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Kain has always had a knack for leadership.  When he was still nothing but an imp, running free through the lavish markets and twisty alleyways of Turathi Prime, a pack of boys followed him everywhere.  Together, they caused untold mischief, often masterminded by young Kain.  He always seemed to be able to talk his way out of any trouble they got into, though.
Kain has always had a knack for leadership.  When he was still nothing but an imp, running free through the lavish markets and twisty alleyways of Vor Kragal, a pack of boys followed him everywhere.  Together, they caused untold mischief, often masterminded by young Kain.  He always seemed to be able to talk his way out of any trouble they got into, though.
Hit quick wit and natural charm served Kain well as he came of age and entered Turathi high society.  His family's status ensured that he moved in the highest circles and met many of the movers and shakers of the Empire.  As many young Tiefling men do, he attended the military academy.  He excelled at tactics, and before long became a distinguished officer in the Imperial forces, serving with honor in the Highland Offensive and the Gnoll Rebellion.
Hit quick wit and natural charm served Kain well as he came of age and entered Turathi high society.  His family's status ensured that he moved in the highest circles and met many of the movers and shakers of the Empire.  As many young Tiefling men do, he attended the military academy.  He excelled at tactics, and before long became a distinguished officer in the Imperial forces, serving with honor in the Highland Offensive and the Gnoll Rebellion.

Latest revision as of 12:48, 10 April 2009

Kain has always had a knack for leadership. When he was still nothing but an imp, running free through the lavish markets and twisty alleyways of Vor Kragal, a pack of boys followed him everywhere. Together, they caused untold mischief, often masterminded by young Kain. He always seemed to be able to talk his way out of any trouble they got into, though.

Hit quick wit and natural charm served Kain well as he came of age and entered Turathi high society. His family's status ensured that he moved in the highest circles and met many of the movers and shakers of the Empire. As many young Tiefling men do, he attended the military academy. He excelled at tactics, and before long became a distinguished officer in the Imperial forces, serving with honor in the Highland Offensive and the Gnoll Rebellion.

As he learned more of the world, however, Kain became uneasy. The academy taught of the ignorance and barbarism of other peoples, but these teachings did not match his experiences. Curious, he tracked down and read accounts by obscure Tiefling sages that were unavailable at the academy. As he became aware of the atrocities committed by his ancestors and the continuing oppression practiced by the current Empire, he began to loose faith in not only his people but himself.

When this weight on his mind, Kain struggled to fulfill his duties. His reluctance showed, and his social standing fell. He was posted to an isolated, unimportant fort far to the North.

It was there that, one night, while alone on patrol, he suddenly came across a lone Dragonborn warrior. Although Bael Turath and Arkhosia were not yet at war, tensions were high, and in other circumstances Kain would have attacked instantly. But two things made him hesitate. First, Kain had learned to respect the Dragonborn as he read more about them during his studies. Their honor-bound ways stood in stark contrast to that which he detested most about his own people. Second, this particular Dragonborn had an aloof, otherworldly quality to him. Kain certainly could not explain how or why he had appeared in the middle of this frozen wasteland.

When the strange Dragonborn identified himself as an aspect of Bahamut, Kain was dumbfounded. While skeptical by nature, Kain found the Dragonborn, or god, or whatever he was, difficult to distrust. In a straightforward way unfamiliar to this native of the Turathi court, the apparition explained that the Turathi and Arkhosia would soon fight an epic war, and that Kain could help cause the downfall of the Turathi aristocracy he had grown to hate. Somewhat to his surprise, Kain soon found himself swearing to help the cause of Bahamut by fermenting rebellion in his homeland.

After much consideration and study, Kain grew certain that his vision was indeed an aspect of Bahamut. Although more conflicted than ever about his place in the world, he became resolved to stick to his word and help bring down the corrupt rulers of his people, even though it might result in his own destruction as well. When the war with Arkhosia broke out, he went underground, and helped to form the Tiefling Rebellion. The small band he formed had some early minor successes in disrupting the Turathi war effort, but soon they were infiltrated and attacked by the Turathi officials. Many of his friends were killed, and Kain barely escaped into exile. From that time, he has been in hiding amongst the elves (some of which, though officially neutral, are sympathetic to Kain's cause), contemplating his next move.


When he was posted to the far North, Kain had a lot of free time on his hands, and a lot of time to think. With his hands, Kain practiced his violin, and became increasingly proficient. With his mind, he agonized over his situation as a member of a devil-spawned race who had and still was spreading evil throughout the world. His angst came out in his music, to such an extent that his fellow soldiers made him practice in the well-soundproofed library.

One late night, Kain's frustrations came to the surface and he cracked his violin bow in half while playing. Cursing up a storm (and Tielfings know how to curse), he turned the library upside down looking for something with which he could fashion a new bow. At last he found an odd stick of wood tucked away in a desk under a pile of books, and used it to construct a makeshift bow.

Over the next few days and weeks, his playing grew intense, and his skill rapidly increased. His inner turmoil did not cease, however, and he released all his pent-up energies in his music. Not long after the visit from Bahamut (or an aspect of him), Kain realized that the stick he had found was no ordinary wand. (Magic Wand +3)


When Kain fled Bael Turath after his rebel band was forcefully disbanded, he took little with him. In particular, he wore little for protection other than his cloak (see below). So, when he entered elven lands, he quickly sought out one of their famed weavers of Braidmail.

Elven smiths do not part with their highly valued pieces of armor lightly, however. Kain had little money, and not much else to offer. The smith he found, a surprisingly talkative, quick-to-laugh elf called Laki, merely smiled and shook his head when Kain asked him what he would take in exchange for a new suit of his finest Braidmail.

Kain did not give up, however. He spent many weeks hunting the elusive elk from which fine suites of Feyhide are fashioned, and finally managed to bring back a fine specimen for Laki. But the smith merely shrugged and thanked Kain.

Not to be refused, Kain traveled to the highlands on the borders of dwarven lands, and there, near the summit of an active volcano, slew a wyvern, and returned with three of its eggs, highly valued by smiths for their heating properties. Laki smiled again, but remained elusive on the subject of the armor Kain desired.

Frustrated, but now more determined than ever, Kain spent nearly every day at Laki's shop, helping him work, all the while asking about his armor. Finally, one day, Kain blew his top, and let loose a train of invective at Laki that would make an Orcish bartender blush. Laki, however, simply burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter. When he recovered, Laki finally agreed to make Kain his armor, saying he had shown sufficient determination. Kain didn't quite know what to think of this strange smith. (Irrefutable Braidmail +3)


While active rebels in Turathi lands, Kain and his fellows relied heavily on stealth and concealment to remain hidden. One of his squad, Notos, was especially daring, yet never seemed to get hurt. He would often distract guards, drawing fire, to protect his fellow rebels, yet never got hit by an arrow.

Alas, when Turathi officials found and attacked their hideout, Notos was mortally wounded as he and Kain fled. Before he died, Notos made Kain promise to flee to safety and continue the fight (Kain wanted to stay and fight to the death), and he gave Kain his cloak as a remembrance.

At least, that's what Kain thought at first. However, after surviving more than his fair share of well-aimed crossbow bolts during his flight through Bael Turath, he suspected the cloak was more than it appeared. Sure enough, when he had time to examine it, he discovered that is was magic, which explained his dear friend's ability to avoid missile fire (his fatal wound was caused by a scimitar). (Cloak of Distortion +2)


After his flight into exile, Kain was visited once more by an aspect of Bahamut. This time, as Kain was breaking camp at daybreak (he was journeying between elven lands, not long after leaving Laki in his shining new suit of armor), the strange, ethereal Dragonborn appeared out of nowhere. He appeared far more impressive and regal now, with his back to the rising sun, than he did in the frozen north. In the name of Bahamut, he thanked Kain for all he had done thus far, and bestowed upon him a token to aid him in his further struggles: a Laurel Circlet. He vanished in the bright gleam of the sunrise just as quickly as he had appeared, leaving Kain to ponder his situation and attempt to find a comfortable way to balance the delicate silver circlet on his thick horns. (Laurel Circlet)

Crowns of the Dawn