it can’t be activated by something they were wearing. After searching the rest of the village, we found a lever that opened a door a few feet to the left of the magical wall. There was a dark tunnel that led to a small square room. It looked like we were expected. The moment I entered the room,tribesmen attackedme from three sides. I had a little laugh as all their weapons just bounced off my Fiendish skin. I heard Tony summon a giant crocodile, but before it had a chance to get into action we had already slain all the tribesmen. Not a bad fight for another six magical daggers and some magical armor. The room seems to have four exits, one where we came from, one tunnel that seems to lead back through the magical wall, one tunnel exactly the same as the one where we came from except to the right side of the magical wall. And then there was a strange door that we could only open using a small wooden stick we found outside. This door opened into a tiny room. It was a circular room with a diameter of about 10feet with leather straps at the wall where someone could be tied to. Tony Hugh and I only just entered the room when Sam suddenly pulled the lever again. I rushed to secure myself while the whole room started to shake. The next thing I know is that the whole room suddenly went thundering down like a barrel on a waterfall.It seemed that Tony was able to strap himself down in time too. Hugh however wasn’t that lucky. Man, it was funny seeing that weak archer bounce from wall to wall and from floor to ceiling. It wasn’t long before we stopped and the door opened again. Not really caring to wait for the others I used my powers to become invisible and snuck out of the moving room.

This probably wasn’t the best plan I ever had, because waiting for us in the room were two giant ice scorpions. Its times like this when I miss Sam and his constant urge to get hit. These creatures had no soft spots to hit, my natural protection against weapons had no effect against their sting and they could do some kind of mental attack. Since I couldn’t hide from them I decided to stall them long enough for Tony to get us some reinforcements. Maybe Sam would find a way to follow us. I think Hugh casted a few spells but the scorpions didn’t seemed to be affected at all. The air elemental, in a rare brave flick, suddenly started attacking our enemies, maybe someday he will also manage to hitsomething. After Tony had summoned a Giant crocodile we suddenly saw Hugh flee the battle, back up the tunnel where the moving room came from. A few seconds later he came flying out again, he probably heard rumbling in the tunnel, because the moment Tony and I had gotten the upper hand on the scorpions, a moving room came crashing down like ours. This time with Sam in it. I must say it was fun seeing the last scorpion knock Hugh unconscious. Too bad Tony got him back on his feet before I could take a look at his equipment.

We found ourselves in a room with three doors now. The moving room had disappeared into the floor so that wasn’t a option. The other three ways looked closed so they would have to wait ‘till tomorrow, first we needed to get our strength back.

Day Six,[edit]

After a refreshing rest it was time to see what these highly magical beasts where doing here. Like the old saying “anything worth guarding is worth stealing”. The chain ape Sam tried opening the doors with force, to no effect. Flyboy Hugh used his cosmic knowledge and highly trained brainpower to stare into a blank wall. I think the fungus-loving druid wasn’t even sure that the rest of us had gotten up at all. As for me, well, let’s just say I did the best I could in this tight situation. Hugh did redeem himself a bit by finding the lever of the doors hidden behind a soft patch of dirt on the wall. He probably leaned against it while resting from his exhausting bit of staring.

After a quick vote the minority of the group chose me as the best option as scout. I’m not really a fan of being the first into danger. But then again, if the treasure is hidden close by it can’t hurt to check it for traps without anyone looking over my shoulder. It is of course not my fault if gems fall into my clothes while I’m searching. It just shows that you can’t trust a gang of bloodthirsty pirates these days. Just as I entered the hallway through the first doorway, they pulled the lever again to close the door. It was a good thing I was invisible so that they didn’t see I had jumped back into the room the moment I saw the door move. Sniggering little bastards that they where, laughing what they thought to be behind my back. I waited a few seconds before becoming visible again ruining their laugh. All fun and games, but there was gold to be found. So as soon as the door was reopened I went exploring again. The hallway was a Y shaped tunnel, of which the right tunnel had a door I couldn’t open. It contained a handprint not much larger then that of a human but with longer fingers. The left hallway had a door that looked normal at first glance but after a better look it looked a bit weird. I couldn’t really put my finger on it. Of course, curious as a am I had to put my finger on it. I don’t know why but the moment I touched the door I had a sudden urge to open it. Inside the room were three levers and something made me pull the one on the right.

Day seven,[edit]

Ah a nice day it is. The treasure we found yesterday doesn’t seem to be cursed, the skeletons are still dead and no one tried to kill me in my sleep. What this must mean is that it is my lucky day.

While Hugh and Tony occupied themselves with getting there spells in check I decided to start exploring the rest of the dungeon. After some exploring it turned out that both doors of our room came out into one hallway that came out into the main room where we fought the crystal scorpions. That leaves just one door and one portal as options for the exit.

The last door was a heavy wooden door. Sam volunteered to go first after I had checked it for traps, "why not" I thought, his large body is bound to set of anything dangers that might be behind the door. Staying a good 30ft behind him I followed invisibly. Behind the door was a hallway that went into a curve. At the end of the hallway was a round room of about 25ft wide with in the middle a large fire about the size of a human and it giggled. Most people would take it as a bad sign to walk up to a giggling fire and pee on it, but then again, most people aren’t 200 pounds of stupid goliath. As expected the fire didn’t like to be peed on and attacked Sam, who tried to hit it as it came at him, ducked out of the way and ran past us. Then the fire came after the next first person he saw. Tony got lid as a torch ran past me and disappeared out of view around the corner. The fire didn’t seem to see me which left me to go explore the room better. In the distance I could hear screaming and a door slamming. It sounds like Tony is burning to a crisp and I am nor lock inside with a angry fire while the rest of my party is probably long gone. Nothing else to do then but look for treasure and keep quiet. In the middle of the room where the fire was when we came in, I found a hole in the ground. It was large enough for a Halfling to go trough and about 30ft deep with some dust or dirt on the bottom. Not really wanting to get stuck in a deep hole with pee of a goliath and the chance of a large fire coming back over it I decided to go check on the hole battle. The fire was still there being held back by the door, however it seems to be winning from the wooden door. I tried covering the hole but that didn’t do any good eider. The moment the fire broke through the door I could hear Hugh yelling something is some wear speech and the fire diapered. I’m not sure why but Tony turned into a hawk and flew down the hole in the floor. Judging from the smell I don’t want to know where he stuck his hand but he came back out of the hole holding what looked like a magical stone. I belief he called it a “Psionic stone”.

It looks like we have only one option left to escape from here, the middle lever teleport. After being teleported into a new room I could see what the elemental ment. Probably 16ft tall and 7ft wide was standing on the side of the room a giant statue. On the other side of the room was some kind of dangerous but expensive looking orb. On the right and left side where one door each. Having my fill of stuff that shouldn’t be moving in the first place attacking me, I was more than happy to check out the doors first. The left door lead to a small room with nothing of interest. Tony open the other door and went in. a few seconds later the door closed and we could hear nothing else. When Hugh went to look for Tony he felt a strange feeling when opening the door. Looking into the room it was completely empty except for three levers. Hugh told me to do something, I don’t know what I wasn’t really listening, he went into the room, pulled a lever and disappeared. Sam in the meantime went to check out the statue, who in his turn didn’t like people staring at him. The moment Sam came to close it slap him hard. Judging from the size of the enemy and the sound of the hit this wasn’t a fight I wanted to join. On the other hand there were still two of us and Sam was carrying the magic items I still needed to steal. My hits however didn’t even scratch the statue and Sam was getting beat badly. I healed Sam with my “Belt of healing” but that wasn’t enough, we where no match for this enemy. Seeing Sam fall dead on the ground I ran for the teleport path. Unfortunately the statue wasn’t bound to his room and followed me and killed the elemental who was still pulling the lever. I went back tough the last flash that he elemental made before dying to return to the room where we found the statue.

Hugh and Tony still weren’t back so tumbling and dodging I was able to get to the room where they disappeared and pulled the lever. Here I found both of them waiting in a room with 1 door. Not wanting to find out if the Statue could still follow me I opened the door and ran at full speed screaming “RUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!”. While running I told them all that had happened after they disappeared and we kept running for the rest of the day. “Oh treasure and gold, we shall miss you forever. Oh and the mule that was carrying it was useful to.” Where on this island are we going to find someone who will get beaten for us like Sam did.

Day Eight,[edit]

I awoken feeling more powerful than ever. Two large wings sprouted out of my back. It took no time at all to get used to them, it’s like I always had them. But with my luck I am in the middle of a never ending hallway. Not really the perfect flying location.

When we woke there no longer was any door or wall that happened to be a door. For some rezone the others came to a conclusion that the door had moved during our sleep so we set off again. I decided to go with them, after all it’s not like I have much else to do.

After what seemed like a few hours Hugh yelled in my ear again. He spotted a door that wasn’t where we were because it had moved and only he could see it. Sure, and I don’t like treasure. It wouldn’t have been so bad if they didn’t keep insisting that I should search a door that wasn’t even there in the first place. Hugh even gone so far to cast some kind of silence on the wall and then shot a arrow at it. Somehow he had the idea that when the arrow bounce off and scattered that that made it clear that there was indeed a door. As far as I know most arrows scatter against a very large solid wall.

After a long and boring conversation I searched the wall where they kept pointing and I was right, it was indeed a wall. It seemed to be clear of traps, but then again, why would anyone trap a blank space of wall. Hugh sure is a funny person, when I told him there wasn’t a door he got angry, when I lied and sad there was a door he got angry too. So angry indeed that he overcame his fear of walls and pushed it. He must have cast another spell without me noticing because the next thing I knew there was a door where the wall used to be.

They both where all too keen for me to go in first, “yea people I will protect you with my big ass halfling body, don’t worry, the enemies won’t even see you behind me”. So I kicked down the door, the first and only thing that caught my eye was a beautiful chandelier. I flew towards it but it was too big to fit in my backpack. On the walls where many paintings, one of them fitted in my backpack. The others were too big for me. Where is Sam when u need him? Looking back I saw that the door that I just came trough was not at the side of the room like I would expect when I exited the side of the hallway. The door however was at the bottom of the room pointing downwards like a trapdoor. Flying in I never even saw it. I think tony went to inspect the paintings closer, he even wanted to see the one I just put in my backpack. There was some kind of lord on the painting. The same lord that was on the paintings on the wall that told a story of some giant battle. Remarkable about the paintings was that the amulet that was painted glowed.

After ransacking the room Hugh found some potions, I think it was something like cat-piss or dragons slime. Not really an interesting find.

Looking closer I saw another door in the room, silently going through it I went scouting. This place seemed to be nothing but doors. Nothing but doors and some kind of very large monster. It was roughly the size of an ogre and wearing full plated armor.

It wasn’t long before more came, our plan to ambush him became a plan not to die by the hands of all his friends. Before we knew it we suddenly where facing three of these large monsters. Invisibly I was able to get behind one of the ogres when everything suddenly became very bring, dodging fast I was able to evade all of the fire. Looking at my party members I could see Tony controlling the pillar of flame. That backstabbing rat, birdbrain. Who does he think he’s playing with shooting at me. It’s a good thing he hit the two ogres to and that I was able to easily dodge his feeble fire or else I would have killed him. My anger rising I charged the first ogre wounding him badly. Tony made some kind of strange sigh at me, I thought he was congratulating me for being such a great warrior. That is until he shot a second pillar of flames at my face. I was only just in time to doge it.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw another axe coming around the corner, probably from more of these ogres. Feeling half dead I dodged my way back to the others hoping for a heal. Looking over my shoulder I saw Hugh turning in some kind of seven headed dragon filling nearly the whole hallway. I wonder who the dragon was trying to attack. It probably wasn’t the enemy, he didn’t even come close. Maybe there was a head in front of his face and couldn’t he see. Tony was summoning another crocodile and I summoned a giant bee. Fierce the bee attack his enemy, stinger at the ready he lurched forward at his unexpecting pray. With a loud buzz he missed so badly that he got caught by one of the ogres axes. I’m sure the ogre never saw it coming, I’m also pretty sure he will never even know that the bee was there at all. But not all was lost bad, after missing everything Hugh tried to cast another spell but got distracted (probably by the six other head trying to give him tips on how to cast his spell) and ran as fast as he can to cower in the corner furthest away of the enemies. At least we got a good laugh out of it, you haven’t lived until u see a giant dragon chicken in a corner. Following our plan I jumped trough the trapdoor and sneaked down the never-ending hallway. In the darkness I put on my invisibility ability and waited. From the door I could hear screams of what sounded like seven dragons a crocodile and a bear. I wonder who cleans up there dropping after them, how can u clean up after a dragon? If seven heads eat, do u get seven heaps?.

It wasn’t long before Tony jumped out of the door. Hugh seemed to need a bit more time, maybe he has make up his minds. This was my chance to get back at Tony for trying to kill me, but I’m way to hurt to fight at the moment. I’ll wait till he heals me first. I saw Hugh (In human form) jump in the doorway followed by two giant hands who nearly pulled him in two when they raked him back in. Oh well, you can’t have everything. I could hear him plea with his attackers while I ate my sandwich. So much for the master of the arcane powers. The ogres told us they were willing to let him life if Tony and I gave ourselves up and became there prisoners, “do I look like a bloody priest?”. Laughing I sneaked back in the shadows, leaving Tony to keep the ogres occupied. I don’t like leaving Tony and Hugh but I don’t like being a prisoner eider.

Just when things got interested, larry disappeared. Maybe his god got angry or something. Oh no, my gem. He still got my gem.

Forgetting that we where in a battle i flew back into the room where Hugh still should be. there i found him in unmoving the arms of one of the guards. Judging my chances I decided that it would be slim to say that i could take them both. Distracted by the ring on one of the guards fingers i went with them.

Taking advantage of my distraction they took my gear and threw me in a cell. From one of the other cells I could hear people scream. If all prisoners are striped then they are not important to me. Eider i picked the lock or the door was unlocked again very soon because after a few minutes the door opened showing one of the large guards. Another guard was escorting the now awake Hugh and in frond of our group a radder weak looking human. he still had his gear on him but the guard was in my way. arriving at a important looking room Hugh and i ware made to wait outside. It was only then that i saw that beside the two guards there was also another weak little human. it seems this place is just crawling with them. Minutes past and my eye cauth a money pouch on the guard in frond of it. It wasn't hard to lift it from him. I hid it in my loincloth and went looking for something els. there i saw it. A beautifully 6 feet long axe on the back of the guard. It has to be worth a small fortune. Carefully i lifted the axe only to be interrupted by a second axe that came crashing on my head. Apparently the guard behind me was able to spot me. Both of the guards searched me again and found my pressjus gold i just lost. I will get it back soon. looking around i could see both the guard behind me and Hugh staring at me for some rezone. The other human didn't seem interested at anything at all, i wonder if hes asleep.

After some loud noises from inside the room the door opened again and we where brought in. There where even more humans waiting. all of them looked kind of weak. i wonder what is with this whole weak human gardening party, maybe its de-evolution.

The most important looking guy promised me a 100gp if i went and take a look inside some glowing doorway. when i did however he scammed me with a gem. Why doesn't anyone carry gold these days?

The scammer told us he was some immortal being and leader of a large group, if we where to help him we would get all we ever wanted. I would get the wealth of a continent. I think Hugh and two other humans would get something to do with books or some other lame think like infinite knowledge. All that's worth knowing is how much gold you got and how to increase that.

An argument broke out between the different groups about what this reward exactly meaned. And also when we should begin it. Hugh wanted to kill the captain that tricked us in coming here first and the two other humans wanted to start right away. In the middle of the conversation one of them grabbed me by the wing. he was waisting his time, the guards have already searched me and took my money. But it was still enoing so i gave him a friendly reminder to let me go. the moment my fist made contact we where back on the beach.

The human that grabbed my wing seemed to get my message, he let go and teleported away. Hugh and the other human where yelling something about a job and where staring at the spot where the other guy disappeared. I think the pixy Brendal once told us about a ship that could sail us back to the city. ill go look for it after a good night sleep.

A few houres later i was suddenly awoke by being teleported to a pub. The wing grabbing human and the scamming immortal (who seems to be called Asrael) where there to. After some talk he would give me a ship for use and 2500gp if i could return some item to him. All we have to do is go to some castle and get it out of the basement.

I also made some notes about what he wanted me to do, i might look into it if i don't find anything more interested along the way. At least were going to some more gold infested places.


  • Psoinc feather. artifact.
  • guarded in the basement of a fortress is in the material plane (whatever that may be).
  • Hugh has a compass that can find the castle.
  • a small hut on a island next to the fortress is entrance.
  • 3 items together will bring back the true ruler of Asrael's group and dominate the world
  • we have a symbol on our hand that we can call fort at will. its a flame going in a circle.
  • first we have to go to a bar for some more information, bar's called "Fuck un Cow"or FUC for short.
  • the intire clan knows how we look like and what were planning.

On the boat i see three familiar faces. The first is Hugh, the last remaining survivor of our stranded party. The second one is the wing grabbing human, i belief his name is something like Eric. The last face is from the other prisoner I met in the hallway. Hes most likely the Harry I heared about. I wonder if it is possible for them to fall overboard without any of there gold. It should be worth a try.

Day nine,[edit]