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I was told to keep you here, book.
I am not sure why, but I had you as a gift, so others insister I write in you.
Personally, I do not see the importance in it, but I might as well - I will write in you in the way I have been taught, not how others would probably write in you.
First of all, it appears I have someone to share a room with in this school, named Hentai (I will not talk about ''why'' he has such a name right now).
Strange guy - but that might be because of this being first day in a school where everyone can kill you if you piss them off at some point.
Can't judge it right now.
Didn't talk with him for long - instead went to demand own place to sleep.
A ''genius'' needs such a thing, wouldn't you agree?
I could't really perform any Rituals with others in the room - it'd be far too uncomfortable (for me)!
...why am I telling you this, anyway?
Well, it's kind of late, so I don't have anything better to do after spending the day flying around and talking to others.
Speaking of flying around to talk to others - went to go and deal with that Deville woman (why are everyone so afraid of her? She doesn't seem that though - I bet I'm stronger than her!) and was sent to her room, after getting directions from Alastor (very decent fellow - will talk about him more later on).
She has a "hang in there" picture on the wall (seriously, why would anyone be afraid of this woman? It makes no sense!).
Talked with her, but after a while of my (excellent) argument that I should obviously get my own room, she turned into this red-eyed winged thing...
Talked to her some more - she managed to temporarily stall my ''genius'' by trying to send me to a closet of some sort, I think.
So I did the only reasonable thing I could think of - I told someone else and they apparently put her down with guns or something.
My revenge is not yet complete!
Flew away again - and got directions by same guy as before (Alastor - must remember that name somehow, don't know why so hard) to find out where it is.
Flew over there and found it was empty.
At least, I thought it was - called out if anyone was there, and was answered by cries for help by someone else.
Flew up, found her and had my Shade Soldiers help her.
Got hugged as a reward (she...seems to smell nice, for some reason I noticed that), not entirely sure why - seemed like an obvious thing to do.
Found out her name was Panya, and she was also new here.
Had my Shade Soldiers help her put the books back in order - always nice to be appreciated for those things.
Talked about library for a while, and then flew away.
Flew around a bit, met Alastor again - he's the groundskeeper here, I think.
When I gain power, will let him work on my garden of eternally preserved roses formed from my own arcane energy.
He'll be honored.
For one reason or another, we talked about fishing, which was strange, but oddly effective - not sure why, but seems others around here must relate to fish in some way.
Very strange, but I'll go with what works.
...I wonder if I should get an aquarium to illustrate any points I'm making in a conversation?`
Must remember to find out if that's allowed by school rules.

Latest revision as of 11:32, 24 January 2010