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(Plot Synopsis)
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== Special Rules ==
== Special Rules ==
=== Travel ===
The Astral Sea is obviously a little different than the one described in the Manual of the Planes.  The main difference is that it is very much more spread out (the planes are months of travel apart from one another) and the high quantity of "World" planes.
The Astral Sea is obviously a little different than the one described in the Manual of the Planes.  The main difference is that it is very much more spread out (the planes are months of travel apart from one another) and the high quantity of "World" planes.
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*Bill the Bard is on the surface of Freeport, and has upset the Smuggler's Syndicate.  Bill decides he'll meet his party on Cove Rock, Freeport's asteroid-sized moon.  Cove Rock has a Teleportation Circle, and is within 100 miles of the edge of Freeport's color veil.  Bill performs the Planar Portal ritual, using an appropriate amount of material components, and creates a portal to Cove Rock.
*Bill the Bard is on the surface of Freeport, and has upset the Smuggler's Syndicate.  Bill decides he'll meet his party on Cove Rock, Freeport's asteroid-sized moon.  Cove Rock has a Teleportation Circle, and is within 100 miles of the edge of Freeport's color veil.  Bill performs the Planar Portal ritual, using an appropriate amount of material components, and creates a portal to Cove Rock.
*Walter the Wizard is on the surface of Freeport, aboard the V.C.S. Relentless.  Rufus the Rogue has just told him that the word on the street is that the Smuggler's Syndicate is going to send some goons down to attack the party, in the hopes of drawin Bill the Bard out of hiding.  Walter, assuming that the Smuggler's Syndicate is watching the Relentless, decides use the Sextant of the Planes to cast the Plane Shift ritual, rather than showing his hand by prepping the ship for launch from the dock.  After spending ritual components, and rolling Arcana (he scored a 24), the Relentless vanishes in a rainbow flash, appearing instantly in the Astral Sea.  The course Walter had set was for Cove Rock (which was within 100 miles of Freeport's color veil), but a 24 on his skill check means he arrived 50 miles off course.  After determining their position, Walter and his crew hoist the sails and sail for Cove Rock.  At an overland flight speed 15 squares (7.5 miles per hour), it will take the Relentless 6 hours and 40 minutes to reach Cove Rock.
*Walter the Wizard is on the surface of Freeport, aboard the V.C.S. Relentless.  Rufus the Rogue has just told him that the word on the street is that the Smuggler's Syndicate is going to send some goons down to attack the party, in the hopes of drawin Bill the Bard out of hiding.  Walter, assuming that the Smuggler's Syndicate is watching the Relentless, decides use the Sextant of the Planes to cast the Plane Shift ritual, rather than showing his hand by prepping the ship for launch from the dock.  After spending ritual components, and rolling Arcana (he scored a 24), the Relentless vanishes in a rainbow flash, appearing instantly in the Astral Sea.  The course Walter had set was for Cove Rock (which was within 100 miles of Freeport's color veil), but a 24 on his skill check means he arrived 50 miles off course.  After determining their position, Walter and his crew hoist the sails and sail for Cove Rock.  At an overland flight speed 15 squares (15 miles per hour), it will take the Relentless 3 hours and 20 minutes to reach Cove Rock.
*After regrouping aboard the Relentless, Bill the Bard has convinced the crew to help him deliver some scrolls to Pincer's Island on Archipelego.  Walter the Wizard sets another course, expending ritual components for the Plane Shift ritual, and rolls a 30 on his Arcana check.  The Relentless vanishes in another streak of rainbow light, and appears just 10 miles from Pincer Island's color veil, corresponding to the point directly "above" Pincer's Island.  Not wanting to spend more ritual components, Walter decides to fly the Relentless down through the color veil.  After under an hour, the Relentless pierces the color veil and then begins to fly the 5 mile journey down from the edge of the color veil to the watery surface of Archipelego.
=== Siege Weapons ===
*After regrouping aboard the Relentless, Bill the Bard has convinced the crew to help him deliver some scrolls to Pincer's Island on ArchipelegoWalter the Wizard sets another course, expending ritual components for the Plane Shift ritual, and rolls a 30 on his Arcana check. The Relentless vanishes in another streak of rainbow light, and appears just 10 miles from Pincer Island's color veil, corresponding to the point directly "above" Pincer's Island. Not wanting to spend more ritual components, Walter decides to fly the Relentless down through the color veil.  After a little more than an hour, the Relentless pierces the color veil and then begins to fly the 5 mile journey down from the edge of the color veil to the watery surface of Archipelego.
Many ships and fortified positions possess siege weaponsFor instance, the Relentless possesses a single light catapult on its forecastle deck.
==== Catapults ====
Light Catapults are a ranged weapon with the following characteristics:
*Proficiency: +0
*Damage: 2d10
*Range: 20/40 (Minimum range is 10 squares)
*Price: 300 gp
*Weight: 300 pounds (Can be fired from a stationary position)
*Group: Siege Weapon
*Properties: Load (2 standard actions -- other characters can help)
Light Catapults use the following ammunition.
*Boulders (20) (10 gp, 300 lbs)
Other advanced ammunition is available.
*Alchemist's Fire (1) (700 gp, 15 lbs) (+14 vs. Reflex, Area Burst 1, 6d6 fire damage, 1/2 on a miss)
== Party Members ==
== Party Members ==
=== Chaedi Aeriel Ausilia  ===
=== [[Astral Sea Freebooters: Chaedi|Chaedi Aeriel Ausilia]] ===
<i>(Elf, Avenger, Unaligned)</i>
<i>(Elf, Avenger, Unaligned)</i>
The elven woman, a rare sight mixed in with the other "Honored Guests" aboard the Relentless - a fair-skinned and mildly attractive specimen with green eyes and lavender hairHer features sometimes favor the more pallid and wan than those of some of the more common varieties of elf found throughout the plains - and whether this is typical of her people - or whether it is particular to some other affliction, it is difficult to say.
The graceful but taciturn elf woman's lack of emotion belies the
intensity within her soul.  A simple temple guard in a backwater elf
domain, her life was changed forever when the Illithid Empire set its
sights on conquering her peopleAfter seeing the Illithids defeat
and capture the goddess of her temple, Chaedi decided not to throw her
life away in a pointless fight and volunteered as a willing thrall of
the Illithids.  In an unholy experiment, they implanted in her a
fragment of the divinity of her goddess, turning her into a living
weapon.  As an assassin, she hunted down and slaughtered hundreds of
her master's enemies, the followers of her deity.
She is gracefulEven though her slender frame seemed coiled at all times - as if she is always ready to strike - she never looks on edgeHer eyes do not dart frantically around the room, she seems to take everything in with long gazing stares that seem to analyze every little thing about whatever she is examining.
Chaedi began to be plagued by terrifying dreams sent by her goddess that
increased her power even as it robbed her of the will to serve her
evil masters.  Perhaps sensing this, the Illithids began to send her
on harder and harder missions in the hopes of removing the threat, but
this only honed her skillsAt last, during a hunt across the Astral
Sea for the last priest of her order, she broke free from the
influence of her mastersSparing her target for the first and only
time, she declared a vendetta against the Illithid and began to hunt
them down without mercy.
Her voice is often more matter of fact and precise than most would be comfortable with.  She rarely makes a serious statement without careful consideration - and almost never speaks in anger.  Even in the midst of combat, when she is covered with her own blood and the hot blood of her foes, she maintains a composure that borders on the unnerving - to friend and foe alike.
She hopes that by destroying those that ordered her to destroy, she
can find redemption for the blood on her hands.
She has a difficulty in making close friends.  Her past actions haunt her - though it is her great wish to demonstrate that she has moved beyond her own past - a subject which she has not much talked about - save to make clear that her foe is the Illithid Empire, and she has sworn her life to its destruction.
=== [[Astral Sea Freebooters: Samhain|Samhain]] ===
=== Samhain ===
<i>(Eladrin, Wizard, Unaligned)</i>
<i>(Eladrin, Wizard, Unaligned)</i>
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So Samhain studied, hard, for over the next few years. Being labeled a rogue arcanist helped him move up the ranks to become the captain's right-hand man.  
So Samhain studied, hard, for over the next few years. Being labeled a rogue arcanist helped him move up the ranks to become the captain's right-hand man.  
That is about when their piracy got noticed by  The Varian Confederation. It wasn't the raiding of small communities, the plundering of local ships, or even housing lesser criminals that got their attention. It was Raiding a Confederation ship and holding it's captain ransom. The Varian Confederation blew the Flying Hydra out of the astral sea and into the bowels of  pandemonium. Very few crew members survived the attack and Captain Kid betrayed his own crew to flee.  
That is about when their piracy got noticed by  The Varian Confederation. It wasn't the raiding of small communities, the plundering of local ships, or even housing lesser criminals that got their attention. It was Raiding a Confederation ship and holding it's captain ransom ( The ship was The S.S. Armageddon, one of the largest Varian battle ships they have. The captain, who is still alive, is the Notorious Capt. Franicis "Bulldog" Valleymen). The Varian Confederation blew the Flying Hydra out of the astral sea and into the bowels of  pandemonium. Very few crew members survived the attack and Captain Kid betrayed his own crew to flee.  
Samhain was blamed for putting the Varian Confederation in harms way (as they snuck out of Hegemony territory) and they gave him a one way ticket express trip to Carceri (no trial and no paper trial).
[[Image:EdwinToken.png|frame|<center>Edwin Cocalas</center>]]
=== [[Astral Sea Freebooters: Edwin|Edwin Cocalas]] ===
<i>(Human, Sorcerer, Unaligned)</i>
A strong-willed man of innate arcane power, Edwin Cocalas clawed his
way up from a bastard's nothing in the coldest remotes of Earth to
command the largest independent merchant pirate fleet in Earth's
history.  His service in the Dark War on the side of the First Empire
of Man made him a widely recognized hero, a magnet for the disaffected
in the aftermath of the Emperor's assassination.  His fleet grew as he
traded and raided throughout the splintered Empire, while keeping the
other Powers from gobbling it up.  He earned a reputation for
single-minded ruthlessness toward his enemies and generous unconcern
for his allies as he played the game of power along the coasts of
This path to power culminated in an all-out invasion of the former
Empire.  Edwin Cocalas' arcane power swept the mundane armies from before his
devoted mob in a blitzkrieg that left him in complete control of a
large chunk of the Imperial lands.  He was preparing to press his
advantage to subsume the continent when agents of the  Varian
Confederation appeared and whisked him away to prevent what they saw
as a catastrophic destabilization of Earth's natural progression.
They intended to banish the sorcerer to Carceri, but once again Edwin
rose up against his intended fate.
With his new ship and allies, Edwin Cocalas intends to replicate his
heroic accomplishments writ large on the canvas of the Astral Sea.
=== Ronaldo Summerfall ===
<i>(Half-Elf, Bard, Unaligned)</i><br>
(alias Ronaldo the Shiv, Ronaldo Silvertongue, Lord Summerfall, Ronny "Two Tone", The Ambassador, etc.)
Ronaldo Summerfall never knew his parents, only the orphanage where he grew up. Shortly after he learned to talk he was swindling everyone he met, from the teachers to his classmates. It was not long before he had a reputation for being able to talk anyone into anything, and it did not take the Varian Confederation long to recognize this. They saw him as the perfect tool to bend nations to their will, and that he did. Summerfall resolved countless conflicts for the Confederation, though many of the higher ranking officials began to doubt his abilities. Many even began to consider that all of his work had been an elaborate scam, that several of the conflicts he halped resolve had been aranged by Summerfall himself. Still, his results spoke volumes, and they gave him a ship, along with orders to patrol the Astral Sea, and several spies in his patrol.
As it turns out, the Confederation's concerns were well founded, as Summerfall's true motives soon became clear. A short sending message was the only warning they received, with just enough time to divert a patrol to stop him. Confederation agents stormed Summerfall's ship as he was signing over two "worlds" to the Illithid Empire, in return for an alleged "peace" between the two parties. The Illithids involved in the illegal treaty were all slaughtered, and Summerfall was taken into custody.
Since Ronaldo Summerfall's deception was discovered, he has been connected to dozens of other crimes. He is currently recognized as one of the most notorious con men of his day, and has been sentenced to life imprisonment. There are some who believe that this sentence will not stop him from furthering his sinister plans.
=== Leonan Scrat ===
<i>(Shifter, Warder, Unaligned)</i><br>
Born bearing the spirit marks of his chieftain ancestors, Leonan was destined to become the leader and champion of his tribe.  Leonan channeled the spirits in defense of his Shifter tribe against any and all threats that came anywhere near his island chain on Archipelego.  Chief Leonan slayed the great behemoth from the depths, defeated the dangerous shark men of the east, and forced the Thunder Storm spirit to bow before him.
Then came the strangers.  A small ship landed on Leonan’s island home.  It was one of the sleeker, faster ships he’d only heard stories off, something called a spelljammer.  It carried a motley crew of many races he’d never seen before.  They requested refuge, saying they’d ran out of supplies on a long journey and would be on their way within a few days, if they could be given a safe harbor.  Having no prior relations with these types of men, but sensing a certain primal kinship with these Freebooters, Leonan welcomed them with open arms.
Later that evening, another ship approached the island, though this one wrapped in a strange aura of foreboding.  The ship breached the shoreline, and waves of men came pouring out from it, though of mixed races, they all wore the same uniform.  Thinking this some kind of assault against the tribe, Leonan mustered the men of the tribe and led them in an attempt to repel the invaders.  The invaders commanded powerful spirits and fought with disciplined skill.  Even with the help of his own Freebooter allies, Leonan and his braves were defeated.
Leonan was dragged in chains before the chief of the invaders, "Captain Elliot Sandhearst" and was found guilty of crimes against the Confederation, including but not limited to "Treason, Espionage, Piracy, and Disrupting the Natural Order."  Leonan's people were, one by one, forced to renounce their beloved chief.  Those who defied Captain Sandhearst were put to death.  Leonan begged his people to renounce him, so that they would live on, but many did not.
Leonan himself was sentenced to eternal imprisonment, and placed aboard the prison ship for transport to Carceri.
=== William Cash ===
<i>(Human, Fighter, Unaligned)</i><br>
(alias Iron Bill)
William Cash was born to a poor earth family. He was the fifth son of the family. The youngest. And the others never let him forget it. At nights William used to look into the sky and dream of being among the stars. When William was about 15 his parents decided to move the family out of the squalor they lived in for so long and move to the country to farm. All his brothers supported their decision. But William decided that this was not the life for him. One night, men came down from the stars, and William took the opportunity to run away.
William stowed away aboard the Spelljammer to Freeport. Once there he thrived on the motion of the city. He learned to adapt to any situation and move with the flow of people, causing just enough disturbance for himself to profit from. But again William became restless. He longed for a life of adventure.
He decided that the quickest way to that life was to serve with the Varian Confederation.
He and another street rat (Elliot) quickly climbed the ranks, becoming fast rivals and eventually were put in charge of their own Spelljammers. William was notorious for breaking the rules. In his world, the ends justify the means. He was ready to break out. William went back to Freeport and gave his men leave for a few days. When they returned the ship was gone. William had rounded up all the scoundrels that felt as he did and set off.
The life was lucrative, until his old friend Elliot was given orders to deal with a menace. A pirate named "Iron Bill". Apparently he recieved the name because nobody had ever seen him bleed. "Prove them wrong" was all the captain was told.  Elliot caught up with William on the Archipelego, where William was repairing his ship and enjoying the hospitality of a tribe of noble island savages.  The rest, as they say, is history.
As William was transferred from Elliot's ship onto the prison ship Relentless in shackles, he gazed at the stars. Vowing to not die in captivity, but in the skies . . . .
== Plot Synopsis ==
=== Current Job ===
(Session 10)
-Go to a water temple and jump the claim of arcanologists working there.
-Acquire a reverse synchronized actuator from the ancient water-filled tomb.
=== Bookkeeping ===
Rations: 1800 man/days (as of Session 10 10:00)
Residdum (Jumps): 1000 R (2 J) (as of Session 10 11:00)
Party Gold: 14,485 GP (as of Session 10 12:00)
Total Ship's Complement (Rations per day): 16+Hg (20) (as of Session 10 10:00)
(Breakdown: Party- 5;
Human Crew (1gp/day)- 6 (Mr. Christian, Horatio + 4);
Dwarven Marines (5gp/day)- 5 (Hamshanks, Ironsides, Woodtop, Rustarms, Sven);
Animals - Hippogriff (Large)
Passengers - 0 of 10)
Tonnage: 38 free, 2 provisions.
=== Session 1 ===
The heroes set course for Freeport.  With starvation closing in on them, they barely make it to Cove Rock.  There they find a mysterious young dwarf in search of the missing clan Forgeship.  Taking on his quest as their own, the Freebooters provision the Relentless and hire a crew of barely competent, but eager, men.  Then they set sail for Earth.  Using the ship's Navigation Focus, they travel in an instant to Earth, and then set course for the last known location of the Forgeship.
Upon arriving, they find that the Forgeship appears to be a drifting, lifeless hulk.  Investigating further, they find signs of a struggle between the dwarves and some sort of fey enemy.  Not being easily dissuaded, the heroes decide to investigate further.
=== Session 2 ===
Exploring the interior of the Forgeship, the Freebooters discover something horrible.  Banshrae, willowy limbed, insectoid fae have infested the ship for some unknown purpose and have turned the ship into a slaughter house.  The Freebooters engage in skirmish against a squad of Banshrae, and are, in the end, victorious.
The question remains, what is the purpose of the Banshrae aboard the ship?
=== Session 3 ===
The fight continues, Armorantium vs. Honor, a grudge match.  With the help of Samhain's friendly magic plants and disgusting maggots, the Freebooters are victorious.
=== Session 4 ===
The Freebooters are faced with the choice between looting the vaults and securing the storm forge.  Unexpectedly, they choose the course of Right over Profit.  Edwin learns Hestin Anvilsound's name temporarily, but then the group is ambushed somehow.  Beating back their opponents, they encounter Otto the Automaton, who threatens or warns them in a cliffhanger ending!
=== Session 5 ===
The Freebooters successfully recruit the deactivated Otto as their new ship's chef.  During a long interlude where Edwin becomes increasingly annoying, Hestin discovers that the other dwarf miners fled to Earth.  Fancy flying allows the group to evade the Varian patrols and land on Earth, where they immediately find a whorehouse.
=== Session 6 ===
Edwin cleverly beds the Whore Queen for no reason, since they already got all the information they need.  Then the Freebooters set out into the wilderness with limited supplies, looking for Clues from isolated monastics.  Along the way they discover a brutal local conflict raging between two rival groups of goblins, and become entangled in a swarming army of ambushers.  The mages watch from their two towers as the fighters engage their foe.
=== Session 7 ===
The swarms dispersed, inept hunting occurs.  Ronaldo encounters Gnoll Sex Witches and Gnome Crones, to mixed results.  Finally the Freebooters emerge on a snowy plain in front of a Dwarven Citadel, where swarms of goblins are assaulting the dwarf miners trapped within.  A fight occurs.
=== Session 8 ===
Our Heroes, led by the glib Ronaldo, had journeyed far and long in the treacherous human wilds.  Danger nipping at their heels and time running out, they pursued the fleeing dwarves over hill and dale.  Arriving at a grand hall, left by ancient dwarves from a different time in Earth's history, the paragons of adventure were thrust into an epic battle between armies of goblins and the refugee dwarves.  Though they were grossly outnumbered, the mighty band of adventurers cut through the goblin ranks like a hot knife through butter...
Hestin, torn between Chaedi's urging to caution and Edwin's brash enthusiasm, finds the true courage within himself to run away as the Freebooters press through the Great Hall of the Citadel in a marathon battle.  Edwin climbs a statue, accomplishing very little of consequence, and Chaedi gets captured in a moment of inattention.  The Goblin King threatens to kill her if the Freebooters do not surrender, but the other goblin horde approaches and everybody is caught in-between!
=== Session 9 ===
Chaedi fell in combat, kidnapped by cunning bugbear ambushers, and now our heroes have a choice to make: to negotiate with the goblins or to free their ally through force.  It was there that we left them...
Edwin attempts diplomacy, but fails to impress.  The goblin king thinks he recognizes the ineptly glib sorcerer from his days as a warlord.  Ronaldo saves the day, and the goblin surrenders.  Hestin rejoins his people and the group is finally promised payment.  The Freebooters leave by a secret passage to find the commander of the opposing side, Chaedi vowing to kill him.  After fighting their way through the cunning goblin war machines, the freebooters find themselves facing Clanlord Grunshlar himself.  But, before Chaedi can kill him, Edwin Cocalas is recognized by his former subordinate and is able to convince him to allow the dwarf miners safe passage out for the head of the other goblin, the run of the Citadel, and old time's sake.  Chaedi is not pleased.
=== Session 10 ===
A drinking contest goes horribly awry as Edwin comes to terms with his misplaced popularity and Chaedi's dislike.  Mercury the Hippogriff joins the group as Edwin's loyal companion.  The Freebooters resupply at the Stormforge and then set off to Skyfall to find work.  At the Armada, an odd halfling provides cheese and leads.  On the surface, the Freebooters encounter a gnome.  He sells them a map to a temple of a forgotten water god, and the group departs to steal the find from the arcanologists who discovered it.  Or will they?
=== Session 11 ===
The freebooters beat a hasty retreat from docking fee negotiations after Abdul mentions the presence of inquisitive Varians. Approaching the Temple, they encounter a halfling named Shades, a confederate of Ronaldo, who offers his services as a guide and equal partner in the freebooters' quest to bilk the arcanologists. Descending into the dank temple, they are almost immediately ambushed by cultists. Using the winding entrance maze to their advantage, the cultist archers shoot poison arrows from concealment as the freebooters split up to chase them down. Edwin Cocalas is hampered by his claustrophobia, but with some helpful advice from Shades and clever tactical maneuvering, he is able to bring the full force of his deadly lightning to bear. The cultists defeated, Shades tells an anachronistic joke.
=== Session 12 ===
Continuing through the water temple, the group is split up crossing a dank pool and ambushed by a pod of cultists, led by an Abomination of Leviathan.  Fortunately for the rest of the freebooters, the enemies all focus on trying to daze Edwin Cocalas.  Although successful, even this foul trick is turned against them as Edwin's tactical swoon allows Ronaldo and Chaedi to mercilessly hammer the Abomination more easily!  After yet another archer is ruthlessly hunted down in the maze, the freebooters move on to a chamber mostly submerged in inky worm goo.  From the depths appears the Serpent Queen and battle is joined.  As the freebooters maneuver with agility throughout the room, the multicephalous monstrosity lurks beneath the poisonous muck!  Will the gang be able to overcome this nightmare, or will they become it?
=== Session 13 ===
The Serpent Queen dies.  A Rotating Maze Room occurs.  Peril in equal measure for everybody.  Cliffhanger.
=== Session 14 ===
Heathcliff was a waif taken in by Mr. Earnshaw and his household.  He grows bitter as he grows older falling in love with and losing Catherine.  He seeks to destroy Hindley and Edgar Linton blaming them for losing Catherine.  He believe that Hindley caused his loss of Catherine by degrading him.  Through her marriage to Edgar Linton, Catherine becomes introduced to a world of materialism.  She dies and her death fuels Heathcliff’s rage against Hindley and Edgar.  However, soon after, Hindley also dies and the Earnshaw estate and Hareton fall into the hands of Heathcliff.  Later, Heathcliff wins the custody of his son, Linton.  He forces Cathy to marry Linton and plans to steal the Grange from Edgar through Linton.  Both Linton and Edgar dies and the Grange goes to Heathcliff who now owns both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange.  Heathcliff marries Hareton to Cathy trying to make Hareton fit his image.  Cathy is loving to Hareton and when Heathcliff dies, both Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights go to them.
== Notable NPCs ==
=== Gordon von Haufenstein ===
An old retired Varian Captain with a shady past, Gordon is now the owner and operator of the Cove Rock Tavern and Inn, fine dining and accomodation for the most discerning of tastes.  Apparently, he helped Ronaldo out in the past, and feels that Ronaldo owes him a favor.  Gordon is torn between his lingering loyalties to the Varian Confederation and his own natural friendship toward the Freebooters of Cove Rock.
=== Hestin Anvilsound ===
Scion of the Anvilsound clan, and heir apparent to the throne of the Anvilsound Forgeship, this young dwarf has had his studies at the Institute cut short.  Word of a sickness in the family has forced him to seek out his missing Forgeship and reunite with his clanmates.  Unfortunately, it seems, things are not working out well for Hestin.
=== Mr. Christian ===
With some training in navigation and piloting (Arcana), Mr. Christian is the natural choice for "Officer" among the NPC crewmembers of the Relentless.  However, his personal competency is likely not up to the dangerous situations in which he'll find himself aboard a Freebooter vessel.
=== The Banshrae ===
Mysterious and inhuman fey who travel the Astral Sea.  They are known for their cruel inhuman curiosity, their industrious magical craftsmanship, and their alien mindset.  The Banshrae first encountered the Freebooters aboard the Anvilsound Forgeship, in the Astral Sea near Earth.
=== Cultists ===
Samhain was blamed for putting the Varian Confederation in harms way (as they snuck out of Hegemony territory) and they gave him a one way ticket express trip to Carceri.
They have black eels living inside them.

Latest revision as of 17:20, 13 December 2009

This page is devoted toward the development of a D&D 4th Edition campaign, to be played via the Maptool virtual tabletop.

Campaign Overview[edit]

The Campaign is set in the Astral Sea aboard a Spelljammer ship. The characters are Freebooters -- treasure-hunters, explorers, heretics, swashbucklers, outlaws, mercenaries, renegade arcanists, and pirates. At the start of the campaign, the characters have just "liberated" a Varian Confederation (see below) penal ship, and have gone from being "honored guests" en route to a Astral Prison Island to becoming full blown Pirates.

Campaign Themes[edit]

Monster of the Week[edit]

The campaign involves travelling to many exotic settings. Many of these places will have their own antagonists, mysteries, and conflicts that can be resolved and left behind.

Recurring Villains[edit]

The campaign features several recurring villains, agents of the four great Astral-going Civilizations:

  • The Illithid Empire: This mighty empire's influence stretches into the Astral Sea from Mnemos, a dark planet just beyond the border to the Far Realms. They control countless "worlds", and can call upon thralls of every race to serve them.
  • The Slithering: An ancient primordial force known as the Leviathan has awakened on a tropical swamp "world". Serpentfolk riding great scaled behemoths have ventured forth into the Astral Sea, to bring other "worlds" the blessings of the Leviathan.
  • The Hegemony: Dark spider-shaped ships raid peaceful "worlds", enslaving the populations into service to the drow elf Matriarch.
  • The Varian Confederation: A human-led coalition of allied "worlds". The Varian Confederation consists mainly of player races. The ships of the Varian Confederation seek to bring justice and order to the Astral Sea, and see any who snub their generous offers of alliance as "part of the problem." The Varian Confederation has strict laws controlling the study and practice of magic, and considers spellcasters of all sorts as 'dangerous weapons'.


Twisted bio-tech tentacles horrors, ancient primordial forces beyond our ken, the undead, cursed lycanthropes, even Hell itself can be found in the Astral Sea and its islands. The characters will undoubtedly encounter many Things Man Was Not Meant To Know.

  • Game Mechanic Note: There will be hazards included in Horror-based encounters that will inflict various conditions on the players to simulate the pure horror of the situation. These will likely target your Will defense.


The Four Great Civilizations are often engaged in intrigue against one another, and often choose areas friendly to Freebooters as neutral ground suitable for their espionage. It is likely that the characters will find themselves caught in the middle of this shadow war.

  • Game Mechanic Note: If you're into intrigue, then Streetwise, Diplomacy, Bluff, and Insight are good skills for you -- they will be used a lot in intrigue-based Skill challenges.


Pirates on the Astral Sea, salvaging derelict shipwrecks, and following maps to hidden treasures. Time will spent not only in dungeon and wilderness areas, but also in rowdy ports, governor's palaces, and of course the open Astral Sea.

  • Game Mechanic Note: The DM will be somewhat lenient on Acrobatic stunts, enabling you to swing from ropes and do other acts of athletic derring-do. Being trained in Acrobatics will be useful if you're into that sort of thing.

Swords and Sorcery[edit]

Magic is a sinister and dangerous force, often in the hands of the enemy, and those who abuse their mystic arts are often deserving a proper, old-school beat down. Characters tend to be a bit gritty in outlook, and mercenary in motivation.

  • Game Mechanic Note: In order to (slightly) encourage the sword and sorcery feel (for people to play Humans, and Martial characters), Humans may choose a second bonus trained skill from their class list, and Martial classed characters gain +1 healing surge. Also, you gain a one time bonus of 500 gold pieces if your character is Unaligned.

Character Creation[edit]

In general the following books are allowed: PHB; PHB2; Martial, Divine, and Arcane Powers; Adventurer's Vault, Manual of the Planes.


Characters will start at level 11.


Any player races from the PHB or PHB2. Humans may choose a second bonus trained skill from their class list.


Any classes or builds from the PHB or PHB2, Manual of the Planes, and the Martial, Divine, or Arcane Powers books.. Characters whose primary class is Martial gain +1 healing surge.

Ability Scores[edit]

You'll have to use the Standard Array: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10. Yeah, I know it sucks. You'll get over it.


Choose these as normal.


Any feats from the PHB or PHB2 or the Martial, Divine, and Arcane Powers books. Please indicate which book the feat is from so that I can look it up if necessary.


Any powers from the PHB or PHB2 or the Martial, Divine, or Arcane Powers books. Again, please specify which book the power is from so that I can look it up if necessary.


You may choose one item of level 10, one item of level 11, and one item of level 12, which may be selected from any of the allowed books. You also start with 5000 gold pieces that you can spend on any gear from the allowed books. Unaligned characters gain a bonus 500 gold pieces (for a total of 5500 gp). Please indicate which book the item is from so that I can look it up if necessary.

Character Details[edit]

Characters should all have a background that would lead toward incarceration at the hands of a lawful inter-planar government. Backgrounds include (but are not limited to) the following: Mercenary, political dissident, religious heretic, unregistered arcanist, pirate, thief, con-artist, smuggler, or spy. Characters may be any non-evil alignment.



The Astral Sea is a vibrant place, a misty ocean that stretches from the Elemental Chaos to the Far Realm. Countless worlds, big and small, mundane and fantastic, drift like islands in the Astral Sea. Majestic vessels, constructed by the great Astral-going civilizations, ply their trade from world to world, sometimes bringing commerce and wealth, and other times bringing slavery and death.

As the campaign starts out, the player characters have just overcome their captors and freed themselves from their bonds aboard a Varian Confederation prison ship, the Varian Confederation Spelljammer (V.C.S) Relentless. Now in command of the ship, they must determine their own course for adventure!

The average journey time aboard a Planar Dromond between close worlds is two months -- half that time aboard an Astral Skiff or Spelljammer. Utilizing a Sextant of the Planes enables much more rapid travel, at the price of a small fortune of arcane material components.

The V.C.S. Relentless[edit]


Formerly a prison ship of the Varian Confederation, this newly liberated ship is in the hands of the players, along with its former Navigator's very valuable Sextant of the Planes.



This prison plane was crafted by the gods themselves, and is used by all the Astral-going civilizations as a place to imprison their worst criminals. With the relatively free access of Raise Dead rituals, the best way to assure you'll never see an enemy again is to usher him to the gates of Carceri and place him in the care of the powerful angels who vigilantly guard the gates to this realm.

This was the planned destination for the player characters, and the Relentless is within sight of the red color veil of Carceri at the start of the campaign.



This world plane is relatively small, and is dominated by an Astral Port (also helpfully named Freeport) located on its only sea, and serviced by a river that leads inland to Freeport's lush and fertile farmland. Any magic items of the Heroic and Paragon tier are available for purchase at the Astral Port, though if you wish to purchase items above your character level you'll need to engage in a Skill Challenge to locate them. Inland, however, only items of the Heroic tier can be found, as most folk are suspicious of magic and other worlds, and of the city folk from the Astral Port, many of whom are off-worlders.

The astral port is a haven for freebooters, renegades, heretics and mercenaries. The city is run by a de facto "Pirate King" -- Astrid Velhagen, a former Varian captain who lost one of her hands when she was accused of thievery by a Varian planar governor (which one she won't say), and lost one of her eyes during her time spent in Carceri. Somehow, she escaped from that prison plane (an epic feat, to say the least). Her reputation alone is enough to keep a veneer of order in the rowdy astral port of Freeport.

Freeport has an astral satellite, a mountain sized moon named Cove Rock, upon which docking facilities and a teleportation circle is located.

The Institute[edit]


The Institute is a small world plane, inhabited by a dull heroic-tier civilization dominated by humans. The plane, however, is named after the plane's most exalted university, which is, many consider, the finest learning facility in all of the known multiverse -- simply known as "The Institute".

The Institute brings people from all across the Astral Sea, and thus has spawned an Astral Port of vibrant trade and commerce. The Institute is governed by Provost Henrik Plume, who is answerable only to an advisory council of Chancellors. The Provost administers the Institute with an eye for detail and a hunger for academic freedom.

The vast libraries of the Institute are thought to contain a copy of every book, every ritual, and every scap of information that is available anywhere in the Astral Sea. The libraries are so vast, however, that most visitors are forced to hire a professional guide to find whatever it is they are looking for. Many a guideless student, hoping to save a few coins, has vanished in the darkest corners of the library, never to be seen again.

The Institute is served by Charter House, an astral fortress orbiting just outside the color veil. Charter House has docking facilities and a Teleportation Circle.



This normal sized world plane is a flat water world, filled with countless islands and independent city states. A unique feature of this world is that, if one can navigate the storm-wracked edges of the plane, one can sail straight off Archipelego and into the Astral Sea, and vice versa.

There are no outstanding rulers on Archipelego. It is its lack of unity and order that makes it of interest to Freebooters, and many Freebooters have a favorite island or port on Archipelego that they use as a personal headquarters, or find beaches to bury their treasure.



This normal sized world plane is home to many kingdoms, and many races. The various peoples have been attacked countless times by Illithid and Hegemony slavers and Freebooter pirates. Having had enough of these attacks, a group of heroes from Starview constructed a Fortress in the Astral Sea, just beyond their plane's color veil. Starview Fortress is a massive, city-sized fortress, served by a teleportation circle and defended by a fleet of dangerously maneuverable Astral Skiffs (along with heavy Galleon support).

Ironically, Starview Fortress has become a cross-world trading post, and Freebooters now see it as part of their shared community. However, the surface folk of Starview are currently in negotiation with the Varian Confederation about become a member planet, much to the chagrin of the Governor of Starview Fortress, and his administrators, merchants, and mercenaries, all of whom have benefitted greatly from Starview Fortress' position.

Starview Fortress is administrated by Governor Alexianus Corinello, a Half-Elf of exceptional diplomatic skill, and open-mindedness.



Skyfall is a large world plane, with an interesting history. It was once a barren world, devoid of life. A huge battle between Freebooters took place in the Astral Sea, just outside its color veil. Several ships were disabled and drifted out of control through the color veil, only to crash on the surface.

The survivors salvaged what they could from the fallen vessels and were pushed to the extremes the first few years of life on the surface of Skyfall, but eventually they were able to make homes, grow food, and even have families.

Many years later, contact was made with their friends in the Astral Sea, and Skyfall City, an astral port on the edge of a great sea of dust, was founded. It seems that the barren planet holds many secrets. Ruins of ancient civilizations, lost temples to primordials, and more.

A fleet of derelict wrecks, the remnants of that immense Astral Sea naval battle, have been lashed together and form the "Armada of Skyfall", a port of call just beyond Skyfall's color veil. A teleportation circle has been constructed aboard the Armada.

Skull Island[edit]


Skull island is a small water world, dominated by a huge vine-covered island in the shape of a skull, upon which a notorious pirate port has been founded. The port was founded by the notorious Eladrin pirate Captain "Silver-Eyes" Estrander, who now goes by the title "Goblin King". Skull island is a notorious port, friendly to the more dangerous and unruly types -- Goblins, Gnolls, and their unpleasant monstrous ilk.

There are few laws and regulations on Skull Island, and murder, mayhem, and worse are every day activities. The only rule is to stay out of the Goblin King's way, and to not interfere with his business.



This normal sized world is typical in almost every respect. It has nearly all races and species represented. Many scholars believe that this plane is the "Prime Material Plane" from which all the creatures in the Astral Sea originated.

The civilizations on Earth are almost archetypical. There are several continents, many of which have elven forests, dwarven mountains, and lizardfolk in the swamps. Most of the civilization is thoroughly based in the heroic tier, but there are a handful of paragon heroes, and even a few living epic legends.

Because of Earth's special history, the Varian Confederation has placed it under their protection. Varian agents keep a close eye on this plane, neutralizing dangerous spellcasters when they arise to threaten the peace of the plane, and interdicting when another planar civilization attempts to interfere with Earth's natural progression.

Special Rules[edit]


The Astral Sea is obviously a little different than the one described in the Manual of the Planes. The main difference is that it is very much more spread out (the planes are months of travel apart from one another) and the high quantity of "World" planes.

As such, magical travel is going to work differently in this game.

The Linked Portal and True Portal rituals only work to travel between points on the same World Plane or Domain Plane. They do not function in the Astral Sea beyond a range of 100 miles.

The Planar Portal ritual will only reach up to 100 miles into the Astral Sea from the edge of the color veil from the World Plane, Astral Domain, or Elemental Chaos. The Planar Portal spell will not reach between World Planes or Astral Domains. Furthermore, the Planar Portal ritual will only reach a World Plane, Astral Domain, or Elemental Chaos from within 100 miles of the corresponding color veil.

However, the Plane Shift spell, when used on a vehicle with the Navigation Focus quality, will enable a vehicle to travel up to 100 miles into the Astral Sea from the edge of the color veil from a World Plane, Astral Domain, or Elemental Chaos. Also, when used in the Astral Sea, it will instantaneously take the vehicle to the edge of the color veil of the desired plane (with some variance, depending on the corresponding Arcana skill check).


  • Bill the Bard is on the surface of Freeport, and has upset the Smuggler's Syndicate. Bill decides he'll meet his party on Cove Rock, Freeport's asteroid-sized moon. Cove Rock has a Teleportation Circle, and is within 100 miles of the edge of Freeport's color veil. Bill performs the Planar Portal ritual, using an appropriate amount of material components, and creates a portal to Cove Rock.
  • Walter the Wizard is on the surface of Freeport, aboard the V.C.S. Relentless. Rufus the Rogue has just told him that the word on the street is that the Smuggler's Syndicate is going to send some goons down to attack the party, in the hopes of drawin Bill the Bard out of hiding. Walter, assuming that the Smuggler's Syndicate is watching the Relentless, decides use the Sextant of the Planes to cast the Plane Shift ritual, rather than showing his hand by prepping the ship for launch from the dock. After spending ritual components, and rolling Arcana (he scored a 24), the Relentless vanishes in a rainbow flash, appearing instantly in the Astral Sea. The course Walter had set was for Cove Rock (which was within 100 miles of Freeport's color veil), but a 24 on his skill check means he arrived 50 miles off course. After determining their position, Walter and his crew hoist the sails and sail for Cove Rock. At an overland flight speed 15 squares (15 miles per hour), it will take the Relentless 3 hours and 20 minutes to reach Cove Rock.
  • After regrouping aboard the Relentless, Bill the Bard has convinced the crew to help him deliver some scrolls to Pincer's Island on Archipelego. Walter the Wizard sets another course, expending ritual components for the Plane Shift ritual, and rolls a 30 on his Arcana check. The Relentless vanishes in another streak of rainbow light, and appears just 10 miles from Pincer Island's color veil, corresponding to the point directly "above" Pincer's Island. Not wanting to spend more ritual components, Walter decides to fly the Relentless down through the color veil. After under an hour, the Relentless pierces the color veil and then begins to fly the 5 mile journey down from the edge of the color veil to the watery surface of Archipelego.

Siege Weapons[edit]

Many ships and fortified positions possess siege weapons. For instance, the Relentless possesses a single light catapult on its forecastle deck.



Light Catapults are a ranged weapon with the following characteristics:

  • Proficiency: +0
  • Damage: 2d10
  • Range: 20/40 (Minimum range is 10 squares)
  • Price: 300 gp
  • Weight: 300 pounds (Can be fired from a stationary position)
  • Group: Siege Weapon
  • Properties: Load (2 standard actions -- other characters can help)

Light Catapults use the following ammunition.

  • Boulders (20) (10 gp, 300 lbs)

Other advanced ammunition is available.

  • Alchemist's Fire (1) (700 gp, 15 lbs) (+14 vs. Reflex, Area Burst 1, 6d6 fire damage, 1/2 on a miss)

Party Members[edit]

Chaedi Aeriel Ausilia[edit]

(Elf, Avenger, Unaligned)

The graceful but taciturn elf woman's lack of emotion belies the intensity within her soul. A simple temple guard in a backwater elf domain, her life was changed forever when the Illithid Empire set its sights on conquering her people. After seeing the Illithids defeat and capture the goddess of her temple, Chaedi decided not to throw her life away in a pointless fight and volunteered as a willing thrall of the Illithids. In an unholy experiment, they implanted in her a fragment of the divinity of her goddess, turning her into a living weapon. As an assassin, she hunted down and slaughtered hundreds of her master's enemies, the followers of her deity.

Chaedi began to be plagued by terrifying dreams sent by her goddess that increased her power even as it robbed her of the will to serve her evil masters. Perhaps sensing this, the Illithids began to send her on harder and harder missions in the hopes of removing the threat, but this only honed her skills. At last, during a hunt across the Astral Sea for the last priest of her order, she broke free from the influence of her masters. Sparing her target for the first and only time, she declared a vendetta against the Illithid and began to hunt them down without mercy.

She hopes that by destroying those that ordered her to destroy, she can find redemption for the blood on her hands.


(Eladrin, Wizard, Unaligned)

Samhain grew up between freeport and skull island on any ship that he could hitch/sneak a ride. When he was old enough to be a cabin boy, he found his home on ship The Flying Hydra. Captain "kid" (a halfing pirate) ran a tight ship with a misfit crew of degenerates and criminals.

The captain one day handed Samhain a book and told him "Knowledge is the ultimate power in the whole astral sea." Little did he know that he just handed Samhain a recently dead wizard's spellbook and little did Samhain know that his true share went back into the captain's pocket.

So Samhain studied, hard, for over the next few years. Being labeled a rogue arcanist helped him move up the ranks to become the captain's right-hand man.

That is about when their piracy got noticed by The Varian Confederation. It wasn't the raiding of small communities, the plundering of local ships, or even housing lesser criminals that got their attention. It was Raiding a Confederation ship and holding it's captain ransom ( The ship was The S.S. Armageddon, one of the largest Varian battle ships they have. The captain, who is still alive, is the Notorious Capt. Franicis "Bulldog" Valleymen). The Varian Confederation blew the Flying Hydra out of the astral sea and into the bowels of pandemonium. Very few crew members survived the attack and Captain Kid betrayed his own crew to flee.

Samhain was blamed for putting the Varian Confederation in harms way (as they snuck out of Hegemony territory) and they gave him a one way ticket express trip to Carceri (no trial and no paper trial).

Edwin Cocalas

Edwin Cocalas[edit]

(Human, Sorcerer, Unaligned)

A strong-willed man of innate arcane power, Edwin Cocalas clawed his way up from a bastard's nothing in the coldest remotes of Earth to command the largest independent merchant pirate fleet in Earth's history. His service in the Dark War on the side of the First Empire of Man made him a widely recognized hero, a magnet for the disaffected in the aftermath of the Emperor's assassination. His fleet grew as he traded and raided throughout the splintered Empire, while keeping the other Powers from gobbling it up. He earned a reputation for single-minded ruthlessness toward his enemies and generous unconcern for his allies as he played the game of power along the coasts of Earth.

This path to power culminated in an all-out invasion of the former Empire. Edwin Cocalas' arcane power swept the mundane armies from before his devoted mob in a blitzkrieg that left him in complete control of a large chunk of the Imperial lands. He was preparing to press his advantage to subsume the continent when agents of the Varian Confederation appeared and whisked him away to prevent what they saw as a catastrophic destabilization of Earth's natural progression. They intended to banish the sorcerer to Carceri, but once again Edwin rose up against his intended fate.

With his new ship and allies, Edwin Cocalas intends to replicate his heroic accomplishments writ large on the canvas of the Astral Sea.

Ronaldo Summerfall[edit]

(Half-Elf, Bard, Unaligned)
(alias Ronaldo the Shiv, Ronaldo Silvertongue, Lord Summerfall, Ronny "Two Tone", The Ambassador, etc.)

Ronaldo Summerfall never knew his parents, only the orphanage where he grew up. Shortly after he learned to talk he was swindling everyone he met, from the teachers to his classmates. It was not long before he had a reputation for being able to talk anyone into anything, and it did not take the Varian Confederation long to recognize this. They saw him as the perfect tool to bend nations to their will, and that he did. Summerfall resolved countless conflicts for the Confederation, though many of the higher ranking officials began to doubt his abilities. Many even began to consider that all of his work had been an elaborate scam, that several of the conflicts he halped resolve had been aranged by Summerfall himself. Still, his results spoke volumes, and they gave him a ship, along with orders to patrol the Astral Sea, and several spies in his patrol.

As it turns out, the Confederation's concerns were well founded, as Summerfall's true motives soon became clear. A short sending message was the only warning they received, with just enough time to divert a patrol to stop him. Confederation agents stormed Summerfall's ship as he was signing over two "worlds" to the Illithid Empire, in return for an alleged "peace" between the two parties. The Illithids involved in the illegal treaty were all slaughtered, and Summerfall was taken into custody.

Since Ronaldo Summerfall's deception was discovered, he has been connected to dozens of other crimes. He is currently recognized as one of the most notorious con men of his day, and has been sentenced to life imprisonment. There are some who believe that this sentence will not stop him from furthering his sinister plans.

Leonan Scrat[edit]

(Shifter, Warder, Unaligned)

Born bearing the spirit marks of his chieftain ancestors, Leonan was destined to become the leader and champion of his tribe. Leonan channeled the spirits in defense of his Shifter tribe against any and all threats that came anywhere near his island chain on Archipelego. Chief Leonan slayed the great behemoth from the depths, defeated the dangerous shark men of the east, and forced the Thunder Storm spirit to bow before him.

Then came the strangers. A small ship landed on Leonan’s island home. It was one of the sleeker, faster ships he’d only heard stories off, something called a spelljammer. It carried a motley crew of many races he’d never seen before. They requested refuge, saying they’d ran out of supplies on a long journey and would be on their way within a few days, if they could be given a safe harbor. Having no prior relations with these types of men, but sensing a certain primal kinship with these Freebooters, Leonan welcomed them with open arms.

Later that evening, another ship approached the island, though this one wrapped in a strange aura of foreboding. The ship breached the shoreline, and waves of men came pouring out from it, though of mixed races, they all wore the same uniform. Thinking this some kind of assault against the tribe, Leonan mustered the men of the tribe and led them in an attempt to repel the invaders. The invaders commanded powerful spirits and fought with disciplined skill. Even with the help of his own Freebooter allies, Leonan and his braves were defeated.

Leonan was dragged in chains before the chief of the invaders, "Captain Elliot Sandhearst" and was found guilty of crimes against the Confederation, including but not limited to "Treason, Espionage, Piracy, and Disrupting the Natural Order." Leonan's people were, one by one, forced to renounce their beloved chief. Those who defied Captain Sandhearst were put to death. Leonan begged his people to renounce him, so that they would live on, but many did not.

Leonan himself was sentenced to eternal imprisonment, and placed aboard the prison ship for transport to Carceri.

William Cash[edit]

(Human, Fighter, Unaligned)
(alias Iron Bill)

William Cash was born to a poor earth family. He was the fifth son of the family. The youngest. And the others never let him forget it. At nights William used to look into the sky and dream of being among the stars. When William was about 15 his parents decided to move the family out of the squalor they lived in for so long and move to the country to farm. All his brothers supported their decision. But William decided that this was not the life for him. One night, men came down from the stars, and William took the opportunity to run away.

William stowed away aboard the Spelljammer to Freeport. Once there he thrived on the motion of the city. He learned to adapt to any situation and move with the flow of people, causing just enough disturbance for himself to profit from. But again William became restless. He longed for a life of adventure.

He decided that the quickest way to that life was to serve with the Varian Confederation.

He and another street rat (Elliot) quickly climbed the ranks, becoming fast rivals and eventually were put in charge of their own Spelljammers. William was notorious for breaking the rules. In his world, the ends justify the means. He was ready to break out. William went back to Freeport and gave his men leave for a few days. When they returned the ship was gone. William had rounded up all the scoundrels that felt as he did and set off.

The life was lucrative, until his old friend Elliot was given orders to deal with a menace. A pirate named "Iron Bill". Apparently he recieved the name because nobody had ever seen him bleed. "Prove them wrong" was all the captain was told. Elliot caught up with William on the Archipelego, where William was repairing his ship and enjoying the hospitality of a tribe of noble island savages. The rest, as they say, is history.

As William was transferred from Elliot's ship onto the prison ship Relentless in shackles, he gazed at the stars. Vowing to not die in captivity, but in the skies . . . .

Plot Synopsis[edit]


Current Job[edit]

(Session 10)

-Go to a water temple and jump the claim of arcanologists working there.

-Acquire a reverse synchronized actuator from the ancient water-filled tomb.


Rations: 1800 man/days (as of Session 10 10:00)

Residdum (Jumps): 1000 R (2 J) (as of Session 10 11:00)

Party Gold: 14,485 GP (as of Session 10 12:00)

Total Ship's Complement (Rations per day): 16+Hg (20) (as of Session 10 10:00)

(Breakdown: Party- 5; Human Crew (1gp/day)- 6 (Mr. Christian, Horatio + 4); Dwarven Marines (5gp/day)- 5 (Hamshanks, Ironsides, Woodtop, Rustarms, Sven); Animals - Hippogriff (Large) Passengers - 0 of 10)

Tonnage: 38 free, 2 provisions.

Session 1[edit]


The heroes set course for Freeport. With starvation closing in on them, they barely make it to Cove Rock. There they find a mysterious young dwarf in search of the missing clan Forgeship. Taking on his quest as their own, the Freebooters provision the Relentless and hire a crew of barely competent, but eager, men. Then they set sail for Earth. Using the ship's Navigation Focus, they travel in an instant to Earth, and then set course for the last known location of the Forgeship.

Upon arriving, they find that the Forgeship appears to be a drifting, lifeless hulk. Investigating further, they find signs of a struggle between the dwarves and some sort of fey enemy. Not being easily dissuaded, the heroes decide to investigate further.

Session 2[edit]


Exploring the interior of the Forgeship, the Freebooters discover something horrible. Banshrae, willowy limbed, insectoid fae have infested the ship for some unknown purpose and have turned the ship into a slaughter house. The Freebooters engage in skirmish against a squad of Banshrae, and are, in the end, victorious.

The question remains, what is the purpose of the Banshrae aboard the ship?

Session 3[edit]


The fight continues, Armorantium vs. Honor, a grudge match. With the help of Samhain's friendly magic plants and disgusting maggots, the Freebooters are victorious.

Session 4[edit]


The Freebooters are faced with the choice between looting the vaults and securing the storm forge. Unexpectedly, they choose the course of Right over Profit. Edwin learns Hestin Anvilsound's name temporarily, but then the group is ambushed somehow. Beating back their opponents, they encounter Otto the Automaton, who threatens or warns them in a cliffhanger ending!

Session 5[edit]


The Freebooters successfully recruit the deactivated Otto as their new ship's chef. During a long interlude where Edwin becomes increasingly annoying, Hestin discovers that the other dwarf miners fled to Earth. Fancy flying allows the group to evade the Varian patrols and land on Earth, where they immediately find a whorehouse.

Session 6[edit]


Edwin cleverly beds the Whore Queen for no reason, since they already got all the information they need. Then the Freebooters set out into the wilderness with limited supplies, looking for Clues from isolated monastics. Along the way they discover a brutal local conflict raging between two rival groups of goblins, and become entangled in a swarming army of ambushers. The mages watch from their two towers as the fighters engage their foe.

Session 7[edit]


The swarms dispersed, inept hunting occurs. Ronaldo encounters Gnoll Sex Witches and Gnome Crones, to mixed results. Finally the Freebooters emerge on a snowy plain in front of a Dwarven Citadel, where swarms of goblins are assaulting the dwarf miners trapped within. A fight occurs.

Session 8[edit]


Our Heroes, led by the glib Ronaldo, had journeyed far and long in the treacherous human wilds. Danger nipping at their heels and time running out, they pursued the fleeing dwarves over hill and dale. Arriving at a grand hall, left by ancient dwarves from a different time in Earth's history, the paragons of adventure were thrust into an epic battle between armies of goblins and the refugee dwarves. Though they were grossly outnumbered, the mighty band of adventurers cut through the goblin ranks like a hot knife through butter...

Hestin, torn between Chaedi's urging to caution and Edwin's brash enthusiasm, finds the true courage within himself to run away as the Freebooters press through the Great Hall of the Citadel in a marathon battle. Edwin climbs a statue, accomplishing very little of consequence, and Chaedi gets captured in a moment of inattention. The Goblin King threatens to kill her if the Freebooters do not surrender, but the other goblin horde approaches and everybody is caught in-between!

Session 9[edit]


Chaedi fell in combat, kidnapped by cunning bugbear ambushers, and now our heroes have a choice to make: to negotiate with the goblins or to free their ally through force. It was there that we left them...

Edwin attempts diplomacy, but fails to impress. The goblin king thinks he recognizes the ineptly glib sorcerer from his days as a warlord. Ronaldo saves the day, and the goblin surrenders. Hestin rejoins his people and the group is finally promised payment. The Freebooters leave by a secret passage to find the commander of the opposing side, Chaedi vowing to kill him. After fighting their way through the cunning goblin war machines, the freebooters find themselves facing Clanlord Grunshlar himself. But, before Chaedi can kill him, Edwin Cocalas is recognized by his former subordinate and is able to convince him to allow the dwarf miners safe passage out for the head of the other goblin, the run of the Citadel, and old time's sake. Chaedi is not pleased.

Session 10[edit]


A drinking contest goes horribly awry as Edwin comes to terms with his misplaced popularity and Chaedi's dislike. Mercury the Hippogriff joins the group as Edwin's loyal companion. The Freebooters resupply at the Stormforge and then set off to Skyfall to find work. At the Armada, an odd halfling provides cheese and leads. On the surface, the Freebooters encounter a gnome. He sells them a map to a temple of a forgotten water god, and the group departs to steal the find from the arcanologists who discovered it. Or will they?

Session 11[edit]


The freebooters beat a hasty retreat from docking fee negotiations after Abdul mentions the presence of inquisitive Varians. Approaching the Temple, they encounter a halfling named Shades, a confederate of Ronaldo, who offers his services as a guide and equal partner in the freebooters' quest to bilk the arcanologists. Descending into the dank temple, they are almost immediately ambushed by cultists. Using the winding entrance maze to their advantage, the cultist archers shoot poison arrows from concealment as the freebooters split up to chase them down. Edwin Cocalas is hampered by his claustrophobia, but with some helpful advice from Shades and clever tactical maneuvering, he is able to bring the full force of his deadly lightning to bear. The cultists defeated, Shades tells an anachronistic joke.

Session 12[edit]


Continuing through the water temple, the group is split up crossing a dank pool and ambushed by a pod of cultists, led by an Abomination of Leviathan. Fortunately for the rest of the freebooters, the enemies all focus on trying to daze Edwin Cocalas. Although successful, even this foul trick is turned against them as Edwin's tactical swoon allows Ronaldo and Chaedi to mercilessly hammer the Abomination more easily! After yet another archer is ruthlessly hunted down in the maze, the freebooters move on to a chamber mostly submerged in inky worm goo. From the depths appears the Serpent Queen and battle is joined. As the freebooters maneuver with agility throughout the room, the multicephalous monstrosity lurks beneath the poisonous muck! Will the gang be able to overcome this nightmare, or will they become it?

Session 13[edit]


The Serpent Queen dies. A Rotating Maze Room occurs. Peril in equal measure for everybody. Cliffhanger.

Session 14[edit]

Heathcliff was a waif taken in by Mr. Earnshaw and his household. He grows bitter as he grows older falling in love with and losing Catherine. He seeks to destroy Hindley and Edgar Linton blaming them for losing Catherine. He believe that Hindley caused his loss of Catherine by degrading him. Through her marriage to Edgar Linton, Catherine becomes introduced to a world of materialism. She dies and her death fuels Heathcliff’s rage against Hindley and Edgar. However, soon after, Hindley also dies and the Earnshaw estate and Hareton fall into the hands of Heathcliff. Later, Heathcliff wins the custody of his son, Linton. He forces Cathy to marry Linton and plans to steal the Grange from Edgar through Linton. Both Linton and Edgar dies and the Grange goes to Heathcliff who now owns both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff marries Hareton to Cathy trying to make Hareton fit his image. Cathy is loving to Hareton and when Heathcliff dies, both Thrushcross Grange and Wuthering Heights go to them.

Notable NPCs[edit]

Gordon von Haufenstein[edit]


An old retired Varian Captain with a shady past, Gordon is now the owner and operator of the Cove Rock Tavern and Inn, fine dining and accomodation for the most discerning of tastes. Apparently, he helped Ronaldo out in the past, and feels that Ronaldo owes him a favor. Gordon is torn between his lingering loyalties to the Varian Confederation and his own natural friendship toward the Freebooters of Cove Rock.

Hestin Anvilsound[edit]


Scion of the Anvilsound clan, and heir apparent to the throne of the Anvilsound Forgeship, this young dwarf has had his studies at the Institute cut short. Word of a sickness in the family has forced him to seek out his missing Forgeship and reunite with his clanmates. Unfortunately, it seems, things are not working out well for Hestin.

Mr. Christian[edit]


With some training in navigation and piloting (Arcana), Mr. Christian is the natural choice for "Officer" among the NPC crewmembers of the Relentless. However, his personal competency is likely not up to the dangerous situations in which he'll find himself aboard a Freebooter vessel.

The Banshrae[edit]


Mysterious and inhuman fey who travel the Astral Sea. They are known for their cruel inhuman curiosity, their industrious magical craftsmanship, and their alien mindset. The Banshrae first encountered the Freebooters aboard the Anvilsound Forgeship, in the Astral Sea near Earth.



They have black eels living inside them.