Pirates of the Baltic Sea:Ylfa Gray: Difference between revisions

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== Ylfa Gray ==
== Ylfa Gray ==
[[File:Ylfa_I.png | right]]
''3rd level Scoundrel, Gutter Punk <Br/>
''3rd level Scoundrel, Gutter Punk <Br/>
''Female Icelander, 28 years old <Br/>
''Female Icelander, 28 years old <Br/>
Line 25: Line 26:
'''Armor & Weapon Proficiencies:''' Melee Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Combat Shotguns, Light Armor, Helmets <Br/>
'''Armor & Weapon Proficiencies:''' Melee Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Combat Shotguns, Light Armor, Helmets <Br/>

'''Language:''' Icelandic, Swedish, English, French <Br/>
'''Language:''' Icelandic, Swedish, English, German <Br/>
'''Vice:''' I have a real sweet tooth and will often waste money on candy. <Br/>
'''Vice:''' I have a real sweet tooth and will often waste money on candy. <Br/>

Line 47: Line 48:
'''Archetype:''' Smuggler <Br/>
'''Archetype:''' Smuggler <Br/>
* '''Shoot First:''' add proficiency bonus to Initiative (total) <Br/>
* '''Shoot First:''' add proficiency bonus to Initiative (total) <Br/>
* '''Run and Gun:''' if you move at east 10ft in any direction during your turn you gain +1 damage rols until the start of your next turn. <Br/>
* '''Run and Gun:''' if you move at least 10ft in any direction during your turn you gain +1 to damage rolls until the start of your next turn. <Br/>

Line 63: Line 64:

Total Cash: 469,000₩; Spent: 464,215₩; Remaining: 4,785₩ <Br/>
Current Cash: 4,785₩ <Br/>

'''Augmentations''' <Br/>
'''Augmentations''' <Br/>
Line 72: Line 73:

'''Gear (Wt. 30lbs)''' <Br/>
'''Gear (Wt. 30lbs)''' <Br/>
Street Shotgun (120,000₩; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 20/50; Ammo: Shells; Qualities: 4 shots, 2 handed; Wt. 7lb) <Br/>
Heavy Pistol (100,000₩; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 50/150; Ammo: 10mm; Qualities: 15 shots; Wt. 4lb) <Br/>
Heavy Pistol (100,000₩; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 50/150; Ammo: 10mm; Qualities: 15 shots; Wt. 4lb) <Br/>
Ammo: 100 rounds of 10mm (5,000₩) <Br/>
Ammo: 100 rounds of 10mm (5,000₩) <Br/>
Line 78: Line 80:
ZA Korp Kevlar Jacket (15,000₩; AC 11+Dex; Damage Resistance: DR/2 Ballistic; Wt. 12lb) <Br/>
ZA Korp Kevlar Jacket (15,000₩; AC 11+Dex; Damage Resistance: DR/2 Ballistic; Wt. 12lb) <Br/>

[[File:Ylfa_II.png | right]]
Disarming Kit (2,000₩; Wt. 2lb) <Br/>
Disarming Kit (2,000₩; Wt. 2lb) <Br/>
Lock Pick (2,000₩; Wt. 1lb) <Br/>
Lock Pick (2,000₩; Wt. 1lb) <Br/>
Line 89: Line 92:
Superglue (40₩) <Br/>
Superglue (40₩) <Br/>
Torch (20₩; Wt. 1lb) <Br/>
Torch (20₩; Wt. 1lb) <Br/>
Starting Money: 469,000₩; Spent: 464,215₩  <Br/>
Loot: Street Shotgun <Br/>
Influence: Corporate 0, Street 3 <Br/>
Experience Points: 1,800 <Br/>

Ylfa was born and raised in Reykjavík, her mother a middle management wage slave for one of the larger megacorps operating in Iceland, while her father worked on one of Iceland's few remaining fishing boats.  Her parents were never married; Ylfa was the result of a brief but intense affair.  She was raised by her mother, but spent some weekends with her father when he wasn’t out on the ocean.
Ylfa’s formative years left her feeling largely neglected by her mother, who spent the majority of her time trying to advance up the megacorp ladder.  Ylfa responded by rebelling: running with the ‘wrong crowd’ and getting into trouble.  She didn’t hate her mother; her hate was reserved for the megacorp culture that treated employees as nothing more than disposable goods.  But Ylfa did resent her for falling into the corp trap and she was determined to never follow in her mother’s footsteps.
Ylfa discovered her love for the sea one summer when she was able to stay with her father for a couple of weeks.  At first she thought she would be bored out of her mind staying at that cottage of the shore instead of the small apartment he had in the city.  But the first time he took her out onto the ocean in that little boat he had, she fell in love with the wind and the waves.  She also learned a lot about her father out on the water.  From the stories he told it turns out he was something of a rapscallion himself in his younger days.  They bonded that summer before he set out to sea again.  She still keeps in touch with him when she can to this day.
That fall Ylfa’s mother died.  Again and again she had put off going to the doctor about a problem she knew she had, but she couldn’t miss work you see.  The Corp doesn’t care about your problems.  If you don’t perform you can simply be replaced.  As far as Ylfa was concerned, the Corp murdered her mother.
With her father out at sea, Ylfa was left to her own devices so she turned to her gutter punk friends.  She discovered she had a talent for trading; bartering items stolen by her compatriots for things they could use to survive.  She did that for a number of years before finally becoming a thief herself.  Drawing upon years of gymnastics and ballet lesson from her younger days, Ylfa became a successful second story woman.  She was almost caught a few times but always managed to get away, though one time it cost her a hand.  But a hand was easy enough to replace and Ylfa was never shy about body mods anyway.  As far as she was concerned, her new hand and forearm was even better than the old one, what with that nice sharp blade hidden away in it.
Over time Ylfa grew bored of Iceland.  Sure it was home, but she wanted to see the rest of the world.  She had saved up quite a bit of money so she decided why not go see it? She decided to go to Scandinavia first and spent some time exploring Norway before continuing on to Sweden.  It was there that she heard about the Buccaneers of Aland.  Life on the sea and causing trouble for the corps at the same time?  She had to try it.  She found a group of some other like-minded individuals and bought in on a ship of their own.

Latest revision as of 06:12, 24 April 2022

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Ylfa Gray[edit]

3rd level Scoundrel, Gutter Punk
Female Icelander, 28 years old


Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18 (+4)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Technology: 10
People: 12 (+1)


Hit Points: 24 (3d8 +6)
Armor Class: 15 (ZA Korp kevlar jacket; DR/2 Ballistic)

Initiative: +11
Speed: 35 feet
Saving Throws: Fort +2, Reflex +8, Mind +2

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics (+6), Perception (expert: +6), Persuasion (+3), Sleight of Hand (+6), Stealth (expert: +8), Streetwise (+4)
Tool Proficiencies: Disarming Kit +4, Lock Pick +4
Armor & Weapon Proficiencies: Melee Weapons, Pistols, Submachine Guns, Shotguns, Combat Shotguns, Light Armor, Helmets

Language: Icelandic, Swedish, English, German
Vice: I have a real sweet tooth and will often waste money on candy.

Heavy Pistol: ranged attack +6 to hit, range 50/150; damage: 2d6 ballistic damage
Hidden Blade: melee attack +6 to hit; damage: 1d8+4 slashing damage, finesse

Origin: Gutter Punk[edit]

  • Ability score increase: +2 to Dex, +1 to Tech and Con
  • Base Move: 35ft
  • Shotgunner: weapon proficiency with combat shotguns
  • Adaptive: pick proficiency with any one skill (Perception)
  • Misspent Youth: Influence - Street 3

Class: Scoundrel[edit]

  • Hit Dice: 1d8
  • Starting Proficiencies - Armor (light, helm), Weapons (melee, pistols, submachine guns, shotguns), Save (Reflex), Skills (3 of Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth)
  • Cunning Action: bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action
  • Sneak Attack: +2d6 damage once per turn with an attack that has advantage. Must be a finesse or a ranged weapon. You don't need advantage on the attack roll if an enemy of the target is within 5ft and isn't incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the attack.
  • Expertise: two skills or tools (Perception and Stealth)

Archetype: Smuggler

  • Shoot First: add proficiency bonus to Initiative (total)
  • Run and Gun: if you move at least 10ft in any direction during your turn you gain +1 to damage rolls until the start of your next turn.


1st Contract Term: Merchant (Trader)
Skill: Persuasion
Language or Tool: Lockpicks
Wage (x15,000₩): 2d4 5 (75,000₩)
Parting Gift: 1d6 1, (20,000₩)

2nd Contract Term: Criminal (Thief)
Skill: Streetwise
Language or Tool: Disarming Kit
Wage (x8,000₩): 2d4 8 (64,000₩)
Parting Gift: 1d6 1, (10,000₩)


Current Cash: 4,785₩

Enhanced HUD (Tier 0, Eyes; 30,000₩)
Neurolink (Tier 0, Neural)
Quickened Reflexes: +5 Initiative, +2 Reflex Saves (Tier 1, Neural; 100,000₩)
Hidden Blade: Bonus action to extend or retract, DC20 to detect while hidden, 1d8 slashing damage, finesse (Tier 1, Left Forearm; 200,000₩)

Gear (Wt. 30lbs)
Street Shotgun (120,000₩; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 20/50; Ammo: Shells; Qualities: 4 shots, 2 handed; Wt. 7lb)
Heavy Pistol (100,000₩; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 50/150; Ammo: 10mm; Qualities: 15 shots; Wt. 4lb)
Ammo: 100 rounds of 10mm (5,000₩)
Holster, Ammo (500₩; Wt. 1lb)
Holster, One-Hand (1,000₩; Wt. 1lb)
ZA Korp Kevlar Jacket (15,000₩; AC 11+Dex; Damage Resistance: DR/2 Ballistic; Wt. 12lb)

Disarming Kit (2,000₩; Wt. 2lb)
Lock Pick (2,000₩; Wt. 1lb)
Backpack (2,000₩; Wt. 5lb)
Clothes, Average
Comm, Earpierce (5,000₩)
Duct Tape (20₩; Wt. 0.5lb)
Mirror, Steel (500₩; Wt. 0.5lb)
Notepad, Waterproof (90₩; Wt. 2lb)
Pen x5 (45₩)
Superglue (40₩)
Torch (20₩; Wt. 1lb)


Starting Money: 469,000₩; Spent: 464,215₩
Loot: Street Shotgun
Influence: Corporate 0, Street 3
Experience Points: 1,800


Ylfa was born and raised in Reykjavík, her mother a middle management wage slave for one of the larger megacorps operating in Iceland, while her father worked on one of Iceland's few remaining fishing boats. Her parents were never married; Ylfa was the result of a brief but intense affair. She was raised by her mother, but spent some weekends with her father when he wasn’t out on the ocean.

Ylfa’s formative years left her feeling largely neglected by her mother, who spent the majority of her time trying to advance up the megacorp ladder. Ylfa responded by rebelling: running with the ‘wrong crowd’ and getting into trouble. She didn’t hate her mother; her hate was reserved for the megacorp culture that treated employees as nothing more than disposable goods. But Ylfa did resent her for falling into the corp trap and she was determined to never follow in her mother’s footsteps.

Ylfa discovered her love for the sea one summer when she was able to stay with her father for a couple of weeks. At first she thought she would be bored out of her mind staying at that cottage of the shore instead of the small apartment he had in the city. But the first time he took her out onto the ocean in that little boat he had, she fell in love with the wind and the waves. She also learned a lot about her father out on the water. From the stories he told it turns out he was something of a rapscallion himself in his younger days. They bonded that summer before he set out to sea again. She still keeps in touch with him when she can to this day.

That fall Ylfa’s mother died. Again and again she had put off going to the doctor about a problem she knew she had, but she couldn’t miss work you see. The Corp doesn’t care about your problems. If you don’t perform you can simply be replaced. As far as Ylfa was concerned, the Corp murdered her mother.

With her father out at sea, Ylfa was left to her own devices so she turned to her gutter punk friends. She discovered she had a talent for trading; bartering items stolen by her compatriots for things they could use to survive. She did that for a number of years before finally becoming a thief herself. Drawing upon years of gymnastics and ballet lesson from her younger days, Ylfa became a successful second story woman. She was almost caught a few times but always managed to get away, though one time it cost her a hand. But a hand was easy enough to replace and Ylfa was never shy about body mods anyway. As far as she was concerned, her new hand and forearm was even better than the old one, what with that nice sharp blade hidden away in it.

Over time Ylfa grew bored of Iceland. Sure it was home, but she wanted to see the rest of the world. She had saved up quite a bit of money so she decided why not go see it? She decided to go to Scandinavia first and spent some time exploring Norway before continuing on to Sweden. It was there that she heard about the Buccaneers of Aland. Life on the sea and causing trouble for the corps at the same time? She had to try it. She found a group of some other like-minded individuals and bought in on a ship of their own.