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Ashly Stevens
Played by: HeWhoSpeaksOfDarkness

== Appearance ==
Name: Ashly Stevens
A stunningly beautiful teenager with coal black hair that reaches just past the shoulder, snow white flawless skin, chocolate brown eyes, and blood red lips.
Race: Human
Player: HeWhoSpeaksOfDarkness

* Hight: 5'2''
=== Attributes [40]===
* weight: 110 lb
* ST 9 [-10]
* size mod: 0
* DX 9 [-20]
* Age: 16
* IQ 14 [80]
* HT 9 [-10]

== Attributes ==
=== Basic ===
* ST 9
* DX 9
* IQ 14
* HT 9
=== Derived ===
* HP 9
* HP 9
* Will 14
* Will 14
Line 25: Line 15:
* FP 9
* FP 9

* BASIC LIFT 16lbs
* Basic Lift 16
* Damage 1d-2/1d-1
** Thrown: 1d-2
** Swung: 1d-1
* BASIC MOVE: 4y/s
! None(0)
|16 lbs
! Light(1)
|32 lbs
! Medium(2)
|48 lbs
! Heavy(3)
|96 lbs
! X-Heavy(4)
|160 lbs
== Reaction Bonuses ==
Stunningly gorgeous +4
Charisma: +6
Resonant Voice Yes (this is +2 to what exactly?)
== Languages: ==
English native both.
Japanese broken both.
Gaelic broken written.

== Wealth: ==
* Basic Speed 4.5
* Basic Move 4

Comfortable: 10 pt
* Ground Move 4

=== Social Background===
* TL: 8 [0]
* Cultural Familiarities:

== Advantages: ==

Talent: Smooth Operator
+1 to Acting, Carousing Detect lies, Diplomacy, Fast Talk, Intimidation, Leadership, Panhandling, Politics, Public Speaking, Savoir faire, Sex Appeal, and Streetwise.

=== Advantages [81]===
Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16]
Charisma (6) [30]
Secret Advantage(s) worth 20 pts [10]
Smooth Operator (1) [15]
Voice [10]

== Disadvantages ==
=== Perks [0] ===
* broken Japanese and
* (written) Gaelic proficiency [0]

-5 pt Intolerance Ugly People
=== Disadvantages [-39] ===
Jealousy -10pt
* Intolerance ((ugly people)) (One group) [-5]
Lecherousness* -15 (ended up giving her both this and the Intolerance)
* Jealousy [-10]
Reluctant Killer -5
* Lecherousness (12 or less; 15 or less) [-7]
Truthfulness* -5
* Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]
(do the stars mean anything?)
* Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]
* Truthfulness (9 or less; 12 or less) [-7]

=== Quirks [-5] ===
* Believes inanimate objects have free will [-1]
* Believes powers of two ward off prying eyes [-1]
* Believes spitting out a shot of whiskey wards off gremlins [-1]
* Believes that if she's enchanted her eyes in a mirror will show it [-1]
* Verbally taunts fate before anything important [-1]

== Quirks: ==
=== Skills [43] ===
Chants or inscribes the powers of two to ward off prying eyes.
Drinks a shot of wisky then spits it out to burn away gremlins.
Checks her reflection's eyes, to see if she is enchanted.
Verbally taunts fate before anything important
Acts as if objects have will and grudges and memory (at least when others cant see her)
== Skills ==
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
!Relative Level
!Relative Level
!Other Bonus
!Other Bonuses
|  +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
|  +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Acting
|Computer Operation/TL8
| 1  
| IQ+0
| +1
| 15
|  +2 from 'Voice', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Carousing
|Driving/TL8 (Automobile)
| 2
| HT+2
| DX+0
| +1
| 12
| First Aid/8
| 0
| IQ+0
| +0
| 14
| -5 from 'Truthfulness', +2 from 'Voice', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Influence - Diplomacy
|First Aid/TL8 (Human)
| 4
| IQ/E
| IQ+2
| IQ+0
| +1
| 17
| Influence - Fast Talk
| 1 IQ+0
| +1
| 15
|  +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Influence - Fast Talk
| 1
| +1 15
| +6 from 'Charisma', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Influence - Intimidation
| 1
| IQ+0
| +1
| 15
| Influence - Savoir-Faire
| 1
| IQ+0
| +1
| 15
| Influence - Sex Appeal
| 4
| HT+3
| +1
| 13
| Influence -Streetwise
|Savoir-Faire (High Society)
| 1
| IQ+0
| +1
| 15
+1 from 'Smooth Operator'
|Sex Appeal (Human)
|  +6 from 'Appearance', +2 from 'Voice', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Leadership
| 0
| IQ-1
| +0
| 13
| +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
| Occultism
|Survival (Woodlands)
| 0
| IQ-1
| +0
| 13

===Point Summary===
Stats [40] Ads [81] Disads [-39] Quirks [-5] Skills [43] = Total [120]

{| class="wikitable"
===Hand Weapons===
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Name
! LC
! Cost
! Weight
! Swing Damage
! Reach
! Parry
! ST
! Skill
! Default
| 4
| $500
| 3
| 1d+1 cut
| 1
| 0
| 10
| Broadsword
| DX-5
! Name  
| Large Knife
! Level
| 4
! Relative Level
| $40
! Other Bonus
| 1
! Relative Leve
| 1d-3 cut
! Relative Leve
| C,1
| -1
| row 1, cell 1
| 6
| row 1, cell 2
| Knife
| row 1, cell 3
| DX-4
| row 2, cell 1
| row 2, cell 2
===Ranged Weapons===
| row 2, cell 3
{| class="wikitable" border="1"
! Name
! LC
! Damage:
! Acc
! Range
! RoF
! Shots:T(1)
! ST
! Bulk
! Rcl
! Weight
| Large Knife
| 4
| 1d-2 imp
| 0
| 7.2 / 13.5
| 1  
| T(1)
| 6
| -2  
| $40
| 1
== Armor & Possessions ==
* 1 Backpack, Frame $100 Wgt:10 Location:
* 1 Camping stove $30 Wgt:5 Location:
* 1 Cell Phone (iPhone) $350 Wgt:.25 Location:
* 1 Complete Wardrobe $1200 Wgt:20 Location:
* 1 First Aid Kit $50 Wgt:2 Location:
* 1 Flashlight, Heavy $20 Wgt:1 Location:
* 1 Flashlight, Mini (headlamp) $10 Wgt:.25 Location:
* 200 Jewelry $2000 Wgt:10 Location:
* 2 Notebook $6 Wgt:1 Location:
* 3 Pencil $1.5 Wgt:.3 Location:
* 1 Sketchbook $5 Wgt:.5 Location:
* 1 Tactical Vest (TL 8) $900 Wgt:9 Location:torso, groin
* 1 Tent, 1-Man $50 Wgt:5 Location:
* 1 Water filter $25 Wgt:1 Location:

Latest revision as of 22:52, 16 December 2009

Name: Ashly Stevens Race: Human Player: HeWhoSpeaksOfDarkness

Attributes [40][edit]

  • ST 9 [-10]
  • DX 9 [-20]
  • IQ 14 [80]
  • HT 9 [-10]
  • HP 9
  • Will 14
  • Per 14
  • FP 9
  • Basic Lift 16
  • Damage 1d-2/1d-1
  • Basic Speed 4.5
  • Basic Move 4
  • Ground Move 4

Social Background[edit]

  • TL: 8 [0]
  • Cultural Familiarities:

Advantages [81][edit]

Appearance (Very Beautiful) [16] Charisma (6) [30] Secret Advantage(s) worth 20 pts [10] Smooth Operator (1) [15] Voice [10]

Perks [0][edit]


  • broken Japanese and
  • (written) Gaelic proficiency [0]

Disadvantages [-39][edit]

  • Intolerance ((ugly people)) (One group) [-5]
  • Jealousy [-10]
  • Lecherousness (12 or less; 15 or less) [-7]
  • Overconfidence (12 or less) [-5]
  • Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]
  • Truthfulness (9 or less; 12 or less) [-7]

Quirks [-5][edit]

  • Believes inanimate objects have free will [-1]
  • Believes powers of two ward off prying eyes [-1]
  • Believes spitting out a shot of whiskey wards off gremlins [-1]
  • Believes that if she's enchanted her eyes in a mirror will show it [-1]
  • Verbally taunts fate before anything important [-1]

Skills [43][edit]

Name type Relative Level Total Points Other Bonuses
Acting IQ/A IQ+1 15 [2] +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Carousing HT/E HT+3 12 [4] +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E IQ+1 15 [2]
Diplomacy IQ/H IQ+3 17 [4] +2 from 'Voice', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A DX+0 9 [0]
Fast-Talk IQ/A IQ+1 15 [12] -5 from 'Truthfulness', +2 from 'Voice', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E IQ+0 14 [1]
Intimidation Will/A Will+1 15 [2] +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Leadership IQ/A IQ+6 20 [1] +6 from 'Charisma', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Linguistics IQ/H IQ-2 12 [1]
Literature IQ/H IQ+1 15 [8]
Occultism IQ/A IQ-1 13 [1]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) IQ/E IQ+1 15 [1] +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Sex Appeal (Human) HT/A HT+8 17 [1] +6 from 'Appearance', +2 from 'Voice', +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Streetwise IQ/A IQ+1 15 [2] +1 from 'Smooth Operator'
Survival (Woodlands) Per/A Per-1 13 [1]

Point Summary[edit]

Stats [40] Ads [81] Disads [-39] Quirks [-5] Skills [43] = Total [120]


Hand Weapons[edit]

Name LC Cost Weight Swing Damage Reach Parry ST Skill Default
Broadsword 4 $500 3 1d+1 cut 1 0 10 Broadsword DX-5
Large Knife 4 $40 1 1d-3 cut C,1 -1 6 Knife DX-4

Ranged Weapons[edit]

Name LC Damage: Acc Range RoF Shots:T(1) ST Bulk Rcl Weight
Large Knife 4 1d-2 imp 0 7.2 / 13.5 1 T(1) 6 -2 $40 1

Armor & Possessions[edit]

  • 1 Backpack, Frame $100 Wgt:10 Location:
  • 1 Camping stove $30 Wgt:5 Location:
  • 1 Cell Phone (iPhone) $350 Wgt:.25 Location:
  • 1 Complete Wardrobe $1200 Wgt:20 Location:
  • 1 First Aid Kit $50 Wgt:2 Location:
  • 1 Flashlight, Heavy $20 Wgt:1 Location:
  • 1 Flashlight, Mini (headlamp) $10 Wgt:.25 Location:
  • 200 Jewelry $2000 Wgt:10 Location:
  • 2 Notebook $6 Wgt:1 Location:
  • 3 Pencil $1.5 Wgt:.3 Location:
  • 1 Sketchbook $5 Wgt:.5 Location:
  • 1 Tactical Vest (TL 8) $900 Wgt:9 Location:torso, groin
  • 1 Tent, 1-Man $50 Wgt:5 Location:
  • 1 Water filter $25 Wgt:1 Location: