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Enzi is the primary protagonist, and is hella cool.  Though he appears to be and thinks himself human, he is, in fact, a [[AnglerStudios:Story/Races/Trenashi|Trenashi]].  He carries himself in a very lazy fashion, speaking ineloquently and is rarely impressed or even particularly respectful of authority.  However, he does possess an incredibly keen and pronounced sense of Right and Wrong - partially due to his Trenashian blood - which defines his actions, and always motivates him to do things he otherwise wouldn't do.  He sees it as his implicit duty to stop evil wherever he encounters it.
Enzi is the primary protagonist, and is hella cool.  Though he appears to be and thinks himself human, he is, in fact, a [[AnglerStudios:Story/Races/Trenashi|Trenashi]].  He carries himself in a very lazy fashion, speaking ineloquently and is rarely impressed or even particularly respectful of authority.  However, he does possess an incredibly keen and pronounced sense of Right and Wrong - partially due to his Trenashian blood - which defines his actions, and always motivates him to do things he otherwise wouldn't do.  He sees it as his implicit duty to stop evil wherever he encounters it.

Other than his strong moral impulse, Enzi doesn't take himself very seriously, and often will jokingly demand payment for his services.  Not that rewards don't fill him with unparralleled glee.  He finds questing to be dull and bothersome, and lacks subtlety, not due to unintelligence, but due to bluntness and a lack of refinement.  His major vices are a penchant for stealing things which aren't his, and a degree of apathy towards trivial matters (like people's motivations), and even to some degree people's troubles.  He is also somewhat ''blazè'' about fighting, killing and warfare.
Other than his strong moral impulse, Enzi doesn't take himself very seriously, and often will jokingly demand payment for his services.  Not that rewards don't fill him with unparalleled glee.  He finds questing to be dull and bothersome, and lacks subtlety, not due to unintelligence, but due to bluntness and a lack of refinement.  His major vices are a penchant for stealing things which aren't his, and a degree of apathy towards trivial matters (like people's motivations), and even to some degree people's troubles.  He is also somewhat ''blazè'' about fighting, killing and warfare.

Enzi has a habit of spontaneously sharing lengthy, bizarre and uncomfortable stories with people when left alone with them for too long.  He also tends to be a little eccentric.  He typically deals with a problem by barging straight in and 'rushing' it.
Enzi has a habit of spontaneously sharing lengthy, bizarre and uncomfortable stories with people when left alone with them for too long.  He also tends to be a little eccentric.  He typically deals with a problem by barging straight in and 'rushing' it.
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=== Hoth the Ethereal ===
=== Hoth the Ethereal ===

[[AnglerStudios:Story/Hoth|Hoth]] and Enzi don't get along.  Honestly, Enzi probably started it, jealous of Hoth's heroics and image.  Hoth regards Enzi as nobody who just happens to have a strong arm.  They lack any respect for one another whatsoever.
[[AnglerStudios:Story/Hoth|Hoth]] and Enzi don't get along.  Honestly, Enzi probably started it, jealous of Hoth's heroics and image.  Hoth regards Enzi as a nobody who just happens to have a strong arm.  They lack any respect for one another whatsoever.

Their ideologies don't get along too well, either.  Enzi is suspcious of Hoth's overly emotional obsession with revenge, and is downright hostile to Hoth's lax notions of Right and Wrong.  Hoth, on the other hand, sees Enzi as perpetuator of the institutions with which he is growing more disillusioned.
Their ideologies don't get along too well, either.  Enzi is suspcious of Hoth's overly emotional obsession with revenge, and is downright hostile to Hoth's lax notions of Right and Wrong.  Hoth, on the other hand, sees Enzi as perpetuator of the institutions with which he is growing more disillusioned.
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Enzi is a member of the [[AnglerStudios:Story/Religion|Cult of the Smith]].  He inherently believes in the existence of the High-God, and his natural affinity with Aspects causes him to be acutely aware of evil, and thus he tends to be very black and white morally.  He struggles with Smithian teachings about compassion and love, while thrives on ones concerning justice.  He has huge issues with the concept of mercy, which he works through as the game progresses.
Enzi is a member of the [[AnglerStudios:Story/Religion|Cult of the Smith]].  He inherently believes in the existence of the High-God, and his natural affinity with Aspects causes him to be acutely aware of evil, and thus he tends to be very black and white morally.  He struggles with Smithian teachings about compassion and love, while thrives on ones concerning justice.  He has huge issues with the concept of mercy, which he works through as the game progresses.

At one point, when put on trial by the Black Aspect, he defends his black and white morality by stating that any 'gray' issue is really a collection of smaller black and white issues.  If these individual issues were dealt with in the appropriate manner, then there would be moral confusion as to the gray area.
At one point, when put on trial by the Black Aspect, he defends his black and white morality by stating that any 'gray' issue is really a collection of smaller black and white issues.  If these individual issues were dealt with in the appropriate manner, then there would be no moral confusion as to the gray area.

Enzi considers Free Will to be sacred and assumed, but considers violence, conflict and strife to be unavoidable consequences of people making different decisions.  He can only conceptually imagine a just peace as one where everyone agrees in everything.
Enzi considers Free Will to be sacred and assumed, but considers violence, conflict and strife to be unavoidable consequences of people making different decisions.  He can only conceptually imagine a just peace as one where everyone agrees in everything.
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=== Economics ===
=== Economics ===

He has an unusual gifting in the area of [[AnglerStudios:Story/The_tower_of_Magic|Economics]].
He has an unusual gifting in the area of [[AnglerStudios:Story/The_tower_of_Magic|Economics]], and founds the seat of 'Archmage of Economics' at [[AnglerStudios:Story/The_tower_of_Magic|the Tower of Magic]].

== Plot (in game, that is) ==
== Plot (in game, that is) ==

Latest revision as of 05:56, 3 April 2007


Enzi is the primary protagonist, and is hella cool. Though he appears to be and thinks himself human, he is, in fact, a Trenashi. He carries himself in a very lazy fashion, speaking ineloquently and is rarely impressed or even particularly respectful of authority. However, he does possess an incredibly keen and pronounced sense of Right and Wrong - partially due to his Trenashian blood - which defines his actions, and always motivates him to do things he otherwise wouldn't do. He sees it as his implicit duty to stop evil wherever he encounters it.

Other than his strong moral impulse, Enzi doesn't take himself very seriously, and often will jokingly demand payment for his services. Not that rewards don't fill him with unparalleled glee. He finds questing to be dull and bothersome, and lacks subtlety, not due to unintelligence, but due to bluntness and a lack of refinement. His major vices are a penchant for stealing things which aren't his, and a degree of apathy towards trivial matters (like people's motivations), and even to some degree people's troubles. He is also somewhat blazè about fighting, killing and warfare.

Enzi has a habit of spontaneously sharing lengthy, bizarre and uncomfortable stories with people when left alone with them for too long. He also tends to be a little eccentric. He typically deals with a problem by barging straight in and 'rushing' it.

Oh, and he's apparently got the potential to be one of the most powerful entities on the planet.


Enzi has sharp brown eyes and messy, long blue hair that he ties back in a ponytail. His standards of personal hygiene are pretty low. He likes to dress down - that is, eternally in his singelet and baggy pants.

Enzi is broadly expressive, but often wears either a look of sharp, nigh-philosophical inquiry that borders on just not getting anything, or a look of mischevious larikinism.

Pre-Game History[edit]


Enzi was born approximately 20 years before the beginning of the Storyline, son (and Crown Prince) of the King of the great Trenashi Capital, Burgand. He was born with his Twin Cousin, Uzi. Nine months later, Lamb Shank marched on Burgand, and the King and Queen sent their children away with the Human Ambassador Mushi.

Mushi took them to Darlan, the Royal Capital. There, King Roland demanded that he be moved somewhere else in the Kingdom, so as to withdraw Lamb Shank's attention away from the capitol. Mushi left the two children at The Grove, with the caretakers Bob and Sheila. They didn't know the children's exact history, or even that they were Trenashi, and so brought them up like humans.

At Fifteen (That's 15 for those of us who can't read)[edit]

Given their strange powers, Enzi and Uzi began to generate general uneasiness in the neighbouring peoples. People tended to stay away, except the rather clueless Grove Apple pickers, and Bob and Sheila, who could't care less, really. Rumours started spreading. All this served only to strengthen and deepen the relationship between Enzi and Uzi.

Then, a felon from Darlan started terrorising the area. He would assault and murder unsuspecting women, caging the area in terror. Unmindful of the atmosphere of fear, Uzi and Enzi went out wondering one day, when, by way of their Trenashi sense, they sensed the evil of the killer and found him with a fresh victim. In the inevitable struggle, Uzi and Enzi were forced to kill the killer.

Later that evening, after returning the girl to her home, Uzi and Enzi had a long argument about the incident. Enzi, while convinced that he had done the best possible thing, was still slightly uneasy about having killed the man. Both were absolutely certain of the evil the man did and was doing when they found him. The argument began when Uzi stated that he wished all evil-doers everywhere to be killed right away.

The two had very different ideologies - Uzi believed all people should be made, by force, to adhere to what was Right, so evil could be stamped out everywhere. Enzi, however, asserted the need for freewill, and further that Good and Evil were meaningless without the ability to choose. Enzi believed that Order and Law should be enforced, but choices not policed.

It ended with Uzi storming out, announcing that he would conquer all the world so as to create a Good one.

Five Years Later[edit]

Enzi waited five years in desperate hope that his brother would return, a testament to his idealism. Uzi did not return, however, and, fearing that Uzi was going to do something terrible, Enzi left his home, and set off after him. That is where our story begins.



Enzi and Uzi are close, and love each other deeply, even after their big argument. Never at any point does Enzi want to hurt Uzi, and vice versa, but neither wants the other to commit a big mistake.

In his time away, Uzi eventually decided that he was not capable of ruling the perfect world he wanted to create. He decided, then, on making Enzi the ruler. Knowing Lamb Shank's plans, he played along assisted in training Enzi to be stronger and pulled strings behind the scenes to get Enzi onto the throne (though he managed to do this by himself by marrying the Princess).


There is a significant amount of mutual attraction between Enzi and Leen. Leen, however, being somewhat more refined and compassionate than Enzi, tends to berate his seemingly (and frequently) uncaring or selfish behaviour. She also doesn't think much of Enzi's intellegence. Enzi, in turn, feels that Leen is always getting the party into unnecessary trials. This equates to a lot of arguing between the two, and this arguing had meant that they are initially unwilling to explore any sort of romance, their pride on the line.

Something does eventually bloom, but then a new problem of Leen's royalness emerges. Enzi couldn't give a brass razzoo about Leen's princesshood, but she's got a thing for properness, so this stresses her out. Hoth doesn't help. Then they find out that Enzi's a prince, and she's over the moon.

Both have a habit of becoming insanely and almost violently jealous at even the most ridiculous provocation.

They end up married, and Enzi ends up King. He's pretty happy about the first, pretty 'meh' over the second. He keeps forgetting, actually.

Zed the Unholy/Holy[edit]

Zed and Enzi quickly become friends, despite Zed believing very strongly that Enzi is a moron. They take friendly jabs at one another, though Zed never lets his grim demenour slip. Zed harbours a strong respect for Enzi's convictions and willingness to act on them, and, despite his reservations about entrusting anything to Enzi's intellect, is convinced himself that Enzi is the best hope for the world, and perhaps even for he himself.

Enzi is fond of Zed's dry wit, and in turn respects Zed's willingness to do the right thing at cost to himself. He goes through a bit of a moral dilemma when he discovers Zed's past, but decides that morally speaking, Zed has recovered from his history. He has great faith in Zed eventually being able to conquer his past, and trusts him implicitly.

Hoth the Ethereal[edit]

Hoth and Enzi don't get along. Honestly, Enzi probably started it, jealous of Hoth's heroics and image. Hoth regards Enzi as a nobody who just happens to have a strong arm. They lack any respect for one another whatsoever.

Their ideologies don't get along too well, either. Enzi is suspcious of Hoth's overly emotional obsession with revenge, and is downright hostile to Hoth's lax notions of Right and Wrong. Hoth, on the other hand, sees Enzi as perpetuator of the institutions with which he is growing more disillusioned.

Leen is put under a bit of stress concerning their unfriendly relationship, as Hoth was an old crush of her's. Hoth is vocally against her relationship with Enzi, motivated partially by his dislike for Enzi, and partially by his internal conflict between his love of the Royal family and his growing revulsion against Monarchy. He is not below attempting to poison the relationship, even to the extent of being a little dishonest. After the party discovers that Enzi is in fact of royal blood, Hoth more or less gives up on trying to end the romance.

These matters aside, they are both willing to work together professionally in order to finish Lamb Shank.

Se Lung of Blades[edit]

These two really hate each other. Se Lung feels a sense of commonality between the two of them at the level of soldiery, but that is as far as it goes. Enzi is downright offended by Se Lung's amorality and boundless desire for strength, while Se Lung thinks of Enzi as a sentimental fool who would constantly waste their time and endanger them by helping the weak. The two only really are kept from blows by Se Lung's asocial behaviour and by Leen and Zed's constant efforts to redirect their attentions to a common goal.

Not surprisingly, Se Lung turns out to be a Legendary Sword, and they kill him.

Lamb Shank[edit]

Enzi is one of the few people in the world who is not pertrified of Lamb Shank. He is somewhat curious as to his motives, but otherwise considers him a mad villain who must be stopped. Lamb Shank, on the other hand, would enjoy toying with Enzi, if Enzi would ever take him seriously. As it is, Lamb Shank likes Enzi more when he's not around, because any face-to-face conversation they have is extremely frustrating for the dictator. Lamb Shank has his own, special plans for Enzi, and the crux of all his deliberations lies around him and his Twin Cousin.

Cid the Dirge Poet[edit]

Enzi's heartstrings aren't the easiest to tug, but Cid's manic depression does it for him. Ever since meeting him in Darlan, he has harboured an almost parental affection for the guy, even though Cid is older and a father himself. Enzi is shocked to discover that he's a Legendary Sword, and constantly tries, unsuccessfully, to get him to turn back. Cid is the only Legendary Sword that he feels particularly bad about killing.

Flock the White Prince[edit]

These two never actually meet until their fight to the death, but at first Flock feels that Enzi is some annoying gnat taking advantage of Lamb Shank's idiocy/madness to tear their little power base apart. As Enzi grows in power, however, Flock begins to regard him as the Hector to his Achilles, and looks forward to their inevitable conflict as the fight that will put both their names into bard-songs and history books forever. Enzi thinks Flock is a powerful enemy, but deluded in his belief that fame will somehow in some abstract way render him immortal.

And Enzi is somewhat jealous that Leen, like most other women, finds Flock rather attractive.

Sarah-Marie the Seductress[edit]

Sarah-Marie's powers have little affect on Enzi, as he is neither human nor particularly interested in her (he likes his women more muscular). This both frustrates her no end and increases her interest in him. He actually finds her a bit pathetic, and is with the majority of the party that decides to let her go.


Jim reserves all of his deepest hatreds for Enzi. Every single time Jim sets up a store, Enzi comes along and firebombs it, blows it up, or otherwise puts him out of business. Enzi really doesn't dislike him that much, though...


Enzi is a member of the Cult of the Smith. He inherently believes in the existence of the High-God, and his natural affinity with Aspects causes him to be acutely aware of evil, and thus he tends to be very black and white morally. He struggles with Smithian teachings about compassion and love, while thrives on ones concerning justice. He has huge issues with the concept of mercy, which he works through as the game progresses.

At one point, when put on trial by the Black Aspect, he defends his black and white morality by stating that any 'gray' issue is really a collection of smaller black and white issues. If these individual issues were dealt with in the appropriate manner, then there would be no moral confusion as to the gray area.

Enzi considers Free Will to be sacred and assumed, but considers violence, conflict and strife to be unavoidable consequences of people making different decisions. He can only conceptually imagine a just peace as one where everyone agrees in everything.

Supa Awesome Powers[edit]

Even as a Trenashi, Enzi is particularly powerful. He has all the standard Trenashian powers, to a stronger than average extent:

Sixth Sense[edit]

Enzi has the ability to 'sense' the presense of things around him, like trees and wind and people and whatever. The problem is, there's always stuff around him, so this sense is constantly drowned out, like hearing is around a lot of shouting. So, it only really effective around strong concentrations of things, like trees in a forest, or fire in a burning building. Obviously, those situations can be quite satisfactorily picked up by the other five senses.

In truth, what he is sensing is not smell, or taste, or anything, but the underlying Aspects of any given object. A tree will, naturally, have a huge degree of 'tree-aspectness', and a large number of trees tallies up to a lot of tree-aspectness. As such, Enzi, if he were deprived of all his other senses, would still be able to determine that he was in an area full of a lot of trees.

His sixth sense usually only has any practical value with normally undetected Aspects. Specifically important is the ability to detect large concentrations of the Black Aspect - like in Legendary Swords.


Like all Trenashi, Enzi can adopt certain 'Aspects', which change is physical form and grant him new powers. Also, as a member of the Royal Family, he is able to assume the two Royal Aspects - The Silver and Gold Aspects.

And some other powers as well:


He has an unusual gifting in the area of Economics, and founds the seat of 'Archmage of Economics' at the Tower of Magic.

Plot (in game, that is)[edit]