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| This page will be the home of any campaign information for stuff I'm running. | | This page will be the home of any campaign information for stuff I'm running. |
| |
| =Forgotten Realms for C&C=
| |
| *[http://timbannock.com/rpg/index.php?title=C%26C_House_Rules Castles & Crusades House Rules]
| |
| **[http://timbannock.com/rpg/index.php?title=Weapon_Traits_and_Maneuvers Weapon Traits and Maneuvers]
| |
| **[http://timbannock.com/rpg/index.php?title=Complete_Weapon_Listings Complete Weapon Listings]
| |
| *[http://timbannock.com/rpg/index.php?title=Forgotten_Realms_for_C%26C Forgotten Realms to C&C Conversions]
| |
| |
| ==Maps==
| |
| |
| ===Daggerford===
| |
| <gallery>
| |
| File:Daggerford_Overview.jpg|Daggerford
| |
| File:Daggerford_Numbered.jpg|Daggerford Locations
| |
| </gallery>
| |
| |
| ===Regional Maps===
| |
| <gallery>
| |
| File:Delimbiyr_Vale_regional_map.jpg|The Delimbiyr Vale region
| |
| Faerun_Atlas_Map_-_Waterdeep_Vicinity.jpg|Faerun Atlas - The North
| |
| </gallery>
| |
| |
| =Characters=
| |
| |
| ==thirdkingdom - Human Fighter 2==
| |
| ===NAME===
| |
| ALIGNMENT Human gender Fighter 2 [Patron Deity]
| |
| |
| '''XP''': 2,001 / ''Next Level'': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Looks''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Player''': thirdkingdom
| |
| |
| ===Attributes:===
| |
| A ''P+6'' denotes a Prime Attribute. Some races may grant ''S+2'' or similar benefits to an additional Attribute.
| |
| *'''STR''': 17 (+2) P+6
| |
| *'''DEX''': 12 (+0) P+6
| |
| *'''CON''': 12 (+0) P+6
| |
| *'''INT''': 12 (+0)
| |
| *'''WIS''': 6 (-1)
| |
| *'''CHA''': 6 (-1)
| |
| |
| ===Racial / Class Abilities:===
| |
| *'''Weapon Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Armor Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Weapon Specialization''': Heavy Blade; +1 to hit, +1 damage.
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Combat===
| |
| *'''Size''': Medium
| |
| *'''Movement''': 30 feet
| |
| *'''HP''': 20
| |
| *'''Base to Hit bonus''': +2
| |
| |
| ''Armor Class''
| |
| *'''Armor Class''': 16
| |
| *'''Overburdened AC''': 16
| |
| *'''Touch AC''': 12
| |
| *'''Grapple AC''': 19
| |
| |
| '''Head AC''': 16
| |
| |
| '''Bonuses''': Str +2, Dex +0, Heavy Shield +2, Scale Mail +4, Chain Mail Coif +4
| |
| |
| ===Weapons:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Weapon
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Grip
| |
| ! Range
| |
| ! Attack
| |
| ! Damage
| |
| ! Critical
| |
| ! Traits
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Hook Sword (Khopesh)
| |
| | 0.2
| |
| | 1H
| |
| | n/a
| |
| | +5
| |
| | 1d8+3 B/S
| |
| | 19-20/x2
| |
| | Disarm, Trip
| |
| | n/a
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Gear:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Gear
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Hook Sword (Khopesh)
| |
| | 0.2
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Heavy Shield
| |
| | 1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Scale Mail armor
| |
| | 2.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Chain Mail Coif
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Total Encumbrance from Gear'''
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Bonds:===
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Background:===
| |
| Xxx.
| |
| |
| ==roryb - Human Fighter 2==
| |
| ===NAME===
| |
| ALIGNMENT Human gender Fighter 2 [Patron Deity]
| |
| |
| '''XP''': 2,001 / ''Next Level'': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Looks''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Player''': roryb
| |
| |
| ===Attributes:===
| |
| A ''P+6'' denotes a Prime Attribute. Some races may grant ''S+2'' or similar benefits to an additional Attribute.
| |
| *'''STR''': 14 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''DEX''': 15 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''CON''': 13 (+1)
| |
| *'''INT''': 11 (+0)
| |
| *'''WIS''': 15 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''CHA''': 6 (-1)
| |
| |
| ===Racial / Class Abilities:===
| |
| *'''Weapon Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Armor Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Weapon Specialization''': Bow; +1 to hit, +1 damage.
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Combat===
| |
| *'''Size''': Medium
| |
| *'''Movement''': 30 feet
| |
| *'''HP''': 22
| |
| *'''Base to Hit bonus''': +2
| |
| |
| ''Armor Class''
| |
| *'''Armor Class''': 15
| |
| *'''Overburdened AC''': 14
| |
| *'''Touch AC''': 14
| |
| *'''Grapple AC''': 17
| |
| |
| '''Head AC''': 15
| |
| |
| '''Bonuses''': Str +1, Dex +1, Scale Mail +4, Chain Mail Coif +4
| |
| |
| ===Weapons:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Weapon
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Grip
| |
| ! Range
| |
| ! Attack
| |
| ! Damage
| |
| ! Critical
| |
| ! Traits
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Long Bow
| |
| | 0.2
| |
| | Missile
| |
| | 100
| |
| | +4
| |
| | 1d8+1 P
| |
| | x3
| |
| | Reload
| |
| | Armor Piercing Arrows x20
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ranseur [ron-sir]
| |
| | 0.5
| |
| | 2H
| |
| | n/a
| |
| | +3
| |
| | 1d8+1 P
| |
| | x2
| |
| | Disarm, Trip, Reach 1, Receive Charge
| |
| | n/a
| |
| |-
| |
| | Scimitar
| |
| | 0.3
| |
| | 1H
| |
| | n/a
| |
| | +3
| |
| | 1d8+1 S
| |
| | 18-20/x2
| |
| | Light
| |
| | n/a
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Gear:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Gear
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Long Bow
| |
| | 0.2
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Arrow Piercing Arrows x20
| |
| | 0.2
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Scale Mail armor
| |
| | 2.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Chain Mail Coif
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Ranseur
| |
| | 0.5
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Scimitar
| |
| | 0.3
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Total Encumbrance from Gear'''
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Bonds:===
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Background:===
| |
| Xxx.
| |
| |
| |
| ==roryb - Dwarf Fighter 2==
| |
| ===NAME===
| |
| ALIGNMENT Shield Dwarf gender Fighter 2 [Patron Deity]
| |
| |
| '''XP''': 2,001 / ''Next Level'': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Looks''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Player''': roryb
| |
| |
| ===Attributes:===
| |
| A ''P+6'' denotes a Prime Attribute. Some races may grant ''S+2'' or similar benefits to an additional Attribute.
| |
| *'''STR''': 14 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''DEX''': 9 (+0)
| |
| *'''CON''': 13 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''INT''': 4 (-2)
| |
| *'''WIS''': 13 (+1)
| |
| *'''CHA''': 9 (+0)
| |
| |
| ===Racial / Class Abilities:===
| |
| *'''Weapon Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Armor Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Weapon Specialization''': Hammer; +1 to hit, +1 damage.
| |
| *'''Animosity (Elves)''': The disparate personalities of dwarves and elves have resulted in eons of misunderstandings, squabbles and even wars between the two races. Dwarves consider elves to be disloyal and untrustworthy partners in war or trade. As a result, dwarves suffer a -2 penalty to charisma checks when dealing with elves to whom they are not closely associated.
| |
| *'''Deepvision''': Ages spent beneath the earth in the dark and quiet places of the world have imbued dwarves with the ability to see in darkness where a human would find it impenetrable. This vision extends up to 120 feet in even the darkest of nights and deepest of tunnels. Colors tend to erode with deepvision, and objects appear in many shades of gray. It is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function well with no light at all. Bright lights, such as from a lantern or other light source, spoil deepvision. A dwarf requires one turn to adjust his or her eyes when a light source is extinguished before gaining full use of deepvision.
| |
| *'''Determine Depth and Direction''': The world beneath mountains and in the deeps of the earth is the natural home of the dwarf. Dwarves can sense their approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. The dwarf can determine direction underground just as easily.
| |
| *'''Enmity (Goblins/Orcs)''': Eternal wars against goblins and orcs have created an undying crucible of hatred for these vile creatures. When in combat against goblins or orcs, this fury and hatred allows dwarves a +1 bonus to hit these creatures. Dwarves have a similar distrust of half-orcs. Dwarves find inter-breeding with goblinoids to be the worst of all sins, and their powerful antipathy towards pure goblinoids negatively affects dwarven relations with half-orcs. Dwarves suffer a -4 to charisma checks when interacting with half-orcs, goblins and orcs.
| |
| *'''Defensive Expertise (Giants)''': Long regarded as a food source by many giants, dwarves have developed considerable expertise in fighting them. Combined with their small size, this tactical expertise allows dwarves to offer resistance to the powerful giants. When fighting giants or ogres, dwarves receive a +4 bonus to armor class.
| |
| *'''Resistant to Arcane Magic''': As unshakeable as granite or iron, dwarves are particularly resistant to arcane magic. They receive a +3 bonus to all saving throws against arcane spells and spell-like effects.
| |
| *'''Resistant to Fear''': Dwarven loyalty, duty, stubbornness and honor lend them courage where other races might falter. Dwarves receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws against fear.
| |
| *'''Resistant to Poisons (Con)''': Dwarves are imbued with great constitutional fortitude. Poisons that might fell a normal human are less likely to affect a dwarf. Dwarves receive a +2 bonus to all poison saving throws.
| |
| *'''Stonecraft (Wis)''': Dwarves spend much of their lives carving halls, castles and underground fortresses out of solid rock, so they possess an extensive knowledge of stoneworking and construction. They possess almost a sixth sense in this regard which gives them various bonuses and abilities. Dwarves are capable of spotting unusual or unique construction or stonework features including new construction, unfamiliar architecture, sliding walls, stonework traps, unsafe stone surfaces, unstable ceilings and secret or concealed doorways constructed or disguised as stone. A dwarf passing within 10 feet of one of these features is entitled to a wisdom check at +2 to recognize the feature, as if actively looking for it. Should a dwarf actively search for these features, the bonus to the wisdom check is +4. When examining a feature, a successful wisdom check reveals other bits of knowledge, such as which race created the feature, its approximate age, and if applicable, the approximate value of a stone or metal object.
| |
| |
| ===Combat===
| |
| *'''Size''': Small
| |
| *'''Movement''': 20 feet
| |
| *'''HP''': 22
| |
| *'''Base to Hit bonus''': +2
| |
| |
| ''Armor Class''
| |
| *'''Armor Class''': 16
| |
| *'''Overburdened AC''': 16
| |
| *'''Touch AC''': 12
| |
| *'''Grapple AC''': 18
| |
| |
| '''Head AC''': 16
| |
| |
| '''Bonuses''': Str +1, Dex +0, Heavy Shield +2, Scale Mail +4, Chain Mail Coif +4
| |
| |
| ===Weapons:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Weapon
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Grip
| |
| ! Range
| |
| ! Attack
| |
| ! Damage
| |
| ! Critical
| |
| ! Traits
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Warhammer
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | Versatile
| |
| | n/a
| |
| | +4
| |
| | 1d8+2 B (2H: 1d10+2)
| |
| | x2
| |
| | Shield Breaker
| |
| | n/a
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Gear:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Gear
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Warhammer
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Heavy Shield
| |
| | 1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Scale Mail armor
| |
| | 2.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Chain Mail Coif
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Total Encumbrance from Gear'''
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Bonds:===
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Background:===
| |
| Xxx.
| |
| |
| ==roryb - Dwarf Cleric 2==
| |
| ===NAME===
| |
| ALIGNMENT Shield Dwarf gender Cleric 2 [Patron Deity]
| |
| |
| '''XP''': 2,251 / ''Next Level'': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Looks''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Player''': roryb
| |
| |
| ===Attributes:===
| |
| A ''P+6'' denotes a Prime Attribute. Some races may grant ''S+2'' or similar benefits to an additional Attribute.
| |
| *'''STR''': 12 (+0) P+6
| |
| *'''DEX''': 10 (+0)
| |
| *'''CON''': 18 (+3)
| |
| *'''INT''': 8 (-1)
| |
| *'''WIS''': 14 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''CHA''': 13 (+1)
| |
| |
| ===Racial / Class Abilities:===
| |
| *'''Weapon Proficiency''': Special, club, crowbill hammer, dagger, light or heavy flail, light hammer, light or heavy mace, morningstar, quarterstaff, war hammer.
| |
| *'''Armor Proficiency''': Any.
| |
| *'''Turn Undead (Wis)''': A cleric has the ability to turn, or even destroy, undead monsters. To turn undead, a cleric must declare the attempt as an attack and then make a successful wisdom attribute check. The character must display a holy symbol toward the undead and utter a prayer, chant or other invocation of the character’s deity. Turn undead is considered a special attack and takes one round. Turn undead has a maximum range of 60 feet. Turning undead consists of channelling divine power. The ability to channel divine power is measured by the cleric’s own willpower. Accordingly, charisma, not wisdom, affects the number of undead creatures that are turned with a successful turn undead check. In most cases, the number of undead turned will be 1d12 plus the cleric’s charisma modifier. When a cleric is five or more levels higher than the undead being turned, the undead are instead destroyed. Evil clerics may, instead of turning undead, control them. An evil cleric must be at least five levels higher than the hit dice of the undead sought to be controlled. Evil clerics can also turn paladins.
| |
| *'''Prayerbook''': The number of spells that a cleric has in their prayerbook at the beginning of play is equal to the number of spells they can cast at first level.
| |
| *'''Animosity (Elves)''': The disparate personalities of dwarves and elves have resulted in eons of misunderstandings, squabbles and even wars between the two races. Dwarves consider elves to be disloyal and untrustworthy partners in war or trade. As a result, dwarves suffer a -2 penalty to charisma checks when dealing with elves to whom they are not closely associated.
| |
| *'''Deepvision''': Ages spent beneath the earth in the dark and quiet places of the world have imbued dwarves with the ability to see in darkness where a human would find it impenetrable. This vision extends up to 120 feet in even the darkest of nights and deepest of tunnels. Colors tend to erode with deepvision, and objects appear in many shades of gray. It is otherwise like normal sight, and dwarves can function well with no light at all. Bright lights, such as from a lantern or other light source, spoil deepvision. A dwarf requires one turn to adjust his or her eyes when a light source is extinguished before gaining full use of deepvision.
| |
| *'''Determine Depth and Direction''': The world beneath mountains and in the deeps of the earth is the natural home of the dwarf. Dwarves can sense their approximate depth underground as naturally as a human can sense which way is up. The dwarf can determine direction underground just as easily.
| |
| *'''Enmity (Goblins/Orcs)''': Eternal wars against goblins and orcs have created an undying crucible of hatred for these vile creatures. When in combat against goblins or orcs, this fury and hatred allows dwarves a +1 bonus to hit these creatures. Dwarves have a similar distrust of half-orcs. Dwarves find inter-breeding with goblinoids to be the worst of all sins, and their powerful antipathy towards pure goblinoids negatively affects dwarven relations with half-orcs. Dwarves suffer a -4 to charisma checks when interacting with half-orcs, goblins and orcs.
| |
| *'''Defensive Expertise (Giants)''': Long regarded as a food source by many giants, dwarves have developed considerable expertise in fighting them. Combined with their small size, this tactical expertise allows dwarves to offer resistance to the powerful giants. When fighting giants or ogres, dwarves receive a +4 bonus to armor class.
| |
| *'''Resistant to Arcane Magic''': As unshakeable as granite or iron, dwarves are particularly resistant to arcane magic. They receive a +3 bonus to all saving throws against arcane spells and spell-like effects.
| |
| *'''Resistant to Fear''': Dwarven loyalty, duty, stubbornness and honor lend them courage where other races might falter. Dwarves receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws against fear.
| |
| *'''Resistant to Poisons (Con)''': Dwarves are imbued with great constitutional fortitude. Poisons that might fell a normal human are less likely to affect a dwarf. Dwarves receive a +2 bonus to all poison saving throws.
| |
| *'''Stonecraft (Wis)''': Dwarves spend much of their lives carving halls, castles and underground fortresses out of solid rock, so they possess an extensive knowledge of stoneworking and construction. They possess almost a sixth sense in this regard which gives them various bonuses and abilities. Dwarves are capable of spotting unusual or unique construction or stonework features including new construction, unfamiliar architecture, sliding walls, stonework traps, unsafe stone surfaces, unstable ceilings and secret or concealed doorways constructed or disguised as stone. A dwarf passing within 10 feet of one of these features is entitled to a wisdom check at +2 to recognize the feature, as if actively looking for it. Should a dwarf actively search for these features, the bonus to the wisdom check is +4. When examining a feature, a successful wisdom check reveals other bits of knowledge, such as which race created the feature, its approximate age, and if applicable, the approximate value of a stone or metal object.
| |
| |
| ===Combat===
| |
| *'''Size''': Small
| |
| *'''Movement''': 20 feet
| |
| *'''HP''': 22
| |
| *'''Base to Hit bonus''': +1
| |
| |
| ''Armor Class''
| |
| *'''Armor Class''': 16
| |
| *'''Overburdened AC''': 16
| |
| *'''Touch AC''': 12
| |
| *'''Grapple AC''': 17
| |
| |
| '''Head AC''': 16
| |
| |
| '''Bonuses''': Str +0, Dex +0, Heavy Shield +2, Scale Mail +4, Chain Mail Coif +4
| |
| |
| ===Weapons:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Weapon
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Grip
| |
| ! Range
| |
| ! Attack
| |
| ! Damage
| |
| ! Critical
| |
| ! Traits
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Warhammer
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | Versatile
| |
| | n/a
| |
| | +1
| |
| | 1d8 B (2H: 1d10)
| |
| | x2
| |
| | Shield Breaker
| |
| | n/a
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Gear:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Gear
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Warhammer
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Heavy Shield
| |
| | 1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Scale Mail armor
| |
| | 2.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Chain Mail Coif
| |
| | 0.4
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Total Encumbrance from Gear'''
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Spells:===
| |
| *'''Bonus spells''': 1st-level x1. These are factored into the #/day noted below.
| |
| *'''Orisons (4/day)''': xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx
| |
| *'''1st-level (3/day)''': xxx, xxx, xxx
| |
| |
| ===Bonds:===
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Background:===
| |
| Xxx.
| |
| |
| ==Phantom Grunweasel - Human Rogue 2==
| |
| ===NAME===
| |
| ALIGNMENT Human gender Rogue 2 [Patron Deity]
| |
| |
| '''XP''': 1,251 / ''Next Level'': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Looks''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Player''': Phantom Grunweasel
| |
| |
| ===Attributes:===
| |
| A ''P+6'' denotes a Prime Attribute. Some races may grant ''S+2'' or similar benefits to an additional Attribute.
| |
| *'''STR''': 11 (+0)
| |
| *'''DEX''': 17 (+2) P+6
| |
| *'''CON''': 12 (+0) P+6
| |
| *'''INT''': 15 (+1) P+6
| |
| *'''WIS''': 12 (+0)
| |
| *'''CHA''': 11 (+0)
| |
| |
| ===Racial / Class Abilities:===
| |
| *'''Weapon Proficiency''': Blowpipe, broadsword, cat-o-nine-tails, cestus, club, dagger, dart, light hammer, hand axe, hand crossbow, javelin, knife, light crossbow, longsword, mace, quarterstaff, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, sickle, spiked gauntlet, sling, whip.
| |
| *'''Armor Proficiency''': Leather armor, leather coat, and padded (see special armor rules for Rogue).
| |
| *'''Back Attack''': A rogue able to attack an opponent from the rear and who is unaware of the rogue’s presence, gains a bonus to hit and to damage. To catch an opponent unaware, a rogue must make a successful move silently check to sneak up behind the foe, or make a successful hide check while behind the opponent. A rogue that succeeds in one or the other of these can make a back attack at a +4 bonus to hit. A successful hit inflicts double the normal damage. When making a back attack, a rogue must use a close-quarters melee weapon. This weapon must be shorter than the character’s arm. A rogue can only back attack living creatures that have a discernible anatomy. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot, and then must be able to reach it. As the rogue gains experience, the damage inflicted increases. At 5th level, a back attack deals triple damage, and at 9th level a back attack inflicts quadruple damage. A back attack cannot be combined with the sneak attack ability. (This ability is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.)
| |
| *'''Cant''': Rogues often use a street language known only to those in the trade, called cant. Code words, hand signals, demeanor, and other signs comprise the cant. The cant can be used to convey complex ideas. The language may vary to some degree both geographically and culturally, making cants unique to each region, city, or even within a city. (This ability is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.)
| |
| *'''Climb (Dex)''': This extraordinary ability allows a rogue to climb up, down, or across a slope, wall, steep incline (even a ceiling with handholds), or unusually angled natural or man made slope or incline that others would find impossible to climb. When doing so, the rogue moves at one-half the character’s normal speed. A failed climb check means that the character makes no progress. A check that fails by 5 or more means that the character falls from the currently attained height, and must suffer falling damage. Rogues can not carry anything in their hands while climbing. When climbing typical natural slopes and man made inclines, such as a cliff faces or steep steps, a rogue does not need to make an attribute check to climb the surface. (This ability is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.)
| |
| *'''Decipher Script (Int)''': This ability allows a rogue to decipher writing in an unfamiliar language, a message written in an incomplete or archaic form or a message written in code. If the check succeeds, the character understands the general content of a piece of writing. It takes 2d8 turns to decipher each page of a script. The attempt may be made only once per writing. A rogue may use this ability to decipher arcane script if a successful check is made at a penalty of -10. This ability may not be used to decipher divine scrolls.
| |
| *'''Hide (Dex)''': Rogues use this ability to conceal themselves from others. A successful check means that the rogue is hidden so well as to be almost invisible. The rogue can move up to one-half normal speed and remain hidden. Hide checks suffer no penalty in this circumstance. At more than one-half and up to full speed, the character suffers a -5 penalty to the check to remain hidden. It’s practically impossible (-20 penalty) to hide while running or charging. If the character is being observed, even casually, they cannot hide. If observers are momentarily distracted, though, the character can attempt to hide. While the observer averts its attention from the character, the character can attempt to get to a hiding place. This check, however, is at a –10 penalty because the character has to move quickly to the hiding place. A rogue cannot hide if there is nothing to hide behind or conceal oneself with. Deep shadows can count as concealment at the Castle Keeper’s discretion. Rogues cannot hide and move silently at the same time until they reach 3rd level. At this level and beyond, a rogue can attempt both but must make a successful conceal and move silent check at-5. In this case, movement is reduced to one quarter the normal movement rate. (This ability is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.)
| |
| *'''Listen (Wis)''': A rogue can use this ability to listen intently and hear noises that others might not detect, even through an obstacle such as a door. Generally, a successful check indicates that the rogue has detected some sort of noise. Success indicates the rogue can hear soft sounds, like a whisper or cat stalking, while outside or in the open and up to a range of 30 feet. It also indicates success if the rogue is listening for sounds on the other side of a door, but the rogue must be adjacent to the door. However, exactly what is heard is up to the Castle Keeper’s discretion as each case is unique. If listening through a stone wall, the rogue suffers a -10 penalty to the check. For other materials, vary the penalty as appropriate. A rogue can retry this ability once a round. Only wearing a metal or large helmet affects this ability negatively.
| |
| *'''Move Silently (Dex)''': This ability allows a rogue to move so silently that others cannot hear the movement. The rogue can use this ability both indoors and outdoors. A rogue can move up to one-half the character’s normal speed at no penalty. At more than one-half and up to the character’s full speed, the character suffers a -5 penalty. It’s practically impossible (-20 penalty) to move silently while running or charging. To move silently and hide, see the hide ability. (This ability is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.)
| |
| *'''Open Lock (Dex)''': A rogue can use this ability to open any sort of mechanical lock that would normally require a key to open. A successful check indicates the lock has been opened. This ability requires the use of a set of rogue’s tools, including picks, blank keys, wires or other appropriate tools. A rogue may only make one attempt per lock. If that attempt fails, the rogue cannot try to open the same lock again until gaining one more level as it is beyond the current ability of the rogue to pick it. Only wearing a metal or large gloves affects this ability negatively.
| |
| *'''Pick Pocket (Dex)''': A rogue can use this ability, on a successful dexterity check, to remove the contents of a pocket or pouch (or otherwise take something from a person) without being noticed. Success may require the rogue to cut the purse or pouch from the target. A penalty to check is equal to the level or hit dice of the targeted victim. This ability also allows the rogue to perform “sleight of hand” maneuvers. A successful dexterity check indicates the rogue has hidden or moved an item in such a manner so that observers are not aware of where the item has been hidden. Such typical maneuvers are hiding a coin, sliding a card up a sleeve, performing the shell game, and the like. A penalty to the check may be applied if there is an observer present that is determined to note where an item is moved. This penalty is equal to the wisdom attribute bonus for the observer. (This ability is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.)
| |
| *'''Traps (Int)''': A rogue may use this ability in three manners: finding, disabling or setting traps. Each use requires a separate attribute check and each check may be made only once in a given circumstance. The player must also describe how the actions are being performed to use this ability. To find a trap, a rogue spends time intently studying and searching an area to deduce possible trap locations. It takes one round to locate a trap in a specific area such as a lock or a doorknob, and one turn to locate a trap in a 10 by 10 foot area. A successful check indicates the rogue finds one trap, if any are present. The trap discovered is the simplest or most obvious trap in the area. If multiple traps are in an area, multiple successful checks are required to find them all. A rogue can find magical traps with this ability, although it may be much more difficult than finding mundane traps. The Castle Keeper determines any penalties to the check basing those penalties on the level or hit dice of those who set them. To disable a trap, a rogue must first know its location. Once a trap is located, a successful check means the rogue has disarmed the trap. The attempt can only be made once and failure indicates that the rogue set off the trap. A rogue can disarm a magic trap, although it may be much more difficult than disarming a mundane trap. In most cases, rogue’s tools are needed to disarm a trap. Generally, it takes 1d4 rounds to disarm a trap, depending on its complexity. To set a trap, or to reset a previously disabled trap, a rogue must make a successful traps check. If a rogue is resetting a trap that was previously disabled, the rogue gains a +5 bonus to the check. The amount of time required to set or reset a trap depends on the complexity of the trap, typically taking 1d4 rounds. Locating traps is not affected by the armor worn. However, disabling and setting traps is affected by wearing armor not on the armor list for the rogue.
| |
| |
| ===Combat===
| |
| *'''Size''': Medium
| |
| *'''Movement''': 30 feet
| |
| *'''HP''': 12
| |
| *'''Base to Hit bonus''': +1
| |
| |
| ''Armor Class''
| |
| *'''Armor Class''': 14
| |
| *'''Overburdened AC''': 12
| |
| *'''Touch AC''': 12
| |
| *'''Grapple AC''': 17
| |
| |
| '''Head AC''': 13
| |
| |
| '''Bonuses''': Str +0, Dex +2, Leather Armor +2, Leather Coif +1
| |
| |
| ===Weapons:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Weapon
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Grip
| |
| ! Range
| |
| ! Attack
| |
| ! Damage
| |
| ! Critical
| |
| ! Traits
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Shortsword
| |
| | 0.1
| |
| | 1H
| |
| | n/a
| |
| | +3
| |
| | 1d6 P/S
| |
| | 19-20/x2
| |
| | Finesse, Light
| |
| | n/a
| |
| |-
| |
| | Light Crossbow
| |
| | 0.3
| |
| | Missile
| |
| | 80
| |
| | +3
| |
| | 1d8 P
| |
| | 19-20/x2
| |
| | Reload
| |
| | Bolts x12
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Gear:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Gear
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | Leather Armor
| |
| | 1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Leather Coif
| |
| | 0.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Shortsword
| |
| | 0.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Light Crossbow
| |
| | 0.3
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | Bolts, Standard x12
| |
| | 0.1
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Total Encumbrance from Gear'''
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Bonds:===
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Background:===
| |
| Xxx.
| |
| |
| ==Castles & Crusades Blank Character Sheet Template==
| |
| ===NAME===
| |
| ALIGNMENT Race gender Class Level [Patron Deity]
| |
| |
| '''XP''': xxx / ''Next Level'': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Looks''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Player''': xxx
| |
| |
| ===Attributes:===
| |
| A ''P+6'' denotes a Prime Attribute. Some races may grant ''S+2'' or similar benefits to an additional Attribute.
| |
| *'''STR''': xxx (+xxx)
| |
| *'''DEX''': xxx (+xxx)
| |
| *'''CON''': xxx (+xxx)
| |
| *'''INT''': xxx (+xxx)
| |
| *'''WIS''': xxx (+xxx)
| |
| *'''CHA''': xxx (+xxx)
| |
| |
| ===Racial / Class Abilities:===
| |
| * Weapon Proficiency: xxx.
| |
| * Armor Proficiency: xxx.
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Combat===
| |
| *'''Size''': xxx
| |
| *'''Movement''': xxx
| |
| *'''HP''': xxx
| |
| *'''Base to Hit bonus''': xxx
| |
| |
| ''Armor Class''
| |
| *'''Armor Class''': xxx
| |
| *'''Overburdened AC''': xxx
| |
| *'''Touch AC''': xxx
| |
| *'''Grapple AC''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Head AC''': xxx
| |
| |
| '''Bonuses''': Str xxx, Dex xxx, xxx
| |
| |
| ===Weapons:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Weapon
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Grip
| |
| ! Range
| |
| ! Attack
| |
| ! Damage
| |
| ! Critical
| |
| ! Traits
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| ===Gear:===
| |
| {| class="wikitable"
| |
| ! Gear
| |
| ! Encumbrance
| |
| ! Notes
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |-
| |
| | '''Total Encumbrance from Gear'''
| |
| | xxx
| |
| |}
| |
| |
| |
| ===Spells:===
| |
| *'''Bonus spells''': xxx. These are factored into the #/day noted below.
| |
| *'''Orisons (#/day)''': xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx
| |
| *'''1st-level (#/day)''': xxx, xxx, xxx
| |
| |
| ===Bonds:===
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| * xxx
| |
| |
| ===Background:===
| |
| Xxx.
| |