Difference between revisions of "Talk:MTH:Powers Q-Z"

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The Reach Power was deleted due to duplication of the Plasticity power.
Regeneration was made a Beta Power with a Verve cost, to balance it against the Healing power.
Deleted the Shrink and Grow powers, as they power duplicate Beta Shapeshift with a weakness.
Folded Soul Weapon into the Exanamic Object merit. Original text read "This power is identical in effect to the Exanimaic Object merit, except: ", which suggested that the Merit should simply be expanded.
Folded Soul Weapon into the Exanamic Object merit. Original text read "This power is identical in effect to the Exanimaic Object merit, except: ", which suggested that the Merit should simply be expanded.
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I wrote Reach for a specific reason, and it duplicates one of Plasticity's effects.... one single effect. Should I remove Force Bolt because Elemental Anima has the Blast technique? Should I get rid of Density Control and Phasing? The rationale for Reach is: http://pdsh.wikia.com/wiki/Crane
Much of the material on this discussion page has been moved to the discussion page for the main superpowers page, as it deals with general guidelines for powers.
Crane cannot slip through cracks. He does not have plasticity. But he can punch someone from across the room. Having extending arms is different from having extending everything, and it's common enough in the superhero genre (Tons of robots have extending arms, Abyss from X-Men has spring arms, etc) that it deserves its own power.
Also, Growth and Shrink did not duplicate Shapeshift. The two are somewhat similar, but with that sort of reasoning I might as well remove half of the powers on this wiki.
I've seen you editting (and by that I mean deleting) a lot of material on the wiki. If there is something you don't like, there is no need to delete it. As a rule of thumb, if something is on the wiki, someone is probably using it in their game. I, for example, really don't like Enlivening Pathos, Sidekick, Elite Thespian, or Fighting Style: Tanker. Instead of removing them from the wiki, I just tell my players to ignore them. I don't change a document that people other than myself are using. It's far better to have too much material on this wiki than the bare minimum for it to function. If two powers TRULY overlap completely, then deleting one is fine. But when two powers are genuinely unique enough to deserve their own entry - merits included - there's no reason not to leave them there for whomever is using them.
"I wrote Reach for a specific reason, and it duplicates one of Plasticity's effects.... one single effect. Should I remove Force Bolt because Elemental Anima has the Blast technique?"
Well, kind of, yes. If a power exists that is just a more limited version of another power, then that power should be removed and the more limited version added as a Weakness for another power. The powers with multiple techniques are, in general, in need of simplification. Since a version of Force Bolt exists for mutliple powers, it's probably best to list the technique as something like 'see force bolt'. There are other examples of duplication like this that need to be addressed.
"Also, Growth and Shrink did not duplicate Shapeshift. The two are somewhat similar, but with that sort of reasoning I might as well remove half of the powers on this wiki. "
Similar, but with less utility. Same rational as above.
"I've seen you editing (and by that I mean deleting) a lot of material on the wiki."
I have, in general, given the reasons in the edit comment section or the page discussion when the reason is more complicated. If you have an issue with the reasoning given, please post it for discussion.
"Instead of removing them from the wiki"
In no case have I actually removed any added aspect, except to consolidate duplications.
I should also point out that I don't decided the majority of the edits I have made. These are put to vote in our local group, after discussion.
"I don't change a document that people other than myself are using."
The purpose of the wiki is, in part, to allow that.
"It's far better to have too much material on this wiki than the bare minimum for it to function."
There has been significant discussion in the RPG Net community to the contrary. In keeping with their 'System Eloquence' guideline, and White Wolf's own developmental trend, rules' edits by our group look to widen existing rules to encompass additions when possible, as a preference over adding new entries. This keeps the wiki from being unnavigable and lowers RPG Nets' over-all data burden. New entries are justified when they will not fit under other areas even when widened.

Latest revision as of 14:17, 28 June 2017

Regeneration was made a Beta Power with a Verve cost, to balance it against the Healing power.

Folded Soul Weapon into the Exanamic Object merit. Original text read "This power is identical in effect to the Exanimaic Object merit, except: ", which suggested that the Merit should simply be expanded.

Much of the material on this discussion page has been moved to the discussion page for the main superpowers page, as it deals with general guidelines for powers.