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This wiki is to test out some character ideas and buildings using the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - Super Power Companion.  
This wiki is to test out some character ideas and buildings using the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - Super Power Companion.  

==Character Creation==
This game is going to use the '''Super Powered Companion''' (SPC) for the '''Savage Worlds Adventure Edition''' (SW). All notes will refect these rules.</br>
This game is going to use the '''Super Powered Companion''' (SPC) for the '''Savage Worlds Adventure Edition''' (SW). All notes will refect these rules.</br>

For the first game I am going a bit Darker Four Color supers. </br>
:'''Power Level''': 3 (45 base, no more then 10 points in any one power)</br>
:'''SETTING RULES''': Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Multiple Languages (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)</br>

For the first game I am going a bit Gritty Hour Color supers. </br>
'''Power Level''': 3 (45 base, no more then 10 points in any one power)</br>
'''SETTING RULES''': Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SPC), Gritty Damage (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SW), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)</br>

:'''Traits''': gain 5 attribute traits points and 15 skill trait points, including the free skill levels.
:'''Traits''': gain 5 attribute traits points and 15 skill trait points, including the free skill levels.
::The '''''Super Attribute''''' and '''''Super Skills''''' Powers allows attributes and skills to exceed a race's normal limits. If the increase are permanent, it counts for Advancement.  
::The '''''Super Attribute''''' and '''''Super Skills''''' Powers allows attributes and skills to exceed a race's normal limits. If the increase are permanent, it counts for Advancement.  
::The '''''Focus (X)''''' Skill is used to control many powers listed in the SPC. Normally this tied to Spirits for the hero can choice any Attribute Trait to use this skill. Once chosen it cannot be changed.
::The '''''Focus (X)''''' Skill is used to control many powers listed in the SPC. Normally this tied to Spirits for the hero can choice any Attribute Trait to use this skill. Once chosen it cannot be changed.
:'''Adaptable''': As a human, at character creation start with a bonus Edge that you qualify for for free. If the GM allows you to play a non-Human (alien or otherwise) work with him to create the race (such as listed in SW).
:'''Adaptable''': As a human, at character creation start with a bonus Edge that you qualify for for free. If the GM allows you to play a non-Human (alien or otherwise) work with him to create the race (such as listed in SW).
:'''Languages''': In this setting the most common languages are Armenian, Georgia, English (Offical state language), Russian and Turkish. Most people in Echo City speak two or more of these language. Other common tongues include Arabic, Chinese, Kurmanji, Polish, Romaniam ahd Ukrainian.
:'''Super Powered''': Gain this Edge for Free. This grants you 45 points for super powers, no more then 10 in any one power set.
:'''Super Powered''': Gain this Edge for Free. This grants you 45 points for super powers, no more then 10 in any one power set.
::Update for '''''The Best There Is''''' Edge allows you to invest up to 15 points in any one power set instaed of only 10, but only for one power set (others are restricted to 10 points).
::Update for '''''The Best There Is''''' Edge allows you to invest up to 15 points in any one power set instead of only 10, but only for one power set (others are restricted to 10 points).
:'''Hindrances''': start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances. The '''''Larger then Life''''' setting rule allows the hero to take one additional Major Hindrance for free. Spend these points per the rules in SW.
:'''Hindrances''': start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances. The '''''Larger then Life''''' setting rule allows the hero to take one additional Major Hindrance. Spend these points per the rules in SW.
They have gone by many names since the dawn of super-powered individuals. '''''The Twilight Legion''''', the '''''Guardians of Freedom''''' in World War II, and many others. In the modern era, they are known as the '''''Doom Guard'''''.
The guard stands above nations and politics. They form when there is an existential threat to humanity. Most of its members are heroes, but in times of great crisis the past is put aside and villains join the ranks as well. Sometimes pardons are granted for service in the Doom Guard, but casual agreements of limited amnesty are more common. Entire super groups join the Doom Guard when annihilation threatens, and in fact, it's considered an honor.
Then the '''''K'tharen'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/295478425559966689/] alien invaders attacked the Earth and ravaged its super heroes before the "friendly" '''''V'sori'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/162974080255900839/] arrived to help battle the invaders. In celebrations around the world, the treacherous v'sori revealed their true face—the k'tharens were their own shock troops! The assembled heroes were destroyed in a rapid and brutal surprise attack. A few escaped, but thereafter, "the fate of the world lay with the scum of the Earth." The super villain resistance, called '''''Omegas''''', that were organized and lead by the powerful '''''Dr. Destruction'''''. Under his ferocious leadership, the Omegans struck at the aliens around the world and eventually triumphed. They even managed to travel to the v'sori home planet and assault their leader, the notorious '''''Overmind'''''. Those events are happened about six years ago and the Doom Guard have been rebuilding ever since.
Headquarters and Leadership now... the Doom Guard's primary and most public headquarters is in '''Star City''', a strange urban island created by a cosmic entity called the '''''Outsider'''''. The super hero called '''''Warden''''' manages and oversees the team and its network of affiliates, and handles most of the organization's diplomatic and logistical issues from here.
The Doom Guard has another base in '''New England''' called '''Legacy City'''. '''''Hex''''' and '''''Hellcat''''' are most often found there, watching over the strange ley lines, magical incidents, and curious cultists who frequent the region. A third, mobile base is a massive flying ship called the '''Barrage'''. The former criminal '''''Blackguard''''' is often found at its helm well-suited to the role as Barrage is often used to infiltrate places that aren't always friendly to the Doom Guard's role.
Connecting them all is a dour artificial intelligence called '''''Cassandra''''' who aids the Doom Guard greatly. "She" constantly scours the planet for any crimes or unusual events and reports them to Warden. Most importantly, Cassandra analyzes billions of minute events for patterns that might indicate greater threats. The team learned the hard way that a simple break-in at an occult shop or the collection of certain high-tech devices often signaled far greater trouble on the horizon.
For this game the heroes have been recruited by the Doom Guard to serve as a new team within '''Echo City'''.
'''''Echo City''', the shinning city, were the past reflected in its future, the city that V’sori tech built.''</br>
Echo City, a Black Sea technology hub, is an independent nation city-state of 5 million residents.  An outgrowth of the city of Batumi which was expanded and built on from a once resort port city. The main route north to south is road is the '''Batumi Boulevard''' which encompasses a waterfront promenade with parks and beaches. The 180m-high black glass '''Y’sour''' (v’sori for Black) '''Tower''', with newly adorned Georgian script, has a seaside observation deck that is very popular and offers a spectacular view of the sea. The old town that survives in District Six is lined with renovated 19th-century buildings and strange v’sori mansions (may of which are tourist attractions or owned by the city’s elite). The massive rebuilt '''Batumi Botanical Garden''' of District Four showcases flora from around the world and V’sori homeworld. The city is powered by a fusion power plant which also supports the '''PowerGrid-Road System''' that runs throughout it. Entertainment and advanced hi-tech industry go hand in hand in Echo City!.</br>
'''Area''': 378.3 sq. miles</br>
'''Weather''': Mild Tropical weather is typical with high humidity in the summer months and heavy precipitation in the winter months. </br>
* On average, the warmest month is August with 26.0° Celsius (78.8° Fahrenheit).
* On average, the coolest month is January with 10.0° Celsius (50° Fahrenheit).
* The average annual maximum temperature is: 18.0° Celsius (64.4° Fahrenheit).
* The average annual minimum temperature is: 12.0° Celsius (53.6° Fahrenheit).
[[File:SWADE.DoomGuard.jpg | 700px]]
This port city-state is located on the borders between '''Georgia''' and '''Turkey''' on the '''Black Sea'''. When the v’sori took over the Earth they built a city north of the ruins of ‘’’Batumi’’’ (a Georgian port city that was bombed early in the invasion) to which to conduct operation in the '''Middle East''' and '''Africa'''. They forced immigration on many humans to work in building the city to their liking and to work in new industries that they created (for goods that v’sori wanted). At the end of their occupation the city’s population was just over two million humans.
After the v’sori retreated they abandoned the city they along much of their technology. This has led to a boom of investments by tech giants and sponsors for the creation of factories and labs to reverse engineer their tech for human use. Today the population has more than doubled to five million and has become an independent city-state from Georgia, which is still reeling from v’sori force relocation of much of the population and exploiting of its resources. The population of Georgia today is less than a million inhabitants and they mostly concentrated on farmers and animal husbandry.
Echo City has become a world leader in technologies developed from these abandoned stores and has also become a leading nation helping the world rebuild. They have also started investing in Georgia along with several Middle Eastern and African nations to produces various secondary technology that they require to produce these technologies. This includes the world funded and developing Space Elevator in the '''Republic of Congo'''. The v’sori had been planning the projects themselves and researchers at Echo City discovered this project and shared the info with the world. This ‘elevator’ will not be completed or operational until 2025 but Echo City is a major advocate for its completion.
But of course, not all is good with this situation. This abandoned tech was so extensive that it also drew the criminal element here to gain access and exploit what they can to advance their own criminal activities. The city has tried to secure as much of this tech as they could, but the v’sori were found of secret sites and testing facilities and they spread them through the city and region.
The most powerful and active of these tech gang in the city are '''''CyberGang''''' who are lead by the unhinged '''''Overkill'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/9218374228264640/]. The v'sori had a number of secret testing facilities set up here where they were imlanting criminals with advanced cybernetic systems to see if they could create different versions of the Drones. As things fell apart these test subects escaped with a great deal of stolen weapons and other tech. These days they are searching for more cybernetic systems and weapons left by the aliens while robbing banks and other criminal activity to fund their lifestyles.
And the v’sori did not just abandoned their tech, but in some cases their own people and allies. Thousands of v’sori soldiers, techs and scientists were left behind in the final retreat along with k’tharen soldiers and other alien allies. In Echo City most of these have settled in District Nine when the city tied to building housing that would accommodate them but in the form of block looking apartment buildings. Most of these were abandoned over the years by the alien residents and now inhabited by the city’s poor. The alien refugees built they own dwellings but these appear to be very shanty-like construction and is mostly a slums today. There are a few pockets of development, but they are few and far between. Clashes between humans and aliens are common here and law enforcement is minimal… except for the unofficial ‘Blue Guard’ a v'sori gagn that runs much of the district.
A new crisis the city is facing comes with the appearance of the metahuman mercenary group known as the '''''Crushers''''' which have been raiding many advance tech industries, and holding facilities. The authorities have not been able to piece together any patter to their raids except it includes advanced computer and general scientific research in industrial produces.
Despite these challenges the future looks bright for the nation overall. Most residents are happy and secure. But dangers lurk just below the surface (and in the case of the ''Morlocks'', literally right under the surface).
'''District One – ''Hrashk''''': The downtown core of the city where the skyline is still domination by v’sori architecture and is the financial hub of the nation. Most of the important companies and business have their headquarters here as does the city’s government agencies. The office of the Prime Minister and Parliament are here as are the local law enforcement and nations military (mostly a Coastguard like navy that has several high-tech ships in its fleet) </br>
Important Locations
* '''Echo Library of History''' – A massive glass and steel building that takes up a whole city block and is five stories tall. Multiple computer kiosks are located on every floor along with a huge number of available books in the stacks. There are two basement levels where additional books are stored (some rumors that ‘forbidden’ tombs are also keep here).
* '''The Echo Tower''' – this 20-story blueush-green glass gleaming structure has been dedicated for used by the ''''''Doom Guard''''' by the city government. The 1st floor is a public area has both a famous Indian and a Georgian restaurants along with Turkish Coffee House. Security access to the upper floors is provided by the city and the Doom Guard. The first fifteen floors are office space for local and international government agencies that might have dealings with the Doom Guard’s members and dealing with meta-crimes in the city. This is also where extra security and monitoring stations are located for both the building and surrounding area to try and detect any trouble that might occur with a public superhero location. The upper five floors are the residential and training areas for the group but also contains a VTOL landing pad on the roof and maintenance and repair hanger on the floor below (accessible via an elevator lift take can handle vehicles). There is also a large entertainment area and rec room with a fully stocked communal kitchen where a dedicated staff can prepare almost any known meal on Earth. 
* '''Government Grounds (''Red Wall'')''' – To the north and east of the Echo City Tower are the government buildings of the Prime Minister, the Parliament, Military Command, Space Agency, the City Police (ECPD), Supreme Court, varies Offices of Ministry, etc. This area is heavily patrolled by both the ECPD and EC Marine Core but is fairly open to the public, restricting access only to certain areas for the protection of various officials. Much of it is surrounded by a very distinctive red metal walls that were originally built by the v’sori. Sections were destroyed in the later days of the occupation but most remain intact. 
* '''Ibn Sina Hospital and Medical Center''' – The city’s main hospital center, serving much of the residences with advanced quality care in both general medicine and specialty care. There are over a dozen interconnected buildings that make up the medical park with the centerpiece being a 500-bed hospital and vast emergency care center.
* '''Majestic Park''' - A large park that splits and run through the heart of the downtown area, its tropical trees and many streams and ponds is very popular with employees of the local business and city employees during the day and is patrolled fairly heavily at night making popular with young loves.
* '''Museum of Industrial and Technology History''' – this large two-block and five story building is dedicated to world and local history and technology through the ages. Most visitors want to gaze on the newest tech that was introduced by the v’sori
* '''Remembrance Park''' – This modest park is dedicated to many of the heroes who died in the early days of the v’sori invasion. Statues dedicated in their honor line the wooded area and a large pool in the center of the park (the Reflection Pool) have the name of many local heroes inscribed on granite stone.
Important Business
* '''Ajax Industry''' – This company is invested heavily in exploring v’sori military weapons and technology. They have a bit of a shady reputation but are in good with the city as they provide the nation-state with most of its military hardware at heavy discounts.
* '''GeneDoc Enterprises''' – A specialist in genetic medicines and gene-therapy technologies that are working towards the stated goal of ‘curing the world of birth defects'. Some metas however fear that they have unstated goals that include ‘fixing’ mutants and metagenes in the womb.
* '''Hermes Trading Group''' – Leading banking and trading investment group who specialize in finance technology development.
* '''FadaTech''' – Industry leaders in developing in spacecraft that are invested heavily in the development of Earth’s first interstellar vessel and own a number of near-Earth orbiting platforms (space stations).
* '''Sigil MindWorks''' – A think-tank research group lead by the world’s leading meta-genius, '''''Dr. Sigil'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/304626362303609025/visual-search/?x=15&y=11&w=539&h=675&cropSource=6] (real name unknown). The doctor is always producing crazy unheard of technological breakthrough, in seemly random fields, that he leaves half finished as he is inspired to some new discovery. The rest of the staff at MindWorks then tries to figure out how these technologies will work and what applications they might have.
'''District Two – ''Salam''''': To the east of District One, this was the living area of v’sori elite, and the buildings and homes reflect that. It is still a rich district but now many of the larger mansions were torn down and replaced with high end luxury condos to house the city’s growing well off residence. There are a number of parks and pool areas throughout and the largest mall in the city ''Future Mall'') are also located here. </br>
Important Locations
* '''Future Mall''' – This huge modern mall is massive with over 300 high-end stores along with famous big-box outlets. It has indoor pool and amusement rides, a wonderful food court and various excusive restaurants. The mall is rather private, allowing only district residents and their guess access.
* '''Hope's Park''' – A beautiful curving park that follow the river way through the district into District Three to the north and eventually to the sea. There are numerous picnic areas lining the river way but also farther back private tables and gazebos within the surrounding woodlands. Tree groves and small pounds are everywhere and this is one the most popular parks in the city.
Important Business
* '''Inter-Self Exceptionalism''' – This new age business/self help group is run by a rather excentric ''''''Reverend' Maxwell Power'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/62980094778146368/visual-search/] and is very popular with the city’s elite and rich.
'''District Three – ''Seaside''''': North of District One. </br>
Important Locations
* '''Echo Port''' – Located on the northern side of the Marina these are the city’s main international shipping port connecting to numerous railways and major roads. There are always ships being loaded and unloaded here and it operates 24/7.
* '''The Marina''' and '''Public Waterfront''' –
* '''Shark Zone''' -This is very popular aquarium and water park situated right on the waterfront. Run by the city and local group the shark tanks amusement show is run by '''''Aqua-Girl'''''[https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/1024217140225699693/] who is a metahuman that can control sharks. The act she performs for the public involves sharks doing tricks like flips out of the water, driving through flaming hoops, the sharks putting their mouth around guess head but never biting them, etc. will wildly poplular.
Important Business
* '''Sea Nation''' – This group is using v’sori and Atlantean technology to plan and build a future underwater city off the bay in Echo City. They also specialize in planet-wide clean up of the world’s oceans.
* '''Tuna Express'''  - One of the largest importers of fish produces into the Black Sea region, 
'''District Four - ''the Food & Water Court''''': North of District Three this district is home to the city’s water desalination facilities and massive hydroponics growing biodomes. It is here that the city grows most of the city’s food, enough that they export their excess to Georgia and Turkey. </br>
There is a wide canal connecting the sea and this district that provides the water for the desalination process that in turn supplies the hydroponic gardens. </br>
Important Locations
* '''Echo Water Canal''' – Running from the sea to the district this cannel separates District One and Three. It is over 200 meters wide and 10 deep and has several bridges spanning it all along its six-kilometer length.
* '''Hydro-Garden #11''' – This is the world famous ‘flower gardens’ of Echo City.
* '''Ultramar Bridge''' – Build by the eccentric billion Markus Ultramar, this large bridge spans the Echo Water Canal. This draw bridge is massive in scale, with five lanes of traffic on both sides along with parking and small specialty shops on both sides sticking out over the river.
Important Business
'''District Five – ''Glow City''''':– to the north of District Four and the most northern part of the city is the Power District dominated by the huge fusion power planet that the v’sori originally built and provides cheap, almost limitless power to the city. Its residents and industries. </br>
The fusion complex employs thousands of works, most whom do not living within the district. Most business here are restaurants and eateries that support the fusion employees but the rest are involving developing fusion power plants for the world. </br>
Important Locations
* '''Black-Sea Fusion Complex''' – This huge sprawling complex is that location of most of the city’s power. The company ‘’’Black-Sea Power’’’ is contracted by the city to run the facility and provides the almost free to the city as part of this contract.
Important Businesses
'''District Six – ''Old Batumi''''': Just to the south of District One, along the waterfront is also known as ''The Los Vegas of the Black Sea''. This is the only part of the ruined city of Batumi that remaining, mostly intact and undamaged from its original design. The old city was a world-famous gambling district before the v’sori invasion, and it remains so to this day. There are also several luxury hotels, restaurants, shopping areas and jewelry dealers located here. </br>
Important Locations
* '''The Atlantean Ambassy''' – While Atlantis was almost wiped out by the v’sori and their king is still missing, there was an important colony of Atlanteans whom settled in the Black Sea many centuries ago. They were very secretive and remained hidden from most humans until after the v’sori left. They then made their presence known and open an Ambassy in Echo City. The reason why remains a mystery.
* '''The Centropolis''' – One of the largest buildings in Echo City it is also one of the first ‘enclave complexes’ where the residents work, live, go to school and enjoy vast entertainment venues without ever having to leave the safety of the tower. Owned and operated by '''Central Data Conglomerate''' a leading company in data processing and interweb security (the old internet was basically shut down and destroyed by the v’sori in an attempt to limit information etc. Interweb is a creation of '''Nikka Web Consortium''', based out of '''Japan''' but with offices in District One).
* '''Echo City International Airport''' – The city main airport it is very large and advanced, located on the eastern edge of the district and serves hundreds of flights a day from around the world.
Important Business
* '''The Heavenly Gates Casino''' – This huge casino and hotel is one of the richest and world-famous gambling establishment in the world. The hotel is six stories high, and the casino grounds cover several city blocks. Huge amounts of money change hands within its walls and only the state-of-the-art security systems dentures most robbery attempts. '''Wolverine Security''', which is owned and run by the metahuman '''''Fjellfoss'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4362930878423340/visual-search/] (Swedish for long cat or a type of wolverine found there) provides the casino (and many others in the district) with top-of-the-line protection. Fjellfoss employees several metahumans on his staff that provides much piece of mind to many customers and staff. 
'''District Seven –''the Smokes''''': just to the south of District Two and East of District Six. This is the manufacturing and industrial heart of the city where most of the big factories are located.</br>
Important Locations</br>
Important Businesses</br>
'''District Eight –''Heartland''''': South and east of District Six this large district is home to a majority of the city’s residences and includes many single-family dwelling homes along with large modern apartment complexes. There are numerous shops and small business dotted throughout the district that provide most goods for the residences such as groceries, hardware and clothing stores, restaurants, neighborhood libraries,  taverns and even small factories and industrial parks. These of course use ‘clean’ energy and produce little population to operate here.</br>
Important Locations
* '''Gamsakhurdia Museum of Art and History''' – Named after Georgian’s first President this large museum is open to the public seven days a week and drawn large crowds of locals, tourist, school tours, etc. The museum houses a large volume of art and historical artifacts from both Georgia’s and Turkey’s past from ancient days to the v’sori occupation and fight to liberate the planet and the area. These include nonfunctions v’sori and k weapons and armor and examples of their mundane technology.
* '''The Sentinel''' – this impressive 6 meter tall ‘stone-granite’(?) statue appeared one morning five years ago, in ‘’’Haven Grove Park’’’ (one of the parks on the eastern edge of the city). It was placed by person or persons unknown and by unknown means (there were no tracks in the soft dirt, etc.). The stone-granite it is made of seems impervious to damage or decay and attempts to gain samples of it is have all failed. Weighing serval hundred tons the statue appears to be that of a male angel, hits wings outstretched, carrying a sword with its point resting downward and its gaze peering into the sky above as if watching for danger, hench the nickname. The locals have come to accept and take pride in it over the years and have come to see it as the area’s guardian angel. Whether the legends are true or not crime is very low in the part and throughout the district.
Important Businesses
'''District Nine –''Alienvilla''''': This district is located to the east and south of District Seven and Eight. It is famous as the location where most of the v’sori and k’tharens and many other displayed Alien refugees have settled. The district is one of the largest in the city, but the ‘alien’ refuges only make up half of the overall population. Most resistances are poorer humans and human metahumans who work in District Seven.</br>
Crime and poverty go hand and hand here and the city has made several attempts are ‘cleaning up the district’ but so far, they have not been successful.. Part of this is due to the efforts of the he '''''Xorn''''' (‘lost’ in v’sori) '''''Creed''''' whom are one of the strongest criminal organization located here. Their leader, the '''''Warlord'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/520376931957207251/] pays a lot of bribes and causes a lot of problems for anyone that tries. The Warlord's identity is unknown but believed to be a male v'sori.</br>
Most of the structures in the district is built among the rolling hills of the area and are only single or two stories tall shanty-built structures, intermixed with blocky apartment complexes. It is rumored that they are extensive tunnels and even living quarters below the district, supposed inhabited by '''''Morlocks''''' and a few select humans. This subterrain species has made a few appearances (and even raids) into the city above and have a small unofficial ambassy in District Nine with the city. It is said that their local ‘king’ is the super villain known as '''''The Mole'''''[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/520376931957207251/visual-search/].</br>
Important Locations
* '''City Hall''' – Not really an official government building
* '''Morlock Markets''' – this is a series of interconnected underground tourist attractions is run my locates who ‘claim’ to get their goods and wares from the actual Morlocks who live farther down under the city. Whether this is true or not the city keeps a close eye on the business as well of the tourist who come here. Whatever the case there are numbers tunnels that lead to the unknown and are supposedly unexplored by anyone alive today.
Important Businesses
* '''Mo’Gin''' (Ubanee for Dawn or Morning Sky) '''Solutions''' – formed by a group of Uban[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/463237511658165030/?d=t&mt=login] alien refugees this is one of the largest employers of aliens within the city.  This company specializes in creating various goods that are popular with the alien refuges populations, including clothing, food, gadgets and devices (everything from kitchen/cooking appliances to entertainment pads). They also provide atmosphere breathing or household sealing for those rare aliens that have a hard time with Earth’s atmosphere.
These include chains of business found throughout the city and other important locations that are either well know and popular throughout the city.
*'''Echo City Vocational School of Technology'''
* '''Tsereteli University'''
Military Bases
* '''Zaza Damenia Joint Military Base''' – Echo City’s main military base is set up on a port in District X and is dominated by the Navy, special-forced Marines and National Air-Force. Much of their military technology is based on v’sori tech having been developed by '''Ajax Industrial'''.  There are subsidiary bases spread on the outskirs of the city and the Marines have a
* '''Division C''' – This law enforcement agency within ECPD that was created by the city to fight the growing tech gangs and criminal organization who were taking advanced of found alien tech and using it to commit crimes. They have had some luck but there are so many independent groups and some many hidden cashes still being discovered today that they are overwhelmed at times.
* '''Meta-Crimes Enforcement and Pretension Group (McEPG)''' – Sponsored by the UN with agreement by most of the world’s governments this is a worldwide group that tries to contain and enforce international laws that involve metahumans. They also work with several governments in aiding with combating meta-humans and alien crimes. They run Echo City’s maximum-security metahuman prison '''Kveshneli Rock''' (see below). Director XX[https://www.pinterest.com/pin/4855512077069930/visual-search/] runs the local agency in the city and employes serval metahumans on staff (as both regular agents and to aid in fighting metahumans).
* '''Kveskneli''' (Georgian Folklore version of hell) '''Rock''' – located offshore on an old oil rig structure some ten miles from Echo City.  

==Some Builds==
The following are just some examples to test out the system and how they will look...
Restaurants & Entertainment
* '''The Chicken Pecan Palaces''' – an incredibly popular chain of local restaurants found throughout the city. Their most popular dish is ‘fired chicken pecan’. It features many other traditional Georgian cuisines.
* '''Mocha Madness''' – a chain of Turkish coffee houses that specialize in various chocolate coffee drinks is extremely popular with residents and tourist alike. The serve coffee the traditional Turkish ways though along with specialty Russian and American style brands.

Hero Name</br>
''Hero Theme/Archetype, Male/Female, Age''</br>
Popular Nightclubs
'''Attributes''': Agility d, Smarts d, Spirits d, Strength d, Vigor d</br>
'''Pace''', '''Parry''', '''Toughness'''</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Notice d4, Persuasion d4, Stealth d4</br>
* '''Ekxo Trenirovat'sya Monorail System''' – This advanced monorail system runs throughout the city and provides cheap, fast and reliable transportation for most of the important spots throughout Echo City. I have many connection routes through most of the districts, except it only makes one stop at the entrance of District Nine.
'''Hindrances''':  </br>
:Ridership is cheap (less then half a US dollar) and there are trains running every 6 minutes in most locations, that drop down to 15 minutes at even the unpopular ones.
'''Super Powers''' (origin)</br>
* '''PowerGrid-Road System''' – Powered by the city’s fusion power planet and running within the major interconnected road system the PowerGrid allows special model electric cars that run on it for free and without the need for any internal fuel (something like a very advanced electric road, eroad, or electric road system/ERS). Automobilies on these roads draw power from the grid through their tired and can change their advanced batteries at the same time. This provides them several hours of battery life off the PowerGrid (or even days depending on the battery system). 
:'''X''' [points]
Other Known Locations
* '''The Silver Lighthouse''' – Four miles offshore the v’sori build this 100-meter-tall tower like structure on an artificial island they also constructed. For what purpose no one knows but it seemed to have some religious significate to them. The silvery metal that it is made of reflexes the sunlight in a soft glowing, relaxing way which is what gives it its nickname. The city has never really figured out whether or not to try and tear it down.
:The structure appears to be solid and no machinery within and that the panels that make up the structure do glow into the night as if they are solar powered.
Important People
* Prime Minister XX
* Mayor XX
* Police Commissioner XX – Head of Echo City Police Department (ECPD)
The following are just some examples to test out the system and how they will look. This is also the favor and power levels (damage, toughness, etc.) I am going for...
===ADAM GREY===  
===ADAM GREY===  
[[File:SWADE.SPC.AdamGrey.jpg | 400px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.SPC.AdamGrey.jpg | 400px | right]]
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'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 13</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 13</br>
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6+2, Languages (English d8, French d6, Japanese d6, Russian d6), Notice d6, Occultism d6, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4</br>  
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6+2, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, German d6, Japanese d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Occultism d6, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4</br>  
'''Edges''': Iron Jaw, Linguist, Menacing, Nerves of Steel (with undead, ignores 2 wound penalty), Super Powers </br>
'''Edges''': Iron Jaw, Linguist, Menacing, Nerves of Steel (with undead, ignores 2 wound penalty), Super Powers </br>
'''Hindrances''': Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Driven (Minor), Outsider (Major), Ugly (Minor) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Driven (Major), Outsider (Major), Ugly (Minor) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Undead, long life?)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Undead, long life?)</br>
:'''Ageless''' (Undead) [1 point]
:'''Ageless''' (Undead) [1 point]
:'''Deadeye''': gains +1d6 damage with all guns, bows, etc. (Training) [2 points]
:'''Deadeye''': gains +1d6 damage with all mundane guns, bows, etc. (Training) [2 points]
:'''Doesn't Sleep''': Tireless. Requires no sleep at all (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Doesn't Sleep''': Tireless. Requires no sleep at all (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Environmental Resistance''' (Lightning): minus 4 from lightning trapping damage and +4 to resistance checks that involve lightning/electricity (Undead?) [1 point]
:'''Environmental Resistance''': Lightning. Minus 4 from lightning trapping damage and +4 to resistance checks that involve lightning/electricity (Undead?) [1 point]
:'''Fearless''' (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Fearless''' (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Growth''': +1 step to Strength die and Size +1. Permenant (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Growth''': +1 step to Strength die and Size +1. Permenant (Undead) [2 points]
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:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Undead Strength) [2 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Undead Strength) [2 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Strength +3, Vigor +3 (Undead Strength) [12 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Strength +3, Vigor +3 (Undead Strength) [12 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Academics +1, Common Knowledge +2, Fighting +1 (Long life) [3 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Academics +1, Common Knowledge +2, Fighting +1 (Long life) [4 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 (Undead) [2 points]
:'''Undead''': gain +2 to Toughness, add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe or eat, are immune to disease and poison, and don’t suffer additional damage from Called Shots. Undead Wild Cards ignore one point of Wound penalties and don’t Bleed Out. Undead don’t benefit from the Healing skill, natural Healing. Spark of Life (can benefit from the Healing power) [10 points]  
:'''Undead''': gain +2 to Toughness, add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe or eat, are immune to disease and poison, and don’t suffer additional damage from Called Shots. Undead Wild Cards ignore one point of Wound penalties and don’t Bleed Out. Undead don’t benefit from the Healing skill or natural Healing. Spark of Life (can benefit from the Healing power) [10 points]  
'''Gear''': Sword (Str+d8+d6), Musket Pistol (Range, Damage 3d6+1, AP 0, ROF 1, relaod 2 rounds)</br>

'''Gear''': Sword (Str+d8+d6), Musket Pistol (Range, Damage 3d6, AP, ROF)</br>

Adam is unsure who created him but has somewhat taken on the mantle of the 'Frankenstein Monster' over the years. His first real memories where him fighting in WWI and have travel a lot over the years. </br>
Adam is unsure who created him but has somewhat taken on the mantle of the 'Frankenstein Monster' over the years. His first real memories where him fighting in WWI and have travel a lot over the years. </br>
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[[File:SWADE,AngelNight.jpg | 400px |right]]
[[File:SWADE,AngelNight.jpg | 400px |right]]
''Costumed Detective/Hand-to-Hand specialist, Female, Age 29''</br>
''Costumed Crimefighter, Female, Age 29''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 9, '''Toughness''' 12 (4)</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 9, '''Toughness''' 12 (4)</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12 (+2), Focus d8, Intimidate d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Stealth d12</br>  
'''Skills''': Athletics d8 (+1), Common Knowledge d6, Drive d6, Fighting d10 (+2), Focus d6, Intimidate d8, Languages (English d8; Armenian d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10 (+1), Thievery d8+1</br>  
'''Edges''': Ambidexterity, Block, Bravery, Martial Arts & Martial Master (Str+d8/d6+d8), Streetwise, Super Powers, Two Fisted </br>
'''Edges''': Ambidexterity, Block, Bravery, Martial Arts & Martial Master (Str+2d6), Super Powers, Theif, Two Fisted </br>
'''Hindrances''': Death Wish (Minor), Drive (fighting for Justice) (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)  </br>
'''Hindrances''': Death Wish (Minor), Drive (fighting for Justice) (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)  </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Training/Gadgets)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Training/Gadgets)</br>
:'''Armored Costume''': Armor +4 and Toughness +2 (Device/Costume -1/-1) [2 points]
:'''Armor''': Armor +4 and Toughness +2. Device/worn (Costume) [2 points]
:'''Awareness''': Ignores up to 3 penalties impossed by target from range, cover, called shots, etc. (Device/Goggles -1) [2 points]
:'''Awareness''': Ignores up to 3 penalties impossed by target from range, cover, called shots, etc.Device/worn  (Goggles) [2 points]
:'''Dodge''': others suffer -4 to hit you with ranged attacks (Training) [4 points]
:'''Dodge''': others suffer -4 to hit you with ranged attacks (Training) [4 points]
:'''Fearless''' (Training) [2 points]
:'''Fearless''' (Training) [2 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Hearing (+2 to Notice checks with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments) (Device/IR Goggles and Ear amp -1) [1 point]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Hearing (+2 to Notice checks with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). Device/worn (IR Goggles and Ear amp) [1 point]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Matial Arts Training) [2 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Training) [2 points]
:'''Stun''': Successful Focus require target to make a Vigor -2 (-4 with a raise) or be Stunned. Requires Touch, Stonger (Device/Zapper Gun -2) [1 points]
:'''Stun''': Successful Focus require target to make a Vigor -2 (-4 with a raise) or be Stunned. Device/carried, Requires Touch, Stonger (Zapper Gloove) [1 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Spirits +2, Vigor +1 (Training) [10 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Spirits +2, Vigor +1 (Training) [10 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Martial Artist, Martial Warrior (Training) [4 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Martial Artist, Martial Warrior (Training) [4 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +1, Fighting +3, Initimadate +1, Persuasion +1, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +1, Fighting +3, Initimadate +1, Persuasion +1, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]
:'''Swinging''': Range 48", Pace 12. Range (Device/Swing Line gun -2) [2 point]
:'''Swinging''': Range 48", Pace 12. Device/carried, Range (Swing Line gun) [2 point]
:'''Uncanny Reflexes''': Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Training) [3 points]
:'''Uncanny Reflexes''': Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Training) [3 points]
:'''Vehicle''': Motorcycle. Armored (Size 1, Handling 0, Top Speed 80 MPH, Toughness 11 (4), Crew 1) [2 points]
:'''Vehicle''': Motorcycle. Armored (Size 1, Handling 0, Top Speed 80 MPH, Toughness 11 (4), Crew 1) [2 points]

[[File:SWADE.SPC.Arcus.jpg | 350px | right]]
Charlotte Brown's father was a police office killed in the line of duty when she was 9. She has dedicated her life to getting justice for her father and other victims of violent crime. Petty crimes don't interest her. Her drive made her train for years to giving the good fight.
''Heroic Archer/Detective. Human Male, Age 30''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8</br>
[[File:SWADE.Supers.Blindshot.jpg| 400px | right]]
''Blind Heroic Archer. Human Female, Age 30''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 12 (4) </br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 12 (4) </br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d8 (+1), Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d8, Notice d8 (+2), Persuasion d6, Research d10+2, Shooting d12+1, Stealth d8 (+1), Thievery d8+1 </br>  
'''Skills''': Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8 (+2), Fighting d8, Languages (Chinese d8; Arabic d6, English d6, Korean d6, Russian d6), Notice d8 (+2), Persuasion d6, Research d10+2, Shooting d12+1, Stealth d8, Thievery d8 </br>  
'''Edges''': Investigator, Marksman, Super Powers, Thief </br>
'''Edges''': Investigator, Marksman, Streetwise, Super Powers</br>
'''Hindrances''': Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major), Suspicious (Minor) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Blind (Minor; Blindshot can see shapes etc. with incredable detail and in affect she 'see' but not in color), Heroic (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Suspicious (Minor) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Training, Super-Bow and Mutant)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Training, Super-Bow and Accident/Empowerment?)</br>
:'''Additional Action''': Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Training) [3 points]
:'''Additional Action''': Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Training) [3 points]
:'''Armor''': +4 with Toughness +2 (Device/Armored Costume -1/-1) [2 points]
:'''Armor''': +4 with Toughness +2. Device/worn (Armored Costume) [2 points]
:'''Awareness''': Ignores up to 2 penalties impossed by target from range, cover, called shots, etc. (Mutant) [2 points]
:'''Awareness''': Ignores up to 2 penalties impossed by target from range, called shots, etc. (Training) [2 points]
:'''Deadeye''': gains +1d6 damage with all guns, bows, etc. (Training) [2 points]
:'''Deadeye''': gains +1d10 damage with all mundane guns, bows, etc. Deadly (Training) [3 points]
:'''Dodge''': -4 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Training) [4 points]
:'''Dodge''': -3 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Training) [3 points]
:'''Entangle''': Range 24. Successful shooting target must resist with Athletics -2 (-4 with raise) or be Entangled. With a Raise target is Bound. Alterateive Test (shooting), Contingent on Shooting (bow and arrows), Range, Strong. (Device/Bow with Blunt tanglearrows -2) [3 points]
:'''Entangle''': Range 24. Successful shooting target must resist with Athletics -2 (-4 with raise) or be Entangled. With a Raise target is Bound. Alterateive Test (shooting), Contingent on Shooting (bow), Device/carried, Range, Strong (Blunt tanglearrows) [3 points]
:: *(switchable) '''''Stun''''': Range 24". Successful shooting target must make a Vigor check (-2 with a raise) or be Stunned. Alterative Trait (shooting), Range. (Flash-Bag arrow) [1 point] 
:: *(power set) '''''Swinging''''': Range 48", Pace 12. Device, Range, Strong (holds 1,500lbs) (Swing Line arrow) [2 point]
:: *(switchable) '''''Swinging''''': Range 48", Pace 12. Range, Strong (holds 1,500lbs) (Swing Line arrow) [1 point]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Eagle Eyes (can see twice as far and reduces range penalties by 1), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Microscopic Vison (can see down to the molecular level. This adds a +1 bonus to any roll where that might prove useful, such as a Healing roll to treat a disease, Science to analyze the composition of a substance, or Survival to track tell-tale particles through otherwise untrackable terrain), X-Ray Vision (can see through any substance x-rays can penetrate; they're usually blocked by thick metal or particularly dense materials. He can ignore up to 2 points of Cover penalties if he can see through the intervening obstacle) (Accident/Empowerment) [5 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Eagle Eyes (can see twice as far and reduces range penalties by 1), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Microscopic Vison (can see down to the molecular level. This adds a +1 bonus to any roll where that might prove useful, such as a Healing roll to treat a disease, Science to analyze the composition of a substance, or Survival to track tell-tale particles through otherwise untrackable terrain), X-Ray Vision (can see through any substance x-rays can penetrate (they're usually blocked by thick metal or particularly dense materials). He can ignore up to 2 points of Cover penalties if he can see through the intervening obstacle) *Mutnat) [5 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Spirits +1, Strength +1,Vigor +1 (Mutant & Training) [10 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +3, Spirits +1, Vigor +1 (Mutant & Training) [10 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Marksmen (Training) [2 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Marksmen (Training) [2 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +1, Fighting +1, Research +3, Shooting +4, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +1, Fighting +1, Research +3, Shooting +4, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]

'''Gear''': Compound Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage Str+d6/2d6, AP 1)</br>
'''Gear''': Compound Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage Str+d6+d10, AP 1, ROF 1)</br>

Joseph (Joe) Chambell was born and grew up in rural Montana. His father instilled in him a love of the outdoors and archery. After High School he joined the Army and served multiple tours overseas. On his last tour he was severly wounded and returning home went though a long three year rehab and rehabilitation process. He incorperated archery into his routine and found that he was even better then he remember... and his sight had become unnatually accurate. Metting up with a techwiz as his new job as a government Security concultant, together they created his advanced tech suit and bow and specialized arrows. For you see during his rehab he started noticing a lot of injustice in the city and it really started to tick him off. He became a supers to help others.</br>
XX as an olympic athlete in archery and on her way to winning a gold when she was splashed in the face by a jeolous rival with a neotoxin that blinded her! But after she got out the hospital she start... sensing things. She is still blind but now can sense everything around her and even see 'objects' through wall and tiny things also.

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''Insect Toteom, Male, Age 24''</br>
''Insect Toteom, Male, Age 24''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (flight 24), '''Parry''' 9, '''Toughness''' 10 (2) </br>
'''Pace''' 6 (flight 24), '''Parry''' 9, '''Toughness''' 12 (2) </br>
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Electonics d4, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Hacking d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d6 </br>  
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Electonics d4, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Hacking d4, Languages (English d8; German d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d6 </br>  
'''Edges''': Danger Sense, Dodge, Frenzy (Improved), Super Powers </br>
'''Edges''': Danger Sense, Dodge, Frenzy (Improved), Super Powers </br>
'''Hindrances''': Distintive Appearance (Minor), Idealistic (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Overconfidence (Major) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Distintive Appearance (Minor), Idealistic (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Overconfidence (Major) </br>
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:'''Armor''': +2 (Mutant body) [1 point]
:'''Armor''': +2 (Mutant body) [1 point]
:'''Flight''': Pace 24", Attack Penalty -1 for full speed (Mutant bug wings) [6 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 24", Attack Penalty -1 for full speed (Mutant bug wings) [6 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments) (Mutant bug eyes) [1 point]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments) (Mutant bug eyes) [1 point]
:'''Melee Attack, Claws''': Damage Str+d6, AP 2, Athletics (Climb) +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
:'''Melee Attack, Claws''': Damage Str+d6 (Mutant) [2 points]
:'''Poison (Spit)''': Range 6", Focus test vs. Vigor -2 (-4 with a Raise) (Mutant spit) [4 points]
:'''Parry''': +2 (Mutant) [2 points]
:'''Poison''': Range 6", Focus test vs. Vigor -2 (-4 with a Raise). Stronger (Poison Spit) [4 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +1, Strength +3, Vigor+1 (Mutant) [10 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +1, Strength +3, Vigor+1 (Mutant) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fighting +3, Focus +2, Notice +1, Stealth +2 (Mutant) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fighting +3, Focus +2, Notice +1, Stealth +2 (Mutant) [10 points]
:'''Parry''': +2 (Mutant) [2 points]
:'''Toughness''': +3 (Mutant body) [3 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 (Mutant body) [2 points]
:'''Uncanny Reflexes''': Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Mutant) [3 points]
:'''Uncanny Reflexes''': Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Mutant) [3 points]
:'''Wall Walker''': Can move Pace on walls. Also Strong Grip (If they choose to stick their ground, they halve the distance of any Knockback dealt them) [ 2 points]
:'''Wall Walker''': Can move Pace on walls. Also Strong Grip (If they choose to stick their ground, they halve the distance of any Knockback dealt them) [2 points]

Micheal Madsion was born to a fairly typical average household in the suburbs. He childhood and teenage years where nothing special but Micheal was always a bit of a joker of the class.
Micheal Madsion was born to a fairly typical average household in the suburbs. He childhood and teenage years where nothing special but Micheal was always a bit of a joker of the class.
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[[File:Super!_ChesireCat.jpg | 250px | right]]
[[File:Super!_ChesireCat.jpg | 250px | right]]
''Teleporter/Martial Artist/Trickster, Female, Age 18''</br>
''Teleporter/Trickster, Female, Age 18''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 8, '''Toughness''' 7</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 8 (9), '''Toughness''' 7</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12 (+2), Focus d10, Notice d6 (+2), Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d6, Thievery d4</br>  
'''Skills''': Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Languages (English d8; Georgian d6, Polish d6, Russian d6), Notice d6 (+2), Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d4</br>  
'''Edges''': Acrobatic, Dodge, Free Runner, Matial Arts & Master (Str+d6/2d6), Super Powers, The Best Their Is (Teleport) </br>
'''Edges''': Acrobatic, Dodge, Free Runner, Humiliate, Retort, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Teleport) </br>
'''Hindrances''': All Thumbs (Minor), Curious (Major), Quirk (Reckless) (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Hindrances''': All Thumbs (Minor), Curious (Major), Quirk (Reckless) (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Experiment)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Experiment)</br>
:'''Additional Action''': Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Empowered/Training) [3 points]
:'''Additional Action''': Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Empowered/Training) [3 points]
:'''Dodge''': -2 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Empowered/Training) [2 points]
:'''Dodge''': -2 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Experiment/Training) [2 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility) (Empowered) [3 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility) (Experiment) [3 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Empowered) [2 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Experiment) [2 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Vigor +2 (Empowered) [8 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Vigor +2 (Experiment) [8 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Acrobatics, Martial Arts, Matrial Master (Empowered/Training) [6 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Acrobatics, Dodge, Free Runner (Experiment/Training) [6 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 (Empowered/Training) [6 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +1, Fighting +2, Focus +2, Taunt +1 (Experiment/Training) [6 points]
:'''Teleport''': base 48". Portal, Range +2, Rapid Teleport, Teleport Others, Traverse (Empowered) [15 points]
:'''Teleport''': base 48". Portal, Range +2, Rapid Teleport, Teleport Others, Traverse (Experiment) [15 points]

Mandy Zmijewski was born to Polish immagrants. She became every active in the "parkour" scene in her earlier teens.
'''Gear''': Staff (Str+d4+d6, Parry +1, two handed)</br>
Mandy Zmijewski was born to Polish immagrants. She became every active in the local "parkour" scene in her earlier teens. She was badly injured when hit by a car that then speed away. In the hospital while in a coma her parnets where approached by a 'doctor' whom offered a new untested treatment that should not only wake Mandy out of her coma but repair her spinnal injuries. Desperate the agree and the expierment work! But of course the main reason the doctor subjected Mandy to the expierment was to test out his formula that grant super powers in some individuals (while killing most of the rest)
[[File:SWADE.water.jpg | 300px | right]]
''Atlantian lost child, Female, Age 20s??''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8</br>
'''Pace''' 8 (Swin 8; both Run d8), '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 8</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Languages (Atlantian d8; English d6, Georgian d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Riding d6, Science d4, Stealth d8, Survival d6</br>
'''Edges''': Alertness, Quick, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Matter Control) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Environmental Weaking [Fire] (Minor), Heroic (Major), Mild Mannered (Minor), Mute (Major) </br>
'''Species Traits''': Aquatic (Atlanteans cannot drown in water and move their full Pace when
swimming) [+2], Dependence (Atlantians must immerse themselves in water one hour out of every 24 or become automatically Fatigued each day until they are Incapacitated. The day after Incapacitation from dehydration, they perish. Each hour spent in water restores one level of Fatigue) [-2]. Distinctive Appearance (Atlantean) [-1], Low Light Vision (Atlantians are used to the darkness of the depths. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination) [+1], Telepathy (Range 24" (48 yards)) [+2]</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Atlantian Heritage and Mutant?)</br>
:'''Matter Control''': Water. Range 24", Large Burst Template. Focus check to control and create Water. Can creat Barrier (Hardness 8), Damage (4d6 water/force damage in area), Dampen (Elemental resistant to all in area against Water/Force) or Distract (Distraction in area). Area Effect, Blast template option, Damage, Range, Selective (Heritage/Mutant) [13 points]
:'''Pace''': Pace +2, Run die +1 step [2 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Focus Check, Range 12/24/48, Water/Force Damage 3d6. Forceful (Double Knockback), Spread (+2 to hit but strike bystadards also hit on Focus roll of a 1 or 2) (Water Jet) [7 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +1, Smarts +1, Spirits +1, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Heritage) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''':Athletics +1, Focus +3 (Mutant?) [4 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 (Heritage/Mutant?) [2 points]
:'''Whirlwind''': With successful Focus check creates a whirlwind  of a Medium Burst Template within 24" (48 yds). She can move the template free up to 6" a round so long as it stay in sight. Anyone who ends their turn in the area is Distracted and must make a Strength roll -2 (at –4 with a raise on the Focus roll). Those who fail take 2d6” Knockback in a random direction (3d6" with a raise). This may cause additional damage if they strike a solid object). Range, Stonger (Vortex of Water) [7 points]
Jane Edora (she doesn't remember her real name, Jane Edora was given to her by the kindly passerbys that aided her) washed up on shore as a years ago with little memory of her Atlantian heritage or the suface world.</br>
Edora is very shy and gets embrassed easily when others insult her. As such she tends to be an introvert who hides away when not doing the super hero thing.
[[File:SWADE.SPC.Infero.jpg | 350px | right]]
''Fire Elmental form, Male, Age 28''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 7</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Drive d8, Fighting d8, Focus d12, Languages (French d8; German d6, English d6, Russian d6), Intimidate d6+2, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Stealth d4</br> 
'''Edges''': Ace, Menacing, Rapid Shot (works with Ranged Attack), Super Powers</br>
'''Hindrances''': Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Environmental Weakness [Water/Cold] (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Identity (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Mutant? Elemental)</br>
:'''Absorption''': Fire. When taking damage from fire would result one or more Wounds, he gets a free Soak roll using Focus +2 instead of Vigor. For each Wound Soaked, the hero gains an"Absorption Token" that can do the following - Increase Damage Field or Ranged Attack by +1d6; Increase Toughness by +1; gain a free Power Stunt. If not spent Tokens only last the scene. Mastery [3 points]
:'''Alternate Form''': Fire. In this form has no vital organs so Called Shots have no effect on him. He takes only half damage from falling or collisions, and any Knockback against him is halved. Requires Activation [1 points]
:'''Damage Field''': 3d6 fire damage. Lethal [4 points]
:'''Energy Control''': Fire, Range 12" (24 yds), Large Burst Template. With a Focus check can cause fires to rage (Damaeg 3d6 fire in area, lethal), Dampen (Elemental Resistance to Fire in area), or Distraction (Distracted in area). Area, Damage, Requires Material [8 points]
:'''Fear''': Scream of rage. Focus check in Blast Template vs. all targets in area Spirits fear check. Area [4 points]
:'''Force Field''': Reduce all damage by 4 points. Life Support, Requires activation [5 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Fire Damage 4d6. Blast template option, Lethal [9 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Spirits +2, Vigor +2 [8 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Focus +3 [3 points]
XX was a sports car racer until a firey accident where he received 3rd degree burns over 95% of his body! Not excepted to survive the hosptial staff was surprise when he disappeared from the burn ward. XX does not remember the accident or how he arrived at a garge at the edge of town where he used to live but he found that he could change into a fire like element and had control of fires!!!

[[File:SWADE.IronGhost.jpg | 350px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.IronGhost.jpg | 300px | right]]

''Mystical Martial Art/Ghost, Male, Age 33''</br>
''Mystical Martial Art/Ghost?, Male, Age 33''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 8, '''Toughness''' 6</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (Fly 6), '''Parry''' 10, '''Toughness''' 6</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d12, Intimidate d6, Notice d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d12+1, Thievery d6 </br>  
'''Skills''': Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12 (+2), Focus d6, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Chinese d6, Georgian d6, Greek d6, Russian d6), Notice d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d12+1 (+5), Thievery d4 </br>  
'''Edges''': Couter Attack, First Strike, Martial Arts & Master (Str+d6/2d6), Super Powered </br>
'''Edges''': Couter Attack, First Strike, Martial Arts & Master (Str+2d6*), Super Powered </br>
'''Hindrances''': Code of Honor (Major), Enemy (Minor), Grim (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Code of Honor (Major), Enemy (Minor), Grim (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Part Ghost/Martial Artist)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Part Ghost/Martial Artist)</br>
:'''Dodge''': Others suffer a -4 to ranged attack rolls against you (Training/Ghost form) [4 points]
:'''Dodge''': Others suffer a -4 to ranged attack rolls against you (Training/Ghost form) [4 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 6 (Ghost form) [1 point]
:'''Flight''': Pace 6 (Ghost form). Limited - only when using Intangibility (-1) (Flaoting) [1 point]
:'''Intangibility''': (Ghost Form) [5 points]
:'''Intangibility''': makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks, like a phantom or spirit. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally (Ghost Form) [5 points]
:'''Invisibility''': (Ghost Form) [8 points]
:'''Invisibility''': Others suffer a -4 to see you and to affect you with sight based attacks. +4 to Stealth when not moving (Ghost Form) [8 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 (Training) [2 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6* (Training) [2 points]
:'''Parry''': +2 (Training) [4 points]
:'''Parry''': +2 (Training) [4 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +3, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Ghost) [10 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +3, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Ghost) [10 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Martial Arts, Martial Master (Training/Ghost) [4 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Martial Arts, Martial Master (Training) [4 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fightig +2, Stealth +3 (Training/Ghost) [7 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fightig +2, Stealth +3 (Training/Ghost) [7 points]
Hanry Davis was born in the local China town and got involved in the martial art scene at a young age. He would go on to earn his blackbelt in multiple forms of martial arts and would eventually open his own school (with his old teachers blessing)</br>
Last year he was shoot by robbers who treatened the students and other teachers at his school. He thought he had died and the ETMs pretty much thought so also... but he woke up! After he got out of the hospital he discovered that he suddenly had some odd powers. He thinks he is a partial ghost now (not sure if he is or a mutant or something but...)

[[File:SWADE.SPC.Jericho.jpg | 250px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.SPC.Jericho.jpg | 250px | right]]
''Matter Controller/Leader, Male, Age 29''</br>
''Earth Matter Controller/Leader, Male, Age 29''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (Flight 24), '''Parry''' 4, '''Toughness''' 6</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (Flight 24), '''Parry''' 5, '''Toughness''' 6</br>
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d4, Battle d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Focus d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Research d4, Science d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d4</br>  
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d4, Battle d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d12, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Armenian d6, Italian d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Research d4, Stealth d6</br>  
'''Edges''': Charismatic, Command, Natural Leader, Super Powers, Tactician, The Best There Is (Matter Conctrol) </br>
'''Edges''': Charismatic, Command, Natural Leader, Super Powers, Tactician, Team Leader, The Best There Is (Matter Conctrol) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Idealistic (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Idealistic (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Mutant)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Mutant)</br>
:'''Entangle''': Earth bonds. Range 24" (48yds), Focus check vs. target Athletics. If the attacker wins, the victim is Entangled. If the attacker wins with a raise, the victim is Bound. Hardness 8. Area (Medium Burst Template; Selective), Range, Requires Materials (earth), Stronger (Matter bonds) [7 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 24 (Mutant) [6 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 24 (Mutant) [6 points]
:'''Force Field''': Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Mutant) [7 points]
:'''Force Field''': Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Mutant) [7 points]
:'''Matter Control''': Range 24", Large Burst Template. Control of Earth, Metal, Fire, Water. Additional Power Types (3), Area Effect, Cone options, Range, Tough (base 14) (Mutant) [14 points]
:'''Matter Control''': Earth. Range 24", Large Burst Template. Focus check to control of Earth. Can creat Barrier (Hardness 14), Damage (4d6 earth/force damage in area), Dampen (Elemental resistant to all in area against Earth/Force) or Distract (Distraction in area). Area Effect, Blast template option, Damage, Range, Selective, Tough (Mutant) [14 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Range 24/48/96, Damage 4d6. Range [8 points]  
:'''Super Attribute''': Smarts +2, Vigor +1 (Mutant) [6 points]
:'''Super Attribute''': Smarts +2, Vigor +1 (Mutant) [6 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Focus +3, Shooting +1 (Mutant) [4 points]
:'''Super Edge''': The Best There Is [2 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Focus +3 (Mutant) [3 points]

Louie Ficalora grew up in an upper class family and enjoyed a easy childhood and teenage years. That all changed when his mutant powers awaken. His parents were horrified but tried to shield Louie from the various groups (including the government)
Louie Ficalora grew up in an upper class family and enjoyed a easy childhood and teenage years. That all changed when his mutant powers awaken. His parents were horrified but tried to shield Louie from the various groups (including the government)
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'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (fly 6), '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 13 (4) </br>
'''Pace''' 6 (fly 6), '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 13 (4) </br>
'''Skills''': Academics d4, Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8 (+1), Focus d12, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Science d6, Stealth d6, Taunt d8</br>  
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8 (+1), Focus d12, Languages (Spanish d8; English d6, Georgian d6, Polish d6, Russian d6, Ukrainian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8 (+1), Preformance d4 (+1), Science d6, Stealth d6</br>  
'''Edges''': Dodge, Humiliate, Martial Arts (Str+d4), Retort, Super Powers </br>
'''Edges''': Attractive, Dodge, Luck, Martial Arts (Str+d4), Super Powers </br>
'''Hindrances''':  Code of Honor (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Stubborn (Minor), Vengful (Minor) </br>
'''Hindrances''':  Code of Honor (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Stubborn (Minor), Vengful (Minor) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Empowered?/Experiment)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Empowered?/Experiment)</br>
:'''Armored Suit''': Armor +4 and Toughness +4 (Device/Armored Suit -1/-1) [4 points]
:'''Armored Suit''': Armor +4 and Toughness +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [4 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 6 (Empowered?/Experiment) [2 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 6 (Empowered?/Experiment) [2 points]
:'''Jinx''': anyone who failed on a test against you is Vulnerable until the end of their next turn (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
:'''Jinx''': anyone who failed on a test against you is Vulnerable until the end of their next turn. On a fumble on their test they are also Shaken (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
:'''Manufaction''': Within 12" of a Medium Burst Template, can make a Focus check to cause technology to stop worker. Area Effect (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
:'''Manufaction''': Within 12" of a Medium Burst Template, can make a Focus check to cause technology to stop worker. Area Effect (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
:'''Mind Control''': within 12" (24 yards) by making a Focus roll. If successful, the target must make a Smarts roll to resist (at –2 with a raise on the Focus roll) or she's controlled for as long as the attacker cares to maintain the power, or she breaks free. (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
:'''Mind Control''': within 12" (24 yards) by making a Focus roll. If successful, the target must make a Smarts roll to resist (at –2 with a raise on the Focus roll) or she's controlled for as long as the attacker cares to maintain the power, or she breaks free. (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
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:'''Super-Skills''': Fighting +1, Focus +3 (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
:'''Super-Skills''': Fighting +1, Focus +3 (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
:'''Telepathy''': can mentally communicate with another sentient mind of choice. Range (1 miles), Mind Rider (The telepath can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel through the senses of any willing mind in Range. Once the power is activated the telepath is Distracted until he terminates Mind Rider. "Riding" an unwilling target is an opposed roll of the telepath's Focus vs the target's Smarts. If successful, the telepath can ride the target for one hour. With a raise, the target is unaware of the intrusion) and Switchboard (The telepath can link all friendly, intelligent minds in Range. Everything the individuals consciously "say" is communicated to the entire group) (Empowered?/Experiment) [9 points]
:'''Telepathy''': can mentally communicate with another sentient mind of choice. Range (1 miles), Mind Rider (The telepath can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel through the senses of any willing mind in Range. Once the power is activated the telepath is Distracted until he terminates Mind Rider. "Riding" an unwilling target is an opposed roll of the telepath's Focus vs the target's Smarts. If successful, the telepath can ride the target for one hour. With a raise, the target is unaware of the intrusion) and Switchboard (The telepath can link all friendly, intelligent minds in Range. Everything the individuals consciously "say" is communicated to the entire group) (Empowered?/Experiment) [9 points]
Samual Rodriguez
[[File:SWADE.LadyPneuma.jpg | 350px | right]]
''Mutant Psychokinesis, Female, Age 30''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (Fly 6), '''Parry''' 4, '''Toughness''' 7</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Focus d10, Healing d6, Languages (English d8; French d6, Romanian d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8 (+1), Preformance d6 (+1), Research d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6</br>
'''Edges''': Attractive, Charisma, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Telekinesis) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Curious (Major), Distinctive Feature (Minor), Heroic (Major), Idealist (Minor) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Mutant Psychokinesis)</br>
:'''Additional Actions''': Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4) . Limited, only to TK actions or Psi Punch (-1) (Psychokinesis) [5 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 6 (Psychokinesis) [2 points]
:'''Force Field''': Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Psychokinesis Shield) [7 points]
:'''Ranged Combat''': Ranged 12/24/48, Force Damage 3d6 (Psychokinesis Punch) [6 points]
:'''Super-Attributes''': Spirits +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
:'''Super-Skills''': Focus +2, Shooting +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
:'''Telekinesis''': Focus test, Ranged 24" (48 yds), Strength d12+1. Fine Control, Stronger (Psychokinesis) [15 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 (Mutant) [2 points]
Jeanette Foster was an EMT and part-time singer for a small indi band when she was in a terrible car accident that activated her mutant powers of Psychokinesis. It also changed her eyes to a pure milky white althought this has no effect on her eyesight. She started dying her hair green and now works as a hero without much of a civi idea (as it is hard to maintain a secret ID with her eyes, so why bother wearing a mask)

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''Wolf Toteom, Female, Age 22''</br>
''Wolf Toteom, Female, Age 22''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 10 (run d10), '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 11</br>
'''Pace''' 12, '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 12</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d6 (+2), Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Intimidate d6, Notice d10 (+2), Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d10+2 (+4)</br>  
'''Skills''': Athletics d6 (+2), Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Georgain d6, Japanese d6, Turkish d6), Notice d10 (+2), Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d10+2 (+4)</br>  
'''Edges''': Brawler, Bruiser (Str+d6/2d6), Fleet Footed, Free Runner, Super Powers </br>
'''Edges''': Brawler & Bruiser (Str+d6*), Berserker, Free Runner, Super Powers </br>
'''Hindrances''': Bloodthristy (Major), Distintive Appearance (wolf features when using powers) (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Loyal (Minor) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Bloodthristy (Major), Distintive Appearance (wolf features when using powers) (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Loyal (Minor) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Cursed? Empowered)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Cursed? Empowered)</br>
:'''Additional Action''': Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Cursed) [3 points]
:'''Additional Action''': Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Cursed) [3 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Smell (+2 to Survival for tracking) (Cursed) [4 points]
:'''Heightened Senses''': Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Smell (+2 to Survival for tracking) (Cursed) [4 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Claws (Str+1d6, +2 to athletics/climbing) (Cursed) [3 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Claws (Str+1/2d6*, +2 to athletics/climbing), lethal (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Leaping''': Distance Vertial 4" (8 yds), Horizonal 8" (16 yds) (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Leaping''': Distance Vertial 4" (8 yds), Horizonal 8" (16 yds) (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Pace''': Pace +2 and Run die +1 (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Regeneration''': can make a Focus check every hour to heal Wounds (Cursed) [5 points]
:'''Regeneration''': can make a Focus check every hour to heal Wounds (Cursed) [5 points]
:'''Skill Bonus''': Survival +2 (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Skill Bonus''': Survival +2 (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Speed''': Pace x2 (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Strength +3, Vigor +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Strength +3, Vigor +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Fighting +2, Focus +2, Notice +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Fighting +2, Focus +2, Notice +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 (Cursed) [2 points]
:'''Toughness''': +3 (Cursed) [2 points]

Sarah Walker is a college student who hooked up with the wrong guy one night after a night of dancing. He seemed like a good guy but he bite her, drawing blood, and acted like he was going to actually eat her! Luckily she got away. Unluckily she later discoverd some strange changes within in. She did not exactly turn into a werewolf but she seem to gain alott of the abilities attributed to them!</br>
Sarah Walker is a college student who hooked up with the wrong guy one night after a night of dancing. He seemed like a good guy but he bite her, drawing blood, and acted like he was going to actually eat her! Luckily she got away. Unluckily she later discoverd some strange changes within in. She did not exactly turn into a werewolf but she seem to gain alott of the abilities attributed to them!</br>
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'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d10, Strength d4, Vigor d10</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d10, Strength d4, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 5, '''Toughness''' 7</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 5, '''Toughness''' 7</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Healing d6+2, Notice d6, Occult d10+2, Persuasion d6, Research d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d6</br>  
'''Skills''': Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Healing d8+2, (Languages (Russian d8; Chinese d6, English d6, Latin d6, Polish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d8, Occult d10+2, Persuasion d6, Research d8, Stealth d6</br>  
'''Edges''': Healer, Lucky, Scholar (Occult), Super Powers </br>
'''Edges''': Healer, Lucky, Scholar (Occult), Super Powers </br>
'''Hindrances''': Curious (Major), Driven (learning magic) (Minor), Mild Mannered (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)  </br>
'''Hindrances''': Curious (Major), Driven (learning magic) (Minor), Mild Mannered (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)  </br>
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:'''Force Field''': Subtracts 5 points of damage from all attacks. Requires activation (Hex Shield) [4 points]
:'''Force Field''': Subtracts 5 points of damage from all attacks. Requires activation (Hex Shield) [4 points]
:'''Healing''': with a Focus +2 check can cure self or ally within 6" (12 yard) a Wound (two wounds with a raise). Cure, Restroaction, Resurrection (Healing Magic) [9 points]
:'''Healing''': with a Focus +2 check can cure self or ally within 6" (12 yard) a Wound (two wounds with a raise). Cure, Restroaction, Resurrection (Healing Magic) [9 points]
:'''Illusion''': The creator can conjure an illusion with a Focus check, up to 12” (24 yards) distant, filling a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template with whatever image he desires. As long as the caster pays attention, the images react to the world around them just as if they were real—staggering back from attacks, taking "damage," and so on. The image can be moved up to 12" each turn as a limited free action. After Effects, Districting, Film Quality, Obscurement (Magical Illusions) [9 points]
:'''Illusion''': The creator can conjure an illusion with a Focus check, up to 12” (24 yards) distant, filling a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template with whatever image he desires. As long as the caster pays attention, the images react to the world around them just as if they were real—staggering back from attacks, taking "damage," and so on. The image can be moved up to 12" (24 yds) each turn as a limited free action. After Effects, Districting, Film Quality, Obscurement (Magical Illusions) [9 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Range 12/24/48, Damage 4d6 (Mystic Bolt) [6 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Arcane/Magic Damage 3d6 (Mystic Bolt) [6 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Smarts +2, Spirits +2 (Magical Training) [8 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Smarts +2, Spirits +2 (Magical Training) [8 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Focus +2, Healing +1, Occult +2 (Magical Training) [5 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Focus +2, Healing +1, Occult +2 (Magical Training) [5 points]
:'''Super Sorcery''': power stunt lasts longer, and power up to 10 points. (Magical Training) [4 points]
:'''Super Sorcery''': power stunt lasts longer, and power up to 10 points. (Magical Training) [4 points]
Stepan Petrov became obssesed with the stories his grandmother told of fairy and Baba Yagga as if it were real! (Well turns out Baba Yagga is real so...)
[[File:SWADE.SPC.Rampage.jpg | 350px | right]]
''Duplicator Scrapper, Female, Age 30''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 10</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Gambling d4, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Russian d6, Spanish d6, Ukrainian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d4 </br>
'''Edges''': Acrobatics, Brawny, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Duplication) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Code of Honor (Major), Grim (Minor), Overconfident (Major), Ruthless (Minor) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Mutant)</br>
:'''Dupication''': With an Action and a Focus check can created up to Three copies of herself (except they do not posses Duplication) They count as Extra and can be replace with another Action  and Focus check if 'Taken Out'. No Tell (These copies look exactly like her. Notice rolls are made at −4 to tell a duplicate from the original), Promotion (If the original character is Incapacitated while a duplicate survives, one duplicate becomes the new Wild Card “parent” instead of vanishing) [15 points]
:'''Hardy''': if Shaken a second shake does not deal you a Wound [2 points]
:'''Leaping''': Vertical 16" (32 yards), Horizonal 32" (64 yards) [4 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Str+d6 [2 points]
:'''Super Attrutes''': Agility +2, Strength +2, Vigor +2 [12 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Iron Jaw [2 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 [6 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 [2 points]
While competing on live TV at the UFC (Ultinate Fighting Championship) when XX powers suddenly manifested for the world to see -- where everyone saw XX and and her opponent facing it other one-on-one, suddenly there was 4 of XX all beating on one opponent!!!
[[File:MnM.Seven.jpg | 250px | right]]
''Android, Male?, Age 2''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirits d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (Fly 12), '''Parry''' 6, '''Toughness''' 11</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Languages (English d8; Georgain d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Repair d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d6</br>
'''Edges''': Brawler & Bruiser (Str+d6), Super Powers, The Best There Is (Copy Cat) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Code of Honor (Major), Enemy [Doctor X] (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Outsider (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Android Copier/Changeling)</br>
:'''Chameleon''': Changing appearance takes an Action and a Focus roll. Inanimate (can assume the shape of inanimate objects. The form assumed cannot vary from the character’s Size by more than two. There’s no contest if someone is suspicious of an object, just a simple Notice roll at –2, once per encounter, to spot the fake), Biometics (can replicate a target's voice, fingerprints, retinas, and other identifiers. Notice rolls to detect the deception are made at −2) Requires Touch [5 points]
:'''Constructs''': +2 when attempting to recover from being Shaken, ignore one point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat and are immune to disease and poison, don’t Bleed Out, and Wounds are removed with Repair instead of Healing. Each Repair roll takes one hour of work per current Wound level, but isn’t limited to the usual "Golden Hour" [8 points]
:'''Copy Cat''': With an Action can copy up to 15 points of an target's powers with a Focus and touch (if hostile requires Fighting check +2). Can copy all the powers up to level or oly part of them. The copied power cannot have Device or Magical Trapings. Partial Powers, Requires Touch [15 points]
:'''Flight''': Pace 12 [4 points]
:'''Super-Attributes''': Strength +2, Vigor +2 [8 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Fighting +1, Focus +2 [3 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 [2 points]
Doctor X had spent years studying superheroes and villains and their powers along with creating a android that might be able to copy these

[[File:SWADE.SPC.Thinderstrike.jpg | 300px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.SPC.Thinderstrike.jpg | 300px | right]]
''Brick/Engery Projector (lightning), Female, Age 19''</br>
''Brick/Engery Projector (lightning), Female, Age 19''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d8</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 14</br>
'''Pace''' 6, '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 15</br>
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Intimidate d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research d6, Reair d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6</br>  
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Chinese d6, Russian d6), Intimidate d6, Language (Chinese d4), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research d4, Reair d4, Stealth d6</br>  
'''Edges''': First Strike, Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, Sweep </br>
'''Edges''': First Strike, Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, Sweep </br>
'''Hindrances''': Grim (Minor), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)</br>
'''Hindrances''': Grim (Minor), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Empowered by Thunder god/spirit??)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Empowered by Thunder god/spirit??)</br>
:'''Leaping''': Vertial distance 8" (16 yards), Horizonal distance 16" (32 yards). Death from Above (as long as she's not restricted from leaping, the character's Wild Attacks cause +4 damage instead of +2) (Empowered Strength) [4 points]
:'''Leaping''': Vertial distance 8" (16 yards), Horizonal distance 16" (32 yards). Death from Above (as long as she's not restricted from leaping, the character's Wild Attacks cause +4 damage instead of +2) (Empowered Strength) [4 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Damage Str+d6, AP 2 (Empowered Lighting Fist/Strike) [3 points]
:'''Melee Attack''': Lighting Damage Str+d6. AP 2, Lethal (Empowered Lighting Fist/Strike) [2 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Ranged 12/24/48, Damage 4d6 (lighting), can fire as Cone or individual bolt (Empowered lighting bolts) [10 points]  
:'''Ranged Attack''': Focus test, Ranged 12/24/48, Lighting Damage 4d6. Burst template option, Lethal (Empowered lighting bolts) [9 points]  
:'''Super Attributes''': Strength +5, Vigor +1 (Empowered) [12 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Strength +5, Vigor +2 (Empowered) [14 points]
:'''Super Edge''': Iron Jaw (Empowered) [2 points]
:'''Super Edge''': Iron Jaw (Empowered) [2 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Shooting +2 (Empowered) [6 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 (Empowered) [6 points]
:'''Toughness''':+8 (Empowered) [8 points]
:'''Toughness''':+8 (Empowered) [8 points]
Mei 'May' Zhang was born in mainland China but her parents moved her with them when the immagated to the US when she was two.
[[File:SWADE.Vindacator.jpg | 350px | right]]
''Inventor/Armored Hero, Male, Age 26''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d6</br>
'''Pace''' 6 (Fly 12), '''Parry''' 5, '''Toughness''' 13 (4)</br>
'''Skills''': Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d6 (+2), Fighting d6, Focus d6, Hacking d6 (+2), Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Armenian d6, French d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8, Repair d8+2, Science d10+2, Stealth d4, Thievery d6 (+2) </br>
'''Edges''': Mr. Fix It, Rich, Scholar (Science), Super Powers</br>
'''Hindrances''': Heroic (Major), Idealist (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Secret Identity (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Genius Inventor/Armored Suit)</br>
:'''Armor''': +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [1 points]
:'''Broadcast''': As an action, the hero can see and hear any radio, television, or internet signal as long as he's within ten miles of a connection. Can connect wirelessly to computer networks within range. Connecting to an encrypted transmissions requires a Focus roll at –2 (−4 or higher for military-grade encryption). Device/worn (Armored Suit) [1 point]
:'''Flight''': Pace 12. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [3 points]
:'''Gifted''': gain a free reroll on Smart test and Smart based skills (Gifted) [2 points]
:'''Interface''': +2 to Electronics and Hacking. Code Braker (+2 to Thievery with electronics locks etc). Device/worn (Armored Suit) [2 points]
:'''Ranged Attack''': Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Force Damage 3d6. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [5 point]
:'''Super-Attributes''': Smarts +3 (Gifted) [6 points]
:'''Super-Attributies''': Agility +1, Strenght +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [8 points]
:'''Super-Skills''': Electronics +2, Hacking +2, Research +2, Repair +2, Science +2 (Gifted) [10 points]
:'''Super Science''': power stunt does not replace existing power, instead any power up to 10 points and last twice as long (Gifted) [4 points]
:'''Toughness''': +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [3 points]
Growing up in a working class family Jemall Washington was always a gifted kid, way smarter then most other kids. He was always taking things abart and putting them back together again. He graduated high school early and went to University at 14. At 18 he graduated with a duel doctoral degrees in Math and Mechanical Engineering.</br>
He started working as a researcher for military hardward but become uncomfortable with some of the area his team was researching and eventually quite. With his saving he started his own comany producting advanced communicate devices and producting of SCI device that help paralyzed people walk again. He also developted his Vindicator powered armored suit to take up super heroing.

[[File:SWADE.SPC.Vortex.jpg | 350px | right]]
[[File:SWADE.SPC.Vortex.jpg | 350px | right]]
''Speedster, Female, Age 21''</br>
''Speedster, Female, Age 21''</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d8</br>
'''Attributes''': Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10</br>
'''Pace''' lots, '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 8</br>
'''Pace''' lots (100+), '''Parry''' 7, '''Toughness''' 8</br>
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Gambling d4, Healing d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6 </br>  
'''Skills''': Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Healing d4, Language (English d8; Georgian d6, Spanish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6 </br>  
'''Edges''': Elan, Extraction (Improved), Level Headed (Improved), Reliable, Super Powers, The Best their Is (Speed) </br>
'''Edges''': Brawler (Str+d4), Elan, Extraction (Improved), Level Headed (Improved), Super Powers, The Best There Is (Speed) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Bad Eyes (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Mild Mannored (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Hindrances''': Bad Eyes (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Mild Mannored (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major) </br>
'''Super Powers''' (Experiment?/Mutant)</br>
'''Super Powers''' (Mutant)</br>
:'''Additional Actions''': Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4) [6 points]
:'''Additional Actions''': Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4). Fast Action [8 points]
:'''Intangible''': makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks, like a phantom or spirit. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally [5 points]
:'''Damage Field''': Lighting Damage 3d6. Area (line), Requires her to run by targets (within 1") at full speed (-1) (Lighting charged run-by) [6 points]  
:'''Speed''': Sonic Speed (768 mph), Attack Pen to hit you -6 (full speed). Surface Tension (at full speed can run across water and up and down sides of buildigs) [15 points]
:'''Speed''': Sonic Speed (768 mph), Attack penalty to hit you -6 (full speed). Surface Tension (at full speed can run across water and up and down sides of buildigs) [15 points]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Vigor +1 [6 poits]
:'''Super Attributes''': Agility +2, Vigor +2 [8 poits]
:'''Super Edges''': Extraction, Imroved Extraction, Improved Level Headed, Level Headed, [8 points]
:'''Super Edges''': Extraction, Improved Extraction, Improved Level Headed, Level Headed, [8 points]
:'''Super Skills''': Fighting +3 [3 points]
:'''Toughness''': +2 [2 points]
==Setting - 'CENTURY CITY'==
'''Century City''' is a port city on the west coast of northern '''California'''. Its a good sized city of four million residences. It is a high tech center with a lot of the worlds and USA leading tech companies and think tanks located here. The city itself is fairly safe but a new criminal element is making a move as the old guard is set of step back (its as if they have been planning this for a while).
The city is as the adventure opens holding a call to recruit new heroes to become the newest team of '''Centurions''' for the city. The older heroes are retiring or want to take a less active role in super-heroin. The next generation of Heroes must step up and take on the mantle of the city's defenders!!!
'''Century City Port'''. Terminals, wharves, piers, Coast Guard Base, and facilities for bulk cargo, petroleum, and LNG shipment. The port is busy at all times of the hour, although a bit less so at night. It also features and area known as '''''Portside''''', tucked inland between the port proper and the rest of the city. Portside is primarily a mixed demographic, low-income area mostly populated by dock workers. The people of Portside are such a varied lot that they do not generally mind who their neighbors are.</br>
'''Fontaine Quarter'''. An older mixed-use residential and commercial zone. Was the heart of the city decades ago, now pushed out by a newer area with high-rise towers. It's a place of wide streets, foot traffic, lots of roundabouts and large decorative fountains. The buildings are mostly older, nothing taller than ten stories, often with classic or art deco architecture. It's common to have shops and offices on the first few floors, and apartments or condos above that. The neighborhood is considered trendy.</br>
'''Lantern Row'''. This neighborhood was setting originally by Chinese coming to work the railways. The family that settled here came from a district that had traditionally that included the lighting of lanterns, some that were floating on the rivers and streams of the area and others on balloons. The city adopted the tradition but it is still a common sight in many of the local businesses, shops and restaurants.</br>
'''Hermosa Canción'''. Beautiful Song in Spanish this neighborhood is located south of the downtown area. Having a Latino population the area is full of many popular resturants and the park around '''''Costanze Lake''''', a small lake surrounded by the neigherhood.</br>
'''Ridgeway'''. Once the center of old money in the city this rundown neighborhood fell on hard times in the 80's when the city was hit by a mild earthquake. However Ridgeway was closer to the epicenter and suffered a great deal of damage. Many of its residences lost much of their wealth or moved way. At first the city was investing in rebuilding but legal matters hauled much of this and today many of the great mansions of last century are overgrown ruins. </br>
'''Riverside'''. Built along the '''''Yurok River''''' this neighborhood is made up mostly of apartment complexes, strip malls and large car dealerships. There are hundreds are local eaters here and multiple large malls. There are also a few industrial parks and business development zones. Crime is not especially common there are a couple of smaller local gangs include the street biker gang '''''The Death Korp'''''.</br>
'''The Smokes'''. The industrial heart of the city were many factories and manufactoring centers are locationed. The pollution is heavily regulated by the city and not as bad as many other such cities. There a few low income tenament houses in the area where many of the city's working poor are located.</br>
'''Sunburban Hills'''. A gated community close to the city, but feels like it’s out in the suburbs. Most famous for being right behind the '''''Mark Wahlberg mall''''', named after the tech company owner (who either isn’t the same person as our MW, or in this timeline he went into tech development instead of acting). The two are also famous together because the ''Hillsfolk'' (as their derisively called) snob it up around the mall and refuse to associate with anyone else while there.</br>
'''The Federal Bureau of Communications Century City Satellite Relay Hub'''. It’s no longer a relay hub, but instead monitors satellite feeds while doing such things as informing companies if their sats are acting funny and doing cyber-defense. This is where Slime’s mom works so she can tap into global communications.</br>
'''The Cybernetic Rights Bureau'''. A semi-governmental organisation that protects the rights of technology-based intelligences, promotes legislation, provides legal services and fights an uphill PR battle against anti-automaton prejudice.</br>
'''Ajax Compture Corporaton'''.</br>
'''Landle, Mark and Wadern Law Firm'''. </br>
'''Oracle Investment Banking'''.</br>
'''Quest Technologies'''. Andrew Quest started with a loan and a workshop in his garage. Now in his seventies, the reclusive, visionary inventor has a company that is one of the world leaders, perhaps even the leader in quantum technologies.</br>
'''Woden Industrial'''. Founded and run by Maxwell Woodburn this company specializes in the development and sale of military grade weapons and equipment. </br>
'''Century City University'''. Is the result of a spatial and political mix-up. A villain named Doctor Distortion, back in the 1920s, attempted to take portions of the city hostage by pinching them off into extradimensional prison-bubbles - entire city blocks would simply disappear from the landscape as though they had never been. He was inspired by Einstein's theories of relativity and believed that if space was curved naturally, it could be twisted and manipulated artificially. He was right! But his scheme was foiled by the heroes of the time, and the destruction of his machine resulted in the creation of a new, large space in the center of the city, with everything naturally rearranged around it. It became politically difficult to do anything with it, as everyone who attempted to lay claim to or purchase the land was accused of being in league with Doctor Distortion in a complex double-play to obtain incredibly valuable real estate. Eventually, in order to ensure no one could be accused of having profited from crime, the land was donated to a not-for-profit and a university was established on the land. Century University is considered a prestigious school and the campus location is incredible. However, it has departments in some otherwise-disreputable fields like parapsychology, cryptozoology, et cetera, which occasionally embarrass the school. The flipside is that they also occasionally produce some results, which is weirdly even more embarrassing. Their interview with Bigfoot from five years back is one of the most-viewed videos on youtube, brought them tens of millions of dollars in money from donations and monetization, and resulted in the construction of a Bigfoot statute on campus that makes them a laughingstock to other schools.
* '''''Author Miller Physics Labratory''''' is a world renowned Physical Science labratory and draws students from another the world.
'''Central City Library'''. There are many branches spread throughout the city but the Down Town brank library is by far the largest and most popular. This 8 story glass and steel structure takes up a whole city block and has seating for over two hundred patrons and a large helpful staff. </br>
'''Central Street Police Station'''. The street was originally Brewery Street, for the old brewery building on it. That building got demolished a long time ago during a fight with Centurions and the supervillain Rampage, now serving a life sentence at Century City Hypermax. Where the brewery stood is now Centurion Park, and the street has been renamed. The police station was constructed and opened a few decades ago with much pomp and fanfare for Division C, a special police division to counter incidents of supercrime. The division was highly trained, they had the best gear money could buy - and all that proved insufficient to deal with the various unconventional powers their targets brought to the game. And not just their targets. '''''Division C''''' often ended up outdone by vigilante superheroes. It became rapidly apparent that Century City needed superheroes to deal with supervillains, and some of the more reliable vigilantes and other people were invited to join the team that became the Centurions. The police station is still there, and so is Division C, but much diminished in role. They still deal with supercrime, but largely act as support force for Centurions. They are the first responders who call the Centurions, keep bystanders away, and afterwards take statements, collect and file the evidence, write the incident reports, and generally deal with all the bureaucracy and other unglamorous parts of dealing with supercrime.</br>
'''Century City Hypermax'''. A prison for supervillains, not in the city proper but instead to the northeast of the city on the eastern side of Ares Military Base. What exact methods are used to contain the inmates and keep them from using their powers are a huge secrets, but few people have ever escaped.</br>
'''Century City's Natural Museum of Earth Histroy and Science'''.</br>
'''Centurion Tower'''. Located in downtown Century City on Alpha Avenue, this 20 story building houses the city's hero team, the Centurions. The top five floors of the tower make up the teams headquarters. Lower floors include a number of business and city offices.
*Building Roof: Has been reinforced and allowed helicopter and other VTOL aircraft
*20th Floor: This floor is dominated by a machine shop for vehicle repair and refueling. It also includes a storage area where a vehicle VTOL vehicle can be stored within the tower. There is machinary for the team's advanced communication hardware located here (satellite uplink, etc.)
*19th Floor: This floor includes over a dozen workshops and labratories. 
*18th Floor: This floor include the team's Danger Room and excerise rooms with various work out equipment for a wide range of powers.
*17th Floor: This floor includes an independent fusion power plant and houses computer shervers and center for the A.D.A.M. AI system. Also include main communication and confrence room for the team to link to most world-wide communication systems.   
*16th Floor: This floor includes the Centurion's living quarters (10 fairly large indivial apartments with private baths, living area and kitchenattes). There is a central entertaiment area and large common kitcheen/dinning room area along with a few secure offices for use as city or federal agents.
'''C-L Monorail System'''. </br>
'''Grant Mooris Fusion Plant'''. Located</br>
'''Wayne Museum of Science and Industry'''. </br>
'''Ares Military Base'''. On the northeastern edge of Century City located in the high wooded hills located there, this Army base is used as a military testing site for many of the weapons and systems developed by '''''Woden Industrial''''' for the US Military. The hills around it cut down on any noise pollution and it is fenced off with multiple layers of detection devices and patrolled heavily by military police to keep the curious out. </br>
'''Century Park'''. A large sprawling, rolling hills park filled with plenty of open grass fields, with a small stream and four small ponds and multiple crops of trees shattered throughout. Very popular and frequented by many of the city's residence.</br>
'''Centurion Park'''. Centurion Park is much smaller than the city's famous Century Park. Situated near the Centurion Street Police Station, it is mainly a memorial park for both the wins and losses of Centurions and their associates - mainly Division C police officers - in their efforts to protect Century City from supercrime and related incidents.</br>
'''Costanze Park and Lake''': located in the Hermosa Canción neighborhood this park and the lake itself is popular all year round. There are very few private homes on the lake shore and the city has set most of the area around the lake as a public park. </br>
'''Wyre Forest Wolf Nature Preserve'''. Aka Werewolf Forest. It's a large state park adjacent to and inland from the city, with campgrounds and so forth. There's lots of hills, woods, whatever. Also, a hydroelectric dam holding up a large, picturesque lake. People flock go there to hike, jog, camp, fish, whatever. There are no actual werewolves, although there are some regular wolves in the deeper areas of the preserve.</br>
'''Century Mountain'''. This old extinct volcanos with an elevation of just under 15,000 feet, its snow covered peak can be seen from almost anywhere in the city. </br>
'''Bellisario's'''. Named after the semi-famous maxim, it’s a “eat-and-drink-ery” that specializes in not asking questions about anything weird that happens inside, so long as people don’t do anything nasty to each other. Translation: It’s the urban fantasy crowd’s hang-out.</br>
'''Burger Blaster'''. This popular local burger chain can be found through out the city at one of their 24 locations (with two new ones on the way). Specializing in large, meaty burgers they also have come to embrace (and master) multiple types of veggie burgers,</br>
'''Perlaine's Espresso Bar'''s. These cafe are a city feature, famous for their buttermilk crunch cake and very, very strong "bad morning" coffee.</br>
'''The Sentinel Statue'''. This statue appeared about ten years ago on the corner of Quark Street and Particle Avenue. It is a large figure of a hooded creature releasing a bird and seems to be made of green marble. Attempts to analyse, dismantle, relocate or take samples.  of it fail due to ever-increasing bad luck, one of which caused the death of a particularly stubborn Brick hero. It is on the Centurion's extremely long watch-list but seems to be utterly inert.</br>
'''The Underground'''. After a large flood due to a tidal wave decades ago, a whole area of the city sank. It was simultaneously built over and cleared out, and expanded into an underground storage complex carved into the limestone hills. There's now a WEIRDLY extensive underground are of the city, with its own mall, neighborhoods, streets, and stores. There are a few "facade" buildings in the above-ground areas over. They look like regular houses or (closed) shops, but don't have an interior. Instead they're basically enormous ventilation units pulling stale air out of the underground.</br>
'''Mayor Gordon A. Hoffa'''. The Mayor of Century City for the last 9 years, he is fairly popular "looking to the future" agenda.</br>
The District Attorny</br>
Action News Reports</br>
'''The Night Stalkers'''. A gang of young urban fantasy creatures who ran around posing as powered humans and being anti-hero vigilantes. They're currently incarcerated.</br>

'''The Yellow Lotus'''</br>
Lindsee Santiago grew up in a middle class family when her powers manifested during a track meet. Luckily it was during a long distance marathon and she happened to be out of sight of anyone. She leaned how to use her powers in secret and after graducation she got a job as a night time stock room person at a store. She could finish her job in no time and was able to go out 'super-heroing' for the rest of the night.
=== Game Idea===
The Heroes are all recently joined the Century City '''''Centurion''''' team. The old guard whom have protected the city for years are retired or disappeared. The heroes are granted access to the '''''Centurion Tower''''' and the game begins with a celibration in the heart of '''''Century Park''''' attended by thousands of civilians.

Latest revision as of 17:21, 14 November 2021

This wiki is to test out some character ideas and buildings using the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition - Super Power Companion.


This game is going to use the Super Powered Companion (SPC) for the Savage Worlds Adventure Edition (SW). All notes will refect these rules.

For the first game I am going a bit Darker Four Color supers.

Power Level: 3 (45 base, no more then 10 points in any one power)
SETTING RULES: Born a Hero (SW), Comic Book Combat (SPC), Conviction (SW), Creative Combat (SW), Death & Defeat (SPC), Fanatics (SW), High Adventure (SW), Larger than Life (SPC), Mega Destruction (SPC), More Skill Points (SW), Multiple Languages (SW), Never Surrender (SPC), No Finishing Moves (SPC), Throwdown (SPC), Villainous Conviction (SPC), Wound Cap (SW)


Traits: gain 5 attribute traits points and 15 skill trait points, including the free skill levels.
The Super Attribute and Super Skills Powers allows attributes and skills to exceed a race's normal limits. If the increase are permanent, it counts for Advancement.
The Focus (X) Skill is used to control many powers listed in the SPC. Normally this tied to Spirits for the hero can choice any Attribute Trait to use this skill. Once chosen it cannot be changed.
Adaptable: As a human, at character creation start with a bonus Edge that you qualify for for free. If the GM allows you to play a non-Human (alien or otherwise) work with him to create the race (such as listed in SW).
Languages: In this setting the most common languages are Armenian, Georgia, English (Offical state language), Russian and Turkish. Most people in Echo City speak two or more of these language. Other common tongues include Arabic, Chinese, Kurmanji, Polish, Romaniam ahd Ukrainian.
Super Powered: Gain this Edge for Free. This grants you 45 points for super powers, no more then 10 in any one power set.
Update for The Best There Is Edge allows you to invest up to 15 points in any one power set instead of only 10, but only for one power set (others are restricted to 10 points).
Hindrances: start with one Major and two Minor Hindrances. The Larger then Life setting rule allows the hero to take one additional Major Hindrance. Spend these points per the rules in SW.


They have gone by many names since the dawn of super-powered individuals. The Twilight Legion, the Guardians of Freedom in World War II, and many others. In the modern era, they are known as the Doom Guard.

The guard stands above nations and politics. They form when there is an existential threat to humanity. Most of its members are heroes, but in times of great crisis the past is put aside and villains join the ranks as well. Sometimes pardons are granted for service in the Doom Guard, but casual agreements of limited amnesty are more common. Entire super groups join the Doom Guard when annihilation threatens, and in fact, it's considered an honor.

Then the K'tharen[1] alien invaders attacked the Earth and ravaged its super heroes before the "friendly" V'sori[2] arrived to help battle the invaders. In celebrations around the world, the treacherous v'sori revealed their true face—the k'tharens were their own shock troops! The assembled heroes were destroyed in a rapid and brutal surprise attack. A few escaped, but thereafter, "the fate of the world lay with the scum of the Earth." The super villain resistance, called Omegas, that were organized and lead by the powerful Dr. Destruction. Under his ferocious leadership, the Omegans struck at the aliens around the world and eventually triumphed. They even managed to travel to the v'sori home planet and assault their leader, the notorious Overmind. Those events are happened about six years ago and the Doom Guard have been rebuilding ever since.

Headquarters and Leadership now... the Doom Guard's primary and most public headquarters is in Star City, a strange urban island created by a cosmic entity called the Outsider. The super hero called Warden manages and oversees the team and its network of affiliates, and handles most of the organization's diplomatic and logistical issues from here.

The Doom Guard has another base in New England called Legacy City. Hex and Hellcat are most often found there, watching over the strange ley lines, magical incidents, and curious cultists who frequent the region. A third, mobile base is a massive flying ship called the Barrage. The former criminal Blackguard is often found at its helm well-suited to the role as Barrage is often used to infiltrate places that aren't always friendly to the Doom Guard's role.

Connecting them all is a dour artificial intelligence called Cassandra who aids the Doom Guard greatly. "She" constantly scours the planet for any crimes or unusual events and reports them to Warden. Most importantly, Cassandra analyzes billions of minute events for patterns that might indicate greater threats. The team learned the hard way that a simple break-in at an occult shop or the collection of certain high-tech devices often signaled far greater trouble on the horizon.

For this game the heroes have been recruited by the Doom Guard to serve as a new team within Echo City.


Echo City, the shinning city, were the past reflected in its future, the city that V’sori tech built.

Echo City, a Black Sea technology hub, is an independent nation city-state of 5 million residents. An outgrowth of the city of Batumi which was expanded and built on from a once resort port city. The main route north to south is road is the Batumi Boulevard which encompasses a waterfront promenade with parks and beaches. The 180m-high black glass Y’sour (v’sori for Black) Tower, with newly adorned Georgian script, has a seaside observation deck that is very popular and offers a spectacular view of the sea. The old town that survives in District Six is lined with renovated 19th-century buildings and strange v’sori mansions (may of which are tourist attractions or owned by the city’s elite). The massive rebuilt Batumi Botanical Garden of District Four showcases flora from around the world and V’sori homeworld. The city is powered by a fusion power plant which also supports the PowerGrid-Road System that runs throughout it. Entertainment and advanced hi-tech industry go hand in hand in Echo City!.
Area: 378.3 sq. miles
Weather: Mild Tropical weather is typical with high humidity in the summer months and heavy precipitation in the winter months.

  • On average, the warmest month is August with 26.0° Celsius (78.8° Fahrenheit).
  • On average, the coolest month is January with 10.0° Celsius (50° Fahrenheit).
  • The average annual maximum temperature is: 18.0° Celsius (64.4° Fahrenheit).
  • The average annual minimum temperature is: 12.0° Celsius (53.6° Fahrenheit).


This port city-state is located on the borders between Georgia and Turkey on the Black Sea. When the v’sori took over the Earth they built a city north of the ruins of ‘’’Batumi’’’ (a Georgian port city that was bombed early in the invasion) to which to conduct operation in the Middle East and Africa. They forced immigration on many humans to work in building the city to their liking and to work in new industries that they created (for goods that v’sori wanted). At the end of their occupation the city’s population was just over two million humans.

After the v’sori retreated they abandoned the city they along much of their technology. This has led to a boom of investments by tech giants and sponsors for the creation of factories and labs to reverse engineer their tech for human use. Today the population has more than doubled to five million and has become an independent city-state from Georgia, which is still reeling from v’sori force relocation of much of the population and exploiting of its resources. The population of Georgia today is less than a million inhabitants and they mostly concentrated on farmers and animal husbandry.

Echo City has become a world leader in technologies developed from these abandoned stores and has also become a leading nation helping the world rebuild. They have also started investing in Georgia along with several Middle Eastern and African nations to produces various secondary technology that they require to produce these technologies. This includes the world funded and developing Space Elevator in the Republic of Congo. The v’sori had been planning the projects themselves and researchers at Echo City discovered this project and shared the info with the world. This ‘elevator’ will not be completed or operational until 2025 but Echo City is a major advocate for its completion.

But of course, not all is good with this situation. This abandoned tech was so extensive that it also drew the criminal element here to gain access and exploit what they can to advance their own criminal activities. The city has tried to secure as much of this tech as they could, but the v’sori were found of secret sites and testing facilities and they spread them through the city and region.

The most powerful and active of these tech gang in the city are CyberGang who are lead by the unhinged Overkill[3]. The v'sori had a number of secret testing facilities set up here where they were imlanting criminals with advanced cybernetic systems to see if they could create different versions of the Drones. As things fell apart these test subects escaped with a great deal of stolen weapons and other tech. These days they are searching for more cybernetic systems and weapons left by the aliens while robbing banks and other criminal activity to fund their lifestyles.

And the v’sori did not just abandoned their tech, but in some cases their own people and allies. Thousands of v’sori soldiers, techs and scientists were left behind in the final retreat along with k’tharen soldiers and other alien allies. In Echo City most of these have settled in District Nine when the city tied to building housing that would accommodate them but in the form of block looking apartment buildings. Most of these were abandoned over the years by the alien residents and now inhabited by the city’s poor. The alien refugees built they own dwellings but these appear to be very shanty-like construction and is mostly a slums today. There are a few pockets of development, but they are few and far between. Clashes between humans and aliens are common here and law enforcement is minimal… except for the unofficial ‘Blue Guard’ a v'sori gagn that runs much of the district.

A new crisis the city is facing comes with the appearance of the metahuman mercenary group known as the Crushers which have been raiding many advance tech industries, and holding facilities. The authorities have not been able to piece together any patter to their raids except it includes advanced computer and general scientific research in industrial produces.

Despite these challenges the future looks bright for the nation overall. Most residents are happy and secure. But dangers lurk just below the surface (and in the case of the Morlocks, literally right under the surface).


District One – Hrashk: The downtown core of the city where the skyline is still domination by v’sori architecture and is the financial hub of the nation. Most of the important companies and business have their headquarters here as does the city’s government agencies. The office of the Prime Minister and Parliament are here as are the local law enforcement and nations military (mostly a Coastguard like navy that has several high-tech ships in its fleet)
Important Locations

  • Echo Library of History – A massive glass and steel building that takes up a whole city block and is five stories tall. Multiple computer kiosks are located on every floor along with a huge number of available books in the stacks. There are two basement levels where additional books are stored (some rumors that ‘forbidden’ tombs are also keep here).
  • The Echo Tower – this 20-story blueush-green glass gleaming structure has been dedicated for used by the 'Doom Guard by the city government. The 1st floor is a public area has both a famous Indian and a Georgian restaurants along with Turkish Coffee House. Security access to the upper floors is provided by the city and the Doom Guard. The first fifteen floors are office space for local and international government agencies that might have dealings with the Doom Guard’s members and dealing with meta-crimes in the city. This is also where extra security and monitoring stations are located for both the building and surrounding area to try and detect any trouble that might occur with a public superhero location. The upper five floors are the residential and training areas for the group but also contains a VTOL landing pad on the roof and maintenance and repair hanger on the floor below (accessible via an elevator lift take can handle vehicles). There is also a large entertainment area and rec room with a fully stocked communal kitchen where a dedicated staff can prepare almost any known meal on Earth.
  • Government Grounds (Red Wall) – To the north and east of the Echo City Tower are the government buildings of the Prime Minister, the Parliament, Military Command, Space Agency, the City Police (ECPD), Supreme Court, varies Offices of Ministry, etc. This area is heavily patrolled by both the ECPD and EC Marine Core but is fairly open to the public, restricting access only to certain areas for the protection of various officials. Much of it is surrounded by a very distinctive red metal walls that were originally built by the v’sori. Sections were destroyed in the later days of the occupation but most remain intact.
  • Ibn Sina Hospital and Medical Center – The city’s main hospital center, serving much of the residences with advanced quality care in both general medicine and specialty care. There are over a dozen interconnected buildings that make up the medical park with the centerpiece being a 500-bed hospital and vast emergency care center.
  • Majestic Park - A large park that splits and run through the heart of the downtown area, its tropical trees and many streams and ponds is very popular with employees of the local business and city employees during the day and is patrolled fairly heavily at night making popular with young loves.
  • Museum of Industrial and Technology History – this large two-block and five story building is dedicated to world and local history and technology through the ages. Most visitors want to gaze on the newest tech that was introduced by the v’sori
  • Remembrance Park – This modest park is dedicated to many of the heroes who died in the early days of the v’sori invasion. Statues dedicated in their honor line the wooded area and a large pool in the center of the park (the Reflection Pool) have the name of many local heroes inscribed on granite stone.

Important Business

  • Ajax Industry – This company is invested heavily in exploring v’sori military weapons and technology. They have a bit of a shady reputation but are in good with the city as they provide the nation-state with most of its military hardware at heavy discounts.
  • GeneDoc Enterprises – A specialist in genetic medicines and gene-therapy technologies that are working towards the stated goal of ‘curing the world of birth defects'. Some metas however fear that they have unstated goals that include ‘fixing’ mutants and metagenes in the womb.
  • Hermes Trading Group – Leading banking and trading investment group who specialize in finance technology development.
  • FadaTech – Industry leaders in developing in spacecraft that are invested heavily in the development of Earth’s first interstellar vessel and own a number of near-Earth orbiting platforms (space stations).
  • Sigil MindWorks – A think-tank research group lead by the world’s leading meta-genius, Dr. Sigil[4] (real name unknown). The doctor is always producing crazy unheard of technological breakthrough, in seemly random fields, that he leaves half finished as he is inspired to some new discovery. The rest of the staff at MindWorks then tries to figure out how these technologies will work and what applications they might have.

District Two – Salam: To the east of District One, this was the living area of v’sori elite, and the buildings and homes reflect that. It is still a rich district but now many of the larger mansions were torn down and replaced with high end luxury condos to house the city’s growing well off residence. There are a number of parks and pool areas throughout and the largest mall in the city Future Mall) are also located here.
Important Locations

  • Future Mall – This huge modern mall is massive with over 300 high-end stores along with famous big-box outlets. It has indoor pool and amusement rides, a wonderful food court and various excusive restaurants. The mall is rather private, allowing only district residents and their guess access.
  • Hope's Park – A beautiful curving park that follow the river way through the district into District Three to the north and eventually to the sea. There are numerous picnic areas lining the river way but also farther back private tables and gazebos within the surrounding woodlands. Tree groves and small pounds are everywhere and this is one the most popular parks in the city.

Important Business

  • Inter-Self Exceptionalism – This new age business/self help group is run by a rather excentric 'Reverend' Maxwell Power[5] and is very popular with the city’s elite and rich.

District Three – Seaside: North of District One.
Important Locations

  • Echo Port – Located on the northern side of the Marina these are the city’s main international shipping port connecting to numerous railways and major roads. There are always ships being loaded and unloaded here and it operates 24/7.
  • The Marina and Public Waterfront
  • Shark Zone -This is very popular aquarium and water park situated right on the waterfront. Run by the city and local group the shark tanks amusement show is run by Aqua-Girl[6] who is a metahuman that can control sharks. The act she performs for the public involves sharks doing tricks like flips out of the water, driving through flaming hoops, the sharks putting their mouth around guess head but never biting them, etc. will wildly poplular.

Important Business

  • Sea Nation – This group is using v’sori and Atlantean technology to plan and build a future underwater city off the bay in Echo City. They also specialize in planet-wide clean up of the world’s oceans.
  • Tuna Express - One of the largest importers of fish produces into the Black Sea region,

District Four - the Food & Water Court: North of District Three this district is home to the city’s water desalination facilities and massive hydroponics growing biodomes. It is here that the city grows most of the city’s food, enough that they export their excess to Georgia and Turkey.
There is a wide canal connecting the sea and this district that provides the water for the desalination process that in turn supplies the hydroponic gardens.
Important Locations

  • Echo Water Canal – Running from the sea to the district this cannel separates District One and Three. It is over 200 meters wide and 10 deep and has several bridges spanning it all along its six-kilometer length.
  • Hydro-Garden #11 – This is the world famous ‘flower gardens’ of Echo City.
  • Ultramar Bridge – Build by the eccentric billion Markus Ultramar, this large bridge spans the Echo Water Canal. This draw bridge is massive in scale, with five lanes of traffic on both sides along with parking and small specialty shops on both sides sticking out over the river.

Important Business

District Five – Glow City:– to the north of District Four and the most northern part of the city is the Power District dominated by the huge fusion power planet that the v’sori originally built and provides cheap, almost limitless power to the city. Its residents and industries.
The fusion complex employs thousands of works, most whom do not living within the district. Most business here are restaurants and eateries that support the fusion employees but the rest are involving developing fusion power plants for the world.
Important Locations

  • Black-Sea Fusion Complex – This huge sprawling complex is that location of most of the city’s power. The company ‘’’Black-Sea Power’’’ is contracted by the city to run the facility and provides the almost free to the city as part of this contract.

Important Businesses

District Six – Old Batumi: Just to the south of District One, along the waterfront is also known as The Los Vegas of the Black Sea. This is the only part of the ruined city of Batumi that remaining, mostly intact and undamaged from its original design. The old city was a world-famous gambling district before the v’sori invasion, and it remains so to this day. There are also several luxury hotels, restaurants, shopping areas and jewelry dealers located here.
Important Locations

  • The Atlantean Ambassy – While Atlantis was almost wiped out by the v’sori and their king is still missing, there was an important colony of Atlanteans whom settled in the Black Sea many centuries ago. They were very secretive and remained hidden from most humans until after the v’sori left. They then made their presence known and open an Ambassy in Echo City. The reason why remains a mystery.
  • The Centropolis – One of the largest buildings in Echo City it is also one of the first ‘enclave complexes’ where the residents work, live, go to school and enjoy vast entertainment venues without ever having to leave the safety of the tower. Owned and operated by Central Data Conglomerate a leading company in data processing and interweb security (the old internet was basically shut down and destroyed by the v’sori in an attempt to limit information etc. Interweb is a creation of Nikka Web Consortium, based out of Japan but with offices in District One).
  • Echo City International Airport – The city main airport it is very large and advanced, located on the eastern edge of the district and serves hundreds of flights a day from around the world.

Important Business

  • The Heavenly Gates Casino – This huge casino and hotel is one of the richest and world-famous gambling establishment in the world. The hotel is six stories high, and the casino grounds cover several city blocks. Huge amounts of money change hands within its walls and only the state-of-the-art security systems dentures most robbery attempts. Wolverine Security, which is owned and run by the metahuman Fjellfoss[7] (Swedish for long cat or a type of wolverine found there) provides the casino (and many others in the district) with top-of-the-line protection. Fjellfoss employees several metahumans on his staff that provides much piece of mind to many customers and staff.

District Seven –the Smokes: just to the south of District Two and East of District Six. This is the manufacturing and industrial heart of the city where most of the big factories are located.
Important Locations
Important Businesses

District Eight –Heartland: South and east of District Six this large district is home to a majority of the city’s residences and includes many single-family dwelling homes along with large modern apartment complexes. There are numerous shops and small business dotted throughout the district that provide most goods for the residences such as groceries, hardware and clothing stores, restaurants, neighborhood libraries, taverns and even small factories and industrial parks. These of course use ‘clean’ energy and produce little population to operate here.
Important Locations

  • Gamsakhurdia Museum of Art and History – Named after Georgian’s first President this large museum is open to the public seven days a week and drawn large crowds of locals, tourist, school tours, etc. The museum houses a large volume of art and historical artifacts from both Georgia’s and Turkey’s past from ancient days to the v’sori occupation and fight to liberate the planet and the area. These include nonfunctions v’sori and k weapons and armor and examples of their mundane technology.
  • The Sentinel – this impressive 6 meter tall ‘stone-granite’(?) statue appeared one morning five years ago, in ‘’’Haven Grove Park’’’ (one of the parks on the eastern edge of the city). It was placed by person or persons unknown and by unknown means (there were no tracks in the soft dirt, etc.). The stone-granite it is made of seems impervious to damage or decay and attempts to gain samples of it is have all failed. Weighing serval hundred tons the statue appears to be that of a male angel, hits wings outstretched, carrying a sword with its point resting downward and its gaze peering into the sky above as if watching for danger, hench the nickname. The locals have come to accept and take pride in it over the years and have come to see it as the area’s guardian angel. Whether the legends are true or not crime is very low in the part and throughout the district.

Important Businesses

District Nine –Alienvilla: This district is located to the east and south of District Seven and Eight. It is famous as the location where most of the v’sori and k’tharens and many other displayed Alien refugees have settled. The district is one of the largest in the city, but the ‘alien’ refuges only make up half of the overall population. Most resistances are poorer humans and human metahumans who work in District Seven.
Crime and poverty go hand and hand here and the city has made several attempts are ‘cleaning up the district’ but so far, they have not been successful.. Part of this is due to the efforts of the he Xorn (‘lost’ in v’sori) Creed whom are one of the strongest criminal organization located here. Their leader, the Warlord[8] pays a lot of bribes and causes a lot of problems for anyone that tries. The Warlord's identity is unknown but believed to be a male v'sori.
Most of the structures in the district is built among the rolling hills of the area and are only single or two stories tall shanty-built structures, intermixed with blocky apartment complexes. It is rumored that they are extensive tunnels and even living quarters below the district, supposed inhabited by Morlocks and a few select humans. This subterrain species has made a few appearances (and even raids) into the city above and have a small unofficial ambassy in District Nine with the city. It is said that their local ‘king’ is the super villain known as The Mole[9].
Important Locations

  • City Hall – Not really an official government building
  • Morlock Markets – this is a series of interconnected underground tourist attractions is run my locates who ‘claim’ to get their goods and wares from the actual Morlocks who live farther down under the city. Whether this is true or not the city keeps a close eye on the business as well of the tourist who come here. Whatever the case there are numbers tunnels that lead to the unknown and are supposedly unexplored by anyone alive today.

Important Businesses

  • Mo’Gin (Ubanee for Dawn or Morning Sky) Solutions – formed by a group of Uban[10] alien refugees this is one of the largest employers of aliens within the city. This company specializes in creating various goods that are popular with the alien refuges populations, including clothing, food, gadgets and devices (everything from kitchen/cooking appliances to entertainment pads). They also provide atmosphere breathing or household sealing for those rare aliens that have a hard time with Earth’s atmosphere.


These include chains of business found throughout the city and other important locations that are either well know and popular throughout the city.


  • Echo City Vocational School of Technology
  • Tsereteli University

Military Bases

  • Zaza Damenia Joint Military Base – Echo City’s main military base is set up on a port in District X and is dominated by the Navy, special-forced Marines and National Air-Force. Much of their military technology is based on v’sori tech having been developed by Ajax Industrial. There are subsidiary bases spread on the outskirs of the city and the Marines have a


  • Division C – This law enforcement agency within ECPD that was created by the city to fight the growing tech gangs and criminal organization who were taking advanced of found alien tech and using it to commit crimes. They have had some luck but there are so many independent groups and some many hidden cashes still being discovered today that they are overwhelmed at times.
  • Meta-Crimes Enforcement and Pretension Group (McEPG) – Sponsored by the UN with agreement by most of the world’s governments this is a worldwide group that tries to contain and enforce international laws that involve metahumans. They also work with several governments in aiding with combating meta-humans and alien crimes. They run Echo City’s maximum-security metahuman prison Kveshneli Rock (see below). Director XX[11] runs the local agency in the city and employes serval metahumans on staff (as both regular agents and to aid in fighting metahumans).
  • Kveskneli (Georgian Folklore version of hell) Rock – located offshore on an old oil rig structure some ten miles from Echo City.

Restaurants & Entertainment

  • The Chicken Pecan Palaces – an incredibly popular chain of local restaurants found throughout the city. Their most popular dish is ‘fired chicken pecan’. It features many other traditional Georgian cuisines.
  • Mocha Madness – a chain of Turkish coffee houses that specialize in various chocolate coffee drinks is extremely popular with residents and tourist alike. The serve coffee the traditional Turkish ways though along with specialty Russian and American style brands.

Popular Nightclubs


  • Ekxo Trenirovat'sya Monorail System – This advanced monorail system runs throughout the city and provides cheap, fast and reliable transportation for most of the important spots throughout Echo City. I have many connection routes through most of the districts, except it only makes one stop at the entrance of District Nine.
Ridership is cheap (less then half a US dollar) and there are trains running every 6 minutes in most locations, that drop down to 15 minutes at even the unpopular ones.
  • PowerGrid-Road System – Powered by the city’s fusion power planet and running within the major interconnected road system the PowerGrid allows special model electric cars that run on it for free and without the need for any internal fuel (something like a very advanced electric road, eroad, or electric road system/ERS). Automobilies on these roads draw power from the grid through their tired and can change their advanced batteries at the same time. This provides them several hours of battery life off the PowerGrid (or even days depending on the battery system).

Other Known Locations

  • The Silver Lighthouse – Four miles offshore the v’sori build this 100-meter-tall tower like structure on an artificial island they also constructed. For what purpose no one knows but it seemed to have some religious significate to them. The silvery metal that it is made of reflexes the sunlight in a soft glowing, relaxing way which is what gives it its nickname. The city has never really figured out whether or not to try and tear it down.
The structure appears to be solid and no machinery within and that the panels that make up the structure do glow into the night as if they are solar powered.

Important People

  • Prime Minister XX
  • Mayor XX
  • Police Commissioner XX – Head of Echo City Police Department (ECPD)


The following are just some examples to test out the system and how they will look. This is also the favor and power levels (damage, toughness, etc.) I am going for...


Undead Brick/Weaponist/Detective, Male, Age 100?
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d12
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 13
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Intimidate d6+2, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, French d6, German d6, Japanese d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Occultism d6, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d4
Edges: Iron Jaw, Linguist, Menacing, Nerves of Steel (with undead, ignores 2 wound penalty), Super Powers
Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Driven (Major), Outsider (Major), Ugly (Minor)
Super Powers (Undead, long life?)

Ageless (Undead) [1 point]
Deadeye: gains +1d6 damage with all mundane guns, bows, etc. (Training) [2 points]
Doesn't Sleep: Tireless. Requires no sleep at all (Undead) [2 points]
Environmental Resistance: Lightning. Minus 4 from lightning trapping damage and +4 to resistance checks that involve lightning/electricity (Undead?) [1 point]
Fearless (Undead) [2 points]
Growth: +1 step to Strength die and Size +1. Permenant (Undead) [2 points]
Gifted: character gains a free reroll each round for Smarts tests and all Smarts based skills (Long life) [2 points]
Hardy: if Shaken a second shake does not deal you a Wound (Undead) [2 points]
Heightened Senses: Low Light Vision (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties) (Undead) [1 point]
Melee Attack: Str+d6 (Undead Strength) [2 points]
Super Attributes: Strength +3, Vigor +3 (Undead Strength) [12 points]
Super Skills: Academics +1, Common Knowledge +2, Fighting +1 (Long life) [4 points]
Toughness: +2 (Undead) [2 points]
Undead: gain +2 to Toughness, add +2 to recover from being Shaken, don’t breathe or eat, are immune to disease and poison, and don’t suffer additional damage from Called Shots. Undead Wild Cards ignore one point of Wound penalties and don’t Bleed Out. Undead don’t benefit from the Healing skill or natural Healing. Spark of Life (can benefit from the Healing power) [10 points]

Gear: Sword (Str+d8+d6), Musket Pistol (Range, Damage 3d6+1, AP 0, ROF 1, relaod 2 rounds)

Adam is unsure who created him but has somewhat taken on the mantle of the 'Frankenstein Monster' over the years. His first real memories where him fighting in WWI and have travel a lot over the years.
He uses a old sword and a musket pistol dispite his familairity with modern weapons and tech. He just likes them for whatever reason.


Costumed Crimefighter, Female, Age 29
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Pace 6, Parry 9, Toughness 12 (4)
Skills: Athletics d8 (+1), Common Knowledge d6, Drive d6, Fighting d10 (+2), Focus d6, Intimidate d8, Languages (English d8; Armenian d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d10 (+1), Thievery d8+1
Edges: Ambidexterity, Block, Bravery, Martial Arts & Martial Master (Str+2d6), Super Powers, Theif, Two Fisted
Hindrances: Death Wish (Minor), Drive (fighting for Justice) (Major), Ruthless (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Training/Gadgets)

Armor: Armor +4 and Toughness +2. Device/worn (Costume) [2 points]
Awareness: Ignores up to 3 penalties impossed by target from range, cover, called shots, etc.Device/worn (Goggles) [2 points]
Dodge: others suffer -4 to hit you with ranged attacks (Training) [4 points]
Fearless (Training) [2 points]
Heightened Senses: Hearing (+2 to Notice checks with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments). Device/worn (IR Goggles and Ear amp) [1 point]
Melee Attack: Str+d6 (Training) [2 points]
Stun: Successful Focus require target to make a Vigor -2 (-4 with a raise) or be Stunned. Device/carried, Requires Touch, Stonger (Zapper Gloove) [1 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +2, Spirits +2, Vigor +1 (Training) [10 points]
Super Edges: Martial Artist, Martial Warrior (Training) [4 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +1, Fighting +3, Initimadate +1, Persuasion +1, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]
Swinging: Range 48", Pace 12. Device/carried, Range (Swing Line gun) [2 point]
Uncanny Reflexes: Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Training) [3 points]
Vehicle: Motorcycle. Armored (Size 1, Handling 0, Top Speed 80 MPH, Toughness 11 (4), Crew 1) [2 points]

Charlotte Brown's father was a police office killed in the line of duty when she was 9. She has dedicated her life to getting justice for her father and other victims of violent crime. Petty crimes don't interest her. Her drive made her train for years to giving the good fight.


Blind Heroic Archer. Human Female, Age 30
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 12 (4)
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d8 (+2), Fighting d8, Languages (Chinese d8; Arabic d6, English d6, Korean d6, Russian d6), Notice d8 (+2), Persuasion d6, Research d10+2, Shooting d12+1, Stealth d8, Thievery d8
Edges: Investigator, Marksman, Streetwise, Super Powers
Hindrances: Blind (Minor; Blindshot can see shapes etc. with incredable detail and in affect she 'see' but not in color), Heroic (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Suspicious (Minor)
Super Powers (Training, Super-Bow and Accident/Empowerment?)

Additional Action: Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Training) [3 points]
Armor: +4 with Toughness +2. Device/worn (Armored Costume) [2 points]
Awareness: Ignores up to 2 penalties impossed by target from range, called shots, etc. (Training) [2 points]
Deadeye: gains +1d10 damage with all mundane guns, bows, etc. Deadly (Training) [3 points]
Dodge: -3 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Training) [3 points]
Entangle: Range 24. Successful shooting target must resist with Athletics -2 (-4 with raise) or be Entangled. With a Raise target is Bound. Alterateive Test (shooting), Contingent on Shooting (bow), Device/carried, Range, Strong (Blunt tanglearrows) [3 points]
*(power set) Swinging: Range 48", Pace 12. Device, Range, Strong (holds 1,500lbs) (Swing Line arrow) [2 point]
Heightened Senses: Eagle Eyes (can see twice as far and reduces range penalties by 1), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Microscopic Vison (can see down to the molecular level. This adds a +1 bonus to any roll where that might prove useful, such as a Healing roll to treat a disease, Science to analyze the composition of a substance, or Survival to track tell-tale particles through otherwise untrackable terrain), X-Ray Vision (can see through any substance x-rays can penetrate; they're usually blocked by thick metal or particularly dense materials. He can ignore up to 2 points of Cover penalties if he can see through the intervening obstacle) (Accident/Empowerment) [5 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +2, Spirits +1, Strength +1,Vigor +1 (Mutant & Training) [10 points]
Super Edges: Marksmen (Training) [2 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +1, Fighting +1, Research +3, Shooting +4, Stealth +1 (Training) [10 points]

Gear: Compound Bow (Range 12/24/48, Damage Str+d6+d10, AP 1, ROF 1)

XX as an olympic athlete in archery and on her way to winning a gold when she was splashed in the face by a jeolous rival with a neotoxin that blinded her! But after she got out the hospital she start... sensing things. She is still blind but now can sense everything around her and even see 'objects' through wall and tiny things also.


Insect Toteom, Male, Age 24
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (flight 24), Parry 9, Toughness 12 (2)
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d4, Electonics d4, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Hacking d4, Languages (English d8; German d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Repair d4, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d4, Taunt d6
Edges: Danger Sense, Dodge, Frenzy (Improved), Super Powers
Hindrances: Distintive Appearance (Minor), Idealistic (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Overconfidence (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant)

Armor: +2 (Mutant body) [1 point]
Flight: Pace 24", Attack Penalty -1 for full speed (Mutant bug wings) [6 points]
Heightened Senses: Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat signatures (or lack thereof in normal environments) (Mutant bug eyes) [1 point]
Melee Attack, Claws: Damage Str+d6 (Mutant) [2 points]
Parry: +2 (Mutant) [2 points]
Poison: Range 6", Focus test vs. Vigor -2 (-4 with a Raise). Stronger (Poison Spit) [4 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +1, Strength +3, Vigor+1 (Mutant) [10 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +3, Focus +2, Notice +1, Stealth +2 (Mutant) [10 points]
Toughness: +3 (Mutant body) [3 points]
Uncanny Reflexes: Ignores the usual –2 Agility penalty when making Evasion attempts (see SW), and gets a regular Evasion attempt against area attacks that don't usually allow it (at the usual –2 penalty) (Mutant) [3 points]
Wall Walker: Can move Pace on walls. Also Strong Grip (If they choose to stick their ground, they halve the distance of any Knockback dealt them) [2 points]

Micheal Madsion was born to a fairly typical average household in the suburbs. He childhood and teenage years where nothing special but Micheal was always a bit of a joker of the class.


Teleporter/Trickster, Female, Age 18
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 8 (9), Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12, Focus d10, Languages (English d8; Georgian d6, Polish d6, Russian d6), Notice d6 (+2), Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d8, Thievery d4
Edges: Acrobatic, Dodge, Free Runner, Humiliate, Retort, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Teleport)
Hindrances: All Thumbs (Minor), Curious (Major), Quirk (Reckless) (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Experiment)

Additional Action: Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Empowered/Training) [3 points]
Dodge: -2 to be hit by ranged Attacks (shooting, athletics/throwing etc.) (Experiment/Training) [2 points]
Heightened Senses: Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility) (Experiment) [3 points]
Melee Attack: Str+d6 (Experiment) [2 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +2, Vigor +2 (Experiment) [8 points]
Super Edges: Acrobatics, Dodge, Free Runner (Experiment/Training) [6 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +1, Fighting +2, Focus +2, Taunt +1 (Experiment/Training) [6 points]
Teleport: base 48". Portal, Range +2, Rapid Teleport, Teleport Others, Traverse (Experiment) [15 points]

Gear: Staff (Str+d4+d6, Parry +1, two handed)

Mandy Zmijewski was born to Polish immagrants. She became every active in the local "parkour" scene in her earlier teens. She was badly injured when hit by a car that then speed away. In the hospital while in a coma her parnets where approached by a 'doctor' whom offered a new untested treatment that should not only wake Mandy out of her coma but repair her spinnal injuries. Desperate the agree and the expierment work! But of course the main reason the doctor subjected Mandy to the expierment was to test out his formula that grant super powers in some individuals (while killing most of the rest)


Atlantian lost child, Female, Age 20s??
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 8 (Swin 8; both Run d8), Parry 6, Toughness 8
Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Languages (Atlantian d8; English d6, Georgian d6, Russian d6, Turkish d6), Notice d8+2, Persuasion d6, Riding d6, Science d4, Stealth d8, Survival d6
Edges: Alertness, Quick, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Matter Control)
Hindrances: Environmental Weaking [Fire] (Minor), Heroic (Major), Mild Mannered (Minor), Mute (Major)
Species Traits: Aquatic (Atlanteans cannot drown in water and move their full Pace when swimming) [+2], Dependence (Atlantians must immerse themselves in water one hour out of every 24 or become automatically Fatigued each day until they are Incapacitated. The day after Incapacitation from dehydration, they perish. Each hour spent in water restores one level of Fatigue) [-2]. Distinctive Appearance (Atlantean) [-1], Low Light Vision (Atlantians are used to the darkness of the depths. They ignore penalties for Dim and Dark Illumination) [+1], Telepathy (Range 24" (48 yards)) [+2]
Super Powers (Atlantian Heritage and Mutant?)

Matter Control: Water. Range 24", Large Burst Template. Focus check to control and create Water. Can creat Barrier (Hardness 8), Damage (4d6 water/force damage in area), Dampen (Elemental resistant to all in area against Water/Force) or Distract (Distraction in area). Area Effect, Blast template option, Damage, Range, Selective (Heritage/Mutant) [13 points]
Pace: Pace +2, Run die +1 step [2 points]
Ranged Attack: Focus Check, Range 12/24/48, Water/Force Damage 3d6. Forceful (Double Knockback), Spread (+2 to hit but strike bystadards also hit on Focus roll of a 1 or 2) (Water Jet) [7 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +1, Smarts +1, Spirits +1, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Heritage) [10 points]
Super Skills:Athletics +1, Focus +3 (Mutant?) [4 points]
Toughness: +2 (Heritage/Mutant?) [2 points]
Whirlwind: With successful Focus check creates a whirlwind of a Medium Burst Template within 24" (48 yds). She can move the template free up to 6" a round so long as it stay in sight. Anyone who ends their turn in the area is Distracted and must make a Strength roll -2 (at –4 with a raise on the Focus roll). Those who fail take 2d6” Knockback in a random direction (3d6" with a raise). This may cause additional damage if they strike a solid object). Range, Stonger (Vortex of Water) [7 points]

Jane Edora (she doesn't remember her real name, Jane Edora was given to her by the kindly passerbys that aided her) washed up on shore as a years ago with little memory of her Atlantian heritage or the suface world.
Edora is very shy and gets embrassed easily when others insult her. As such she tends to be an introvert who hides away when not doing the super hero thing.


Fire Elmental form, Male, Age 28
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 6, Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Drive d8, Fighting d8, Focus d12, Languages (French d8; German d6, English d6, Russian d6), Intimidate d6+2, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d6, Stealth d4
Edges: Ace, Menacing, Rapid Shot (works with Ranged Attack), Super Powers
Hindrances: Distinctive Appearance (Minor), Environmental Weakness [Water/Cold] (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Identity (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant? Elemental)

Absorption: Fire. When taking damage from fire would result one or more Wounds, he gets a free Soak roll using Focus +2 instead of Vigor. For each Wound Soaked, the hero gains an"Absorption Token" that can do the following - Increase Damage Field or Ranged Attack by +1d6; Increase Toughness by +1; gain a free Power Stunt. If not spent Tokens only last the scene. Mastery [3 points]
Alternate Form: Fire. In this form has no vital organs so Called Shots have no effect on him. He takes only half damage from falling or collisions, and any Knockback against him is halved. Requires Activation [1 points]
Damage Field: 3d6 fire damage. Lethal [4 points]
Energy Control: Fire, Range 12" (24 yds), Large Burst Template. With a Focus check can cause fires to rage (Damaeg 3d6 fire in area, lethal), Dampen (Elemental Resistance to Fire in area), or Distraction (Distracted in area). Area, Damage, Requires Material [8 points]
Fear: Scream of rage. Focus check in Blast Template vs. all targets in area Spirits fear check. Area [4 points]
Force Field: Reduce all damage by 4 points. Life Support, Requires activation [5 points]
Ranged Attack: Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Fire Damage 4d6. Blast template option, Lethal [9 points]
Super Attributes: Spirits +2, Vigor +2 [8 points]
Super Skills: Focus +3 [3 points]

XX was a sports car racer until a firey accident where he received 3rd degree burns over 95% of his body! Not excepted to survive the hosptial staff was surprise when he disappeared from the burn ward. XX does not remember the accident or how he arrived at a garge at the edge of town where he used to live but he found that he could change into a fire like element and had control of fires!!!


Mystical Martial Art/Ghost?, Male, Age 33
Attributes: Agility d12, Smarts d8, Spirits d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (Fly 6), Parry 10, Toughness 6
Skills: Athletics d12, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d12 (+2), Focus d6, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Chinese d6, Georgian d6, Greek d6, Russian d6), Notice d8, Occult d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d12+1 (+5), Thievery d4
Edges: Couter Attack, First Strike, Martial Arts & Master (Str+2d6*), Super Powered
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Enemy (Minor), Grim (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Part Ghost/Martial Artist)

Dodge: Others suffer a -4 to ranged attack rolls against you (Training/Ghost form) [4 points]
Flight: Pace 6 (Ghost form). Limited - only when using Intangibility (-1) (Flaoting) [1 point]
Intangibility: makes a character unable to affect or be affected by physical attacks, like a phantom or spirit. Energy Power Types affect intangible characters normally (Ghost Form) [5 points]
Invisibility: Others suffer a -4 to see you and to affect you with sight based attacks. +4 to Stealth when not moving (Ghost Form) [8 points]
Melee Attack: Str+d6* (Training) [2 points]
Parry: +2 (Training) [4 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +3, Strength +1, Vigor +1 (Ghost) [10 points]
Super Edges: Martial Arts, Martial Master (Training) [4 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fightig +2, Stealth +3 (Training/Ghost) [7 points]

Hanry Davis was born in the local China town and got involved in the martial art scene at a young age. He would go on to earn his blackbelt in multiple forms of martial arts and would eventually open his own school (with his old teachers blessing)
Last year he was shoot by robbers who treatened the students and other teachers at his school. He thought he had died and the ETMs pretty much thought so also... but he woke up! After he got out of the hospital he discovered that he suddenly had some odd powers. He thinks he is a partial ghost now (not sure if he is or a mutant or something but...)


Earth Matter Controller/Leader, Male, Age 29
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d6, Strength d6, Vigor d8
Pace 6 (Flight 24), Parry 5, Toughness 6
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Battle d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Focus d12, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Armenian d6, Italian d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8, Research d4, Stealth d6
Edges: Charismatic, Command, Natural Leader, Super Powers, Tactician, Team Leader, The Best There Is (Matter Conctrol)
Hindrances: Idealistic (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Overconfidence (Major), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant)

Entangle: Earth bonds. Range 24" (48yds), Focus check vs. target Athletics. If the attacker wins, the victim is Entangled. If the attacker wins with a raise, the victim is Bound. Hardness 8. Area (Medium Burst Template; Selective), Range, Requires Materials (earth), Stronger (Matter bonds) [7 points]
Flight: Pace 24 (Mutant) [6 points]
Force Field: Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Mutant) [7 points]
Matter Control: Earth. Range 24", Large Burst Template. Focus check to control of Earth. Can creat Barrier (Hardness 14), Damage (4d6 earth/force damage in area), Dampen (Elemental resistant to all in area against Earth/Force) or Distract (Distraction in area). Area Effect, Blast template option, Damage, Range, Selective, Tough (Mutant) [14 points]
Super Attribute: Smarts +2, Vigor +1 (Mutant) [6 points]
Super Edge: The Best There Is [2 points]
Super Skills: Focus +3 (Mutant) [3 points]

Louie Ficalora grew up in an upper class family and enjoyed a easy childhood and teenage years. That all changed when his mutant powers awaken. His parents were horrified but tried to shield Louie from the various groups (including the government)


Psychic Mentalist/Propobility Master, Male, Age 26
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (fly 6), Parry 6, Toughness 13 (4)
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8 (+1), Focus d12, Languages (Spanish d8; English d6, Georgian d6, Polish d6, Russian d6, Ukrainian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8 (+1), Preformance d4 (+1), Science d6, Stealth d6
Edges: Attractive, Dodge, Luck, Martial Arts (Str+d4), Super Powers
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Secret Indentity (Major), Stubborn (Minor), Vengful (Minor)
Super Powers (Empowered?/Experiment)

Armored Suit: Armor +4 and Toughness +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [4 points]
Flight: Pace 6 (Empowered?/Experiment) [2 points]
Jinx: anyone who failed on a test against you is Vulnerable until the end of their next turn. On a fumble on their test they are also Shaken (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
Manufaction: Within 12" of a Medium Burst Template, can make a Focus check to cause technology to stop worker. Area Effect (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
Mind Control: within 12" (24 yards) by making a Focus roll. If successful, the target must make a Smarts roll to resist (at –2 with a raise on the Focus roll) or she's controlled for as long as the attacker cares to maintain the power, or she breaks free. (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
Mind Reading: The character to read another’s surface thoughts and perhaps even peer into her past memories. To read someone's mind, the super chooses a target within 6" (12 yards) and makes a Focus roll. If he's successful, the target makes a Smarts roll -2 to resist (at –4 with a raise on the Focus roll). Stronger (Empowered?/Experiment) [5 points]
Mind Shield: The hero's mind is particularly difficult to tamper with for some reason. Mind reading and mind control attempts against her are made at –2. Further, if the hero successfully resists an attempt to read or control her mind, the enemy psychic suffers Fatigue. With a raise on the resistance roll, the foe is Stunned as well (Empowered?/Experiment) [1 point]
Super Attribute: Smarts +2, Sprits +1 (Empowered?/Experiment) [6 points]
Super-Skills: Fighting +1, Focus +3 (Empowered?/Experiment) [4 points]
Telepathy: can mentally communicate with another sentient mind of choice. Range (1 miles), Mind Rider (The telepath can see, hear, taste, touch, and feel through the senses of any willing mind in Range. Once the power is activated the telepath is Distracted until he terminates Mind Rider. "Riding" an unwilling target is an opposed roll of the telepath's Focus vs the target's Smarts. If successful, the telepath can ride the target for one hour. With a raise, the target is unaware of the intrusion) and Switchboard (The telepath can link all friendly, intelligent minds in Range. Everything the individuals consciously "say" is communicated to the entire group) (Empowered?/Experiment) [9 points]

Samual Rodriguez


Mutant Psychokinesis, Female, Age 30
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirits d10, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (Fly 6), Parry 4, Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Focus d10, Healing d6, Languages (English d8; French d6, Romanian d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d8 (+1), Preformance d6 (+1), Research d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6
Edges: Attractive, Charisma, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Telekinesis)
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Distinctive Feature (Minor), Heroic (Major), Idealist (Minor)
Super Powers (Mutant Psychokinesis)

Additional Actions: Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4) . Limited, only to TK actions or Psi Punch (-1) (Psychokinesis) [5 points]
Flight: Pace 6 (Psychokinesis) [2 points]
Force Field: Reduces all damage types by 8 points. Requires Activation (Psychokinesis Shield) [7 points]
Ranged Combat: Ranged 12/24/48, Force Damage 3d6 (Psychokinesis Punch) [6 points]
Super-Attributes: Spirits +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
Super-Skills: Focus +2, Shooting +2 (Mutant) [4 points]
Telekinesis: Focus test, Ranged 24" (48 yds), Strength d12+1. Fine Control, Stronger (Psychokinesis) [15 points]
Toughness: +2 (Mutant) [2 points]

Jeanette Foster was an EMT and part-time singer for a small indi band when she was in a terrible car accident that activated her mutant powers of Psychokinesis. It also changed her eyes to a pure milky white althought this has no effect on her eyesight. She started dying her hair green and now works as a hero without much of a civi idea (as it is hard to maintain a secret ID with her eyes, so why bother wearing a mask)


Wolf Toteom, Female, Age 22
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Pace 12, Parry 7, Toughness 12
Skills: Athletics d6 (+2), Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Georgain d6, Japanese d6, Turkish d6), Notice d10 (+2), Persuasion d6, Science d4, Stealth d10, Survival d10+2 (+4)
Edges: Brawler & Bruiser (Str+d6*), Berserker, Free Runner, Super Powers
Hindrances: Bloodthristy (Major), Distintive Appearance (wolf features when using powers) (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Loyal (Minor)
Super Powers (Cursed? Empowered)

Additional Action: Ignores one Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -2) (Cursed) [3 points]
Heightened Senses: Hearing (+2 to Notice with hearing), Infravision (can see heat sources. He halves darkness penalties against targets with heat ignatures (or lack thereof in normal environments), Low-Light (ignores Dim and Dark illumination penalties; with IR only penalty for Pitch Black and Invisibility), Smell (+2 to Survival for tracking) (Cursed) [4 points]
Melee Attack: Claws (Str+1/2d6*, +2 to athletics/climbing), lethal (Cursed) [2 points]
Leaping: Distance Vertial 4" (8 yds), Horizonal 8" (16 yds) (Cursed) [2 points]
Regeneration: can make a Focus check every hour to heal Wounds (Cursed) [5 points]
Skill Bonus: Survival +2 (Cursed) [2 points]
Speed: Pace x2 (Cursed) [2 points]
Super Attributes: Strength +3, Vigor +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
Super Skills: Fighting +2, Focus +2, Notice +2, Stealth +2, Survival +2 (Cursed) [10 points]
Toughness: +3 (Cursed) [2 points]

Sarah Walker is a college student who hooked up with the wrong guy one night after a night of dancing. He seemed like a good guy but he bite her, drawing blood, and acted like he was going to actually eat her! Luckily she got away. Unluckily she later discoverd some strange changes within in. She did not exactly turn into a werewolf but she seem to gain alott of the abilities attributed to them!
It seems cool to be able to run all night and let the beast loose... but it tends to make her want to beat up anyone that every challenges her in anyway and kill anyone she gets in a fight with.


Magically Enhanced Spellcaster, Male, Age 31
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirits d10, Strength d4, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 5, Toughness 7
Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, Fighting d6, Focus d10, Healing d8+2, (Languages (Russian d8; Chinese d6, English d6, Latin d6, Polish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d8, Occult d10+2, Persuasion d6, Research d8, Stealth d6
Edges: Healer, Lucky, Scholar (Occult), Super Powers
Hindrances: Curious (Major), Driven (learning magic) (Minor), Mild Mannered (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Magically Empowered/Arcane Training)

Force Field: Subtracts 5 points of damage from all attacks. Requires activation (Hex Shield) [4 points]
Healing: with a Focus +2 check can cure self or ally within 6" (12 yard) a Wound (two wounds with a raise). Cure, Restroaction, Resurrection (Healing Magic) [9 points]
Illusion: The creator can conjure an illusion with a Focus check, up to 12” (24 yards) distant, filling a sphere the size of a Medium Blast Template with whatever image he desires. As long as the caster pays attention, the images react to the world around them just as if they were real—staggering back from attacks, taking "damage," and so on. The image can be moved up to 12" (24 yds) each turn as a limited free action. After Effects, Districting, Film Quality, Obscurement (Magical Illusions) [9 points]
Ranged Attack: Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Arcane/Magic Damage 3d6 (Mystic Bolt) [6 points]
Super Attributes: Smarts +2, Spirits +2 (Magical Training) [8 points]
Super Skills: Focus +2, Healing +1, Occult +2 (Magical Training) [5 points]
Super Sorcery: power stunt lasts longer, and power up to 10 points. (Magical Training) [4 points]

Stepan Petrov became obssesed with the stories his grandmother told of fairy and Baba Yagga as if it were real! (Well turns out Baba Yagga is real so...)


Duplicator Scrapper, Female, Age 30
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 10
Skills: Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Gambling d4, Fighting d10, Focus d10, Intimidate d6, Languages (English d8; Russian d6, Spanish d6, Ukrainian d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d4
Edges: Acrobatics, Brawny, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, The Best There Is (Duplication)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Grim (Minor), Overconfident (Major), Ruthless (Minor)
Super Powers (Mutant)

Dupication: With an Action and a Focus check can created up to Three copies of herself (except they do not posses Duplication) They count as Extra and can be replace with another Action and Focus check if 'Taken Out'. No Tell (These copies look exactly like her. Notice rolls are made at −4 to tell a duplicate from the original), Promotion (If the original character is Incapacitated while a duplicate survives, one duplicate becomes the new Wild Card “parent” instead of vanishing) [15 points]
Hardy: if Shaken a second shake does not deal you a Wound [2 points]
Leaping: Vertical 16" (32 yards), Horizonal 32" (64 yards) [4 points]
Melee Attack: Str+d6 [2 points]
Super Attrutes: Agility +2, Strength +2, Vigor +2 [12 points]
Super Edges: Iron Jaw [2 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 [6 points]
Toughness: +2 [2 points]

While competing on live TV at the UFC (Ultinate Fighting Championship) when XX powers suddenly manifested for the world to see -- where everyone saw XX and and her opponent facing it other one-on-one, suddenly there was 4 of XX all beating on one opponent!!!


Android, Male?, Age 2
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirits d6, Strength d10, Vigor d10
Pace 6 (Fly 12), Parry 6, Toughness 11
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d8, Focus d10, Languages (English d8; Georgain d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Repair d8, Stealth d6, Thievery d6
Edges: Brawler & Bruiser (Str+d6), Super Powers, The Best There Is (Copy Cat)
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Major), Enemy [Doctor X] (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Outsider (Major)
Super Powers (Android Copier/Changeling)

Chameleon: Changing appearance takes an Action and a Focus roll. Inanimate (can assume the shape of inanimate objects. The form assumed cannot vary from the character’s Size by more than two. There’s no contest if someone is suspicious of an object, just a simple Notice roll at –2, once per encounter, to spot the fake), Biometics (can replicate a target's voice, fingerprints, retinas, and other identifiers. Notice rolls to detect the deception are made at −2) Requires Touch [5 points]
Constructs: +2 when attempting to recover from being Shaken, ignore one point of Wound penalties, don’t breathe or eat and are immune to disease and poison, don’t Bleed Out, and Wounds are removed with Repair instead of Healing. Each Repair roll takes one hour of work per current Wound level, but isn’t limited to the usual "Golden Hour" [8 points]
Copy Cat: With an Action can copy up to 15 points of an target's powers with a Focus and touch (if hostile requires Fighting check +2). Can copy all the powers up to level or oly part of them. The copied power cannot have Device or Magical Trapings. Partial Powers, Requires Touch [15 points]
Flight: Pace 12 [4 points]
Super-Attributes: Strength +2, Vigor +2 [8 points]
Super Skills: Fighting +1, Focus +2 [3 points]
Toughness: +2 [2 points]

Doctor X had spent years studying superheroes and villains and their powers along with creating a android that might be able to copy these


Brick/Engery Projector (lightning), Female, Age 19
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d12+3, Vigor d10
Pace 6, Parry 7, Toughness 15
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d10, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d8, Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Chinese d6, Russian d6), Intimidate d6, Language (Chinese d4), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research d4, Reair d4, Stealth d6
Edges: First Strike, Frenzy, Iron Jaw, Super Powers, Sweep
Hindrances: Grim (Minor), Heroic (Major), Loyal (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Empowered by Thunder god/spirit??)

Leaping: Vertial distance 8" (16 yards), Horizonal distance 16" (32 yards). Death from Above (as long as she's not restricted from leaping, the character's Wild Attacks cause +4 damage instead of +2) (Empowered Strength) [4 points]
Melee Attack: Lighting Damage Str+d6. AP 2, Lethal (Empowered Lighting Fist/Strike) [2 points]
Ranged Attack: Focus test, Ranged 12/24/48, Lighting Damage 4d6. Burst template option, Lethal (Empowered lighting bolts) [9 points]
Super Attributes: Strength +5, Vigor +2 (Empowered) [14 points]
Super Edge: Iron Jaw (Empowered) [2 points]
Super Skills: Athletics +2, Fighting +2, Focus +2 (Empowered) [6 points]
Toughness:+8 (Empowered) [8 points]

Mei 'May' Zhang was born in mainland China but her parents moved her with them when the immagated to the US when she was two.


Inventor/Armored Hero, Male, Age 26
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirits d6, Strength d12+1, Vigor d6
Pace 6 (Fly 12), Parry 5, Toughness 13 (4)
Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d8, Electronics d6 (+2), Fighting d6, Focus d6, Hacking d6 (+2), Languages (English d8; Arabic d6, Armenian d6, French d6, Russian d6, Spanish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d8, Repair d8+2, Science d10+2, Stealth d4, Thievery d6 (+2)
Edges: Mr. Fix It, Rich, Scholar (Science), Super Powers
Hindrances: Heroic (Major), Idealist (Minor), Loyal (Minor), Secret Identity (Major)
Super Powers (Genius Inventor/Armored Suit)

Armor: +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [1 points]
Broadcast: As an action, the hero can see and hear any radio, television, or internet signal as long as he's within ten miles of a connection. Can connect wirelessly to computer networks within range. Connecting to an encrypted transmissions requires a Focus roll at –2 (−4 or higher for military-grade encryption). Device/worn (Armored Suit) [1 point]
Flight: Pace 12. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [3 points]
Gifted: gain a free reroll on Smart test and Smart based skills (Gifted) [2 points]
Interface: +2 to Electronics and Hacking. Code Braker (+2 to Thievery with electronics locks etc). Device/worn (Armored Suit) [2 points]
Ranged Attack: Focus test, Range 12/24/48, Force Damage 3d6. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [5 point]
Super-Attributes: Smarts +3 (Gifted) [6 points]
Super-Attributies: Agility +1, Strenght +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [8 points]
Super-Skills: Electronics +2, Hacking +2, Research +2, Repair +2, Science +2 (Gifted) [10 points]
Super Science: power stunt does not replace existing power, instead any power up to 10 points and last twice as long (Gifted) [4 points]
Toughness: +4. Device/worn (Armored Suit) [3 points]

Growing up in a working class family Jemall Washington was always a gifted kid, way smarter then most other kids. He was always taking things abart and putting them back together again. He graduated high school early and went to University at 14. At 18 he graduated with a duel doctoral degrees in Math and Mechanical Engineering.
He started working as a researcher for military hardward but become uncomfortable with some of the area his team was researching and eventually quite. With his saving he started his own comany producting advanced communicate devices and producting of SCI device that help paralyzed people walk again. He also developted his Vindicator powered armored suit to take up super heroing.


Speedster, Female, Age 21
Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirits d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10
Pace lots (100+), Parry 7, Toughness 8
Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d8, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Focus d6, Healing d4, Language (English d8; Georgian d6, Spanish d6, Turkish d6), Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Stealth d6
Edges: Brawler (Str+d4), Elan, Extraction (Improved), Level Headed (Improved), Super Powers, The Best There Is (Speed)
Hindrances: Bad Eyes (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Mild Mannored (Minor), Secret Indentity (Major)
Super Powers (Mutant)

Additional Actions: Ignores two Multi-Action penalty a round (normally -4). Fast Action [8 points]
Damage Field: Lighting Damage 3d6. Area (line), Requires her to run by targets (within 1") at full speed (-1) (Lighting charged run-by) [6 points]
Speed: Sonic Speed (768 mph), Attack penalty to hit you -6 (full speed). Surface Tension (at full speed can run across water and up and down sides of buildigs) [15 points]
Super Attributes: Agility +2, Vigor +2 [8 poits]
Super Edges: Extraction, Improved Extraction, Improved Level Headed, Level Headed, [8 points]

Lindsee Santiago grew up in a middle class family when her powers manifested during a track meet. Luckily it was during a long distance marathon and she happened to be out of sight of anyone. She leaned how to use her powers in secret and after graducation she got a job as a night time stock room person at a store. She could finish her job in no time and was able to go out 'super-heroing' for the rest of the night.