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The Laquerius can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack. ''"Come here!"'' is a ranged attack with a range of 3 squares that hits on a 4+. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target is immediately moved into a square adjacent to the Laquerius chosen by the Laquerius, and is turned to face the Laquerius.
The Laquerius can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack. ''"Come here!"'' is a ranged attack with a range of 3 squares that hits on a 4+. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target is immediately moved into a square adjacent to the Laquerius chosen by the Laquerius, and is turned to face the Laquerius.
* '''Coup de Grace'''
* '''Coup de Grace'''
If the Laquerius makes a melee attack against an opponent that is both ''prone'' and ''entangled'' at the the start of the attack being made, then that attack deals +2 damage.
If the Laquerius makes a damaging melee attack against an opponent that is either ''prone'' or ''entangled'' at the the start of the attack being made, then that attack deals +1 damage, or +2 damage if the target is ''prone'' AND ''entangled''.
* '''Execute'''
* '''Execute'''
If the Laquerius rolls a "6" on an attack roll, he deals +3 damage with that attack.
If the Laquerius rolls a "6" on an attack roll, he deals +3 damage with that attack.

Latest revision as of 14:36, 18 February 2014

Morturi Te Salutant: Main Page -> Morturi: Gladiators -> Morturi: Light Roles

This page describes the various Light Roles.
Light Roles include:

  • Servus - Literally, just a "slave". These hapless souls represent individuals deemed to be of so little worth and potential to a school that they are given the most meagre of weapons, no armour, and sent into battle. This special role is for Servus rank characters only, and is one that is quickly abandoned as the Servus gains experience.
  • Bestiarius - Unarmoured, but armed with a short spear or knife, these beast-fighters specialised in fighting against animals. However, their skills and tricks give them some benefit against human fighters too!
  • Fast Beast - An animal, such as a wolf or a panther, combining superlative speed with animal instinct.
  • Gallus - Essentially a light version of the Murmillo, this dagger and shield warrior is lightly armoured and relies on his speed and trickery to win battles.
  • Laquerius - Fighting with a noosed rope (or for this game, a chain or a whip) and short sword, these light fighters focus on ensnaring enemies and pulling them about.
  • Praegenarius - More entertainer than fighter, carrying little in the way of useful weaponry, but skilled at working the crowd.
  • Sagittarius - An archer, combining good range with good speed.


"Fight in the arena? Me? Have mercy, dominus, please don't make me do this!"
- spoken by a nameless slave, a few minutes before his death

  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Dagger - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Servus Special Rules[edit]

Fearful - Movement into a square adjacent to an enemy costs the Servus +1 movement point (e.g. 2 movement points instead of the usual 1 for open terrain.) This is a fear effect.

Potential - In a Campaign game if a Servus character survives one battle during which he dealt the killing blow to an enemy (i.e. dealt the damage that took them out of action), he is advanced to Novicius, and replaced by a newly generated Novicius gladiator of the same name, but with a new role and stats. A Servus may not be replaced by a non-human Novicius (such as a Fast Beast or Large Beast) but can adopt any other role.

Weakling - A Servus receives a -1 penalty to the dice roll on Survival checks.

Servus Gladiators do not have any Tricks.


"Let's see now... we've got two hungry wolves, a tiger and an enraged bear to kill. Leave this one to me, I'll have them dead and skinned in no time."
- Sextus Amatius, the Master Huntsman

  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Light weapon - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Bestiarius Special Rules[edit]

Hunter - A Bestiarius has an inherent +1 damage when attacking non-human targets.

Bestiarius Tricks[edit]

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Confidence

The Bestiarius gains a +1 damage bonus against all opponents. If the Bestiarius is wounded, he loses this bonus for the rest of the battle.

  • Courage

The Bestiarius is immune to Fear effects.

  • Light Mobility

After making any attack against a target, this gladiator may move 1 square for free.

  • Slayer

The Bestiarius gains an additional +1 damage when attacking non-human targets. This stacks with the bonus from Hunter.

  • Survivor's Wits

The Bestiarius can turn-to-face as a reaction even if there is an enemy in his front square.

  • Target weak spot

The Bestiarius ignores damage reduction from Toughness bonuses.

  • Will to Live

The Gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.

Fast Beast[edit]

- A Hungry Wolf

  • Move: 6
  • Attack: Tooth and Claw - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Fast Beast Special Rules[edit]

Animal Intellect - Because they are animals, beasts are not capable of complex strategy. On its turn, a beast must move towards the nearest opponent by the most direct route possible (Lanista selects if two equidistant choices). A beast adjacent to one or more opponents must stay in the square it is in and attack one of those opponents.

Low Profile - Fast Beasts do not block line of sight through their square.

Non-Human - Fast Beasts are non-humans.

Fast Beast Tricks[edit]

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Killer instinct

+1 to damage dealt against wounded targets.

  • Light Mobility

After making any attack against a target, this gladiator may move 1 square for free. Note that this move does not have to obey the Animal Intellect rule.

  • No Escape

Enemies adjacent to the Fast Beast in his front facing are always treated as being entangled. This is an instant effect that occurs as soon as an enemy meets this condition, regardless of cause. An entangled gladiator cannot move from his current square, though he can still change his facing. This condition immediately ends if the Fast Beast is no longer adjacent and facing towards that enemy.

  • Opportunist

When making a non-frontal attack, the Fast Beast can take any dice roll of "1", and change it to a "6".

  • Snarling beast

The beast is especially feral seeming, and intimidating to approach. Any enemy human gladiators moving into a square adjacent must pay +1 movement point for that square of movement. This is a Fear effect.

  • Throat Tear

If the Fast Beast rolls an even number on an attack roll, he deals +1 damage with that attack.

  • Will to Live

The Beast receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.


"You can't see properly, you can't stand and I'm right behind you with a knife to the back of your neck. Are you sure you won't surrender?"
- Lucius Marius, Gallus Extraordinaire

  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Light weapon - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Gallus Special Rules[edit]

Parma - Melee attacks against the front facing of the Gallus have a +1 to their to-hit number (e.g. 2+ to hit becomes 3+).

Gallus Tricks[edit]

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Execute

If the Gallus rolls a "6" on an attack roll, he deals +3 damage with that attack.

  • Light Mobility

After making any attack against a target, this gladiator may move 1 square for free.

  • Opportunist

When making a non-frontal attack, the Gallus can take any dice roll of "1", and change it to a "6".

  • Sand toss

The Gallus can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack, but only if his opponent is facing him. Sand Toss hits on a 4+, deals no damage and if successful the target is blinded. A blinded target has a +2 to their to-hit numbers on attacks they make (e.g. 2+ to hit becomes 4+ to hit). The target may choose to lose a full turn to remove the blinded condition.

  • Trip

The gladiator can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack. Trip hits on a 4+, deals no damage but the target is knocked prone. All attacks against a prone target count as being made against his rear facing, regardless of which way the gladiator is facing. A prone target cannot turn-to-face as a reaction. Also, a prone target cannot make attacks. A prone gladiator can stand up from prone by spending 3 movement points.

  • Tumble

If at any time the Gallus would be knocked prone, he is not knocked prone, and may immediately move one square for free.

  • Will to Live

This Gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.


"Come here, you!"
- Scorpius Mortibellus, Ropemaster

  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Light weapon - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Laquerius Special Rules[edit]


Laquerius Tricks[edit]

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Come here!

The Laquerius can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack. "Come here!" is a ranged attack with a range of 3 squares that hits on a 4+. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target is immediately moved into a square adjacent to the Laquerius chosen by the Laquerius, and is turned to face the Laquerius.

  • Coup de Grace

If the Laquerius makes a damaging melee attack against an opponent that is either prone or entangled at the the start of the attack being made, then that attack deals +1 damage, or +2 damage if the target is prone AND entangled.

  • Execute

If the Laquerius rolls a "6" on an attack roll, he deals +3 damage with that attack.

  • Light Mobility

After making any attack against a target, this gladiator may move 1 square for free.

  • No escape

Enemies adjacent to the Laquerius in his front facing are always treated as being entangled. This is an instant effect that occurs as soon as an enemy meets this condition, regardless of cause. An entangled gladiator cannot move from his current square, though he can still change his facing. This condition immediately ends if the Laquerius is no longer adjacent and facing towards that enemy.

  • Trip

The Laquerius can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage but the target is knocked prone. All attacks against a prone target count as being made against his rear facing, regardless of which way the gladiator is facing. A prone target cannot turn-to-face as a reaction. Also, a prone target cannot make attacks. A prone gladiator can stand up from prone by spending 3 movement points.

  • Will to Live

This Gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.


"What? You want me to stop poking you in the backside with my feathered sword? The crowd seems to like it, so you should learn to enjoy it!"
- Vibius Geganius, The Mockingbird

  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Comedic weapon - Roll 2+ to deal 1 damage.
  • Life Points: 8

Praegenarius Special Rules[edit]

Entertainers - The Praegenarius has no worthwhile weaponry. The effect of this is included in the above profile (vide comedic weapon).

Praegenarius Tricks[edit]

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Everyone loves Praegenarii!

At the start of the battle, if this Praegenarius is in the arena, his school gains +1 point of Crowd's Favour.

  • Light Mobility

After making any attack against a target, this gladiator may move 1 square for free.

  • Performance

At cost of 4 movement points the Praegenarius may engage in performance. If he does so roll a D6. On a roll of 4+ his school immediately gains +1 point of Crowd's Favour.

  • Humiliating strike

The Praegenarius can choose to use this ability instead of an ordinary melee attack. "Humiliating strike" is a melee attack. If it hits, the attack deals no damage. On a successful attack the Praegenarius' school immediately gains +1 Crowd's Favour.

  • Mockery

Whenever an attack against the Praegenarius misses, his school immediately gains +1 point of Crowd's Favour.

  • Tumble

If at any time the Praegenarius would be knocked prone, he is not knocked prone, and may immediately move one square for free.

  • Will to Live

This Gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.


"First arrow. Left knee. Severed tendon and shattered bone. Second arrow. Left axilla. Arm useless. Arteries bleeding. Third arrow. Right eye. Match finished."
- Gnaius Vispanius, The Deadly Arrow

  • Move: 5
  • Attack: Knife - Roll 2+ to deal 2 damage. Archery - see below.
  • Life Points: 8

Sagittarius Special Rules[edit]

Archery - At the start of his turn the Sagittarius may choose to reduce his Move to 0. If he does so, he gains a ranged attack option for that turn (which may be used instead of his normal melee attack). His ranged attack hits on a 3+ to deal 3 damage, and can be made at a distance of up to 4 squares. He may not use his ranged attack against enemies adjacent to him.

Sagitarius Tricks[edit]

Novicius Gladiators have 0 tricks. Palus Gladiators select 3 tricks. Primus Palus Gladiators gain all 7 tricks.

  • Eagle Eye

The Sagittarius' ranged archery attack ignores damage reduction from Armour bonuses.

  • Light Mobility

After making any attack against a target, this gladiator may move 1 square for free.

  • Point blank shot

The Sagittarius' ranged archery attack can now be made against enemies adjacent to him.

  • Range increase

The Sagittarius' ranged archery attack gains +2 range.

  • Target weak spot

The Sagittarius ignores damage reduction from Toughness bonuses.

  • Long Shot

Instead of making a normal ranged attack, the Sagittarius can attempt a long shot attack with unlimited range, but only hits on a 6+ with that attack.

  • Will to Live

This Gladiator receives a +1 bonus to the dice roll on Survival checks.