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'''Game''': [[CrimsonStar:Main_Page|Children of the Crimson Star]]
'''Game''': [[CrimsonStar:Main_Page|Children of the Crimson Star]]

The Session log is a collection of notable points and important things that happened in each session. Important in-character happenings should be chronicled on each character's page.
The Session log is a collection of notable points and important things that happened so far in the game. Important in-character happenings should be chronicled on each character's page.

'''Session 1:''' (7/15/11)
* The group meets via a mission to retrieve a cart and escort it into the city. It contains a casket with intriguing writings. Fight at the oasis, attacked by Sons of Set. (Pentagram with a serpent encircling an elongated point.) Fight at the waystation outside of the city, hired assassins bear a note to beware Sons of Set.  
* Negotiations for meeting room occur, mercenaries set up to help transport goods. Nordmyra eavesdrops.
* The cart is escorted through the gates without issue.  Moving the cart through the bad part of town draws attention, a fight ensuesKat'tho and Hargrave die in battle. Little Ouro, Half-giant Monk bodyguard of Per joins the party (in thanks for us getting Hargrave killed).  Megaera recruits the Dwarf Battlemind Harbek to replace her fallen gladiator. Negotiations for a fight between Harbek and the entire Orestes stables occur.
* Stheno reprimands daughters for shattering an alliance that had been in the works for decades.
* Harbek defeats the entirety of the Orestes stables without landing a single blow. Sfika throws a huge party. Megaera recieves a tattoo as a gift from her mother. Fight arranged between Tisiphone and Harbek. Harbek and Daraek share Daraek's dream, with voices telling him that "The Queen is threated by the snake." and "Save the Queen."  Party roused separately for similar purposes, to speak to Ka'thrain, a Thri'kreen Doomsayer who has been painting red stars all over the red tower district. Kathrain says ''"The snake is moving and has awakened the curse of Ryleh. You must stop the snake."'' All he will say about Ryleh is ''"Ryleh was one of the first prophets."''  Fight with zombines in ruins beneath the city. (Red pentagram with an eye atop the point.)
* Group sets out to meet a cart at an oasis and escort it in. Cart's contents are a sarcophagus, a pentagram with an elongated point carved into the stone.
* Council of the Flesh ambushes the party on exit, asking for "The Codex." Ouro's old crew were thieves and had stolen some kind of gem. He flashed back to the heist, after bodies of thieves are found and people are sitting at a wake for them. The casket was closed. Nobody was sure how his friends died. The heist was to steal a gem called the "Desert Star." Back at the wake, relatives and friends of thieves are angry at Ouro. The Desert Star eventually went to Stheno. Nordmyra's nephew Joey has an apprenticeship with weaponmaker Donner. Joey is now playing around with magic at home. Daraek and Nordmyra go to Donner's workplace needing to speak with him about these events. Joey has been training with swords, but he, Donner, and Donner's other female apprentice Talaysa, are using Nordmyra's style of magic. Harbek saw this entire scene in a dream sequence. Daraek and Harbek shared another dream. The scene is crimson red. Three figures speak. ''"At the crimson star, the Sons of Set will break loose." -- "The rise of Erinyes approaches." -- "There will be an opening of the doors."'' Megaera meets Rose, knows her only as this chick in her head no one else can see.
* Fight at the oasis, attacked by the "Sons of Set". Attacking Dref bear the symbol of a pentagram with a serpent encircling an elongated point.
* Tashia of Mericles has a party. Tartaros nobles (Felice and Maro) pick a fight with the sin siserts. Nordmyra's Niece, Paxilondra, is on drugs, they save her from being sold into slavery. Sister Sarah bursts down the door and starts a fight. Members of the Openers of the Way attack the party, and they summon an Id Fiend which nearly decimates the party. After this, the party bursts in on Tashia and her cronies having sacrificed many people and were in the process of sacrificing Lady Felice of House Tartaros. The party has no choice but to kill them. When things start to take a turn for the worse, a Winged Devil woman steps out of the place where Megaera is standing, and wreaks havoc among the remaining enemies. In the shuffle, Megaera kills Lady Felice with the sacrificial dagger, but lays the blame at the feet of Tashia.
* Fight at a waystation outside of the city, attacked by hired assassins bearing a note that read "Beware the Sons of Set."
* Two Merchant houses pledge small favors to the party for saving their nobles at the Mericles party. Harbek and Daraek have a bug dream, in which they are told to go save three Thri-kreen from ''"In the Shadow of the Red Tower."''  They are accosted by Megaera, wearing practically nothing, covered in blood, carrying a bag of books. The Red Tower is flashing light out of all of the windows, visible even in the daylight. Alecto and Ouro go visit the Praetor about the fight at the party. Learn a lot about the openers of the Way, meet the old Praetor who is not dead, but is host to three different essences. Learn that books have been stolen out of Kalak's library - the books Megaera has. Megaera learns that the summoning she attempted while passed out in The Red Tower would have made her host in actuality to Rose, the devil trapped in her tattoo. A red star comes out in the sky, triggering a dream sequence, and crimson star tattoos show up on the bodies of the party, in various places.
* Nordmyra brings the Thri-kreen to Donner's underground school where Joey is. She agrees with Donner to come once a week to help teach them, in exchange for his taking on the new charges. Harbek finds out that his father is getting married to Bjursteka, a tavern keeper with children named Storneka and Rytek. Harbek receives a key to something in Tyr unknown to the party. Meeting with Erinyes occurs. Stheno is annoyed and curious about why Megaera still looks the way she does and didn't give up her soul to her "imaginary friend." Alecto is questioned because she was in the library, and no one can get into the Red Tower. The Red Tower seems inepentrable until Harbek uses his mysterious key to get into the tower - after killing swarms of spiders, ice monsters, and a veritable army of demons, Harbek becomes Gatekeeper of the room, which he can shape to his will. The password is "Harbek is pretty much the best person ever."
'''Session 2:''' (7/22/11)
* Stheno tells Alecto and Megaera that the house of Värnamo has a marriageable woman named Teles, and that the sisters need to prepare their brother, Tisiphone, for going to her debutante party. The houses of Erinyes and Värnamo could ally and become very strong. Alecto goes to a templar meeting. There is a new Mul templar named Genna Thricecursed. Also, the daughter of the deceased Sister Sara, Sister Sophia.
* Cart escorted into city without issue, thanks to Alecto's psychic paper.
* Nordmyra's sister Naeve, and niece Paxalandra show up at one of Nordmyra's magic classes. It is revealed that Pax has been working as a hired street fighter. Harbek decides to take her under his wing and teach her to hold her own in the ring. Alecto and Megaera gather "dirt" on the other suitors of Teles from the rival houses, and go to the debutante party, where Tisiphone is, shall we say, "blitzed." Alecto and Megaera try in vain to cleanse him of the spike. Tisiphone proceeds to make an ass of himself, much to Teles' delight. Isthmene and ''Her'' are quite convinced that Megaera and Alecto are responsible for Tisiphone's drunken stupor.
* Fight in the bad part of town to protect cart and contents. Hargrave and Ka'tho die in battle. Stheno takes custody of cart.
* Antics Occur, Tisiphone is betrothed to Teles.  More rooms in the Red Tower are gained.  Megaera makes a pact with Rose which makes them friendly, and Rose is now effectively a protective older sister. Alecto is jealous. Harbek and Daraek rescue a rather young grashopper-swarm druid from Genna Thricecursed.  The girl is a Seer and tells them that they are brothers, and that Genna is their sister. They have little time to contemplate this. Genna Thricecursed eventually catches all of party and they awaken slave-collared in The Dragon of Tyr's slave pens. The party escapes the slave pens through cunning planning.
* Little Ouro, Half-giant Monk bodyguard of Per, joins the party, feels he owes it to us in thanks for getting Hargrave killed.
* The party is escaping The Dragon of Tyr's island through a marketplace. A Fight occurs.
* Megaera recruits the Dwarf Battlemind Harbeck to replace her fallen Thri-kreen fighter.
* They escape across the silt sea and fight a silt horror, find a tower and people and kill stuff.  (MJ had two weeks of notes here, but they died somehow. Torso takes silver.)
* Negotiations for the rigging of the fight between Harbeck and the Orestes stables occur.
'''Session 3:''' (8/12/11)
* Harbek defeats entirety of Orestes stables without landing a single blow.
* Sfika throws party, everyone is thereMegaera recieves a tattoo as a gift from her mother. Fight arranged between Tisiphone and Harbeck.
* Harbek and Daraek share Daraek's dream, with voices telling him that "The Queen is threatened by the snake." and "Save the Queen."
* Party roused separately ( Daraek - Ouro - Nordmyra | Alecto - Megaera - Harbek ) to go speak to Ka'thrain, a Thri'kreen Doomsayer who has been painting Red Stars all over the rough part of town. He agrees to stay where he is to avoid being bound and carried off to the dungeons. Ka'thrain says to the party ''"The snake is moving and has awakened the curse of Ryleh. You must stop the snake."'' When questioned about Ryleh, all he will say is '''"Ryleh was one of the first prophets."'''
* Fight with zombies in ruins beneath the city. Some of the undead are bearing a red pentagram (star) with an eye atop the point. Fight with undead boss ends in success and shiny loot.
'''Session 4:''' (8/19/11)
* Exiting the ruins, the party encountered men in dark robes, staring at us and asking for "the codex." They performed a ritual so that when they died, a door would open to let in monsters. Stabbed themselves.
* Ouro's old crew were thieves and had stolen some kind of gem. He flashed back to the heist, after bodies of thieves are found and people are sitting at a wake for them. The casket was closed. Nobody was sure how his friends died. The heist was to steal a gem called the "Desert Star." Back at the wake, relatives and friends of thieves are angry at Ouro. The Desert Star eventually went to Stheno.
* Nordmyra's nephew Joey has an apprenticeship with weaponmaker Donner. Joey is now playing around with magic at home. Daraek and Nordmyra go to Donner's workplace needing to speak with him about these events. Joey has been training with swords, but he, Donner, and Donner's other female apprentice Talaysa, are using Nordmyra's style of magic. Harbek saw this entire scene in a dream sequence.
* Daraek and Harbek shared another dream. The scene is crimson red. Three figures speak. "At the crimson star, the songs of Set will break loose." "The rise of Erinyes approaches." "There will be an opening of the doors."
* Megaera has a tea party with Harbek in attendance.
* Lady Sfika, Stheno, Marte, and Lady Tashia - a "party girl" with a Dref manservant who has no tongue
* Megaera is talking to someone nobody else can see. Stheno is quite happy about this.
* Alecto has a meeting with the templars. She does not tell the templar leader that she killed the cultists that opened the monster doors.
'''Session 5:''' (8/26/11)
* Meet with Tartaros nobles (Lady Felice and Lord Maro) at Tashia of Mericles' party.  Tashia splits up the discussion before it becomes a fight.
* Nordmyra's Niece Hemnessa is on crack, to be sold into slavery at the party.  Nordmyra buys her for 200g.
* Fight breaks out at the party while everyone is eating or otherwise occupied, Sister Sarah bursting down the door causes the fights to start.
* Members of the Openers of the Way attack the party, and when the last one falls, they've managed to summon a big brain monster (Megaera and Alecto know it to be an Id Fiend).  The monster tears the party apart, but Daraek inspires fortitude and the party vanquishes the monster with no casualties.
* The party bursts in on Tashia and her cronies having sacrificed many people and were in the process of sacrificing Lady Felice of House Tartaros. The party has no choice but to kill them. When things start to take a turn for the worse, a Winged Devil woman steps out of the place where Megaera is standing, and wreaks havoc among the remaining enemies.  In the shuffle, Megaera kills Lady Felice with the sacrificial dagger, but lays the blame at the feet of Tashia.
'''Session 6:''' (9/9/11)
* Two Merchant houses pledge small favors to the party for saving their nobles at the Mericles party.
* Harbek and Daraek have a bug dream. Thri-kreen need saving. They and Nordmyra go to the Red Tower District ("In the shadow of the Red Tower" according to the dream) They find the Thri-kreen in the actual shadow, and wear them as "backpacks" out of the area, only to be accosted by Megaera, wearing practically nothing, covered in blood, carrying a bag of books. The Red Tower is flashing light out of all of the windows, visible even in the daylight.
* Alecto and Ouro go visit the Praetor about the fight at the party. Learn a lot about the openers of the Way, meet the old Praetor who is not dead, but is host to three different essencesLearn that books have been stolen out of Kalak's library.
* Megaera learns that the summoning she attempted while passed out in The Red Tower would have made her host in actuality to the demon/devil trapped in her tattoo.
* Faceless Assassin attempts to murder the sisters.  The party, with much injury, incapacitates the assassin and turns her over to Stheno.
* A red star comes out in the sky, triggering a dream sequence, and crimson star tattoos show up on the bodies of the party, in various places.
'''Session 7:''' (9/23/11)
* Nordmyra brings the Thri-kreen to Donner's underground school where Joey is. She agrees with Donner to come once a week to help teach them.
* Donner agrees to shelter the Thri-kreen and teach them to be non-defilers, as well as to do magic without attracting attention of the Templars.
* Harbek finds out that his father is getting married to Bjursteka, a tavern keeper with children named Storneka and Rytek. Harbek receives a key to something in Tyr unknown to the party.
* Meeting with Erinyes occurs. Stheno is annoyed and curious about why Megaera still looks the way she does and didn't give up her soul to her "imaginary friend." Alecto is questioned because she was in the library, and no one can get into the Red Tower. Rogues are running around and Ryleh has taken over.
* It is revealed that House Erinyes has two figureheads: Isthmene and "Her," who is always seen in shadow and whose voice sounds like cold fire.
* Alecto and Megaera are told by the head of house that tehey need to find the "star children" mentioned by Kalak.
* The party attempts to get into the Red Tower, using Ouro's magical eyepiece to look around and see entrances.
* Harbek's key is used to open the tower, and combat begins with a swarm of spiders and an imp, followed by ice monsters.
'''Session 8:''' (10/7/11)
* The party enters a very cold room, with demon followers and a huge demon in the back. The demon leader can eat his cultists to gain power.
* The demons are slain. Harbek finds himself the gatekeeper of this part of the Red Tower, and there is a well in the room. He can reshape the room to his liking, and create riddles and passwords for people to enter. The password he chose is, "Harbek is pretty much the best person ever."
* Stheno tells Alecto and Megaera that the house of Värnamo has a marriageable woman, and that the sisters need to prepare their brother, Tisiphone, for going to her coming-out party. The houses of Erinyes and Värnamo could ally and become very strong.
* Alecto goes to a templar meeting. There is a new Mul templar named Jenna Thricecursed. Also, the daughter of the deceased Sister Sara, Sister Sophia.

Latest revision as of 00:12, 12 April 2012

Game: Children of the Crimson Star

The Session log is a collection of notable points and important things that happened so far in the game. Important in-character happenings should be chronicled on each character's page.

  • The group meets via a mission to retrieve a cart and escort it into the city. It contains a casket with intriguing writings. Fight at the oasis, attacked by Sons of Set. (Pentagram with a serpent encircling an elongated point.) Fight at the waystation outside of the city, hired assassins bear a note to beware Sons of Set.
  • The cart is escorted through the gates without issue. Moving the cart through the bad part of town draws attention, a fight ensues. Kat'tho and Hargrave die in battle. Little Ouro, Half-giant Monk bodyguard of Per joins the party (in thanks for us getting Hargrave killed). Megaera recruits the Dwarf Battlemind Harbek to replace her fallen gladiator. Negotiations for a fight between Harbek and the entire Orestes stables occur.
  • Harbek defeats the entirety of the Orestes stables without landing a single blow. Sfika throws a huge party. Megaera recieves a tattoo as a gift from her mother. Fight arranged between Tisiphone and Harbek. Harbek and Daraek share Daraek's dream, with voices telling him that "The Queen is threated by the snake." and "Save the Queen." Party roused separately for similar purposes, to speak to Ka'thrain, a Thri'kreen Doomsayer who has been painting red stars all over the red tower district. Kathrain says "The snake is moving and has awakened the curse of Ryleh. You must stop the snake." All he will say about Ryleh is "Ryleh was one of the first prophets." Fight with zombines in ruins beneath the city. (Red pentagram with an eye atop the point.)
  • Council of the Flesh ambushes the party on exit, asking for "The Codex." Ouro's old crew were thieves and had stolen some kind of gem. He flashed back to the heist, after bodies of thieves are found and people are sitting at a wake for them. The casket was closed. Nobody was sure how his friends died. The heist was to steal a gem called the "Desert Star." Back at the wake, relatives and friends of thieves are angry at Ouro. The Desert Star eventually went to Stheno. Nordmyra's nephew Joey has an apprenticeship with weaponmaker Donner. Joey is now playing around with magic at home. Daraek and Nordmyra go to Donner's workplace needing to speak with him about these events. Joey has been training with swords, but he, Donner, and Donner's other female apprentice Talaysa, are using Nordmyra's style of magic. Harbek saw this entire scene in a dream sequence. Daraek and Harbek shared another dream. The scene is crimson red. Three figures speak. "At the crimson star, the Sons of Set will break loose." -- "The rise of Erinyes approaches." -- "There will be an opening of the doors." Megaera meets Rose, knows her only as this chick in her head no one else can see.
  • Tashia of Mericles has a party. Tartaros nobles (Felice and Maro) pick a fight with the sin siserts. Nordmyra's Niece, Paxilondra, is on drugs, they save her from being sold into slavery. Sister Sarah bursts down the door and starts a fight. Members of the Openers of the Way attack the party, and they summon an Id Fiend which nearly decimates the party. After this, the party bursts in on Tashia and her cronies having sacrificed many people and were in the process of sacrificing Lady Felice of House Tartaros. The party has no choice but to kill them. When things start to take a turn for the worse, a Winged Devil woman steps out of the place where Megaera is standing, and wreaks havoc among the remaining enemies. In the shuffle, Megaera kills Lady Felice with the sacrificial dagger, but lays the blame at the feet of Tashia.
  • Two Merchant houses pledge small favors to the party for saving their nobles at the Mericles party. Harbek and Daraek have a bug dream, in which they are told to go save three Thri-kreen from "In the Shadow of the Red Tower." They are accosted by Megaera, wearing practically nothing, covered in blood, carrying a bag of books. The Red Tower is flashing light out of all of the windows, visible even in the daylight. Alecto and Ouro go visit the Praetor about the fight at the party. Learn a lot about the openers of the Way, meet the old Praetor who is not dead, but is host to three different essences. Learn that books have been stolen out of Kalak's library - the books Megaera has. Megaera learns that the summoning she attempted while passed out in The Red Tower would have made her host in actuality to Rose, the devil trapped in her tattoo. A red star comes out in the sky, triggering a dream sequence, and crimson star tattoos show up on the bodies of the party, in various places.
  • Nordmyra brings the Thri-kreen to Donner's underground school where Joey is. She agrees with Donner to come once a week to help teach them, in exchange for his taking on the new charges. Harbek finds out that his father is getting married to Bjursteka, a tavern keeper with children named Storneka and Rytek. Harbek receives a key to something in Tyr unknown to the party. Meeting with Erinyes occurs. Stheno is annoyed and curious about why Megaera still looks the way she does and didn't give up her soul to her "imaginary friend." Alecto is questioned because she was in the library, and no one can get into the Red Tower. The Red Tower seems inepentrable until Harbek uses his mysterious key to get into the tower - after killing swarms of spiders, ice monsters, and a veritable army of demons, Harbek becomes Gatekeeper of the room, which he can shape to his will. The password is "Harbek is pretty much the best person ever."
  • Stheno tells Alecto and Megaera that the house of Värnamo has a marriageable woman named Teles, and that the sisters need to prepare their brother, Tisiphone, for going to her debutante party. The houses of Erinyes and Värnamo could ally and become very strong. Alecto goes to a templar meeting. There is a new Mul templar named Genna Thricecursed. Also, the daughter of the deceased Sister Sara, Sister Sophia.
  • Nordmyra's sister Naeve, and niece Paxalandra show up at one of Nordmyra's magic classes. It is revealed that Pax has been working as a hired street fighter. Harbek decides to take her under his wing and teach her to hold her own in the ring. Alecto and Megaera gather "dirt" on the other suitors of Teles from the rival houses, and go to the debutante party, where Tisiphone is, shall we say, "blitzed." Alecto and Megaera try in vain to cleanse him of the spike. Tisiphone proceeds to make an ass of himself, much to Teles' delight. Isthmene and Her are quite convinced that Megaera and Alecto are responsible for Tisiphone's drunken stupor.
  • Antics Occur, Tisiphone is betrothed to Teles. More rooms in the Red Tower are gained. Megaera makes a pact with Rose which makes them friendly, and Rose is now effectively a protective older sister. Alecto is jealous. Harbek and Daraek rescue a rather young grashopper-swarm druid from Genna Thricecursed. The girl is a Seer and tells them that they are brothers, and that Genna is their sister. They have little time to contemplate this. Genna Thricecursed eventually catches all of party and they awaken slave-collared in The Dragon of Tyr's slave pens. The party escapes the slave pens through cunning planning.
  • The party is escaping The Dragon of Tyr's island through a marketplace. A Fight occurs.
  • They escape across the silt sea and fight a silt horror, find a tower and people and kill stuff. (MJ had two weeks of notes here, but they died somehow. Torso takes silver.)