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Nomoe_Hideaki: In his hand is a frosted glass enchanted with cold and within drink as complicated as it is potent, from which Hideaki sips now and then.
Nomoe_Hideaki: In his hand is a frosted glass enchanted with cold and within drink as complicated as it is potent, from which Hideaki sips now and then.
[14:18] <~Anshu> Girlish laughter sounds over the beach as Anshu and Cerise's twin daughters race down to the water, their parents following at a more sedate pace. They nod respectfully to their peers, and set up their towels a bit down the beach to give the others a sense of privacy.
[14:21] <Shrike> Shrike looks over in the direction of Anshu and Cerise, and raises a hand in greeting.
[14:22] <Wandering> "Know nothing like that its just-" Wanderings mouth clacked shut "Of course your right Nomoe-san. I'll behave" she sighed it was going ot be tough. But the arrival of the twins brought a welcome distraction.
[14:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods to Anshu and Cerise in turn, raising his glass slightly in a rather informal gesture of greeting.
[14:23] <Brazen_sand> Brazen held Chiyara up in the sun, listening to her delighted giggles of laughter as she moved up and down quickly, looking with wonder at what he had made with Wandering.
[14:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Perhaps a drink, Wandering? Bright Morning?"
[14:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It helps with forgetting about unpleasant matters."
[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> Looking at the way the sun shown off her carapace
[14:25] <Wandering> "Hmm, I suppose something to cool me off a bit would be most welcome Nome-san" Wandering agreed as pleasently as she could
[14:25] <~Anshu> Out in the water, the twins Nimai and Mara splash and play and laugh.
[14:28] * Bright_Snow carries her parasol with her, beginning again to build sandcastles. */ This reminds me of just after we'd met / fond rememberance /*
[14:30] <Brazen_Sand> "Hey Wandering, does Chiyara ever get to play with other kids?"
[14:32] <~Anshu> One of the twins - the Solar twin - notices Brazen holding Chiyara and runs up, while her sister continues to swim a bit longer.
[14:33] <Brazen_Sand> "Hello little..." Brazen can't remember her name. "girl!"
[14:33] <Bright_Snow> "This is harder without Inkwell around." She mutters as she begins to try to outdo her previous sandcastle
[14:34] <Wandering> "We've tried to but finding children who are totally happy with her isn't all that easy" Wandering replied "So new playmates are always good"
[14:34] <~Anshu> "My name is Nimai, and Mara is my sister," she says. "You're Brazen, of course. That's your baby?" she asks.
[14:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe smiles at the pleasant memory. */Ah, yes indeed./*
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> "Yes. Yes she is. Say hi to the nice girl, Chiyara?" Brazen said, lowering her to the ground.
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> "'lo." She said shyly.
[14:35] * Shrike turns over on her towel to lay on her front, a slight titter rising from a few of the others on the beach at her...daring swimsuit choice.
[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> Not quite having the pronounciation down.
[14:36] <~Anshu> Nimai crouches down to be closer to eye level, smiling broadly. "Hello, Chiyara. Do you like the beach?"
[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara toddled over and hugged Brazen's leg, hiding her face.
[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> "Sorry, she's still shy. She's pretty young."
[14:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Something occurs to him then. */I almost forgot, but after that day I had an alchemical substance made to protect sensitive skin against the sun. You wouldn't need the parasol then .../*
[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen gently stroked Chiyara's head with a claw, fondly.
[14:38] <Wandering> Wandering smiled watching the children talk
[14:38] <Brazen_Sand> "It's okay, Chiyara. She wants to be friends." Brazen said to her.
[14:38] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara gingerly moved her head to look at Nimai, but still holding onto Brazen's leg for security
[14:39] <~Anshu> Nimai nods and watches Chiyara. "I like your shell, Chiyara. It's very pretty, especially where the light shines through."
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> "'nk you." She said, not quite looking her in the eye.
[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> "daddy says I have a special shell."
[14:41] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen smiled widely at her, she'd picked up speaking so quickly. She often spoke to Launjilla as well.
[14:41] <Brazen_Sand> "'N Uncle Launjilla says that I'm special cause daddy came from far away."
[14:41] <Wandering> "Thats it 'Yara" Wandering said fondly "See making new freinds is fun"
[14:41] <Bright_Snow> */I like the parasol though... but this form is a bit... immature for my tastes. Lets try it then./*
[14:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki drinks the last of his whatever-it-is and sits up. "I may be inexperienced, but ... do you want help with the castle?" He spreads his hands with a self-deprecating smile. "I'm certainly no match for Inkwell or you, but I could try?"
[14:42] <Bright_Snow> "Certainly, she says with a smile. After all it is nice to have a challange to meet together."
[14:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A small gesture and a shimmering in the air behind Nomoe's chair races off, returning a few minutes later carrying a small crystal bottle in its barely physical hands.
[14:43] <~Anshu> Nimai nods. "Yes, you are very special. Do you like the beach, Chiyara?" she asks again.
[14:44] <Brazen_Sand> "It's pretty. But sometimes I get sand in my shell." she said, then giggled a bit.
[14:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I am assured that it is most potent and without side effects, in so far as mortal magic can accomplish that./* Hideaki offers it to Bright Snow.
[14:45] <Brazen_Sand> "Then daddy takes me into the water but I have to hold my breath."
[14:46] <Brazen_Sand> "Just like we taught you, honey." Brazen added.
[14:46] <Brazen_Sand> "'s daddy."
[14:46] <~Anshu> Mara emerges from the water, her dyes starting to run a little, beginning to reveal her true, almost albino paleness.
[14:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe smiles as well, looking over what Snow has already wrought. "What are your plans, oh architect?"
[14:47] * Shrike sits up after a little while, stretches, and looks around the beach for a few minutes before spotting Nomoe and Snow. Standing, she picks up her towe, shakes the sand from it, then walks in their direction
[14:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His air elemental has retreated back to his chair and busies itself creating a new drink.
[14:48] * Bright_Snow streches her form rippling to her normal much much paler one. The colour going out of her skin and her hair. "I think we shall start with some of that alchemy mixture and return to the castle after."
[14:48] <~Anshu> "Well, I don't have a shell, but send gets into my swimsuit all the time. It can be very annoying. And it's very important to hold your breath when you're swimming."
[14:49] <Brazen_Sand> "mommy told me that. Then she turned into a dolphin."
[14:50] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nudged her a bit. "oh...do you want to...play?" Chiyara asked shyly
[14:53] * Shrike raises an eyebrow at Snow's transformation, now recognising the Lunar as she arrives.
[14:53] <Shrike> "Hello, Deliberators." Shrike smiles politely at the two. "Do you mind if I join you here?"
[14:54] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head in appreciation. "This shape does become you."
[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ah," Nomoe bows slightly toward Shrike as she arrives.
[14:55] <Wandering> Wandering raises her eyebrow slightly at the apparent change in Mara wondering why she dyed herself so
[14:56] <~Anshu> Nimai nods as Mara comes up next to her. "I do. What do you like to play?" Then she notices Mara's presence. "Oh, this is my sister, Mara. She can play with us too. Oh... uh, Mara, your colors are running..."
[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen notices, but doesn't say anything
[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "What a coincidence to meet you here." He seems to have overheard Shrike's question.
[14:58] <~Anshu> "Oh..." Mara sighs. "I knew coming to the beach was a bad idea... do you think they'll want me to go home?"
[14:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *seems not to have heard
[14:58] <Bright_Snow> "No join us, after all you were by far the most interesting person at Nomoe's party." She says with a laugh. "Would you care to start building sand castles with us." She makes sure she doesn't slip from beneath the shade of the parasol.
[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara is just confused.
[14:58] <Wandering> "Do you want to play with Chiyara as well Mara?" Wandering asked she was intrigued by the dye, but she was hardly one to pick on oddites her considering her mate and child
[14:59] <~Anshu> Nimai shakes her head. "No. Just go back in and wash the rest of it off. They shouldn't make you hide anyway."
[14:59] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked at Wandering and shrugged
[15:01] <~Anshu> Mara nods, and answers Wandering before trotting back to the water. "Sure, in a minute."
[15:01] <Shrike> "Well, this is the most pleasant place to spend an afternoon around here." Shrike returns Nomoe's bow, then chuckles at Snow's comment. "I've never been much of one for sandcastles. Unless it was kicking them over. And interesting, you say?" She grins, as she spreads out her towel - fully in the sun - and sits.
[15:02] <~Anshu> Nimai turns back to Chiyara. "So what do you like to play?"
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> "Uhhh...i dunno." She said, looking at the ground, not used to playing with other kids.
[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Still holding the crystal bottle with the Sun-Screening Alchemical Mixture, Nomoe nods slowly. "My own skill at building is sadly weak as well. It does not stop me from trying my best, of course, as in all things."
[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> "What do you play?"
[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> "usually uncle launjilla sings to me, he sounds like bells."
[15:05] <Bright_Snow> "So what do you like to do?" Snow says ignoring the obvious answer to that question.
[15:05] <Wandering> "Hmmm, Maybe you, Mara and Nimai should try building a sand castle?" Wandering suggested "Show Nomoe-san and Snow how to do it?"
[15:06] <Brazen_Sand> "uhhh...okay, mommy." chiyara said.
[15:06] <Brazen_Sand> "If, if you wanna, that is..." She said to Nimai, somewhat nervously
[15:06] <Shrike> "Doing one's best is all one can do," Shrike agrees with a nod. "And there are a number of things I enjoy, although simply relaxing with good company is always a good thing, as is reading and increasing my knowledge."
[15:08] <~Anshu> "I like to make sand castles," Nimai assures her. "Especially ones close to the water, so you can make the dribbly towers, and dig moats and things."
[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> "I never made a sandcastle before. Can you show me?" She asked, with her bright blue eyes looking at Nimai's face.
[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed inwardly. "*She's never really played with other children, has she?*"
[15:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Something rarely possible, with the burdens we all carry, but indeed," Hideaki nods. "It is good to have a day off."
[15:10] <~Anshu> Nimai nods, and offers Chiyara her hand. "Of course. Come with me closer, to the water."
[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> She looked at Brazen, who nodded to her, then slowly took her hand in her own short-clawed one.
[15:12] <Wandering> "Not really, this is a good chance for her to have a normal childhood or normal as the child of Exalts can have" Wandering said as she went to collect a drink from Nomoe's servant nodding politely to the others
[15:12] <~Anshu> Nimai grins, and leads Chiyara toward the waterline to where the sand a bit wetter and better for building with.
[15:13] <Brazen_Sand> "I...I know!" Brazen said quickly.
[15:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Does anyone else want something to drink?" Having mentioned work, without really meaning to, seems to have made Hideaki thirsty.
[15:14] <~Anshu> "First, you have to build a base, like this..." Nimai begins to explain, scooping up sand with her hands and beginning to pile it up.
[15:14] <Shrike> "I wouldn't mind a drink. Feel free to surprise me with what sort."
[15:14] <Bright_Snow> "So much to know so little time to do so. I sympathise. My own projects have been extensive." She glances over to Nomoe at that suggestion and then back at Shrike, "Champagne?"
[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara watched Nimai work with wide-eyed admiration.
[15:15] <Shrike> "Champagne sounds wonderful." Shrike chuckles. "Just one glass, though, it's too early in the day to be getting too tipsy."
[15:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He seems to realize that he's still holding the alchemical mixture. "Ah, this isn't for drinking of course." He sets the bottle down close to the sand castle, then waves for his elemental servant to approach again.
[15:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Once sent away, a minute later it returns bearing glasses of champagne and one of Nomoe's strangely colored, complicated-looking drinks.
[15:19] <~Anshu> "And it's best to dig in a circle, to make a moat to help keep the water out," Nimai explains to Chiyara, demonstrating.
[15:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "To beautiful days like this," he suggests, raising his own.
[15:19] * Shrike accepts a glass, and raises it "To beautiful days and good company."
[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> "can...can I help?"
[15:20] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara asked, while Brazen went back into the water to swim around and look at the amazing sea-life. Swimming was still a novelty to him after growing up in Gem.
[15:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And good company," Hideaki agrees, unconsciously looking to Bright Snow.
[15:22] <~Anshu> Mara, now clean of her dyes, comes back up to join Nimai and Chiyara. She's still identical in build and features to her sister, but as if all the color had been drained from her skin and hair.
[15:22] <Bright_Snow> "Likewise" Snow matches with her own glass. "But before we start on the sandcastle I believe we were going to do something to prevent me from burning..." She still stays firmly beneath the parasol while saying this.
[15:23] <~Anshu> Nimia nods. "Yes, of course you can. And Mara, too. I'm going to go down and get some water for the next part, okay?"
[15:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Indeed. Let me hold the parasol for you? The agent is meant to spread over the exposed skin."
[15:25] <Bright_Snow> */ Sudden nervousness./* "I guess that makes sense." She streches out on the sand still beneath the shade of the parasol as she hands it to Nomoe
[15:25] * Shrike raises an eyebrow "I could help with applying the agent, if you wished?" Shrike asks.
[15:27] <Wandering> Wandering took another drink from her prize, she felt the liqud run down her throat to her belly leaving a warm feeling. She glanced at Shrike and debated if she should apologise for earlier or not, it had been perhaps slightly out of line
[15:27] * Bright_Snow eyes flash up to the top right corner of her eye. "I don't see why not, more help means the faster we can get to making sand castles."
[15:29] * Nomoe_Hideaki stands, holding the parasol to provide proper shade, his eyes following the distant sails out on the sea with deliberate concentration.
[15:31] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara started digging a moat around teh castle, her claws helping to make bigger scoops of sand. She giggled a bit when she felt the wet sand get under her nails
[15:31] * Shrike nods, picking up the vial. "I presume this is applied in the normal fashon?" she asks Nomoe, before opening the bottle and placing some on her hand, reaching to begin the application with a surprisingly soft - and proper - hand.
[15:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His eyes fixed on a circling seabird Nomoe confirms. "No special instructions for the use."
[15:33] <~Anshu> Mara smiles softly, helping Chiyara pat the sand into shape as Nimai returns with a bucker of water and wet sand.
[15:36] * Bright_Snow flinches very slightly at the touch, "It's cold" she mutters as way of an excuse.
[15:37] <Wandering> Wandering had taken a step forward and was about to say something when she noted that Shrike was otherwise occupied and fell silent, instead refilling her drink with a slight expeniture of Essence
[15:37] <Bright_Snow> */ Mentally the flinch is far more dramatic some of it spilling across the bond. An interesting mixure of terror and discomfort warring with stubborness and enjoyment /*
[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> "*Last time I went for a swim,*" Brazen said over the bond. "*We got attacked by a Hellstrider.*"
[15:40] <~Anshu> "That looks really good! Now it's time for the next part." Nimai kneels down and reaches into the bucket, pulling out a handful of wet sand, which she dribbles through her fingers to make a small, organic-looking tower.
[15:40] * Bright_Snow takes a long measured sip of the Champagne.
[15:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> At the emotional spike Nomoe's head turns to see what in Malfeas Shrike is doing to Bright Snow *surprise, concern, /What .../*
[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> "that's really neat." Chiyara said, coming out of her shell a bit. "I don't usually play with other kids."
[15:41] <Wandering> "*Really? How did that happen?*" Wandering replied over the bond and then cleared her throat "Shrike I-" her voice falters slightly not really wanting to say this in front of witness but gathers her self and then goes on anyway "Shrike I have something to say"
[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> "*It swam over to us.*"
[15:42] * Shrike slowly spreads the lotion over Snow, her hands not once moving anywhere improper, yet ensuring that everything that needs to be covered should be covered in a relaxing, almost massage-like way.
[15:42] <Shrike> She looks up as Wandering speaks, blinking in surprise. "What is it, Deliberator?" she asks, her voice cautious.
[15:42] <Bright_Snow> */Nothing at all, were you planning on helping /*
[15:44] <~Anshu> Mara nods as Nimai begins building on the spire with more wet sand. "Neither do we, really. Well, there are a few other kids of Deliberators, but mostly they keep us to ourselves. Fortunately Nimai and I had each other."
[15:44] <~Anshu> "You want to try?" Nimai ask Chiyara, giving the bucket a small push in her direction.
[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> "um okay." Chiyara said after thinking about it for a bit. She filled up the bucket with wet sand.
[15:46] <Wandering> Wandering grinds her teeth for a moment "I-" then continues "I want to apolgize for acousting you in the Delibertive hall before. It was angry and upset but that was no excuse for acting like I did or insulting your honor in a public place" she swallowed and Brazen was perhaps the only present who could guess or in his case feel how much the next words cost her "I'm sorry"
[15:48] <Shrike> Shrike is quite surprised, and pauses in her application for a moment even, before resuming. "I...your apology is accepted. Had I not acted rashly myself, there would have been nothing for you to apologise for in the first place," the redheaded Solar admits. "I should apologise for goading you, as well."
[15:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I believed I was ... I'm sorry, if I have caused or contributed to your discomfort. I did not mean to bring about a situation like that for you./ regret, anger at his acting with less than perfect thoughtfulness*
[15:54] <Wandering> "Thank you" Wandering said politely inclining her her head "I accept your apology as well"
[15:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki briefly catches her eyes as he apologizes, then looks away again.
[16:00] * Shrike nods with honest gratitude
[16:00] <Bright_Snow> */ Do not worry about it./ Sympathetic, her discomfort fading slightly. / I have decided to confront an issue and am doing so./*
[16:01] <Bright_Snow> "Weren't you planning on helping Nomoe, after all it looks like these two have more to talk about."
[16:05] <Wandering> "I think Brazen would like it if you would still talk to him" Wandering said somewhat stiffly but less than she had before "And I would not be offended if you did so"
[16:07] <Shrike> Shrike's hands continue the slow massage/sunscreen application, nearly completed by now (at least, on the one side of Snow she's been able to work on). "I would be...appreciative of being able to speak with him," she says to Wandering. "Despite his...well, brazen nature," she chuckles, "he has a good heart."
[16:07] <~Anshu> The three girls work together to make a palace of dribbled sand.
[16:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *after a moment's hesitation, the mental equivalent of an acquiescing bow* "I have only so many hands ..." Hideaki points out, unnecessarily holding the parasol with both.
[16:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *discomfort /I ... it would not be right for me to .../*
[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara smiled when she picked up the upside-down bucket and found a rounded lump of sand waiting for her. She laughed in delight
[16:10] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen crested out of the water again, splashing water everywhere and leaving massive saurian tracks in the sand as he felt the difficulty of Wandering's apology. What was going on?
[16:12] <Bright_Snow> */ yet you were the one who suggested it? / some confusion mixing in with everything else /*
[16:12] <~Anshu> "Just like that!" Nimai encourages. "Now we have to be careful and make sure it all stays together," she adds, patting the sides.
[16:13] <Wandering> "He does indeed" Wandering agreed "Would you be willing to start again from scratch between us I mean? I trust Brazen's judgement when I'm not mad at him. If he thinks you are a good person then I trust that"
[16:13] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara mimicked Nimai's actions, patting the places taht she had just patted.
[16:15] <Shrike> "...I would," Shrike says after a moment's thought, with a nod. "I certainly prefer to have friends rather than enemies, and a good drinking partner is always a good thing." She winks, then looks down at Snow, pulling back her hands. "You'll need to turn over if you wish to be completely covered."
[16:17] * Bright_Snow blinks and glances up at Shrike. "Certainly" She rolls over taking another sip of her chamagne glass her held tilting ever so slightly towards Nomoe, when she is at an angle she is sure only Shrike can see.
[16:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Personal space being a rather important concept in his home culture and a touch outside narrowly defined situations deeply improper, Nomoe is rather uncomfortable with the idea himself. */But I did not mean ... not for me to ... this has all gotten out of hand/ embarrassment, self-recrimination. Finally, after a few seconds, a steadying of his thoughts. /If that is what you require of me, if that is your demand./ a questioning tone to the thought*
[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> "What's u-" Brazen noticed Shrike and Wandering together adn just froze.
[16:21] <~Anshu> "Yup! We can decorate this one too if you let me go get some more wet sand," Nimai offers.
[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> "okay..." Chiyara said. "I'll go look for some." She walked off to look for some good sand to dig up, carrying a bucket that was scarcely smaller then her with her.
[16:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> At what point did his day off get so complicated, Hideaki asks himself as he brings his Frozen Sunlight Mask back up to prevent himself from blushing slightly.
[16:24] * Shrike gives Snow a nod, and rocks back onto her heels to make room for Nomoe
[16:24] * Bright_Snow looks at him, but says nothing else either out loud or through the bond
[16:25] <~Anshu> Nimai and Mara turn their attention to building another moat and wall around their original sand castle.
[16:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Is it?" Hideaki repeats his question out loud, if incomprehensibly to outsiders.
[16:28] <Bright_Snow> She simply nods.
[16:33] <Wandering> Wandering politly ignores what is occuring between Nomoe and Snow *"Don't worry Beloved I was apologizing to Shrike"* she says over the bond sensing some disquiet from him
[16:33] <Brazen_Sand> *relief*
[16:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *a moment of hesitation, a complex mixture of emotions - discomfort, conditioned aversion, appreciation, guilty elation, embarrassment, convern over imagined and mostly unrealistic social repercussions - then tight control* A small gesture, a slight breeze as the air elemental takes over the parasol.
[16:36] <Brazen_Sand> "*That's...that's real good.*" *Lingering shame*
[16:36] <~Anshu> As Chiyara walks to the water, a man walking along the beach stops and looks at her with distaste. "What are you?" he asks sharply. "And what are you doing on a reserved beach?"
[16:36] * Shrike reaches out to hand the bottle of lotion to Nomoe
[16:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *..., conviction, determination to hold to his promises and duties, to be a good partner - then tight control*
[16:38] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara looked up and swung her head from side-to-side, looking for an adult, but there wasn't one nearby. She was scared. "looking...looking for sand to make a castle." She said very quietly, like a squeak.
[16:38] <Brazen_Sand> She held her bucket in front of her like a shield.
[16:39] * Nomoe_Hideaki flexes his fingers in a strange rippling motion and there is soft series of popping sounds as layers and layers of hardened essence disperse from his hands. With a nod of thanks, his expression pleasant, he takes the bottle from Shrike.
[16:40] <~Anshu> "You shouldn't be here. This beach is reserved for Deliberators and their guests only, and I doubt anyone invited something like you."
[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> "but I'm here with my daddy." She said, taking a step back.
[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> "and mommy."
[16:42] <~Anshu> Nimai lifts her head to see where Chiyara went, and seeing her in distress, starts to stand up.
[16:42] <~Anshu> "Really? And who are they?" The man's eyes narrow.
[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> "My mommy is called Wandering and my daddy is Brazen Sand." She said staring at the ground, wishing she could roll into a ball.
[16:45] <~Anshu> "So you're the Infernal's get. Why they made him a Deliberator, I'll never understand.
[16:45] <~Anshu> "
[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> "i don't know. I just need to get some sand please."
[16:47] <~Anshu> He sighs. "I suppose you're allowed to be here, then. But try to be quick about it. Most people won't want to see something like you when they're trying to relax."
[16:48] <Brazen_Sand> "why not?" Chiyara asked, looking down at her feet
[16:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I may be inexperienced, but .../ a note of preemptive apology, that he is trying his best* Slowly and carefully he begins to apply the sunscreen as he has seen Shrike do. His hands are soft and uncalloused despite being such deadly weapons.
[16:49] <Brazen_Sand> "my daddy and mommy says that I'm pretty."
[16:49] <Shrike> Shrike watches Nomoe with approval, shifting into a more comfortable position, half stretched-out on her towel. "Feel free to settle in, if you wish," she says to Wandering.
[16:50] <~Anshu> Nimai is walking over, getting within earshot of the man as he answers. "Well, of course. All mothers and fathers tell their children that. But that doesn't mean the rest of us share their opinion."
[16:50] <Brazen_Sand> "what does that mean?" She asked, looking at him with wide-open eyes.
[16:55] <Wandering> Wandering could feel no more worry from Brazen and was sure that he was keeping a close eye on Chiyara. She beside Shrike and offered her a drink "Drink then?"
[16:55] <~Anshu> "It means you're an ugly monster, like your father. What Wandering sees in him... but that's the bond for you. Now run along, little thing. I've interrupted my walk for you long enough."
[16:55] <Wandering> *sat beside
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> "but...but...they said..." Chiyara burst into tears and dropped her pail and ran away back to her father.
[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> "why would they say that?!" she thought, as she neared them, crying loudly.
[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen noticed Chiyara coming towards him.
[16:57] * Shrike, unnoticing of the drama down the beach yet, accepts the glass from Wandering with a smike. "I really shouldn't, but thanks..."
[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's expression is one of concentration foremost, other aspects hidden behind his Charms, as if he was performing a difficult medical procedure.
[16:57] <~Anshu> Nimai stops in shock that someone could be so cruel, and then anger blazes in her eyes and she starts after him.
[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen kneeled down at her as she clung to his leg and sobbed
[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> "What happened honey?" Brazen said, holding her close to his chest.
[16:59] <Wandering> Wandering laughed softly "If we are to be friends then don't worry about such things with me. After all its in my name to drink" she began to drain her drink "Whats the worse that could happen?"
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> She sniffled through nose-holes and it took awhile for her to be able to speak comprehensibly. "A...a man said I was an ugly monster and that I shouldn't be on the beach and and I just wanted to make a sand castle but I got scaaaared and I'm sorry cause I dropped Nimai's pail and now they won't like me cause I'm ugly."
[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> She wailed.
[17:00] <Bright_Snow> */ As long it is done properly and by you, I'm unlikely to mind / her own discomfort has lessened a bit, though her terror hasn't and is somewhat mixed with just a small amount of excitement. / Thank you for joining me in my discomfort/ she thinks warmly/*
[17:02] <Shrike> "Never say that." Shrike grins at Wandering. "And...let's just say that once I have enough to drink, parties -really- get interesting." She winks, taking a sip of her own drink with a satisfied expression.
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> Wandering felt *BARELY CONTAINED RED-HOT FURY*
[17:04] <~Anshu> Nimai runs around to stand in front of the man who made Chiyara cry. "How dare you say that sort of thing to her! She's barely old enough to talk!" she demands, her hands clenching into fists.
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> "Where was this nasty man?" Brazen asked
[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara pointed down the beach and put then quickly turned back to put her face on Brazen's chest, as if scared that the man would see her pointing at him. He was the scariest thing ever.
[17:05] <Brazen_Sand> "Okay, I understand, honey. I'm going to go have a talk with that man." Brazen said, sounding somewhat unfocused.
[17:06] <Wandering> "You should get your self invited to a Mo-" Wandering began to reply and then broke off as she felt a burning rage over the bond. *"Whats Happened? Whats Wrong?"*
[17:06] <Brazen_Sand> He walked over to Wandering and Shrike, not even noticing Nomoe actually touching Snow or Shrike drinking with Wandering. His mind was on ohter things.
[17:06] <Brazen_Sand> "Nothing. Can you take Chiyara for a moment." He said
[17:07] <Shrike> "To a what?" Shrike asks, raising an eyebrow, then looking over as the mountainous Infernal approaches with the crying child. "What's happened." In an instant her playful demeanor fades.
[17:07] <~Anshu> "I'm a Deliberator. I'll say what I want, when I want, girl," he says dismissively, unaffected by Nimai's glower.
[17:08] <Wandering> "Bra-" Wandering was about to argue but she saw how upset Chiyara was and quickly took hold of her daughter comforting her "Shhh there, there. Everything will be all right no 'Yara"
[17:08] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara buried her face in Wandering's shoulder and cried.
[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> "I need to go talk to someone."
[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen leapt up without a word and quickly found the man, and one of Anshu and Cerise's children as well.
[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> He slammed down nearby and looked at the man with murder in his eyes.
[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> "WHO"
[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> "THE'
[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> "FUCK"
[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> "ARE"
[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> "*YOU!*"
[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> He screamed furiously as he closed to him.
[17:11] <~Anshu> "Is that how it is? You'll be sorry once I tell my father about this. Anshu of the Grand Circle doesn't take well to people who reduce innocent children to tears. None of your motions will pass. The farming programs we have in place will never touch your lands, and when I Exalt as a Dawn I will raise an army, sow your fields with salt, and water them with the blood of your people!" Nimai screams. It is perhaps fortunate that the last portions of her rant are lost in Brazen's bellowing.
[17:14] <Brazen_Sand> "Go back to your parents." Brazen said to Nimai. Before she could retort he repeated. "GO BACK TO YOUR PARENTS!!"
[17:15] <~Anshu> Nimai takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, then turns and runs back to Anshu and Cerise.
[17:15] <Shrike> Shrike watches the departing Brazen with a pair of raised eyebrows, then looks back at Wandering. "Your daughter?"
[17:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */But in public ... in Sanken this .../  not that it would be much easier for Hideaki in private, but it's a convenient excuse to focus on - with some effort he banishes the thought /I would be a poor partner to you if I didn't, wouldn't I?/*
[17:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *Hideaki tries a laugh at their shared discomfort, fondness and amused self-awareness joining the swirl of his emotions /Look at the two of us, the great and powerful Deliberators, so troubled .../*
[17:17] <Wandering> Wandering was distracted with her child "Hmm... Yes this beautiful petal is Chiyara. Mine and Brazens first born" she smiled down at Chiyara "Chiyara dry your eyes and say hello to Shrike she's a.. freind of mommy and daddy"
[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara put on a brave face and sniffed. "hello."
[17:18] <~Anshu> The man's face paled a bit when Nimai mentioned her father... and then he whirled around as Brazen landed thunderously.
[17:18] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked like he was literally about to burst into flames, his body barely being held together from torching everything around him.
[17:19] <Brazen_Sand> "What the fuck kind of asshole are. You just made my daughter cry, and she's barely walking."
[17:20] <Brazen_Sand> He said, the relatively low volume only making him even more menacing
[17:22] <~Anshu> Mara, meanwhile, is approaching Wandering, Shrike, and Chiyara.
[17:23] * Shrike gives Chiyara a warm smile. "Hello there, dear," she says. "It's nice to meet you."
[17:23] <Shrike> She looks up noticing Mara's approach
[17:24] <~Anshu> "I'm Deliberator Enor Cheba. I'm trying to enjoy a walk on the beach."
[17:24] <Wandering> "Don't worry Mara, Chiyara is all right now" she indicated the girl who'd calmed down a little "See?"
[17:24] * Bright_Snow smiles in response, her eyes dancing with discomfort and humour. "The absurdity of people will never cease to amaze me. Especially when it is my own." */ No one is looking, it is after all one of the few benefits of having Brazen so ever present./*
[17:26] <~Anshu> "That's good," Mara smiles a small smile. "What did he say to her?"
[17:27] * Shrike gives Mara a nod and small smile of discreet greeting
[17:30] <Wandering> "What did who say to her?" Wandering asked "Brazen gave her to me and then took off." her voice was intent "Someone said something to her? To upset her like that?"
[17:31] <~Anshu> "She was getting sand for a castle, and a man stopped her and said something that made her cry and run back to Brazen."
[17:34] <Wandering> "He did?" Wanderings voice was a low angry growl before she cushed her anger she had Chiyara to take care off for now and she was sure that Brazen was taking care of it. "I'll ask Brazen when he returns. "See Chiyara Mara came to see if your okay isn't that nice of her?"
[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> "yes. Thank you for playing with me. sorry about teh bucket." She said through some tears
[17:35] * Shrike stays quiet
[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> "And that includes making toddlers cry?!" He snarled
[17:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki allows a smile of his own to touch his face. "True enough." */Ah yes, a walking distraction. Still .../ he cuts off the thought /Thank you for trying to make me feel better./ warmth* "It is when it does cease to amaze us that we'll have lost touch with humanity."
[17:36] <~Anshu> "Don't worry about the bucket. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help."
[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> "I'll be ok. daddy said he would talk to the man." She said
[17:38] <Brazen_Sand> "why did Nimai go after the man too? Wasn't she scared?"
[17:39] <~Anshu> The man looks up at Brazen. "She disturbed me. She's quite abnormal looking, you know. I'm honestly surprised you let her out in public. If you want to spare her feelings, you should keep her away from people."
[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> "She IS a person!!" He said, the man somehow managing to press every single one of his buttons at once.
[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> "Moreover, she's MY DAUGHTER. So I'm going to give you ONE CHANCE to go back and apologize to her!!"
[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> "If you don't...then it's going to be painful for you. Very painful."
[17:43] <~Anshu> "Nimai saw that you were getting upset and got angry at him, I think." Mara sits down next to Shrike and Wandering. "Did he talk about how you look?" she asks Chiyara softly.
[17:44] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara sniffed and nodded. "Nimai is very brave."
[17:45] <Shrike> "She is," Shrike agrees quietly, with a nod. "It runs in the family, I think."
[17:45] <~Anshu> "And if I refuse?" Enor asks.
[17:46] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen slapped the ground and a weave of essence spun through the sand, at certain intervals, swords made out of pure shimmering light rose up, continuing to do so until Enor was surrounded by a field of blades.
[17:46] <~Anshu> "Im sure you'll be brave when you're older too," Mara says. "I know how it feels to think you don't look right. That's why I was wearing my colors when we first got here. So people don't see how pale I am and start wondering things.
[17:46] <Wandering> "He what?" Wandering hissed softly and made a mental note to look this man up later perhaps a does of a confusion draft in his drink at the next major party would a suitable start to her vengence "Your beautiful Chiyara, don't let anyone tell you different"
[17:46] <~Anshu> "
[17:47] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara nodded. "thank you. I think you're pretty, Mara."
[17:50] <~Anshu> Enor smirks. "So, this is how it's going to be? Fine. Go ahead. I'm sure I can get away in one piece... and what will the Deliberative think when they find out that their newest member, elevated despite the reservations many felt, decided to assault a peer out of temper?"
[17:50] * Bright_Snow nods and tries to enjoy the lotion going on
[17:50] <~Anshu> "You're pretty too, Chiyara. You shouldn't listen to whatever he said," Mara smiles gently at her.
[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sneered back. "I know what I think. I think you JUST MADE MY DAUGHTER CRY WHEN SHE WAS JUST GOING TO THE BEACH!"
[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen charged towards him and picked up one of the blades as he neared him
[17:52] <Brazen_Sand> "COME ON, YOU COWARD!" He shouted. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A DELIBERATOR!"
[17:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> All the heavy and complicated emotions involved may make it seem longer, but it's only a minute or two later that Hideaki lifts his hands. "There. Ready to try facing the sun?" He looks up, blinking slightly at the sight of Brazen playing with swords, but quickly dismissing it as less important.
[17:54] <Shrike> "She's right. You are beautiful, and no-one should tell you otherwise," Shrike says, directed to both Chiyara and Mara.
[17:55] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara smiled at her new friends.
[17:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "There is a sand castle to build after all ..."
[17:56] <Brazen_Sand> "thank you." She said, "I'll still play with you guys, if that's okay with you."

Latest revision as of 22:04, 7 August 2011

~Anshu: It's only a few days until Calibration, and the world has grown steadily colder... except for a small stretch of beach on the Blessed Isle, where even its mild winter chill has been driven back by the magics of the Deliberative to make way for sunny warmth.

~Anshu: Here, Deliberators and their invited guests can spend a few hours relaxing in the faux summer before duty once again calls.

Brazen_sand: Brazen wore a bathing suit, a massive version of the shorts worn by swimmers in An-Teng

Brazen_sand: And a hat that had been chosen for the gift-giving season, somehow perched on his inhuman head.

Brazen_sand: A hole had been cut for his tail.

Brazen_sand: He was enjoying the perks of being a Deliberator

Brazen_sand: And Chiyara clung to his back as he swam in the pleasantly cool water like a massive shark...thing

Shrike_: On the beach, resting stretched out comfortably on a soft towel made of the finest woven yeddim hair, Shrike relaxes, a smile on her face as she allows the magical warmth and the natural comfort of the Unconquered Sun's rays to soak into her skin. Of which...a LOT is showing...

Nomoe_Hideaki: Hideaki has discarded the mantle of his Charms for once, as well as his usual elaborate robes. Today is one of his rare days off, the occasion is sufficiently private to relax at least a little bit, and it's the beautiful beach of the Blessed Isle besides. Simple, if high quality, deep blue swimwear and a haori of thin, white silk are enough for a day like this.

Wandering: Wandering had picked up a new costume from a highly recomended store on the Isle it clung to her graceful curves and strong frame. She wasn't one to flaunt her looks but nor was she trying to hide it.

Wandering: She sat on the beach and watched Brazen and their daughter swim and play.

Brazen_sand: Brazen shook himself off like a dog when he walked out of the water, carrying Chiyara in his arms.

Brazen_sand: "So what do you think of life on the Blessed Isle?" He asked Wandering as he neared her.

Nomoe_Hideaki: On a deck chair near the others Hideaki relaxes in the sun, unconcerned despite his pale complexion. The Daystar will not burn one of its own.

Bright_Snow: lays under an umbrella, even in the form of Young And Maiden Bright she'd rather not risk being burned

Wandering: "It's certainlly relaxed enough" she commented "It's quite and peaceful so its a good place to raise a child."

Wandering: "But I'm not sure I like all the company that is around"

Brazen_sand: Brazen frowned. "Well when you put it that way, it's lucky that the place is so pretty. If you guys weren't here, I'd have gone crazy. Peaceful and quiet." He shuddered

Nomoe_Hideaki: In his hand is a frosted glass enchanted with cold and within drink as complicated as it is potent, from which Hideaki sips now and then.

[14:18] <~Anshu> Girlish laughter sounds over the beach as Anshu and Cerise's twin daughters race down to the water, their parents following at a more sedate pace. They nod respectfully to their peers, and set up their towels a bit down the beach to give the others a sense of privacy.

[14:21] <Shrike> Shrike looks over in the direction of Anshu and Cerise, and raises a hand in greeting. [14:22] <Wandering> "Know nothing like that its just-" Wanderings mouth clacked shut "Of course your right Nomoe-san. I'll behave" she sighed it was going ot be tough. But the arrival of the twins brought a welcome distraction.

[14:22] * Nomoe_Hideaki nods to Anshu and Cerise in turn, raising his glass slightly in a rather informal gesture of greeting.

[14:23] <Brazen_sand> Brazen held Chiyara up in the sun, listening to her delighted giggles of laughter as she moved up and down quickly, looking with wonder at what he had made with Wandering.

[14:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Perhaps a drink, Wandering? Bright Morning?"

[14:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "It helps with forgetting about unpleasant matters."

[14:25] <Brazen_Sand> Looking at the way the sun shown off her carapace

[14:25] <Wandering> "Hmm, I suppose something to cool me off a bit would be most welcome Nome-san" Wandering agreed as pleasently as she could

[14:25] <~Anshu> Out in the water, the twins Nimai and Mara splash and play and laugh.

[14:28] * Bright_Snow carries her parasol with her, beginning again to build sandcastles. */ This reminds me of just after we'd met / fond rememberance /*

[14:30] <Brazen_Sand> "Hey Wandering, does Chiyara ever get to play with other kids?"

[14:32] <~Anshu> One of the twins - the Solar twin - notices Brazen holding Chiyara and runs up, while her sister continues to swim a bit longer.

[14:33] <Brazen_Sand> "Hello little..." Brazen can't remember her name. "girl!"

[14:33] <Bright_Snow> "This is harder without Inkwell around." She mutters as she begins to try to outdo her previous sandcastle

[14:34] <Wandering> "We've tried to but finding children who are totally happy with her isn't all that easy" Wandering replied "So new playmates are always good"

[14:34] <~Anshu> "My name is Nimai, and Mara is my sister," she says. "You're Brazen, of course. That's your baby?" she asks.

[14:34] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe smiles at the pleasant memory. */Ah, yes indeed./*

[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> "Yes. Yes she is. Say hi to the nice girl, Chiyara?" Brazen said, lowering her to the ground.

[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> "'lo." She said shyly.

[14:35] * Shrike turns over on her towel to lay on her front, a slight titter rising from a few of the others on the beach at her...daring swimsuit choice.

[14:35] <Brazen_Sand> Not quite having the pronounciation down.

[14:36] <~Anshu> Nimai crouches down to be closer to eye level, smiling broadly. "Hello, Chiyara. Do you like the beach?"

[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara toddled over and hugged Brazen's leg, hiding her face.

[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> "Sorry, she's still shy. She's pretty young."

[14:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Something occurs to him then. */I almost forgot, but after that day I had an alchemical substance made to protect sensitive skin against the sun. You wouldn't need the parasol then .../*

[14:37] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen gently stroked Chiyara's head with a claw, fondly.

[14:38] <Wandering> Wandering smiled watching the children talk

[14:38] <Brazen_Sand> "It's okay, Chiyara. She wants to be friends." Brazen said to her.

[14:38] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara gingerly moved her head to look at Nimai, but still holding onto Brazen's leg for security

[14:39] <~Anshu> Nimai nods and watches Chiyara. "I like your shell, Chiyara. It's very pretty, especially where the light shines through."

[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> "'nk you." She said, not quite looking her in the eye.

[14:40] <Brazen_Sand> "daddy says I have a special shell."

[14:41] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen smiled widely at her, she'd picked up speaking so quickly. She often spoke to Launjilla as well.

[14:41] <Brazen_Sand> "'N Uncle Launjilla says that I'm special cause daddy came from far away."

[14:41] <Wandering> "Thats it 'Yara" Wandering said fondly "See making new freinds is fun"

[14:41] <Bright_Snow> */I like the parasol though... but this form is a bit... immature for my tastes. Lets try it then./*

[14:41] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki drinks the last of his whatever-it-is and sits up. "I may be inexperienced, but ... do you want help with the castle?" He spreads his hands with a self-deprecating smile. "I'm certainly no match for Inkwell or you, but I could try?"

[14:42] <Bright_Snow> "Certainly, she says with a smile. After all it is nice to have a challange to meet together."

[14:43] <Nomoe_Hideaki> A small gesture and a shimmering in the air behind Nomoe's chair races off, returning a few minutes later carrying a small crystal bottle in its barely physical hands.

[14:43] <~Anshu> Nimai nods. "Yes, you are very special. Do you like the beach, Chiyara?" she asks again.

[14:44] <Brazen_Sand> "It's pretty. But sometimes I get sand in my shell." she said, then giggled a bit.

[14:45] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I am assured that it is most potent and without side effects, in so far as mortal magic can accomplish that./* Hideaki offers it to Bright Snow.

[14:45] <Brazen_Sand> "Then daddy takes me into the water but I have to hold my breath."

[14:46] <Brazen_Sand> "Just like we taught you, honey." Brazen added.

[14:46] <Brazen_Sand> "'s daddy."

[14:46] <~Anshu> Mara emerges from the water, her dyes starting to run a little, beginning to reveal her true, almost albino paleness.

[14:46] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe smiles as well, looking over what Snow has already wrought. "What are your plans, oh architect?"

[14:47] * Shrike sits up after a little while, stretches, and looks around the beach for a few minutes before spotting Nomoe and Snow. Standing, she picks up her towe, shakes the sand from it, then walks in their direction

[14:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His air elemental has retreated back to his chair and busies itself creating a new drink.

[14:48] * Bright_Snow streches her form rippling to her normal much much paler one. The colour going out of her skin and her hair. "I think we shall start with some of that alchemy mixture and return to the castle after."

[14:48] <~Anshu> "Well, I don't have a shell, but send gets into my swimsuit all the time. It can be very annoying. And it's very important to hold your breath when you're swimming."

[14:49] <Brazen_Sand> "mommy told me that. Then she turned into a dolphin."

[14:50] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen nudged her a bit. "oh...do you want to...play?" Chiyara asked shyly

[14:53] * Shrike raises an eyebrow at Snow's transformation, now recognising the Lunar as she arrives.

[14:53] <Shrike> "Hello, Deliberators." Shrike smiles politely at the two. "Do you mind if I join you here?"

[14:54] * Nomoe_Hideaki inclines his head in appreciation. "This shape does become you."

[14:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Ah," Nomoe bows slightly toward Shrike as she arrives.

[14:55] <Wandering> Wandering raises her eyebrow slightly at the apparent change in Mara wondering why she dyed herself so

[14:56] <~Anshu> Nimai nods as Mara comes up next to her. "I do. What do you like to play?" Then she notices Mara's presence. "Oh, this is my sister, Mara. She can play with us too. Oh... uh, Mara, your colors are running..."

[14:56] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen notices, but doesn't say anything

[14:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "What a coincidence to meet you here." He seems to have overheard Shrike's question.

[14:58] <~Anshu> "Oh..." Mara sighs. "I knew coming to the beach was a bad idea... do you think they'll want me to go home?"

[14:58] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *seems not to have heard

[14:58] <Bright_Snow> "No join us, after all you were by far the most interesting person at Nomoe's party." She says with a laugh. "Would you care to start building sand castles with us." She makes sure she doesn't slip from beneath the shade of the parasol.

[14:58] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara is just confused.

[14:58] <Wandering> "Do you want to play with Chiyara as well Mara?" Wandering asked she was intrigued by the dye, but she was hardly one to pick on oddites her considering her mate and child

[14:59] <~Anshu> Nimai shakes her head. "No. Just go back in and wash the rest of it off. They shouldn't make you hide anyway."

[14:59] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked at Wandering and shrugged

[15:01] <~Anshu> Mara nods, and answers Wandering before trotting back to the water. "Sure, in a minute."

[15:01] <Shrike> "Well, this is the most pleasant place to spend an afternoon around here." Shrike returns Nomoe's bow, then chuckles at Snow's comment. "I've never been much of one for sandcastles. Unless it was kicking them over. And interesting, you say?" She grins, as she spreads out her towel - fully in the sun - and sits.

[15:02] <~Anshu> Nimai turns back to Chiyara. "So what do you like to play?"

[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> "Uhhh...i dunno." She said, looking at the ground, not used to playing with other kids.

[15:03] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Still holding the crystal bottle with the Sun-Screening Alchemical Mixture, Nomoe nods slowly. "My own skill at building is sadly weak as well. It does not stop me from trying my best, of course, as in all things."

[15:03] <Brazen_Sand> "What do you play?"

[15:04] <Brazen_Sand> "usually uncle launjilla sings to me, he sounds like bells."

[15:05] <Bright_Snow> "So what do you like to do?" Snow says ignoring the obvious answer to that question.

[15:05] <Wandering> "Hmmm, Maybe you, Mara and Nimai should try building a sand castle?" Wandering suggested "Show Nomoe-san and Snow how to do it?"

[15:06] <Brazen_Sand> "uhhh...okay, mommy." chiyara said.

[15:06] <Brazen_Sand> "If, if you wanna, that is..." She said to Nimai, somewhat nervously

[15:06] <Shrike> "Doing one's best is all one can do," Shrike agrees with a nod. "And there are a number of things I enjoy, although simply relaxing with good company is always a good thing, as is reading and increasing my knowledge."

[15:08] <~Anshu> "I like to make sand castles," Nimai assures her. "Especially ones close to the water, so you can make the dribbly towers, and dig moats and things."

[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> "I never made a sandcastle before. Can you show me?" She asked, with her bright blue eyes looking at Nimai's face.

[15:09] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sighed inwardly. "*She's never really played with other children, has she?*"

[15:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Something rarely possible, with the burdens we all carry, but indeed," Hideaki nods. "It is good to have a day off."

[15:10] <~Anshu> Nimai nods, and offers Chiyara her hand. "Of course. Come with me closer, to the water."

[15:10] <Brazen_Sand> She looked at Brazen, who nodded to her, then slowly took her hand in her own short-clawed one.

[15:12] <Wandering> "Not really, this is a good chance for her to have a normal childhood or normal as the child of Exalts can have" Wandering said as she went to collect a drink from Nomoe's servant nodding politely to the others

[15:12] <~Anshu> Nimai grins, and leads Chiyara toward the waterline to where the sand a bit wetter and better for building with.

[15:13] <Brazen_Sand> "I...I know!" Brazen said quickly.

[15:13] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Does anyone else want something to drink?" Having mentioned work, without really meaning to, seems to have made Hideaki thirsty.

[15:14] <~Anshu> "First, you have to build a base, like this..." Nimai begins to explain, scooping up sand with her hands and beginning to pile it up.

[15:14] <Shrike> "I wouldn't mind a drink. Feel free to surprise me with what sort."

[15:14] <Bright_Snow> "So much to know so little time to do so. I sympathise. My own projects have been extensive." She glances over to Nomoe at that suggestion and then back at Shrike, "Champagne?"

[15:15] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara watched Nimai work with wide-eyed admiration.

[15:15] <Shrike> "Champagne sounds wonderful." Shrike chuckles. "Just one glass, though, it's too early in the day to be getting too tipsy."

[15:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> He seems to realize that he's still holding the alchemical mixture. "Ah, this isn't for drinking of course." He sets the bottle down close to the sand castle, then waves for his elemental servant to approach again.

[15:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Once sent away, a minute later it returns bearing glasses of champagne and one of Nomoe's strangely colored, complicated-looking drinks.

[15:19] <~Anshu> "And it's best to dig in a circle, to make a moat to help keep the water out," Nimai explains to Chiyara, demonstrating.

[15:19] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "To beautiful days like this," he suggests, raising his own.

[15:19] * Shrike accepts a glass, and raises it "To beautiful days and good company."

[15:19] <Brazen_Sand> "can...can I help?"

[15:20] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara asked, while Brazen went back into the water to swim around and look at the amazing sea-life. Swimming was still a novelty to him after growing up in Gem.

[15:20] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "And good company," Hideaki agrees, unconsciously looking to Bright Snow.

[15:22] <~Anshu> Mara, now clean of her dyes, comes back up to join Nimai and Chiyara. She's still identical in build and features to her sister, but as if all the color had been drained from her skin and hair.

[15:22] <Bright_Snow> "Likewise" Snow matches with her own glass. "But before we start on the sandcastle I believe we were going to do something to prevent me from burning..." She still stays firmly beneath the parasol while saying this.

[15:23] <~Anshu> Nimia nods. "Yes, of course you can. And Mara, too. I'm going to go down and get some water for the next part, okay?"

[15:23] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Indeed. Let me hold the parasol for you? The agent is meant to spread over the exposed skin."

[15:25] <Bright_Snow> */ Sudden nervousness./* "I guess that makes sense." She streches out on the sand still beneath the shade of the parasol as she hands it to Nomoe

[15:25] * Shrike raises an eyebrow "I could help with applying the agent, if you wished?" Shrike asks.

[15:27] <Wandering> Wandering took another drink from her prize, she felt the liqud run down her throat to her belly leaving a warm feeling. She glanced at Shrike and debated if she should apologise for earlier or not, it had been perhaps slightly out of line

[15:27] * Bright_Snow eyes flash up to the top right corner of her eye. "I don't see why not, more help means the faster we can get to making sand castles."

[15:29] * Nomoe_Hideaki stands, holding the parasol to provide proper shade, his eyes following the distant sails out on the sea with deliberate concentration.

[15:31] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara started digging a moat around teh castle, her claws helping to make bigger scoops of sand. She giggled a bit when she felt the wet sand get under her nails

[15:31] * Shrike nods, picking up the vial. "I presume this is applied in the normal fashon?" she asks Nomoe, before opening the bottle and placing some on her hand, reaching to begin the application with a surprisingly soft - and proper - hand.

[15:33] <Nomoe_Hideaki> His eyes fixed on a circling seabird Nomoe confirms. "No special instructions for the use."

[15:33] <~Anshu> Mara smiles softly, helping Chiyara pat the sand into shape as Nimai returns with a bucker of water and wet sand.

[15:36] * Bright_Snow flinches very slightly at the touch, "It's cold" she mutters as way of an excuse.

[15:37] <Wandering> Wandering had taken a step forward and was about to say something when she noted that Shrike was otherwise occupied and fell silent, instead refilling her drink with a slight expeniture of Essence

[15:37] <Bright_Snow> */ Mentally the flinch is far more dramatic some of it spilling across the bond. An interesting mixure of terror and discomfort warring with stubborness and enjoyment /*

[15:39] <Brazen_Sand> "*Last time I went for a swim,*" Brazen said over the bond. "*We got attacked by a Hellstrider.*"

[15:40] <~Anshu> "That looks really good! Now it's time for the next part." Nimai kneels down and reaches into the bucket, pulling out a handful of wet sand, which she dribbles through her fingers to make a small, organic-looking tower.

[15:40] * Bright_Snow takes a long measured sip of the Champagne.

[15:40] <Nomoe_Hideaki> At the emotional spike Nomoe's head turns to see what in Malfeas Shrike is doing to Bright Snow *surprise, concern, /What .../*

[15:41] <Brazen_Sand> "that's really neat." Chiyara said, coming out of her shell a bit. "I don't usually play with other kids."

[15:41] <Wandering> "*Really? How did that happen?*" Wandering replied over the bond and then cleared her throat "Shrike I-" her voice falters slightly not really wanting to say this in front of witness but gathers her self and then goes on anyway "Shrike I have something to say"

[15:42] <Brazen_Sand> "*It swam over to us.*"

[15:42] * Shrike slowly spreads the lotion over Snow, her hands not once moving anywhere improper, yet ensuring that everything that needs to be covered should be covered in a relaxing, almost massage-like way.

[15:42] <Shrike> She looks up as Wandering speaks, blinking in surprise. "What is it, Deliberator?" she asks, her voice cautious.

[15:42] <Bright_Snow> */Nothing at all, were you planning on helping /*

[15:44] <~Anshu> Mara nods as Nimai begins building on the spire with more wet sand. "Neither do we, really. Well, there are a few other kids of Deliberators, but mostly they keep us to ourselves. Fortunately Nimai and I had each other."

[15:44] <~Anshu> "You want to try?" Nimai ask Chiyara, giving the bucket a small push in her direction.

[15:45] <Brazen_Sand> "um okay." Chiyara said after thinking about it for a bit. She filled up the bucket with wet sand.

[15:46] <Wandering> Wandering grinds her teeth for a moment "I-" then continues "I want to apolgize for acousting you in the Delibertive hall before. It was angry and upset but that was no excuse for acting like I did or insulting your honor in a public place" she swallowed and Brazen was perhaps the only present who could guess or in his case feel how much the next words cost her "I'm sorry"

[15:48] <Shrike> Shrike is quite surprised, and pauses in her application for a moment even, before resuming. "I...your apology is accepted. Had I not acted rashly myself, there would have been nothing for you to apologise for in the first place," the redheaded Solar admits. "I should apologise for goading you, as well."

[15:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I believed I was ... I'm sorry, if I have caused or contributed to your discomfort. I did not mean to bring about a situation like that for you./ regret, anger at his acting with less than perfect thoughtfulness*

[15:54] <Wandering> "Thank you" Wandering said politely inclining her her head "I accept your apology as well"

[15:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki briefly catches her eyes as he apologizes, then looks away again.

[16:00] * Shrike nods with honest gratitude

[16:00] <Bright_Snow> */ Do not worry about it./ Sympathetic, her discomfort fading slightly. / I have decided to confront an issue and am doing so./*

[16:01] <Bright_Snow> "Weren't you planning on helping Nomoe, after all it looks like these two have more to talk about."

[16:05] <Wandering> "I think Brazen would like it if you would still talk to him" Wandering said somewhat stiffly but less than she had before "And I would not be offended if you did so"

[16:07] <Shrike> Shrike's hands continue the slow massage/sunscreen application, nearly completed by now (at least, on the one side of Snow she's been able to work on). "I would be...appreciative of being able to speak with him," she says to Wandering. "Despite his...well, brazen nature," she chuckles, "he has a good heart."

[16:07] <~Anshu> The three girls work together to make a palace of dribbled sand.

[16:08] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *after a moment's hesitation, the mental equivalent of an acquiescing bow* "I have only so many hands ..." Hideaki points out, unnecessarily holding the parasol with both.

[16:09] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *discomfort /I ... it would not be right for me to .../*

[16:09] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara smiled when she picked up the upside-down bucket and found a rounded lump of sand waiting for her. She laughed in delight

[16:10] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen crested out of the water again, splashing water everywhere and leaving massive saurian tracks in the sand as he felt the difficulty of Wandering's apology. What was going on?

[16:12] <Bright_Snow> */ yet you were the one who suggested it? / some confusion mixing in with everything else /*

[16:12] <~Anshu> "Just like that!" Nimai encourages. "Now we have to be careful and make sure it all stays together," she adds, patting the sides.

[16:13] <Wandering> "He does indeed" Wandering agreed "Would you be willing to start again from scratch between us I mean? I trust Brazen's judgement when I'm not mad at him. If he thinks you are a good person then I trust that"

[16:13] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara mimicked Nimai's actions, patting the places taht she had just patted.

[16:15] <Shrike> "...I would," Shrike says after a moment's thought, with a nod. "I certainly prefer to have friends rather than enemies, and a good drinking partner is always a good thing." She winks, then looks down at Snow, pulling back her hands. "You'll need to turn over if you wish to be completely covered."

[16:17] * Bright_Snow blinks and glances up at Shrike. "Certainly" She rolls over taking another sip of her chamagne glass her held tilting ever so slightly towards Nomoe, when she is at an angle she is sure only Shrike can see.

[16:17] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Personal space being a rather important concept in his home culture and a touch outside narrowly defined situations deeply improper, Nomoe is rather uncomfortable with the idea himself. */But I did not mean ... not for me to ... this has all gotten out of hand/ embarrassment, self-recrimination. Finally, after a few seconds, a steadying of his thoughts. /If that is what you require of me, if that is your demand./ a questioning tone to the thought*

[16:19] <Brazen_Sand> "What's u-" Brazen noticed Shrike and Wandering together adn just froze.

[16:21] <~Anshu> "Yup! We can decorate this one too if you let me go get some more wet sand," Nimai offers.

[16:22] <Brazen_Sand> "okay..." Chiyara said. "I'll go look for some." She walked off to look for some good sand to dig up, carrying a bucket that was scarcely smaller then her with her.

[16:24] <Nomoe_Hideaki> At what point did his day off get so complicated, Hideaki asks himself as he brings his Frozen Sunlight Mask back up to prevent himself from blushing slightly.

[16:24] * Shrike gives Snow a nod, and rocks back onto her heels to make room for Nomoe

[16:24] * Bright_Snow looks at him, but says nothing else either out loud or through the bond

[16:25] <~Anshu> Nimai and Mara turn their attention to building another moat and wall around their original sand castle.

[16:26] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "Is it?" Hideaki repeats his question out loud, if incomprehensibly to outsiders.

[16:28] <Bright_Snow> She simply nods.

[16:33] <Wandering> Wandering politly ignores what is occuring between Nomoe and Snow *"Don't worry Beloved I was apologizing to Shrike"* she says over the bond sensing some disquiet from him

[16:33] <Brazen_Sand> *relief*

[16:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *a moment of hesitation, a complex mixture of emotions - discomfort, conditioned aversion, appreciation, guilty elation, embarrassment, convern over imagined and mostly unrealistic social repercussions - then tight control* A small gesture, a slight breeze as the air elemental takes over the parasol.

[16:36] <Brazen_Sand> "*That's...that's real good.*" *Lingering shame*

[16:36] <~Anshu> As Chiyara walks to the water, a man walking along the beach stops and looks at her with distaste. "What are you?" he asks sharply. "And what are you doing on a reserved beach?"

[16:36] * Shrike reaches out to hand the bottle of lotion to Nomoe

[16:37] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *..., conviction, determination to hold to his promises and duties, to be a good partner - then tight control*

[16:38] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara looked up and swung her head from side-to-side, looking for an adult, but there wasn't one nearby. She was scared. "looking...looking for sand to make a castle." She said very quietly, like a squeak.

[16:38] <Brazen_Sand> She held her bucket in front of her like a shield.

[16:39] * Nomoe_Hideaki flexes his fingers in a strange rippling motion and there is soft series of popping sounds as layers and layers of hardened essence disperse from his hands. With a nod of thanks, his expression pleasant, he takes the bottle from Shrike.

[16:40] <~Anshu> "You shouldn't be here. This beach is reserved for Deliberators and their guests only, and I doubt anyone invited something like you."

[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> "but I'm here with my daddy." She said, taking a step back.

[16:41] <Brazen_Sand> "and mommy."

[16:42] <~Anshu> Nimai lifts her head to see where Chiyara went, and seeing her in distress, starts to stand up.

[16:42] <~Anshu> "Really? And who are they?" The man's eyes narrow.

[16:43] <Brazen_Sand> "My mommy is called Wandering and my daddy is Brazen Sand." She said staring at the ground, wishing she could roll into a ball.

[16:45] <~Anshu> "So you're the Infernal's get. Why they made him a Deliberator, I'll never understand.

[16:45] <~Anshu> "

[16:46] <Brazen_Sand> "i don't know. I just need to get some sand please."

[16:47] <~Anshu> He sighs. "I suppose you're allowed to be here, then. But try to be quick about it. Most people won't want to see something like you when they're trying to relax."

[16:48] <Brazen_Sand> "why not?" Chiyara asked, looking down at her feet

[16:48] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */I may be inexperienced, but .../ a note of preemptive apology, that he is trying his best* Slowly and carefully he begins to apply the sunscreen as he has seen Shrike do. His hands are soft and uncalloused despite being such deadly weapons.

[16:49] <Brazen_Sand> "my daddy and mommy says that I'm pretty."

[16:49] <Shrike> Shrike watches Nomoe with approval, shifting into a more comfortable position, half stretched-out on her towel. "Feel free to settle in, if you wish," she says to Wandering.

[16:50] <~Anshu> Nimai is walking over, getting within earshot of the man as he answers. "Well, of course. All mothers and fathers tell their children that. But that doesn't mean the rest of us share their opinion."

[16:50] <Brazen_Sand> "what does that mean?" She asked, looking at him with wide-open eyes.

[16:55] <Wandering> Wandering could feel no more worry from Brazen and was sure that he was keeping a close eye on Chiyara. She beside Shrike and offered her a drink "Drink then?"

[16:55] <~Anshu> "It means you're an ugly monster, like your father. What Wandering sees in him... but that's the bond for you. Now run along, little thing. I've interrupted my walk for you long enough."

[16:55] <Wandering> *sat beside

[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> "but...but...they said..." Chiyara burst into tears and dropped her pail and ran away back to her father.

[16:56] <Brazen_Sand> "why would they say that?!" she thought, as she neared them, crying loudly.

[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen noticed Chiyara coming towards him.

[16:57] * Shrike, unnoticing of the drama down the beach yet, accepts the glass from Wandering with a smike. "I really shouldn't, but thanks..."

[16:57] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Nomoe's expression is one of concentration foremost, other aspects hidden behind his Charms, as if he was performing a difficult medical procedure.

[16:57] <~Anshu> Nimai stops in shock that someone could be so cruel, and then anger blazes in her eyes and she starts after him.

[16:57] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen kneeled down at her as she clung to his leg and sobbed

[16:58] <Brazen_Sand> "What happened honey?" Brazen said, holding her close to his chest.

[16:59] <Wandering> Wandering laughed softly "If we are to be friends then don't worry about such things with me. After all its in my name to drink" she began to drain her drink "Whats the worse that could happen?"

[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> She sniffled through nose-holes and it took awhile for her to be able to speak comprehensibly. "A...a man said I was an ugly monster and that I shouldn't be on the beach and and I just wanted to make a sand castle but I got scaaaared and I'm sorry cause I dropped Nimai's pail and now they won't like me cause I'm ugly."

[17:00] <Brazen_Sand> She wailed.

[17:00] <Bright_Snow> */ As long it is done properly and by you, I'm unlikely to mind / her own discomfort has lessened a bit, though her terror hasn't and is somewhat mixed with just a small amount of excitement. / Thank you for joining me in my discomfort/ she thinks warmly/*

[17:02] <Shrike> "Never say that." Shrike grins at Wandering. "And...let's just say that once I have enough to drink, parties -really- get interesting." She winks, taking a sip of her own drink with a satisfied expression.

[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> Wandering felt *BARELY CONTAINED RED-HOT FURY*

[17:04] <~Anshu> Nimai runs around to stand in front of the man who made Chiyara cry. "How dare you say that sort of thing to her! She's barely old enough to talk!" she demands, her hands clenching into fists.

[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> "Where was this nasty man?" Brazen asked

[17:04] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara pointed down the beach and put then quickly turned back to put her face on Brazen's chest, as if scared that the man would see her pointing at him. He was the scariest thing ever.

[17:05] <Brazen_Sand> "Okay, I understand, honey. I'm going to go have a talk with that man." Brazen said, sounding somewhat unfocused.

[17:06] <Wandering> "You should get your self invited to a Mo-" Wandering began to reply and then broke off as she felt a burning rage over the bond. *"Whats Happened? Whats Wrong?"*

[17:06] <Brazen_Sand> He walked over to Wandering and Shrike, not even noticing Nomoe actually touching Snow or Shrike drinking with Wandering. His mind was on ohter things.

[17:06] <Brazen_Sand> "Nothing. Can you take Chiyara for a moment." He said

[17:07] <Shrike> "To a what?" Shrike asks, raising an eyebrow, then looking over as the mountainous Infernal approaches with the crying child. "What's happened." In an instant her playful demeanor fades.

[17:07] <~Anshu> "I'm a Deliberator. I'll say what I want, when I want, girl," he says dismissively, unaffected by Nimai's glower.

[17:08] <Wandering> "Bra-" Wandering was about to argue but she saw how upset Chiyara was and quickly took hold of her daughter comforting her "Shhh there, there. Everything will be all right no 'Yara"

[17:08] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara buried her face in Wandering's shoulder and cried.

[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> "I need to go talk to someone."

[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen leapt up without a word and quickly found the man, and one of Anshu and Cerise's children as well.

[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> He slammed down nearby and looked at the man with murder in his eyes.

[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> "WHO"

[17:09] <Brazen_Sand> "THE'

[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> "FUCK"

[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> "ARE"

[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> "*YOU!*"

[17:10] <Brazen_Sand> He screamed furiously as he closed to him.

[17:11] <~Anshu> "Is that how it is? You'll be sorry once I tell my father about this. Anshu of the Grand Circle doesn't take well to people who reduce innocent children to tears. None of your motions will pass. The farming programs we have in place will never touch your lands, and when I Exalt as a Dawn I will raise an army, sow your fields with salt, and water them with the blood of your people!" Nimai screams. It is perhaps fortunate that the last portions of her rant are lost in Brazen's bellowing.

[17:14] <Brazen_Sand> "Go back to your parents." Brazen said to Nimai. Before she could retort he repeated. "GO BACK TO YOUR PARENTS!!"

[17:15] <~Anshu> Nimai takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, then turns and runs back to Anshu and Cerise.

[17:15] <Shrike> Shrike watches the departing Brazen with a pair of raised eyebrows, then looks back at Wandering. "Your daughter?"

[17:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> */But in public ... in Sanken this .../ not that it would be much easier for Hideaki in private, but it's a convenient excuse to focus on - with some effort he banishes the thought /I would be a poor partner to you if I didn't, wouldn't I?/*

[17:16] <Nomoe_Hideaki> *Hideaki tries a laugh at their shared discomfort, fondness and amused self-awareness joining the swirl of his emotions /Look at the two of us, the great and powerful Deliberators, so troubled .../*

[17:17] <Wandering> Wandering was distracted with her child "Hmm... Yes this beautiful petal is Chiyara. Mine and Brazens first born" she smiled down at Chiyara "Chiyara dry your eyes and say hello to Shrike she's a.. freind of mommy and daddy"

[17:17] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara put on a brave face and sniffed. "hello."

[17:18] <~Anshu> The man's face paled a bit when Nimai mentioned her father... and then he whirled around as Brazen landed thunderously.

[17:18] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen looked like he was literally about to burst into flames, his body barely being held together from torching everything around him.

[17:19] <Brazen_Sand> "What the fuck kind of asshole are. You just made my daughter cry, and she's barely walking."

[17:20] <Brazen_Sand> He said, the relatively low volume only making him even more menacing

[17:22] <~Anshu> Mara, meanwhile, is approaching Wandering, Shrike, and Chiyara.

[17:23] * Shrike gives Chiyara a warm smile. "Hello there, dear," she says. "It's nice to meet you."

[17:23] <Shrike> She looks up noticing Mara's approach

[17:24] <~Anshu> "I'm Deliberator Enor Cheba. I'm trying to enjoy a walk on the beach."

[17:24] <Wandering> "Don't worry Mara, Chiyara is all right now" she indicated the girl who'd calmed down a little "See?"

[17:24] * Bright_Snow smiles in response, her eyes dancing with discomfort and humour. "The absurdity of people will never cease to amaze me. Especially when it is my own." */ No one is looking, it is after all one of the few benefits of having Brazen so ever present./*

[17:26] <~Anshu> "That's good," Mara smiles a small smile. "What did he say to her?"

[17:27] * Shrike gives Mara a nod and small smile of discreet greeting

[17:30] <Wandering> "What did who say to her?" Wandering asked "Brazen gave her to me and then took off." her voice was intent "Someone said something to her? To upset her like that?"

[17:31] <~Anshu> "She was getting sand for a castle, and a man stopped her and said something that made her cry and run back to Brazen."

[17:34] <Wandering> "He did?" Wanderings voice was a low angry growl before she cushed her anger she had Chiyara to take care off for now and she was sure that Brazen was taking care of it. "I'll ask Brazen when he returns. "See Chiyara Mara came to see if your okay isn't that nice of her?"

[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> "yes. Thank you for playing with me. sorry about teh bucket." She said through some tears

[17:35] * Shrike stays quiet

[17:35] <Brazen_Sand> "And that includes making toddlers cry?!" He snarled

[17:35] <Nomoe_Hideaki> Hideaki allows a smile of his own to touch his face. "True enough." */Ah yes, a walking distraction. Still .../ he cuts off the thought /Thank you for trying to make me feel better./ warmth* "It is when it does cease to amaze us that we'll have lost touch with humanity."

[17:36] <~Anshu> "Don't worry about the bucket. I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help."

[17:37] <Brazen_Sand> "I'll be ok. daddy said he would talk to the man." She said

[17:38] <Brazen_Sand> "why did Nimai go after the man too? Wasn't she scared?"

[17:39] <~Anshu> The man looks up at Brazen. "She disturbed me. She's quite abnormal looking, you know. I'm honestly surprised you let her out in public. If you want to spare her feelings, you should keep her away from people."

[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> "She IS a person!!" He said, the man somehow managing to press every single one of his buttons at once.

[17:40] <Brazen_Sand> "Moreover, she's MY DAUGHTER. So I'm going to give you ONE CHANCE to go back and apologize to her!!"

[17:43] <Brazen_Sand> "If you don't...then it's going to be painful for you. Very painful."

[17:43] <~Anshu> "Nimai saw that you were getting upset and got angry at him, I think." Mara sits down next to Shrike and Wandering. "Did he talk about how you look?" she asks Chiyara softly.

[17:44] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara sniffed and nodded. "Nimai is very brave."

[17:45] <Shrike> "She is," Shrike agrees quietly, with a nod. "It runs in the family, I think."

[17:45] <~Anshu> "And if I refuse?" Enor asks.

[17:46] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen slapped the ground and a weave of essence spun through the sand, at certain intervals, swords made out of pure shimmering light rose up, continuing to do so until Enor was surrounded by a field of blades.

[17:46] <~Anshu> "Im sure you'll be brave when you're older too," Mara says. "I know how it feels to think you don't look right. That's why I was wearing my colors when we first got here. So people don't see how pale I am and start wondering things.

[17:46] <Wandering> "He what?" Wandering hissed softly and made a mental note to look this man up later perhaps a does of a confusion draft in his drink at the next major party would a suitable start to her vengence "Your beautiful Chiyara, don't let anyone tell you different"

[17:46] <~Anshu> "

[17:47] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara nodded. "thank you. I think you're pretty, Mara."

[17:50] <~Anshu> Enor smirks. "So, this is how it's going to be? Fine. Go ahead. I'm sure I can get away in one piece... and what will the Deliberative think when they find out that their newest member, elevated despite the reservations many felt, decided to assault a peer out of temper?"

[17:50] * Bright_Snow nods and tries to enjoy the lotion going on

[17:50] <~Anshu> "You're pretty too, Chiyara. You shouldn't listen to whatever he said," Mara smiles gently at her.

[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen sneered back. "I know what I think. I think you JUST MADE MY DAUGHTER CRY WHEN SHE WAS JUST GOING TO THE BEACH!"

[17:51] <Brazen_Sand> Brazen charged towards him and picked up one of the blades as he neared him

[17:52] <Brazen_Sand> "COME ON, YOU COWARD!" He shouted. "I THOUGHT YOU WERE A DELIBERATOR!"

[17:54] <Nomoe_Hideaki> All the heavy and complicated emotions involved may make it seem longer, but it's only a minute or two later that Hideaki lifts his hands. "There. Ready to try facing the sun?" He looks up, blinking slightly at the sight of Brazen playing with swords, but quickly dismissing it as less important.

[17:54] <Shrike> "She's right. You are beautiful, and no-one should tell you otherwise," Shrike says, directed to both Chiyara and Mara.

[17:55] <Brazen_Sand> Chiyara smiled at her new friends.

[17:55] <Nomoe_Hideaki> "There is a sand castle to build after all ..."

[17:56] <Brazen_Sand> "thank you." She said, "I'll still play with you guys, if that's okay with you."