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===The Martial Order===
===The Martial Order===
Unlike the other orders, the martial order has no spells to speak of. Instead, training in the martial order grants you access to special merits called 'techniques'. These special merits function fundamentally the same as any other merit, however, they cost slightly more at new dots x 3. The list of maneuvers is as follows.
Unlike the other orders, the martial order has no spells to speak of. Instead, training in the martial order grants you access to special merits called 'techniques'. These special merits function fundamentally the same as any other merit, however, they cost slightly more at new dots x 3. The list of techniques are as follows.
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffff99"><p ALIGN="CENTER"><strong>Name</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffff99"><p ALIGN="CENTER"><strong>Effect</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffff99"><p ALIGN="CENTER"><strong>Cost</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Arced Strike</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Ranged attacks can arc around corners  or walls</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Armored Hulk</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Gain 1 damage absorption while wearing  heavy armor</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Call Weapon</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Call a dropped or lost weapon into your  hand instantly</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Cleave</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Grants an extra attack after felling an  opponent</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Great Cleave</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Extra attack deals aggravated damage</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Deadly Strikes</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Makes your brawl attacks deal lethal  damage</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Precise Blow</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Grants damage bonus to unarmed attacks</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">● to  ●●●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Stunning Fist</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Initiates an attack which may stun the  target</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Deflect Arrows</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Negate one arrow or bolt attack</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Dodge</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Gain +1 defense against a chosen  opponent</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Double Edge</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Take stamina score in lethal and deal  the same as aggravated</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" HEIGHT="1" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Energy Weapon</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Manifests a weapon of pure energy into  your hands</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Flying Kick</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Deliver a deadly flying kick as part of  a charge</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Improvised Weapons Master</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Additional benefits when using  improvised weapons</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Longshot</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Increases chosen weapon's range by 1.5x</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Master Grappler</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Perform two maneuvers in a grapple at  once</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Mighty Blow</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Trades successes on an attack roll to  push the enemy back</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Phasic Weapon</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Initiates an attack that bypasses armor</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Rage</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Fly into a deadly rage gaining various  combat bonuses</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Mighty Rage</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Improves the rage ability</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Second wind</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Heal lethal damage equal to stamina  score once per day</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Sunder</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Attacks on weapons/armor bypass  durability</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Sweeping Blow</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Initiates an attack that may knock  opponent prone</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Opportune Strike</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Gain free attack when knocking an  opponent prone</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Thief</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Gain a +1 on Larceny and Stealth skill</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Secret Blade</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Attacking with concealed weapon deals  extra damage</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Surprise Attack</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Attacks from behind or on unaware  subjects gain 3 damage</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Throw Weapon</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Gives chosen weapon an aerodynamic  range</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Tuned Weapon</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Weapon glows when a certain enemy is  close-by</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Favored Enemy</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Deal +1 damage when attacking a  specific enemy</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Weapon Focus</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Gives damage bonus with a specific  weapon</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">● to  ●●● </p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="RIGHT"><strong>Slay</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Allows a single attack to deal  aggravated damage</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="27%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="LEFT"><strong>Whirlwind Attack</strong></p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="54%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">Deadly attack hits all opponents within  range</p></TD>
    <TD WIDTH="19%" BGCOLOR="#ffffcc"><p ALIGN="center">●●●●</p></TD>
== Arced Strike (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When selecting this technique, choose a class of ranged weapon (bow,  spear, or otherwise) to use it with. When using the chosen weapon,  you can cause ranged attacks to arc up to 90° in mid-air. At the  expense of 1 willpower, your attacks can change angle up to 360° in  mid-flight.</p>
== Armored Hulk (●●●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  While wearing size 3 or higher armor, gain 1 lethal damage  absorption from physical attacks. 2  bashing damage equals 1 lethal for this purpose. This ability is ineffective against  aggravated damage and ceases to function if you are unaware of the attack</p>
== Call Weapon (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When taking this merit you can mark one chosen weapon. With that  weapon, you can call it back into your hands from any location as an  instant action. You can only mark one weapon at a time, and you can  change the marked weapon once per day.</p>
== Cleave (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  After successfully slaying or rending an opponent unconscious in  combat, you gain a free instant action which may be dedicated to  making an immediate melee attack against the nearest available  target.</p>
== Great Cleave (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Cleave</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When gaining an extra attack from cleave, convert all damage rolled  during the attack to aggravated damage.</p>
== Deadly Strikes (●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When fighting unarmed, you may treat your brawl attacks as lethal instead of bashing.</SPAN></p>
== Double Edge (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  While making a melee or ranged attack, you can choose to take an  amount of </p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT">lethal  damage equal to your stamina score, and deal the same amount of  aggravated damage to the your opponent. You may only perform this  technique a number of times per day equal to your stamina.</p>
== Energy Weapon (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When choosing this technique you gain the ability to summon a single  elemental weapon. The weapon itself mimics any other standard weapon,  selected when this technique is taken. However, the weapon can also  be summoned as a free action on your turn. When the weapon is  'dormant' it is considered fully concealed and impossible to see.  When summoned, the weapon glows brightly casting dim illumination  around in a 10 yard radius. Bows and crossbows form their own ammo,  and thrown weapons appear back in the owners hands at the beginning  of their next turn. This technique can be taken multiple times, each  time applying itself to a new form of energy weapon.</p>
== Flying Kick (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When charging and making a brawl attack in the same round, treat the  attack as having the 8 again trait. This technique can only deal  bashing damage.</SPAN></p>
== Improvised Weapons Master (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When using improvised objects as a weapon, you gain a +2 bonus on  damage rolls. Improvised weapons come in a variety of forms, for a  final rule on what designates an improvised weapon, defer to the  storyteller. Note: Most improvised weapons have a damage bonus equal  to their size.</SPAN></p>
== Longshot (●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When selecting this technique, choose a class of ranged weapon (bow,  spear, or otherwise) to use it with. When using the chosen weapon,  increase its range by 1.5x the original amount.</SPAN></p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"><br>
== Sunder (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When striking an opponent's weapon or armor, your attacks can bypass  up to 5 points of durability per hit.</SPAN></p>
== Sweeping Blow (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  On your turn, you may attempt to trip your opponent instead of  damaging them </SPAN> </p>
<p LANG="en-US" ALIGN="LEFT">directly.  Your target must succeed on a dexterity + athletics check VS your  melee attack pool – the target's defense. If you meet or beat your  opponent's roll, they fall to the ground prone.</p>
== Opportune Strike (●●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Sweeping  Blow</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When you force your opponent to fall prone via sweeping blow, you  gain an immediate free melee attack against them.</SPAN></p>
== Thief (●●) ==
<p LANG="en-US" ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When selecting this technique, you gain a permanent +1 to your  stealth and larceny skills.</p>
== Secret Blade (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Quick  Draw, Thief</p>
<p LANG="en-US" ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When drawing and attacking with a concealed weapon in the same round,  that attack bypasses all defense and receives the 8 again trait.</p>
== Surprise Attack (●●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Thief</p>
<p LANG="en-US" ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  Whenever you initiate a melee or ranged attack from behind, on a surprised  opponent, or on an unaware opponent, you automatically deal 3 lethal damage in addition to your normal attack, you must gain at least 1 success on your normal attack to gain this damage bonus.</p>
== Throw Weapon (●) ==
<p LANG="en-US" ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  With this technique you can throw any melee weapon at no penalty, in  addition, when calculating the range of the weapon, treat it as an  aerodynamic object.</p>
== Precise Blow (●  to ●●●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Deadly  Strikes</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  Each dot invested in this technique increases your brawl damage by 1  lethal or 1 bashing. This damage bonus doesn't stack  with any weapons used as part of a brawl attack.</p>
== Stunning Fist (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Deadly  Strikes</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  Once per encounter, you may attempt to stun your target with a  unarmed strike in addition to dealing damage. To perform this  technique, you must first make a standard brawl attack against the  intended target, defense and armor apply normally. If you deal  damage, the target must make a stamina + composure check VS the  amount of damage dealt. If the target fails to beat the amount of  damage dealt with their roll, they are stunned for 1 round.</p>
== Deflect Arrows (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Dexterity  ●●●●</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  As a reflexive instant action you may attempt to avoid a single  ranged arrow or bolt attack per round. You must make a brawl +  dexterity + athletics roll VS the incoming ranged attack pool. If you  meet or beat the attacker's roll, you completely deflect the oncoming  attack. Performing this maneuver denies you your defense until the end of your next turn.</p>
== Dodge (●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  During your action, you designate an opponent and  receive a +1 defense against attacks from that opponent. You can  select a new opponent on any action. You can only apply your dodge  bonus to a target you are aware of.</p>
== Master Grappler (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When preforming a grappling maneuver, you can perform an extra  maneuver immediately after the first. You cannot, however, perform  two of the same maneuver (such as damage an opponent twice). </SPAN> </p>
== Mighty Blow (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When making an attack, you can trade successes gained to push your  opponent back. For each success gained on your attack, you push your  opponent back 1 yard. When knocking your opponent beyond 3 yards they  must succeed on a dexterity + athletics check or be knocked prone.</SPAN></p>
== Phasic Weapon (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  At the expense of 1 willpower, your weapon gains the ability to  bypass all armor for 3 consecutive rounds.</SPAN></p>
== Rage (●●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  Once per scene, you can fly into a rage for a number of rounds equal  to your stamina + composure. While raging you suffer a -2 penalty to  defense and gain a +2 bonus to your strength and stamina. After the  rage ends, you are physically exhausted and move at half your speed  and suffer a -1 to strength for the remaining duration of the  encounter.</SPAN></p>
== Mighty Rage (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Rage</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When you fly into a rage, you now gain a +4 to your strength and  stamina instead of a +2. You still suffer the same defense penalty  and become fatigued after the rage ends.</SPAN></p>
== Second Wind (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  Once per day, you can channel your own strength into healing any  injuries you may have suffered. You may heal a number of lethal  points of damage equal to your unmodified stamina score. You may also  heal 2 bashing in place of 1 lethal, or heal 1 aggravated wound per 2  lethal.</SPAN></p>
== Tuned Weapon (●) ==
<p LANG="en-US" ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Effect</strong>:  When selecting this technique, choose a type of enemy (Ghosts,  vampires, werewolves, ...etc) When that enemy comes within 500 yards  of your location, your weapon glows a chosen color. This merit can be  taken multiple times, each time it applies to a new type of enemy.</p>
== Favored Enemy (●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Tuned  Weapon</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When attacking an enemy type chosen as the focus of your tuned weapon  technique, you gain a +1 damage pool bonus when fighting them. This  technique applies against all chosen enemies associated with the  tuned weapon technique.</SPAN></p>
== Weapon Focus (●  to ●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  When selecting this technique, choose a type of weapon to use it  with. When using the chosen weapon, you gain bonus damage equal to  the amount of dots invested in this technique. The type of damage  added to the attack is native to the weapon chosen, be it lethal or  bashing.</SPAN></p>
== Slay (●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <strong>Prerequisite: </strong>Weapon  Focus</p>
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  At the expense of 1 willpower, you can cause one attack to deal  aggravated damage once per scene. The attack must be initiated with a  weapon affected by the weapon focus technique.</SPAN></p>
== Whirlwind Attack (●●●●) ==
<p ALIGN="LEFT"> <SPAN LANG="en-US"><strong>Effect</strong></SPAN><SPAN LANG="en-US">:  Once per encounter, you can initiate this technique to quickly strike  all opponents within melee range. Each attack is rolled separately, dealing 2 dice less damage on each attack after the first. Armor and defense apply normally. Executing this technique leaves you  vulnerable, causing you to lose your defense bonus until the  beginning of your next turn.</SPAN><br><br>

Latest revision as of 02:33, 28 November 2010

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The Martial Order[edit]

Unlike the other orders, the martial order has no spells to speak of. Instead, training in the martial order grants you access to special merits called 'techniques'. These special merits function fundamentally the same as any other merit, however, they cost slightly more at new dots x 3. The list of techniques are as follows.




Arced Strike

Ranged attacks can arc around corners or walls


Armored Hulk

Gain 1 damage absorption while wearing heavy armor


Call Weapon

Call a dropped or lost weapon into your hand instantly



Grants an extra attack after felling an opponent


Great Cleave

Extra attack deals aggravated damage


Deadly Strikes

Makes your brawl attacks deal lethal damage

Precise Blow

Grants damage bonus to unarmed attacks

● to ●●●●●

Stunning Fist

Initiates an attack which may stun the target


Deflect Arrows

Negate one arrow or bolt attack



Gain +1 defense against a chosen opponent

Double Edge

Take stamina score in lethal and deal the same as aggravated


Energy Weapon

Manifests a weapon of pure energy into your hands


Flying Kick

Deliver a deadly flying kick as part of a charge


Improvised Weapons Master

Additional benefits when using improvised weapons



Increases chosen weapon's range by 1.5x

Master Grappler

Perform two maneuvers in a grapple at once


Mighty Blow

Trades successes on an attack roll to push the enemy back


Phasic Weapon

Initiates an attack that bypasses armor



Fly into a deadly rage gaining various combat bonuses


Mighty Rage

Improves the rage ability


Second wind

Heal lethal damage equal to stamina score once per day



Attacks on weapons/armor bypass durability


Sweeping Blow

Initiates an attack that may knock opponent prone


Opportune Strike

Gain free attack when knocking an opponent prone



Gain a +1 on Larceny and Stealth skill


Secret Blade

Attacking with concealed weapon deals extra damage


Surprise Attack

Attacks from behind or on unaware subjects gain 3 damage


Throw Weapon

Gives chosen weapon an aerodynamic range

Tuned Weapon

Weapon glows when a certain enemy is close-by

Favored Enemy

Deal +1 damage when attacking a specific enemy


Weapon Focus

Gives damage bonus with a specific weapon

● to ●●●


Allows a single attack to deal aggravated damage


Whirlwind Attack

Deadly attack hits all opponents within range


Arced Strike (●●●)[edit]

Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a class of ranged weapon (bow, spear, or otherwise) to use it with. When using the chosen weapon, you can cause ranged attacks to arc up to 90° in mid-air. At the expense of 1 willpower, your attacks can change angle up to 360° in mid-flight.

Armored Hulk (●●●●●)[edit]

Effect: While wearing size 3 or higher armor, gain 1 lethal damage absorption from physical attacks. 2 bashing damage equals 1 lethal for this purpose. This ability is ineffective against aggravated damage and ceases to function if you are unaware of the attack

Call Weapon (●●)[edit]

Effect: When taking this merit you can mark one chosen weapon. With that weapon, you can call it back into your hands from any location as an instant action. You can only mark one weapon at a time, and you can change the marked weapon once per day.

Cleave (●●)[edit]

Effect: After successfully slaying or rending an opponent unconscious in combat, you gain a free instant action which may be dedicated to making an immediate melee attack against the nearest available target.

Great Cleave (●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Cleave

Effect: When gaining an extra attack from cleave, convert all damage rolled during the attack to aggravated damage.

Deadly Strikes (●)[edit]

Effect: When fighting unarmed, you may treat your brawl attacks as lethal instead of bashing.

Double Edge (●●●)[edit]

Effect: While making a melee or ranged attack, you can choose to take an amount of

lethal damage equal to your stamina score, and deal the same amount of aggravated damage to the your opponent. You may only perform this technique a number of times per day equal to your stamina.

Energy Weapon (●●)[edit]

Effect: When choosing this technique you gain the ability to summon a single elemental weapon. The weapon itself mimics any other standard weapon, selected when this technique is taken. However, the weapon can also be summoned as a free action on your turn. When the weapon is 'dormant' it is considered fully concealed and impossible to see. When summoned, the weapon glows brightly casting dim illumination around in a 10 yard radius. Bows and crossbows form their own ammo, and thrown weapons appear back in the owners hands at the beginning of their next turn. This technique can be taken multiple times, each time applying itself to a new form of energy weapon.

Flying Kick (●●●)[edit]

Effect: When charging and making a brawl attack in the same round, treat the attack as having the 8 again trait. This technique can only deal bashing damage.

Improvised Weapons Master (●●)[edit]

Effect: When using improvised objects as a weapon, you gain a +2 bonus on damage rolls. Improvised weapons come in a variety of forms, for a final rule on what designates an improvised weapon, defer to the storyteller. Note: Most improvised weapons have a damage bonus equal to their size.

Longshot (●)[edit]

Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a class of ranged weapon (bow, spear, or otherwise) to use it with. When using the chosen weapon, increase its range by 1.5x the original amount.

Sunder (●●)[edit]

Effect: When striking an opponent's weapon or armor, your attacks can bypass up to 5 points of durability per hit.

Sweeping Blow (●●●)[edit]

Effect: On your turn, you may attempt to trip your opponent instead of damaging them

directly. Your target must succeed on a dexterity + athletics check VS your melee attack pool – the target's defense. If you meet or beat your opponent's roll, they fall to the ground prone.

Opportune Strike (●●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Sweeping Blow

Effect: When you force your opponent to fall prone via sweeping blow, you gain an immediate free melee attack against them.

Thief (●●)[edit]

Effect: When selecting this technique, you gain a permanent +1 to your stealth and larceny skills.

Secret Blade (●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Quick Draw, Thief

Effect: When drawing and attacking with a concealed weapon in the same round, that attack bypasses all defense and receives the 8 again trait.

Surprise Attack (●●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Thief

Effect: Whenever you initiate a melee or ranged attack from behind, on a surprised opponent, or on an unaware opponent, you automatically deal 3 lethal damage in addition to your normal attack, you must gain at least 1 success on your normal attack to gain this damage bonus.

Throw Weapon (●)[edit]

Effect: With this technique you can throw any melee weapon at no penalty, in addition, when calculating the range of the weapon, treat it as an aerodynamic object.

Precise Blow (● to ●●●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Deadly Strikes

Effect: Each dot invested in this technique increases your brawl damage by 1 lethal or 1 bashing. This damage bonus doesn't stack with any weapons used as part of a brawl attack.

Stunning Fist (●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Deadly Strikes

Effect: Once per encounter, you may attempt to stun your target with a unarmed strike in addition to dealing damage. To perform this technique, you must first make a standard brawl attack against the intended target, defense and armor apply normally. If you deal damage, the target must make a stamina + composure check VS the amount of damage dealt. If the target fails to beat the amount of damage dealt with their roll, they are stunned for 1 round.

Deflect Arrows (●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Dexterity ●●●●

Effect: As a reflexive instant action you may attempt to avoid a single ranged arrow or bolt attack per round. You must make a brawl + dexterity + athletics roll VS the incoming ranged attack pool. If you meet or beat the attacker's roll, you completely deflect the oncoming attack. Performing this maneuver denies you your defense until the end of your next turn.

Dodge (●)[edit]

Effect: During your action, you designate an opponent and receive a +1 defense against attacks from that opponent. You can select a new opponent on any action. You can only apply your dodge bonus to a target you are aware of.

Master Grappler (●●●)[edit]

Effect: When preforming a grappling maneuver, you can perform an extra maneuver immediately after the first. You cannot, however, perform two of the same maneuver (such as damage an opponent twice).

Mighty Blow (●●●)[edit]

Effect: When making an attack, you can trade successes gained to push your opponent back. For each success gained on your attack, you push your opponent back 1 yard. When knocking your opponent beyond 3 yards they must succeed on a dexterity + athletics check or be knocked prone.

Phasic Weapon (●●●)[edit]

Effect: At the expense of 1 willpower, your weapon gains the ability to bypass all armor for 3 consecutive rounds.

Rage (●●●●)[edit]

Effect: Once per scene, you can fly into a rage for a number of rounds equal to your stamina + composure. While raging you suffer a -2 penalty to defense and gain a +2 bonus to your strength and stamina. After the rage ends, you are physically exhausted and move at half your speed and suffer a -1 to strength for the remaining duration of the encounter.

Mighty Rage (●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Rage

Effect: When you fly into a rage, you now gain a +4 to your strength and stamina instead of a +2. You still suffer the same defense penalty and become fatigued after the rage ends.

Second Wind (●●●)[edit]

Effect: Once per day, you can channel your own strength into healing any injuries you may have suffered. You may heal a number of lethal points of damage equal to your unmodified stamina score. You may also heal 2 bashing in place of 1 lethal, or heal 1 aggravated wound per 2 lethal.

Tuned Weapon (●)[edit]

Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a type of enemy (Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, ...etc) When that enemy comes within 500 yards of your location, your weapon glows a chosen color. This merit can be taken multiple times, each time it applies to a new type of enemy.

Favored Enemy (●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Tuned Weapon

Effect: When attacking an enemy type chosen as the focus of your tuned weapon technique, you gain a +1 damage pool bonus when fighting them. This technique applies against all chosen enemies associated with the tuned weapon technique.

Weapon Focus (● to ●●●)[edit]

Effect: When selecting this technique, choose a type of weapon to use it with. When using the chosen weapon, you gain bonus damage equal to the amount of dots invested in this technique. The type of damage added to the attack is native to the weapon chosen, be it lethal or bashing.

Slay (●●●)[edit]

Prerequisite: Weapon Focus

Effect: At the expense of 1 willpower, you can cause one attack to deal aggravated damage once per scene. The attack must be initiated with a weapon affected by the weapon focus technique.

Whirlwind Attack (●●●●)[edit]

Effect: Once per encounter, you can initiate this technique to quickly strike all opponents within melee range. Each attack is rolled separately, dealing 2 dice less damage on each attack after the first. Armor and defense apply normally. Executing this technique leaves you vulnerable, causing you to lose your defense bonus until the beginning of your next turn.