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(Feats [36pp])
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Line 42: Line 42:
Mina’s curiosity is not limited to monsters and Magic. With the mindset of a teenage girl, Mina is very curious about human relationship as well - romantic relationship in particular. Since half of the people in her town come to the witch to ask about love (the other half ask about fortune), Mina, the only apprentice of the witch, considers it her duty to help people with their love issues. That’s what a witch does, isn’t it? Comic books can’t be wrong.
Mina’s curiosity is not limited to monsters and Magic. With the mindset of a teenage girl, Mina is very curious about human relationship as well - romantic relationship in particular. Since half of the people in her town come to the witch to ask about love (the other half ask about fortune), Mina, the only apprentice of the witch, considers it her duty to help people with their love issues. That’s what a witch does, isn’t it? Comic books can’t be wrong.
==== Stats ====
==== Stats [18pp] ====
Strength 6 (-2) [0pp]
Strength 6 (-2) [0pp]
Line 56: Line 56:
Charisma 18 (+4) [8pp]  
Charisma 18 (+4) [8pp]  
==== Saves ====
==== Saves [14pp] ====
Fortitude 0 (+0)
Fortitude 1 (+1)
Reflex 6 (+10)
Reflex 8 (+10)
Will 5 (+6)
Will 7 (+8)
==== Combat ====
==== Combat ====
Catgirl Form:
Attack +10
Attack +1 (Small Size +1)/+9 (Attack Specialization (claws) +8, Small size +1)
Grapple –6
Grapple –6 (Str –2, Small Size -4)
Defense +10
Defense +1(Small Size +1)/+11 (Dodge Focus +10, Small size +1)
Toughness +6
Toughness -1(Small Size –1)/+5 (Small Size –1, Defensive Roll +6)
Initiative +12 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +8)
Initiative +12 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +8)
Cat Form:
==== Skills [24pp] ====
Attack +2 (Tiny Size +2)/+10 (Attack Specialization +8, Tiny Size +2)
Grapple –10 (Str –2, Tiny Size -8)
Acrobatics 11 (+15)
Defense +2 (Tiny Size +2)/+12 (Dodge Focus +10, Tiny Size +2)
Bluff 11 (+15)
Toughness -2(Tiny Size –2)/+4 (Tiny Size –2, Defensive Roll +6)
Diplomacy 11 (+15)
Initiative +12 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +8)  
Gather Information 11 (+15)
==== Skills ====
Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10)
Acrobatics 6 (+10)
Notice 9 (+10)
Bluff 9 (+13)
Perform (Singing) 8 (+12)
Climb 8 (+6)
Stealth 8 (+16, +20 when in Cat Form)
Diplomacy 9 (+13)
Sense Motive 9 (+10)
Notice 3 (+4)
Sleight of Hand 6 (+10)
Perform (Singing) 6 (+10)
==== Feats [36pp] ====
Stealth 8 (+16)
Sense Motive 7 (+8)
Sleight of Hand 8 (+12)
==== Feats ====
Attractive 1
Attack Specialization (claws) 4
Attack Specialization (claws) 4
Line 120: Line 107:
Bishojo 1
Bishojo 1
Deep Ties (Secret)
Deep Ties (Kittens)
Defensive Roll 6
Defensive Roll 7
Dodge Focus 10
Dodge Focus 9
Evasion 2
Evasion 2
Line 130: Line 117:
Instant Up
Hide In Plain Sight
Improved Initiative 2
Improved Initiative 2
Luck 1
Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist)
Kawaii (Bluff) 3
Sneak Attack 4
Sneak Attack 4
Uncanny Dodge 2 (Visual, Auditory)
Uncanny Dodge 1 (Auditory)
==== Powers ====
==== Powers [40pp] ====
Nekomata 5 (passive container; 25pp to distribute; Feats: Innate) [26pp]
Nekomata 4 (passive container; 25pp to distribute; Feats: Innate) [26pp]
Components of Nekomata:
Components of Nekomata:
Line 150: Line 135:
-Comprehend 2 (animals; Flaws: Limited to Cats) [-2]) [1pp]
-Comprehend 2 (animals; Flaws: Limited to Cats) [-2]) [1pp]
-Leaping 2 [2pp]
-Immunity 5 (Entrapment 5) [5pp]
-Mind Shield 5 [5pp]
-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; Flaws: Permanent) [4pp]
-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; Flaws: Permanent) [4pp]
-Super-Senses 3 (Low-Light Vision 1, Scent 1, Ultra-Hearing 1) [3pp]
-Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall 2, Perfect Balance 2) [4pp]
-Super-Movement 1 (Slow Fall) [2pp]
-Super-Senses 4 (Extended Hearing 1, Low-Light Vision 1, Scent 1, Detect Magic 2) [5pp]
-Strike 1 (Claws) [1pp]
-Strike 1 (Claws) [1pp]
Line 164: Line 147:
-Silence [1pp]
-Silence [1pp]
-Cat Form 1 (active container, 5pp to distribute; Extra: Continuous +1) [6pp]
-Morph 3 (cat form; Feats: Metamorph) [4pp]
-Components of Cat Form
Witchcraft (variable power pool; any one power at a time; Flaws: Full Round Action –1, Charge Power –1; Drawbacks: Distracting –1, Power Loss (Incantation) -1) [14pp]
--Shrinking 4 (Flaws: Permanent) [4pp]
--Features (Fur) [1pp]
Koi Koi Magic!: Emotion Control 8 (Flaws: Limited to Love –1; Feats: Subtle 2; Drawbacks: Attack Name -1) [9pp]
-Alternate Power: Yume Yume Picnic!: Dream Travel 8, Linked to: Super-Movement 1 (Dimensional Movement (Dreamland) Drawbacks: Attack Name -1) [1pp]
-Alternate Power: Yoru Yoru Playground!: Darkness Control 5 (Drawbacks: Attack Name -1) [1pp]
-Alternate Power: Neko Neko Charisma!: Enhanced Charisma 10 (Drawbacks: Attack Name -1) [1pp]
-Alternate Power:Kakami no Koihito: Illusion 8 (all senses; Flaws: Limited to One Subject -1, Phantasms -1, Thematic (pretty girls) -2; Drawbacks: Attack Name -1)[1pp]
==== Complications ====
==== Complications ====
Conpulsive Flirting
Kitten, Kitten, Kitten (Yes, there are three of them)
Easily Distracted (Things that distract cats)
Easily Distracted (Things that distract cats)
Line 191: Line 160:
Phobia (Water)
Phobia (Water)
Secret (Underage Mother)
Significant Other (The Kind Witch)
Significant Other (The Kind Witch)
==== The Oath ====
[http://forum.rpg.net/showpost.php?p=11533181&postcount=476|"'''You''' may not use your magic against anyone with '''Mina's marking'''. If anyone with '''Mina's marking''' ever threatens '''your House''' or '''Abby''', the '''Oath''' will not apply. By the honor of '''your True Name''' and '''Mina's blood''', the '''Oath''' is '''sealed'''."]

Latest revision as of 15:34, 3 June 2010

Mina Lovewitch[edit]

Catgirl 2.jpg


Once upon a time, a Western couple moved into a small Japanese town. At first, their exotic looks disturb the neighbors: the husband is way too tall, and the wife has platinum hair. But as they got old as anyone else did, the neighborhood came to accept them. The couple had a lovely daughter, born with emerald eyes and hair golden as sunset. The couple loved their daughter, and their daughter loved them. Everything was good.

But one day, everything changed. On that fateful day, the girl uncovered a secret her parents intentionally hided from her: Magic is real. Her father told her that he is a detective, while in reality he was a wizard. Her mother worked as a doctor, but she was also an alchemist. The couple had a large collection of arcane materials; the girl studied them…and understood them. For the first time in her life, she felt awakened.

Magic is not the only thing the girl learned from the materials. She learned that monsters – Ghul, Naga and the likes – are real too. People always hunt these so called “monsters”, forced them to live in hiding, between the silhouettes, even if the monsters did nothing wrong at all. And people with magic, people like her parents? they just turn a blind eye on it, cover their ears and pretend it’s not there.

Young and rebellious, the girl just couldn’t understand: how can they let this happen? How can all those Mages, with all their Magic, allow the innocent monsters to suffer from fault they did not commit? The girl confronted her parents, and despite her pleads for her to stay, the girl made up her mind: she will leave the country, become a real Mage and fight for the rights of monsters.

The girl left without saying goodbye. On the cold and raining day she left, she met a little black kitten on the street. Separated from her mother and siblings, the poor little thing would have died if left in the cold rain. The girl brought the kitten along and named her Mina. Unbeknown to the girl, just on the other side of the wall, her father saved a little white kitten. He gave the kitten his daughter’s name.

That was then. This is now.

Heart broken by the losing of their daughter, the couple swore they will never practice the mystic arts again, and disposed all their arcane materials. They seek comfort from the little white kitty, and treat her like their own. The girl, while successfully became a true Mage, couldn’t live up to her dream – there are way too many monsters to be protected, but far too few Mages who share her dream.

None, actually.

Frustrated, the girl slowly faded into the shadow of what she once was. Her hair fall from being the gold of sunset to the deep of night, and her emerald eyes were overtaken by darkness. She became bitter, angry and cold, every bit an evil witch of cautionary tales. For a time she practiced the forbidden Arts, the Arts of Paradox, just so she can take revenge on the world that doesn’t understand her.

It was Mina who saved the day. Comforted the witch while she needed it the most, Cassandra helped the girl’s through her darkest nights. The girl decided to cherish what she has, lay low until the time comes, when all of humanity will Awaken and share her dream. Moved into a small town, the girl started to treat people, consult them about their problems, help them out with her Arts. She came to be called as the Kind Witch by the town people.

The Kind Witch is not surprised when her familiar Mina started to pick up human language, mindset and eventually appearance. Japanese folklore told that if someone keeps a cat for more than 10 years, that cat becomes a Nekomata - cat spirit with the ability to enter dreams. The witch instructed Mina in the art of Spheres, and while Cassandra is not bright enough to learn the foundations of Magic, she still picked up a trick or two.

Seeing Mina started to approach the mental age of a teenage girl, the Kind Witch actively contacted Shadow Hills Boarding School to give Cassandra a chance to study like a normal girl. The normal life the witch once abandoned, she doesn’t want Cassandra to miss. Besides, now with Mina going to school, the girl can finally set foot on her homeland once again…to see what changed while she was gone.


Mina is a domestic cat with black fur and luminous yellow eyes. She is small even by cat standards. In her catgirl form, Mina is a tiny but beautiful girl about 4 feet tall, with long, dark hair and cat-like golden eyes. She retains her cat ears and tail in her both forms, a rather obvious mark that she has to conceal from human while in her catgirl form. She prefers light black dresses with a little stroke of gothic punk, but she has no problem with dressing less.

Mina is a very playful kitty, sometimes a bit too much so. She will lie to people just to see how they react, sneak into people’s room to play pranks on them, steal things so she can hide them somewhere no one can find. As a witch, she also sees no problems in use her spells to, say, go picnic in someone else’s dream or charmed people into buying her lunch. But she never means any real harm, so she keeps it in the line to just irritate people at most, and not actually upset them.

Mina used to be the Kind Witch’s familiar, but now that she has human intelligence and appearance, the witch came to take her as apprentice, educates her in the Arts of Magic. Thanks for the cat part in her, Mina is an amazing athlete by the virtue of natural talents. She is on the low end of the strength department, but her reflex and dexterity easily tops well-trained humans. She is also quite nimble, since hide things from people is one of her favorite pranks.

Mina is curious about everything. She had heard stories about monsters and Mages from the Kind Witch, but she had never seen any other monsters before she came to Shadow Hills Boarding School. A town as small as the one she lives doesn’t tend to have a large population of monsters…unless monsters are the only population there. Mina is always eager to learn anything about her monster classmates.

Mina’s curiosity is not limited to monsters and Magic. With the mindset of a teenage girl, Mina is very curious about human relationship as well - romantic relationship in particular. Since half of the people in her town come to the witch to ask about love (the other half ask about fortune), Mina, the only apprentice of the witch, considers it her duty to help people with their love issues. That’s what a witch does, isn’t it? Comic books can’t be wrong.

Stats [18pp][edit]

Strength 6 (-2) [0pp]

Dexterity 18 (+4) [8pp]

Constitution 10 (+0) [0pp]

Intelligence 10 (+0) [0pp]

Wisdom 12 (+1) [2pp]

Charisma 18 (+4) [8pp]

Saves [14pp][edit]

Fortitude 1 (+1)

Reflex 8 (+10)

Will 7 (+8)


Attack +10

Grapple –6

Defense +10

Toughness +6

Initiative +12 (Dex +4, Improved Initiative +8)

Skills [24pp][edit]

Acrobatics 11 (+15)

Bluff 11 (+15)

Diplomacy 11 (+15)

Gather Information 11 (+15)

Knowledge (Arcane) 10 (+10)

Notice 9 (+10)

Perform (Singing) 8 (+12)

Stealth 8 (+16, +20 when in Cat Form)

Sense Motive 9 (+10)

Sleight of Hand 6 (+10)

Feats [36pp][edit]

Attack Specialization (claws) 4

Beautiful Voice 1 (Diplomacy)

Bishojo 1

Deep Ties (Kittens)

Defensive Roll 7

Dodge Focus 9

Evasion 2


Hide In Plain Sight

Improved Initiative 2

Skill Mastery 1 (Acrobatics, Bluff, Diplomacy, Escape Artist)

Sneak Attack 4

Uncanny Dodge 1 (Auditory)

Powers [40pp][edit]

Nekomata 4 (passive container; 25pp to distribute; Feats: Innate) [26pp]

Components of Nekomata:

-Comprehend 2 (animals; Flaws: Limited to Cats) [-2]) [1pp]

-Immunity 5 (Entrapment 5) [5pp]

-Shrinking 4 (natural small size; Flaws: Permanent) [4pp]

-Super-Movement 4 (Slow Fall 2, Perfect Balance 2) [4pp]

-Super-Senses 4 (Extended Hearing 1, Low-Light Vision 1, Scent 1, Detect Magic 2) [5pp]

-Strike 1 (Claws) [1pp]

-Silence [1pp]

-Morph 3 (cat form; Feats: Metamorph) [4pp]

Witchcraft (variable power pool; any one power at a time; Flaws: Full Round Action –1, Charge Power –1; Drawbacks: Distracting –1, Power Loss (Incantation) -1) [14pp]


Kitten, Kitten, Kitten (Yes, there are three of them)

Easily Distracted (Things that distract cats)

Marked (Cat ears and tail)

Phobia (Water)

Significant Other (The Kind Witch)