Difference between revisions of "Arthur Davies"

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(Combat Block)
(Arthur Davies, Engineering Crew)
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Latest revision as of 22:20, 10 August 2015

Crew of the Trendsetter in the Stars Without Number: Back in Black campaign.

Arthur Davies, Engineering Crew[edit]

  • Level 1 Expert (Firemen/Bosun)
  • XP: 0/1510
  • Age: 23
  • Homeworld: Thalassa (Kadakian)
  • Languages:
  • Background & Description: short, thin, always carrying tools, doesn't speak much


  • Strength 10
  • Dexterity 10
  • Constitution 10
  • Intelligence 10
  • Wisdom 10
  • Charisma 10

Combat Block[edit]

  • Movement Rate: 20 m
  • Hit Points: 6/6
  • System Strain: 0/10
  • Armor Class
    • Combat Field Uniform: AC 4
    • Assault Suit: AC 2
  • Attacks
    • Laser Pistol, +2 to hit, 1d6 damage, Range 100/300, 10 shots
    • Laser Rifle, +2 to hit, 1d10 damage, Range 300/500, 20 shots
    • Laser Rifle (burst), +4 to hit, 1d10+2 damage, Range 300/500, uses 3 rounds of ammo
  • Saves
    • Physical 16
    • Mental 15
    • Evasion 12
    • Tech 11
    • Luck 14


  • Combat
    • Energy 0
  • Computer 0
  • Culture
    • Spacer 0
  • Exosuit 1
  • Gambling 0
  • Leadership 0
  • Perception 0
  • Tech
    • Astronautics 1
    • Postech 0
  • Vehicle
    • Space 0



    • Armor: CFU
    • Weapons: Laser pistol
    • Consumables: glowbug x4,Lazarus Patch x1
    • Gear: compad, metatool
    • 5/5
    • Weapons:
    • Consumables: Type A power cells x6
    • Gear: low-light goggles
    • 0/10

Exploration Loadout[edit]

    • Armor: Assault suit
    • Weapons: Laser rifle
    • Consumables: glowbug x6, Type A power cells x6
    • Gear: compad
    • 5/5
    • Weapons:
    • Consumables: air tank x3, Lazarus Patch x1, glowbug x6
    • Gear: low-light goggles, metatool, postech toolkit
    • 9/10


  • Credits:
    • Electronic Credits Carried: (This is an amount carried on your compad. It's not EASY to steal, but it's traceable unlike chips)