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[[Jeweled Amber]]
[[Jeweled Amber]]  
The Fey Swirl
The origin of the Fey Swirl is unclear. What is known is that human history is first recorded from a contact between a human shaman of the Sermian Zicrushtat Tribe and the Light Bearer of the Green Swirl.  There is evidence amongst the known Elven histories that the Fey Swirl may have been the original form of being from which elves developed.
The origins of the Fey Swirls is unclear. Fey society is an incomprehensible collage of conflicting loyalties, shifting allegiances, interrelated races and creatures of immense power with unknown goals. That Amber has one set of Fey and Chaos another, with all shadow between them filled with Fey influences, the '''Fey Swirls'' have bridged many divides.  
Fey society is an incomprehensible collage of conflicting loyalties, shifting allegiances, interrelated races and creatures of immense power with unknown goals.  
  Fey join in societies called Swirls.  There is no set standard for leaders of these swirls, nor for terms of loyalty or duties. In fact there is no clear idea what matters to them at all.  What is known is that a Swirl comprises many members of most of the races.  There are 7 known ranks or titles amongst the Swirls.  What HREF="Dm Data/Swirls.doc �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor relationship they have to each other is unknown.  However a great deal of the activities in the Swirls revolve around the Rath or Hall of a particular fey.
Membership in the Fey swirls is not limited to 'fey' races.  Elves are frequently members of the swirls.  Dwarves and humans have been known to be members as well.  Animal king and their courts are almost always closely associated to the fey swirls.  The Skylords also maintain contacts in the swirls on an individual basis.  Most surprising is that even Orcind have been known to have been befriended by the swirls.
There are too many types of fey to easily list. Only broad, and incomplete, categories can be made to cover the differences.
Fey Titles:

Lightbearer: Chief Wizard
Fey join in societies called Swirls.  There is no set standard for leaders of these swirls, nor for terms of loyalty or duties. There is no required connection to various Fey courts or ranks. In fact there is no clear idea what matters to any particular Swirl at all.  What is known is that a Swirl comprises many members of most of the races.  There are 7 generally known ranks or titles amongst the Swirls though some Swirls have many more.  What relationship they have to each other is unknown. 
Greenweaver: Plant tender

Swordwielder: Military Leader
Membership in the Fey swirls is not limited to 'fey' races.  Elves are frequently members of the swirls.  Dwarves and humans have been known to be members as well.  Animal kings and their courts are almost always closely associated to the Fey Swirls.  The Skylords also maintain contacts in the swirls on an individual basis.  Most surprising is that even Orcind have been known to have been befriended by the swirls.
Pathseeker: Chief Hunter

Earthworker: Chief Farmer
=='''Fey Swirl Titles:'''==
Beastmaster: Animal Tender
This is a list of commonly included leaders of a Fey Swirl
*Lightbearer: Chief Wizard
*Greenweaver: Plant tender
*Swordwielder: Military Leader
*Pathseeker: Chief Hunter
*Earthworker: Chief Farmer
*Beastmaster: Animal Tender
*Tool User: Chief Craftsman
*Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat

=='''Known Swirls'''==
There are too many types of Fey Swirls to easily list.  Only broad, and incomplete, categories can be made to cover the differences.

Tool User: Chief Craftsman
*Green Swirls.  Primarily comprised of leprechauns, pixies, sprites, and red caps.  Amber, Diaga, Diaga Raks.  Queen Titiana is a member of the Green Swirl
Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat
*Red Pine Swirl: 
*Wave Swirl:  Mer races and water Fey.  Remba Region
*Fern Swirl: Western Arden
*Sage Swirl: A central Arden Swirl of primarily Dryads, Kobolds, and sprites.  Politically opposed to the Green Swirl. 
*Red Sands Swirl:
*Ice Swirl: Northen and Ice Wastes.

==Known Swirls==
===Green Swirl===
*Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Ansus Tai Alros
*Swordwielder: Military Leader: Sabus Tai Fanat
*Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Placi Tai Husir()
*Greenweaver: Plant tender: Alros Tai Frenzer
*Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Alieece Tai Falerol
*Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Yestir Tai Guntris
*Tool User: Chief Craftsman
*Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Queen Titania

Known Swirls
===Sage Swirl===
Green: Serma: Centered in HREF="Political Maps/Survese Political Map.doc �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Weal’s Heightsbarony of Serma.  Primarily comprised of leprechauns, pixies, sprites, and red caps.
*Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Langin Tai Alros( Leprechaun)
Red Pine: Highholdings.  
*Swordwielder: Military Leader: Guth Tai Faniro( Korrad)
Wave: Little Sister Isle
*Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Cara Tai Hutino( Sprite)
Fern: North Eaonic
*Greenweaver: Plant tender: Yavana Tai Asgir(Dryad)
Sage: South Eaonic
*Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Cal Tai Fal(  Folletti)
Red Sands: Certar
*Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Rostir Tai Kantris( Kobold)
Fey Races
*Tool User: Chief Craftsman( Kobold)
Folletti Kith
*Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Kels Tai Ferrit(Dryad)
A page on the Folletti
HREF="#korrad �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Korrads
HREF="#mer �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Merkind: Mermaids & Mermen
HREF="#nix �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Nixies
HREF="#pix �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Pixies
HREF="#kob �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Koboldes
HREF="#sprite �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Sprites
HREF="#Leprechaun �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Leprechaun:
Red Caps

===Red Pine Swirl===
*Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Rufis Tai Ran( Leprechaun)
*Swordwielder: Military Leader:  Samil Tai Fas ( Korrads)
*Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Tar Tai Dolk ( Folletti)
*Greenweaver: Plant tender: Formil Tai Husha( Nixies)
*Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Galis Tai Istonis( Folletti)
*Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Galtin Tai Jalril
*Tool User: Chief Craftsman: Gans Tai Hof ( Koboldes)
*Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Kopi Tai Gastir ( Mermaid)

==Descriptions of Terms==
Folletti travel within twirls of gusting wind.  These creatures look like 2-year-old humans dressed in outlandishly bright clothes with bangles and castanets, circled by winds.  They can cause terrible amounts of damage by winds.  They love to gamble, dance and make discordant music.  They frequently give humans they like cheap baubles and will get irate, to the point of violence, if the person is not wearing it prominently the next time they see them, even over a period of years.
Fey Loyalties are amongst the most incomprehensible part of understanding the Fey.  One must keep in mind that they have loyalties, which they are fanatically strict about, but that they change frequently.  Humans have complained that it is not Loyalty if it changes so rapidly. Elves complain that the fey have far too many overlapping levels of loyaltyDwarves complain that the fey have no leadership and no loyalties at allOrcind complain that the fey are difficult to catch and eat, although they are well worth the effort and taste good raw.
Folletti are lusty creatures.  They mate and can interbreed with most of the fey.  Thus they are the progenitors of many different types of fey.
An Elven orc-like races of average intelligence.  They are destructive and malicious but not really dangerous.  These are not the AD&D kobolds but small, mischievous humanoid creatures with fairly powerful abilities.  Think of a child with high level magical abilities .  They are also clever craftsman.  The practice of leaving food and clothes or shoes that need repair outside a door in kobold country is common.  The kobolds take the foods and return amazingly crafted repaired shoes.  Sometimes they simply leave new shoes.  Fey boots are greatly prized by rangers and thieves because they act as boots of silence and pass without trace. They also have the peculiar ability to not be noticed when worn with other clothes.
Leprechaun are powerful forces amongst the Fey Swirls and frequently are amongst the leadership.  Usually as Lightwielders or other magical offices.  They appear as small humans, between 6" to 24".  Like many of the fey races they are capricious, mischievous and fun-loving.  They are also frequently leaders or instigators of many kinds of pranks they fey commit.
Merkind: Mermaids & Mermen
A race of sea dwelling humanoids.  These creatures were adopted into the fey swirls and compromised the largest and most organized section of fey culture.  They rarely deal with land dwellers except in extreme circumstances.  They frequently save shipwrecked sailors and drag them to shore.  They are known to drag down pirate ships.  The mermen are devoutly military.  They can live for as long as a year out of water.  Mermaids must return to the water weekly.  They delight in making the mermen jealous, usually with good reason.
Accounted amongst the Mer are a wide variety of water sprites, pixies, and beings to many to number. They inhabit rivers, streams, ponds, lakes and seas, even down into the oceans. Amongst thew
They creatures are part elven and part water elemental.  As nature spirits they are powerful in their element.  They usually appear as strikingly beautiful women.  They spend considerable time on land, frequently confused with mermaids on land. 
Dirty little humanoid field fey.  They appear as 2’ tall old men, covered in dirt.  They are mean spirited and petty little extortionists.  They are deathly afraid of dogs, consequently causing the domestication of dogs in rural communities. 
They can cause milk to sour or sweeten, crops to be plentiful or barren.  They can cause bees to pollinate selectively.  They are constantly near bees, bumblebees, wasps, and other stinging insects.  They threaten farmers with bad crops if not paid in silver or copper.  They can not touch gold or platinum and do not value any metal other than copper and silver. 
These are small humanoid creature with a generally depressed demeanor.  Early in the time of the Fey on World the Korred became soldiers in the HREF="Witch House.doc �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Witch HouseThese creatures trained early man in fighting and in magic.  They were strong partisans and were devastatingly defeated by the Nesorians.  Legend tells that over 2 million of the Korrad originally came with the fey for whom they comprised the front line of defense. 
The Korrad's danceis nearly a religious rite for them.  Find more information on the Korrad's Dance here.
After the Witch House fell there were as few as 100 surviving Korrad.  These 100 are called the Scared Ones.  Younger Korrads now form a large part of the military capabilities of the Fey Swirls, second only to Merkind.  Their strength is comparable to humans but their agility is astounding.  They are almost always the Swordsman or military leader, of the fey swirls.
(Str5-20, Agility20-38, Perc20-38, Dex10-28, Con10-28, Int,Wis,Chr3-18,)
Red Caps
Red Caps are a particularly nasty sub-race of the Korrads. Somewhere in the Witch House war a faction of Korrads began wearing red caps soaked in their enemy's blood.  5 of the Scared Ones were Red Caps.  Ever since Red Caps have been malicious, nasty, bloodthirsty creatures.  Nearly indistinguishable from Korrads they have frequently infiltrated the Korrads, even rising to the rank of SwordwielderIn that role they frequently advocate assaulting human habitations for slim reasons.
Because of their vicious nature they do not usually openly acknowledge themselves. Thus though they are a slightly different race, with some amount of Folletti and leprechaun heritage, they have become nearly a secret society amongst the KorradsIt is also known that they are able to lie about their membership in the red caps, even to gods, and they detect completely as Korrads, even to a god's detection.  They do recognize each other though.   
What further complicates the Korrad-Redcap issue is that the Red Cap strain runs through the Korrad lines as a greatly unlikely genetic occurrence.  It has even shown up in the Korrad royal lines. 
Sprites are mischievous and playful creatures that associate with some elemental form of nature.  Wood Sprites are Dryads.  Usually small, winged, creatures, they are playful, silly, even frolicsome creatures.  They have substantial magical abilities in the areas of nature they associate with.

Green Swirl-Serma
Much of the social activities revolve around the Rath or hall of particular fey.  Hospitality is nearly a religion to the fey and the Rath is the place hospitality is worshipped.  A generous fey will adorn a hall and other fey will visit it.  Where these are built varies widely. Rath loyalty depends on the ability of the Rathskall or holder of the Hall to entertain his guests.
Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Ansus Tai Alros(HREF="#Leprechaun �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Leprechaun)
Swordwielder: Military Leader: Sabus Tai Fanat(HREF="#korrad �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Korrad)
Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Placi Tai Husir()
Greenweaver: Plant tender: Alros Tai Frenzer(HREF="#Leprechaun �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Leprechaun)
Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Alieece Tai Falerol(HREF="#korrad �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Korrad)
Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Yestir Tai Guntris(HREF="#folleti �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Folletti)
Tool User: Chief Craftsman(HREF="#kob �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Kobold)
Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Gania Tai Feretik(HREF="#folleti �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Folletti)
Sage Swirl: South Eaoni
Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Langin Tai Alros(HREF="#Leprechaun �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Leprechaun)
Swordwielder: Military Leader: Guth Tai Faniro(HREF="#korrad �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Korrad)
Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Cara Tai Hutino(HREF="#sprite �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Sprite)
Greenweaver: Plant tender: Galit Tai Asgir(HREF="#pix �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Pixie)
Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Cal Tai Fal(HREF="#folleti �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Folletti)
Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Rostir Tai Kantris(HREF="#kob �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Kobold)
Tool User: Chief Craftsman(HREF="#kob �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Kobold)
Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Kels Tai Ferrit(HREF="#pix �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Pixie)
Red Pine Swirl: Highholdings
Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Rufis Tai Ran(HREF="#Leprechaun �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Leprechaun)
Swordwielder: Military Leader: Samil Tai Fas (HREF="#korrad �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Korrads)
Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Tar Tai Dolk (HREF="#folleti �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Folletti)
Greenweaver: Plant tender: Formil Tai Husha(HREF="#nix �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Nixies)
Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Galis Tai Istonis(HREF="#folleti �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Folletti)
Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Galtin Tai Jalril
Tool User: Chief Craftsman: Gans Tai Hof (HREF="#kob �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Koboldes)
Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Kopi Tai Gastir (HREF="#mer �MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor Mermaid)
Terms Of Fey Swirl Loyalties

Descriptions of Terms
Fey Loyalties are amongst the most incomprehensible part of understanding the Fey.  One must keep in mind that they have loyalties, which they are fanatically strict about, but that they change frequently.  Humans have complained that it is not Loyalty if it changes so rapidly. Elves complain that the fey have far too many overlapping levels of loyalty.  Dwarves complain that the fey have no leadership and no loyalties at all.  Orcind complain that the fey are difficult to catch and eat, although they are well worth the effort and taste good raw.
Much of the social activities revolve around the Rath or hall of particular fey.  Hospitality is nearly a religion to the fey and the Rath is the place hospitality is worshipped.  A generous fey will adorn a hall and other fey will visit it.  Where these are built varies widely.  Rath loyalty depends on the ability of the Rathskall or holder of the Hall to entertain his guests.
Combat and Consequence
Fey join swirls for several combat related reasons.  If a swirl is victorious in battle or receives combat acclaim then fey of that inclination may join.   
Fey join swirls for several combat related reasons.  If a swirl is victorious in battle or receives combat acclaim then fey of that inclination may join.   
Some swirls are sensualist and hedonists, being loyal to those who share their pleasures. Also Rath loyalties fall under this heading.  Raths being places of celebration and entertainment.   
Some swirls are sensualist and hedonists, being loyal to those who share their pleasures. Also Rath loyalties fall under this heading.  Raths being places of celebration and entertainment.   
Some swirls exchange service for instruction in various forms of skills: magical, combative, intellectual, artistic.  They then may remain loyal to their instructors.  
Some swirls exchange service for instruction in various forms of skills: magical, combative, intellectual, artistic.  They then may remain loyal to their instructors.  
Elven Influences
Elven Influences
Some joins swirls at the request of the Elven Council or individual elves.
Some joins swirls at the request of the Elven Council or individual elves.
Some join swirls comprised of compatible or complementary races.
Some join swirls comprised of compatible or complementary races.
Defeated fey may join the victorious swirl as conditions of surrender or submission.  This relates to single combats up to swirl conflicts.
Defeated fey may join the victorious swirl as conditions of surrender or submission.  This relates to single combats up to swirl conflicts.
Some join swirls who espouse hatred for other races or swirls.
Some join swirls who espouse hatred for other races or swirls.
Obscure Motives
Simply that. Gambling debts. Colors of clothes.  Ancient prophesies
Fey Write-ups
Sabus Tai Fanat
10d6+50x10 MiniClaw
Swordwielder of the Green Swirl.  100FM.  A Korrad, currently in thrall to Vaktar.  He will fight the PCs until Vaktar is defeated.  At which point he will not only stop fighting but ally with the PCs.  The Green Swirl has served Astone since their powerful Swordwielder has been gone for so long.  He will return to fight for reinstatement to his post.

Latest revision as of 17:00, 14 November 2022

Jeweled Amber


The origins of the Fey Swirls is unclear. Fey society is an incomprehensible collage of conflicting loyalties, shifting allegiances, interrelated races and creatures of immense power with unknown goals. That Amber has one set of Fey and Chaos another, with all shadow between them filled with Fey influences, the 'Fey Swirls have bridged many divides.

Fey join in societies called Swirls. There is no set standard for leaders of these swirls, nor for terms of loyalty or duties. There is no required connection to various Fey courts or ranks. In fact there is no clear idea what matters to any particular Swirl at all. What is known is that a Swirl comprises many members of most of the races. There are 7 generally known ranks or titles amongst the Swirls though some Swirls have many more. What relationship they have to each other is unknown.

Membership in the Fey swirls is not limited to 'fey' races. Elves are frequently members of the swirls. Dwarves and humans have been known to be members as well. Animal kings and their courts are almost always closely associated to the Fey Swirls. The Skylords also maintain contacts in the swirls on an individual basis. Most surprising is that even Orcind have been known to have been befriended by the swirls.

Fey Swirl Titles:[edit]

This is a list of commonly included leaders of a Fey Swirl

  • Lightbearer: Chief Wizard
  • Greenweaver: Plant tender
  • Swordwielder: Military Leader
  • Pathseeker: Chief Hunter
  • Earthworker: Chief Farmer
  • Beastmaster: Animal Tender
  • Tool User: Chief Craftsman
  • Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat

Known Swirls[edit]

There are too many types of Fey Swirls to easily list. Only broad, and incomplete, categories can be made to cover the differences.

  • Green Swirls. Primarily comprised of leprechauns, pixies, sprites, and red caps. Amber, Diaga, Diaga Raks. Queen Titiana is a member of the Green Swirl
  • Red Pine Swirl:
  • Wave Swirl: Mer races and water Fey. Remba Region
  • Fern Swirl: Western Arden
  • Sage Swirl: A central Arden Swirl of primarily Dryads, Kobolds, and sprites. Politically opposed to the Green Swirl.
  • Red Sands Swirl:
  • Ice Swirl: Northen and Ice Wastes.

Known Swirls[edit]

Green Swirl[edit]

  • Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Ansus Tai Alros
  • Swordwielder: Military Leader: Sabus Tai Fanat
  • Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Placi Tai Husir()
  • Greenweaver: Plant tender: Alros Tai Frenzer
  • Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Alieece Tai Falerol
  • Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Yestir Tai Guntris
  • Tool User: Chief Craftsman
  • Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Queen Titania

Sage Swirl[edit]

  • Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Langin Tai Alros( Leprechaun)
  • Swordwielder: Military Leader: Guth Tai Faniro( Korrad)
  • Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Cara Tai Hutino( Sprite)
  • Greenweaver: Plant tender: Yavana Tai Asgir(Dryad)
  • Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Cal Tai Fal( Folletti)
  • Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Rostir Tai Kantris( Kobold)
  • Tool User: Chief Craftsman( Kobold)
  • Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Kels Tai Ferrit(Dryad)

Red Pine Swirl[edit]

  • Lightbearer: Chief Wizard: Rufis Tai Ran( Leprechaun)
  • Swordwielder: Military Leader: Samil Tai Fas ( Korrads)
  • Earthworker: Chief Farmer: Tar Tai Dolk ( Folletti)
  • Greenweaver: Plant tender: Formil Tai Husha( Nixies)
  • Pathseeker: Chief Hunter: Galis Tai Istonis( Folletti)
  • Beastmaster: Animal Tender: Galtin Tai Jalril
  • Tool User: Chief Craftsman: Gans Tai Hof ( Koboldes)
  • Samaseen or Speaker: Diplomat: Kopi Tai Gastir ( Mermaid)

Descriptions of Terms[edit]

Fey Loyalties are amongst the most incomprehensible part of understanding the Fey. One must keep in mind that they have loyalties, which they are fanatically strict about, but that they change frequently. Humans have complained that it is not Loyalty if it changes so rapidly. Elves complain that the fey have far too many overlapping levels of loyalty. Dwarves complain that the fey have no leadership and no loyalties at all. Orcind complain that the fey are difficult to catch and eat, although they are well worth the effort and taste good raw.

Much of the social activities revolve around the Rath or hall of particular fey. Hospitality is nearly a religion to the fey and the Rath is the place hospitality is worshipped. A generous fey will adorn a hall and other fey will visit it. Where these are built varies widely. Rath loyalty depends on the ability of the Rathskall or holder of the Hall to entertain his guests.

Fey join swirls for several combat related reasons. If a swirl is victorious in battle or receives combat acclaim then fey of that inclination may join. Pleasure

Some swirls are sensualist and hedonists, being loyal to those who share their pleasures. Also Rath loyalties fall under this heading. Raths being places of celebration and entertainment.

Some swirls exchange service for instruction in various forms of skills: magical, combative, intellectual, artistic. They then may remain loyal to their instructors. Elven Influences

Some joins swirls at the request of the Elven Council or individual elves.

Some join swirls comprised of compatible or complementary races.

Defeated fey may join the victorious swirl as conditions of surrender or submission. This relates to single combats up to swirl conflicts.

Some join swirls who espouse hatred for other races or swirls.