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== Mort Dakkar, Ogryn ==
=== Characteristics ===
                Base Mod Eq Ttl  CB ==Advances==
Weapon Skill    43  --  --  43  04 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  Wounds      27
Ballistic Skill 20  --  --  20  02 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  Fate          2
Strength        50  --  --  50  05 [ ][ ][ ][ ] 
Toughness      40  --  --  40  04 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  Insanity      0
Agility        20  --  --  20  02 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  Corruption    0
Intelligence    20  --  --  20  02 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  Carry  Lift  Push
Perception      35  --  --  35  03 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  67kg  134kg 268kg
Willpower      30  --  --  30  03 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  Walk  Full  Charge  Run
Fellowship      20  --  --  20  02 [ ][ ][ ][ ]  2    4    6      12</nowiki>
=== Skills ===
(AGI,GEN)Acrobatics                [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(STR,GEN)Athletics                  [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,FLD)Awareness                  [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,SOC)Charm                      [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,LDR)Command                    [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Commerce                  [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,SOC)Deceive                    [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(AGI,DEF)Dodge                      [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(FEL,SOC)Inquiry                    [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(WIL,SOC)Interrogation              [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(STR,SOC)Intimidate                [ ][ ][ ][ ]
- High Gothic                      [X][ ][ ][ ]
- Low Gothic                        [X][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Logic                      [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Lore, Common*
- Imperial Guard                    [X][ ][ ][ ]
- Imperium                          [X][ ][ ][ ]
- War                              [X][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,KNW)Lore, Forbidden*
(INT,KNW)Lore, Scholastic*
- Tactica Imperialis                [X][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,FLD)Medicae                    [ ][ ][ ][ ]
- Surface                          [X][ ][ ][ ]
(W S,DEF)Parry                      [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,PSY)Psyniscience              [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,GEN)Scrutiny                  [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,TCH)Security                  [X][ ][ ][ ]
(AGI,FLD)Sleight of Hand            [ ][ ][ ][ ]
(AGI,FLD)Stealth                    [X][ ][ ][ ]
(PER,FLD)Survival                  [X][ ][ ][ ]
(INT,TCH)Tech-Use                  [X][ ][ ][ ]
- Technomat                        [X][ ][ ][ ]</nowiki>
=== Talents ===
Berserk Charge                      bonus to WS skill tests from Charge is increased by 10
Blind Fighting                      halve melee penalties from obscured vision
Deadeye Shot                        ranged Called Shot penalty is reduced by 10
Die Hard                            reroll failed tests vs Blood Loss
Fierce Loyalty                      if Comrade is not in Cohesion, or within 10m of another PC and engaged in melee (until Comrade is safe or dead); Frenzy, +10 Str, +10 Tgh
Resistance                          (Fear) +10 tests vs subject
Sprint                              +AgiB to Full Move, 1 Fatigue if used two consecutive turns; double Run movement
Technical Knock                    once per round; Half action Unjam
Unshakeable Faith                  reroll failed Wil tests vs Fear
Weapon Training                    (Heavy, Solid Projectile) negate -20 penalty for use
=== Traits ===
But It Dark in Dere!
Size (Hulking)
Unnatural Characteristic (Strength +2, Unnatural Toughness +2)</nowiki>
=== Special ===
Infiltrator: may roll Stealth at –10 penalty to let another character within 10 metres use their Agility characteristic
Sapper: +10 bonus to Tech-Use and Trade (Technomat) Tests to construct or disassemble a structure
Condemned: –20 all Fellowship-based Tests vs other Imperial Guard regiments, commanding officers, Departmento Munitorum, other officials aware of their reputation</nowiki>
=== Aptitudes===
Ballistic Skill
Weapon Skill
=== Wargear ===
Specialist Kit
1 Ripper Gun (Targeter)
5 Frag Grenades
Standard Kit
1 Las Carbine(Main Weapon), 4 charge packs
1 Lascutter
2 Frag Grenades
2 Smoke Grenades
1 Knife
1 Flak Vest & Helmet
1 Uniform
1 Poor Weather Gear
1 Rucksack
1 Basic Toolkit
1 Mess Kit & Water Canteen
1 Sleep Bag & Blanket
1 Lamp Pack
1 Grooming Kit
1 Cognomen Tags
1 Uplifting Infantry Primer
2 Weeks' Rations
1 Demolition Charge
1 Grapnel & Line
1 Filtration Plugs</nowiki>
== Notes & Logs ==
300 Fierce Loyalty
[http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=172228 Wounds]
[http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=172231 Fate]
[http://www.coyotecode.net/roll/lookup.php?rollid=172232 Frag Grenades]

Latest revision as of 21:55, 27 July 2017