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=Karl Saitou=
*Body 7
*Mind 3
'''Solo''' D6; '''Buddy''' D8; '''Team''' D10
*Soul 5

==Combat Values==
===Standard Combat Value===
===1d4 (+1 PP), or d8===
*Hot-Blooded Lord of Flames
*Heir Apparent
*Leading by Example

===Attack Combat Value===
==Power Sets==
Unarmed: 9
===Phoenix-Flames of the Saitou===
*Fire Control D8
*Flame Blast D10
*Fire Resistance D10
*Enhanced Reflexes D8

===Defense Combat Value===
*SFX: Nova Flame. Step up or double your Phoenix-Flames of the Saitou powers for that Scene or spend 1 pp to do both. Take second-highest rolling die of each subsequent action or reaction as physical stress.
*Unarmed 9
*SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die.
*Ranged 9
*SFX: Counterattack. As a reaction against Physical Stress, inflict Physical Stress with effect die at no PP cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1.

===Health Points===
*Limits: Extinguished. Shutdown all Phoenix-Flames of the Saitou powers vs Phoenix-flame retardant attacks and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.

===Energy Points===
===Brightly Burning Chi-Companions===
*Enhanced Durability D8
*Telepathy D8
*Force Blast D8

*SFX: Constructs. When using Brightly Burning Chi-Companions to create assets, add d6 and step up effect die by +1.
===Companion 1===
*SFX: Reactive Power. Spend 1 PP to add a Brightly Burning Chi-Companions power to another character’s dice pool before they roll a reaction. If that character takes physical stress, take d6 Mental stress.
1 240-point character
*SFX: Healing. Add Brightly Burning Chi Companions to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another’s physical stress or step back your own or another’s physical trauma by -1.

===Companion 1===
*Limit: Unexplainable Absence. Earn 1 PP if you have Brightly Burning Chi-Companions shutdown for the remainder of the Scene.
1 240-point character

===Power Flux (Fire) 5===
*Politics Expert D8
Duration 3
*Covert Expert D8
*Combat Master D10
*Tactics Master D10

*Detectable 2 (sight, spiritual and hearing)
===Shrouded in Politics===
*Chi Usage 1
*1 XP when you further the interests of the Saitou Clan.
*Must use at least 3 levels of this
*3 XP when you set up an alliance with other groups of ninjas
*10 XP when you set up a major work for the Saitou Clan, or decide to let such an opportunity slip you by due to principles.

===Combat Techniques 5===
===You’re Never Alone===
*1 XP when you first inflict physical stress on an enemy, while fighting together with a team
Detectable (Sight)
*3 XP when you defeat a foe without any team member becoming stressed out
*10 XP when you convince someone to trust the group
*Lethal Blow
*Lightning Reflexes
*Leap Attack
===Land Speed 5===
*Detectable 2 (Sight, spiritual, hearing)
*Must use at least 2 levels of this power
*Chi Usage 1
===Melee Attack (Unarmed) 4===
===Melee Defense (Unarmed) 4===
===Special Movement 5===
===Massive Damage (Betrayers)===
*Variable Intensity Regeneration (Fire) 5
*Ranged Defense (Betrayers)
**Restriction: Detectable (Spiritual)
*Energy Bonus 5
*Tough 1
*Climbing (Walls, +Natural Surfaces, +Vegetation) 3
*Intimidation (Street) 5
*Stealth (Silent Movement) 4
*Languages (German) 1
*Interrogation (Physical) 5
*Recurring Nightmares (Horrible Training)-1
*Recurring Nightmares (his little sister, Fuuka, starting to date) -1
*Easily Distracted (excellent food made by his family) -2
*Easily Distracted (overprotective of his little sister, Fuuka) -2
*Significant Other (his favorite little sister, Fuuka) -1
*Blind Fury (his little sister getting seriously hurt) -2
*Nemesis (his little brother, who is trying to match/beat him in a fight) -1
==Companion #1 (Blaue Sonne)==
*Body 5
*Mind 3
*Soul 4
===Combat Values===
=====Standard Combat Value=====
=====Attack Combat Value=====
Ranged: 8
=====Defense Combat Value=====
=====Health Points=====
=====Energy Points=====
====Healing 4====
====Weapon 4====
*Penetrating 4
*Piercing 4
*Drain (Soul) 3
*Autofire 3
*Undetectable 3
*Ranged Variable 3 (1-200m, 201-500m, 501-1 000m)
*Chi Usage 1
*Has to use at least 2 levels of this Attribute
====Combat Techniques 4====
*Far Shot
*Dead Eye
*Precise Aim
*Steady Hand
====Flight 3====
====Energy Bonus 4====
====Tough 4====
====Ranged Attack (Betrayers) 4====
====Features 1====
*Eidetic Memory
==Companion #2==
*Body 3
*Mind 5
*Soul 4
===Combat Values===
====Standard Combat Value====
====Attack Combat Value====
====Defense Combat Value====
====Health Points====
====Energy Points====
====Healing 4====
====Force Field 4====
*Area 6
*Range 3
*Chi Usage 1
====Special Movement====
*Zen Direction
====Telekinesis 4====
*1 000 kg
====Telepathy 4====
*Range 4
====Power Flux (Fire) 4====
====Extra Arms (Telekinessis)====
====Heightened Awareness 2====

Latest revision as of 02:58, 9 December 2012

Karl Saitou[edit]


Solo D6; Buddy D8; Team D10


1d4 (+1 PP), or d8[edit]

  • Hot-Blooded Lord of Flames
  • Heir Apparent
  • Leading by Example

Power Sets[edit]

Phoenix-Flames of the Saitou[edit]

  • Fire Control D8
  • Flame Blast D10
  • Fire Resistance D10
  • Enhanced Reflexes D8
  • SFX: Nova Flame. Step up or double your Phoenix-Flames of the Saitou powers for that Scene or spend 1 pp to do both. Take second-highest rolling die of each subsequent action or reaction as physical stress.
  • SFX: Area Attack. Target multiple opponents. For every additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep +1 effect die.
  • SFX: Counterattack. As a reaction against Physical Stress, inflict Physical Stress with effect die at no PP cost or spend a PP to step it up by +1.
  • Limits: Extinguished. Shutdown all Phoenix-Flames of the Saitou powers vs Phoenix-flame retardant attacks and gain 1 PP. Recover power by activating an opportunity or during a transition scene.

Brightly Burning Chi-Companions[edit]

  • Enhanced Durability D8
  • Telepathy D8
  • Force Blast D8
  • SFX: Constructs. When using Brightly Burning Chi-Companions to create assets, add d6 and step up effect die by +1.
  • SFX: Reactive Power. Spend 1 PP to add a Brightly Burning Chi-Companions power to another character’s dice pool before they roll a reaction. If that character takes physical stress, take d6 Mental stress.
  • SFX: Healing. Add Brightly Burning Chi Companions to your dice pool when helping others recover stress. Spend 1 PP to recover your own or another’s physical stress or step back your own or another’s physical trauma by -1.
  • Limit: Unexplainable Absence. Earn 1 PP if you have Brightly Burning Chi-Companions shutdown for the remainder of the Scene.


  • Politics Expert D8
  • Covert Expert D8
  • Combat Master D10
  • Tactics Master D10


Shrouded in Politics[edit]

  • 1 XP when you further the interests of the Saitou Clan.
  • 3 XP when you set up an alliance with other groups of ninjas
  • 10 XP when you set up a major work for the Saitou Clan, or decide to let such an opportunity slip you by due to principles.

You’re Never Alone[edit]

  • 1 XP when you first inflict physical stress on an enemy, while fighting together with a team
  • 3 XP when you defeat a foe without any team member becoming stressed out
  • 10 XP when you convince someone to trust the group