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(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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''Macharius Steele is a rogue mechanicus played by Ferrus Animus in Cthulhupunk's [[Meritech rising|the main page]] campaign.''<br>
''Macharius Steele is a rogue mechanicus played by Ferrus Animus in Cthulhupunk's [[Meritech rising|Meritech rising]] campaign.''<br>
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* Weapon-Tech (+4 damage on axe 1/encounter)
* Weapon-Tech (+4 damage on axe 1/encounter)
* Total Recall (perfect memeory, maybe INT-check)
* Total Recall (perfect memory, maybe INT-check)
* Lesser Minion of Chaos (Servo-Skull)
* Lesser Minion of Chaos (Servo-Skull)
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**Parry: 30 (may destroy non-powered weapons)
**Parry: 30 (may destroy non-powered weapons)
**Dodge: 22
**Dodge: 22
**Toughness: 4
**Armor: 6, machine
**Armor: 6, machine

Latest revision as of 20:47, 17 September 2011

Macharius Steele is a rogue mechanicus played by Ferrus Animus in Cthulhupunk's Meritech rising campaign.


Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Infamy Wounds Insanity Corruption
40 37 45(x3) 43 45 41 41 41 30 23 17 ? ?


  • Weapon Skill: Parry
  • Agility: Logic, Medicae, Tech-Use (+10)
  • Intelligence: Security
    • Common Lores (Int): Adeptus Mechanicus, Tech, Screaming Vortex, Koronus Expanse
    • Scholastic Lore: Chymistry
    • Forbidden Lore: Archeotech
    • Trade: Technomat
    • Languages: Low Gothic
  • Perception: Scrutiny


Weapon Talents

  • Weapon Training (Las, Primary, Shock, Power)
  • Mechadendrite Training (Weapon)

Misc. Talents

  • Die Hard (roll twice against dieing from blood loss)
  • Technical Knock (touch: unjam 1 weapon/round as half-action)
  • Weapon-Tech (+4 damage on axe 1/encounter)
  • Total Recall (perfect memory, maybe INT-check)
  • Lesser Minion of Chaos (Servo-Skull)
  • Enemy (Adeptus Mechanicus)



  • The Quick and the Dead (+2 bonus to initiative rolls)


  • Mechanicus Implants (Interface, Power Connectors, Respirator, Cyber-mantle, Potentia Coil, Cranial Circuitry)
  • Machine 1 (need not breathe, immune to vacuum, cold & mind-affecting; armor works against fire, +1 to armor)
  • Unnatural Strength 2 (Triples Strength-Mod)



  • Power Axe: <1d10+7 energy damage, penetration 7; 75% to destroy non-powered weapons on parry; -10% parry>
  • Ballistic Mechadendrite with laspistol: <fire as reaction or half-action; 30m range, single shot; 1d10+2 energy damage; reloads as full action; on jam roll d10, only jams on 10>


  • Light Carapace Armour: <Armor Rating 5, all locations>


  • (Good) Synthmuscles: <Unnatural Strength 2>
  • (Good) MIU: <+10 tech-use, pilot, drive, logic, inquiry, ballistics with MIU interface; can use senses of servoskull>
  • Lumenin Capacitors: <can transfer energy>

Other Equipment[edit]

  • Unholy Unguents: <bless machines; blessed weapon (full action) either unjams or will not jam for clip size/shots>
  • Combi-tool: <+10 tech use>
  • Dataslate

Combat Stats[edit]

  • INI: 1d10+6
  • Defense:
    • Parry: 30 (may destroy non-powered weapons)
    • Dodge: 22
    • Toughness: 4
    • Armor: 6, machine

  • Offense:
    • Axe: 40, 1d10+19 damage, 7 pen, +4 damage 1/encounter
    • Las Pistol: 37, 1d10+2 damage