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== The Three Galaxy Setting ==
played by Nyzelok
The '''Three Galaxys''' is a setting of both scifi and space fantasy for the Rifts setting. The three galaxies are 'fairly' close to each others (and then any others are much father away). Hundreds of stellar civilizations and thousands of alien species exist within these three galaxies.

played by EnigmaticOne
The three galaxies are the
:'''Corkscrew Galaxy''', the oldest and most heavily populated and the location of the three main stellar powers (see below).
:'''The Anvil Galaxy''' fairly large and settled by many intersteller powers and lots of independent systems and empires.
:'''The Thundercloud Galaxy''' one of the smaller galaxies and newest settled by the big three. It has a number of small empires that were already here but most are focused on the outer galactic arms. The inner part of the galaxy are dead worlds that were once settled by a number of extremely technologically advanced species (collectively called the Elder Races) and destroyed themselves thousands of years ago.
::Other mysterious of the Thundercloud Galaxy including the possible origins of the '''Dominators''' (an ancient race of giants whom everyone hates and who wander around the Three Galaxies in their moon size spaceships taking slaves and destroying random cultures) and interest of the mysterious and dangers group known as '''Gene-Tech''' whom are searching for something here and kill anyone who gets to close to what they might be looking for. 

played by KreenWarrior
The three main stellar governments in the setting are the...
:'''The Consortium of Civilized Worlds''' (CCW) which is made up mostly of Humans, Nero (a Psychic races) and a few others (most notably the Wolfen Collective). They are mostly technology based with a mix of psychic technology and some techno-wizardry but not much. They are the most democrat of the big three.
:They have a fairly good size colonization program in the Thundercloud Galaxy made up of number independent corporations and organizations with only loose ties back to the central government.
:'''The Transgalactic Empire''' (TGE), dominated by the evil Kreeghor. The Kreeghor were once slaves of the Splugorth and have no abilities with magic although some can work psychics but not very powerful. They embrace technology and wish to conquer everyone around them. They do allow the 'lesser races' to serve and gain some status within their empire but they are never equal to the Kreeghor.
:They have one of the largest settled areas of the Thundercloud Galaxy but it is also a hot bed of rebels and a number of these worlds have broke off as independent systems. 
:'''The United Worlds of Warlocks''' (UWW) is dominated by the Human Techno-Wizard corporations, a stellar magic using Elves and another techno-wizard base Dwarfs Clans. They still use normal technology they just use a lot of magic and techno-magic equipment.
:They only started settling here in the last hundred years or so having discovered rich mineral deposited and strong magical planets.
:The '''UWW''' itself was formed a few hundred years ago when some Star Elves were facing off against a huge Splugorth army invasion. They put out a call for help via the Lay-Lines that also run out into space and were answered by Human Techno-Wizards. The battle was still going poorly for them when suddenly a bunch of Dwarf Techno-Wizards (with their space/magic enhanced Iron Clad ships) showed up and finally turned the tide of the battle. The three group would go on to form the UWW. They are a bit more corporate driven the the democrat driven CCW whom they are somewhat allied with, but they hate slavery and are opposed to not only the Splugorth but also the TGE who happy trade in slaves themselves (even through the rules of this empire hate the Splugorth themselves as they use to be slaves of theirs).

'''John Carter''', played by The Watcher
== Backstory of the Game and Setting ==
The basic game setting is that the heroes have recently acquired a ship from mercenary '''Splugorth Slavers''' - a Kittani built techno-wizard ''Kraken-class'' raider called ''''the Wraith''''. With their prize ship the heroes have become hero/mercs for the '''United Worlds of Warlocks''' and heading to one of the colonies in the '''Thundercloud Galaxy''' to help against more '''''Splugoth''''' slavers and a possible Death Cult(s) dedicated to one of the Elder Races that was suppose to be from this region.

played by GaoGaiGar
The UWW only has a few dozen colonies in the '''''Thundercloud Galaxy''''' clustered along the '''Gaelra Outer Arm''' on the 'eastern' end of the galactic core, with their main port of call '''Gateway Prime''', the system that contains the ''Star Gate Portal'' which allows almost instant teleportation between the '''Thundercloud''' and '''Corkscrew Galaxies''' and another important port of call in the UWW.
The other important governments of the Thundercloud Galaxy include...
:The '''CCW'''
:The '''K'''
:The '''Splugorth Kingdom of Desslyth''' controls only a few dozen worlds and whom raid a number of the governments around them for slaves, loot and new markets for their vile trades, etc.
:The '''Bushi Federation''' whom are elitists and isolationist but whom also have some of the most advance technology in the Thundercloud, rivaling even the CCW in some fields.
:The '''Denlech Settlers''' who are not so much major players in the Thundercloud Galaxy as a monkey wrench. They are quickly becoming the poster child for what’s wrong with the unchecked greed and imperialism. There are a number of smaller groups but none as important as these.

== Character Creation ==
== Character Creation ==
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The most common races of the United Worlds of Warlocks are Humans, Dwarfs, Elves, Orcs, D'Norr and Grachle Tooth. Most others found in the Rifts books are also around just not common. Dog Boys are instead called Wolfen, but built the same way as their are many subspecies of this group. Magic is more common then psionics but there are still plenty of psychics in the society.
The most common races of the United Worlds of Warlocks are Humans, Dwarfs, Elves, Orcs, D'Norr and Grachle Tooth. Most others found in the Rifts books are also around just not common. Dog Boys are instead called Wolfen, but built the same way as their are many subspecies of this group. Magic is more common then psionics but there are still plenty of psychics in the society.
:*As D-Bees don't suffer the same social stigma in this setting Humans are going to get 6 attribute points for their stats instead of 5 to help comp for this (along with their bonus edge).
:*As D-Bees don't suffer the same social stigma in this setting Humans are going to get 6 attribute points for their stats instead of 5 to help comp for this (along with their bonus edge).
:*Cyber-Knights are probably going to be called Psychic or Star Knights and replace the Cosmic Knights as defenders of the innocent and servants of the Cosmic Forge.
:*Cyber-Knights are called Psychic or Star Knights and replace the Cosmic Knights as defenders of the innocent and servants of the Cosmic Forge.
:*There are also a new MARS which are going to be called '''Arcane Mechanic'''. They are very similar to Psi-Operators but replace their psionic abilities with Arcane Background (Magic) and power Mind Link plus two other powers of choice, skills of Spellcasting d6, Electronics d6, Repair d8 and Machine Spirits edge (this works just like Telemechanic edge but with spellcasting), Gadgeteer Edge with Spellcasting skill and normal PPE for creation. Instead of Master Psionic they gain their choice of one of the following - Concentration, New Powers, Power Points or Soul Drain.
:*There are also a new MARS called '''Arcane Mechanic'''. They are very similar to Psi-Operators but replace their psionic abilities with Arcane Background (Magic) and power Mind Link plus two other powers of choice, skills of Spellcasting d6, Electronics d6, Repair d8 and Machine Spirits edge (this works just like Telemechanic edge but with spellcasting), Gadgeteer Edge with Spellcasting skill and normal PPE for creation. Instead of Master Psionic they gain their choice of one of the following - Concentration, New Powers, Power Points or Soul Drain.
:*If someone whats to play a Robot Pilot I think I am going to allow it to operate in space with a flight speed of its base Pace x5. This is the Starship Space speeds (see below) and only works in Space. In an atmosphere and even low gravity the best the flight engine can handle is lowering your falling speed. It will not even help with jumping, etc. As most Robot vehicles are almost as big as starships themselves (at least the ones the characters start with) they will have a specially built docking port for the vehicle to attached to the ship when not in use.
:*If someone whats to play a Robot Pilot I think I am going to allow it to operate in space with a flight speed of its base Pace x5. This is the Starship Space speeds (see below) and only works in Space. In an atmosphere and even low gravity the best the flight engine can handle is lowering your falling speed. It will not even help with jumping, etc. As most Robot vehicles are almost as big as starships themselves (at least the ones the characters start with) they will have a specially built docking port for the vehicle to attached to the ship when not in use.
:*Juicers are probably not going to be playable without a great explanation on how you found your way into the wider galaxy but you can play a Dragon Juice if you desire.
:*Juicers are probably not going to be playable without a great explanation on how you found your way into the wider galaxy but you can play a Dragon Juice if you desire.
:*Sapient robots and androids are created via the 'Intelligent Construct' rules found in Empire of Humanity. Other races I would prefer to build with the player, depending.
:*Sapient robots and androids are created via the 'Intelligent Construct' rules found in Empire of Humanity. Other races I would prefer to build with the player, depending.

== Backstory of the Game and Setting ==
The heroes have recently acquired a ship from mercenary '''Splugorth Slavers''' - a Kittani built techno-wizard ''Kraken-class'' raider called ''''the Wraith''''. With their prize ship the heroes have become hero/mercs for the '''United Worlds of Warlocks''' and heading to one of the colonies in the '''Thundercloud Galaxy''' to help against more '''''Splugoth''''' slavers and a possible Death Cult(s) dedicated to one of the Elder Races that was suppose to be from this region.

The UWW only has a few dozen colonies in the Thundercloud Galaxy clustered along the '''Gaelra Outer Arm''' on the 'eastern' end of the galactic core, with their main port of call '''Gateway Prime''' as this system contain the ''Star Gate Portal'' which allows almost instant teleportation between the '''Thundercloud''' and '''Corkscrew Galaxies''' and another important port of call in the UWW.
For '''Gear''' some new rules and updates include
:*EBA personal armor also includes Vacuum support/sealed for 12 hours.
:*Magnetic Shoes: Will stick to a metal "floor" or "wall", meaning that the wearer does not have to hang on to something to stabilize themselves . Also useful for letting characters new to zero gravity orient themselves . One size fits all. Cost: 80cr per pair.
:*Vacuum Suit Jet Pack. The pack is fixed to the back of the suit, and is operated by a small pad on the right wrist. The jet pack has a maximum speed of about 50 mph (80 km) and enough fuel for thirty minutes of constant movement. Typically the device is not in constant use and will work for about five hours of maneuvering; Obviously this is only good for Zero G. Cost: 2000cr
:*Recycling System. The suit recycles all oxygen, meaning it can be worn indefinitely or until the character dies of hunger or thirst. Cost: 1200cr

There are three galaxies that are fairly close to each other that have been settled by a number of species and stellar civilizations. The three Galaxies are the  
== SFC Updates for Adventure Edition and Rifts Setting ==
:*'''Corkscrew Galaxy''', the oldest and most heavily populated and the location of the three main stellar powers (see below).
See [] Star Frontiers for the basics ideas on Starship and Vehicle updates for the Adventure edition, but in this setting the '''''Spike-Drill Drives''''' is NOT used. Instead within the Three Galaxies are are a number of different fast-then-light methods, used by different governments and species. The major ones are the '''''StarCaster Teleport Drive''''' (also called Rift Drives), the '''''Counter-Gravity''''' (or '''''Gavity Wave''''') '''''Drive''''', the '''''Blink Warp Drive''''' and the '''''Phase Drive'''''
:*'''The Anvil Galaxy''' fairly large and settled by most of the three groups and lots of independent systems and empires.
:*'''The Thundercloud Galaxy''' one of the smaller galaxies and newest settled by the big three. It has a number of small empires that were already here but most are focused on the outer galactic arms. The inner part of the galaxy are dead worlds that were once settled by a number of extremely technologically advanced species (collectively called the Elder Races) and destroyed themselves thousands of years ago.  
:*StarCaster - this is a Techno-Magical Stardrive that can teleports a Starship many hundreds of lightyears. This requires a Science skill check with a -1 per 100 light years traveled. The Ship can teleport its base number of times (based on the engine and size of the ship) no matter the distance, including within a system. This also cost the Ship's size in Energy. Plotting a course teleport takes on average 2d6+2 minutes but this can be shorted to 2d6+2 rounds for a -2 to the check or increased to 2d6+2 hours for +2 to the check. I StarCaster engine itself requires 2d10+2 hours to realign and recharge after it has been used. This can be lowered to 1d10+1 with a Repair check (1/2 the time with the Mr. Fix It Edge) but failure causes damage to the engine. This damage requires an additional 2d10+2 hours to fix and then the engine must again realign from the start. Critical failure on this Repair check means the engine is so badly damage it can only be fixed a major facility.
::Other space civilization use different forms of Hyperdrives and FTL Travel.
:*Top Speed - is MPH but only within an atmosphere. In space the speed is greatly enhanced. Generally divide the Top Speed by 200. That is how may AU a ship can travel in a hour. In game scale it is also the spaces it can move in the Space Combat Scale.
:*There is no Climb speed. This modifier is now Handling via Adventure Edition vehicles.
:*Shields: work a bit differently then in the SFC. You still gain the overall damage that a shield can absorb of the Size x10, but their is also a Threshold stat add. This is the Size x2 and is the maximum amount of damage that the shield can stop with each hit. A ship also only regenerates 1/2 its Size every round that it is not damage but a Repair check as an Action can boost this to full Size that round. A new roll is required every round to boost this and a Critical Fumble shuts the shields down until they can be Repaired but this requires at least an Hour of work.
:*Energy is used per the SFC with the following updates -- base 1 Energy per day of normal operations. Combat costs 1 energy per Weapon (do duel fire-linked guns count as 2, etc.) and another for Shields.
:*To fit in with Rifts setting I messed around a lot with Toughness and Weapons.

The three main stellar governments are the...
:'''*The Consortium of Civilized Worlds''' (CCW) which is made up mostly of Humans, Nero (a Psychic races) and a few others. They are mostly technology based with a mix of psychic technology and some techno-wizardry but not much. They are the most democrat of the big three.
:They have a fairly good size colonization program in the Thundercloud Galaxy made up of number independent corporations and organizations with only loose ties back to the central government.
:'''*The Transgalactic Empire''' (TGE), dominated by the evil Kreeghor. The Kreeghor were once slaves of the Splugorth and have no abilities with magic although some can work psychics but not very powerful. They embrace technology and wish to conquer everyone around them. They do allow the 'lesser races' to serve and gain some status within their empire but they are never equal to the Kreeghor.
:They have one of the largest settled areas of the Thundercloud Galaxy but it is also a hot bed of rebels and a number of these worlds have broke off as independent systems. 
:'''*The United Worlds of Warlocks''' (UWW) is more dominated by magic users and is dominated Human Techno-Wizard corporations, a stellar magic using Elves and another techno-wizard base Dwarfs Clans. They still use normal technology they just use a lot of magic and techno-magic equipment.
:They only started settling here in the last hundred years or so having discovered rich mineral deposited and strong magical planets. 

The other important governments of the Thundercloud Galaxy include the small '''Splugorth Kingdom of Desslyth''' whom raid a number of the governments around them for slaves, loot and new markets for their vile trades, etc. The '''Bushi Federation''' whom are elitists and isolationist but whom also have some of the most advance technology in the Thundercloud, rivaling even the CCW in some fields. The '''Denlech Settlers''' who are not so much major players in the Thundercloud Galaxy as a monkey wrench. They are quickly becoming the poster child for what’s wrong with the unchecked greed and imperialism. There are a number of smaller groups but none as important as these.

== Starship Updates for Adventure Edition and Rifts Setting ==
Keeping a Starcraft up and running costs credits. The following or only the most common
Star Ship Updates for this setting and Savage World Adventure Edition.
:'''Spaceship Docking Fees''': Cost 100 credits x Ship’s Size for docking up to one week, standard.
:*StarCaster - this is a Techno-Magical Stardrive that can teleports a Starship many hundreds of lightyears. This requires a Science skill check with a -1 per 100 light years traveled. The Ship can teleport its base number of times (based on the engine and size of the ship) no matter the distance, including within a system. Other space civilization use different forms of Hyperdrives and FTL Travel.  
:'''Energy''': Costs 500 credits x each Energy point refueled.
:*Top Speed - is MPH but only within an atmosphere. In space the speed is greatly enhanced. Generally divide the Top Speed by 100. That is how may AU a ship can travel in a hour. In game scale it is also the spaces it can move in the Space Combat Scale.
:'''StarCaster''': Known as 'liquid mithral' the cost to full re-charge a StarCaster engine is 250 credits x the base number of times the engine can Teleport x Ship's Size.
:*There is no Climb speed. This modifier is now Handling via Adventure Edition vehicles.
:'''Life Support Resupply''': Basic air, food, water and other life support needs. Cost 5 credits per 'Man-Day' of supplies.
:*Shields: work a bit differently then in the SFC. You still gain the overall damage that a shield can absorb of the Size x10, but their is also a Threshold stat add. This is the Size x2 and is the maximum amount of damage that the shield can stop with each hit. A ship also only regenerates 1/2 its Size every round that it is not damage but a Repair check as an Action can boost this to full Size that round. A new roll is required every round to boost this and a Critical Fumble shuts the shields down until they can be Repaired but this requires at least an Hour of work.
:'''Maintenance''': Every six months, ships require repair and refit. Costs 10,000 credits x Ship’s Size (includes engines and other systems).
:*To fit in with Rifts setting I messed around a lot with Toughness and Weapons.
::This generally takes one day per Ship's size.
:'''Repairing Wound Damage''': Costs 500 credits x Ship Size (in spare parts) for each Wound repaired. These supplies take up 1/2 the Ship's size in cargo. Without these supplies he crew can Jury-Rig repairs in space but they need to eventually be resupplied and automatically return if the ship enters combat again before.
::Repairing a Wound requires a number of hours equal to a d6 x Ship's Size. With two crew working on it the time can be halves, four crew quartered, eight crew divide by six, etc.

== The Wraith ==
== The Wraith ==
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The ship has crew quarters for 12 and low-berth/slave stockades for 50. The ship standard crew was 6 (captain/pilot, co-pilot/tractor beam or torpedo operator, two gunners and two engineers) and 6 extra soldier types to capture slaves. With the ships A.I. it can get by on just two - a pilot and an engineer.
The ship has crew quarters for 12 and low-berth/slave stockades for 50. The ship standard crew was 6 (captain/pilot, co-pilot/tractor beam or torpedo operator, two gunners and two engineers) and 6 extra soldier types to capture slaves. With the ships A.I. it can get by on just two - a pilot and an engineer.

'''Size''': Huge [base Wounds 6] (12); '''Top Speed''': 400 (starship scale 4); '''Handling''': +0; '''Toughness''': 63 (20); '''Crew''': 6 (+6) +50; '''Energy''': 500; '''Life Support''': 3,000 'man' days (food, water, oxygen; slaves generally receive half rations); '''Cargo''': 60 tons.
'''Size''': Huge [base Wounds 6] (12); '''Top Speed''': 400 (starship scale 4); '''Handling''': +0; '''Toughness''': 63 (20); '''Wounds''': 6; '''Crew''': 6 (+6) +50; '''Energy''': 500; '''Life Support''': 3,000 'man' days (food, water, oxygen; slaves generally receive half rations); '''Cargo''': 60 tons. At present carrying 18 tons of resupplies that can be used to repair up to 3 wounds suffered by the ship
'''Mods''' (+5)
'''Mods''' (+0)
:'''*AMCM''' [adds +2 to Electronics or Piloting check to evade missiles] (1)
:'''*AMCM''' [adds +2 to Electronics or Piloting check to evade missiles] (1)
:'''*Armor 2''' [adds +8 armor points] (2)
:'''*Armor 2''' [adds +8 armor points] (2)
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:'''*Sensor Suite, Galactic''' [Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll] (2)
:'''*Sensor Suite, Galactic''' [Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll] (2)
:'''*Shields''' [Max 100 damage. Threshold 20] (6)
:'''*Shields''' [Max 100 damage. Threshold 20] (6)
:'''*StarCaster''' [base 25 jumps; Science -1 per 100 lightyears traveled. Plotting a course takes 1d4 hours, for -2 can reduce time to 30 minutes, for +2 increase time to 6 hours. Also uses 10 energy each time its used] (6)
:'''*StarCaster''' [base 25 jumps; Science -1 per 100 lightyears traveled. Also uses 12 energy each time it teleports no matter the distance] (6)
:'''*Stealth System''' [Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other non-cloakable signal such as radio signal or active sensor search] (12)
:'''*Stealth System''' [Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other non-cloakable signal such as radio signal or active sensor search] (12)
:'''*Targeting System''' [eliminates up to 4 shooting penalties for movement, range, multi-action and the like] (1)
:'''*Targeting System''' [eliminates up to 4 shooting penalties for movement, range, multi-action and the like] (1)
:'''*Teleporter Pad''' [one system that can teleport up to six size 0 creatures or up to 1,000lbs of cargo up to 100 miles] (2)
:'''*Teleporter Pad''' [one system that can teleport up to six size 0 creatures or up to 1,000lbs of cargo up to 100 miles. Cannot teleport through a Force Field. It takes 2d6 x10 minute to recharge to reuse a teleporter. This can be lowered with a Repair check down to 2d6 x2 minutes or 1d6 minutes with a Raise. Critical Fumble on this check cause damage equal to 5,000 x 1d10 credits in spare parts and 24 hours of repair time] (2)
:'''*Torpedo Tube''' [can fire two light torpedoes a round. Storage for 8 light torpedoes] (2)
:'''*Torpedo Tube''' [can fire two light torpedoes a round. Storage for 8 light torpedoes] (2)
:'''*Tractor Beams''' [Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is quite short (about 1000 yards), so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed Electronics roll at –4 vs the defender’s Piloting or Electronics. If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down] (5)
:'''*Tractor Beams''' [Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is quite short (about 1000 yards), so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed Electronics roll at –4 vs the defender’s Piloting or Electronics. If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down] (5)
:'''*Turret Fire-Linked Weapons''' (6)
:'''*Turret Fire-Linked Weapons''' (6)
::*two Twin Fire-Linked Heavy Lightning-Bolter Cannons Turrets (Range 200/400/800 or starship 2/4/8, Damage 4d10+2, AP-16, ROF 1, Shots 100 each turret)
::*two Twin Fire-Linked '''Heavy Lightning-Bolter Cannons''' Turrets (Range 200/400/800 or starship 2/4/8, Damage 4d10+2, AP-16, ROF 1, Shots 100 each turret)
::*one Forward Fixed Heavy Mass Driver Cannon (200/400/800 or starship 2/4/8, Damage 9d10, ROF 1, Shots 15)
::*one Forward Fixed '''Heavy Mass Driver Cannon''' (200/400/800 or starship 2/4/8, Damage 9d10, ROF 1, Shots 15)
::*one Forward Light Torpedo Launcher (Range 300/600/1,200 or starship 3/6/12, Damage 5d12, AP-50, LBT [atmosphere only], ROF 1, Shots 8 torpedoes, 6 are EMP rounds)
::*one Forward '''Light Torpedo Launcher''' (Range 300/600/1,200 or starship 3/6/12, Damage 5d12, AP-50, LBT [atmosphere only], ROF 1, Shots 8 torpedoes, 6 are EMP rounds)

== The 'Wraith's' NPC Crew Members ==
== The 'Wraith's' NPC Crew Members ==
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:'''Abilities''': Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
:'''Abilities''': Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
:'''Pace''' 6 (d6), '''Parry''' 5, '''Toughness''' 12 (5)
:'''Pace''' 6 (d6), '''Parry''' 5, '''Toughness''' 12 (5)
:'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Drive d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d10, Fighting d6, Hacking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Repair d10, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Thievery d6
:'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Drive d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d10, Fighting d6, Hacking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Repair d10+2, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Thievery d6
:'''Edge''': Arcane Background (Spellcasting), Concentration, Machine Spirit, McGyver, Mr. Fix-It
:'''Edge''': Arcane Background (Spellcasting), Concentration, Machine Spirit, McGyver, Mr. Fix-It
:'''Hindrances''': Loyal, Impulsiveness
:'''Hindrances''': Cautious, Loyal  
:'''Powers''': Darkvision, Mind Link, Sloth/Speed; '''Power Points''': 15
:'''Powers''': Darkvision, Mind Link, Sloth/Speed; '''Power Points''': 15
:'''Gear''': Tactical EBA (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP-2, ROF 3, 3RB), Field Repair Kit, Laser Tourch (4d4+4 Mega-Damage, AP-16, Parry-1, Cauterize).
:'''Gear''': Tactical EBA (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP-2, ROF 3, 3RB), Field Repair Kit, Laser Tourch (4d4+4 Mega-Damage, AP-16, Parry-1, Cauterize).

'''Gritta Attin''', Female Orc Co-Pilot and Gunner []
:'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
:'''Pace''': 6; '''Parry''': 5; '''Toughness''': 13 (5)
:'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6+2, Electronics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Piloting d8+2, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4
:'''Hindrances''': Bad Reputation (orc), Overconfidence
:'''Edges''': Ace, Brute, Steady Hands
:'''Traits''': Bite (Str+d4), Big (Size +1), Instinct Over Intellect (-1 Smarts traits tests), Low-Light Vision, Near-Human Physiology (those unfamiliar with body type -1 healing)
:'''Gear''': Medium Personal Combat Armor (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP-2, ROF 3, 3RB), Vibro-Knife (Damage Str+d6, Mega-Damage, AP-6)

'''Freebooter Soldiers''' [] and []
'''Freebooter Soldiers''' [] and []
:'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
:'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
:'''Pace''': 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13 (5)
:'''Pace''': 6; '''Parry''': 6; '''Toughness''': 13 (5)
:'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Piloting d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4
:'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Healing d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Piloting d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4
:'''Hindrances''': Impulsiveness, Loyal
:'''Hindrances''': Loyal, Mean
:'''Edges''': Marksmen, Steady Hands
:'''Edges''': Marksmen, Soldier
:'''Gear''': Medium Personal Combat Armor (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d6, RoF 3, AP-2; Heavy Pulse), Vibro-Spear (Str+d8 Mega Damage, AP-8, Reach 1).
:'''Gear''': Medium Personal Combat Armor (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d6, RoF 3, AP-2; Heavy Pulse), Vibro-Spear (Str+d8 Mega Damage, AP-8, Reach 1).
'''NG-A70 Sky King''': Size 3 (Normal), Handling +1, 570 MPH, Toughness 16 (5), Crew 1, Remaining Mods 2
''Notes'': Nimble, MDC Armor, Nuclear Powered, STS, VTOL, Pilot is a −4 Called Shot.

Latest revision as of 16:46, 10 April 2022

The Three Galaxy Setting[edit]

The Three Galaxys is a setting of both scifi and space fantasy for the Rifts setting. The three galaxies are 'fairly' close to each others (and then any others are much father away). Hundreds of stellar civilizations and thousands of alien species exist within these three galaxies.

The three galaxies are the

Corkscrew Galaxy, the oldest and most heavily populated and the location of the three main stellar powers (see below).
The Anvil Galaxy fairly large and settled by many intersteller powers and lots of independent systems and empires.
The Thundercloud Galaxy one of the smaller galaxies and newest settled by the big three. It has a number of small empires that were already here but most are focused on the outer galactic arms. The inner part of the galaxy are dead worlds that were once settled by a number of extremely technologically advanced species (collectively called the Elder Races) and destroyed themselves thousands of years ago.
Other mysterious of the Thundercloud Galaxy including the possible origins of the Dominators (an ancient race of giants whom everyone hates and who wander around the Three Galaxies in their moon size spaceships taking slaves and destroying random cultures) and interest of the mysterious and dangers group known as Gene-Tech whom are searching for something here and kill anyone who gets to close to what they might be looking for.

The three main stellar governments in the setting are the...

The Consortium of Civilized Worlds (CCW) which is made up mostly of Humans, Nero (a Psychic races) and a few others (most notably the Wolfen Collective). They are mostly technology based with a mix of psychic technology and some techno-wizardry but not much. They are the most democrat of the big three.
They have a fairly good size colonization program in the Thundercloud Galaxy made up of number independent corporations and organizations with only loose ties back to the central government.
The Transgalactic Empire (TGE), dominated by the evil Kreeghor. The Kreeghor were once slaves of the Splugorth and have no abilities with magic although some can work psychics but not very powerful. They embrace technology and wish to conquer everyone around them. They do allow the 'lesser races' to serve and gain some status within their empire but they are never equal to the Kreeghor.
They have one of the largest settled areas of the Thundercloud Galaxy but it is also a hot bed of rebels and a number of these worlds have broke off as independent systems.
The United Worlds of Warlocks (UWW) is dominated by the Human Techno-Wizard corporations, a stellar magic using Elves and another techno-wizard base Dwarfs Clans. They still use normal technology they just use a lot of magic and techno-magic equipment.
They only started settling here in the last hundred years or so having discovered rich mineral deposited and strong magical planets.
The UWW itself was formed a few hundred years ago when some Star Elves were facing off against a huge Splugorth army invasion. They put out a call for help via the Lay-Lines that also run out into space and were answered by Human Techno-Wizards. The battle was still going poorly for them when suddenly a bunch of Dwarf Techno-Wizards (with their space/magic enhanced Iron Clad ships) showed up and finally turned the tide of the battle. The three group would go on to form the UWW. They are a bit more corporate driven the the democrat driven CCW whom they are somewhat allied with, but they hate slavery and are opposed to not only the Splugorth but also the TGE who happy trade in slaves themselves (even through the rules of this empire hate the Splugorth themselves as they use to be slaves of theirs).

Backstory of the Game and Setting[edit]

The basic game setting is that the heroes have recently acquired a ship from mercenary Splugorth Slavers - a Kittani built techno-wizard Kraken-class raider called 'the Wraith'. With their prize ship the heroes have become hero/mercs for the United Worlds of Warlocks and heading to one of the colonies in the Thundercloud Galaxy to help against more Splugoth slavers and a possible Death Cult(s) dedicated to one of the Elder Races that was suppose to be from this region.

The UWW only has a few dozen colonies in the Thundercloud Galaxy clustered along the Gaelra Outer Arm on the 'eastern' end of the galactic core, with their main port of call Gateway Prime, the system that contains the Star Gate Portal which allows almost instant teleportation between the Thundercloud and Corkscrew Galaxies and another important port of call in the UWW.

The other important governments of the Thundercloud Galaxy include...

The K
The Splugorth Kingdom of Desslyth controls only a few dozen worlds and whom raid a number of the governments around them for slaves, loot and new markets for their vile trades, etc.
The Bushi Federation whom are elitists and isolationist but whom also have some of the most advance technology in the Thundercloud, rivaling even the CCW in some fields.
The Denlech Settlers who are not so much major players in the Thundercloud Galaxy as a monkey wrench. They are quickly becoming the poster child for what’s wrong with the unchecked greed and imperialism. There are a number of smaller groups but none as important as these.

Character Creation[edit]


Standard Build from any of the main Rifts sourcebooks (Team Tomorrow Player's Handbook, Arcane & Mysticism, Blood & Banes and Empires of Humanity) except you will not be rolling on the Narrative Hook as you are not joining Team Tomorrow or going to be from Earth (you could be though). Instead you were part of a group that recently gained a prize ship and now its you own. This ship was a former slaver ship and they had a few slave crew members so you could also have been one of those new freed and now a full member.

For your Heroic Journey rolls (and MARS Fortune and Glory Table) you just pick what you want instead of rolling. Just so you get what you want without the wimps of chance

The game is set in the United Worlds of Warlock (UWW) in their holdings in the Thundercloud Galaxy. Threats the heroes will face include Splugorth raiders, Pirates, Death Cults and ancient weapons of the Elder Races that destroyed most of the worlds in this galaxy thousands (if not millions of years ago). There are also hostile alien creatures that eat just about anything including starships and planets, your generic space pirates and of course mad wizards and scientists seeking power or unlocking secrets they should not.

The most common races of the United Worlds of Warlocks are Humans, Dwarfs, Elves, Orcs, D'Norr and Grachle Tooth. Most others found in the Rifts books are also around just not common. Dog Boys are instead called Wolfen, but built the same way as their are many subspecies of this group. Magic is more common then psionics but there are still plenty of psychics in the society.

  • As D-Bees don't suffer the same social stigma in this setting Humans are going to get 6 attribute points for their stats instead of 5 to help comp for this (along with their bonus edge).
  • Cyber-Knights are called Psychic or Star Knights and replace the Cosmic Knights as defenders of the innocent and servants of the Cosmic Forge.
  • There are also a new MARS called Arcane Mechanic. They are very similar to Psi-Operators but replace their psionic abilities with Arcane Background (Magic) and power Mind Link plus two other powers of choice, skills of Spellcasting d6, Electronics d6, Repair d8 and Machine Spirits edge (this works just like Telemechanic edge but with spellcasting), Gadgeteer Edge with Spellcasting skill and normal PPE for creation. Instead of Master Psionic they gain their choice of one of the following - Concentration, New Powers, Power Points or Soul Drain.
  • If someone whats to play a Robot Pilot I think I am going to allow it to operate in space with a flight speed of its base Pace x5. This is the Starship Space speeds (see below) and only works in Space. In an atmosphere and even low gravity the best the flight engine can handle is lowering your falling speed. It will not even help with jumping, etc. As most Robot vehicles are almost as big as starships themselves (at least the ones the characters start with) they will have a specially built docking port for the vehicle to attached to the ship when not in use.
  • Juicers are probably not going to be playable without a great explanation on how you found your way into the wider galaxy but you can play a Dragon Juice if you desire.
  • Sapient robots and androids are created via the 'Intelligent Construct' rules found in Empire of Humanity. Other races I would prefer to build with the player, depending.

For Gear some new rules and updates include

  • EBA personal armor also includes Vacuum support/sealed for 12 hours.
  • Magnetic Shoes: Will stick to a metal "floor" or "wall", meaning that the wearer does not have to hang on to something to stabilize themselves . Also useful for letting characters new to zero gravity orient themselves . One size fits all. Cost: 80cr per pair.
  • Vacuum Suit Jet Pack. The pack is fixed to the back of the suit, and is operated by a small pad on the right wrist. The jet pack has a maximum speed of about 50 mph (80 km) and enough fuel for thirty minutes of constant movement. Typically the device is not in constant use and will work for about five hours of maneuvering; Obviously this is only good for Zero G. Cost: 2000cr
  • Recycling System. The suit recycles all oxygen, meaning it can be worn indefinitely or until the character dies of hunger or thirst. Cost: 1200cr

SFC Updates for Adventure Edition and Rifts Setting[edit]

See [1] Star Frontiers for the basics ideas on Starship and Vehicle updates for the Adventure edition, but in this setting the Spike-Drill Drives is NOT used. Instead within the Three Galaxies are are a number of different fast-then-light methods, used by different governments and species. The major ones are the StarCaster Teleport Drive (also called Rift Drives), the Counter-Gravity (or Gavity Wave) Drive, the Blink Warp Drive and the Phase Drive.

  • StarCaster - this is a Techno-Magical Stardrive that can teleports a Starship many hundreds of lightyears. This requires a Science skill check with a -1 per 100 light years traveled. The Ship can teleport its base number of times (based on the engine and size of the ship) no matter the distance, including within a system. This also cost the Ship's size in Energy. Plotting a course teleport takes on average 2d6+2 minutes but this can be shorted to 2d6+2 rounds for a -2 to the check or increased to 2d6+2 hours for +2 to the check. I StarCaster engine itself requires 2d10+2 hours to realign and recharge after it has been used. This can be lowered to 1d10+1 with a Repair check (1/2 the time with the Mr. Fix It Edge) but failure causes damage to the engine. This damage requires an additional 2d10+2 hours to fix and then the engine must again realign from the start. Critical failure on this Repair check means the engine is so badly damage it can only be fixed a major facility.
Other space civilization use different forms of Hyperdrives and FTL Travel.
  • Top Speed - is MPH but only within an atmosphere. In space the speed is greatly enhanced. Generally divide the Top Speed by 200. That is how may AU a ship can travel in a hour. In game scale it is also the spaces it can move in the Space Combat Scale.
  • There is no Climb speed. This modifier is now Handling via Adventure Edition vehicles.
  • Shields: work a bit differently then in the SFC. You still gain the overall damage that a shield can absorb of the Size x10, but their is also a Threshold stat add. This is the Size x2 and is the maximum amount of damage that the shield can stop with each hit. A ship also only regenerates 1/2 its Size every round that it is not damage but a Repair check as an Action can boost this to full Size that round. A new roll is required every round to boost this and a Critical Fumble shuts the shields down until they can be Repaired but this requires at least an Hour of work.
  • Energy is used per the SFC with the following updates -- base 1 Energy per day of normal operations. Combat costs 1 energy per Weapon (do duel fire-linked guns count as 2, etc.) and another for Shields.
  • To fit in with Rifts setting I messed around a lot with Toughness and Weapons.


Keeping a Starcraft up and running costs credits. The following or only the most common

Spaceship Docking Fees: Cost 100 credits x Ship’s Size for docking up to one week, standard.
Energy: Costs 500 credits x each Energy point refueled.
StarCaster: Known as 'liquid mithral' the cost to full re-charge a StarCaster engine is 250 credits x the base number of times the engine can Teleport x Ship's Size.
Life Support Resupply: Basic air, food, water and other life support needs. Cost 5 credits per 'Man-Day' of supplies.
Maintenance: Every six months, ships require repair and refit. Costs 10,000 credits x Ship’s Size (includes engines and other systems).
This generally takes one day per Ship's size.
Repairing Wound Damage: Costs 500 credits x Ship Size (in spare parts) for each Wound repaired. These supplies take up 1/2 the Ship's size in cargo. Without these supplies he crew can Jury-Rig repairs in space but they need to eventually be resupplied and automatically return if the ship enters combat again before.
Repairing a Wound requires a number of hours equal to a d6 x Ship's Size. With two crew working on it the time can be halves, four crew quartered, eight crew divide by six, etc.

The Wraith[edit]

Picture [2]

(NOTE this ship is build from the ground up with Techno-Wizard tech. As such repairing the ship is at a minus for non-Arcane engineers. So Techno-Wizards and Arcane Mechanics and Psi-Operators are the best at it)

The ship has crew quarters for 12 and low-berth/slave stockades for 50. The ship standard crew was 6 (captain/pilot, co-pilot/tractor beam or torpedo operator, two gunners and two engineers) and 6 extra soldier types to capture slaves. With the ships A.I. it can get by on just two - a pilot and an engineer.

Size: Huge [base Wounds 6] (12); Top Speed: 400 (starship scale 4); Handling: +0; Toughness: 63 (20); Wounds: 6; Crew: 6 (+6) +50; Energy: 500; Life Support: 3,000 'man' days (food, water, oxygen; slaves generally receive half rations); Cargo: 60 tons. At present carrying 18 tons of resupplies that can be used to repair up to 3 wounds suffered by the ship

Mods (+0)

*AMCM [adds +2 to Electronics or Piloting check to evade missiles] (1)
*Armor 2 [adds +8 armor points] (2)
*A.I. [Artificial Intelligence which can operate all systems from piloting to weapons to opening and closing doors. Is an Extra with a d10 in all starship like skills] (0)
*Atmospheric [can enter and leave planetary atmosphere, includes landing gear and VTOL] (6)
*Crew Quarters [space for 12 standard and 50 low-berth/cramped] (6)
*Fixed Weapons (2)
*Reinforced Structure [adds +4 Toughness] (2)
*Sensor Suite, Galactic [Light, chemical, motion, and other active sensors allow detection of targets up to one light year away with a Electronics roll. Within 10K miles, the sensors add +2 to the roll] (2)
*Shields [Max 100 damage. Threshold 20] (6)
*StarCaster [base 25 jumps; Science -1 per 100 lightyears traveled. Also uses 12 energy each time it teleports no matter the distance] (6)
*Stealth System [Radar-absorbing paint, heat baffles, scramblers, and other devices make the ship difficult to detect by vision or sensors. Those trying to spot, attack, (or lock on to) the ship subtract 4 from their rolls. The effect is triggered as a free action, but is negated any round in which the ship fires a weapon or emits some other non-cloakable signal such as radio signal or active sensor search] (12)
*Targeting System [eliminates up to 4 shooting penalties for movement, range, multi-action and the like] (1)
*Teleporter Pad [one system that can teleport up to six size 0 creatures or up to 1,000lbs of cargo up to 100 miles. Cannot teleport through a Force Field. It takes 2d6 x10 minute to recharge to reuse a teleporter. This can be lowered with a Repair check down to 2d6 x2 minutes or 1d6 minutes with a Raise. Critical Fumble on this check cause damage equal to 5,000 x 1d10 credits in spare parts and 24 hours of repair time] (2)
*Torpedo Tube [can fire two light torpedoes a round. Storage for 8 light torpedoes] (2)
*Tractor Beams [Ships can only affect vessels of smaller Size. Their range is quite short (about 1000 yards), so they must get a Short Range result on the Chase table to use the weapon. This is an opposed Electronics roll at –4 vs the defender’s Piloting or Electronics. If the attacker is successful, the enemy ship is caught and pulled into contact in 2d6 rounds. A captive’s ship’s life support systems remain active, but all locomotion and weapons are shut down] (5)
*Turret Fire-Linked Weapons (6)
  • two Twin Fire-Linked Heavy Lightning-Bolter Cannons Turrets (Range 200/400/800 or starship 2/4/8, Damage 4d10+2, AP-16, ROF 1, Shots 100 each turret)
  • one Forward Fixed Heavy Mass Driver Cannon (200/400/800 or starship 2/4/8, Damage 9d10, ROF 1, Shots 15)
  • one Forward Light Torpedo Launcher (Range 300/600/1,200 or starship 3/6/12, Damage 5d12, AP-50, LBT [atmosphere only], ROF 1, Shots 8 torpedoes, 6 are EMP rounds)

The 'Wraith's' NPC Crew Members[edit]

Lashar Kam, Arcane Mechanic (human female)[3]

Abilities: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (d6), Parry 5, Toughness 12 (5)
Skills: Athletics d6, Drive d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d10, Fighting d6, Hacking d6, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Repair d10+2, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4, Thievery d6
Edge: Arcane Background (Spellcasting), Concentration, Machine Spirit, McGyver, Mr. Fix-It
Hindrances: Cautious, Loyal
Powers: Darkvision, Mind Link, Sloth/Speed; Power Points: 15
Gear: Tactical EBA (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP-2, ROF 3, 3RB), Field Repair Kit, Laser Tourch (4d4+4 Mega-Damage, AP-16, Parry-1, Cauterize).

Gritta Attin, Female Orc Co-Pilot and Gunner [4]

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 13 (5)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Driving d6+2, Electronics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Piloting d8+2, Shooting d8, Stealth d4, Survival d4
Hindrances: Bad Reputation (orc), Overconfidence
Edges: Ace, Brute, Steady Hands
Traits: Bite (Str+d4), Big (Size +1), Instinct Over Intellect (-1 Smarts traits tests), Low-Light Vision, Near-Human Physiology (those unfamiliar with body type -1 healing)
Gear: Medium Personal Combat Armor (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Pistol (Range 15/30/60, Damage 3d6, AP-2, ROF 3, 3RB), Vibro-Knife (Damage Str+d6, Mega-Damage, AP-6)

Freebooter Soldiers [5] and [6]

Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 13 (5)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Driving d6, Fighting d8, Healing d4, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Piloting d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6, Survival d4
Hindrances: Loyal, Mean
Edges: Marksmen, Soldier
Gear: Medium Personal Combat Armor (+5 Armor, +2 Toughness), Pulse Laser Rifle (Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d6, RoF 3, AP-2; Heavy Pulse), Vibro-Spear (Str+d8 Mega Damage, AP-8, Reach 1).


NG-A70 Sky King: Size 3 (Normal), Handling +1, 570 MPH, Toughness 16 (5), Crew 1, Remaining Mods 2 Notes: Nimble, MDC Armor, Nuclear Powered, STS, VTOL, Pilot is a −4 Called Shot.