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This game is a Dungeon Fantasy Adventure - Monster Hunters combo. The idea is that the heroes travel around from place to place in a very serial series of adventure. The heroes hear about a job, research the problem/monsters arrive and then got there and 'deal' with the monster.  
[[File:DF Adv Gothic Hunters.jpg | 650px]]
This game is a Dungeon Fantasy Adventure - Monster Hunters combo. The idea is that the heroes travel around from place to place in a very serial series of adventure. The heroes hear about a job, research the problem and/or monsters there and then go there and 'deal' with the monster(s).  
The heroes for this PBP game - DFA 'Monster Hunters'
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''Name''' || '''Played by...''' || '''Race''' || '''Template'''
| [[Chrissanda (Chris) Buckminster | '''Chrissanda (Chris) Buckminster''']] || @t@nya || Halfling || Ranger (Scout)
| [https://docs.google.com/document/d/15B9xmKj1wppTTWxV1_EuNc-Au29fycYMCyUuWp0r_i4/edit?usp=sharing '''Rakaar, Lynx Knight'''] || @Talisman || Cat Folk || Knight
| [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1weeLgxROfwkxezz2sWKaw06DmWt2j5Pk0VZA0DiCbZ4/edit '''Victor Thaelin'''] || @drearyArchon || Human || Wizard
| [https://drive.google.com/file/d/126pSJcTpdeQ8yBM-M2rfFgggSaj9LuHh/view '''Balthus Bolingbrooke'''] || @Random Task || Dwarf || Cleric
[[File:FadingGun.Sword.jpg | 300px | right]]
The region the game is set in is the nation of '''Iskirovo''', a land of lonely moors where it always seem to be cold, wet and fog shrouded. The rolling hills and moors are full of bogs, swamps and thick old-growth forest. Most peasant are farmers who grow barley and wheat crop along with a variety of vegetables and fruits (like apples). A few also raise cows, goats and sheep. The lands has alway breed a dreary moods amoung them and recently... horror.
The setting region of the game is the nation of '''Iskirovo''' a land of lonely moors where it always seem to be cold, wet and fog shrouded. The rolling hills and moors are full of bogs, swamps and thick old-growth forest. Most peasant are farmers who grow barley and wheat crop along with a variety of vegetables and fruits (like apples). A few also raise cows, goats and sheep. The lands has alway breed a dreary moods amoung them and recently... horror.
[[File:FadingGun.Sword.jpg | 300px | left]]
The heartland are settled by Humans and Halfling along with shattered Gnome communities of mines and trinking factories. To the north is the '''Greenwood''', a huge ancient forest home to Elves, Half Elves and Halflings. Far to the northwest is a huge near unpassable '''Iron Spear Mountains''', home to numberous Dwarf holds and underground cities. Ogres, whom are semi-allied with the Dwarves, also wander their ranges, raising their large sized moutain goats. To the far east is the '''Great Sea of Grass''' where Orc tribes make their lives hearding their cattle and oxen while the Cat Folk live as Hunter-Gathers following the wild yak and reindeer on their migration routes.
While all the races wander and have settled in and around Iskirovo there are places where they are more common and more heavily settled. Within the heartland are heavily settled by Humans and Halfling along with shattered Gnome communities of mines and trinking factories. To the north is the '''Greenwood''', a huge ancient forest home to Elves, Half Elves and Halflings. Far to the northwest is a huge near unpassable '''Iron Spear Mountains''', home to numberous Dwarf and Gnome holds and underground cities. Ogres, whom are semi-allied with the Dwarves, also wander their ranges, raising their large sized moutain goats. To the far east is the '''Great Sea of Grass''' where Orc tribes make their lives hearding their cattle and oxen while the Cat Folk live as Hunter-Gathers following the wild yak and reindeer on their migration routes.
Iskirovo is a large nation but is light population with most living in small scattered and isolated villages or towns. There are only three large cities, all focusing more on trade, then on defense or rulership. They are - '''Dmintsy''', the capital of Iskirovo. It is somewhat centrally located with numberous guilds and merchant houses based here. '''Zhaeson''' is located to the southwestern part of the country on the '''Irieford River''' which cuts far into the west where the goods of more 'civilized' lands run. The smallest of these cities is '''Vrustol''' located on the far eastern boarders witth the Great Sea of Grass. It is an important trading hub between Iskirovo and the tribes of Orcs and Cat Folks but it is also located on the '''Long Spice Road''' which leads to the strange exotice lands of the far east that trade in spices, jade and ivory. Many exotic wares are found and sold here.
Iskirovo is a large nation but is light population with most living in small scattered and isolated villages or towns. There are only three large cities, all focusing more on trade, then on defense or rulership. They are - '''Dmintsy''', the capital of Iskirovo. It is somewhat centrally located with numberous guilds and merchant houses based here. '''Zhaeson''' is located to the southwestern part of the country on the '''Irieford River''' which cuts far into the west where the goods of more 'civilized' lands run. The smallest of these cities is '''Vrustol''' located on the far eastern boarders witth the Great Sea of Grass. It is an important trading hub between Iskirovo and the tribes of Orcs and Cat Folks but it is also located on the '''Long Spice Road''' which leads to the strange exotice lands of the far east that trade in spices, jade and ivory. Many exotic wares are found and sold here.
Most folk follow the '''Old Faith'''. While not truly the oldest (that would be various '''Shamanist''' and '''Druidic''' traditions) it is the one most accepted by the people. There is a very large presence of formal clergy in Iskirovo as people feel the gods’ presence. Especially now when dark things creep forth from their hidden lairs to threaten them in often the most horrible way. Even the smallest village will have a priest or cleric in residents who guides the common folk in spritual matters and protective charms against evil things.
Most folk follow the '''Old Faith'''. While not truly the oldest (that would be various '''Shamanistic''' and '''Druidic''' traditions) it is the one most accepted by the people. There is a very large presence of formal clergy in Iskirovo as people feel the gods’ presence. Especially now when dark things creep forth from their hidden lairs to threaten them in often the most horrible way. Even the smallest village will have a priest or cleric in residents who guides the common folk in spritual matters and protective charms against evil things.
Iskirovo has been mostly peaceful (if not more then a bit depressing) for centuries but that all changed around a thirty years ago. Rumors say that a curse ways placed on the country or some great and evil dark master was summoned or drawn into the lands. Whatever the cause, monsters started creeing in the out of the way and less populated lands. They started treatening the smaller villages and homesteads at first but soon moved towards the larger villages and some, it is rumored, have even secretly into the cities.
Iskirovo has been mostly peaceful (if not more then a bit depressing) for centuries but that all changed around a thirty years ago. Rumors say that a curse ways placed on the country or some great and evil dark master was summoned or drawn into the lands. Whatever the cause, monsters started creeing in the out of the way and less populated lands. They started treatening the smaller villages and homesteads at first but soon moved towards the larger villages and some, it is rumored, have even secretly into the cities.
The nobles have long since turn decadent and uncaring of their obligations for the most parts. With no major threat has come this way for centuries the military has been ignored and faded from its once famous highs and most noble houses have little beyond house guards whom are little better then thugs. When bandits and the like have propped up the richer merchant class generally handles of them and there has been little need. Even the various kings and queens whom have ruled over the years ignore most of their subjects, caring not what they do on their lands or how they govern themselves. So long as they pay their modest taxes they are left on their own for the most parts. Many of the merchants and peasants have been happy with this arrangement... at least until recently.
The nobles have long since turn decadent and uncaring of their obligations for the most parts. With no major threat has come this way for centuries the military has been ignored and faded from its once famous highs and most noble houses still have house guards but whom are little better then thugs. When bandits and the like have propped up the richer merchant class generally handles of them and there has been little need. Even the various kings and queens whom have ruled over the years ignore most of their subjects, caring not what they do on their lands or how they govern themselves. So long as they pay their modest taxes they are left on their own for the most parts. Many of the merchants and peasants have been happy with this arrangement... at least until recently.
Too the nobles credit however most sponsored the formation of the Monster Hunter Guild to 'take care of this issue' for them. King Zdravko Grabovsky the III put up the intial funds and directed his court wizards to began building a dedicated library with the Guild House after his young sister was killed by a vampire when the mosters first started appearing. Today the crown and most nobles do still contribute to the Monster Hunters Guild and direcct any requests for aid from the common folk too them. The richer merchants also contribute funds as they have found these creatures of darkness are not good for trade.
Too the nobles credit however most sponsored the formation of the Monster Hunter Guild to 'take care of this issue' for them. King Zdravko Grabovsky the III put up the intial funds and directed his court wizards to began building a dedicated library with the Guild House after his young sister was killed by a vampire when the mosters first started appearing. Today the crown and most nobles do still contribute to the Monster Hunters Guild and direcct any requests for aid from the common folk too them. The richer merchants also contribute funds as they have found these creatures of darkness are not good for trade.
[[File:DF Adv Hero.jpg | 300px | right]]
'''The Monster Hunter Guild'''</br>
'''The Monster Hunter Guild'''</br>
The guild's primary function is to seek out jobs for it memebers, hunting monsters. It also works to collect as much information on the legends, tales and stories to find the weakness or vulnerability of these monsters. Most of these dark creatures are powerful and dangerous, things that could rip through a troop of armored soldiers with little effort. Membership grants access to the guilds libraries. They also sell potioms and concoctions at a discount. Other magical items are generally not bought or sold as they are rare.
The guild's primary function is to seek out jobs for it memebers -- hunting monsters. It also works to collect as much information on the legends, tales and stories to find the weakness or vulnerability of these monsters. Most of these dark creatures are powerful and dangerous, things that could rip through a troop of armored soldiers with little effort. Members are expected to report and new discoveries that might make on their adventures and grants them access to the guilds libraries. They also sell potioms and concoctions at a discount. Other magical items are generally not bought or sold as they are rare.
They have Guild Houses in the three main cities of the setting and a few outer chapter locations spred through Iskirovo. Members can stay at these houses for minor boarding fees (or even free when they get more famous/good at their jobs) and have access to their libraries and the discounts on potions etc. They take jobs sponsored through the Guild House which takes a cut in exchange for the heroes benefits.
They have Guild Houses in the three main cities of the setting and a few outer chapter locations spred through Iskirovo. Members can stay at these houses for minor boarding fees (or even free when they get more famous/good at their jobs) and have access to their libraries and the discounts on potions etc. They take jobs sponsored through the Guild House which takes a cut in exchange for these benefits but not extensive (as they are sponsored by a lot of outside sources).
The basics for this game are GURPS 4th ed. as presented in the '''Dungeon Fantasy Adventure'''. Also using ideas (and monsters) from the GURPS '''Monster Hunters''' supplemeents.
The basics for this game are GURPS 4th ed. as presented in the '''Dungeon Fantasy Adventure'''. Also using ideas (and monsters stats!) from the GURPS '''Monster Hunters''' supplemeents.  
Base Dungeon Fantasy Adventure setting assumes a TL is around 4 but without firearms. Heavy Plate Armor, Tricorn Caps, Edged Rapiers, slick rain Longcoats that bottom up to your nose, Top Hats, fancy Velvet and Silk Gloves and Stage-Cariage Coaches take criss-cross the lands. The dress of the peasants to the noble favors the look of the 15th or 17th century England/France time peirod maybe with a good dose of Eastern European in the names, feel, looks and sytle.
'''Halflings and Kleptomania''': as I have a problem with a whole society of petty thieves or maybe a society without the idea of personal property, etc. I would just prefer to not have 'kenders' in the game. So...</br>
Replace Kleptomania (12) [‑15] to Honesty (12) [10] and increase the Racial Cost of Halflings from [0] to [5]
Extra Gear: as it is not covered in DFA 1 Adventures</br>
'''''Cold Weather Clothing'''''. For temps around freezing or above. Included a coat or cloak, hat or hood, boots and heavier clothing made of fur or wools, etc. (Cost $120, 4lbs)</br>
'''''Winter Clothing'''''. For bitter cold winter or very cold near artic travel, as above but heavier. Includes a heavy overcoat or cloak that is layered fur or wool with a thick lined hat or hood, heavy waterproof boots. (Cost $180, 6lbs)</br>
===Rules for PBP games===
'''Advantage - Luck'''</br>
In a PBP te Luck Advantage will be renewed after a week of real time to reflect on-hour. For Extraordinary Luck it returns every 3 days and for Ridiculous Luck every 24 hours/one day!
[[File:DF Adv HalfOrc.jpg | 250px | left]]
'''Options for running a PBP Combat'''</br>
Too help a bit to try and speed up the flow of PBP combat I want to try the following...
<u>OPTION #1</u></br>
The idea here is that everyone posts Actions, Rolls, etc. for 3 Combat Rounds. Thinking about how to speed up combat.</br>
The GM declare the beginning of combat</br>
Everyone rolls 1d6 for Initiatve. Your Initiative is your characters Base Speed minus Encumbrance (Light -1, Medium -2, etc) +1 for Combat Reflexes and any other adventures that might greants bonuses. You only roll initiative at the beginning of combat.</br>
The players each describe what they are doing for the next 3 Rounds in the IC. In the same post they then record their Actions, including anything special they are doing, Modifier that are getting for their rolls, Defenses they are taking, etc.</br>
Then the player can make a number of rolls to post them. I would prefer something like 6 to 8 rolls called offensive and then like 6 to 8 rolls for defenses. Then rolls for damage (max number of possible attacks).</br>
If you are only making one attack a Round and not doing any fancy maneuvers or tricks still 4 o5 attack rolls in cases of critical hits, etc.</br>
If you are doing one-off or performing a special attack but generally only one in the time (like say a Shield rush or casting one specific spells) you can make a seperate roll for this. See below.</br> 
For Example --Bob the Knight, Kim the Cleric, Alex the Thief and Janet the Wizard are exploring a cave, looking for a hive or giant ants have have been plaguing a village lately, when they come around a corner and see a group of five giant ants nearby. The GM rules no one is surprised, rolls initiative and posts the following...
:"Within the huge cave you are exploring you come around a massive stalamite when you see a group of five giant ants (one soldier ant and four workers) not five yards away! They turn your way, clinking their mandibles loudly and prepair to attack! 
:[ooc]No one is surprised so roll Initiative (1d6 I will take care of the rest)
:Heroes Actions for Round 1 through 3? Remember to include any bonuses, mods, affects and/or  maneuvers you are doing in your OOC[/ooc]"
The players then take their Actions</br>
Bob the Knight in his first IC posts says...
:"Bob the Knight shouts "Lets takes these bastards down! Follow my lead!" Bob's sword and shield are out and ready and he rushes the largest ant to slam his shield into it, hoping to knock it down or back. Bob blade flashes faster then most can see, making two lighting strikes at the ant's head before striking its body!!!
:[ooc]Bob rolls his Initiave [rols a 6]!! Bob is attacking the Ant Warrior. On the first round Bob is going to '''Move and Attack''' to deleiver a '''Shield Rush''' on it, This allows him to Move 5 yards to engage the Ant Warrior. Shield-14 [rolls a 10] and Damage 1d+1, +2 for the DB of the Shield [rolls a 7]. If that's enough to knock the ant down or back great. Otherwise on Round 2 will "Step and Attack" the Art Warrior. Bob's attack rolls with his Broadsword-20. As he is a Weapon Master I am Rapid Attacking each round, so -3 to each attack. On Round 2 I am trying to hit the Ant Wariors in the Face (-5). Round 2 and 3 [rolls a 12, a 10, a 9, a 15 and a 4]. If Bob hits with any of those Damage 2d+7 cutting [rolls a 10, 14, 11, 15 and 13]. For Defenses Bob will default to Parry with this Broadsword (parry-16) and with Weapon Master only suffers 1/2 the penalty for multiples Parries in the same round [rolls 12, 14, 8, 10, 11 and 12]. If he falls below 14 he will then Block (14-) on that round with his shield or if that is his only defense option (has to Dodge this attack), Dodge (11-). If more rolls are required [roll 10, 13, 9].
:If Bob kills the Ant Warrior he will "Step and Attack/Attack" the nearest Worker Ant, aiding anyone who needs it and is closest.[/ooc]
Once everyone has posted their actions and rolls the GM will sort it out and post the results.
The GM then collects everyones Initiatve, Actios, Maneuvers, Dice rolls etc</br>
:[ooc]Initiative Order
::12.25 Bob the Knight
::10.50 Alex the Thief
::10.00 the Ant Warrior
::9.25 Janet the Wizard
::7.50 Kim the Cleric
::7.00 Worker Ants
:Round 1
:Bob shield rushes the Ant Warrior, etc[/ooc]
Then the process repeats (Initiative stays the same but can be affected by crits, fumbles wounds, shock, etc.) until combat ends</br>
If the character rolls a crit I GM will probably use the next 3d6 roll listed as the crit result on the Critical Table. Part if this is way also want a few more Action/Attack rolls just in case of all these situation that are hard to plan for.
[[File:DF Adv Catfolk Thief.jpg | 300px | right]]
<u>OPTION #2</u></br>
The idea here would be to use the more traditional round-by-round combat for the game. The heroes and the GM would still roll initiative at the start of combat and then the GM would post the Initiative Order. </br>
Then, in no real order, the players would post the Description, Actions and Rolls for their characters as above but just for one rounds. They could including any Defense Actions and Rolls depending on what they have available. They often have a Parry or BLock that is higher then their Dodge but there are some attacks or spells or effects that can only be Dodged, so they should each include at least one Dodge roll in their Post.</br>
The GM declare the beginning of combat</br>
Everyone rolls Intiative as part of their first Post/Action/Round. The GM collects all that, shows the Initiative Order and Post a resolution for Round 1</br>
For Example -- in the examle above, Bob the Knight charged (Move and Attack) the Ant Warrior and slammed it with his shield (Shield Rush). He hit and dealt 7 points of 'damage'.</br>
Everyone else posts their Initiative and first rounds actions and rolls. The GM collects these when everyone is done and then resolved Round one. In the OOC for the GMs thread he includes...
:[ooc]Initiative Order (as above)
:Round 1
:Bob is first. He his the Ant Warrior who tries to Dodge (9-) this attack [rolls a 11], fails so Bob hit it. His Movement added +2 damage to the result [9]. Ant Warrior so 2d+2 +4 for Bob's Move but -2 for Bob's Shield [rolls a 10] so the Ant Warrior resisted his rush and is not knocked prone.
:Next to act is Alex..[occ]
...and so on. They the players and GM move to Round 2 and the individual Actions, Rolls, etc.
Characters are standard base characters from the Dungeon Fantasy Adventure (250pts). All the templates and races found there are being used. For each template fitting in the setting...
Characters are standard base characters from the Dungeon Fantasy Adventure (250pts). All the templates and races found there are being used. For each template fitting in the setting...
* Barbarians are from the trible lands of the Great Grass Sea, into the Orcs (and Half Orcs who suffer little Social Stigma in Orc culture) and Cat Folk but also Human tribles in the Iron Spear Mountains.
[[File:DF Adv Heroes 2.jpg | 450px | right]]
* Bards  
: *''Barbarians'' are from the trible lands of the Great Grass Sea, into the Orcs (and Half Orcs who suffer little Social Stigma in Orc culture) and Cat Folk but also Human tribles in the Iron Spear Mountains. Many of these groups have little problems adapting outsiders (including other races) into their tribes with little social stigma suffered by them.
* Clerics are followers of the Old Faith. This is the state religion and while itself is very laws oriented player-characters reflect the 'Good' side of the religion (which the leadership or individual might not always be).
: *''Bards'' and travelling minstralls are fairly common throughout the lands. Their  counter-song magic and other specialized songs can come in handy against many of the creatures of darkess.
* Druids
: *''Clerics'' are followers of the Old Faith. This is the state religion and while itself is very laws oriented player-characters reflect the 'Good' side of the religion (which the leadership or individual might not always be). Clerics of non-Humans might also follow the Old Faith but could be memebers of their races own Gods. And of course those with True Faith find their gifts in high demand with the rise of the Restless Death.
* Holy Warriors
: *''Druids'' follow even older faiths that honor natural spirits and are concerns about the protection and promotion of the natural world.
* Knights
: *''Holy Warriors'' of the Old Faith and other religions are uncommon but welcome throughout the lands, especially now. Their holy attacks against demons and the restless dead put to good use.
* Monks are wanders from the Far East whom travelled the Long Spice Road to come to these lands. A few have chose to remain and has started small isolated schools where the have trained locates in these arts.
: *''Knights'' are common throughout the lands at guards, warriors, landless knights and brawlers. These warrior are needed in every group and make up a large part of the Monster Hunters org.
* Swashbucklers are uncommon in the region and often hail from the southern Great Inner Sea, where great gallery ships pry their wares over these mighty waters to the various city-states and islands located there.
: *''Martial Artists'' are wanders from the Far East whom travelled the Long Spice Road to come to these lands. A few have chose to remain and has started small isolated schools where the have trained locates in these arts.
* Thieves
: *''Scouts'' are common throughout the lands, working as hunters and guides through the wilderness and protectors of such areas. They are often experts at placing their arrows in the weak or chinks in monsters armor.
* Wizards
: *''Swashbucklers'' are uncommon in the region and often hail from the southern '''Inner Sea''', where great gallery ships pry their wares over these mighty waters to the various city-states and islands located there.
: *''Thieves'' are more common in the few cities but can make a living as Monster Hunters who might specialize in knowledge and attacking from advantage (i.e. backstabbing and then running away). They would also be good characters to know about poisons and toxins and how they might be applied to the various monsters for the best effects.
: *''Wizards'' are uncommon in the lands but their magic and insights are invaluble.
Characters also gain with an addition 10 points to spent on skills from Know Thy Enemy. This is an expanded Hidden Lore found in DF. From the GURPS Monster Hunters --"Monster hunting without knowledge is nothing but a waste of time . . . and lives. For every enemy, one or more skills exist to provide insight into how to defeat it. These are not necessarily the skills required to defeat monsters – just the ones required to answer questions about them (including how to defeat them)."
[[File:DF Adv Wizard.jpg | 250px | left]]
'''''A Special Note on Templates''' - as many Templates they apply penalties to Seconardy attributes. These points count towards your characters total Disadvantages of 50. If applying a Racial Template or blumping these or other stats with would affect this (i.e. "further XX points on...") then the character can choice additional Disadvantage options often by the Template to bring their total up to 50 again.''</br>
''For example the Holy Warrior template has a -10 to Base Speed (bring it back down to the base speed of 6.00). But the character applies the Elf Template that gives its +1 to DX and the with further points the player also improves its HT by +1. If the chose not to apply -10 to that Stat they could take an additional -10 Disadvantage points from any of the optional Disadvantage points of the template.'''
Characters also start with an addition 10 points to spent on skills from Know Thy Enemy. This is an expanded Hidden Lore found in DF. From the GURPS Monster Hunters --"Monster hunting without knowledge is nothing but a waste of time . . . and lives. For every enemy, one or more skills exist to provide insight into how to defeat it. These are not necessarily the skills required to defeat monsters – just the ones required to answer questions about them (including how to defeat them)."
From the skill breakdown below a minimum of 2 points must be spent on each skill. Spending 4 points instead adds +1 to the skill level shown here, while spending 8 points adds +2.
From the skill breakdown below a minimum of 2 points must be spent on each skill. Spending 4 points instead adds +1 to the skill level shown here, while spending 8 points adds +2.
DF Hidden Lores for this include Demons, Divine Servitors, Elder Things, Elementals, Faeries, Natural Spirits, Spirits, or Undead. To expand on this characters can spend these points in the following ways...
DF Hidden Lores for monsters in the setting include Demons, Divine Servitors, Elder Things, Elementals, Faeries, Natural Spirits, Spirits, or Undead. To expand on this characters can spend these points in the following ways...
• '''''Demons''''': Hidden Lore (Demons) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].</br>
• '''''Demons''''': Hidden Lore (Demons) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].</br>
Line 59: Line 156:
• '''''Lycanthropes''''': Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes) (A) IQ [2]; Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2]; Veterinary (H) IQ-1 [2].</br>
• '''''Lycanthropes''''': Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes) (A) IQ [2]; Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2]; Veterinary (H) IQ-1 [2].</br>
Shapeshifters whom can change between a human like form and a predatory animal form, or even a hybride like form. Are often hostile to common folk, seeing them as little better then any other prey animal. They maybe non-predatory shifters but they are rare.
Shapeshifters whom can change between a human like form and a predatory animal form, or even a hybride like form. Are often hostile to common folk, seeing them as little better then any other prey animal. They maybe non-predatory shifters but they are rare.
[[File:DF Adv MH beast.jpg | 350px | left]]
• ''''''Magical Beast''''' (dragons, giants, etc.): Hidden Lore (Magical Beasts) (A) IQ [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].</br>
• ''''''Magical Beast''''' (dragons, giants, etc.): Hidden Lore (Magical Beasts) (A) IQ [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].</br>
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[[File:ADnD.Grey.jpg | 300px | right]]
In this setting most magical items are not sold nor can the player pick them up at the local market. They can be special ordered placed with the Royal Arcana Guild (i.e. the Wizard's Guild) in one of the major cities of the lands but this is expensive and time consuming.
Potions, Scrolls and Power Items are an exception to this rule and are commonly available for sale (normal cost Potions and Scrolls along with Power Items along with recharge fees on DF Adv pg. 115). Other minor magical items might also be available at the GMs descresion.
Lucky for the heroes many a monster has access to items of power and artifacts and keep them secreted away in their lairs or on them for the taking... once they have been defeated that is. Old ruins founds schattered through the lands might also be the resting places of such items but they are rarely unguarded.
The Wizard's Guild and Monster Hunters wizards also can create temporary or limited used magical items that can be crafted quickly and made to help against certain monster's weaknesses (if they are known or exist).
As a GM I might suggest investing in Signature Gear if you want to maintain a long term magical item. I might make the advantage cheaper CP cost as I think 1 per $500 seems a bit exceesive at least for magical items. Standard Gear maybe that is a fair price.
[[File:DF Adv Hunter.jpg | 350px | left]]
'''Adventure #1 - A Nosferatu Haunting'''
In the eastern peasant village of '''Sikkőrös''' the people are being plagued by what they believe to be a vampire whom they think is hold up in an ancient keep in the middle of a thick old-growth forest just to the north of village in the '''Storm Mountains'''. The creature might also have a number of spawn already under its thrall and ghouls to protect its lair during the daylight hours.
'''Info Gathered''': (how do you gather proof of slain vampires and/or ghouls)
'''The Bounty Offered''': 10,000cp ($) for proof the vampires destruction. 1,500cp ($) for proof of each Vampire Spawn slain. 500cp ($) for proof of each Ghoul destroyed. Also the Guild will pay an additional 500cp for the vampire's severed head, and its removed heart, kidneys and/or liver (so an additional 2,000cp ($) for all four parts. This will inlove storing them in seperate jars or containers). 
'''Other Rewards/Treasure''': TBD
'''XP Awards''': TBD

Latest revision as of 09:51, 9 May 2022

DF Adv Gothic Hunters.jpg

This game is a Dungeon Fantasy Adventure - Monster Hunters combo. The idea is that the heroes travel around from place to place in a very serial series of adventure. The heroes hear about a job, research the problem and/or monsters there and then go there and 'deal' with the monster(s).


The heroes for this PBP game - DFA 'Monster Hunters'

Name Played by... Race Template
Chrissanda (Chris) Buckminster @t@nya Halfling Ranger (Scout)
Rakaar, Lynx Knight @Talisman Cat Folk Knight
Victor Thaelin @drearyArchon Human Wizard
Balthus Bolingbrooke @Random Task Dwarf Cleric


The region the game is set in is the nation of Iskirovo, a land of lonely moors where it always seem to be cold, wet and fog shrouded. The rolling hills and moors are full of bogs, swamps and thick old-growth forest. Most peasant are farmers who grow barley and wheat crop along with a variety of vegetables and fruits (like apples). A few also raise cows, goats and sheep. The lands has alway breed a dreary moods amoung them and recently... horror.


While all the races wander and have settled in and around Iskirovo there are places where they are more common and more heavily settled. Within the heartland are heavily settled by Humans and Halfling along with shattered Gnome communities of mines and trinking factories. To the north is the Greenwood, a huge ancient forest home to Elves, Half Elves and Halflings. Far to the northwest is a huge near unpassable Iron Spear Mountains, home to numberous Dwarf and Gnome holds and underground cities. Ogres, whom are semi-allied with the Dwarves, also wander their ranges, raising their large sized moutain goats. To the far east is the Great Sea of Grass where Orc tribes make their lives hearding their cattle and oxen while the Cat Folk live as Hunter-Gathers following the wild yak and reindeer on their migration routes.

Iskirovo is a large nation but is light population with most living in small scattered and isolated villages or towns. There are only three large cities, all focusing more on trade, then on defense or rulership. They are - Dmintsy, the capital of Iskirovo. It is somewhat centrally located with numberous guilds and merchant houses based here. Zhaeson is located to the southwestern part of the country on the Irieford River which cuts far into the west where the goods of more 'civilized' lands run. The smallest of these cities is Vrustol located on the far eastern boarders witth the Great Sea of Grass. It is an important trading hub between Iskirovo and the tribes of Orcs and Cat Folks but it is also located on the Long Spice Road which leads to the strange exotice lands of the far east that trade in spices, jade and ivory. Many exotic wares are found and sold here.

Most folk follow the Old Faith. While not truly the oldest (that would be various Shamanistic and Druidic traditions) it is the one most accepted by the people. There is a very large presence of formal clergy in Iskirovo as people feel the gods’ presence. Especially now when dark things creep forth from their hidden lairs to threaten them in often the most horrible way. Even the smallest village will have a priest or cleric in residents who guides the common folk in spritual matters and protective charms against evil things.

Iskirovo has been mostly peaceful (if not more then a bit depressing) for centuries but that all changed around a thirty years ago. Rumors say that a curse ways placed on the country or some great and evil dark master was summoned or drawn into the lands. Whatever the cause, monsters started creeing in the out of the way and less populated lands. They started treatening the smaller villages and homesteads at first but soon moved towards the larger villages and some, it is rumored, have even secretly into the cities.

The nobles have long since turn decadent and uncaring of their obligations for the most parts. With no major threat has come this way for centuries the military has been ignored and faded from its once famous highs and most noble houses still have house guards but whom are little better then thugs. When bandits and the like have propped up the richer merchant class generally handles of them and there has been little need. Even the various kings and queens whom have ruled over the years ignore most of their subjects, caring not what they do on their lands or how they govern themselves. So long as they pay their modest taxes they are left on their own for the most parts. Many of the merchants and peasants have been happy with this arrangement... at least until recently.

Too the nobles credit however most sponsored the formation of the Monster Hunter Guild to 'take care of this issue' for them. King Zdravko Grabovsky the III put up the intial funds and directed his court wizards to began building a dedicated library with the Guild House after his young sister was killed by a vampire when the mosters first started appearing. Today the crown and most nobles do still contribute to the Monster Hunters Guild and direcct any requests for aid from the common folk too them. The richer merchants also contribute funds as they have found these creatures of darkness are not good for trade.

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The Monster Hunter Guild
The guild's primary function is to seek out jobs for it memebers -- hunting monsters. It also works to collect as much information on the legends, tales and stories to find the weakness or vulnerability of these monsters. Most of these dark creatures are powerful and dangerous, things that could rip through a troop of armored soldiers with little effort. Members are expected to report and new discoveries that might make on their adventures and grants them access to the guilds libraries. They also sell potioms and concoctions at a discount. Other magical items are generally not bought or sold as they are rare.

They have Guild Houses in the three main cities of the setting and a few outer chapter locations spred through Iskirovo. Members can stay at these houses for minor boarding fees (or even free when they get more famous/good at their jobs) and have access to their libraries and the discounts on potions etc. They take jobs sponsored through the Guild House which takes a cut in exchange for these benefits but not extensive (as they are sponsored by a lot of outside sources).


The basics for this game are GURPS 4th ed. as presented in the Dungeon Fantasy Adventure. Also using ideas (and monsters stats!) from the GURPS Monster Hunters supplemeents.

Base Dungeon Fantasy Adventure setting assumes a TL is around 4 but without firearms. Heavy Plate Armor, Tricorn Caps, Edged Rapiers, slick rain Longcoats that bottom up to your nose, Top Hats, fancy Velvet and Silk Gloves and Stage-Cariage Coaches take criss-cross the lands. The dress of the peasants to the noble favors the look of the 15th or 17th century England/France time peirod maybe with a good dose of Eastern European in the names, feel, looks and sytle.


Halflings and Kleptomania: as I have a problem with a whole society of petty thieves or maybe a society without the idea of personal property, etc. I would just prefer to not have 'kenders' in the game. So...
Replace Kleptomania (12) [‑15] to Honesty (12) [10] and increase the Racial Cost of Halflings from [0] to [5]

Extra Gear: as it is not covered in DFA 1 Adventures
Cold Weather Clothing. For temps around freezing or above. Included a coat or cloak, hat or hood, boots and heavier clothing made of fur or wools, etc. (Cost $120, 4lbs)
Winter Clothing. For bitter cold winter or very cold near artic travel, as above but heavier. Includes a heavy overcoat or cloak that is layered fur or wool with a thick lined hat or hood, heavy waterproof boots. (Cost $180, 6lbs)

Rules for PBP games[edit]

Advantage - Luck
In a PBP te Luck Advantage will be renewed after a week of real time to reflect on-hour. For Extraordinary Luck it returns every 3 days and for Ridiculous Luck every 24 hours/one day!

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Options for running a PBP Combat
Too help a bit to try and speed up the flow of PBP combat I want to try the following...

The idea here is that everyone posts Actions, Rolls, etc. for 3 Combat Rounds. Thinking about how to speed up combat.

The GM declare the beginning of combat
Everyone rolls 1d6 for Initiatve. Your Initiative is your characters Base Speed minus Encumbrance (Light -1, Medium -2, etc) +1 for Combat Reflexes and any other adventures that might greants bonuses. You only roll initiative at the beginning of combat.
The players each describe what they are doing for the next 3 Rounds in the IC. In the same post they then record their Actions, including anything special they are doing, Modifier that are getting for their rolls, Defenses they are taking, etc.
Then the player can make a number of rolls to post them. I would prefer something like 6 to 8 rolls called offensive and then like 6 to 8 rolls for defenses. Then rolls for damage (max number of possible attacks).
If you are only making one attack a Round and not doing any fancy maneuvers or tricks still 4 o5 attack rolls in cases of critical hits, etc.
If you are doing one-off or performing a special attack but generally only one in the time (like say a Shield rush or casting one specific spells) you can make a seperate roll for this. See below.

For Example --Bob the Knight, Kim the Cleric, Alex the Thief and Janet the Wizard are exploring a cave, looking for a hive or giant ants have have been plaguing a village lately, when they come around a corner and see a group of five giant ants nearby. The GM rules no one is surprised, rolls initiative and posts the following...

"Within the huge cave you are exploring you come around a massive stalamite when you see a group of five giant ants (one soldier ant and four workers) not five yards away! They turn your way, clinking their mandibles loudly and prepair to attack!
[ooc]No one is surprised so roll Initiative (1d6 I will take care of the rest)
Heroes Actions for Round 1 through 3? Remember to include any bonuses, mods, affects and/or maneuvers you are doing in your OOC[/ooc]"

The players then take their Actions
Bob the Knight in his first IC posts says...

"Bob the Knight shouts "Lets takes these bastards down! Follow my lead!" Bob's sword and shield are out and ready and he rushes the largest ant to slam his shield into it, hoping to knock it down or back. Bob blade flashes faster then most can see, making two lighting strikes at the ant's head before striking its body!!!
[ooc]Bob rolls his Initiave [rols a 6]!! Bob is attacking the Ant Warrior. On the first round Bob is going to Move and Attack to deleiver a Shield Rush on it, This allows him to Move 5 yards to engage the Ant Warrior. Shield-14 [rolls a 10] and Damage 1d+1, +2 for the DB of the Shield [rolls a 7]. If that's enough to knock the ant down or back great. Otherwise on Round 2 will "Step and Attack" the Art Warrior. Bob's attack rolls with his Broadsword-20. As he is a Weapon Master I am Rapid Attacking each round, so -3 to each attack. On Round 2 I am trying to hit the Ant Wariors in the Face (-5). Round 2 and 3 [rolls a 12, a 10, a 9, a 15 and a 4]. If Bob hits with any of those Damage 2d+7 cutting [rolls a 10, 14, 11, 15 and 13]. For Defenses Bob will default to Parry with this Broadsword (parry-16) and with Weapon Master only suffers 1/2 the penalty for multiples Parries in the same round [rolls 12, 14, 8, 10, 11 and 12]. If he falls below 14 he will then Block (14-) on that round with his shield or if that is his only defense option (has to Dodge this attack), Dodge (11-). If more rolls are required [roll 10, 13, 9].
If Bob kills the Ant Warrior he will "Step and Attack/Attack" the nearest Worker Ant, aiding anyone who needs it and is closest.[/ooc]

Once everyone has posted their actions and rolls the GM will sort it out and post the results.
The GM then collects everyones Initiatve, Actios, Maneuvers, Dice rolls etc

[ooc]Initiative Order
12.25 Bob the Knight
10.50 Alex the Thief
10.00 the Ant Warrior
9.25 Janet the Wizard
7.50 Kim the Cleric
7.00 Worker Ants
Round 1
Bob shield rushes the Ant Warrior, etc[/ooc]

Then the process repeats (Initiative stays the same but can be affected by crits, fumbles wounds, shock, etc.) until combat ends
If the character rolls a crit I GM will probably use the next 3d6 roll listed as the crit result on the Critical Table. Part if this is way also want a few more Action/Attack rolls just in case of all these situation that are hard to plan for.

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The idea here would be to use the more traditional round-by-round combat for the game. The heroes and the GM would still roll initiative at the start of combat and then the GM would post the Initiative Order.
Then, in no real order, the players would post the Description, Actions and Rolls for their characters as above but just for one rounds. They could including any Defense Actions and Rolls depending on what they have available. They often have a Parry or BLock that is higher then their Dodge but there are some attacks or spells or effects that can only be Dodged, so they should each include at least one Dodge roll in their Post.

The GM declare the beginning of combat
Everyone rolls Intiative as part of their first Post/Action/Round. The GM collects all that, shows the Initiative Order and Post a resolution for Round 1

For Example -- in the examle above, Bob the Knight charged (Move and Attack) the Ant Warrior and slammed it with his shield (Shield Rush). He hit and dealt 7 points of 'damage'.
Everyone else posts their Initiative and first rounds actions and rolls. The GM collects these when everyone is done and then resolved Round one. In the OOC for the GMs thread he includes...

[ooc]Initiative Order (as above)
Round 1
Bob is first. He his the Ant Warrior who tries to Dodge (9-) this attack [rolls a 11], fails so Bob hit it. His Movement added +2 damage to the result [9]. Ant Warrior so 2d+2 +4 for Bob's Move but -2 for Bob's Shield [rolls a 10] so the Ant Warrior resisted his rush and is not knocked prone.
Next to act is Alex..[occ]

...and so on. They the players and GM move to Round 2 and the individual Actions, Rolls, etc.


Characters are standard base characters from the Dungeon Fantasy Adventure (250pts). All the templates and races found there are being used. For each template fitting in the setting...

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*Barbarians are from the trible lands of the Great Grass Sea, into the Orcs (and Half Orcs who suffer little Social Stigma in Orc culture) and Cat Folk but also Human tribles in the Iron Spear Mountains. Many of these groups have little problems adapting outsiders (including other races) into their tribes with little social stigma suffered by them.
*Bards and travelling minstralls are fairly common throughout the lands. Their counter-song magic and other specialized songs can come in handy against many of the creatures of darkess.
*Clerics are followers of the Old Faith. This is the state religion and while itself is very laws oriented player-characters reflect the 'Good' side of the religion (which the leadership or individual might not always be). Clerics of non-Humans might also follow the Old Faith but could be memebers of their races own Gods. And of course those with True Faith find their gifts in high demand with the rise of the Restless Death.
*Druids follow even older faiths that honor natural spirits and are concerns about the protection and promotion of the natural world.
*Holy Warriors of the Old Faith and other religions are uncommon but welcome throughout the lands, especially now. Their holy attacks against demons and the restless dead put to good use.
*Knights are common throughout the lands at guards, warriors, landless knights and brawlers. These warrior are needed in every group and make up a large part of the Monster Hunters org.
*Martial Artists are wanders from the Far East whom travelled the Long Spice Road to come to these lands. A few have chose to remain and has started small isolated schools where the have trained locates in these arts.
*Scouts are common throughout the lands, working as hunters and guides through the wilderness and protectors of such areas. They are often experts at placing their arrows in the weak or chinks in monsters armor.
*Swashbucklers are uncommon in the region and often hail from the southern Inner Sea, where great gallery ships pry their wares over these mighty waters to the various city-states and islands located there.
*Thieves are more common in the few cities but can make a living as Monster Hunters who might specialize in knowledge and attacking from advantage (i.e. backstabbing and then running away). They would also be good characters to know about poisons and toxins and how they might be applied to the various monsters for the best effects.
*Wizards are uncommon in the lands but their magic and insights are invaluble.
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A Special Note on Templates - as many Templates they apply penalties to Seconardy attributes. These points count towards your characters total Disadvantages of 50. If applying a Racial Template or blumping these or other stats with would affect this (i.e. "further XX points on...") then the character can choice additional Disadvantage options often by the Template to bring their total up to 50 again.
For example the Holy Warrior template has a -10 to Base Speed (bring it back down to the base speed of 6.00). But the character applies the Elf Template that gives its +1 to DX and the with further points the player also improves its HT by +1. If the chose not to apply -10 to that Stat they could take an additional -10 Disadvantage points from any of the optional Disadvantage points of the template.'

Characters also start with an addition 10 points to spent on skills from Know Thy Enemy. This is an expanded Hidden Lore found in DF. From the GURPS Monster Hunters --"Monster hunting without knowledge is nothing but a waste of time . . . and lives. For every enemy, one or more skills exist to provide insight into how to defeat it. These are not necessarily the skills required to defeat monsters – just the ones required to answer questions about them (including how to defeat them)."

From the skill breakdown below a minimum of 2 points must be spent on each skill. Spending 4 points instead adds +1 to the skill level shown here, while spending 8 points adds +2.

DF Hidden Lores for monsters in the setting include Demons, Divine Servitors, Elder Things, Elementals, Faeries, Natural Spirits, Spirits, or Undead. To expand on this characters can spend these points in the following ways...

Demons: Hidden Lore (Demons) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Dark summoned monsters from some hell like dimension. They are more interested in causing choas and destructions but also might try to make deals and bargins with the foolish.

Elder Beings (Dwellers of the Edge, old ones and their servitor races): Hidden Lore (Elder Things) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith (H) IQ-1 [2].
Creatures from beyond reality and tend to wrap it and drive those whom encounter them mad. They servitors might once have been Humans or other such but over the centuries have been corrupted and driven insane by their masters. They tend to be unknownable and make little sense to motral minds.

Elementals (fire elemental, earth elemental, ash mephits, etc.): Hidden Lore (Elementals) (A) IQ [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].
Summon spirit types from certain dimensions tied to their nature. Are often unfeeling or unknowable and single minds... doing excately what they are ordered to do by the ones whom summoned them to this realm.

Faeries (fae, in-betweeners, etc.): Hidden Lore (Faeries)* (A) IQ [2]; Theology (Shamanic or the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Fea creatures like sprits, winged faeries, brownies, red caps, seelie and unseelie court, the wild hunt, etc. Some are harmless and even helpful, others dangerous, dark and hold a great deal of malice towards the common folk.

Ghosts: Hidden Lore (Restless Undead) (A) IQ [2]‡; Theology (Shamanic or the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Renamed Spirits from DF, the spirits of the dead that are trapped here on this side of the viel. Often angry or confused they lash out at the living often in jeolousy or hatred of what they have lost.

Lycanthropes: Hidden Lore (Lycanthropes) (A) IQ [2]; Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2]; Veterinary (H) IQ-1 [2].
Shapeshifters whom can change between a human like form and a predatory animal form, or even a hybride like form. Are often hostile to common folk, seeing them as little better then any other prey animal. They maybe non-predatory shifters but they are rare.

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• 'Magical Beast (dragons, giants, etc.): Hidden Lore (Magical Beasts) (A) IQ [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].
These creatures are strongly tied to magic, either having been created through magical means or they themselves have strong ties to magic. They are often hostile to others and eat the common folk out in the open having little to fear from them.

Mummies: Archaeology (H) IQ-1 [2]; Hidden Lore (Mummies) (A) IQ [2]‡.
Ancient mages, priests and rulers who underwent forbiddening burial rituals to preserve their bodies into the future and often tied their souls to their undead body. They often inhabit long forgotten barrows, burial mounds or kurgans.

Natural Spirits: Hidden Lore (Natural Spirits) (A) IQ [2]*; Naturalist (H) IQ-1 [2].
Supernatural beings of any class dwelling in and tied to Nature; e.g., spirit animals, “wild” elementals (fire in volcanoes, water in lakes, etc.), nymphs, fauns, and spirits of place (entities embodying forests, rivers, and so on).

Outcast Angels: Hidden Lore (Divine Servitors) (A) IQ [2]; Theology (the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Fallen or outcast divine servants of the Old Gods, acting once as guardians, messengers, soldiers and punishers. They had some past failure and have been cast out of the God's services. They are often hateful and angry at their plight and now lash out at others to vent their anger and rage.

Parasites: Biology (VH) IQ-2 [2]; Diagnosis (H) IQ-1 [2].
These are diseases or micro-creatures that either feed off the living in some terrible and horrid way or whom uses the bodies of larger creatures to move about and act (either dead bodies or controlling living one against their will).

Vampires: Hidden Lore (Vampires) (A) IQ [2]‡.
The much feared and hatred undead that require the blood of the living to sustain their unnatural existance. They are hated and fears as they could appear as a lost love one or other person one might now when they first appear. They are ruthless and uncaring, having been driven to see the living as only prey.
This might also include their Ghoul servants, undead whom eat the rotting flesh of the recent dead and whom might serve a vampire as a day time protector.

Witches and Warlocks: Hidden Lore (Sacred Places) (A) IQ [2]; Psychology (H) IQ-1 [2]; Thaumatology (VH) IQ-2 [2].
Cursed or fell mages whom turn to demonology and necromancy to fuel their powers. They seek out sacred places to preform their fell magic, allowing to perform magic on a far grander scale then even most well trained wizards.

Zombies (and skeletons, etc.): Hidden Lore (Restless Undead) (A) IQ [2]‡; Theology (Shamanism or the Old Faith) (H) IQ-1 [2].
Raised bodies and corpses of the recent dead (or ancient in the case of skeletons), these unthinking and unfeeling beings serve some fell master whom raised them or wander about restlessly feeding on the flesh of the living much like ghouls (but uncaring if its fresh or long rotted).

‡ The Mummies, Restless Undead, and Vampires specialties of Hidden Lore default to each other at -2.

As a note, for my campaign I will probably focus on Magical Beasts, Vampires and the Restless Dead. The other types of creatures and dangers will appear but they are rarer or at least generally less interested to me a GM so they might not show up as often as the others.



In this setting most magical items are not sold nor can the player pick them up at the local market. They can be special ordered placed with the Royal Arcana Guild (i.e. the Wizard's Guild) in one of the major cities of the lands but this is expensive and time consuming.

Potions, Scrolls and Power Items are an exception to this rule and are commonly available for sale (normal cost Potions and Scrolls along with Power Items along with recharge fees on DF Adv pg. 115). Other minor magical items might also be available at the GMs descresion.

Lucky for the heroes many a monster has access to items of power and artifacts and keep them secreted away in their lairs or on them for the taking... once they have been defeated that is. Old ruins founds schattered through the lands might also be the resting places of such items but they are rarely unguarded.

The Wizard's Guild and Monster Hunters wizards also can create temporary or limited used magical items that can be crafted quickly and made to help against certain monster's weaknesses (if they are known or exist).

As a GM I might suggest investing in Signature Gear if you want to maintain a long term magical item. I might make the advantage cheaper CP cost as I think 1 per $500 seems a bit exceesive at least for magical items. Standard Gear maybe that is a fair price.


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Adventure #1 - A Nosferatu Haunting

In the eastern peasant village of Sikkőrös the people are being plagued by what they believe to be a vampire whom they think is hold up in an ancient keep in the middle of a thick old-growth forest just to the north of village in the Storm Mountains. The creature might also have a number of spawn already under its thrall and ghouls to protect its lair during the daylight hours.

Info Gathered: (how do you gather proof of slain vampires and/or ghouls)

The Bounty Offered: 10,000cp ($) for proof the vampires destruction. 1,500cp ($) for proof of each Vampire Spawn slain. 500cp ($) for proof of each Ghoul destroyed. Also the Guild will pay an additional 500cp for the vampire's severed head, and its removed heart, kidneys and/or liver (so an additional 2,000cp ($) for all four parts. This will inlove storing them in seperate jars or containers).

Other Rewards/Treasure: TBD

XP Awards: TBD