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= Introductory Pitch and Instructions =  
= Introductory Pitch and Instructions =  
The Talik Region bordering the Kingdom of Alef is prime territory for industry, trade, and adventure. Alef has gotten quite rich off it, but lately operations and their cut of the profit has been reduced.

It wasn’t long, then, before the King of Alef, King Alhat, made a call to heroes and wizards he thought would be capable of dealing with this issue. A Royal messenger hand delivered a letter to you with the royal seal of King Alhat. After a letterhead and greeting full of pomp and flourish, the letter went on to say:
It wasn’t long, then, before the King of Alef, King Alhat, made a call to heroes and wizards he thought would be capable of dealing with this issue. A Royal messenger hand delivered a letter to you with the royal seal of King Alhat. After a letterhead and greeting full of pomp and flourish, the letter went on to say:
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If you happen across anything in Melee and Wizard that conflicts with Into the Labyrinth, please go with what’s in Into the Labyrinth.
If you happen across anything in Melee and Wizard that conflicts with Into the Labyrinth, please go with what’s in Into the Labyrinth.

= Millimir Keep =
Note: I'm not affiliated with the company that made the map software I use. Just trying to follow the agreement that comes with the software.
= Maps =
== Millimir Keep ==


Millimir Keep is one of five mountain passes into the Talik Region, which comprises a series of mountain passes and valleys.  Each entrance pass has its own structure defending it.
Millimir Keep is one of five mountain passes into the Talik Region, which comprises a series of mountain passes and valleys.  Each entrance pass has its own structure defending it.

== Map Key ==
=== Map Key ===

1: King Alhat's Home
1: King Alhat's Home
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5: The north and south entrances to the Keep.  Between is a dirt path that travelers can go on along their way, after they pay the toll.
5: The north and south entrances to the Keep.  Between is a dirt path that travelers can go on along their way, after they pay the toll.
== Talik Region ==
The Talik Region is a mountainous region of valleys and mountain passes.
Map Scale: 5 Miles/Hex
=== Points of Interest, as described by King Alhat ===
A: The Riverbed
“Travelers making trips to Westrum and Avell Peak have noticed part of the Parrion River has dried up.  Upstream there is more river, but over the last few weeks the dryness has progressed further.”
B: Forest of Giants
“We know that the Giants that live in this valley have been approached by a wizard who didn’t identify himself.  The Wizard wanted them to join forces with him for some military expedition, but they refused.”
The giants live in a forest with oversized trees, oversized wildlife, and have big cottages.
C: Raiders
"We have the most contact with Lemark's Ferry, Twin Riverpeak, Fairy's Gold, and Forestlake. Lemark's Ferry has not experienced raids, but that is not where the iron is. Twin Riverpeak, Fairy's Gold, and Forestlake have all been hit badly by raiders. They have come from the surrounding mountains from the southwest, northwest, and northeast," He places a finger at the center point of the three valleys. They have badly disrupted trade and production of iron, gems, some gold, and other items. Our own defenders have been overwhelmed by the frequency and the ferocity of the attacks."
D: Underwater Palace
“Legend says an underwater palace lies on the lake floor here.  To my knowledge it has not been explored.  If you can find a way in and a way to survive underwater, maybe there’s something there that can help us.”
= NPCs =
King Alhat
Captain Haax
= Heroes and Wizards =
== Glyptodont's characters: ==
'''1. Adendak - Male Human Journeyman wizard'''
'''ST''' - 11<BR>
'''DX''' - 12<BR>
'''IQ''' - 11<BR>
Priest (cost 1x2)
Literacy (1)
IQ 8: Blur (T)
IQ 9: Reveal Magic (S), Summon Scout (C), Fire (C)
IQ 10: Lock/Knock (T)
IQ 11: Control Animal (T), Illusion (C), Staff II/Manastaff (S)
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
'''2. Mavidina - Female Human Journeyman Wizard'''
'''ST''' - 10<BR>
'''DX''' - 12<BR>
'''IQ''' - 12<BR>
Talent: Literacy (1)
IQ 8: Light (T), Staff (S)
IQ 9: Dark Vision (T)
IQ 10: Detect Enemies (S), Ward (S)
IQ 11: Destroy Creation (T), Illusion (C), Reveal/Conceal (T), Sleep (T)
IQ 12: 3-Hex Fire (C), Mage Sight (T)
Weapon: Wizard's Staff
'''3. Bwaan-Yoidziidai - Male Goblin Alchemist'''
'''ST''' - 8<BR>
'''DX''' - 12<BR>
'''IQ''' - 14<BR>
IQ 7: Knife (1)
IQ 8: Literacy (1) Thrown Weapons (2)
IQ 11: Physicker (2)
IQ 13: Chemist (3)
IQ 14: Alchemy (3), Master Physicker (2)
Weapons & equipment: set of daggers, a few vials of potions, leather armor
'''4. Skythorn - Male Elf Horseman'''
'''ST''' - 12<BR>
'''DX''' - 13<BR>
'''IQ''' - 9<BR>
IQ 7: Sword (2), Bow (2)
IQ 8: Horsemanship (1), Quick-Draw (1)
IQ 9: Alertness (2), Missile Weapons (1)
Weapons & equipment: Broadsword, Longbow w/ quiver of arrows, leather armor, horse
==The Wyzard's Characters==
===Lukas Stein===
Background: Lukas' father ruined the family by gambling. Having nothing of his own to risk except his life, Lukas took up his swords and went out to live by them.
ST: 9 <BR>
DX: 14 adjDX: 14 <BR>
IQ: 11 <BR>
MA: 10 adjMA: 10 <BR>
Talents: Sex Appeal (1), Tactics (1), Courtly Graces (1) Alertness (2), Sword (2), Literacy (1), Fencer (3), <BR>
*Finely Made Rapier $400/3 (Does 1D+1 instead of 1D.)
*Off-Hand Rapier $40/3
*Labyrinth Kit $30/6
*Belt Pouch $5/.5
*5 Torches $5/2.5
*Backpack $40/4
*Middle-Class Clothing $50/
*Total: 29#
*Treasure: $430 in mixed coins and gems
'''Rules Notes''': The rules for fencing are a little spread out. With his rapiers he hits for 1D+2 total. Enemies are at -1DX to hit him. The Defend option forces them to roll an extra die. He can do a "shrewd thrust" and attack at -4 for an extra die of damage. On any given round, he can attack with both rapiers (the second attack at -4), use the second rapier to defend and so stop 2 damage from any non-missile weapon, or defend with both, which forces the enemy to roll an extra die to hit him and also blocks 4 damage.
Background: Bert wandered out of the wastelands with a broadsword and a bad attitude. He doesn't remember his past, and finds the topic largely uninteresting.
ST: 12 <BR>
DX: 14 adjDX: 11<BR>
IQ: 8<BR>
MA: 12 adjMA: 10 <BR>
Talents: Swords (2), Running (2), Shield (1), Swimming (1), Toughness (2)<BR>
*Broadsword $80/5
*Large Shield $50/20
*Leather Armor $100/16 (41 pounds and $230)
*Belt Pouch $5/.5
*Backpack $40/4
*Middle-Class Clothing $50/
*Total: 45.5#
*Treasure: $640 in mixed coins and gems
Background: Watchful. Doesn't talk much.<BR>
ST: 11<BR>
DX: 12 adjDX: 10<BR>
IQ: 11<BR>
MA: 10 adjMA: 8<BR>
Talents: Detect Lies (2), Literacy (1), Acute Hearing (2), Alertness (2), Pole Weapons (2), Bow (2)
*Leather Armor $100/16
*Spear $40/6
*Longbow $40/4
*20 arrows $20/1
*Belt Pouch $5/.5
*Backpack $40/4
*Middle-Class Clothing $50/
*Total: 31.5#
*Treasure: $705 in mixed coins and gems
===John T. Spiders===
Background: John is the only gargoyle in his clan who ever learned to read, let alone learned magic. He is extremely proud of being a wizard, although humble because he doesn't learn as quickly as some others. He has worked extremely hard to become accomplished in languages, and works as a translator when possible.
ST: 13<BR>
DX: 11 adjDX: 11<BR>
IQ: 10<BR>
MA: 8/16 adjMA 8/16:<BR>
Talents: Literacy (1), Languages (4)
Languages: Gargoyle, Human, Elvish, Dwarvish, Goblin
Spells: Dark Vision, Aid, Lock/Knock.
*A pointy hat on which someone has crudely embroidered "Wizard."
*Belt Pouch $5/.5
*Backpack $40/4
*Middle-Class Clothing $50/
*Labyrinth Kit $30/6
*Crowbar: $10/4
*5 Torches $5/2.5
*Total: 17#
*Treasure: $860 in mixed coins and gems
'''Rules Notes''': A gargoyle begins with ST 13, DX 11, and IQ 8 (no points added). IQ will never go higher than 10; such “brilliant” gargoyles often become wizards, wanderers, or both. MA is 8 on the ground, 16 when flying.
Gargoyles can stop 3 hits/attack by virtue of their stony skin. They normally fight with their hands (2 dice damage), but those hired as guards will use weapons. They do not favor thrown or missile weapons, though they can fly overhead and
drop rocks on you if the situation warrants.
Since gargoyles’ gallbladders are useful in several potions, gargoyles are often suspicious of strangers’ intentions. They
react to strangers at -1.
I put my two extra points in IQ, but because he wouldn't have "started" with them, he only has 8 points worth of talents or spells. Note that wizards can learn literacy and languages without penalty, unlike most talents.
== Random Task's Characters: ==
'''1. Metric - Male elf fighter''
'''ST''' - 12<BR>
'''DX''' - 12(10)<BR>
'''IQ''' - 10<BR>
'''MA''' - 14<BR>
Knife (1)
Sword (1)
Literacy (1)
Quick Draw (Sword) (1)
Silent Movement  (2)
Shield (1)
Running (2)
Carousing (1)
Leather Armor 2 16lbs
Small Shield
Labyrinth kit
Broadsword 2d 5lbs <BR>
Dagger 1d-1 (0.2lbs) <BR>
The unnaturally pale, bored and dissolute princeling of a royal house far over the sea here to try to rid himself of his ennui, or die trying.
== Tomas' Characters: ==
'''1. Udrell - Male human fighter''
'''ST''' - 12<BR>
'''DX''' - 11(10)<BR>
'''IQ''' - 11<BR>
'''MA''' - 12<BR>
*Pole Weapons
*Silent Movement  (2)
*Spear Throwing (1)
*Leather Armor 2 16lbs
*Labyrinth kit
*Javelins x3 1d+1 <BR>
*Spear 1d+1 w/ both hands <BR>
Some people just need to stay away from other people. Udrell barely distinguished between the animals he hunts for food and profit, and those who buy his wares. If sometimes he takes aim at any target that moves, that’s not his problem.
Likely to be a solitary predator, or even hired as a guide in the local area. Aggressive and intense in behavior, Udrell is nonetheless laconic in speech. There is no upper limit to how far he will take an argument. Even a minor squabble could result in murder.
= Combat Key =
== Glyptodont ==
Ad - Adenak
Ma - Mavidina
BY - Bwaan-Yoidziidai
Sk - Skythorn
== Random Task ==
Me - Metric
== tomas ==
U- Udrell
== The Wyzard ==
Lukas - Lk
Bert - Bt
Fuyuko - Ko
John T. Spiders - JS
== Allied NPCs ==
Al - King Alhat
== Hostile NPCs ==
G# - Guards

Latest revision as of 15:12, 23 June 2022

Introductory Pitch and Instructions[edit]

The Talik Region bordering the Kingdom of Alef is prime territory for industry, trade, and adventure. Alef has gotten quite rich off it, but lately operations and their cut of the profit has been reduced.

It wasn’t long, then, before the King of Alef, King Alhat, made a call to heroes and wizards he thought would be capable of dealing with this issue. A Royal messenger hand delivered a letter to you with the royal seal of King Alhat. After a letterhead and greeting full of pomp and flourish, the letter went on to say:

“You are invited to Millimir Keep for a dinner in which the problems facing our Kingdom and the Talik Region will be discussed. Please, if you will, join me for dinner at my home in the Keep and we can discuss your reward. Feel free to bring whoever else you know that you believe would suit the task. I’ve enclosed a map that will direct you on your trip to the Keep.”

In this game we’ll play The Fantasy Trip. I’m new to the system but I liked the idea and nostalgia of it. I’ll try to use maps and battle maps to bring this game alive. Millimir Keep is located in one of the five mountain passes into the Talik Region.

In the world where this game is set, the core humanoids Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Orcs, and Goblins all live together. You can pick one of them, or something else you think might be fun that we can decide on.

Starting characters get 34 points divided amongst ST DX and IQ. You don’t need to start with the starting attribute templates as shown on page 15 of Into the Labyrinth but you do get any mentioned special abilities. If you’d like to start with the starting attributes I think you’ll just add two more points to the existing extra points you get (e.g. six plus two for a Halfling).

Your characters start with $1,000.

If you happen across anything in Melee and Wizard that conflicts with Into the Labyrinth, please go with what’s in Into the Labyrinth.

Note: I'm not affiliated with the company that made the map software I use. Just trying to follow the agreement that comes with the software.


Millimir Keep[edit]

Millimir Keep is one of five mountain passes into the Talik Region, which comprises a series of mountain passes and valleys. Each entrance pass has its own structure defending it.

Map Key[edit]

1: King Alhat's Home

This is the home you've been invited to within Millimir Keep.

2: Barracks and Storage

Guards and any heroes/wizards not taken along during adventure stay here.

3: Temple

A roughly circular building where the King, his servants, the guards, and guests can go to worship.

4: Farm Plots

Food is grown here, and stored in some small sheds scattered throughout the plots.

5: The north and south entrances to the Keep. Between is a dirt path that travelers can go on along their way, after they pay the toll.

Talik Region[edit]

The Talik Region is a mountainous region of valleys and mountain passes.

Map Scale: 5 Miles/Hex

Points of Interest, as described by King Alhat[edit]

A: The Riverbed

“Travelers making trips to Westrum and Avell Peak have noticed part of the Parrion River has dried up. Upstream there is more river, but over the last few weeks the dryness has progressed further.”

B: Forest of Giants

“We know that the Giants that live in this valley have been approached by a wizard who didn’t identify himself. The Wizard wanted them to join forces with him for some military expedition, but they refused.”

The giants live in a forest with oversized trees, oversized wildlife, and have big cottages.

C: Raiders

"We have the most contact with Lemark's Ferry, Twin Riverpeak, Fairy's Gold, and Forestlake. Lemark's Ferry has not experienced raids, but that is not where the iron is. Twin Riverpeak, Fairy's Gold, and Forestlake have all been hit badly by raiders. They have come from the surrounding mountains from the southwest, northwest, and northeast," He places a finger at the center point of the three valleys. They have badly disrupted trade and production of iron, gems, some gold, and other items. Our own defenders have been overwhelmed by the frequency and the ferocity of the attacks."

D: Underwater Palace

“Legend says an underwater palace lies on the lake floor here. To my knowledge it has not been explored. If you can find a way in and a way to survive underwater, maybe there’s something there that can help us.”


King Alhat

Captain Haax

Heroes and Wizards[edit]

Glyptodont's characters:[edit]

1. Adendak - Male Human Journeyman wizard

ST - 11
DX - 12
IQ - 11

Talents: Priest (cost 1x2) Literacy (1)

Spells: IQ 8: Blur (T) IQ 9: Reveal Magic (S), Summon Scout (C), Fire (C) IQ 10: Lock/Knock (T) IQ 11: Control Animal (T), Illusion (C), Staff II/Manastaff (S)

Weapon: Wizard's Staff

2. Mavidina - Female Human Journeyman Wizard

ST - 10
DX - 12
IQ - 12

Talent: Literacy (1)

Spells: IQ 8: Light (T), Staff (S) IQ 9: Dark Vision (T) IQ 10: Detect Enemies (S), Ward (S) IQ 11: Destroy Creation (T), Illusion (C), Reveal/Conceal (T), Sleep (T) IQ 12: 3-Hex Fire (C), Mage Sight (T)

Weapon: Wizard's Staff

3. Bwaan-Yoidziidai - Male Goblin Alchemist

ST - 8
DX - 12
IQ - 14

Talents: IQ 7: Knife (1) IQ 8: Literacy (1) Thrown Weapons (2) IQ 11: Physicker (2) IQ 13: Chemist (3) IQ 14: Alchemy (3), Master Physicker (2)

Weapons & equipment: set of daggers, a few vials of potions, leather armor

4. Skythorn - Male Elf Horseman

ST - 12
DX - 13
IQ - 9

Talents: IQ 7: Sword (2), Bow (2) IQ 8: Horsemanship (1), Quick-Draw (1) IQ 9: Alertness (2), Missile Weapons (1)

Weapons & equipment: Broadsword, Longbow w/ quiver of arrows, leather armor, horse

The Wyzard's Characters[edit]

Lukas Stein[edit]

Background: Lukas' father ruined the family by gambling. Having nothing of his own to risk except his life, Lukas took up his swords and went out to live by them.

ST: 9
DX: 14 adjDX: 14
IQ: 11
MA: 10 adjMA: 10

Talents: Sex Appeal (1), Tactics (1), Courtly Graces (1) Alertness (2), Sword (2), Literacy (1), Fencer (3),

  • Finely Made Rapier $400/3 (Does 1D+1 instead of 1D.)
  • Off-Hand Rapier $40/3
  • Labyrinth Kit $30/6
  • Belt Pouch $5/.5
  • 5 Torches $5/2.5
  • Backpack $40/4
  • Middle-Class Clothing $50/
  • Total: 29#
  • Treasure: $430 in mixed coins and gems

Rules Notes: The rules for fencing are a little spread out. With his rapiers he hits for 1D+2 total. Enemies are at -1DX to hit him. The Defend option forces them to roll an extra die. He can do a "shrewd thrust" and attack at -4 for an extra die of damage. On any given round, he can attack with both rapiers (the second attack at -4), use the second rapier to defend and so stop 2 damage from any non-missile weapon, or defend with both, which forces the enemy to roll an extra die to hit him and also blocks 4 damage.


Background: Bert wandered out of the wastelands with a broadsword and a bad attitude. He doesn't remember his past, and finds the topic largely uninteresting.

ST: 12
DX: 14 adjDX: 11
IQ: 8
MA: 12 adjMA: 10

Talents: Swords (2), Running (2), Shield (1), Swimming (1), Toughness (2)

  • Broadsword $80/5
  • Large Shield $50/20
  • Leather Armor $100/16 (41 pounds and $230)
  • Belt Pouch $5/.5
  • Backpack $40/4
  • Middle-Class Clothing $50/
  • Total: 45.5#
  • Treasure: $640 in mixed coins and gems


Background: Watchful. Doesn't talk much.
ST: 11
DX: 12 adjDX: 10
IQ: 11
MA: 10 adjMA: 8

Talents: Detect Lies (2), Literacy (1), Acute Hearing (2), Alertness (2), Pole Weapons (2), Bow (2) Gear:

  • Leather Armor $100/16
  • Spear $40/6
  • Longbow $40/4
  • 20 arrows $20/1
  • Belt Pouch $5/.5
  • Backpack $40/4
  • Middle-Class Clothing $50/
  • Total: 31.5#
  • Treasure: $705 in mixed coins and gems

John T. Spiders[edit]

Background: John is the only gargoyle in his clan who ever learned to read, let alone learned magic. He is extremely proud of being a wizard, although humble because he doesn't learn as quickly as some others. He has worked extremely hard to become accomplished in languages, and works as a translator when possible. ST: 13
DX: 11 adjDX: 11
IQ: 10
MA: 8/16 adjMA 8/16:

Talents: Literacy (1), Languages (4) Languages: Gargoyle, Human, Elvish, Dwarvish, Goblin Spells: Dark Vision, Aid, Lock/Knock. Gear:

  • A pointy hat on which someone has crudely embroidered "Wizard."
  • Belt Pouch $5/.5
  • Backpack $40/4
  • Middle-Class Clothing $50/
  • Labyrinth Kit $30/6
  • Crowbar: $10/4
  • 5 Torches $5/2.5
  • Total: 17#
  • Treasure: $860 in mixed coins and gems

Rules Notes: A gargoyle begins with ST 13, DX 11, and IQ 8 (no points added). IQ will never go higher than 10; such “brilliant” gargoyles often become wizards, wanderers, or both. MA is 8 on the ground, 16 when flying.

Gargoyles can stop 3 hits/attack by virtue of their stony skin. They normally fight with their hands (2 dice damage), but those hired as guards will use weapons. They do not favor thrown or missile weapons, though they can fly overhead and drop rocks on you if the situation warrants.

Since gargoyles’ gallbladders are useful in several potions, gargoyles are often suspicious of strangers’ intentions. They react to strangers at -1.

I put my two extra points in IQ, but because he wouldn't have "started" with them, he only has 8 points worth of talents or spells. Note that wizards can learn literacy and languages without penalty, unlike most talents.

Random Task's Characters:[edit]

'1. Metric - Male elf fighter

ST - 12
DX - 12(10)
IQ - 10
MA - 14

Talents: Knife (1) Sword (1) Literacy (1) Quick Draw (Sword) (1) Silent Movement (2) Shield (1) Running (2) Carousing (1)

Gear: Leather Armor 2 16lbs Small Shield Lantern Backpack Labyrinth kit

Weapons: Broadsword 2d 5lbs
Dagger 1d-1 (0.2lbs)

The unnaturally pale, bored and dissolute princeling of a royal house far over the sea here to try to rid himself of his ennui, or die trying.

Tomas' Characters:[edit]

'1. Udrell - Male human fighter

ST - 12
DX - 11(10)
IQ - 11
MA - 12


  • Alertness
  • Naturalist
  • Pole Weapons
  • Running
  • Silent Movement (2)
  • Spear Throwing (1)


  • Leather Armor 2 16lbs
  • Lantern
  • Backpack
  • Labyrinth kit


  • Javelins x3 1d+1
  • Spear 1d+1 w/ both hands

Some people just need to stay away from other people. Udrell barely distinguished between the animals he hunts for food and profit, and those who buy his wares. If sometimes he takes aim at any target that moves, that’s not his problem.

Likely to be a solitary predator, or even hired as a guide in the local area. Aggressive and intense in behavior, Udrell is nonetheless laconic in speech. There is no upper limit to how far he will take an argument. Even a minor squabble could result in murder.

Combat Key[edit]


Ad - Adenak

Ma - Mavidina

BY - Bwaan-Yoidziidai

Sk - Skythorn

Random Task[edit]

Me - Metric


U- Udrell

The Wyzard[edit]

Lukas - Lk

Bert - Bt

Fuyuko - Ko

John T. Spiders - JS

Allied NPCs[edit]

Al - King Alhat

Hostile NPCs[edit]

G# - Guards