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Frontier Adventures in the Savage West
== SAVAGE WORLDS Adventure Edition - SPELLSLINGER ==
Frontier Adventures in the Savage West  
== THE RANGERS (The Heroes for our game) ==
'''Andriel'''[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hxp1XAaavpbje63HheHRyvmiYh-V4eWI/view], Elven Magi/Monster Slayer, played by @Gremlin

'''Terendyl'''[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PXlPHgqOzhVgr42YIJOk2JziM4y-KbBS34ciBXrUU-w/edit], Elven Black Hand, played by @Talisman
*Rules Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE)
*Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), Multiple Languages (gain ½ Smarts in d6 languages), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls), Wound Cap (heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls).

'''Calimir'''[https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/Https://wiki.rpg.net/index.php/SWAE.Spellslinger_Calimir], Elven Gunslinger, played by @Elfwine
*Damage Raises: For each raise that you roll on your Attack die, adds +1d6 damage.
*Exploding Dice: all dice rolls can Ace but only once each.
*Run Dice: Changed to d4+2 (instead of d6) or 1d3+1 (for d4) and d6+4 (for a d10)

==  Base Rules and Houserules ==
*'''Rules Savage World Adventure Edition''' (SWAE)
*'''Setting Rules''' (SWAE pg. 136-145) – '''''Born a Hero''''' (ignore rank requirement at character creation), '''''High Adventure''''' (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), '''''More Skills''''' (start with 15 skill points instead of 12), '''''Multiple Languages''''' (gain ½ Smarts in d6 languages), '''''Unarmored Heroes''''' (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls), '''''Wound Cap''''' (heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls).
*'''Languages of the Setting''': Ancient (common tongue of ancient humans), Common, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomish, Halfling, Orcish and Aquan (water), Auran (air), Celestial (angel), Draconic (dragons), Giant, Goblinish, Gnollish, Infernal (devil and demon), Ignan (fire), Primordial (elemental), Sylvan (fey), Terran (earth)

== Starting Adventure – Something Rumbles at Thunder River ==
The game starts with the heroes joining the Ranger; a semi-official group of law enforcers employed throughout the Territories. They are fairly universally well liked and received by most of the Free Peoples. While most towns will have their own local Sherriff, the Rangers roam throughout the Territories seeking law breakers, bandits and monsters; anything that might threaten innocents. The Rangers are building a new regional base in Skull Creek, a small town in the southern Territories Badlands where the heroes are sent. It is one of the most western towns of the Badlands, only 50 miles from the Ghost Mountains and include a spur of the Southern Gnome-Rail. There are a number of good mines in the hills around the town, but most folk scratch out a living as farmers and ranchers as the mines are not safe (due to undead and other monsters).
*'''Run Die''': change D6 to D4+2, and D8 to D6+2, D10 to D8+2 and D4 to D3+1
*Others too be determined

== Starting Adventure – Distant Thunder at Skullcreek ==
*Concept: your basic western idea might range from a gunslinger to a maverick gambling or trailblazer or mountain man (or woman) etc. This should help you with skills and edges.
The game starts with the heroes joining the '''Ranger'''; a semi-official group of law enforcers employed throughout the Territories. They are fairly universally well liked and received by most of the Free Folk. While most towns will have their own local Sheriff, the Rangers roam throughout the Territories seeking law breakers, bandits and monsters; anything that might threaten innocents. The Rangers are building a new regional base in '''Skullcreek''', a small town in the southern Territories '''Badlands''' where the heroes are sent. It is one of the most western towns in the Badlands, only 50 miles from the '''Ghost Mountains''' and include a spur of the '''''Southern Gnome-Rail'''''. There are a number of good mines in the hills around the town, but most folk scratch out a living as farmers and ranchers as the mines are not safe (due to undead and other monsters).
*Folk: chose a Folk from those below.
*Novice: 5 attribute points and 15 skills points (along with starting skills)
*Bonus: all characters gain one bonus Edge but you must qualify for it (except for Rank) or gain a +1 step to one Attribute trait.
*Rangers Qualifier: skills of a d6 in Shooting and Riding and cannot have Elderly or any Major physical impairment type of Hindrance or Wanted for any major crimes.
*Hindrances: One Major and two Minor Hindrances (or two Major or four Minor).
*Cash: 50 silver dollars ($500 in SWAE value). Players start with a standard set of clothing, riding or walking boots and a hat of choice. Rangers assign new recruits a Riding Horse, Saddle and Blanket, Saddle Bags along with a Duster and Tin-Star (their badge). This badge has low-level magic on it and can’t normally be lost or misplaced.

== Character Creation ==
*'''Concept''': your basic western idea might range from a gunslinger to a maverick gambling or trailblazer or mountain man (or woman) etc. This should help you with skills and edges.
Humans – the most common folk in both the Colonies and the Free Territories. Humans value learning new things in the Territories.
*'''Pick a Folk''': chose a Folk from those below.
*'''Novice''': 5 attribute points and 15 skills points (along with starting skills)
*'''Bonus''': all characters either gain one bonus Edge but you must qualify for it (except for Rank) '''or''' gain a +1 step to one Attribute trait.
*'''Rangers Qualifications''': skills of a d6 in Shooting and Riding and cannot have Elderly or any Major physical impairment type of Hindrance or Wanted for any major crimes.
*'''Hindrances''': One Major and two Minor Hindrances (or two Major or four Minor).
*'''Cash''': 50 silver dollars ($500 in SWAE value). Players start with a standard set of clothing, riding or walking boots and a hat of choice. Rangers assign new recruits a Riding Horse, Saddle and Blanket, Saddle Bags along with a Duster and Tin-Star (their badge). This badge has low-level magic on it and can’t normally be lost or misplaced.
== The Free Folk ==
'''Humans''' (often called Hums and nicknamed Common Folk) – the most common folk in both the Colonies and the Free Territories. Humans value learning new things in the Territories.
*Adaptable [2] gain one bonus Edge for free (must meet requirements except Rank)
*Adaptable [2] gain one bonus Edge for free (must meet requirements except Rank)
*Broadminded [2] start with 17 skill points (instead of 15).
*Broadminded [2] start with 17 skill points (instead of 15).

Aasimars (nicked named the Graced) – Those who bare a significant amount of celestial outsider blood in their ancestry. Others are naturally drawn to them as they exude natural charm and grace.
'''Aasimars''' (nicknamed the Graced) – Those who bare a significant amount of celestial outsider blood in their ancestry. Others are naturally drawn to them as they exude natural charm and grace.
*Arcane Resistance [2]: as Edge.
*Arcane Resistance [2]: as Edge.
*Blessed Looks (Attractive) [2]: as the Attractive Edge
*Blessed Looks (Attractive) [2]: as the Attractive Edge
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*Drive (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance, player’s choice.
*Drive (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance, player’s choice.

Dwarf (nicked named Hill-Folk) – found through the Colonies and the Territories they are dour and one of the one people ‘crazy’ enough to mine the Ghost Mountains.
'''Dwarf''' (nicknamed Hill-Folk) – found through the Colonies and the Territories they are dour and one of the one people ‘crazy’ enough to mine the Ghost Mountains.
*Fast Healing [2]: as Edge
*Fast Healing [2]: as Edge
*Healthy [1]: +2 Vigor checks against diseases and poisons.
*Healthy [1]: +2 Vigor checks against diseases and poisons.
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*Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).
*Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).

Elf (nicked named Fey-Folk) – beautiful by most standards and graceful, they are somewhat uncommon out in the Territories.
'''Elf''' (nicknamed Fey-Folk) – beautiful by most standards and graceful, they are somewhat uncommon out in the Territories.
*Agile [2]: base Agility d6 and maximum starting of d12+1
*Agile [2]: base Agility d6 and maximum starting of d12+1
*Elf Looks (Attractive) [1] gain +1 to Persuasion checks.
*Elf Looks (Attractive) [1] gain +1 to Persuasion checks.
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*Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.
*Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.

Gnome (nicked named Wood-Kin) – short but hardy, gnomes are often found in towns tinkering with the equipment and machinery.
'''Gnome''' (nicknamed Wood-Kin) – short but hardy, gnomes are often found in towns tinkering with the equipment and machinery.
*Bright [2] base Smarts d6 and maximum d12+1
*Bright [2] base Smarts d6 and maximum d12+1
*Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.
*Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.
*Short Legs (Minor) [-1]: Pace 4, Run d3+1
*Short Legs (Minor) [-1]: Pace 4, Run d3+1
*Technical [3]: base Repair skill of d6 and +1 to the Repair skill.
*Technical [3]: base Repair skill of d6 and +1 to the Repair skill.

Half-Elf (called Half-Fey or Fey-Touched) – the union of Human and Elf have led to fair community of half-elves that live both parents and get along well with both worlds.
'''Half-Elf''' (nicknamed Half-Fey or Fey-Touched) – the union of Human and Elf have led to fair community of half-elves that live both parents and get along well with both worlds.
*Chummy [-1]: as Minor Quirk. Half-Elves tend to be depressed and feel lonely when they are not around others. They are not really loners.  
*Chummy [-1]: as Minor Quirk. Half-Elves tend to be depressed and feel lonely when they are not around others. They are not really loners.  
*Duel Heritage [2]: gain either a base Agility d6 and maximum d12+1 or a bonus Edge of choice.
*Duel Heritage [2]: gain either a base Agility d6 and maximum d12+1 or a bonus Edge of choice.
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*Outgoing [1]: base Persuasion of a d6
*Outgoing [1]: base Persuasion of a d6

'''Halfling''' (nicknamed Half-Folk or Little-Folk) – the smallest of the demihumans, Halflings are most common in small farming communities and borrow-homes.
*Agile [2]: base Agility of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
*Luck [2]: begin the game as a bonus Benny (stacks with Lucky and Really Lucky)
*Reduced Pace [-1]: base Pace of a 4 and Run die of a d3+1
*Size -1 [-1]: and Toughness of -1.
*Sneaky [2]: base Stealth skill of a d6 and +1 to Stealth skill rolls.
*Spirited [2]: base Spirits of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
*Weak [-2]: suffer a -1 to all Strength trait test (not linked skills) and -1 to melee attack damage.
'''Half-Orc''' (nicknamed Goblin-Kin) – Children of Humans and Orcs, most come of the Ever-Marsh swamps where a large number of Orcs have immigrated to from the Old World but there are a few wandering Orc tribes within the territories.
*Big [1]: Size +1 and Toughness +1
*Bite [1]: unarmed Bite Str+d4.
*Brawlers [1]: base Fighting of a d4
*Mean (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
*Outsider or Ugly (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance (player’s choice)
*Strong [2]: base Strength d6 and maximum d12+1
*Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).
'''Tiefling''' (nicknamed the Cursed) – Those who carry the taint of devilish blood somewhere in their ancestor’s past. Tieflings often have horns, reddish colored skin, snake like eyes, etc. some trait that marks them as tainted by those evil outsiders from the Nine Hells.
*Bright [2]: base Smarts of a d6 and maximum d12+1
*Devilish Allure [2]: as the Attractive Edge.
*Horns [1]: base unarmed damage Str+d4
*Outsider (Major) [-2]: as Hindrance
*Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).
== Hindrances and Edges ==
Forbidden Hindrances – Doubting Thomas
Forbidden Edges – Aristocrat*, Rich*, Filthy Rich*
(*) NPC only Edges
:'''Heavy Sleeper''' (Minor): A thunderstorm from Hell itself won’t wake the Dozing Doolie. The hero is at -4 to Notice checks to wake up when sleeping. Also suffers a -2 to Vigor checks to remain awake.
:'''Lyin Eyes''' (Minor): Lies don’t come easy to this hombre. The hero suffers a -2 penalty on Intimidate and Persuasion checks where he has to lie – even little white lies. He also suffers a -2 to Gambling checks when playing Poker games and others similar games.
:'''Old Ways''' (Minor): Also called back-to-eathers and Old Worlders, these folk don’t believe in modern technology and think that they should return to the old ways (of the ancient Old World). They refuse to use firearms or ride on trains. They see Cog-Hearts as foolish and misled at best or evil and corrupted at worst.
All Arcane Backgrounds but Psionic is found in the Territories but the types have some limitation or conditions set on them. They are also called different things here. Each has a ‘Brand’ that is extremely obvious when a Power is active.
'''Forbidden Powers''' – Conceal Magic and Summon Allies.
NOTE that most beneficial Powers except those cast by Magi and Padres (and Devices created by Cog-Hearts) must have the Aspect Limitation – Self Only (i.e. Boost Trait would require a Blackhand to take it as Range Self, while the Lower Trait would still affect enemy targets as normal). When you reduce the cost to below 0 PP you instead add +PP modifiers that bring the cost back up to a minimum of 1 PP (i.e. a Blackhand with the Protection Power which costs 1 PP with Aspect Self automatically gains a +1 PP modifier).
:'''Blackhand''': Natural enemies of other power users, they are not popular in many parts of the Territories except those place where the people also dislike power users. Their brand is that one of their hands is glossy black that burns with black-light grow when powers are active. Blackhands use the Gifted Arcane Background and use the Gifted (Blackhand) skill. Their first power must be the Dispel Power. The Blackhand treats all other types of magic as its 'type' and does not suffer the normal -2 for tests against a different type of arcane background (i.e. like Magic vs. Miricles). Blackhands may not take the Beast Friends, Burrow, Disguise, Entangle, Fly, Growth/Shirk, Healing, Illusion, Intangibility, Invisibility, Puppet, Resurrection, Relief, Shape Change, Teleport or Zombie powers.
:'''Cog-Heart''': create strange and mystical devices via the Weird Science Arcane Background and use the Weird Science skill. Their brand is golden cog like circle in the center of the chest. They are required to take Elemental Resistance as a first Power however it costs them 1 less Power Point to activate. It costs at least $250 (or $25 silver dollars) per power point to create an arcane device for yourself or others. A beginning character can have one device that includes any of her powers for free and must pay for any additional ones. Each power or device must have a quasi-scientific techno-babble sounding name. Cog-Heart cannot take the Shape Change power.
:'''Magi''': also called Mages, Witch-Eyes and Evil Eyes. Their brand is called the “Witches Eye” or Evil Eye as one of their eyes is milky white and glows with a ''dead white shine'' when powers are active. Their Arcane Background is Magic and use the Spellcasting skill. They gain the Detect Arcane and Light Powers for free. The Light power has a range of Self and originates from the Mage’s witch-eye and it can also be a Cone Template. It and the Detect Arcana power do not cost the Magi any Power Points to use or do they requires no skill roll to active either. Magi may not take the Healing, Resurrection, Relief or Shape Change powers.
:'''Padre''': one of the most popular Brands beside the Cog-Heart, Padres are the spiritual leaders of many communities throughout the Territories. They follow the old gods who seem to have gone silent over the centuries and no longer communicate with their followers. However they still seem to grant powers. The Padres brand is their deity symbol that appears on the center of their foreheads and glow with a holy light when they use their powers. Padre use the Miracles Arcane Background with the Faith skill for their powers. Padre automatically gain the Arcane Protection power for free. Padre may not take the Shape Change or Teleport powers.
:'''Pale Ride'''r: one of the more feared of the brands, the Pale Riders are also called Death Bringers and the Harrowed. Their brand is a reddish like birth mark on their cheek in the shape of a hand. This brand glows reddish when her powers are activated. Their Arcane Background is a Gifted and they use the Gift (Pale Rider) skill. Their first Power must be the Smite Power with the limitation of Range: Self automatic. However the base damage bonus with Smite is +4 (+6 with a raise) for free. Pale Riders may not take the following powers – Barrier, Burrow, Disguise, Dispel, Divination, Entangle, Fly, Growth/Shrink, Illusion, Intangibility, Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Puppet, Resurrection, Relief, Shape Change, Teleport or Zombie powers.
:'''Skin Walker''': a somewhat rare Brand, the Skin Walker have a stylized Animal-like Totem like tattoo on their chest and arms. When using their powers these glow blue or green and the brand remains glowing when they are shape shifted into their animal form. Their Arcane Background is Gifted and they use the Gifted (Skin Walker) skill. Their first power must be Shape Change. However the duration for their power lasts a base of 10 rounds. The Skin Walker may not take the Barrier, Resurrection, Teleportation or Zombie powers.
:'''Charger''' [Seasoned, Fighting d10+]: The warrior is experienced at moving across a large distance and getting the most effect out of rushing his foe. He may ignore the standard multi-action penalty for Running when making a Fighting attack roll at the end of your movement.
:'''Gunslinger''' [Seasoned, Marksmen, Shooting d10+, Revolver only]: Expert with revolvers the Gunslinger, with a Rate of Fire of 1 for the first action may either gain a +1 to hit or ignore up to 4 points in from Called Shots, Cover, Illumination, Range, Scale or Speed. This is a lesser form of the Aim maneuver (which does not stack) and includes the bonus from the Marksmen edge. This bonus applies for the full round and maybe used while moving up to the hero’s Pace in the round (but not Running). This bonus may be used in conjunction with Double Tab but not Rapid Fire edge.
:'''Heavy Weapons Specialist''' [Novice, Shooting d6+]: you can operate cannons and catapults without the normal -4 penalty for firing such weapons in combat.
:'''Quick Draw''' [Novice, Agility d8+, Shooting d6+]: When on Hold the hero adds +2 to Agility checks to interrupt an opponent’s actions if drawing a weapon and when rolling for Surprise may check Agility instead of Notice to act first in the Round. If the hero has the Danger Sense edge can also substitute Agility for Notice roll with the listed bonus.
:'''Spring Attack''' [Seasoned, Extraction, Fighting d8+]: You can move both before and after your attack, and as long as you end your movement not adjacent to any opponents, you do not suffering a free attack from any attacker. You may not move more than your Pace (cannot Run as part of this maneuver) in this round. You also cannot ignore First Strike or someone on ‘Hold’.
:'''Speed Loader''' [Novice, Shooting d8+]: With a Pace of 0 you can reload up to your Agility die (instead of ½) rounds into a revolver or rifle without suffering a multi-Action penalty.
:'''Cowpoke''' [Novice, Riding d6+]: Some folk are born in the saddle. A cowpoke can ignore 2 points of penalty with Riding skill and can spend a Benny to make a Soak roll for a mount she is controlling.
:'''Gambler''' [Novice, Gambling d10+]: Gamblers are half swindler, half psychologist who makes their living playing games of chance. Gambles gains a +2 too Gambling skill. The Gambler may also spend a Benny, automatically winning a game of chance unless his opponent is also a Gambler and spends a Benny to cancel the edge.
:'''Monster Slayer''' [Novice, Smarts d6+, Occultism d6+, Notice d6+, Survival d6+]: Many monster hunters have dedicated themselves to protecting the civilized lands from the monsters from the wastes. When confronted by a monstrous or supernatural foe the hero may make an Occultism skill check to identify a foe, its characteristics, and common tactics. The GM may impose penalties for uncommon or unique beings. With a success the Monster Slayer knows any weakness the creature might have and gains a +1 to all Trait rolls and damage totals against it until the end of the encounter. On a raise she gains all the creature’s special abilities and the Trait and damage bonus increase to +2.
:'''Trailblazer''' [Novice, Survival d6+]: You have learned to watch the signs and trust your instincts when it comes to navigating the vast wilderness. Anything the GM draws a face card while traveling (indicating a random encounter) the trailblazer can make a Notice -2 check. If successful the trailblazer detects the hazard, creature or situation at the earliest opportunity, giving the party time to likely avoid it or at least attack it on their own terms. The trailblazer also gains +2 to Notice rolls to avoid being surprised.
:'''Behold a Pale Horse''' [Legendary]: Your faithful steed uses the statistics of a war horse (SWA pg. 185) and gains the Fearless and Danger Sense edges. What’s more the horse is a Wild Card.
== Weapons and Equipment ==
Characters start with $50 silver dollars (equivalent of 500 dollars in Savage World). One Silver dollar is equal to 10 Black pennies (or Copper) and 10 Silver dollars equals one Gold Gallon Dollar. See SWA for normal hand-to-hand and ranged weapons. Armor can also be found there but almost no one in the Spellslinger setting wears any (except maybe leather).
Weapons that have a ‘folk’ part of their title are generally only available or used by these folk. If a Dwarf wants to use an Orcish Handcannon, they should come up with a good reason and back story.
:'''Derringer''': This is a light, 2-shot pistol that is loaded through the break-swing 2-shot chamber. Also called a Lady’s or Dandy’s Pistol. It has the Holdout quality granted a +2 to Stealth to hide on self.
:Range: 8/16/32, Damage: 2d4, AP: 1, ROF: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 1, Cost: 100 ($10)
:'''Revolver''': A standard, six-shooter revolver seen throughout the Territories.
:Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6+1, AP: 1, ROF: 1, Shots: 6, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 4, Cost: 200 ($20)
:'''Army Revolver''': A heavier version of the revolver, this six-shooter packs more punch.
:Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d8, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 6, STR Min: d8, Wt.: 5, Cost: 250 ($25)
:'''Gnome Crack Pistol''': This odd contraction looks something like a mini a six-barrel Gatling gun, with a hand crack on the side and a tumbler 20-shot magazine attacked to the other side.
:Range: 10/20/40, Damage: 2d6, AP: 1, ROF: 3, Shots: 20, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 5, Cost: 750 ($75)
:'''Orcish Hand Cannon''': This very heavy two barrel ‘break-loading’ pistols that can also double as a Light Hand Weapon (club Str+d4). Orcs occasionally add blades or dagger like bayoneted like attachments to them (-1 to shooting unless you have a Str of d12+).
:Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d10, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 2, STR Min: d10, Wt.: 6, Cost: 400 ($40)
:'''Double Barrel Shotgun''': standard shotgun of the Territories.
:Range: 8/16/32, Damage: 1-3d6, AP: 0, ROF: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, STR Min: d6, Wt.: 8, Cost: 150 ($15), Notes: 2-handed, See Shotguns on page 105 for details.
:'''Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun''': Sawed-off shotguns for close in shooting.
:Range: 4/8/16, Damage: 1-3d6, AP: 0, ROF: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, STR Min: d6, Wt.: 6, Cost: 150 ($15), Notes: 2-handed, See Shotguns on page 105 for details.
:'''Dwarf Shattergun''': This is a well manufactured level action shotgun.
:Range: 10/20/40, Damage: 1-3d6, AP: 0, ROF: 1, Shots: 7, STR Min: d6, Wt.: 9, Cost: 350 ($35), Notes: 2-handed, See Shotguns on page 105 for details.
:'''Spencer''': a light, level-action rifle common for hunting and ‘home’ defense.
:Range: 20/40/80, Damage: 2d6+1, AP: 1, ROF: 1, Shots: 10, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 8, Cost: 250 ($25), Notes: 2-handed
:'''Winchester''': a medium level-action rifle with fair range and good ammunition capacity. The ammo is feed through a feeder on the side, one round at a time.
:Range: 24/48/96, Damage: 2d8, AP: 1, ROF: 1, Shots: 15, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 10, Cost: 300 ($30), Notes: 2-handed
:'''Sharps''': a heavy, one-shot “slanting-breech” military and hunting rifle.
:Range: 24/48/96, Damage: 2d10, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 1, STR Min: d8, Wt.: 11, Cost: 400 ($40), Notes: Snapfire, 2-handed
:'''Buffalo Gun''': the heaviest rifle made, it is a one-shot “slanting-breech” loader is meant for use against large animals like buffalo and the occasional dinosaur from beyond the Ghost Mountains.
:Range: 24/48/96, Damage: 2d12, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 1, STR Min: d8, Wt.: 14, Cost: 550 ($55), Notes: Snapfire, 2-handed
:'''Elf Long Rifle''': These finely crafted lever-action rifles have some the greatest ranged firearms of any modern weapon made. The elves do not sell them, they are only gifts or stolen (but if you want to start with one you still have to pay for it).
:Range: 40/80/160, Damage: 2d8, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 15, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 9, Cost: 750 ($75), Notes: 2-handed
:'''Gatling Gun''': This heavy mounted gun has six rotating barrels that are turned with a hand crank, like a heavier version of a Gnomish Crack Gun. Minimum ROF is 3.
:Range: 20/40/80, Damage: 2d8, AP: 1, ROF: 3, Shots: 100, STR Min: N/A (or d12), Wt.: 85, Cost: 2,500 ($250), Notes: Snapfire.
'''AMMO''' (SWAE pg. 68)

Derringer, Revolves and Gnomish Crack Pistols count as Small bullets, Army Revolvers, Spencers, Winchester, Elf Long Rifles and Gatling Guns count as Medium bullets, Orchish Hand Cannons, Sharps and Buffalo Rifles cost 40 ($4) and weigh 4lbs for 50 rounds. All shotguns use the Shotgun slugs and shot costs.
The ‘Old World’ is based somewhat off Greyhawk, although the landscape is a bit more European like and the year is 1178 (Common Era, or after the formation of the Great Kingdom). This ‘New World’ has been settled by many different peoples over the last two and half centuries and about a dozen Old World cultures have set up petty kingdoms and nation-states along the Eastern shoreline (collectively called the Colonies). The Territories, as it has become known, are a semi-settled lands of the Free Peoples (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) and run from the Colonies to the Ghost Mountains (some 1,000 miles west of the eastern most Colonies). The Ghost Mountains are haunted and the dead do NOT remain resting there… ever. Most right-thinking people avoid them, but the dwarves and gnomes have two fairly large mining city-states set up on their edged.

There are no known living native peoples on the eastern side of the Ghost Mountains. Once there were a primitive Human and Elf-like people but they all died out for some reason hundreds of years before the Free Peoples discovered the New World and started settling here. Well, one could say no living native peoples here because as mining has started in the Ghost Mountains and the Gnome-Rail pushed out from the Colonies, ghosts and other undead supposedly of these native peoples have started haunting the Territories.
For reloading any firearm but the Gnome Hand Crank Pistol and Gatling Gun (which use primitive metal clips to hold ammo) if the character does not move (Pace 0) can reload ½ their Agility die as a free move. Can move up to their Pace as an Action to also reload this amount. If they run they must make an Agility -2 check or drop as 1d6 + a number of rounds equal to they failed their check by.  

The landscape of the New World looks vaguely like the eastern seaboard of the continental U.S. with the incredibly high Ghost Mountains being located about 1,500 miles inland (these mountains are almost impassable, more like the Himalayas of Earth then the Rockies). This range separates the semi-civilized Territories of the Free Peoples and the wild Fortier on the western side (no one really knows what’s on the western side of the mountains but it is said to be a land of giant monsters and huge thunder lizards). There are two other much lower mountain ranges, the first which separates the northern plains and the southern badlands. Called the Middle Mountains, there are numerous wide passes through them. The second range is to the north known as the White Cap Mountains, this range is always encased under thick layers of snow even in the hottest summers.

Along the Eastern Shoreline the lands is heavily forested and somewhat flat lands referred to as the “Colonies”. These lands are the most heavily populated and industrialized areas and are made up of ‘11 Colonies’ (see below). None of the Colonies extend much more than 200-300 miles inlands, and the lands past them and running all the way to the Ghost Mountains are collectively called the “Territories”. These are unclaimed by any one of the Colonies, and the people living out in there for the most part want to keep it that way.
:'''Dynamite''' (each stick cost $5 and weighs ½lbs. Range 4/8/16, Damage 2d6 in one square. Two sticks does 3d6 damage in a SBT. Four sticks deals 4d6 damage in a MBT. 8 sticks deals 5d6 in a LBT and counts as a Heavy Weapon. The thrown range is only 3/6/12. Every 4 more sticks adds +1d6 damage but generally cannot be thrown).
:'''Nitro''' (8oz bottle, Range 4/8/16, Damage 3d6 in a LBT. Cost $5 and ½lb)

The lands of the southern Territories are a semi-arid badlands, of high mesas and plateaus, deserts and arid grazing lands where the winters are very cold with good a bit of snow (about the only rainfall that the lands get). These lands are the least settled of the Territories, mostly prospectors and a few cattlemen. Shattered settlements dot the landscape, increasing in number the farther north one goes. Too the south the land falls a bit with badlands to the west and the Ever-Marsh near the coast. Even farther south is the Colonial outpost of the Grey-Company, a breakaway group from the lands of the Confederate Cavaliers. North of the Middle Mountains the lands are more plains and grasslands settled fairly heavily by farmers and ranchers. Farther north (around where Canada would be in our world) the land rises sharply – called the Up-Lift or the Shelf. These lands are heavily forested with huge pine-wood timber, and settled by mostly woodcutters and a few trappers. Farther north of this are the White Cap Mountains and mostly inhabited. South of the Shelf are the great lake system of Spirit Lakes that feed the mighty Green River that cuts south east all the way to the coast. These lands are settled by backwoods trappers and fishermen.

Most of the Colonies and the Territories are fairly peacefully with each other, or at least there aren’t anything more than a few small border wars going on. The ‘Border Wars’ between the Confederated Cavaliers and New Furyondy was the most recent and most violent ones ended just over a year ago over a border dispute that cost thousands of lives. The other major troubles were called the ‘Brand-Wars’, which have calmed down a bit, including hanging and reprisals between Magi and Blackhands, but continue in the Badlands to this day. There are also the ‘Range Wars’ between various cattle barons over grazing right, the ‘Claim Wars’ between the mining Unions and of course raids by Hallowed (generic term for the Undead or recently risen), especially around the Ghost Mountains but spreading east (unofficially called the ‘Ghost Wars’).
<u>'''EXTRA GEAR'''</u>
:'''Revolver Hostler & Belt''' (holds one revolver and 18 revolver rounds on the belt in open loops), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. 3lbs
:'''Ammo Bandoleer'''r (holds 30 rounds, worn across the chest), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. 2lbs
:'''Rifle Sling''' (good for carrying a rifle long term over one’s shoulder), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ½lb.
:'''Extra Clip for Gnome's Hand Crank Pistol''' (empty, takes reload time as listed above to load an empty clip), Cost 10 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb.
:'''Extra Clip for Gatling Gun''' (empty, takes reload time as listed above to load an empty clip), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ½lb.  
:'''Saddle Boots and Spurs''' (worn by most cowboys, adds +1 to Riding skill), Cost 30 ($3), Wt. 4lbs
:'''Walking Boots''' (soft footwear worn mostly by mountain men and back-to-earthers, adds +1 Vigor to resist Fatigue while travelling by foot), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. 3lbs
:'''Derby Hat''' (eastern fancy hat for gentlemen), Cost 40 ($4), Wt. ½lbs.
:'''Sombrero''' (very wide brimmed hat), Cost 20 ($2), Wt. ½lbs.
:'''Stetson''' (a big hat), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ½lbs.
:'''Duster''' (leather longcoat, adds +1 to Vigor to resist environment conditions), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. 4lbs.
:'''Camera & Stand''' (box camera, the subject must remain still for at least a minute), Cost 200 ($20), Wt. 10lbs. Camera picture plates cost 20 ($2) each and weigh 1lb each.
:'''Cigarettes, pack of 10''' (tobacco smokes), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb.
:'''Cigars, box of 10''' (heavier, long lasting cigars), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ¼lb.
:'''Matches, box of 100''' (box of matches), Cost 10 ($1), Wt. ¼lb.
:'''Flask, Tin''' (holds only a quart, fairly damage resistance and concealable), Cost 15 ($1.50), Wt. ¼lbs
:'''Cards, playing''' (standard playing card deck), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb
:'''Dice, gaming''' (set of 3 playing dice), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb
:'''Guitar''' (wooden and string playing popular playing instrument), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. 5lbs
:'''Harmonica''' (metal mouth wind pipe instrument), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ¼lb
:'''Flute''' (wooden or metal wind pipe musical instrument), Cost 250 ($2.50), Wt. ¼lb
:'''Bagpipes''' (loud and obnoxious playing instrument), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. 8lbs
:'''Piano''' (semi-portable musical stand), Cost 250 ($25), Wt. 100lbs
:'''Phonograph''' (old fashion record player), Cost 250 ($25), Wt. 5lbs. Records cost $25+ each.
:'''Spectacles''' (to correct minor version of Bad Eyesight), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. nil
:'''Watch''' (windup time keeper), Cost 30 ($3), Wt. ¼lb
:'''Watch, gold''' (fancy and expensive windup time keeper), Cost 150 ($15), Wt. ½lb
:'''Doctor's Bag''' (Healing reroll, 5 uses, may be refilled for 80/$8. Can be combine with a Medikit from SWAE pg. 67 for the +100/$10, +4lbs wt. and refills +25/$2.50), Cost 100 ($10), Wt. 6.

The religions of this world are loosely based off those found in the D&D World of Greyhawk, but heavily changed due to the ‘silence’ or waning of the gods over the last thousand years. Some examples are the ‘Reformed Church of Pelor’ the ‘Churches of Truth and Justice’ the ‘Predawn Fellowship of the Raven Queen’ the ‘Keepers of Melora’s Ways’ and even the ‘Heart of Bane’. There are literally hundreds of different sects, including Druidic and Shamanic traditions practices and preached here. As the ‘gods’ have gone silent, as it were, people’s faith has become fractured but people still go to church and listen to the Padre’s sermons on Godsday (the day of worship).

<u>'''Transportation Cost'''</u>
1. Northern Cross Alliance – the colony farthest northern, set up by exiled nobles merchants, bandits, thieves and pretty much any undesirables from Nyrond, who still are beholding to their homeland and swear allegiance to their King back in the Old Country. The population is involved mostly in timber harvesting, trapping and some boar-raising, and they are rowdy and uncivilized lot for the most part.
:'''Stage Coach''' (60/$6 per 100 miles, generally make on average 75 miles day)
:'''Train Ticket''' (20/$2 per 100 miles, generally make on average 250 miles a day)

2. United States of the Sun – just south of Northern Cross, this nation was formed by religious sects that had split with the main Orthodox Pelor Church back in the old country and had come here to practice this branch of it as they saw fit. The lands here are rich from farming and pig rising and the people are law-abiding and church going. Most follow the Reformed Church of Pelor, but there are many other sects within its borders, all dedicated to their own ideas of what Pelor stands for.
== Brief Overview of the town of Skullcreek ==
The town of '''Skullcreek''' is around 300 residence. The southern Gnome-Rail runs through town and continues on all the way to '''South Hall''', a dwarven fortified mining town located in the foothills of the '''Ghost Mountains''' some fifty miles to the west. The rail also runs east all the way to eastern colony of the '''Trade and Machinist Pact States''' (takes on average 4-6 days to reach there depending on the weather).

3. the Spring Court – set up by Elves of the Old World, who were looking for a fabled ‘promised’ lost land of the Elven people. The borders are heavily protected and they only allow limited trading with the other colonies. This nation in fact has only one small sea port, called Greyhaven, set up as the sole trade city within it heavily forested lands.  
'''Important Locations of Skullcreek'''
* '''Sheriff's Office''': the local sheriff is one Samuel Kincad[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/775674735797230179/] a Human male. He has no full time deputies although he occationally calls up a few local rancehands that work from the mayor when needed.
* '''Mayor's Home and Office''': Mayor Braggi Ironblood[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/627478160554595975/] a Dwarf male has been Mayor of Skullcreek for 40 years. He also runs a local ranch to the north of town that has at least 500 cattle and numberous ranchhands. He built his home and attached it to the Mayor's office while expanding it 20 years ago. He is reasonably popular and keeps things running fairly smooth in town.
* '''Shane's Saloon''': owned and run by a Human Male named Shane O'Tool[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/370491506836019174/] a Human male. He has ten or so employees who work as the saloon boys and girls and is considered something of a shady establishment. But so long as he keeps trouble condained within the saloon the sheriff leaves him and his place alone.
* '''Xavier's Big Bar & Grill''': run by Henry R. Xavier[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/535154368222394970/] a Halfling male. This combination bar and cook house serves meals mostly in the evenings and late into the night. Most the local townfolk perfer Xavier's place over Shane's for drinking. Xavier's also serves BBQ meals most of the day and late into the night, often some exotic venison meats brought in by local hunters.
* '''Doctor Treestride's Office''': the doctor of Skullcreek is an Elf female by the name of Kadara Treestride[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/855895104173782446/]. She if fairly young for a elf but is popular in town for her healing medicine (she is a Cog-Heart who focuses on Healing magic).
* '''Skullcreek's General Store''': co-owned and run by a married couple, the Tielfling female Joy Fireash[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/741405157378693884/] and Zenigri Fireash[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/593067844665471882/], her spouce, a female Half-Orc. The store sells most every general gear and most firearms and a good assortment of hand weapons. 
* '''Finn's Stables and Blacksmiths''': the town's stables and blacksmith, owned and run by Fenn Hammergar[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/669980882041342434/], a Dwarf male. He is the town's blacksmith and employs a few stable boys to tend to the horse.  
* '''Reformed Church of The Sun''': the local church of Pelor, god of the Sun. Run by Padre Haps Lightsun[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/418412621602961921/], a male Halfling.
* '''Mod's Eatery and Motel''': owned and operated by Modree Donner[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/740701469950425586/], this is the towns main resaurant and hotel. Mod does most of the cooking but her son, Timmothy[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/347129083777308450/] runs the motel. Breakfast and lunch are her busist times but the dinner crowd is fairly large also.
* '''Skullcreek's Gnome-Rail Ticket and Telegraph Station #119''': run by the Southern Gnome Rail Instrial this office sells tickets and sends and receives telographic messages. Only the towns along the Gnome Rail include telegraph stations and so communication is still delivered by horseback to most other towns in the southern '''Badlands'''.
* '''Ranger Station #23''': located about a half a mile south of town, this newest station includes an office (where the Captain works and has a private room in the back), a bunk house (with six beds) and a stable (for seven horses). There is also and small forge for those skilled at horseshoeing but most expect to go into town to get the job done property (requires a Repair skill of a d4). It is run by Ranger commander, Captain Shara Scorn[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/381539399680839962/]. Its her job to assign the Rangers their duties and pays them (pay is $7.50/75 a week, paid on Last Day/Sunday).

4. Federation of the Free People – this nation was formed when it rebelled against the taxes and rule of the old world United Kingdom of Ahlissa, and spit the United Lands of Ahlissa in two (see below). Members of other Free People races flocked here for the independency offered and it is one of the strongest colonies to date, with a strong industrial and agricultural base.  
== Brief Overview of the New World and the Territories ==
The ‘Old World’ is based somewhat off '''Greyhawk''', although the landscape is a bit more European like and the year is 1178 (Common Era, or after the formation of the '''Great Kingdom'''). This ‘'''New World'''’ has been settled by many different peoples over the last two and half centuries and about a dozen Old World cultures have set up petty kingdoms and nation-states along the Eastern shoreline (collectively called the '''Colonies'''). The Territories, as it has become known, are a semi-settled lands of the Free Peoples (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) and run from the Colonies to the '''Ghost Mountains''' (some 1,000 miles west of the eastern most Colonies). The Ghost Mountains are haunted and the dead do NOT remain resting there… ever. Most right-thinking people avoid them, but the dwarves and gnomes have two fairly large mining city-states set up on their edged.

5. United Lands of Ahlissa – made up of loyalist to the United Kingdom of Ahlissa (an world-wide empire), this nation still smarts from the loss of the Federation whom they see as traitors of the worst kind. The nation is fairly heavily industrialized but sends a great deal of raw materials back to Ahlissa instead of manufacture good here. Many Tieflings comes from this area, and the present High Council of the Colonial Assembly is one (the governor-ruler of the colony).  
There are no known living native peoples on the eastern side of the Ghost Mountains. Once there were a primitive Human and Elf-like people but they all died out for some reason hundreds of years before the Free Folk discovered the New World and started settling here. Well, one could say no living native peoples here because as mining has started in the Ghost Mountains and the Gnome-Rail pushed out from the Colonies, ghosts and other undead supposedly of these native peoples have started haunting the Territories.

6. Nation of the Just – a semi-theological state founded by priests and warrior layman worshippers of Bahamut, God of Justice. They have evolved into a very simple, hardworking agricultural society that is based around the Church of Truth and Justice, of which there are at least one in every city, town and village hamlet. Gambling, prostitution, drinking and most other vice-crimes are outlawed here, and the people are thought to be about the most boring on the planet.  
The landscape of the New World looks vaguely like the eastern seaboard of the continental U.S. with the incredibly high Ghost Mountains being located about 1,500 miles inland (these mountains are almost impassable, more like the Himalayas of Earth then the Rockies). This range separates the semi-civilized Territories of the Free Folk and the wild Frontier on the western side (no one really knows what’s on the western side of the mountains but it is said to be a land of giant monsters and huge thunder lizards). There are two other much lower mountain ranges, the first which separates the northern plains and the southern badlands. Called the '''Middle Mountains''', there are numerous wide passes through them. The second range is to the north known as the '''White Cap Mountains''', this range is always encased under thick layers of snow even in the hottest summers.

7. the Trade and Machinist Pact States – set up more or less in the middle of the colonies and without any sea-ports themselves (their trade does flow through the Stone Land Union’s port almost tariff free as the Gnomes and Dwarves have many ties and the Dwarves use the Gnome Rail-lines to connect with their mining operation in the Territories). This is the most heavily industrialized nation of the New World (and maybe even the Old World) and Cog-Hearts are very common and popular here. Ruled by the Gnomish Trade and Machinist-Pact Companies, pollution and goods pour out of this colony day and night. Almost all Rail-lines originate from this nation and are controlled by the Gnomes (hence the nick name for the Gnome-Rails).
Along the Eastern Shoreline the lands is heavily forested and somewhat flat lands referred to as the “Colonies”. These lands are the most heavily populated and industrialized areas and are made up of ‘'''11 Colonies'''’ (see below). None of the Colonies extend much more than 200-300 miles inland, and the lands past them and running all the way to the Ghost Mountains are collectively called the ''''Territories''''. These are unclaimed by any one of the Colonies, and the people living out in there for the most part want to keep it that way.

8. Stone Land Union – smallest of the eastern colonies, this port of call is mostly used by the Dwarves for its’ Territorial mining city-states in the Ghost Mountains; High Mountain (in the north) and South Hall (in the south) where they export must of their mineral and manufactured wealth back to the ‘Irongate Union’. Landfall, the largest and deepest ports on the New World was also the first landing of Old World colonist is located here, but the dwarves, though careful maneuvering, acquired full rights to it and it is now their national capital.  
The lands of the southern Territories are a semi-arid '''Badlands''', of high mesas and plateaus, deserts and arid grazing lands where the winters are very cold with good a bit of snow (about the only rainfall that the lands get). These lands are the least settled of the Territories, mostly prospectors and a few cattlemen. Shattered settlements dot the landscape, increasing in number the farther north one goes. Too the south the land falls a bit with badlands to the west and the '''Ever-Marsh''' near the coast. Even farther south is the Colonial outpost of the '''''Grey-Company''''', a breakaway group from the lands of the '''Confederate Cavaliers'''. North of the Middle Mountains, called the '''Great Plains''', the lands are much more futile plains with extensive grasslands settled fairly heavily by farmers and ranchers. Farther north (around where Canada would be in our world) the land rises sharply – called the '''Up-Lift''' or the '''Shelf'''. These lands at the top of the Up-Lift are heavily forested with huge pine-wood timber, and settled by mostly woodcutters and a few trappers. Farther north of this are the White Cap Mountains and mostly inhabited. South of the Shelf are the great lake system of '''Spirit Lakes''' that feed the mighty '''Green River''' that cuts south east all the way to the coast. These lands are settled by backwoods trappers and fishermen.  

9. New Furyondy – a colony of the United Kingdoms of Furyondy, this is a fairly just and open society that has granted its’ citizens many of the freedoms that are common within the Federation. The people remain loyal to their homeland, Furyondy, and the Parliamentary Government that exists there. Religious and racial tolerances are the cornerstones of life here and it has a fairly strong industrial and fishing based economy.
Most of the Colonies and the Territories are fairly peacefully with each other, or at least there aren’t anything more than a few small border wars going on. The ‘'''Border Wars'''’ between the '''Confederated Cavaliers''' and N'''ew Furyondy''' was the most recent and most violent ones ended just over a year ago over a border dispute that cost thousands of lives. The other major troubles were called the ‘'''Brand-Wars'''’, which have calmed down a bit, including hanging and reprisals between Magi and Blackhands, but continue in the Badlands to this day. There are also the ‘'''Range Wars'''’ between various cattle barons over grazing right, the ‘'''Claim Wars'''’ between the mining Unions and of course raids by Hallowed (generic term for the Undead or recently risen), especially around the Ghost Mountains but spreading east (unofficially called the ‘'''Ghost Wars'''’).
The religions of this world are loosely based off those found in the D&D World of Greyhawk, but heavily changed due to the ‘silence’ or waning of the gods over the last thousand years. Some examples are the ‘'''Reformed Church of Pelor'''’ the ‘'''Churches of Truth and Justice'''’ the ‘'''Predawn Fellowship of the Raven Queen'''’ the ‘'''Keepers of Melora’s Ways'''’ and even the ‘'''Heart of Bane'''’. There are literally hundreds of different sects, including Druidic and Shamanic traditions practices and preached here. As the ‘gods’ have gone silent, as it were, people’s faith has become fractured but people still go to church and listen to the Padre’s sermons on Godsday (the day of worship).
== The Elven Colonies ==
'''1. Northern Cross Alliance''' – the colony farthest northern, set up by exiled nobles merchants, bandits, thieves and pretty much any undesirables from Nyrond, who still are beholding to their homeland and swear allegiance to their King back in the Old Country. The population is involved mostly in timber harvesting, trapping and some boar-raising, and they are rowdy and uncivilized lot for the most part.
'''2. United States of the Sun''' – just south of Northern Cross, this nation was formed by religious sects that had split with the main Orthodox Pelor Church back in the old country and had come here to practice this branch of it as they saw fit. The lands here are rich from farming and pig rising and the people are law-abiding and church going. Most follow the Reformed Church of Pelor, but there are many other sects within its borders, all dedicated to their own ideas of what Pelor stands for.
'''3. the Spring Court''' – set up by Elves of the Old World, who were looking for a fabled ‘promised’ lost land of the Elven people. The borders are heavily protected and they only allow limited trading with the other colonies. This nation in fact has only one small sea port, called '''Greyhaven''', set up as the sole trade city within it heavily forested lands.
'''4. Federation of the Free People''' – this nation was formed when it rebelled against the taxes and rule of the old world '''United Kingdom of Ahlissa''', and spit the '''United Lands of Ahlissa''' in two (see below). Members of other Free Peoples flocked here for the independency offered and it is one of the strongest colonies to date, with a strong industrial and agricultural base.
'''5. United Lands of Ahlissa''' – made up of loyalist to the '''United Kingdom of Ahlissa''' (an world-wide empire based back in the Old World), this nation still smarts from the loss of the Federation whom they see as traitors of the worst kind. The nation is fairly heavily industrialized but sends a great deal of raw materials back to Ahlissa instead of manufacture good here. Many Tieflings comes from this area, and the present High Council of the Colonial Assembly is one (the governor-ruler of the colony).
'''6. Nation of the Just''' – a semi-theological state founded by priests and warrior layman worshippers of Bahamut, God of Justice. They have evolved into a very simple, hardworking agricultural society that is based around the Church of Truth and Justice, of which there are at least one in every city, town and village hamlet. Gambling, prostitution, drinking and most other vice-crimes are outlawed here, and the people are thought to be about the most boring on the planet.
'''7. the Trade and Machinist Pact States''' – set up more or less in the middle of the colonies and without any sea-ports themselves (their trade does flow through the Stone Land Union’s port almost tariff free as the Gnomes and Dwarves have many ties and the Dwarves use the Gnome Rail-lines to connect with their mining operation in the Territories). This is the most heavily industrialized nation of the New World (and maybe even the Old World) and Cog-Hearts are very common and popular here. Ruled by the Gnomish Trade and Machinist-Pact Companies, pollution and goods pour out of this colony day and night. Almost all Rail-lines originate from this nation and are controlled by the Gnomes (hence the nick name for the Gnome-Rails).
'''8. Stone Land Union''' – smallest of the eastern colonies, this port of call city-state is mostly used by the Dwarves for its’ Territorial mining city-states in the Ghost Mountains; '''High Mountain''' (in the north) and '''South Hall''' (in the south) where they export must of their mineral and manufactured wealth back to the ‘'''''Irongate Union'''''’. Landfall, the largest and deepest ports on the New World was also the first landing of Old World colonist is located here, but the dwarves, though careful maneuvering, acquired full rights to it and it is now their national capital.
'''9. New Furyondy''' – a colony of the United Kingdoms of Furyondy, this is a fairly just and open society that has granted its’ citizens many of the freedoms that are common within the Federation. The people remain loyal to their homeland, '''Furyondy''', and the Parliamentary Government that exists there. Religious and racial tolerances are the cornerstones of life here and it has a fairly strong industrial and fishing based economy.

New Furyondy has invested heavily into a new standing army to face the growing threat of the Confederation of Noble Cavaliers who invaded their southern border.
New Furyondy has invested heavily into a new standing army to face the growing threat of the Confederation of Noble Cavaliers who invaded their southern border.

10. the Confederation of Noble Cavaliers – formed from many of the second and third noble sons and daughters of the Old World (especially from the Old Kingdom lands), this nation gained its independence around the same time as the Federation did. These noble sons and daughters started their own royal houses and control the country with an iron fist. There are few large cities or even towns here, mostly huge family control plantations, where the work force of indentured humanoids (Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, etc.) toil on the lands.
'''10. the Confederation of Noble Cavaliers''' – formed from many of the second and third noble sons and daughters of the Old World (especially from the Old Kingdom lands), this nation gained its independence around the same time as the Federation did. These noble sons and daughters started their own royal houses and control the country with an iron fist. There are few large cities or even towns here, mostly huge family control plantations, where the work force of indentured humanoids (Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, etc.) toil on the lands.

The Confederation was on the losing end of the recent war between itself and New Furyondy and they still hold deep gurgles at the lost.
The Confederation was on the losing end of the recent war between itself and New Furyondy and they still hold deep gurgles at the lost.

11. Moot Townships – just north of the Ever-Marsh lands and south of the Confederation, this quiet and medium sized state is made up almost exclusively of Halflings. The people are mostly law-abiding, peaceful, hardworking farmers with a few small hamlets especially on the coast where some fishing takes place.
'''11. Moot Townships''' – just north of the Ever-Marsh lands and south of the Confederation, this quiet and medium sized state is made up almost exclusively of Halflings. The people are mostly law-abiding, peaceful, hardworking farmers with a few small hamlets especially on the coast where some fishing takes place.
== Calendar Months and Days ==
<u>Months of the year</u>
:1st - Fireseeker (Elven - Diamondice) Winter
:2nd - Readying (Eleven - Yellowow) Spring
:3rd - Coldeven (Elven - Snowflowers) - Spring
:4th - Planting (Elven - Blossoms) - Low Summer
:5th - Flocktime (Elven - Volets) - Lower Summer
:6th - Wealsun (Elven - Berrytime) - Low Summer
:7th - Reaping (Elven - Goldfields) - High Summer
:8th - Goodmonth (Elven - Sunflowers) - High Summer
:9th - Harvest (Elven - Fruitfall) - High Summer
:10th- Patchwall (Elven - Brightleaf) - Autumn
:11th - Ready'reat (Elven - Tinklingice) - Autumn
:12th - Sunsebb (Eleb - Laysnows) - Winter
<u>Days of the week</u>
:First Dat and Moonday (Monday)
:Godsday (Tuesday)
:Waterday (Wednesday)
:Earthday (Thursady)
:Freeeday (Friday)
:Starday (Saturday)
:Last Day and Sunday (Sunday)

Latest revision as of 03:18, 12 February 2022

SAVAGE WORLDS Adventure Edition - SPELLSLINGER[edit]

Frontier Adventures in the Savage West

THE RANGERS (The Heroes for our game)[edit]

Andriel[1], Elven Magi/Monster Slayer, played by @Gremlin

Terendyl[2], Elven Black Hand, played by @Talisman

Calimir[3], Elven Gunslinger, played by @Elfwine

Base Rules and Houserules[edit]

  • Rules Savage World Adventure Edition (SWAE)
  • Setting Rules (SWAE pg. 136-145) – Born a Hero (ignore rank requirement at character creation), High Adventure (benny to gain a combat edge you qualify for), More Skills (start with 15 skill points instead of 12), Multiple Languages (gain ½ Smarts in d6 languages), Unarmored Heroes (Wild Cards who don’t wear armor gain +2 to soak rolls), Wound Cap (heroes suffer a maximum of 4 Wounds from a single hit; apply this limit before making Soak rolls).
  • Languages of the Setting: Ancient (common tongue of ancient humans), Common, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomish, Halfling, Orcish and Aquan (water), Auran (air), Celestial (angel), Draconic (dragons), Giant, Goblinish, Gnollish, Infernal (devil and demon), Ignan (fire), Primordial (elemental), Sylvan (fey), Terran (earth)


  • Run Die: change D6 to D4+2, and D8 to D6+2, D10 to D8+2 and D4 to D3+1
  • Others too be determined

Starting Adventure – Distant Thunder at Skullcreek[edit]

The game starts with the heroes joining the Ranger; a semi-official group of law enforcers employed throughout the Territories. They are fairly universally well liked and received by most of the Free Folk. While most towns will have their own local Sheriff, the Rangers roam throughout the Territories seeking law breakers, bandits and monsters; anything that might threaten innocents. The Rangers are building a new regional base in Skullcreek, a small town in the southern Territories Badlands where the heroes are sent. It is one of the most western towns in the Badlands, only 50 miles from the Ghost Mountains and include a spur of the Southern Gnome-Rail. There are a number of good mines in the hills around the town, but most folk scratch out a living as farmers and ranchers as the mines are not safe (due to undead and other monsters).

Character Creation[edit]

  • Concept: your basic western idea might range from a gunslinger to a maverick gambling or trailblazer or mountain man (or woman) etc. This should help you with skills and edges.
  • Pick a Folk: chose a Folk from those below.
  • Novice: 5 attribute points and 15 skills points (along with starting skills)
  • Bonus: all characters either gain one bonus Edge but you must qualify for it (except for Rank) or gain a +1 step to one Attribute trait.
  • Rangers Qualifications: skills of a d6 in Shooting and Riding and cannot have Elderly or any Major physical impairment type of Hindrance or Wanted for any major crimes.
  • Hindrances: One Major and two Minor Hindrances (or two Major or four Minor).
  • Cash: 50 silver dollars ($500 in SWAE value). Players start with a standard set of clothing, riding or walking boots and a hat of choice. Rangers assign new recruits a Riding Horse, Saddle and Blanket, Saddle Bags along with a Duster and Tin-Star (their badge). This badge has low-level magic on it and can’t normally be lost or misplaced.

The Free Folk[edit]

Humans (often called Hums and nicknamed Common Folk) – the most common folk in both the Colonies and the Free Territories. Humans value learning new things in the Territories.

  • Adaptable [2] gain one bonus Edge for free (must meet requirements except Rank)
  • Broadminded [2] start with 17 skill points (instead of 15).

Aasimars (nicknamed the Graced) – Those who bare a significant amount of celestial outsider blood in their ancestry. Others are naturally drawn to them as they exude natural charm and grace.

  • Arcane Resistance [2]: as Edge.
  • Blessed Looks (Attractive) [2]: as the Attractive Edge
  • Divine Health [1] +2 resistant against diseases and poisons.
  • Drive (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance, player’s choice.

Dwarf (nicknamed Hill-Folk) – found through the Colonies and the Territories they are dour and one of the one people ‘crazy’ enough to mine the Ghost Mountains.

  • Fast Healing [2]: as Edge
  • Healthy [1]: +2 Vigor checks against diseases and poisons.
  • Squat [-2] base Pace of a 4, Run d3+1, but also -2 Athletics with jumping and swimming.
  • Stout [2]: base Vigor of d6 and maximum starting d12+1
  • Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).

Elf (nicknamed Fey-Folk) – beautiful by most standards and graceful, they are somewhat uncommon out in the Territories.

  • Agile [2]: base Agility d6 and maximum starting of d12+1
  • Elf Looks (Attractive) [1] gain +1 to Persuasion checks.
  • Impudent [-1]: a bit elitist Quirk (Minor – Cultural Superiority).
  • Long Stride [1] increase base Pace to 8
  • Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.

Gnome (nicknamed Wood-Kin) – short but hardy, gnomes are often found in towns tinkering with the equipment and machinery.

  • Bright [2] base Smarts d6 and maximum d12+1
  • Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.
  • Short Legs (Minor) [-1]: Pace 4, Run d3+1
  • Technical [3]: base Repair skill of d6 and +1 to the Repair skill.

Half-Elf (nicknamed Half-Fey or Fey-Touched) – the union of Human and Elf have led to fair community of half-elves that live both parents and get along well with both worlds.

  • Chummy [-1]: as Minor Quirk. Half-Elves tend to be depressed and feel lonely when they are not around others. They are not really loners.
  • Duel Heritage [2]: gain either a base Agility d6 and maximum d12+1 or a bonus Edge of choice.
  • Elf Looks (Attractive) [1] gain +1 to Persuasion checks.
  • Low-Light Vision [1]: Ignores illumination penalties from Dim and Dark setting.
  • Outgoing [1]: base Persuasion of a d6

Halfling (nicknamed Half-Folk or Little-Folk) – the smallest of the demihumans, Halflings are most common in small farming communities and borrow-homes.

  • Agile [2]: base Agility of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
  • Luck [2]: begin the game as a bonus Benny (stacks with Lucky and Really Lucky)
  • Reduced Pace [-1]: base Pace of a 4 and Run die of a d3+1
  • Size -1 [-1]: and Toughness of -1.
  • Sneaky [2]: base Stealth skill of a d6 and +1 to Stealth skill rolls.
  • Spirited [2]: base Spirits of a d6 and a maximum starting of a d12+1
  • Weak [-2]: suffer a -1 to all Strength trait test (not linked skills) and -1 to melee attack damage.

Half-Orc (nicknamed Goblin-Kin) – Children of Humans and Orcs, most come of the Ever-Marsh swamps where a large number of Orcs have immigrated to from the Old World but there are a few wandering Orc tribes within the territories.

  • Big [1]: Size +1 and Toughness +1
  • Bite [1]: unarmed Bite Str+d4.
  • Brawlers [1]: base Fighting of a d4
  • Mean (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance.
  • Outsider or Ugly (Minor) [-1]: as Hindrance (player’s choice)
  • Strong [2]: base Strength d6 and maximum d12+1
  • Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).

Tiefling (nicknamed the Cursed) – Those who carry the taint of devilish blood somewhere in their ancestor’s past. Tieflings often have horns, reddish colored skin, snake like eyes, etc. some trait that marks them as tainted by those evil outsiders from the Nine Hells.

  • Bright [2]: base Smarts of a d6 and maximum d12+1
  • Devilish Allure [2]: as the Attractive Edge.
  • Horns [1]: base unarmed damage Str+d4
  • Outsider (Major) [-2]: as Hindrance
  • Thermal Vision [1]: see ‘heat’ and halve all darkness illumination penalty (including invisibility).

Hindrances and Edges[edit]

Forbidden Hindrances – Doubting Thomas

Forbidden Edges – Aristocrat*, Rich*, Filthy Rich*

(*) NPC only Edges


Heavy Sleeper (Minor): A thunderstorm from Hell itself won’t wake the Dozing Doolie. The hero is at -4 to Notice checks to wake up when sleeping. Also suffers a -2 to Vigor checks to remain awake.
Lyin Eyes (Minor): Lies don’t come easy to this hombre. The hero suffers a -2 penalty on Intimidate and Persuasion checks where he has to lie – even little white lies. He also suffers a -2 to Gambling checks when playing Poker games and others similar games.
Old Ways (Minor): Also called back-to-eathers and Old Worlders, these folk don’t believe in modern technology and think that they should return to the old ways (of the ancient Old World). They refuse to use firearms or ride on trains. They see Cog-Hearts as foolish and misled at best or evil and corrupted at worst.


All Arcane Backgrounds but Psionic is found in the Territories but the types have some limitation or conditions set on them. They are also called different things here. Each has a ‘Brand’ that is extremely obvious when a Power is active.

Forbidden Powers – Conceal Magic and Summon Allies.

NOTE that most beneficial Powers except those cast by Magi and Padres (and Devices created by Cog-Hearts) must have the Aspect Limitation – Self Only (i.e. Boost Trait would require a Blackhand to take it as Range Self, while the Lower Trait would still affect enemy targets as normal). When you reduce the cost to below 0 PP you instead add +PP modifiers that bring the cost back up to a minimum of 1 PP (i.e. a Blackhand with the Protection Power which costs 1 PP with Aspect Self automatically gains a +1 PP modifier).

Blackhand: Natural enemies of other power users, they are not popular in many parts of the Territories except those place where the people also dislike power users. Their brand is that one of their hands is glossy black that burns with black-light grow when powers are active. Blackhands use the Gifted Arcane Background and use the Gifted (Blackhand) skill. Their first power must be the Dispel Power. The Blackhand treats all other types of magic as its 'type' and does not suffer the normal -2 for tests against a different type of arcane background (i.e. like Magic vs. Miricles). Blackhands may not take the Beast Friends, Burrow, Disguise, Entangle, Fly, Growth/Shirk, Healing, Illusion, Intangibility, Invisibility, Puppet, Resurrection, Relief, Shape Change, Teleport or Zombie powers.
Cog-Heart: create strange and mystical devices via the Weird Science Arcane Background and use the Weird Science skill. Their brand is golden cog like circle in the center of the chest. They are required to take Elemental Resistance as a first Power however it costs them 1 less Power Point to activate. It costs at least $250 (or $25 silver dollars) per power point to create an arcane device for yourself or others. A beginning character can have one device that includes any of her powers for free and must pay for any additional ones. Each power or device must have a quasi-scientific techno-babble sounding name. Cog-Heart cannot take the Shape Change power.
Magi: also called Mages, Witch-Eyes and Evil Eyes. Their brand is called the “Witches Eye” or Evil Eye as one of their eyes is milky white and glows with a dead white shine when powers are active. Their Arcane Background is Magic and use the Spellcasting skill. They gain the Detect Arcane and Light Powers for free. The Light power has a range of Self and originates from the Mage’s witch-eye and it can also be a Cone Template. It and the Detect Arcana power do not cost the Magi any Power Points to use or do they requires no skill roll to active either. Magi may not take the Healing, Resurrection, Relief or Shape Change powers.
Padre: one of the most popular Brands beside the Cog-Heart, Padres are the spiritual leaders of many communities throughout the Territories. They follow the old gods who seem to have gone silent over the centuries and no longer communicate with their followers. However they still seem to grant powers. The Padres brand is their deity symbol that appears on the center of their foreheads and glow with a holy light when they use their powers. Padre use the Miracles Arcane Background with the Faith skill for their powers. Padre automatically gain the Arcane Protection power for free. Padre may not take the Shape Change or Teleport powers.
Pale Rider: one of the more feared of the brands, the Pale Riders are also called Death Bringers and the Harrowed. Their brand is a reddish like birth mark on their cheek in the shape of a hand. This brand glows reddish when her powers are activated. Their Arcane Background is a Gifted and they use the Gift (Pale Rider) skill. Their first Power must be the Smite Power with the limitation of Range: Self automatic. However the base damage bonus with Smite is +4 (+6 with a raise) for free. Pale Riders may not take the following powers – Barrier, Burrow, Disguise, Dispel, Divination, Entangle, Fly, Growth/Shrink, Illusion, Intangibility, Mind Reading, Mind Wipe, Puppet, Resurrection, Relief, Shape Change, Teleport or Zombie powers.
Skin Walker: a somewhat rare Brand, the Skin Walker have a stylized Animal-like Totem like tattoo on their chest and arms. When using their powers these glow blue or green and the brand remains glowing when they are shape shifted into their animal form. Their Arcane Background is Gifted and they use the Gifted (Skin Walker) skill. Their first power must be Shape Change. However the duration for their power lasts a base of 10 rounds. The Skin Walker may not take the Barrier, Resurrection, Teleportation or Zombie powers.


Charger [Seasoned, Fighting d10+]: The warrior is experienced at moving across a large distance and getting the most effect out of rushing his foe. He may ignore the standard multi-action penalty for Running when making a Fighting attack roll at the end of your movement.
Gunslinger [Seasoned, Marksmen, Shooting d10+, Revolver only]: Expert with revolvers the Gunslinger, with a Rate of Fire of 1 for the first action may either gain a +1 to hit or ignore up to 4 points in from Called Shots, Cover, Illumination, Range, Scale or Speed. This is a lesser form of the Aim maneuver (which does not stack) and includes the bonus from the Marksmen edge. This bonus applies for the full round and maybe used while moving up to the hero’s Pace in the round (but not Running). This bonus may be used in conjunction with Double Tab but not Rapid Fire edge.
Heavy Weapons Specialist [Novice, Shooting d6+]: you can operate cannons and catapults without the normal -4 penalty for firing such weapons in combat.
Quick Draw [Novice, Agility d8+, Shooting d6+]: When on Hold the hero adds +2 to Agility checks to interrupt an opponent’s actions if drawing a weapon and when rolling for Surprise may check Agility instead of Notice to act first in the Round. If the hero has the Danger Sense edge can also substitute Agility for Notice roll with the listed bonus.
Spring Attack [Seasoned, Extraction, Fighting d8+]: You can move both before and after your attack, and as long as you end your movement not adjacent to any opponents, you do not suffering a free attack from any attacker. You may not move more than your Pace (cannot Run as part of this maneuver) in this round. You also cannot ignore First Strike or someone on ‘Hold’.
Speed Loader [Novice, Shooting d8+]: With a Pace of 0 you can reload up to your Agility die (instead of ½) rounds into a revolver or rifle without suffering a multi-Action penalty.


Cowpoke [Novice, Riding d6+]: Some folk are born in the saddle. A cowpoke can ignore 2 points of penalty with Riding skill and can spend a Benny to make a Soak roll for a mount she is controlling.
Gambler [Novice, Gambling d10+]: Gamblers are half swindler, half psychologist who makes their living playing games of chance. Gambles gains a +2 too Gambling skill. The Gambler may also spend a Benny, automatically winning a game of chance unless his opponent is also a Gambler and spends a Benny to cancel the edge.
Monster Slayer [Novice, Smarts d6+, Occultism d6+, Notice d6+, Survival d6+]: Many monster hunters have dedicated themselves to protecting the civilized lands from the monsters from the wastes. When confronted by a monstrous or supernatural foe the hero may make an Occultism skill check to identify a foe, its characteristics, and common tactics. The GM may impose penalties for uncommon or unique beings. With a success the Monster Slayer knows any weakness the creature might have and gains a +1 to all Trait rolls and damage totals against it until the end of the encounter. On a raise she gains all the creature’s special abilities and the Trait and damage bonus increase to +2.
Trailblazer [Novice, Survival d6+]: You have learned to watch the signs and trust your instincts when it comes to navigating the vast wilderness. Anything the GM draws a face card while traveling (indicating a random encounter) the trailblazer can make a Notice -2 check. If successful the trailblazer detects the hazard, creature or situation at the earliest opportunity, giving the party time to likely avoid it or at least attack it on their own terms. The trailblazer also gains +2 to Notice rolls to avoid being surprised.


Behold a Pale Horse [Legendary]: Your faithful steed uses the statistics of a war horse (SWA pg. 185) and gains the Fearless and Danger Sense edges. What’s more the horse is a Wild Card.

Weapons and Equipment[edit]

Characters start with $50 silver dollars (equivalent of 500 dollars in Savage World). One Silver dollar is equal to 10 Black pennies (or Copper) and 10 Silver dollars equals one Gold Gallon Dollar. See SWA for normal hand-to-hand and ranged weapons. Armor can also be found there but almost no one in the Spellslinger setting wears any (except maybe leather).

Weapons that have a ‘folk’ part of their title are generally only available or used by these folk. If a Dwarf wants to use an Orcish Handcannon, they should come up with a good reason and back story.


Derringer: This is a light, 2-shot pistol that is loaded through the break-swing 2-shot chamber. Also called a Lady’s or Dandy’s Pistol. It has the Holdout quality granted a +2 to Stealth to hide on self.
Range: 8/16/32, Damage: 2d4, AP: 1, ROF: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 1, Cost: 100 ($10)
Revolver: A standard, six-shooter revolver seen throughout the Territories.
Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6+1, AP: 1, ROF: 1, Shots: 6, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 4, Cost: 200 ($20)
Army Revolver: A heavier version of the revolver, this six-shooter packs more punch.
Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d8, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 6, STR Min: d8, Wt.: 5, Cost: 250 ($25)
Gnome Crack Pistol: This odd contraction looks something like a mini a six-barrel Gatling gun, with a hand crack on the side and a tumbler 20-shot magazine attacked to the other side.
Range: 10/20/40, Damage: 2d6, AP: 1, ROF: 3, Shots: 20, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 5, Cost: 750 ($75)
Orcish Hand Cannon: This very heavy two barrel ‘break-loading’ pistols that can also double as a Light Hand Weapon (club Str+d4). Orcs occasionally add blades or dagger like bayoneted like attachments to them (-1 to shooting unless you have a Str of d12+).
Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d10, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 2, STR Min: d10, Wt.: 6, Cost: 400 ($40)
Double Barrel Shotgun: standard shotgun of the Territories.
Range: 8/16/32, Damage: 1-3d6, AP: 0, ROF: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, STR Min: d6, Wt.: 8, Cost: 150 ($15), Notes: 2-handed, See Shotguns on page 105 for details.
Sawed-Off Double Barrel Shotgun: Sawed-off shotguns for close in shooting.
Range: 4/8/16, Damage: 1-3d6, AP: 0, ROF: 1 or 2, Shots: 2, STR Min: d6, Wt.: 6, Cost: 150 ($15), Notes: 2-handed, See Shotguns on page 105 for details.
Dwarf Shattergun: This is a well manufactured level action shotgun.
Range: 10/20/40, Damage: 1-3d6, AP: 0, ROF: 1, Shots: 7, STR Min: d6, Wt.: 9, Cost: 350 ($35), Notes: 2-handed, See Shotguns on page 105 for details.
Spencer: a light, level-action rifle common for hunting and ‘home’ defense.
Range: 20/40/80, Damage: 2d6+1, AP: 1, ROF: 1, Shots: 10, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 8, Cost: 250 ($25), Notes: 2-handed
Winchester: a medium level-action rifle with fair range and good ammunition capacity. The ammo is feed through a feeder on the side, one round at a time.
Range: 24/48/96, Damage: 2d8, AP: 1, ROF: 1, Shots: 15, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 10, Cost: 300 ($30), Notes: 2-handed
Sharps: a heavy, one-shot “slanting-breech” military and hunting rifle.
Range: 24/48/96, Damage: 2d10, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 1, STR Min: d8, Wt.: 11, Cost: 400 ($40), Notes: Snapfire, 2-handed
Buffalo Gun: the heaviest rifle made, it is a one-shot “slanting-breech” loader is meant for use against large animals like buffalo and the occasional dinosaur from beyond the Ghost Mountains.
Range: 24/48/96, Damage: 2d12, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 1, STR Min: d8, Wt.: 14, Cost: 550 ($55), Notes: Snapfire, 2-handed
Elf Long Rifle: These finely crafted lever-action rifles have some the greatest ranged firearms of any modern weapon made. The elves do not sell them, they are only gifts or stolen (but if you want to start with one you still have to pay for it).
Range: 40/80/160, Damage: 2d8, AP: 2, ROF: 1, Shots: 15, STR Min: d4, Wt.: 9, Cost: 750 ($75), Notes: 2-handed
Gatling Gun: This heavy mounted gun has six rotating barrels that are turned with a hand crank, like a heavier version of a Gnomish Crack Gun. Minimum ROF is 3.
Range: 20/40/80, Damage: 2d8, AP: 1, ROF: 3, Shots: 100, STR Min: N/A (or d12), Wt.: 85, Cost: 2,500 ($250), Notes: Snapfire.

AMMO (SWAE pg. 68)

Derringer, Revolves and Gnomish Crack Pistols count as Small bullets, Army Revolvers, Spencers, Winchester, Elf Long Rifles and Gatling Guns count as Medium bullets, Orchish Hand Cannons, Sharps and Buffalo Rifles cost 40 ($4) and weigh 4lbs for 50 rounds. All shotguns use the Shotgun slugs and shot costs.

For reloading any firearm but the Gnome Hand Crank Pistol and Gatling Gun (which use primitive metal clips to hold ammo) if the character does not move (Pace 0) can reload ½ their Agility die as a free move. Can move up to their Pace as an Action to also reload this amount. If they run they must make an Agility -2 check or drop as 1d6 + a number of rounds equal to they failed their check by.


Dynamite (each stick cost $5 and weighs ½lbs. Range 4/8/16, Damage 2d6 in one square. Two sticks does 3d6 damage in a SBT. Four sticks deals 4d6 damage in a MBT. 8 sticks deals 5d6 in a LBT and counts as a Heavy Weapon. The thrown range is only 3/6/12. Every 4 more sticks adds +1d6 damage but generally cannot be thrown).
Nitro (8oz bottle, Range 4/8/16, Damage 3d6 in a LBT. Cost $5 and ½lb)


Revolver Hostler & Belt (holds one revolver and 18 revolver rounds on the belt in open loops), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. 3lbs
Ammo Bandoleerr (holds 30 rounds, worn across the chest), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. 2lbs
Rifle Sling (good for carrying a rifle long term over one’s shoulder), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ½lb.
Extra Clip for Gnome's Hand Crank Pistol (empty, takes reload time as listed above to load an empty clip), Cost 10 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb.
Extra Clip for Gatling Gun (empty, takes reload time as listed above to load an empty clip), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ½lb.
Saddle Boots and Spurs (worn by most cowboys, adds +1 to Riding skill), Cost 30 ($3), Wt. 4lbs
Walking Boots (soft footwear worn mostly by mountain men and back-to-earthers, adds +1 Vigor to resist Fatigue while travelling by foot), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. 3lbs
Derby Hat (eastern fancy hat for gentlemen), Cost 40 ($4), Wt. ½lbs.
Sombrero (very wide brimmed hat), Cost 20 ($2), Wt. ½lbs.
Stetson (a big hat), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ½lbs.
Duster (leather longcoat, adds +1 to Vigor to resist environment conditions), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. 4lbs.
Camera & Stand (box camera, the subject must remain still for at least a minute), Cost 200 ($20), Wt. 10lbs. Camera picture plates cost 20 ($2) each and weigh 1lb each.
Cigarettes, pack of 10 (tobacco smokes), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb.
Cigars, box of 10 (heavier, long lasting cigars), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ¼lb.
Matches, box of 100 (box of matches), Cost 10 ($1), Wt. ¼lb.
Flask, Tin (holds only a quart, fairly damage resistance and concealable), Cost 15 ($1.50), Wt. ¼lbs
Cards, playing (standard playing card deck), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb
Dice, gaming (set of 3 playing dice), Cost 5 ($0.50), Wt. ¼lb
Guitar (wooden and string playing popular playing instrument), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. 5lbs
Harmonica (metal mouth wind pipe instrument), Cost 25 ($2.50), Wt. ¼lb
Flute (wooden or metal wind pipe musical instrument), Cost 250 ($2.50), Wt. ¼lb
Bagpipes (loud and obnoxious playing instrument), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. 8lbs
Piano (semi-portable musical stand), Cost 250 ($25), Wt. 100lbs
Phonograph (old fashion record player), Cost 250 ($25), Wt. 5lbs. Records cost $25+ each.
Spectacles (to correct minor version of Bad Eyesight), Cost 50 ($5), Wt. nil
Watch (windup time keeper), Cost 30 ($3), Wt. ¼lb
Watch, gold (fancy and expensive windup time keeper), Cost 150 ($15), Wt. ½lb
Doctor's Bag (Healing reroll, 5 uses, may be refilled for 80/$8. Can be combine with a Medikit from SWAE pg. 67 for the +100/$10, +4lbs wt. and refills +25/$2.50), Cost 100 ($10), Wt. 6.

Transportation Cost

Stage Coach (60/$6 per 100 miles, generally make on average 75 miles day)
Train Ticket (20/$2 per 100 miles, generally make on average 250 miles a day)

Brief Overview of the town of Skullcreek[edit]

The town of Skullcreek is around 300 residence. The southern Gnome-Rail runs through town and continues on all the way to South Hall, a dwarven fortified mining town located in the foothills of the Ghost Mountains some fifty miles to the west. The rail also runs east all the way to eastern colony of the Trade and Machinist Pact States (takes on average 4-6 days to reach there depending on the weather).

Important Locations of Skullcreek

  • Sheriff's Office: the local sheriff is one Samuel Kincad[4] a Human male. He has no full time deputies although he occationally calls up a few local rancehands that work from the mayor when needed.
  • Mayor's Home and Office: Mayor Braggi Ironblood[5] a Dwarf male has been Mayor of Skullcreek for 40 years. He also runs a local ranch to the north of town that has at least 500 cattle and numberous ranchhands. He built his home and attached it to the Mayor's office while expanding it 20 years ago. He is reasonably popular and keeps things running fairly smooth in town.
  • Shane's Saloon: owned and run by a Human Male named Shane O'Tool[6] a Human male. He has ten or so employees who work as the saloon boys and girls and is considered something of a shady establishment. But so long as he keeps trouble condained within the saloon the sheriff leaves him and his place alone.
  • Xavier's Big Bar & Grill: run by Henry R. Xavier[7] a Halfling male. This combination bar and cook house serves meals mostly in the evenings and late into the night. Most the local townfolk perfer Xavier's place over Shane's for drinking. Xavier's also serves BBQ meals most of the day and late into the night, often some exotic venison meats brought in by local hunters.
  • Doctor Treestride's Office: the doctor of Skullcreek is an Elf female by the name of Kadara Treestride[8]. She if fairly young for a elf but is popular in town for her healing medicine (she is a Cog-Heart who focuses on Healing magic).
  • Skullcreek's General Store: co-owned and run by a married couple, the Tielfling female Joy Fireash[9] and Zenigri Fireash[10], her spouce, a female Half-Orc. The store sells most every general gear and most firearms and a good assortment of hand weapons.
  • Finn's Stables and Blacksmiths: the town's stables and blacksmith, owned and run by Fenn Hammergar[11], a Dwarf male. He is the town's blacksmith and employs a few stable boys to tend to the horse.
  • Reformed Church of The Sun: the local church of Pelor, god of the Sun. Run by Padre Haps Lightsun[12], a male Halfling.
  • Mod's Eatery and Motel: owned and operated by Modree Donner[13], this is the towns main resaurant and hotel. Mod does most of the cooking but her son, Timmothy[14] runs the motel. Breakfast and lunch are her busist times but the dinner crowd is fairly large also.
  • Skullcreek's Gnome-Rail Ticket and Telegraph Station #119: run by the Southern Gnome Rail Instrial this office sells tickets and sends and receives telographic messages. Only the towns along the Gnome Rail include telegraph stations and so communication is still delivered by horseback to most other towns in the southern Badlands.
  • Ranger Station #23: located about a half a mile south of town, this newest station includes an office (where the Captain works and has a private room in the back), a bunk house (with six beds) and a stable (for seven horses). There is also and small forge for those skilled at horseshoeing but most expect to go into town to get the job done property (requires a Repair skill of a d4). It is run by Ranger commander, Captain Shara Scorn[15]. Its her job to assign the Rangers their duties and pays them (pay is $7.50/75 a week, paid on Last Day/Sunday).

Brief Overview of the New World and the Territories[edit]

The ‘Old World’ is based somewhat off Greyhawk, although the landscape is a bit more European like and the year is 1178 (Common Era, or after the formation of the Great Kingdom). This ‘New World’ has been settled by many different peoples over the last two and half centuries and about a dozen Old World cultures have set up petty kingdoms and nation-states along the Eastern shoreline (collectively called the Colonies). The Territories, as it has become known, are a semi-settled lands of the Free Peoples (Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Halflings, Half-Elves and Half-Orcs) and run from the Colonies to the Ghost Mountains (some 1,000 miles west of the eastern most Colonies). The Ghost Mountains are haunted and the dead do NOT remain resting there… ever. Most right-thinking people avoid them, but the dwarves and gnomes have two fairly large mining city-states set up on their edged.

There are no known living native peoples on the eastern side of the Ghost Mountains. Once there were a primitive Human and Elf-like people but they all died out for some reason hundreds of years before the Free Folk discovered the New World and started settling here. Well, one could say no living native peoples here because as mining has started in the Ghost Mountains and the Gnome-Rail pushed out from the Colonies, ghosts and other undead supposedly of these native peoples have started haunting the Territories.

The landscape of the New World looks vaguely like the eastern seaboard of the continental U.S. with the incredibly high Ghost Mountains being located about 1,500 miles inland (these mountains are almost impassable, more like the Himalayas of Earth then the Rockies). This range separates the semi-civilized Territories of the Free Folk and the wild Frontier on the western side (no one really knows what’s on the western side of the mountains but it is said to be a land of giant monsters and huge thunder lizards). There are two other much lower mountain ranges, the first which separates the northern plains and the southern badlands. Called the Middle Mountains, there are numerous wide passes through them. The second range is to the north known as the White Cap Mountains, this range is always encased under thick layers of snow even in the hottest summers.

Along the Eastern Shoreline the lands is heavily forested and somewhat flat lands referred to as the “Colonies”. These lands are the most heavily populated and industrialized areas and are made up of ‘11 Colonies’ (see below). None of the Colonies extend much more than 200-300 miles inland, and the lands past them and running all the way to the Ghost Mountains are collectively called the 'Territories'. These are unclaimed by any one of the Colonies, and the people living out in there for the most part want to keep it that way.

The lands of the southern Territories are a semi-arid Badlands, of high mesas and plateaus, deserts and arid grazing lands where the winters are very cold with good a bit of snow (about the only rainfall that the lands get). These lands are the least settled of the Territories, mostly prospectors and a few cattlemen. Shattered settlements dot the landscape, increasing in number the farther north one goes. Too the south the land falls a bit with badlands to the west and the Ever-Marsh near the coast. Even farther south is the Colonial outpost of the Grey-Company, a breakaway group from the lands of the Confederate Cavaliers. North of the Middle Mountains, called the Great Plains, the lands are much more futile plains with extensive grasslands settled fairly heavily by farmers and ranchers. Farther north (around where Canada would be in our world) the land rises sharply – called the Up-Lift or the Shelf. These lands at the top of the Up-Lift are heavily forested with huge pine-wood timber, and settled by mostly woodcutters and a few trappers. Farther north of this are the White Cap Mountains and mostly inhabited. South of the Shelf are the great lake system of Spirit Lakes that feed the mighty Green River that cuts south east all the way to the coast. These lands are settled by backwoods trappers and fishermen.

Most of the Colonies and the Territories are fairly peacefully with each other, or at least there aren’t anything more than a few small border wars going on. The ‘Border Wars’ between the Confederated Cavaliers and New Furyondy was the most recent and most violent ones ended just over a year ago over a border dispute that cost thousands of lives. The other major troubles were called the ‘Brand-Wars’, which have calmed down a bit, including hanging and reprisals between Magi and Blackhands, but continue in the Badlands to this day. There are also the ‘Range Wars’ between various cattle barons over grazing right, the ‘Claim Wars’ between the mining Unions and of course raids by Hallowed (generic term for the Undead or recently risen), especially around the Ghost Mountains but spreading east (unofficially called the ‘Ghost Wars’).

The religions of this world are loosely based off those found in the D&D World of Greyhawk, but heavily changed due to the ‘silence’ or waning of the gods over the last thousand years. Some examples are the ‘Reformed Church of Pelor’ the ‘Churches of Truth and Justice’ the ‘Predawn Fellowship of the Raven Queen’ the ‘Keepers of Melora’s Ways’ and even the ‘Heart of Bane’. There are literally hundreds of different sects, including Druidic and Shamanic traditions practices and preached here. As the ‘gods’ have gone silent, as it were, people’s faith has become fractured but people still go to church and listen to the Padre’s sermons on Godsday (the day of worship).

The Elven Colonies[edit]

1. Northern Cross Alliance – the colony farthest northern, set up by exiled nobles merchants, bandits, thieves and pretty much any undesirables from Nyrond, who still are beholding to their homeland and swear allegiance to their King back in the Old Country. The population is involved mostly in timber harvesting, trapping and some boar-raising, and they are rowdy and uncivilized lot for the most part.

2. United States of the Sun – just south of Northern Cross, this nation was formed by religious sects that had split with the main Orthodox Pelor Church back in the old country and had come here to practice this branch of it as they saw fit. The lands here are rich from farming and pig rising and the people are law-abiding and church going. Most follow the Reformed Church of Pelor, but there are many other sects within its borders, all dedicated to their own ideas of what Pelor stands for.

3. the Spring Court – set up by Elves of the Old World, who were looking for a fabled ‘promised’ lost land of the Elven people. The borders are heavily protected and they only allow limited trading with the other colonies. This nation in fact has only one small sea port, called Greyhaven, set up as the sole trade city within it heavily forested lands.

4. Federation of the Free People – this nation was formed when it rebelled against the taxes and rule of the old world United Kingdom of Ahlissa, and spit the United Lands of Ahlissa in two (see below). Members of other Free Peoples flocked here for the independency offered and it is one of the strongest colonies to date, with a strong industrial and agricultural base.

5. United Lands of Ahlissa – made up of loyalist to the United Kingdom of Ahlissa (an world-wide empire based back in the Old World), this nation still smarts from the loss of the Federation whom they see as traitors of the worst kind. The nation is fairly heavily industrialized but sends a great deal of raw materials back to Ahlissa instead of manufacture good here. Many Tieflings comes from this area, and the present High Council of the Colonial Assembly is one (the governor-ruler of the colony).

6. Nation of the Just – a semi-theological state founded by priests and warrior layman worshippers of Bahamut, God of Justice. They have evolved into a very simple, hardworking agricultural society that is based around the Church of Truth and Justice, of which there are at least one in every city, town and village hamlet. Gambling, prostitution, drinking and most other vice-crimes are outlawed here, and the people are thought to be about the most boring on the planet.

7. the Trade and Machinist Pact States – set up more or less in the middle of the colonies and without any sea-ports themselves (their trade does flow through the Stone Land Union’s port almost tariff free as the Gnomes and Dwarves have many ties and the Dwarves use the Gnome Rail-lines to connect with their mining operation in the Territories). This is the most heavily industrialized nation of the New World (and maybe even the Old World) and Cog-Hearts are very common and popular here. Ruled by the Gnomish Trade and Machinist-Pact Companies, pollution and goods pour out of this colony day and night. Almost all Rail-lines originate from this nation and are controlled by the Gnomes (hence the nick name for the Gnome-Rails).

8. Stone Land Union – smallest of the eastern colonies, this port of call city-state is mostly used by the Dwarves for its’ Territorial mining city-states in the Ghost Mountains; High Mountain (in the north) and South Hall (in the south) where they export must of their mineral and manufactured wealth back to the ‘Irongate Union’. Landfall, the largest and deepest ports on the New World was also the first landing of Old World colonist is located here, but the dwarves, though careful maneuvering, acquired full rights to it and it is now their national capital.

9. New Furyondy – a colony of the United Kingdoms of Furyondy, this is a fairly just and open society that has granted its’ citizens many of the freedoms that are common within the Federation. The people remain loyal to their homeland, Furyondy, and the Parliamentary Government that exists there. Religious and racial tolerances are the cornerstones of life here and it has a fairly strong industrial and fishing based economy.

New Furyondy has invested heavily into a new standing army to face the growing threat of the Confederation of Noble Cavaliers who invaded their southern border.

10. the Confederation of Noble Cavaliers – formed from many of the second and third noble sons and daughters of the Old World (especially from the Old Kingdom lands), this nation gained its independence around the same time as the Federation did. These noble sons and daughters started their own royal houses and control the country with an iron fist. There are few large cities or even towns here, mostly huge family control plantations, where the work force of indentured humanoids (Orcs, Half-Orcs, Goblins, etc.) toil on the lands.

The Confederation was on the losing end of the recent war between itself and New Furyondy and they still hold deep gurgles at the lost.

11. Moot Townships – just north of the Ever-Marsh lands and south of the Confederation, this quiet and medium sized state is made up almost exclusively of Halflings. The people are mostly law-abiding, peaceful, hardworking farmers with a few small hamlets especially on the coast where some fishing takes place.

Calendar Months and Days[edit]

Months of the year

1st - Fireseeker (Elven - Diamondice) Winter
2nd - Readying (Eleven - Yellowow) Spring
3rd - Coldeven (Elven - Snowflowers) - Spring
4th - Planting (Elven - Blossoms) - Low Summer
5th - Flocktime (Elven - Volets) - Lower Summer
6th - Wealsun (Elven - Berrytime) - Low Summer
7th - Reaping (Elven - Goldfields) - High Summer
8th - Goodmonth (Elven - Sunflowers) - High Summer
9th - Harvest (Elven - Fruitfall) - High Summer
  • FALL
10th- Patchwall (Elven - Brightleaf) - Autumn
11th - Ready'reat (Elven - Tinklingice) - Autumn
12th - Sunsebb (Eleb - Laysnows) - Winter

Days of the week

First Dat and Moonday (Monday)
Godsday (Tuesday)
Waterday (Wednesday)
Earthday (Thursady)
Freeeday (Friday)
Starday (Saturday)
Last Day and Sunday (Sunday)