Difference between revisions of "Aldrik Elfling"

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(Ranger Features)
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'''XP:''' 390
'''XP:''' 390
'''HP:''' 3/12
'''HP:''' 11/12

Latest revision as of 12:55, 4 June 2018


Race: Half-Elf

Level: 1

Class(es): Ranger (Guide) 1

Alignment: Neutral Good

XP: 390

HP: 11/12

Aldrik's mother, Tamrid, was a healer and herbalist who used to live in the village but, for some reason, moved out into a small secluded hut in the woods a few years before Aldrik was born. Now that she's passed on, he lives out there alone like a hermit, usually coming in to town a couple of times a season to trade furs and herbs for the few needful things he can't find in the wild. Aldrik never knew his father, and his mother refused to talk about the subject, but the rumors that he's a changeling are probably false; at least Tamrid always treated him as her own, and there's a visible family resemblance despite his subtly inhuman features (if he covers his ears he gets mistaken for a girl a lot).

Though generally kind and helpful, Aldrik is used to his solitude and always uneasy around people, as wary of strangers as they are of his elfin looks. The villagers gossip about him with varying levels of malice or pity, but there's no denying his uncanny woodcraft and they still come to him when they need something tracked down - like Billy and his sheep, for example...


Strength 14 (+2)

Dexterity 16 (+3)

Constitution 14 (+2)

Intelligence 12 (+1)

Wisdom 14 (+2)

Charisma 8 (-1)


Acrobatics 1 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class = +7

Climb 1 rank + 2 Str + 3 class = +6

Knowledge (geography) 1 rank + 1 Int + 3 class + 2 trait = +7

Knowledge (nature) 1 rank + 1 Int + 3 class + 1 trait = +6

Perception 1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 class + 2 race = +8

Stealth 1 rank + 3 Dex + 3 class = +7

Survival 1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 class + 3 feat + 1 trait = +10 (+1 to follow tracks)

Swim 1 rank + 2 Str + 3 class = +6






Point-Blank Shot: +1 ranged attack and damage within 30ft

Skill Focus (Survival): +3 Survival


Devotee of the Green (faith): +1 Knowledge (geography) and (nature)

Reactionary (combat): +2 initiative

Stargazer (race): +1 Knowledge (geography) and Survival

Stigmatized (drawback): -3 Diplomacy to gather information or improve attitude

Half-Elf Features[edit]

Adaptability: Skill Focus bonus feat

Elven Immunities: Immune to sleep effects, +2 saves against enchantment

Keen Sense: +2 Perception

Low-light vision: see twice as far in dim light

Elf Blood: count as both elf and human

Multitalented: two favored classes (Ranger, ???)

Ranger Features[edit]

Ranger's Focus: +2 attack and damage against chosen target (1 per day)

Track: +1 Survival to follow tracks

Wild Empathy: Level + Cha to improve attitude of animal


(Light 0-58lbs., Medium 59-116lbs., Heavy 117-175lbs.)

  • Longbow (1d8 P, x3, 100ft, 3lbs., 75gp)
  • Estoc (2d4+3 P, 18-20/x2, 4lbs., 50gp)
  • Dagger (1d4+2 P, 19-20/x2, 1lbs., 2gp)
  • Leather armor (AC +2, max Dex +6, ACP 0, 15lbs., 10gp)
Backpack (2lbs., 2gp)
  • Bedroll (5lbs., 1sp)
  • Blanket (3lbs., 5sp)
  • Candle x 4 (2cp)
  • Cooking pot (4lbs., 8sp)
  • Mess kit (1lbs., 2sp)
  • Shears (1/2lbs., 5sp)
  • Silk rope 50ft (5lbs., 10gp)
  • Soap (1/2lbs., 1cp)
  • Trail rations x 2 (2lbs., 10sp)
  • Waterproof bag (1/2lbs., 5sp)
  • Waterskin (4lbs., 1gp)
Belt pouch (1/2lbs., 1gp)
  • Fishhooks x 2 (2sp)
  • Flint and steel (1gp)
  • Knife (1/2lbs., 1gp)
  • Mirror (1/2lbs., 10gp)
  • Sewing needle (5sp)
  • String 50ft (1/2lbs., 1cp)
  • ~42gp in coins and jewelery


Initiative 0 + 3 Dex + 2 trait = +5

Melee BAB 1 + 2 Str = +3

Ranged BAB 1 + 3 Dex = +4 (+1 within 30ft)

CMB 1 + 2 Str = +3

CMD 11 + 2 Str + 3 Dex = 16

  • flatfooted CMD 11 + 2 Str = 13

AC 10 + 3 Dex + 2 armor = 15

  • touch AC 10 + 3 Dex = 13
  • flatfooted AC 10 + 2 armor = 12

Fortitude save 2 + 2 Con = +4

Reflex save 2 + 3 Dex = +5

Will save 0 + 2 Wis = +2 (+2 against enchantment)

Max HP 10 + 2 Con = 12