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[[File:SWN.SL.Trucker.jpg | 600px]]
[[File:SWN.SL.Trucker.jpg | 600px]]
==Player Characters Sheets==
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''Name''' || '''Played by...''' || '''Species''' || '''Gender''' || '''Age''' || '''Role'''
| [[Dorte Skjeggestad | '''Dorte Skjeggestad''']] || @Moonpaw || Vargr || trans Female || 30 || Medical Officer
| [[Zell| '''Zelloor Xerath Jelvix''']] || @Herodarwin || Kwuee-Pol || cis Male || 30 || Helmsman and Driver
| [[Jacqueline Féral | '''Jacqueline Féral''']] || @Stormraven || Human || Female || 22 || Inventor and Backup Engineer
| [[Egzza "Gezza" "Skulker" Kurrdzaeuen | '''Egzza "Gezza" "Skulker" Kurrdzaeuen''']] || @Kelly Pedersen || Vargr || Male || 25 || Security and Fighter
| [[Aremas Caldwall  | '''Aremas Caldwall ''']] || @t@nya || Human || Male || 30 || Steward and Diplomate
| [[Jay Ninekay | '''Jay Ninekay''']] || @Unka Josh || Brain in a Can  || Male? || ?? || Operations and Business
| [[xx | '''xx''']] || @shadowsaint007 || Human || cis Male || 30 || Chief Engineer
'''250''' Point Characters</br>
'''Cultures''': UWA, Mercantile League, GRP/PPP, Humaniti Imperium, Aslan, Blarad, Dralasite, Fraal, Human, K'kree, Krath, Traix, T'Sa and Vargr (and maybe the 'evil' Zegrath)</br>
'''Languages''': each Species (including Humans) also have their own 'Language'. Others include...
* Standard (sort of a generic spoken by UWA citizens)
* Mercantile (spoken in the Mercantile League and traders in the Known Worlds)
* Basic (spoken by the GPR/PPP)
* Imperial (spoken by the humans in the Humaniti Empire)

There are a number of Interstellar Governments found in this setting.

The main setting for this game, where the characters all hail from, is the '''United Worlds Alliance'''. This is a somewhat loose federal alliance of some 500 worlds that have joined together for mutual protection and trade. Individual worlds are allowed great deal an autonomy but there are some ‘federal’ like rules. They have formed the ''Star Fleet Core'' which is the main defensive force of the alliance. The Core is tasked with interstellar defense and anti-piracy and anti-slavery. They can pursue criminals (especially pirates and slavers) to any member world and can have most wanted criminal extracted/extradited off world with formal charges.
''Brief Setting Overview''...</br>
The main setting for this game is within the '''United Worlds Alliance'''. This is a somewhat loose federal alliance of some 500 worlds that have joined together for mutual protection and trade. Individual worlds are allowed great deal an autonomy but there are some ‘federal’ like rules. They have formed the ''Star Fleet Core'' which is the main defensive force of the alliance. The Core is tasked with interstellar defense and anti-piracy and anti-slavery. They can pursue criminals (especially pirates and slavers) to any member world and can have most wanted criminal extracted/extradited off world with formal charges.

The government of the United Worlds Alliance (UWA) is a parliamentary style of government where individual worlds decide themselves how they choice there representatives to the UWA Upper House of Lords and Lower House of Commons. The number of reps a world have is dependent on both the world’s population and economy power. Some planets don’t even have a rep for either house and must band together with other poorer and small populated worlds to meet the requirements for a rep.
The government of the United Worlds Alliance (UWA) is a parliamentary style of government where individual worlds decide themselves how they choice there representatives to the UWA Upper House of Lords and Lower House of Commons. The number of reps a world have is dependent on both the world’s population and economy power. Some planets don’t even have a rep for either house and must band together with other poorer and small populated worlds to meet the requirements for a rep.

Other stellar governments nearby are the '''Mercantile League''' (corporate oligarchy of around 50 worlds styled somewhat on a neo-roman republic), the '''Galactic Peoples Republic''' (GPR run by the People Progressive Party or ‘PPP’ a communist authoritarian of some 150 worlds), the '''Humaniti Imperium''' (the ‘evil’ human Supremes empire of the setting they control some 150 worlds), the '''Aslan Hierate''' (alien cat/lion like species that rule some 50 worlds), the '''Two Thousand Worlds''' (maybe closer to 500+ worlds the feudal Hegemony with strong autocratic properties ruled by the hermavoir alien species the K’kree whom are violently anti-carnivore and omnivore in their outlook), the '''Vargr Confederation''' (wolf like alien species that rule loosely some 100 worlds. They are very loyal to their family or clan but their overall government is very independent minded and loosely governed), the '''Star Kingdom of Blarad''' (feudal system ruled by the Blarad aliens whom are large bear-ursoid species and control some 50 worlds), the '''Zegrath League''' (a shark like alien species whom see all other life forms as no better than ‘food’. They rule an unknown number of worlds).
Other stellar governments nearby are the '''Mercantile League''' (corporate oligarchy of around 50 worlds styled somewhat on a neo-roman republic), the '''Galactic Peoples Republic''' (GPR run by the People Progressive Party or ‘PPP’ a communist authoritarian of some 150 worlds), the '''Humaniti Imperium''' (the ‘evil’ human Supremes empire of the setting they control some 150 worlds), the '''Aslan Hierate''' (alien cat/lion like species that rule some 50 worlds), the '''Two Thousand Worlds''' (maybe closer to 500+ worlds the feudal Hegemony with strong autocratic properties ruled by the hermavoir alien species the K’kree whom are violently anti-carnivore and omnivore in their outlook), the '''Vargr Confederation''' (wolf like alien species that rule loosely some 100 worlds. They are very loyal to their family or clan but their overall government is very independent minded and loosely governed), the '''Star Kingdom of Blarad''' (feudal system ruled by the Blarad aliens whom are large bear-ursoid species and control some 50 worlds), the '''Zegrath Legion''' (a shark like alien species whom see all other life forms as no better than ‘food’. They rule an unknown number of worlds).

Humans dominate the UWA but others are known including the Traix (an incest species that look a bit like human sized grasshoppers but are some of the closes in outlook to humans as any species), the Krath (a transhumanist species that maybe the result of some ancient alien uplifting of primitive humans to the Krath. They are very honor bond to the ‘lesser races’ and have a logic based mind. They are physically and mentally superior to human on average but not not arrogant at all), the Dralasite (a short rubbery xenomorph species that have no bones or other hard structures in their bodies which allows them to strength and contort their form in many ways), the Fraal (a short pale, hairless humanoid species that are naturally psionic) and the T’Sa (a short reptilian species with a hyper-active metabolism whom seem never to sit still. Excellent jumpers and very fast runners). Most other species (except the Zegrath) can be found in UWA space.
Humans dominate the UWA but others are known including the Traix (an incest species that look a bit like human sized grasshoppers but are some of the closes in outlook to humans as any species), the Krath (a transhumanist species that maybe the result of some ancient alien uplifting of primitive humans to the Krath. They are very honor bond to the ‘lesser races’ and have a logic based mind. They are physically and mentally superior to human on average but not not arrogant at all), the Dralasite (a short rubbery xenomorph species that have no bones or other hard structures in their bodies which allows them to strength and contort their form in many ways), the Fraal (a short pale, hairless humanoid species that are naturally psionic) and the T’Sa (a short reptilian species with a hyper-active metabolism whom seem never to sit still. Excellent jumpers and very fast runners). Most other species (except the Zegrath) can be found in UWA space.
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There are many other races then those listed above but they are very rare (and player created)
There are many other races then those listed above but they are very rare (and player created)

===The Heroes Outlook===
===Game Setting and 'Heroes' Roles within it===
The heroes will be ‘space truckers’ owning their own starship and traveling around the UWA (and outside it) doing jobs and getting paid. Most of their money is used to maintain and keep their starship running so they are unlikely to ever have much money or rich.
The heroes will be ‘space truckers’ owning their own starship and traveling around the UWA (and outside it) doing jobs and getting paid. Most of their money is used to maintain and keep their starship running so they are unlikely to ever have much money or rich.

The setting will be very Traveller with a bit of Firefly feel to it with the government very hands off in most cases but individual worlds vary. The elements of Star Trek come in with the Star Fleet Core which is sort of Star Trek but more militarized and authoritarian (not as bad as the Empire). Star Wars is reflected in the outside evil empire of the Humaniti Imperium.
The setting will be very Traveller with a bit of Firefly feel to it with the government very hands off in most cases but individual worlds vary. The elements of Star Trek come in with the Star Fleet Core which is sort of Star Trek but more militarized and authoritarian (not as bad as the Empire). Star Wars is reflected in the outside evil empire of the Humaniti Imperium.
===Racial/Species Templates===
===Racial/Species Templates===
'''Humans'''[,Human.jpg] [0 points]</br>
'''Humans'''[,Human.jpg] [0 points]</br>
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* Lenses: Calm. The K’kree pride themselves on their calm and rash demeanor, their ‘superiority’ over others whom consume meat produces.  
* Lenses: Calm. The K’kree pride themselves on their calm and rash demeanor, their ‘superiority’ over others whom consume meat produces.  
* Social Structure: Heritable Oligarchy.  
* Social Structure: Heritable Oligarchy.  
'''Krath'''[] [89 points] </br>
'''Krath'''[] [89 points] </br>
Attribute Modifiers: ST+2 [30], IQ+2 [40]; HT+1 [10]</br>
Attribute Modifiers: ST+2 [30], IQ+2 [40]; HT+1 [10]</br>
Advantages: Indomitable [15]; Eidetic Memory [5]; Fit [5]; Lightning Calculator [2]; Unfazeable [15]</br>
Advantages: Indomitable [15]; Eidetic Memory [5]; Fit [5]; Lightning Calculator [2]; Unfazeable [15]</br>
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* Lenses: Serves to Others. The Krath see it as their duty to uplift all of society. They know that that are overall ‘better’ physically and intellectually than most others species and that aiding others aids all.   
* Lenses: Serves to Others. The Krath see it as their duty to uplift all of society. They know that that are overall ‘better’ physically and intellectually than most others species and that aiding others aids all.   
* Social Structure: Democratic Socialism.
* Social Structure: Democratic Socialism.
'''Traix'''[] [33 points]</br>
'''Traix'''[] [36 points]</br>
Advantages: Damage Resistance 3 (Tough Skin -40%) [9], Enhanced Move (Ground; No Fine Manipulators when running -30%) [14]; Extra Arms 2 [20]; Flexible [5]</br>
Advantages: Damage Resistance 4 (Tough Skin -40%) [12], Enhanced Move (Ground; No Fine Manipulators when running -30%) [14]; Extra Arms 2 [20]; Flexible [5]</br>
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Pacifisms (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Phobia (Thalassophobia; fear of deep waters/drowning) (12-) [-5]</br>
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Pacifisms (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Phobia (Thalassophobia; fear of deep waters/drowning) (12-) [-5]</br>
Taboo Skill: Swimming </br>
Taboo Skill: Swimming </br>
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There are many other races then those listed above but they are very rare (and player created)
There are many other races then those listed above but they are very rare (and player created)

Each Species (including Humans) have their own 'Language'.
== Simplified Combat ==
Rules/ideas from '''Action! 2 Exploits'''</br>
'''Simplified Range'''</br>
The Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550) is dandy for surveillance and observation, but clunky in a raging battle, especially when not using a map. Instead, use the range bands defined for distance; see Range Band Table (see below). To quickly set an encounter’s range, use Close (no range penalty, but Bulk applies if either side is punching or grappling) in a melee, Short (-3) for a pistol shootout, Medium (-7) for a shotgun or SMG fight, Long (-11) for a rifle engagement, and Extreme (-15) for sniping.
'''Range Band Table'''
{| class="wikitable" border="0"
| '''Range Band''' || '''Starting Range*''' || '''Range Penalty*''' || '''Description*'''
| Close || 0-5 yards || 0 to -2 || Can touch rival, at least some of the time.
| Short || 6-20 yards || -3 to -6 || Can talk to enemy, or toss things at him.
| Medium || 21-100 yards || -7 to -10 || Can only shout at rival; need a gun to attack him.
| Long || 100-500 yards || -11 to -14 || Opponent is out of earshot, at scoped rifle range.
| Extreme || 501+ yards || -15 or worst || Rival difficult or impossible to see or shoot
: *Use distances in yards, range penalties, and descriptions only to settle the ‘enemies’ starting range band.
'''Simplified Rapid Fire'''</br>
A gunman whose firearm has RoF 2+ can fire multiple shots. If he has several targets, he can opt to divide his shots among them. Decide on the number of bullets allocated to each target, assess standard ranged combat modifiers for each target, and then apply the following in each case.  

Others include...
''Number of Shots at Target'': 0 for 2-4 shots, +1 for 5-8 shots, +2 for 9-12 shots, +3 for 13-16 shots, +4 for 17-24 shots, +5 for 25-49 shots, or +6 for 50-99 shots.
* Standard (sort of a generic spoken by UWA citizens)
* Mercantile (spoken in the Mercantile League and traders in the Known Worlds)
''Total Number of Targets'': If the weapon has RoF 2-4, there’s -6 on all attacks when shooting two targets, -12 when shooting three, or -18 when shooting four, etc.
* Basic (spoken by the GPR/PPP)
* Imperial (spoken by the humans in the Humaniti Empire)
If the weapon has RoF 5+ (it’s full-automatic), there’s no special penalty – and simply ignore realistic concerns like arcs of fire and shots lost between targets!
'''Shotguns''': A RoF 2x9 shotgun can blast 18 pellets at one target (+4 for number of pellets), or 9 at each of two (each attack has +2 for number of pellets but -6 for two targets).
A RoF 3x9 shotgun can fire 27 pellets at one target (+5 for number of pellets), 9 at one and 18 at another (+2 and +4 for number of pellets, but -6 for two targets), or 9 at each of three (+2 for number of pellets but -12 for three targets).
Resolving Hits: Next, roll to hit each target. Success means that target is hit by one bullet (or pellet), plus one extra bullet per full multiple of weapon Rcl by which  he roll was made, to a maximum of the number of bullets fired at that target. Double Rcl for a RoF 5+ weapon sprayed across multiple targets.
''Example'': Success by 4 with a Rcl 2 pistol means three hits: one for success and two for making the roll by twice Rcl. If spraying a RoF 5+ SMG at several targets, Rcl 2 would be treated as Rcl 4, and success by 4 would only be enough for one extra hit (two in all).
''Damage'': For 1-3 hits, roll damage normally. For 4+ hits, it’s quicker not to roll. Use average damage for the weapon (3.5 per die, plus any modifier), subtract DR, multiply by number of hits, and drop fractions. To save time, note average damage for RoF 4+ guns on character sheets!
''Example'': Shotgun pellets do 1d+1 and average 3.5 + 1 = 4.5 points, so DR 2 would leave 4.5 - 2 = 2.5 points, and 9 pellets would inflict 9 ¥ 2.5 = 22.5 points, which would round to 22.

'''Star Drives''': ''Jump Point Drives'' enter and exit jump points and then must spent a certain amount of time between jump points (generally 3-6 days). Each star system has 3-5 jump points located at the outer edge of the system. Some star systems have more but there are also a minimum of 3 everywhere. These jump points connect to another star systems jump point, normally the closes stars.
'''Controlling the Ship in space skills'''
* Piloting (Aerospace spacecraft)
* Navigation (Jump Space)
* Navigation (Space)
'''Repair Skills for Starships'''
* Armoury (Vehicle Armor)
* Armoury (Heavy Weapons)
* Computer Programming
* Electronics Repair (Computers)
* Electronics Repair (Communications)
* Electronics Repair (Sensors)
* Electrician
* Mechanic (Contragravity)
* Mechanic (Life Support)
* Mechanic (Jump Drive Engines)
* Mechanic (Chemical, Nucellar, Fusion, Fission)
* Mechanic (Reactionless Drive Engines)
* Mechanic (Starship)
===The Heroes Ship===
===The Heroes Ship===
the '''Scarab'''</br>
'''''Spora''-class light freighter''' (LWt. 1,000tons): dST/HP 70; Hnd/SR +0/5; HT 13; Move 1.0G; Load 285ons; SM +8 (length 50m/yds); Occ 12ASV; dDR 7; Range x1; Cost (new) $44.7M</br>
Top air speed is 2,500MPH</br>
Front Hull Systems</br>
[1] Light Alloy Armored Hull Plating</br>
[2] Habitation - Cabins 6 (for crew or passengers)</br>
[3] Habitation – Cabins: 2 (for crew or passengers), and 2 Bunkroom (cramped accommodations with bunk beds for up to four people each) and 2-Bed Sick Bay</br>
[4] Cargo (50tons)</br>
[5] Cargo (50tons)</br>
[6] Cargo (50tons)</br>
[core] Control Room (workstations 6 – helm/captain, navigation, chief engineer, tactical, communication/sensor, generic. Computer Complexity 8, Com/Sensors Complexity 6)</br>
Central Hull Systems</br>
[1] Light Alloy Armored Hull Plating</br>
[2] Secondary Weapons Battery (turret 3 UV Laser Cannon)</br>
[3] Cargo (50tons)</br>
[4] Cargo (50tons)</br>
[5] Cargo (50 tons)</br>
[6] Counter Gravity Systems (artificial gravity and gravity counters)</br>
note 35 tons of free space for cargo</br>
Rear Hull Systems</br>
[1] Light Alloy Armored Hull Plating</br>
[2] Standard Reactionless Engines (base 0.5G trust)</br>
[3] Standard Reactionless Engines (base 0.5G trust)</br>
[4] Jump Point Drive</br>
[5] free space?</br>
[6] Engine Room (1 workstation for Mechanic or Tech)</br>
[core] Fission Power Plant Reactors (Provides 2 Power Point)</br>
Built Systems/Section Notes:
* Armor Hull (Light Alloy) - 3 sections Cost $1.5M
:''Repair Skill'': Armoury (Vehicle Armor).
* Cargo Space: 250tons (5 sections)
:''Repair Skill'': Mechanic (Starship).
* Contragravity Lift System: Cost $10M
:''Repair'': Mechanic (Contragravity)
* Control Room/Bridge: Complexity 8, Com/Sensors 6, Control Stations 6, Cost $6M
:''Repair Skill'': Electronics Repair (Computers and Communications), Computer Programming, and Electrician.
* Engine Room: Workstation 1, Cost $300K
:Repair Skill: Mechanic (Starcraft).
* Habitation – Cabins: 2 (crew or passengers), and 2 Bunkroom (cramped accommodations with bunk beds for up to four people), and 2-bed Sick Bay Cost $1M
:''Repair Skill'': Mechanic (Life Support)
* Fission Reactor – 2 Reactors Cost $12M
:''Repair Skill'': Mechanic (Fussion)
* Reactionless Engines: Standard 1.0G, Cost $2M
:''Repair Skill'': Mechanic (Reactionless Drive)
* Star Drive: Jump Point Drive, Cost $10M
:''Repair Skill'': Mechanic (Stardrive)
* Secondary Weapons Batteries – one turret UV Laser Beam Output 30MU, D-damage 6d(2) burn, RoF1; one turret UV Laser Beam Output 15MU D-damage 3d(2), RoF10; one turret UV Laser Output 3MJ D-Damage 1d+2(2), RoF100; Cost $1.8M
:''Repair Skill'': Armoury (Heavy Weapons)
* Artificial Gravity: Cost $1M
* Gravitic Compensators: Cost $1M
'''Crew''': Station Bridge 6 (Captain/Helmsmen), Navigator, Tactical, Communication/Sensor Operator, Open Station (generic)</br>
Engine Room 1</br?
Secondary Gunner Turret 1

Latest revision as of 19:35, 15 April 2023

Player Characters Sheets[edit]

Name Played by... Species Gender Age Role
Dorte Skjeggestad @Moonpaw Vargr trans Female 30 Medical Officer
Zelloor Xerath Jelvix @Herodarwin Kwuee-Pol cis Male 30 Helmsman and Driver
Jacqueline Féral @Stormraven Human Female 22 Inventor and Backup Engineer
Egzza "Gezza" "Skulker" Kurrdzaeuen @Kelly Pedersen Vargr Male 25 Security and Fighter
Aremas Caldwall @t@nya Human Male 30 Steward and Diplomate
Jay Ninekay @Unka Josh Brain in a Can Male? ?? Operations and Business
xx @shadowsaint007 Human cis Male 30 Chief Engineer


250 Point Characters
Cultures: UWA, Mercantile League, GRP/PPP, Humaniti Imperium, Aslan, Blarad, Dralasite, Fraal, Human, K'kree, Krath, Traix, T'Sa and Vargr (and maybe the 'evil' Zegrath)
Languages: each Species (including Humans) also have their own 'Language'. Others include...

  • Standard (sort of a generic spoken by UWA citizens)
  • Mercantile (spoken in the Mercantile League and traders in the Known Worlds)
  • Basic (spoken by the GPR/PPP)
  • Imperial (spoken by the humans in the Humaniti Empire)

Brief Setting Overview...
The main setting for this game is within the United Worlds Alliance. This is a somewhat loose federal alliance of some 500 worlds that have joined together for mutual protection and trade. Individual worlds are allowed great deal an autonomy but there are some ‘federal’ like rules. They have formed the Star Fleet Core which is the main defensive force of the alliance. The Core is tasked with interstellar defense and anti-piracy and anti-slavery. They can pursue criminals (especially pirates and slavers) to any member world and can have most wanted criminal extracted/extradited off world with formal charges.

The government of the United Worlds Alliance (UWA) is a parliamentary style of government where individual worlds decide themselves how they choice there representatives to the UWA Upper House of Lords and Lower House of Commons. The number of reps a world have is dependent on both the world’s population and economy power. Some planets don’t even have a rep for either house and must band together with other poorer and small populated worlds to meet the requirements for a rep.

Other stellar governments nearby are the Mercantile League (corporate oligarchy of around 50 worlds styled somewhat on a neo-roman republic), the Galactic Peoples Republic (GPR run by the People Progressive Party or ‘PPP’ a communist authoritarian of some 150 worlds), the Humaniti Imperium (the ‘evil’ human Supremes empire of the setting they control some 150 worlds), the Aslan Hierate (alien cat/lion like species that rule some 50 worlds), the Two Thousand Worlds (maybe closer to 500+ worlds the feudal Hegemony with strong autocratic properties ruled by the hermavoir alien species the K’kree whom are violently anti-carnivore and omnivore in their outlook), the Vargr Confederation (wolf like alien species that rule loosely some 100 worlds. They are very loyal to their family or clan but their overall government is very independent minded and loosely governed), the Star Kingdom of Blarad (feudal system ruled by the Blarad aliens whom are large bear-ursoid species and control some 50 worlds), the Zegrath Legion (a shark like alien species whom see all other life forms as no better than ‘food’. They rule an unknown number of worlds).

Humans dominate the UWA but others are known including the Traix (an incest species that look a bit like human sized grasshoppers but are some of the closes in outlook to humans as any species), the Krath (a transhumanist species that maybe the result of some ancient alien uplifting of primitive humans to the Krath. They are very honor bond to the ‘lesser races’ and have a logic based mind. They are physically and mentally superior to human on average but not not arrogant at all), the Dralasite (a short rubbery xenomorph species that have no bones or other hard structures in their bodies which allows them to strength and contort their form in many ways), the Fraal (a short pale, hairless humanoid species that are naturally psionic) and the T’Sa (a short reptilian species with a hyper-active metabolism whom seem never to sit still. Excellent jumpers and very fast runners). Most other species (except the Zegrath) can be found in UWA space.

The UWA, the Mercantile League and the GPR/PPP are all multi-Species systems while the others are dominated or controlled by the Species they are named for. They all include other species within their borders but not to the levels of the main 3.

The Vargr have a VERY loose confederation style overall government and besided Humans they are one of the most common Species found in all others. The K'kree are just the opposite and found rarely outside they own control space.

There are many other races then those listed above but they are very rare (and player created)

Game Setting and 'Heroes' Roles within it[edit]

The heroes will be ‘space truckers’ owning their own starship and traveling around the UWA (and outside it) doing jobs and getting paid. Most of their money is used to maintain and keep their starship running so they are unlikely to ever have much money or rich.

The setting will be very Traveller with a bit of Firefly feel to it with the government very hands off in most cases but individual worlds vary. The elements of Star Trek come in with the Star Fleet Core which is sort of Star Trek but more militarized and authoritarian (not as bad as the Empire). Star Wars is reflected in the outside evil empire of the Humaniti Imperium.

Racial/Species Templates[edit]

Humans[1] [0 points]
Humans are one of the more common species within the UWA. Their numbers have grown quickly through the history of the known worlds. Their characteristics for body types, skin, hair and eye colors, etc. but with a mix of generic modifications and hundreds of years of inter-mingling with other humans (and various other species). The average human stands between 5 and ½ to 6ft tall and weighs on average 150-200lbs. Humans males tend to be slightly taller and heavier then human females but only on average as the species has a great deal of variety of body types, looks, etc.

  • Biology: Humanoid Mammalian.
  • Social Structure: Multipolar Competitive or Cooperative.
  • Lenses: Verity. Humans are an extremely diverse group when compared to most other species.

Aslan[2] [67 points]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+4 [40]; DX+1 [20]; HT+1 [10]
Secondary Attributes: Move +1 [5]
Advantage: Claws (Sharp) [5]; Damage Resistance 1 (Tough Skin -40%) [3]; Fit [5]; Infravision [10]; Sharp Teeth [1]
Perk: Fur [1]
Disadvantages: Bad Grip [-5]; Callous [-5]; Code of Honor (Aslan; warriors code) [-10]; Impulsiveness (12-) [-10]
Aslans are roughly human-sized, averaging 6ft tall and weighing 225+lbs. Their primary diet is meat, with a preference for fresh raw meat. The aslan hand has three fingers opposing one medially-placed thumb, and all have retractable claws. The presence of these claws and the nature of their build make the aslan very clumsy when using human tools. In addition. Aslan have a single highly specialized claw under each thumb; this dewclaw folds back jack-knife fashion into a horny covering in the base of the thumb and palm. There are two sexes: male and female, of which the most notable external difference is the male's increased size and more impressive mane. Females outnumber males by a ratio of 3 to 1.

  • Biology: Humanoid Mammalian (Felidiod).
  • Lenses: Pride. Aslan society is very honor driving and self pride and honor are very important to the individual. They are proud not only of themselves but their society and culture.
  • Social Structure: Violently Monocultural. While the aslan often feud among themselves they will quickly align forces to crush threats to their way of life.

Blarad[3] [60 points]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+8 [80]; HT+1 [10]
Secondary Attributes: HP+5 [10]
Advantages: Claws (Blunt) [3]; Damage Resistance 2 (Tough Skin -40%) [6]; Sharp Teeth [1]
Perk: Fur [1]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Blarad; Feudal honor and glory) [-10]; Gregarious [-10]; Increased Consumption 1 [-10]; Light Sleepers [-5]; Semi-Upright [-5]; Odious Racial Habit (Argumentative) [-10]
Quirks: Proud [-1]
Standing roughly 8½ft tall (when standing straight up which is rare) and weighing in at a hefty 400lbs, a blarad is hard to miss. Covered in thick fur, he has a powerful form, blunt claws and sharp teeth. They are formidable opponent even when he is not carrying a weapon. Blarad appear to be uplifted ursoids/Ursus bear like beings. There fur ranges from black to shadows of gray, brown, or white – regardless of color the blarads fur shimmers and shifts slightly in hue. Male and females are both large and heavily build, with little to no perceive different between them. The blarad approaches life with amazing intensity, and when one embraces a new idea they do so with exceptional zealot outlook. They professes the tenets of that beliefs with word, deed, and weapons. Though built for battle, a blarad also loves to talk and share ideas. Despite their fervor and martial nature, not every discussion leads to a fight, and a blarad usually won’t fight a weaker creature unless he is left with no choice.

  • Biology: Humanoid Mammalian (Ursoid).
  • Lenses: Honor. Blarad are often obsessed with honorable behavior. Members will obey the social mores and expectations of their roles at all costs. Personal sacrifice for the sake of upholding these principles earns a member glory and esteem.
  • Social Structure: Feudal Monarchic.

Dralasite[4] [41 points]
Secondary Attributes: HP+2 [4]; Move -1 [-5]
Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; Double Jointed [15]; Hermaphrorph [5]; High Manuel Dexterity 2 [10]; Stretching 2 [12]
Disadvantages: Loner (12-) [-5]; Vulnerability (x2 damage from ‘gas’ attacks) [-10]
A dralasite is a short, rubbery xenomorph that has no bones or hard body parts. Its skin—a flexible, tough, and scratchy membrane— is dull gray and lined with dark veins that meet at the dralasite’s two eyespots. The internal structure of a dralasite is peculiar in many respects. Its central nerve bundle (brain), numerous small hearts, and other internal organs float in a pudding like mixture of protein and organic fluids. A dralasite breathes by absorbing oxygen directly through its skin, so it has no lungs. Dralasites are omnivorous and eat by surrounding and absorbing their food, so they also have no digestive tract or intestines. The average dralasite stands around 4ft tall and weighs 125lbs on average. All dralasites are hermaphroditic, meaning they go through male, female, and neutral stages during their lives or at will.

  • Biology: Exotic.
  • Lenses: Individualism. The Dralasite tend towards extreme independence. Their communities are small, and many Dralasites prefer to live alone. They care little about wealth, power, or status. They judge themselves and others by the quality of their ideas and their ability to discuss important ideas wisely.
  • Social Structure: Multipolar Cooperative with heavy Individualistic.

Fraal[5] [27 points]
Attributes Modifiers: ST-3 [-30]; IQ+2 [40]
Advantages: Telereive (Mind Reading: Contact Agent, -30%; Melee Attack, C, -30%; Telepathy, -10% [9] + Mind Probe: Contact Agent, -30%; Telepathy, -10% [12]) [21]; Telesend (Telesend: Short Range 2; Telepathy, -10%) [21]
Disadvantages: Pacifism (cannot harm innocents) [-10]; Social Stigma (‘mind-reading alien! I don’t trust em…’) [-10]; Unfit [-5]
A fraal (singular and plural) is a small, spindly humanoid with pale, almost luminous skin and a slightly oversized cranium. Two large, opaque black eyes dominate a fraal’s slightly elongated face, which also features a small pair of nostrils, tiny ear holes, and a narrow slit for a mouth. To other species, fraal possess a wizened, inscrutable, and somewhat disconcerting look about them. The average fraal stands under 4ft tall and weighs around 65lbs. Most fraal are timid, secretive, curious beings who enjoy scientific pursuits, particularly space exploration and xenobiology.

  • Biology: Humanoid (Small) Mammalian (hairless).(
  • Lenses: Sagacity. The Fraal love intellectual and psychic pursuits above all others. Logic, wisdom and erudition are all prized as the best and most glorious expression of their nature and their rules are sages and scholars of remarkable depth and breadth of understanding.
  • Social Structure: Democratic Socialism.

K’kree[6] [38 points]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+4 [40]
Secondary Attributes: HP+4 [8]
Advantages: Enhanced Move (Ground) [20]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (to Guests and hospitality) [-5]; Gregarious [-10]; Intolerant (Meat Eaters) [-10]; Semi-Upright [-5]
The K'kree, once called Centaurs by humans, are among the most massive of the major races. They do indeed resemble the tales of centaurs of ancient legends. An adult K'kree stands about 4½ft at the shoulder and between 6-6½ft tall when standing erect. Weight averages 1,250lbs. They are bilaterally symmetrical, hexapodal, and homeothermic. The K'kree are covered with a short gray or black fur and with a dense black mane covering the head and neck and upper back of both sexes. Perhaps the most visible and outwardly visible sign of K'kree philosophy is their incredibly welcoming social behavior. K'kree openly welcome guests and have a long tradition of hospitality. If a K'kree is your friend, he will be your best friend... However, if one steps over one of the lines of K'kree propriety, a K'kree will just as quickly become your worst enemy. K'kree have an average level of socio-plasticity (tolerance) about most matters except for that of diet. The eating of animals (carnivory), is an overwhelming taboo and will quickly offend a K'kree as well as possibly invoking a vendetta. Foreign merchants, ambassadors, and visitors are advised to avoid meat consumption while in K'kree space.

  • Biology: Hexapodal Mammalian.
  • Lenses: Calm. The K’kree pride themselves on their calm and rash demeanor, their ‘superiority’ over others whom consume meat produces.
  • Social Structure: Heritable Oligarchy.

Krath[7] [89 points]
Attribute Modifiers: ST+2 [30], IQ+2 [40]; HT+1 [10]
Advantages: Indomitable [15]; Eidetic Memory [5]; Fit [5]; Lightning Calculator [2]; Unfazeable [15]
Disadvantages: Code of Honor (Logical Behavior) [-10]; Honesty (12-) [-10]; Sense of Duty (to Society, those lesser then you) [-10]; Truthfulness (12-) [-5]
The Krath are closely related to humans genetically and it believed that they were modified and uplifted by ancient aliens at some distant past. They are pale skinned compared to most humans, but taller and more powerfully built. They are completely hairless across their bodies and their eyes tend towards solid colored cornea – be it blue and green or brown. The krath’s culture emphasis community service and betterment of all. They put society and others to the forefront of their focus and thoughts. This does not mean that they try and help every individuals they see that by example and their roles in society they can change overall society for the betterment of all.

  • Biology: Humanoid Mammalian (hairless).
  • Lenses: Serves to Others. The Krath see it as their duty to uplift all of society. They know that that are overall ‘better’ physically and intellectually than most others species and that aiding others aids all.
  • Social Structure: Democratic Socialism.

Traix[8] [36 points]
Advantages: Damage Resistance 4 (Tough Skin -40%) [12], Enhanced Move (Ground; No Fine Manipulators when running -30%) [14]; Extra Arms 2 [20]; Flexible [5]
Disadvantages: Chummy [-5]; Pacifisms (Reluctant Killer) [-5]; Phobia (Thalassophobia; fear of deep waters/drowning) (12-) [-5]
Taboo Skill: Swimming
The Traix (singular and plural) resembles a human sized grasshoppers. They have six limbs two of which function as extra legs or hands. Traix hands are circular pads with five fingers spaced evenly around the edge. A traix’s shoulders are double-jointed, allowing her to rotate her arms in a full circle without straining any muscles. This flexibility also enables a traix to reach any point on her abdomen or behind her back easily. A hard, jointed carapace covers the traix’s body. The carapace protects the traix from bruises, cuts, scratches, and other minor injuries. A young traix has a blue carapace with bright orange near the joints. As the traix ages, her carapace changes to dull green with yellow joints. Unlike insects, a traix has an internal skeleton supporting her body. Her large eyes are protected by hard, transparent enamel, and four large eating mandibles surround the traix’s mouth. Traix tend to be over 6ft long from head to end of their abdomen, can rise up to being around 5'6"-8" tall and they weigh 200lbs on average.

  • Biology: Insectile.
  • Lenses: Collective. While not a hive mind the traix believe strongly in working together for the betterment of the group.
  • Social Structure: Oligarchic Socialism.

T’Sa[9] [33 points]
Secondary Attributes: Base Speed +1.00 [20]
Advantages: Damage Resistance 1 (Tough Skin -40%) [3]; Enhanced Move (Ground) [20]; Fit [5]
Disadvantages: Curiosity (12-) [-5]; Impulsiveness (12-) [-10]
Even when standing absolutely still—something that’s almost impossible for the creature to do—a t’sa (singular and plural) conveys an impression of speed, sharp reflexes, and constant activity. Standing on average one meter tall and weighing 20kg on average, a t’sa is lightning-quick, with a fast mind to match his fast body. Sleek, with a reptilian form and the legs of a runner, a t’sa has a fine covering of interlocking brown or russet scales that provide a modicum of natural protection. Most other species find t’sa, with their expressive eyes and childlike exuberance, extremely likeable. A t’sa has a natural curiosity and an affinity for all things technological. He’s a consummate tinkerer, disassembling devices to discover how they work and find ways to improve them. The t'sa stand around 5ft tall and weigh on average 110lbs.

  • Biology: Humanoid Reptilian.
  • Lenses: Curiosity. Hyper Active.
  • Social Structure: Democratic Republic (socialist leanings).

Vargr[10] [39 points]
Attribute Modifiers: DX+1 [20]; HT+1 [10]
Secondary Attributes: Per +2 [10]
Advantages: Discriminatory Smell [15]; Night Vision 8 [8]; Sharp Teeth [1]
Perk: Fur [1]
Disadvantages: Callous [-5]; Chummy [-5]; Impulsiveness (12-) [-10]; Sense of Duty (friends, family, clan) [-5]
Quirk: Proud [-1]
The Vargr are a Canidoid Major Race, with a humanoid body plan, derived from Ancient genetic manipulation of carnivore/chaser stock, apparently dating from approximately the same time that Humans and many of the other races where scattered to the stars. Vargr are a species known for extreme behavioral range, social nature, and an irascible spirit. Vargr average around 5ft tall but have a fairly densely packed muscle structure and weigh on average 160lbs (even though they appear very lean). Vargr hands are very similar in size and appearance to those of a human, but their legs still appear very wolf-like, simply that they can stand on just the two of them. The Vargr have an intensive racial pride and are easily insulted. They are prone to enter into fights without regard to possible consequences.

  • Biology: Humanoid Mammalian (Canidoid).
  • Lenses: Pride. The Vargr have a reputation as proud and fierce fighters. They are also very loyal to their family and clan but not the species as a whole. Rival clans might war against each other at a moment notice for some perceived slight.
  • Social Structure: Tribalism (Family and Clans) with loose Democratic Confederacy.

Racial/Species Notes[edit]

The UWA, the Mercantile League and the GPR/PPP are all multi-Species systems while the others are dominated or controlled by the Species they are named for. They all include other species within their borders but not to the levels of the main 3.

The Vargr have a VERY loose confederation style overall government and besided Humans they are one of the most common Species found in all others. The K'kree are just the opposite and found rarely outside they own control space.

There are many other races then those listed above but they are very rare (and player created)

Simplified Combat[edit]

Rules/ideas from Action! 2 Exploits
Simplified Range
The Size and Speed/Range Table (p. B550) is dandy for surveillance and observation, but clunky in a raging battle, especially when not using a map. Instead, use the range bands defined for distance; see Range Band Table (see below). To quickly set an encounter’s range, use Close (no range penalty, but Bulk applies if either side is punching or grappling) in a melee, Short (-3) for a pistol shootout, Medium (-7) for a shotgun or SMG fight, Long (-11) for a rifle engagement, and Extreme (-15) for sniping.

Range Band Table

Range Band Starting Range* Range Penalty* Description*
Close 0-5 yards 0 to -2 Can touch rival, at least some of the time.
Short 6-20 yards -3 to -6 Can talk to enemy, or toss things at him.
Medium 21-100 yards -7 to -10 Can only shout at rival; need a gun to attack him.
Long 100-500 yards -11 to -14 Opponent is out of earshot, at scoped rifle range.
Extreme 501+ yards -15 or worst Rival difficult or impossible to see or shoot
*Use distances in yards, range penalties, and descriptions only to settle the ‘enemies’ starting range band.

Simplified Rapid Fire
A gunman whose firearm has RoF 2+ can fire multiple shots. If he has several targets, he can opt to divide his shots among them. Decide on the number of bullets allocated to each target, assess standard ranged combat modifiers for each target, and then apply the following in each case.

Number of Shots at Target: 0 for 2-4 shots, +1 for 5-8 shots, +2 for 9-12 shots, +3 for 13-16 shots, +4 for 17-24 shots, +5 for 25-49 shots, or +6 for 50-99 shots.

Total Number of Targets: If the weapon has RoF 2-4, there’s -6 on all attacks when shooting two targets, -12 when shooting three, or -18 when shooting four, etc.

If the weapon has RoF 5+ (it’s full-automatic), there’s no special penalty – and simply ignore realistic concerns like arcs of fire and shots lost between targets!

Shotguns: A RoF 2x9 shotgun can blast 18 pellets at one target (+4 for number of pellets), or 9 at each of two (each attack has +2 for number of pellets but -6 for two targets).

A RoF 3x9 shotgun can fire 27 pellets at one target (+5 for number of pellets), 9 at one and 18 at another (+2 and +4 for number of pellets, but -6 for two targets), or 9 at each of three (+2 for number of pellets but -12 for three targets). Resolving Hits: Next, roll to hit each target. Success means that target is hit by one bullet (or pellet), plus one extra bullet per full multiple of weapon Rcl by which he roll was made, to a maximum of the number of bullets fired at that target. Double Rcl for a RoF 5+ weapon sprayed across multiple targets.

Example: Success by 4 with a Rcl 2 pistol means three hits: one for success and two for making the roll by twice Rcl. If spraying a RoF 5+ SMG at several targets, Rcl 2 would be treated as Rcl 4, and success by 4 would only be enough for one extra hit (two in all).

Damage: For 1-3 hits, roll damage normally. For 4+ hits, it’s quicker not to roll. Use average damage for the weapon (3.5 per die, plus any modifier), subtract DR, multiply by number of hits, and drop fractions. To save time, note average damage for RoF 4+ guns on character sheets!

Example: Shotgun pellets do 1d+1 and average 3.5 + 1 = 4.5 points, so DR 2 would leave 4.5 - 2 = 2.5 points, and 9 pellets would inflict 9 ¥ 2.5 = 22.5 points, which would round to 22.


Star Drives: Jump Point Drives enter and exit jump points and then must spent a certain amount of time between jump points (generally 3-6 days). Each star system has 3-5 jump points located at the outer edge of the system. Some star systems have more but there are also a minimum of 3 everywhere. These jump points connect to another star systems jump point, normally the closes stars.

Controlling the Ship in space skills

  • Piloting (Aerospace spacecraft)
  • Navigation (Jump Space)
  • Navigation (Space)

Repair Skills for Starships

  • Armoury (Vehicle Armor)
  • Armoury (Heavy Weapons)
  • Computer Programming
  • Electronics Repair (Computers)
  • Electronics Repair (Communications)
  • Electronics Repair (Sensors)
  • Electrician
  • Mechanic (Contragravity)
  • Mechanic (Life Support)
  • Mechanic (Jump Drive Engines)
  • Mechanic (Chemical, Nucellar, Fusion, Fission)
  • Mechanic (Reactionless Drive Engines)
  • Mechanic (Starship)

The Heroes Ship[edit]

the Scarab
Spora-class light freighter (LWt. 1,000tons): dST/HP 70; Hnd/SR +0/5; HT 13; Move 1.0G; Load 285ons; SM +8 (length 50m/yds); Occ 12ASV; dDR 7; Range x1; Cost (new) $44.7M
Top air speed is 2,500MPH

Front Hull Systems
[1] Light Alloy Armored Hull Plating
[2] Habitation - Cabins 6 (for crew or passengers)
[3] Habitation – Cabins: 2 (for crew or passengers), and 2 Bunkroom (cramped accommodations with bunk beds for up to four people each) and 2-Bed Sick Bay
[4] Cargo (50tons)
[5] Cargo (50tons)
[6] Cargo (50tons)
[core] Control Room (workstations 6 – helm/captain, navigation, chief engineer, tactical, communication/sensor, generic. Computer Complexity 8, Com/Sensors Complexity 6)

Central Hull Systems
[1] Light Alloy Armored Hull Plating
[2] Secondary Weapons Battery (turret 3 UV Laser Cannon)
[3] Cargo (50tons)
[4] Cargo (50tons)
[5] Cargo (50 tons)
[6] Counter Gravity Systems (artificial gravity and gravity counters)
note 35 tons of free space for cargo

Rear Hull Systems
[1] Light Alloy Armored Hull Plating
[2] Standard Reactionless Engines (base 0.5G trust)
[3] Standard Reactionless Engines (base 0.5G trust)
[4] Jump Point Drive
[5] free space?
[6] Engine Room (1 workstation for Mechanic or Tech)
[core] Fission Power Plant Reactors (Provides 2 Power Point)

Built Systems/Section Notes:

  • Armor Hull (Light Alloy) - 3 sections Cost $1.5M
Repair Skill: Armoury (Vehicle Armor).
  • Cargo Space: 250tons (5 sections)
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Starship).
  • Contragravity Lift System: Cost $10M
Repair: Mechanic (Contragravity)
  • Control Room/Bridge: Complexity 8, Com/Sensors 6, Control Stations 6, Cost $6M
Repair Skill: Electronics Repair (Computers and Communications), Computer Programming, and Electrician.
  • Engine Room: Workstation 1, Cost $300K
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Starcraft).
  • Habitation – Cabins: 2 (crew or passengers), and 2 Bunkroom (cramped accommodations with bunk beds for up to four people), and 2-bed Sick Bay Cost $1M
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Life Support)
  • Fission Reactor – 2 Reactors Cost $12M
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Fussion)
  • Reactionless Engines: Standard 1.0G, Cost $2M
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Reactionless Drive)
  • Star Drive: Jump Point Drive, Cost $10M
Repair Skill: Mechanic (Stardrive)
  • Secondary Weapons Batteries – one turret UV Laser Beam Output 30MU, D-damage 6d(2) burn, RoF1; one turret UV Laser Beam Output 15MU D-damage 3d(2), RoF10; one turret UV Laser Output 3MJ D-Damage 1d+2(2), RoF100; Cost $1.8M
Repair Skill: Armoury (Heavy Weapons)
  • Artificial Gravity: Cost $1M
  • Gravitic Compensators: Cost $1M

Crew: Station Bridge 6 (Captain/Helmsmen), Navigator, Tactical, Communication/Sensor Operator, Open Station (generic)
Engine Room 1</br? Secondary Gunner Turret 1