Rockette is Rosalind Hathaway: Difference between revisions

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== Rockette ==
== Rockette ==

2 HP
4 HP

121 PP
122 PP

121 Spent
122 Spent

Line 63: Line 63:
Vehicle/Airplane +6 (2 Base +4)
Vehicle/Airplane +6 (2 Base +4)

'''Advantages''' [11]
'''Advantages''' [13]

Line 71: Line 71:
Skill Mastery/Acrobatics
Skill Mastery/Acrobatics


Favored Environment/Air
Favored Environment/Air

Latest revision as of 02:42, 20 September 2017


4 HP

122 PP

122 Spent


Rosalind Hathaway was/is a Chorus girl. She's a good dancer, but she's also more open about her orientation than she should be, so she's never gotten beyond that. Realizing that she was more or less stuck in that role, she decided to chase her other life long dream - flight. She tried to enlist in the WASPs, but they wouldn't take her. Partly because she was short-sighted, and badly so. Partly because her reputation followed her around. She was smart enough not to mention it, but the recruiters knew, or learned about it quickly enough, and she got nowhere.

Despondent, but not giving up, she tried again and again. The last time, she actually managed to get on base before they found out. She was told to leave and if she tried again, she'd get arrested and sent so deep no one would see her again. She wandered her way out - always going towards the gate, but not going quickly - and so she was out in the open when it happened. She's certain it was an experimental aircraft, but of course the military isn't talking. What she does know for sure is that there was an explosion, and some odd purplish green energy that surrounded her.

She seemed okay, and didn't want to get any more attention from them, so she continued on out of the base. It wasn't until later that she found out that she'd changed. She was out with her latest girlfriend, heading for Briar Rose's, a friendly bar, when a car came all too close to her. Maybe they were trying to run her over, maybe they just didn't see her. Either way, she found herself nearly four stories up in the air in a heartbeat. And that, suddenly, the world was blurry. No longer short-sighted, she could fly on her own anyway. She's a natural, and is incredibly hard to properly target when she's in the air.

She delights in flying at night, buzzing the buildings. She's also stopped a few crimes. She calls herself Rocket Girl, but on the street, she's just called Rockette.

Rosalind Hathaway F 5'6" 128 lbs Blonde hair, shoulder-length ringlets, Light brown eyes.

Attributes [72]

Str 10

Sta 10

Agl 6

Dex 2

Fgt 3

Int 0

Awe 3

Pre 2

Defenses [2]

Dodge 6 (DC 16)

Parry 4 (DC 14)

Fort 10

Tou 10

Will 4

Skills [12]

Close Combat/Unarmed +6 (3 Base +3)

Expertise/Dancing +5 Ranks *

Expertise/Singing +5 Ranks *

Perception +6 (3 Base +3)

Persuasion +6 (2 Base +4

Vehicle/Airplane +6 (2 Base +4)

Advantages [13]



Skill Mastery/Acrobatics


Favored Environment/Air

Improved Critical/4 (Unarmed)

Move by Action

Agile Feint

Powers [23]

Flight 5 Ranks (60 mph), Subtle/2

Aerobat +12 Acrobatics. 6 Skill Ranks. Permanent.

High Altitude Adaptations: Immunity/No need to breathe, Immune to Vacuum, Cold, Radiation


Motivation/Recognition. Rosalind wants to be acknowledged. She wants people to know that anyone can help, anyone can be a hero.

Enemy/Major Helena Lindstrom. It wasn't an experimental plane. It was something else, along the lines of a super-soldier experiment, and Major Lindstrom was supposed to be its recipient. She's not pleased that the power went to someone like Rockette. Not pleased at all. She's also not willing to wait on the Army to recreate the effect. She's gone AWOL and is working with some very shady characters to get the power from Rockette, if it's at all possible. Or to kill her, at least - eventually.

Identity/Rosalind Hathaway. Rosalind quickly understood the need to keep her identity secret. Her girlfriend at the time saw nothing, and Rosalind explained that she'd dived out of the way. She's careful to avoid showing off around anyone she doesn't trust completely. To help hide her identity, she wears trousers and a flight jacket, hiding her face behind tinted goggles set into a plastic mask.

Prejudice/Lesbian. Whether as Rosalind or as Rockette, she has trouble keeping that part of her life a secret.

Relationship/Bobbi Blanchard. Bobbi is one of Rosalind's best friends, and they live in the same building, one full of like-minded people, most of whom, Rosalind has dates at one time or another. Bobbi, though, is special. Rosalind has trusted her with the secret, despite Bobbi being a newswoman in the finest tradition of same - the kind who'll go anywhere and risk almost anything for a story.