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Jester/ Malcolm Brite
'''Jester/ Malcolm Brite
PL 13
Hero Points 6
PL 13'''

STR 17 (+3/+4 Super-strength = +7)
Hero Points 6

DEX 18 (+4)
STR 15 (+2/+8 Super-strength = +10)  

CON 15 (+2)
DEX 18 (+4)  

INT 20 (+5/+6 Super- intelligence = +11)
CON 15 (+2)  

WIS 15 (+2)
INT 20 (+5/+4 Super- intelligence = +9)  

CHA 18 (+4)
WIS 15 (+2)  

CHA 18 (+4)

[41 pp on Attributes]
[41 pp on Attributes]  

Base Attack = 5 (15p)

Melee: 5 BAB+4 (Attack Finesse) = 9
Base Attack = 5 (15p)  

Ranged: 5 BAB +4 Dex = 9
Melee: 5 BAB+4 (Attack Finesse) = 9  

Base Defense Bonus = 7
Ranged: 5 BAB +4 Dex = 9

Defense = 10+ 7 BDB +4 Dex = 21
Base Defense Bonus = 7  

Flatfooted = 10+ 7 BDB = 17
Defense = 10+ 7 BDB +4 Dex = 21

Initiative: +8
Flatfooted = 10+ 7 BDB = 17
Unarmed Damage: +2 STR + 4 Super-Strength = 9S
Speed: 100/200/400

Initiative: +8
Dam: +2 (+13 Armour)
Fort: +2 (Con)
Will: +4 +2 (Iron Will) +2 (Wis)
Ref: +6 (Dex + Lightning Reflexes)

Unarmed Damage: +2 STR + 8 Super-Strength =10S
Improved Initiative (+4 Initiative)

Imp. Disarm (cannot be countered)
Speed: 100/200/400

Imp. Grapple (can grapple one handed)

Imp. Trip (once tripped, can attack)

Indomitable Will (can reroll Will save after round
Dam: +2 (+13 Armour)

Instant Stand [device] (standing is a free action)
Fort: +2 (Con)  

All-Around Sight [Super,Device] (+4 vs. surprises, cannot be flanked)
Will: +2 (Wis)  

Amplhibious [Super, Device] (survive in water)
Ref: +6 (Dex + Lightning Reflexes)  

Darkvision [Super, Device] (see in darkness)

Immunity: Poison [Super, Device]

Immunity: Suffocation [Super, Device]
Improved Initiative (+4 Initiative)

Lightning Reflexes
Imp. Disarm (cannot be countered)

Attack Finesse
Imp. Grapple (can grapple one handed)

Radio Broadcasting [Super, Device]
Imp. Trip (once tripped, can attack)

Radio Hearing [Super, Device]
Indomitable Will (can reroll Will save after round

Rapid Strike [Device]
Instant Stand [device] (standing is a free action)

Power Attack [Device]
All-Around Sight [Super,Device] (+4 vs. surprises, cannot be flanked)

Rapid Takedown [Device]
Amplhibious [Super, Device] (survive in water)

Takedown Attack [Device]
Darkvision [Super, Device] (see in darkness)

Immunity: Pressure [Device]
Immunity: Poison [Super, Device]  

True Sight [device]
Immunity: Suffocation [Super, Device]  

Iron Will
Lightning Reflexes

Photographic Memory
Attack Finesse

See Invisible [Device]
Radio Broadcasting [Super, Device]  

Radio Hearing [Super, Device]  

Skills (Total)
Rapid Strike [Device]  
Acrobatics 7
Balance 7
Bluff 10
Climb 10
Computers 12
Concentration 2
Craft (Battlesuit) 12
Diplomacy 6
Disable Device 12
Disguise 8
Drive 5
Escape Artist 4
Forgery 11
Gather Info. 4
Hide 4
Innuendo 10
Intimidate 8
Jump 10
Knowledge: Metahumans 11
Known Criminals 11
Freedom City 11
Comedy Routines 11
Listen 6
Medicine 11
Move Silent 4
Open Lock 5
Perfrom (Stand-up comedy) 11
Profession (Technician) 2
Technology 11
Physics 11
Chemistry 11
Forensics 11
Search 11
Sense Motive 2
Sleight of Hand 6
Spot 2
Survival 2
Swim 10
Taunt 12

Power Attack [Device]

Super-Intelligence 6
Rapid Takedown [Device]

'Jester' Suit
Takedown Attack [Device]

Armour 13
Immunity: Pressure [Device]

Super-Strength 4
Limit: Device

Dazzle 9 'Confetti Combat'
Extra: Dazzle Burst
Extra: Scramble Electronics
Limit: Device

Sensory Protection 5
'''Skills (Total)'''
Acrobatics 7
Balance 7
Bluff 10
Climb 10
Computers 10
Concentration 2
Craft (Battlesuit) 9
Diplomacy 6
Disable Device 10
Disguise 8
Drive 5
Escape Artist 4
Forgery 9
Gather Info. 4
Hide 4
Innuendo 10
Intimidate 8
Jump 10
Knowledge: Metahumans 9
Known Criminals 9
Freedom City 9
Comedy Routines 9
Listen 6
Medicine 11
Move Silent 4
Open Lock 5
Perfrom (Stand-up comedy) 11
Profession (Technician) 2
Technology 9
Physics 9
Chemistry 9
Forensics 9
Search 9
Sense Motive 2
Sleight of Hand 6
Spot 2
Survival 2
Swim 10
Taunt 12
Super-Intelligence 4
'Jester' Suit
Armour 13
Super-Strength 8
Limit: Device
Blending 6
Limit: Device
<nowiki><nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki></nowiki>
Sensory Protection 5
Mental Protection 5
Super-Senses 5  

Mental Protection 8
Strike 5 'Hand Buzzers'
Limit: Stun Only

Super-Senses 5
Flight 6
Stunt: Super-Flight

Strike 5 'Hand Buzzers'
Illusion 7
Extra: Area

Flight 6
Datalink 3
Stunt: Super-Flight

Snare 9 'Custard Pie Containment'
Comprehend 2

Quirk (-10pp) Malcolm is a constant joker. Whether he is on the stage or facing down Omega himself, he cannot cease his constant punning. Obviously this gets on some of his few friends' nerves over periods of time.
Quirk (-10pp) Malcolm is a constant joker. Whether he is on the stage or facing down Omega himself, he cannot cease his constant punning. Obviously this gets on some of his few friends' nerves over periods of time. He is also stubborn to a fault and as a result must spend a Hero Point to be stand down from any confrontation.

Appearance: Malcolm is a somewhat outrageous individual. Slouching about 5' 9" with an athletic build, his corn coloured hair bears luminous green streaks. He is usually wearing a truly hallucinogenic Hawaiian shirt and tattered jeans, most often with goggles holding the hair out of his eyes. He talks often and loudly, usually poking fun at someone nearby.
'''Appearance:''' Malcolm is a somewhat outrageous individual. Slouching about 5' 9" with an athletic build, his corn coloured hair used to bear luminous green streaks. Now it has been cropped back, his trademark goggles still remaining perched on his forehead. He is usually wearing a truly hallucinogenic Hawaiian shirt and tattered jeans, although now he seems a lot more presentable and upbeat. He talks often and loudly, usually poking fun at someone nearby.  

As Jester, nothing of Malcolm can be seen. The red and green armour reaches around 7 foot with disproportionally large hands and greaves. The armour is modelled after a fool's costume, the helmet bearing a glassy visor where the eyes should be.
As Jester, nothing of Malcolm can be seen. The red and green armour reaches around 7 foot with disproportionally large hands and greaves. The armour is modelled after a fool's costume, the helmet bearing a glassy visor where the eyes should be.

Latest revision as of 22:00, 10 September 2006

Jester/ Malcolm Brite

PL 13

Hero Points 6

STR 15 (+2/+8 Super-strength = +10)

DEX 18 (+4)

CON 15 (+2)

INT 20 (+5/+4 Super- intelligence = +9)

WIS 15 (+2)

CHA 18 (+4)

[41 pp on Attributes]

Attack/Defensive/Initiative Base Attack = 5 (15p)

Melee: 5 BAB+4 (Attack Finesse) = 9

Ranged: 5 BAB +4 Dex = 9

Base Defense Bonus = 7

Defense = 10+ 7 BDB +4 Dex = 21

Flatfooted = 10+ 7 BDB = 17

Initiative: +8

Unarmed Damage: +2 STR + 8 Super-Strength =10S

Speed: 100/200/400


Dam: +2 (+13 Armour)

Fort: +2 (Con)

Will: +2 (Wis)

Ref: +6 (Dex + Lightning Reflexes)


Improved Initiative (+4 Initiative)

Imp. Disarm (cannot be countered)

Imp. Grapple (can grapple one handed)

Imp. Trip (once tripped, can attack)

Indomitable Will (can reroll Will save after round

Instant Stand [device] (standing is a free action)

All-Around Sight [Super,Device] (+4 vs. surprises, cannot be flanked)

Amplhibious [Super, Device] (survive in water)

Darkvision [Super, Device] (see in darkness)

Immunity: Poison [Super, Device]

Immunity: Suffocation [Super, Device]

Lightning Reflexes

Attack Finesse

Radio Broadcasting [Super, Device]

Radio Hearing [Super, Device]

Rapid Strike [Device]

Power Attack [Device]

Rapid Takedown [Device]

Takedown Attack [Device]

Immunity: Pressure [Device]


Skills (Total)

Acrobatics 7

Balance 7

Bluff 10

Climb 10

Computers 10

Concentration 2

Craft (Battlesuit) 9

Diplomacy 6

Disable Device 10

Disguise 8

Drive 5

Escape Artist 4

Forgery 9

Gather Info. 4

Hide 4

Innuendo 10

Intimidate 8

Jump 10

Knowledge: Metahumans 9

Known Criminals 9

Freedom City 9

Comedy Routines 9

Listen 6

Medicine 11

Move Silent 4

Open Lock 5

Perfrom (Stand-up comedy) 11

Profession (Technician) 2


Technology 9

Physics 9

Chemistry 9

Forensics 9

Search 9

Sense Motive 2

Sleight of Hand 6

Spot 2

Survival 2

Swim 10

Taunt 12



Super-Intelligence 4

'Jester' Suit

Armour 13

Super-Strength 8 Limit: Device

Blending 6 Limit: Device <nowiki>Insert non-formatted text here</nowiki> Sensory Protection 5 [Device]

Mental Protection 5 [Device]

Super-Senses 5 [Device]

Strike 5 'Hand Buzzers' Limit: Stun Only [Device]

Flight 6 Stunt: Super-Flight [Device]

Illusion 7 Extra: Area [Device]

Datalink 3 [Device]

Comprehend 2 [Device]

Weaknesses Quirk (-10pp) Malcolm is a constant joker. Whether he is on the stage or facing down Omega himself, he cannot cease his constant punning. Obviously this gets on some of his few friends' nerves over periods of time. He is also stubborn to a fault and as a result must spend a Hero Point to be stand down from any confrontation.

Appearance: Malcolm is a somewhat outrageous individual. Slouching about 5' 9" with an athletic build, his corn coloured hair used to bear luminous green streaks. Now it has been cropped back, his trademark goggles still remaining perched on his forehead. He is usually wearing a truly hallucinogenic Hawaiian shirt and tattered jeans, although now he seems a lot more presentable and upbeat. He talks often and loudly, usually poking fun at someone nearby.

As Jester, nothing of Malcolm can be seen. The red and green armour reaches around 7 foot with disproportionally large hands and greaves. The armour is modelled after a fool's costume, the helmet bearing a glassy visor where the eyes should be.