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| = A Few Starting Notes =
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| This paper is here to present information concerning weapons, armor and general combat in Rifts. In the Rifts system, Kevin seems to have not contemplated future warfare to hard. He has failed to take into account future developments in weapons and sensor technology and consequently Rifts battles look more like WWII actions.
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| = MDC Weapons =
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| MDC weapons represent the finest breakthrough in weapons technology since gunpowder. MDC weapons can transfer a large ammount of energy to a target in a very short period of time. There are many methods of transfering energy to a target, these methods include Kinetic Kill Weapons, Laser Weapons, Ion Weapons, Particle Beam Weapons, Plasma Weapons and Explosive Weapons (related to Kinetic Kill Weapons). All these methods may transfer energy to a target in different means teh outcome remains the same (or at least the intent) which is the destruction or damaging of a target.
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| == Kinetic Kill Weapons: ==
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| Kinetic Kill weapons operate on a single simple propery: they use kinetic energy to break molecular bonds literally tearing a hole though an object. Examples of Kinetic Kill weapons are railguns, autocannons and other "slug throwers". Kinetic Kill weapons operate by simply accelerating a physical object to a sufficient speed so that it will damage a target. Many methods exist to propel such a round, Rifts presents three main methods: Electomagnetic Acceleration, Rocket Propulsion and Expanding Gas. Railguns use electromagnetic acceleration while ramjet rounds use rocket propulsion, most other weapons such as Autocannons and tank cannons use Expanding Gas (a la gunpowder).
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| == Laser Weapons: ==
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| Laser is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers work on the principle of transforming one type of energy (usually electrical and chemical) to a confined beam of radiation. This beam of radiation can be in many wavelengths, however unlike popular belief, visual spectrum lasers are not very powerful (due to inefficiency) and therefore are not suited to MDC weapons. The most common spectrums in use today for powerful laser systems are X-Ray and Infrared lasers. The U.S. Airforces' M.I.R.A.C.L. laser system operates in the infrared range and is presently the most powerful military (I emphasize military) laser system in the world. X-Ray lasers on the other hand can transfer a large ammount of energy to a target but the equipment for using such a laser system are bulky and inefficient. Therfore it is reasonable to conclude that most (if not all) MDC military lasers operate in the Infrared spectrum. This means that the actual laser beam cannot be seen by the human eye, however, most MDC weapons do fire a small visual beam with the laser shot as a tracer so that the shooter can evaluate the accuracy of his/her shot. Secondly, laser weapons ionize the air that they travel through, leaving a steam trail that lasts less than a second, so after the initial beam connects with the target a white tracer trail appears. Lasers also create no noise when fired, however as the air the beam travels through ionizes it expands outwards, creating a mild boom sound (like a small thunderclap or gunshot sound). Sniper lasers (like the TX-11), on the other hand fire a pre-emptive low-power beam a milisecond before the actual high powered laser is fired. The low powered beam first partially ionizes the air before the high-powered beam does so that the steam tracer and boom sound are minimized. Lasers also have minimal recoil, as energy leaving the barrel has no mass and therefore produces no counterforce as it leaves the barrel. The "kick" of lasers comes from the air being ejected from the sleeve surrounding the weapons barrel. This air is used to cool the barrel and the instant after the beam is fired the superheated air is ejected from the barrel, thus creating recoil.
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| == Ion Weapons: ==
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| Ion weapons operate on the principle of ionization (duh). Ionization is the process in which an atom is stripped of some of its electrons and hence becomes an ion. The atom (now positivly charged) now heads towards the closest negativly charged object so that it can neutralize its charge. However, the barrel of the weapon is positivly charged as well and thus the atom heads towards the air at a high speed (which is the only place where ions can neutralize themselves) and this projects and beam on ions out from the weapon at 11km/sec. Even after the atoms have been neutralized their inertia carries them in a straight line (and hopefully into a target). Ion weapons fire a blue stream from the barrel (as illustrated below) and have a good ammount of recoil due to the force at which the atoms leave the barrel.
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| == Particle Beam Weapons: ==
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| Particle Beam weapons operate on a hybrid ion/electromagnetic acceleration system. Particle beam weapons use electromagnets to accelerate a stream of particles (probably nitrogen) to nearly the speed of light. Out of all the weapons, particle beams have the greatest potential for energy transfer. Particle beam weapons are heavy by nature due to the weight of the superconducting coils that are neccessary for accelerating the stream of particles. Just like Ion weapons, Particle Beam weapons produce a hell of a kick when fired due to the high velocity of the particles leaving the barrel. Particle Beam weapons produce a high-pitched whine (Kevin actually got this right) when fired due to the charged particles pushing aside air molecules.
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| == Plasma Weapons: ==
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| Plasma is a quasi-state of matter in which a volume of matter contains so much energy the atoms actually dissolve into clouds of subatomic particles that take on the properties of both mater and energy. Plasma has been produced in laboratories in small quatities using a variety of methods (electromagnetic compression and laser fusion). Laser fusion is the most promising method for producing military grade weapons due to the fact that they would not require hude superconducting magnets to produce the plasma. In laser fusion, a small ammount of matter (a gas) is injected into a small chamber (this is probably oxygen extracted from the surrounding air) and contained in a magnetic bottle. The matter is then hit by several powerful lasers and the atoms fuse together, releasing huge ammounts of energy (a la H-bomb). The energy, which is trapped in the magnetic bottle is reabsorbed by the atoms and the atoms become plasma. The end of the bottle is then released and the plasma rushes towards the target in a broad but short beam. As with all weapons involving particles, plasma weapons produce a signifigant recoil and noise (due to air ionization). Unfortunately, due to the short lifespan of plasma (the subatomic particles quickly cool into atoms and thus loose their energy carrying capacity.
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| == MDC Weapons in Rifts ==
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| I wanted to make some quick comments on weapons in Rifts. The most common energy weapon by far is the L-20 pulse rifle. The L-20 is a generic pulse rifle produced by many companies on Rifts Earth. The L-20 is produced by Tolkeen, the Manistique Imperium, Northern Gun and hundreds of smaller manufacturers all over North America. The L-20 comes in many sizes, shapes and names but it still is the same weapon with the same stats, in fact most of the lackies that get killed in my campaigns are equipped with L-20 pulse rifles.
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| There are many GM's who equip their P.C.'s with mega weaponry like they grow on trees. After reading through several other Rifts pages on the net and seeing weapons that are hand-held and do like 4D6*10 MD for a single shot and have 20 shots to a short clip. I don't really have to convey to you how much bull$#!t this is but GM's keep equipping their players with MEGA-WEAPONS that will destroy a robot in a single hit, not to mention what they could do to a human. However, the availability of these weapons is limited and a player will probably have to settle for an L-20 which is the most common energy weapon around.
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| == Availability of Military Grade Weaponry: ==
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| Most people in Rifts are quite poor and very few can even afford the necessities of life, let alone a $10,000.00 weapon to defend themselves with. By far, the most common weapon in Rifts is the shotgun. The shotgun is cheap, rugged, packs a punch and is easily manufactured (not to mention the ammo is cheap). These factors have made the shotgun one of the most popular weapons ever! Many new rounds have also been developed to aid the shotgun in destroying targets, these include ramjet rounds and explosive rounds. With these new rounds being made available to the average Joe, people out in the wilderness can afford to defend themselves and their families from supernatural creatures.
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| Most towns on Earth DO NOT even have MDC weapons to defend themselves letheralone to sell to traveling characters. This raises an interesting problem for characters for they cannot replace destroyed or damaged weapons while they are travelling. However, most towns do sell standard and enhanced SDC rounds (buckshot, solid, ramjet, explosive) at the town general store or Co-Op. Therefore it can be beneficial for a group of characters to carry shotguns as backup weapons due to the abundance of ammunition and spare parts in the small towns of Rifts Earth.
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| = The Effects of Mega Damage Combat =
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| Mega Damage combat is usually quick, messy and destructive. I don't think I need to convey to you the effects on a forest of a few hundred thousand railgun rounds. Adventurers regularly come across huge swaths of devastation in the wastelands of North America filled with decaying bodies, toppled trees and scorched earth. Such locations could be great locations to find salvage, but more often then not all the players will find is chunks of armor and used weapon cartridges because the battlefield has already been picked clean.
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| == Effects of Artillery ==
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| To examine the effects of MDC combat on the battlefields of Rifts Earth we should first examine the effects of combat on our Earth. First of all, the biggest causer of destruction on the modern battlefield is artillery. In statistics taken from WWII, Vietnam and the Gulf War indicate that up to 80% of combat casualties are inflicted by artillery. The greatest damage-causing factors of modern artillery are the blastwave and shrapnel. The blastwave is caused by the rapid heating of air due to an energy-releasing reaction. When the energy is released, the air in the reaction expands at over 8000 km/h in a concentric blastwave away from the reaction. The blastwave creates a compression effect on matter and when it impacts a solid surface it transfers its kinetic energy to the object (which scatters the kinetic energy throughout the object and converting some to thermal energy) and if the object cannot conduct the energy fast enough the object deforms and thus takes damage. Shrapnel on the other hand is comprised of high-speed chunks of metal that are moved by the blastfront. The shrapnel from an explosion causes most of the damage as jagged pieces of metal streak through the air at mach 2 (boom gun eat you heart out). With this in mind we can determine that artillery shells will shred objects within their blast radius with the same effect as a railgun burst. There is one exception to this rule and that is Plasma missiles. Plasma missiles do most of their damage through an extra-large energy release that overwhelms a target with thermal energy, thus destroying it. Regardless of the effect of the blast on above ground targets the ground level effects are simmilar. Artillery creates large craters in the soil (as well as soft bedrock like sandstone or dolomite) that can be up to a meter (9.12 ft) deep and up to over twelve meters (150+ ft) in radius. Modern 155mm howitzer rounds fired from M109 self propelled howitzers create a crater about six feet deep and over thirty feet wide! So characters who are under fire by artillery will generally be showered by the huge ammount of debris lifted off the ground and into the air by large MDC explosions (which may deal MD).
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| == Effects of Squad Heavy Weapons ==
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| The second greatest casualty causer is squad heavy weapons. As stated in my tactics paper, squad based heavy weapons consist of railguns, plasma ejectors, mini-missile launchers and grenade launchers (like on the CP-50 and C-14). Projectile weaponry such as railguns and heavy machinegus tend to cause a great ammount of defoliation and damage due to the large caliber of these weapons and the velocity at which they are fired. The large caliber of heavy projectile weapons means that they cause a good deal of blunt, tearing damage that rip large holes in objects (like people). With this in mind, one can determine a battle in which heavy projectile weapons were used by large tear holes in objects and signifigant tearing damage inflicted on local foliage. Plasma ejectors, mini-missiles and grenade launchers cause concussion damage simmilar to the effects of artillery (only on a reduced scale). The one exception to this is AP mini-missiles which consist of a solid "dart" of depleted uranium. The AP round (also known as a SABOT round) creates an effect simmilar to a railgun round only on a much greater scale. The AP round will punch through objects for hundreds of feet before coming to a stop. An AP round will punch holes through solid earth, rock, trees water and anything else that may stand in its way (yes even Lucien Bouchard). Finally, the brand new Micro-Fusion grenades will create an expanding globe of plasma as they explode. This plasma will fuse soil into a glassy silicate and vaporize organic mater and metamorphose exposed rock.(but not leaving scorch marks).
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| == Effects of Assault Weapons (Rifles and Handguns) ==
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| Laser, Ion and Particle beam weapons all create similar effects on their environment. These weapons burn a narrow hole in materials and heat cauterize the edges of the damaged area. These weapons, contrary to what is described in the Rifts main book do not and cannot vaporize a target with a single hit. The ability of matter to conduct energy is limmited and the matter cannot conduct enough energy throughout a structure (be it flesh or rock) to cause vaporization. The damage from these weapons is confined to a small (but intense) area that undergoes vaporization.
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| = Armor in Rifts =
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| == Purpose of Armor ==
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| The purpose of armor in Rifts is to disperse energy away from the body of an individualand back into the surroundind environment. The armor accomplishes this by being constructed of materials that redirect the force axis of ballistic rounds (deflecting them) as well as being able to bleed off thermal energy produced by energy weapons. When an armor is not able to redirect or bleed off sufficient energy it is penetrated and damaged by this energy (armor penetration).
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| == Types of Armor ==
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| There are many ways of dispersing kinetic and thermal energy from a target, the best of these methods are layering and semiconductors.
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| LAYERING: Layering is the best way to disperse kinetic energy in combat situations. To make layered armor, many tightly woven strands of anti-ballistic material must be layered together to form a solid armor. When struck with a round, the armor deforms to incorporate the round into the weave, thus dispersing the kinetic energy laterally instead of along the original axis. Modern day examples include bulletproof vests and chobham tank armor.
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| SEMICONDUCTORS: Semiconductors allow the dispersion of moderate ammounts of energy throughout the whole of the armor. Semiconductors are used instead of conductors because if a conductor is overwhelmed by energy it will distribute it throughout the armor, causing more damage than if the energy was localized. The most common semiconductor used in MDC armor is silicon cut into thin strands and woven into the ballistic layers.
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| Modern MDC armor consists of both layering and semiconductors (usually in the layers themselves) and coated with an ultra-hard composite ceramic layer that protects against radiation and NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) agents.
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| = Armor Penetration =
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| The main problem with man-sized MDC armor is that it does not provide total protection to the user. Take for example the modern bullet-proof vest, the vest will stop a bullet up to 9mm at point-blank range. However, there is deformation in the armor as the bullet impacts and the wearer is left with one hell of a bruise where the bullet impacted. The same is true with MDC armor when struck by kinetic kill weapons. The woven fibers of MDC alloy bend to absorb the energy of the round and thus deals SDC damage to the wearer (but isn't that preferencial to being skewered by a rail gun round?). In the case of energy weapons, the armor might not be able to absorb all the energy and may let some of the energy through the armor, thus causing the wearer damage. This factor goes a long way to fixing combat as now even a character in heavy body armor can be injured or killed by a railgun burst or AP mini-missile.
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| Well that does it for this paper, up next: Power armor and robot combat in Rifts.
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