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[[Brahnamin's_Characters | < < < Back to Main Page]]
=Johnathan "Fix" Walton=

=Aaron "Mack" MacAran=
==''I make broken things work and unbroken things not''==
==''Mirrors show what is within, not what is without''==

==Distinctions [[file:d8a.png|32px|d8]] '''//'''[[file:d4a.png|32px|d4]]==
'''''D''' is for '''Doppelganger'''
<u>'''Son of Stone and Shadow'''</u> ''Only real difference twixt stone and shadow isn't the amount of available space each possesses, but the amount of concentration required to cross that space.''

:''Copies of me''

<u>'''Strong Charm of the Law'''</u> ''Mack's got a silver tongue and he knows how to use it.''
::''At work? At the junkyard?''

:::''Which me did you see?''

<u>'''Never Without a Mirror'''</u> ''Tiny framed mirrors - squares, circles, triangles, shards - Trick is constantly making them in his free time and tucking then in his shirt, his jacket, his socks, and his pants pockets.
'''MY NAME IS . . .''' Johnathan Walton, but most folk just call me '''Fix'''

==Disciplines [[file:d4a.png|32px|d4]][[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
'''AND I AM A . . .''' Mechanic
<u>'''Command'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]  leadership, negotiation, coordinating and motivating others
:'''Negotiation''' [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]
<u>'''Conn'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]  piloting, navigation, starship operations, and space travel procedures

<u>'''Engineering'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]] building, designing, repairing, and maintaining technology
'''WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU AWAKE?''' An incessant arrhythmic clicking sound coming from the garage below my room. Metal on metal, metal on concrete, metal on glass, metal on wooden workbenches. ''clickclickclickclick''. Whenever I try to sleep, it is there. I know what it really is, and it terrifies me.

<u>'''Medicine'''</u> [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]] knowledge of ailments, injuries, stresses, and treating those maladies in a wide range of species
'''WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU?''' I was taking apart the carburetor on a Ford Torino when shards of shadow, hard as metal, intangible as the night, came swarming out of the engine, flying in my face, and then vanishing about the garage.

<u>'''Science'''</u> [[file:d4a.png|24px|d4]] theoretical and practical study of scientific fields, both physical and social
'''WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE?''' Medium build guy with a partially shaved head, neck tattoos, and a professional service voice and smile that both could have gone to Harvard. They never falter until I give them ''permission'' to falter.

<u>'''Security'''</u> [[file:d10a.png|24px|d10]] use of force, threat analysis, intimidation, infiltration, strategy
'''WHAT LIES BENEATH?''' Fraying filters and an ever deepening chasm of pure exhaustion and mounting frustration that are infested with this gibbering laughter that seems to come from everywhere inside of me and nowhere all at once.
:'''Subdual and Control''' [[file:d8a.png|20px|d8]]

==Values [[file:d4a.png|32px|d4]][[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
'''WHAT IS YOUR PATH?''' I like to set things right. I fix things when I can, but the skills that make me effective at that are the same skills that make me effective at breaking things that are whole. I prefer to set things right.
<u>'''Agency'''</u> [[file:d10a.png|24px|d10]] Everyone should have the freedom to do what they will and the responsibility to accept the consequences.

<u>'''Crew'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]] Family is family; love em or hate em, you stick up for em.
'''WHAT IS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE?''' The shadow swarm. They chased me in my dream the last night I slept. Shards of midnight that could pass right through you or eviscerate you like jagged blades. I woke to the towering black horse and the knight atop him, if they were indeed two separate beings - I am not sure - but to this day I fear the shadow swarm more than I do the one who dragged me across the wall of sleep, out of their killing path.

<u>'''Discovery'''</u> [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]] Mankind cannot explore an infinite universe. But we can die trying.

<u>'''Logic'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]] I'm no vulcan, but I question everything.

<u>'''Passion'''</u> [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]] Follow your heart, but lead with phaser fire.                                   

<u>'''Peace'''</u> [[file:d4a.png|24px|d4]] I put the fist in pacifist.

<u>'''Deescalate'''</u> When you put yourself in a dangerous spot stepping between another crew member and a particular threat, step up or double security for an action.

<u>'''Against All Odds'''</u> Spend a PP to turn The highest marked die on a stress track into an asset for a turn.

<u>'''Natural Healer'''</u> Spend a PP to step back another character's Exhausted or Injured stress track.

==Resources [[file:d6a.png|32px|d6]] [[File:Arrow03.png|24px]]==
<u>'''Ketamine Doses for Hypospray'''</u> [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]] [[file:d8a.png|24px|d8]]

<u>'''Ketamine Doses for Hypospray'''</u> [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]] [[file:d6a.png|24px|d6]]
'''Needful Things:''' Mechanics are scavengers and savers by trade and inclination, always having the necessary tool or bolt or clamp or part somewhere in or around their shop, but for Fix it goes further. No matter where he is, he always manages to find just the thing he needs to do the thing he needs to do.


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<u>'''MADNESS TALENT'''</u>
'''Doppelganger:''' Sometimes you just gotta be in two places at once. Maybe six or seven. Fix can cause doppelgangers to slip from his body fully formed, each one identical to himself and able to act as he could, flawlessly.
:'''[1-2 Dice]''' to create one or two doppelers - these must appear nearby
:'''[3-4 Dice]''' to create several doppelers - these can appear farther away
:'''[5-6 Dice]''' to create any number of doppelers - these can appear up to several blocks away
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Latest revision as of 16:53, 7 March 2022

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Johnathan "Fix" Walton[edit]

I make broken things work and unbroken things not[edit]

D is for Doppelganger

Copies of me
At work? At the junkyard?
Which me did you see?

MY NAME IS . . . Johnathan Walton, but most folk just call me Fix

AND I AM A . . . Mechanic

WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU AWAKE? An incessant arrhythmic clicking sound coming from the garage below my room. Metal on metal, metal on concrete, metal on glass, metal on wooden workbenches. clickclickclickclick. Whenever I try to sleep, it is there. I know what it really is, and it terrifies me.

WHAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU? I was taking apart the carburetor on a Ford Torino when shards of shadow, hard as metal, intangible as the night, came swarming out of the engine, flying in my face, and then vanishing about the garage.

WHAT'S ON THE SURFACE? Medium build guy with a partially shaved head, neck tattoos, and a professional service voice and smile that both could have gone to Harvard. They never falter until I give them permission to falter.

WHAT LIES BENEATH? Fraying filters and an ever deepening chasm of pure exhaustion and mounting frustration that are infested with this gibbering laughter that seems to come from everywhere inside of me and nowhere all at once.

WHAT IS YOUR PATH? I like to set things right. I fix things when I can, but the skills that make me effective at that are the same skills that make me effective at breaking things that are whole. I prefer to set things right.

WHAT IS YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE? The shadow swarm. They chased me in my dream the last night I slept. Shards of midnight that could pass right through you or eviscerate you like jagged blades. I woke to the towering black horse and the knight atop him, if they were indeed two separate beings - I am not sure - but to this day I fear the shadow swarm more than I do the one who dragged me across the wall of sleep, out of their killing path.







Needful Things: Mechanics are scavengers and savers by trade and inclination, always having the necessary tool or bolt or clamp or part somewhere in or around their shop, but for Fix it goes further. No matter where he is, he always manages to find just the thing he needs to do the thing he needs to do.


Doppelganger: Sometimes you just gotta be in two places at once. Maybe six or seven. Fix can cause doppelgangers to slip from his body fully formed, each one identical to himself and able to act as he could, flawlessly.

[1-2 Dice] to create one or two doppelers - these must appear nearby
[3-4 Dice] to create several doppelers - these can appear farther away
[5-6 Dice] to create any number of doppelers - these can appear up to several blocks away

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