Boldly Going:Dr. Azolla sh'Aialik: Difference between revisions

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[[Boldly_Going|Return to Main Page]]
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*We're all more alike than we want to admit.
*We're all more alike than we want to admit.
*Good bedside manner is as useful as a tricorder.
*Good bedside manner is as useful as a tricorder.
*I am my patients' last line of defense.
*You're all still my patients.
*"First do no harm" only applies to patients.
*"First do no harm" only applies to patients.

*Control  '''10'''
*Control  '''9'''
*Daring  '''9'''
*Daring  '''9'''
*Fitness  '''9'''
*Fitness  '''9'''
*Insight  '''9'''
*Insight  '''10'''
*Presence '''9'''
*Presence '''10'''
*Reason  '''10'''
*Reason  '''9'''

*Command  '''3'''
*Command  '''4'''
*Conn    '''1'''
*Conn    '''1'''
*Security '''3'''
*Security '''3'''
*Engin    '''1'''
*Engin    '''1'''
*Science  '''3'''
*Science  '''3'''
*Medicine '''5'''
*Medicine '''4'''

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*Emergency Medicine

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*'''The Ushaan:''' You are experienced in the tradition of honor-dueling known as the Ushaan, having spilt much blood upon the ice. When you make a melee Attack, or are targeted by a melee Attack, and buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll the dice pool for the Task. Further, you own an Ushaan-tor, a razor-sharp ice-miner’s tool used in these duels.
*'''The Ushaan:''' You are experienced in the tradition of honor-dueling known as the Ushaan, having spilt much blood upon the ice. When you make a melee Attack, or are targeted by a melee Attack, and buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll the dice pool for the Task. Further, you own an Ushaan-tor, a razor-sharp ice-miner’s tool used in these duels.
*'''Field Medicine:''' When attempting a Medicine Task, you may ignore any increase in Difficulty for working without the proper tools or equipment.
*'''Field Medicine:''' When attempting a Medicine Task, you may ignore any increase in Difficulty for working without the proper tools or equipment.
*'''Quick Study:''' When attempting a Task that will involve an unfamiliar medical procedure, or which is to treat an unfamiliar species, ignore any Difficulty increase stemming from your unfamiliarity.
*'''Cold Reading:''' Succeeding at a Task during Social Conflict generates one bonus Momentum which must be used for the Obtain Information Momentum Spend to gain knowledge about an individual on the other side of the interaction. If the Social Conflict involves an Extended Task, the character gains the Scrutinize 1 benefit (see page 91 of the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook) when rolling Challenge Dice.
*'''Bold (Medicine):''' Whenever you attempt a Task with Medicine, and you buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll a single d20.
*'''Cautious (Command):''' Whenever you attempt a Task with Comman, and you buy one or more d20s by adding to Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20.


Latest revision as of 20:17, 28 July 2019

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  • Name: Azolla sh'Aialik, MD
  • Species: Andorian
  • Rank: Captain
  • Department: Medical
  • Stress: 12
  • Damage Bonus: 3


  • Andorian: This trait may reduce the Difficulty of Tasks to resist extreme cold, or Tasks impacted by extremely low temperatures. Their antennae aid in balance and spatial awareness; a lost antenna can be debilitating until it regrows. Andorians also have a high metabolism, meaning, amongst other things, that they tire more quickly than Humans; this also makes them more vulnerable to infection from certain types of injury. Before the Federation, Andorians and Vulcans had numerous disputes; though these issues are largely considered to be ancient history, Andorians and Vulcans don’t always get along.


  • We're all more alike than we want to admit.
  • Good bedside manner is as useful as a tricorder.
  • You're all still my patients.
  • "First do no harm" only applies to patients.


  • Control 9
  • Daring 9
  • Fitness 9
  • Insight 10
  • Presence 10
  • Reason 9


  • Command 4
  • Conn 1
  • Security 3
  • Engin 1
  • Science 3
  • Medicine 4


  • Hand to Hand Combat
  • Xenobiology
  • Psychology
  • Psychiatry
  • Diplomacy
  • Persuasion


  • The Ushaan: You are experienced in the tradition of honor-dueling known as the Ushaan, having spilt much blood upon the ice. When you make a melee Attack, or are targeted by a melee Attack, and buy one or more d20s by adding to Threat, you may re-roll the dice pool for the Task. Further, you own an Ushaan-tor, a razor-sharp ice-miner’s tool used in these duels.
  • Field Medicine: When attempting a Medicine Task, you may ignore any increase in Difficulty for working without the proper tools or equipment.
  • Cold Reading: Succeeding at a Task during Social Conflict generates one bonus Momentum which must be used for the Obtain Information Momentum Spend to gain knowledge about an individual on the other side of the interaction. If the Social Conflict involves an Extended Task, the character gains the Scrutinize 1 benefit (see page 91 of the Star Trek Adventures core rulebook) when rolling Challenge Dice.
  • Cautious (Command): Whenever you attempt a Task with Comman, and you buy one or more d20s by adding to Momentum, you may re-roll a single d20.


  • Type 2 Phaser (6d, 1H, Charge)
  • Unarmed (4d, 1h, Knockdown)
  • Ushaan-tor (5d, 1H, Vicious 1)
  • Medical Tricorder
  • Medkit (Tri-laser Connector, Protoplaser, Laser Scalpel, Hypospray)


Home & Upbringing[edit]

Azolla grew up on Vulcan, surrounded by what a century earlier would have been bitter enemies. Her shreya and charan (shen and chan parents) were in the Andorian diplomatic corps and stationed there, her thavan (thaan parent) was in Starfleet, and her zhavey (zhen parent) was a long-suffering (espcially with Azolla as a kid) homemaker. Though she was an intelligent child, taking an early interest in biology, her parents' attempt to put her in the Vulcan school system did not go terribly well. She wore her hot Andorian blood on her sleeve and took far too much delight in getting under her classmates' masks of logic. By her early teenage years she was in the Federation embassy school instead, still rebelling against the sedate pace of her life but channeling it into practice with the ushaan-tor alongside her studies... and later channeling it into 'comparative anatomy studies' with a variety of her classmates, to her parents' great consternation.

Starfleet Academy[edit]

Despite all her 'extracurricular activities', she still fought her way to the top of her graduating class and applied to Starfleet Academy on the six-year Medical track. She was much 'calmer' at the Academy, with its much more cosmopolitan mix of sapients, less po-faced posturing than the diplomatic community, and 99% fewer Vulcans pretending not to have emotions*. By the time she did her midshipman residency at Starbase 24, she had a reputation for excellent bedside manner, usually able to diagnose a non-emergency patient just by listening carefully to them describing their symptoms and then confirming with the scanners rather than going on a full diagnostic hunt.

Career Events[edit]

Azolla graduated Starfleet Academy in 2255 and was posted as a junior medical officer to USS Farragut. For about a year, everything was relatively pleasant in the prestigious posting. And then there was the war. Among the few Starfleet vessels with enough firepower and endurance to stand up to Klingon hunting parties directly, Farragut and her Constitution-class sisters saw extensive action on and behind the front lines of the conflict. The worst of the war came on the ground, however, as Klingon raiding parties would routinely wait for relief teams to show up before springing their traps. Azolla started taking her Ushaan-tor with her on relief missions, and surprised many a Klingon warrior who thought they were about to strike down a defenseless medic. The elation of the war finally ending - as mysterious as its end was - was cut short by the death of Captain Garrick at the hands of a previously unknown entity just weeks after. That was as good as any as an excuse to recall the Farragut for post-war refit and crew rotation, and Azolla left the ship to be assistant CMO aboard USS Eagle, where she served on two five-year missions and two more years of internal patrol, settling into normalcy punctuated only with a few major incidents.

Chief among those incidents was an outbreak of what would later be known as the Chamberlin Virus swept through several colonies near the Romulan neutral zone. It eventually turned out to have been spread by rats on a freighter, SS Chamberlin, that picked up the illness on Galorndon Core while it made an illicit stop for Romulan Ale. Starfleet medicine was at first unable to provide more than palliative care, and several of her fellow doctors fell to the illness as well. Once the source was traced, Azolla accompanied an away team in a tense secret mission aboard that freighter to recover a cure from the Romulans. It culminated with a covert meeting with the chair of infectious diseases at the Romulan naval hospital on the planet, who offered the cure on humanitarian grounds on the condition that his government never find out. To confirm the cure could be adapted to other species, Azolla tested it on herself.

Azolla had actually applied and been selected for the recently-vacated CMO position on USS Enterprise, having heard through the grapevine that Dr. McCoy was retiring to private practice and she'd need a new doctor for her next five years; Azolla still remembered dedicated phaser controller Jim Kirk from his way too many trips to sickbay during the war. But that didn't pan out, as Starfleet selected Enterprise to be the lead spaceframe for the next Constitution-class refit. She was able to snatch the Endeavor's CMO slot instead in the hasty reshuffle.



Azolla is an Andorian shen on the edge of middle age. She stands tall and confident, with an athletic build, but her round face is warm and inviting.


Normally, Azolla has an beneficent air about her, inviting people to confide in her and tell them her problems. She can be a bit overbearing with her medical and life advice, and is often very eager to 'study' new life forms. But threaten her crew or patients at your own peril.