Nobilis Strike while the Iron is Hot:Meganeko: Difference between revisions

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Meganeko hails from a world that was once far from the earth. She is a refuge from a world unmade by the Excrucians, and the methods she used to escape are slowly but surely erasing even her own memories and records. The few that remain to he are vague and inconsistent relying on contradictions and impossibilities. All that she really recalls, is a vast savanna that was somehow also very small and shadowed and not flat at all, the festival of the hunt of the Sylvantrope, showing off the hunters sleek muscles, lush bosoms, sharp claws, and glossy fur, and a young female who wore glasses, her memories keep trying to slot their bond into something that makes sense, a sister, a daughter, or a friend, or a hated enemy or a lover, but truly she knows that it is bond that no longer exists in all the worlds. But out of respect for that lost bond she took her current name and gives those who wear glasses respect.
Meganeko hails from a world called Savana that was once far from the earth. She is a refuge from a world unmade by the Excrucians, and the methods she used to escape are slowly but surely erasing even her own memories and records. The few that remain to he are vague and inconsistent relying on contradictions and impossibilities. All that she really recalls, is a vast savanna that was somehow also very small and shadowed and not flat at all, the festival of the hunt of the Sylvantrope, showing off the hunters sleek muscles, lush bosoms, sharp claws, and glossy fur, and a young female who wore glasses, her memories keep trying to slot their bond into something that makes sense, a sister, a daughter, or a friend, or a hated enemy or a lover, but truly she knows that it is bond that no longer exists in all the worlds. But out of respect for that lost bond she took her current name and gives those who wear glasses respect.

Each year Catgirls become more and more of Earth, and her memory of her home fades. This fear is what keeps her from bonding closer to her domain, or more precisely keeps her from being able to tie her domain into reality closer. However she is not a reflective sort and her Imperator's close regard allow her to burn brightly with a high spirit.  The rituals of the Noblis, pour out of her as instinctively as her purr or her smile.
Each year Catgirls become more and more of Earth, and her memory of her home fades. This fear is what keeps her from bonding closer to her domain, or more precisely keeps her from being able to tie her domain into reality closer. However she is not a reflective sort and her Imperator's close regard allow her to burn brightly with a high spirit.  The rituals of the Noblis, pour out of her as instinctively as her purr or her smile.

Latest revision as of 19:43, 13 February 2010


Inferna of Catgirls



Aspect 4 (9 AMPs) Domain 0 (5 DMPs) Realm 1 (5 RMPs) Spirit 5 (10 SMPs)

Wound Levels[edit]

  • 3 Surface
  • 3 Serious
  • 2 Deadly


Lounging Hunter's Gift[edit]

When she stalks her prey, no road or path leads to escape.
8 (Greater Destruction of Routes) - 2 normal m. -2 local, -2 limited, +1 uncommon, 3 points

Claws of the Void[edit]

7 (Aspect Cutting) -1 simple, -3 single, -3 one trick, +1 uncommon, 2 points



The Cant of Escalation[edit]
  • Force: Give more then you get. An eye for a tooth; Gold for silver.
  • Initiative: To action, action; to stillness, action.
  • Elegance:One play, two victories.
The Cant of the Warmains[edit]

The binding of her first focus also bound her to the Warmain's Cant. (But for the cause of Creation) Limit/Restriction: Personal Imperator property: Cold: The Cant of the Warmains

  • Never surrender. Retreat only when necessary.
  • Never abandon your comrades or arms.
  • Die for the cause before living in shame.

Respect megannekko[edit]

  • Restriction: Must accept gifts from female or young beings that wear glasses.


  • Restriction: Secrets have to be hunted down, it is occasionally hard, but that is the way of the world.


  • Restriction: A hurt forgiven is crime against the world.


  • Focus: A bottle of what appears to be red nail polish, is a focus for two levels of Aspect, and one level of Spirit. It used to be an Warmain's until her Imperator bound it to her soul. 3 Amp
  • Focus: She wears a badge of her Imperator's design as a mark of her mastery of her Chancel (One level of Realm). 1 Amp
  • Manifestation: Distractions, Catnip. 2 amp
  • Light touch: I can't use aspect miracles through anchors without their permission. 5 Smp.


  • 5 The destruction of the Excrucians
  • 3 Preserving Creation
  • 3 Destroying the Excrucians who destroyed her home
  • 2 Paying back Llew for rescuing her.
  • 1 Preserving Earth
  • 1 Her brother Levaithan
  • 1 Her Estate
  • 1 Having a Romantic Intrest - (Right now its Kino Akane (Japanese order) the Power of Roses (She met her through Aoi) ), a few months ago she had a acrimonious break up with the Power of Conspiracy.)
  • 1 Hunting
  • 1 Being beautiful/sexy/cute/athletic
  • 1 Physical beauty in people and animals. She finds living things that take care of them selves very beautiful. Shes trying to find more beauty in plants cause Akane rather likes flowers. And Yellow has started to impress her too.



  • Yellow :Love: Yellow is the spirit of a ever blooming, yellow sakura tree out side of Meganneko's den. She got the idea from Sei.

Her other anchors consisted of beings used by the Excrucians and were consumed in the ritual to rebind the focus.

  • Five anchor slots free


She is 4 feet 6 inches tall with shoulder length blond hair. She moves with the grace of the best athletes and a sense of poised readiness hangs around her, and then she paws at the air and goes "Nyaa" and she seems only a playful teenager. Her clothing seems a mixture of Japanese school uniform, safari out fit, and tribal paint. Every thing is yellow or kaki brown, with red used only for small marks and designs, such as the badges she wheres recording her hunts. Ungiused her appearance varies, exactly how cat like changing from day to day, but sometimes her hair shortens, but covers most of her body, and her teeth sharpen. She always has cat ears and a tail at the very least.


Meganeko hails from a world called Savana that was once far from the earth. She is a refuge from a world unmade by the Excrucians, and the methods she used to escape are slowly but surely erasing even her own memories and records. The few that remain to he are vague and inconsistent relying on contradictions and impossibilities. All that she really recalls, is a vast savanna that was somehow also very small and shadowed and not flat at all, the festival of the hunt of the Sylvantrope, showing off the hunters sleek muscles, lush bosoms, sharp claws, and glossy fur, and a young female who wore glasses, her memories keep trying to slot their bond into something that makes sense, a sister, a daughter, or a friend, or a hated enemy or a lover, but truly she knows that it is bond that no longer exists in all the worlds. But out of respect for that lost bond she took her current name and gives those who wear glasses respect.

Each year Catgirls become more and more of Earth, and her memory of her home fades. This fear is what keeps her from bonding closer to her domain, or more precisely keeps her from being able to tie her domain into reality closer. However she is not a reflective sort and her Imperator's close regard allow her to burn brightly with a high spirit. The rituals of the Noblis, pour out of her as instinctively as her purr or her smile.

Her Estate[edit]

Catgirls is about humanoid females with feline traits. Hello Kitty is at the very catlike edge of her estate, maybe even not in it, while a girl dressed up as a catgirl is at the very human edge. (athough if she is acting like catgirl then the being that she is pretending to be is in the Estate.) It also has associations with cuteness and fierceness.


A sprig of catnip with white closed blooms intertwined with basil, wound in a circle, In the center of the circle is a red spiral.