Ubantu:Contents:Culture:Clans: Difference between revisions
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====Colobus==== | ====Colobus==== | ||
The Colobus (Colobus guereza) clan is one of the oldest. They already existed in the area around Siyathemba when Ditaolane came. They supplied him with his first wife, Nambi. Their Muumba is Kyesimba Kasuja, and the nominal office of Kasuja still heads the clan. Traditionally they supplied Ditaolane with his chief butler, the Kalinda. Family names: | The Colobus (Colobus guereza) clan is one of the oldest. They already existed in the area around Siyathemba when Ditaolane came. They supplied him with his first wife, Nambi. Their Muumba is Kyesimba Kasuja, and the nominal office of Kasuja still heads the clan. Traditionally they supplied Ditaolane with his chief butler, the Kalinda. Family names: Busujja, Busiro. Male names: Kasule, Kakanda, Mpona, Kabude kajimu, kasujja, kawooya kalungi sebunya. Female names: Nanfuka, Namugga, Nanungi, Nambi,Nalukenge nakayiza, nakabuye, Nakakande. (Luganda = Ngeye) | ||
====Hippopotamus==== | ====Hippopotamus==== | ||
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====Otter==== | ====Otter==== | ||
The Otter (Aonyx capensis) clan is descended from the royal line of Embo. Their Muumba was Kisole, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. The first first Katikiro (Prime Minister) to Ditaolane was from the Otter clan, his name was | The Otter (Aonyx capensis) clan is descended from the royal line of Embo. Their Muumba was Kisole, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. The first first Katikiro (Prime Minister) to Ditaolane was from the Otter clan, his name was Muwanga. Family names: Lukwage, Maguluka, Bujaju, Bukabi, Bengela, Nsoke, Kyanja, Nsangwe, Funvu, Busungu, Madu. Male names: Lutaya, Muwanga, Sonko, Senkuggu, Mutumba, Kivumbi, Muka, Kimbowa, Muganga, Kalibu, Maite. Female names: Nakiwala, Mpalikanya, Nakirija, Lunkuse, Mpalikiraba, Bekyalya, Kabatanya, Najemba, Ziribagwa (Luganda=Ng'onge). Otters are charming pets that can easily be trained to catch and retreive fish. | ||
====Jackal==== | ====Jackal==== |
Latest revision as of 11:07, 14 March 2017
The Wakoka Clans[edit]
Clans are the axis of Imperial society. They are very extended families, but the clan libraries can trace exactly how any one individual is related to another. Each clan traces it's lineage back to a common ancestor, the Muumba. For most the Muumba is said to be one of the children of Inkulunkintu. When Inkulunkintu climbed back into Heaven, his children were nursed by animals, and thus these animals are the clans' totems. Each Muumba has a shrine and priests in the clan freeholds. Wakoka clans are patrilineal but exogamous. Each clan has a limited pool of names selected from those of their ancestors. When a child is born he received a name and a guardian spirit, a Msomolezi, from clan Watawa.
Beyond the core clans that came into being along with Siyathemba, there are several others with varied origins. Some were natives found in Ubantu, barely surviving the raids of the Cannibal Tribes, and some have split off from the original clans in the intervening millenium. Several of the powerful clans have coopted similar clans in other nations and tribes, extending their boundaries, while others have remained exclusive. The non-Wakoka nations in Umasha have their own clans.
The Kabaka of a clan is the Mjaja, who is the eldest of the primal line(s). In addtional to the primal family line, there are major (Masiga), minor (Matuba) and minimal (Manyiriri) family lines. Thus, for instance, in the Kasimba (genet) clan, the primal line is the Zinga family. The Zinga family is the family of Walukaga, the forefather of the clan. It's elder is the Mjaja of the clan. There are three major lines, the Bwanga, Kalala and Atama families. The Kasolya distinction is only relevant when there are two subbranches of the same importance. Thus Bwanga line is the Kasolya (roof) line of the major lines. The elders of these lines are Wasiga. In the Bwanga line there are two minor lines, the Serubona (Kasolya of a minor line) and Kyango. Their elders are Watuba. Also within the Bwanga line is one minimal line, the Magonga family. Within the Kyango line there are two minimal lines, the Kyaboza (the Kasolya of a minimal line) and the Ekwate lines, whose elders are Wanyiriri. In total there are 22 family lines in the Kasimba clan, with six Kasolya lines. There are three major lines, six minor lines and twelve minimal lines (1+3+6+12=22).
Historically, the majority of the clans originated in the early years of Siyathemba. The 22 core clans all trace their origins much farther back into Uhenga, but it was in Siyathemba that they first came together as cohesive social units. The city of Siyathemba was populated primarily by the people who lived in one of the four great cities swallowed by Kodumodumo. In the process of rebuilding, they united themselves into groups based on some common factor, so that their elders could petition Ditaolane directly. The original rulers of the four cities grouped themselves in the four most powerful clan, though the least in number. The Vungu royal family is thus the seed of the Hippo Clan, the Embo royalty became the Otter Clan, the BassoNgo royalty became the Impala Clan and the Zimababwe royalty the Cheetah Clan.
The Vungu peoples generated three other clans. The Vungu farmers became the Rhinocerous Clan, which specialized in yams. The Vungu hunters took the Duiker totem. The remaining nonnoble Vungu became the Eland Clan.
The Embo peoples generated four additional clans. Their farmers united into the Buffalo Clan, who specialized in millet farming. Their herders, with their own breed of cattle, became the Pangolin Clan and the Embo hunters became the Hunting Dog Clan. The nonnoble folk of Embo became the Caracal Clan.
The Zimbabwe peoples generated three additional clans. Their farmers becaome the Reedbuck Clan. Thier herders became the Genet Clan and the rest became the Jackal Clan.
The Basso peoples also generated three additional clans. Their farmers became the Civet Clan. Their herders, who preferred sheep to cattle, becaome the Sable Clan. The Bassos masses leftover formed the Bushbuck Clan.
Five of the original clans in Siyathemba evolved from transtribal groups centered around certain technologies. They were the Serval Clan, who were leatherworkers, the Waterbuck Clan, who were masons and stone workers, the Honeybadger Clan, who were sorcerors, and the Genet Clan, who were blacksmiths. The potters formed the Bushpig Clan. The Honeybadger Clan of sorcerors did not include Zimbanje, who was of the Cheetah Clan.
The Lungfish Clan is the group name given by the people of Siyathemba to the various Pygmy tribes they found in Ubantu. All of them lived underground and were terrific survivors, thus the name. The Lungfish Clan is a different kettle of fish from the ordinary stew of Wakoka clans. They are endogamous and have their own separate lineages and totems.
Full list of clans: Colobus, Hippopotamus, Civet, Impala, Buffalo, Bushbuck, Genet, Mbwa, Otter, Jackal, Duiker, Reedbuck, Cheetah, Rhinoceros, Pangolin, Sable, Quagga, Eland, Caracal, Serval, Waterbuck, Honeybadger, Genet, Mushroom, Lungfish
hippo*, cheetah* (Acinonyx jubatus), , hunting dog*, colobus* monkey, civet cat* (Civettictis civetta), , genet cat*, buffalo* (Syncerus caffer), plains zebra* (Equus burchelli), black rhino* (Diceros bicornis), bushpig*,golden jackal(Canis aureus), serval cat* (Felis serval), girrafe*, honey badger (Mellivora capensis), caracal* (Felis caracal), bat-eared fox* (Otocyon megalotis), Quagga, River sabretooth, , eland* (Taurotragus oryx), topi* (Damaliscus lunatus), waterbuck* (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) ,Coke’s hartebeest* (Alcelaphus buselaphus), impala* (Aepyceros melampus), Duiker, Pangolin
Technically Ditaolane is from the Otter clan, but is now the head of the Balingira (noble) clan, whose totem is the eagle
The Colobus (Colobus guereza) clan is one of the oldest. They already existed in the area around Siyathemba when Ditaolane came. They supplied him with his first wife, Nambi. Their Muumba is Kyesimba Kasuja, and the nominal office of Kasuja still heads the clan. Traditionally they supplied Ditaolane with his chief butler, the Kalinda. Family names: Busujja, Busiro. Male names: Kasule, Kakanda, Mpona, Kabude kajimu, kasujja, kawooya kalungi sebunya. Female names: Nanfuka, Namugga, Nanungi, Nambi,Nalukenge nakayiza, nakabuye, Nakakande. (Luganda = Ngeye)
The Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) clan is one of the old royal clans. Their Muumba is Kaita, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. All of their estates border on rivers, and they have merged with one of the most important clans in Utsimba. (Luganda=Nvubu) They were the royal shield makers. Two species, pygmy is in west africa, possibly in part of Ubantu. Specialized healers who could translocate wounds. Family names: Ntonyeze, Mengo, Bugole, Mbazi, Bugala, Bulemba, Damba, Kome, Bwenda, Mutanga. Male names: Semeere, Sejengo, Ndira, Mugambwa, Serufusa, Mukoza, Serumaga, Kiyimba, Serubiri, Kavubu, Kasato, Senungi, Kibengo, Kiyini, Sango, Sebabi, Mbuge, Semengo, Mpeke. Female names: Nambi, Naluma, Nakonde, Nalumaga, Nkangabwa, Nakangu, Nakirya, Namyalo, Nalubiri, Naluwoza, Najengo, Nakiyini, Nasango, Nakibengo
The Civet (Civettictis civetta) clan is one of the Basso origin clans, and thus they share the epicanthic folds and thin noses. They are also noted for producing female beauties with true ebony skin. Their Muumba is Ntege, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. This clan provided the Magunda, who was the High Justice in Siyathemba. He was the first to compound the potion used in the trial by poison. The Civet clan supplied one of the traditional brides to Ditaolane, the Naku. Civets are easily domesticated and farmed for their musk. Family names: Baka, Lunyo, Dambwe, Bigo, Gulumba, Nsazi, Mbule, Kikuta, Dogi, Kirinyumbu. Male names: Balimwezo, Kasolo, Kisasazi, Lunjabwa, Nagay, Twerwanire, Balinda, Kigumba, Kitengejja, Lutwama, Namagoye, Wakibe. Females names: Luzi, Nakindi, Nanvule, Nabaka, Naku, Nawakoonyi, Nabwami, Namamonde, Nabawesi, Nakafumbe, Nanteza, Zawede
The Impala (Aepyceros melampus) clan is another of the Basso clans, with the same almond eyes and thin noses. They have some Egyptian blood, showing in their high cheekbones and sienna skin tones. Their Muumba is the Kaimyebutega, one of Unkulunkintu's sons. In the days of Siyathemba one of their clan was the closest friend of Ditaolane and thus the nominal office of Kibare, who is the Ditao's representative. (based on Luganda Oribi=mpeewo). They created several import artifact fetishes, including the royal spear, Nalawangala, and their clan fetish, Nyonyane Kikulu. Family names: Kunga, Bulyankole, Kibone, Kiriowa, Bugamba, Nakukuba, Kiwangazi, Mawoto, Nganje.
The Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) clan were originally farmers. Their founder was Nabuguyu, one of the children of Unkulunkintu. They provided the king with bearers, also for the Lubuga and Namasole. The Buffalo clan supplied the king with his Nanzigu wife. Family names: Senge, Busamba, Bugabo, Tyabira, Manyaga, Magya, Jali. Male names: Manzi, Mafumiro, Kaira, Sekisambu, Kabugo, Bukyakoye, Lutakoma, Temba, Jamba, Kabunga, Kinabira. Female names: Nantume, Nanyanzi, Nabanja, Nalugembe, Namawagi, Bubukiba, Nankunja. (Luganda=Mbogo)
The Bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) clan is of Basso descent, thus having the almond eyes and narrow noses. Their Muumba is Nsamba, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. They provided Ditaolane with the Musenero, the Chief Brewer. Family names: Njalamba, Masike, Lusundu, Kigwa, Buwanda. Male names: Lubega, Iga, Matovu, Bukenya,Muyomba, Kasozi, Sebyala, Kagugube, Lubyayi, Muwonge, Mulika, Seguya, Wamala, Katugga, Kaluma, Mukumbya, Njuka, Kabito, Sagala, Matega, Mulindwa, Saka, Jengo, Lubade, Kasana, Lubogo, Mpuga, Bomboka, Ssemuganyi, Mirimu, Kasanya, Kamoga, Katalo, Mbazi, Sejulu, Semaganye . Female names: Nalubega, Nayiga, Namatovu, Nabukenya, Nabukekenyi, Namuyomba, Nabukeera, Lwensisi, Namaganda, Nabunje, Nakakwa, Nanjala, Ndibalekera, Nakanwagi, Namirimu, Nabiryo, Namuyiga. (Luganda=Ngabi)
The Genet (Genetta genetta) clan were the blacksmiths of Siyathemba. Their Muumba was Walukaga, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. Family names: Zinga, Bwanga, Kayemba, Sango, Serubona, Kyango, Bujajo, Magongo, Bulyowa. Male names: Bazira, Bakulumpagi, Mazi, Musisi. Female names: Nakawunga, Nakalanga, Namisango. (Luganda=kasimba, Sw=Kanu). Genets are long domesticated animals that strongly bond to a single person.
Hunting Dogs[edit]
The Mbwa clan are the Embo hunters. The animal is the Cape Hunting Dog (Lycaon pictus). They were charged with guarding the Namasole. Their Muumba is Mutasingwa, his fetish is called Mulindwa. Family names: Bulindwa, Kikaka, Guludene, Kisugu, Zimude, Nagambwa. Male names: Baguludene, Kironde, Mukasa, Mwanga, Lusundu, Kakenge. Female names: Nakitende, Nakazi.
The Otter (Aonyx capensis) clan is descended from the royal line of Embo. Their Muumba was Kisole, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. The first first Katikiro (Prime Minister) to Ditaolane was from the Otter clan, his name was Muwanga. Family names: Lukwage, Maguluka, Bujaju, Bukabi, Bengela, Nsoke, Kyanja, Nsangwe, Funvu, Busungu, Madu. Male names: Lutaya, Muwanga, Sonko, Senkuggu, Mutumba, Kivumbi, Muka, Kimbowa, Muganga, Kalibu, Maite. Female names: Nakiwala, Mpalikanya, Nakirija, Lunkuse, Mpalikiraba, Bekyalya, Kabatanya, Najemba, Ziribagwa (Luganda=Ng'onge). Otters are charming pets that can easily be trained to catch and retreive fish.
The Jackal (Canis aureus) clan is of Zimbabwen descent. Their Muumba was Muyige, son of Unkulunkintu. They were entrusted with the royal canoe, Namwige. Jackals are easily domesticated, behaving more or less like dog with the exception of a strong fear of strangers. Family names: Wantai, Wambogo, Kigaya, Nagoloma, Masa, Kabire, Namukono, Keketera, Namubiru, Koba, Luwembe, Kisasi, Nantovu, Buwilwi. Male names: Sembuya, Gombya, Kyegera, Senyumba, Gombe, Kinyamye, Mayimbo, Semuwemba, Kabega, Kimpi, Kaziro, Kibe, Sekasula, Konde, Gebukoba, Kagi, Tonsakula, Mujere, Mbuzimulanga, Kitogo. Female names: Nambuya, Namuyige, Naluvuma, Nakangu, Bulya, Nalube, Nalubega. (Luganda=Kibe)
The Duiker ("DIKE-er") (Cephalophus monticola) clan is descended from Vungu hunters. Their Mumba was Bambaga, one of the sons of Unkulunkintu. Their clan fetish is called Lugala, which is a gourd with a crown of iron hoe blades. They were entrusted with Ditaolane's hunting dogs, for which they made a kind of magical bell, a sirilwamagamba. They were also the caretakers of a sacred drum, the Nakanguzi, which had the power of being heard throughout the kingdom. Family names: Bugala, Bambalubugo, Ensolo, Kakiri, Namutimba, Luzira, Bunya, Masambira, Namboya, Dumu, Singo. Male names: Bambaga, Kazala, Nalumenya, Balamage, Kiribata, Masikura, Wakinenya, Dindi, Kawagama, Setoke, Nanjwenge, Sensamba, Wagula. Female Names: Namugamba, Nakangubi, Nabunya, Mwene, Ndibuzi, Nabaterega, Nampera, Kifamusiri, Nakanyiga. (Luganga=Ntalaganya)
The Reedbuck (Redunca arundinum) clan are descended from Zimbabwean farmers. Their forefather was Lutimba, a son of Unkulunkintu. In Siyathemba, the office of Waguma, chief rhinocerous hunter, belonged to this clan. Family names: Ekirungu, Konko, Nwenge, Nyenge, Gulano, Bugabo. Male names: Luyinda, Lukanda, Kayiza, Kafuma, Sewagaba, Mulyanti, Kyaze, Lugumya, Masanso, Kasaja, Wagaba, Malwade, Nayoga, Bengo, Kitanda, Kibebefu, Kibirango, Waguma, Lukoya, Ndalu, Nkambo, Kisule, Nkambwe. Female names: Kanabesa, Namuga, Nakyaze, Nabulo, Netese, Nanjego, Nawaguma, Nabengo, Nakitanda, Nakalyowa, Nabulo, Nalugo, Nakangu, Bakwanye. (Luganda=Njaza)
The Cheetah clan is descended from Zimbabwean royalty. Their forefather was Sebugana, son of Unkulunkintu. Zimbanje, who invented written language, came from this clan. By tradition no member of this clan can ever be king of any country. Family names: Luwada, Kasalirwe, Namataba, Gungu, Lizebwe, Lubengwa, Kalwe, Bukima. Male names: Kiseke, Mululu, Selwada, Kasawe, Segamwenge, Ntale, Kimu, Semwubi, Nsege, Luwaga. Female names: Nantale, Nakisozi, Nalwada, Nakalemba, Nabuguzi, Senyiwa, Zawade, Ndagira. (based on the lion clan Luganda=Mpologama)
The Rhinocerous (Diceros bicornis) clan is descended from Vungu farmers. Their founder is Sedumi, son of Unkulunkintu. Their clan fetish is a magical hoe, the Nainda, with is used to break the ground in digging the graves of kings. They also hold Ditaolane's flute, the Kanga, and one of his shields, the Kamanya. Thanks to their totem they are known far and wide for their sexual prowness. Family names: Magala, Magya, Tekwate, Wasozi, Jalamba, Bongole, Bugwere, Nkasi, Busiwa, Butenda, Kiwumu, Ngongolo. Male names: Kayonge, Male, Nkugoye, Nsereke, Sekamata, Mabarizi, Sebakinyanga, Kitunzi, Nakwejake. Female names: Nakawa, Namboza, Naabi, Nasimbwa, Nakalembi, Nabira, Mpona, Nantumbi, Nabanoba, Mbatude. (from the Luganda yam clan, kobe and rhino clan, Nkula). Rhinos are reasonably farmable - male rhinos grow 1.3kg of horn each year, females half of that.
The Pangolin (Manis gigantea), clan is descended from Embo herders. Their Mumba was Mukibe Sekiwunga, son of Unkulunkintu. They royal rug, Kiyu, was confided in this clan. Family names: Wasozi, Bundu, Kapeka, Ganda, Nanziri, Sekiunga, Bukwere, Magala, Tama Male names: Semakula, Katente, Luika, Kavuma, Damulira, Serinyange, Mukwaba, Ndugwa, Nyanja, Migade, Luima, Sikayanira, Masoma, Joga, Simwogerera, Setimba, Lutamuguzi, Kirinya, Malagala, Kasi. Female names: Namakula, Najuma, Nabatanzi, Nakiremba, Namigade, Nakasi, Nakamwa, Namakibozi. Although they have an unpleasant smell, pangolins make good pets. They will readily eat gruel and ground fresh meat, and become very attached to their owners. (Sw=Kakakuona, Luganda = Lugave)
The Sable (Hippotragus niger) clan is descended from Basso herders. They have almond eyes and thin noses. Their Mumba was Kirobozi, son of Unkulunkintu. Their clan fetish is called the Kyalikitaluzi, which protected the clan from plagues. One of the Ditao's wives, the Nakimera, came from this clan. The office of Masembe was one of the Ditao's chief herdsmen, who had charge of the Nnamala, a sacred cow. Family names: Maya, Senge, Bujubi, Lugo, Kalamba, Kayemba, Bukandaganyi, Kifamba, Zwungwe, Magya, Namugogo. Male names: Masembe, Kalanzi, Kalibala, Busonga, Mwebe, Mujabi, Kabali, Serabe, Kajubi, Batoma, Mpagi. Female names: Wanyana, Nabagesera, Nanduala, Ndwezibwa, Namasange, Sasikimba, Nakyonge, Nambasa (based on Luganda clan of Nsenene, grasshopper, Sw=Mparapi). The clan estates keep a few herds of Sables for show, but they are not really domesticated.
Variations skin tone - black, dark brown, umber eye color - hazel, light brown, brown, black hair color hair type eye shape nose shape
The naming conventions of the Quagga Clan[edit]
A child gets a name from the ancestral pool, subject to the approval of that ancestor. A secret name is given by the mother, who offers various choices to the crying baby and selects the one that stops the baby from crying. Traditionally this is weather condition + day of the week (the current day, not the birthday) for girls and tool + animal for boys. Cloudymonday and Monkeyhammer are typical examples. The child also has a patryonymic based on the *mother's* maiden name in the form of first two syllables + "mya". Then the father's family name, followed by "ja" and "Kwaga" (Quagga). Thus a young girl might be Gilikyani (the ancestor) Sawamya (patryonym) Shikyaana (family) ja Kwaga (clan). The secret name, Breezythursday, is not given out lightly. When she is circumcised, she will add "kwarika" and the title of her age grade. When she marries a man of the giraffe clan (which uses basically the same conventions) whose family name is Ganyi, she changes her name to Gilikyani Shikyaba (a new patronym based on her maiden name) Ganyi kwarika Kamualinyi (age-grade) za (za instead of ja because she married into the clan) Twiga. Her unmarried children will construct their patryonym based on "Shikyaba", becoming "so-and-so Shikyamya Ganyi ja Twiga".
Gilikyani Shikyaba Ganyi kwarika Kamualinyi za Twiga
hippo, cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus), , hunting dog, colobus monkey, civet cat (Civettictis civetta), , genet cat, buffalo (Syncerus caffer), plains zebra (Equus burchelli), black rhino (Diceros bicornis), bushpig,golden jackal(Canis aureus), serval cat (Felis serval), girrafe, honey badger (Mellivora capensis), caracal (Felis caracal), bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis), Quagga, River sabretooth, Thomson’s gazelle (Gazella thomsoni), eland (Taurotragus oryx), Grant’s gazelles (Gazella granti), topi (Damaliscus lunatus), waterbuck (Kobus ellipsiprymnus) ,Coke’s hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus), impala (Aepyceros melampus)