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Trouble: Phantom Everything Syndrome
Trouble: Phantom Everything Syndrome
Aspect: TBD
Aspect: Cyberspace Awareness
Aspect: TBD
Aspect: TBD
Aspect: TBD
Aspect: TBD

Latest revision as of 20:12, 13 July 2017

Lily Park[edit]

New Lily Park.png

Lily started her career early as a circus gymnast, but her career was cut short by a major crash in the caravan; her limbs were burned and crushed so badly that all 4 had to be replaced. Even worse, she couldn't perform any more - the audiences weren't into seeing someone augmented perform the acrobatics, because of course they could. So she went down the natural side professional path of all carnies in fiction, and went into crime. With superhuman agility and a smallish frame, she could get into a lot of places, and quickly learned how to deal with electronics that would be annoyed about her doing so. Her employment at our corp is a classic 'we caught you, but it was really impressive you got this far, and we probably need to fire someone in security now so you can have a legit job with us or go to jail.' And it's not a bad deal, on her end, because she didn't particularly like having to scrape by on whatever she could fence. She's still really self-conscious about her augs, though, and always wears long coats, or bodysuits that are less formhugging around her limbs than torso, to obscure them. Except her hands, because her fingers can form lockpicks and tiny electronics gear.

Fate Points: 3

Refresh: 4


High Concept: Augmented Infiltrator

Trouble: Phantom Everything Syndrome

Aspect: Cyberspace Awareness

Aspect: TBD

Aspect: TBD


Careful +1

Clever +2

Flashy +0

Forceful +1

Quick +2

Sneaky +3


All Your Base: Because she's learned from her own dangerous experiences, she gets +2 to Cleverly Attack so long as an aspect representing hijacked or legitimate security system access is in play.

Hyper-Myomer: Because she has cybernetic implants adapted for speed, she gets +2 to Quickly Defend against physical attacks.

Magic Fingers: Because she has adaptable interface tools in her hands, she gets +2 to Sneakily Create an Advantage when physically accessing computer and security systems.

Stress and Consequences[edit]

1 2 3

Mild Consequence:

Moderate Consequence:

Severe Consequence:

Extreme Consequence: